Benachrichtigung für - 25 Nachrichten in 25 Themen Gruppe: - Beautiful Islams Facebook-Pinnwand: MashaALLAH wunderschön <3 [1 Aktualisierung]
- projekt lies - Social Mention: A List Of 23 Famous Obama Quotes That Turned Out To Be Broken Promises Or Cold-Hearted Lies [1 Aktualisierung]
- tauhid - Social Mention: "Jika salah seorang dari kalian melihat dirinya maka jangan sekali-kali ia berkata, "Pada diriku ada kebaikan, pada diriku ada tauhid". Akan tetapi hendaknya ia berkata, "Sungguh aku khawatir keburukan yang ada pada diriku akan membinasakan aku" !!. Dan aku tidak menyangka ada seorangpun punya waktu untuk mencari keburukan orang-orang kecuali dikarenakan kelalaiannya terhadap dirinya. Jika ia perhatian terhadap aib dirinya maka ia tidak akan sempat untuk mencari aib orang lain atau mencela orang lain" (Syu'abul Imaan li Al-Baihaqi 10/58 dan Tariikh Dimasyq li Ibni 'Asaakir 47/88) [1 Aktualisierung]
- Scheiß auf NY~ I love Istanbul *___*s Facebook-Pinnwand: Powertürk <3Deniz Zeki- suya hapisettim <3Murat Dalkılıc- neyliyim istanbullu... [1 Aktualisierung]
- street dawa - Social Mention: Oslo: The Runner [1 Aktualisierung]
- bushido - Social Mention: When was the final form of Bushido? [1 Aktualisierung]
- La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand: M.T [1 Aktualisierung]
- Legst du dich mit Türken an , Simdiden Allah rahmet eylesin.s Facebook-Pinnwand: Offff mittagsschule var daha :( wer ist zuhause oder heimlich online? #selda [1 Aktualisierung]
- Hoor al Ayns Facebook-Pinnwand: Abu Hurairah - Allāh möge Wohlgefallen auf ihm haben - berichtete, dass der Gesa... [1 Aktualisierung]
- Bushido for Presidents Facebook-Pinnwand: #payback #lebenundtoddeskennethglöckler #sonnyblack. #HEUTE [1 Aktualisierung]
- Masallah - Social Mention: (Untitled) [1 Aktualisierung]
- Masallah - Social Mention: Masallah [1 Aktualisierung]
- Quran & Sunnahs Facebook-Pinnwand: Und wie viele Eltern denken sich, das sie die beste Tochter hätten?Sie stützen... [1 Aktualisierung]
- dawa - Social Mention: Świąteczne Przyspieszenie Święta tuż..tuż...zrób sobie prezent i zmień obecny powolny internet na nasze super łącze światłowodowe. Za 55 zł/miesiąc możesz surfować z super prędkością 25Mb/s, u konkurencji musiałbyś zapłacić 100 zł za 20Mb/s. Jeśli jesteś wymagający i chcesz więcej to za wspomniane 100 zł dostaniesz 100 Mb/s, nikt inny w Lipsku nie da Ci aż tyle. Nie chcemy dawać kota w worku, chwalić się nie realnymi prędkościami, dlatego by dowieść jakości naszych usług każdy nowy klient który zawrze umowę w okresie listopad 2013-styczeń 2014 przez pierwszy miesiąc by w pełni przetestować możliwości sieci światłowodowej otrzyma Internet 100Mb/s natomiast po tym okresie prędkość wróci do wartości wg, umowy. Pierwszy miesiąc GRATIS!! + dla rezygnujących z usług konkurencji dodatkowe 2 miesiące za 1,23 zł/miesiąc. Zapraszamy również do zapoznania się z ofertą TrioPack HD. Usługa dostępna na osiedlach Zwoleńska oraz Czerwiakowskiego/Śniadeckiego w blokach: - Zwoleńska 21, 21a, 21b, 21c, 21d - Zwoleńska 17a, 19, 19a - Boczna 4, 5 - Czerwiakowskiego 3 - Czerwiakowskiego 3a - Czerwiakowskiego 5 - Czerwiakowskiego 1a - Śniadeckiego 3a, 5 [1 Aktualisierung]
- Islam - Die wahre Religions Facebook-Pinnwand: Der Schmuck des Mannes ist sein Bart... Der Schmuck der Frau ist ihr Hijab... Ei... [1 Aktualisierung]
- bushido - Social Mention: Eko Fresh feat. Bushido - Tango & Cash [1 Aktualisierung]
- Abu Adam - Social Mention: 7 Amalan Yang Pahalanya Akan Terus Mengalir Apabila kedua ibu-bapa kita telah meninggal dunia, maka segala amal perbuatan kita akan ditunjukkan oleh malaikat kepada kedua ibu-bapa kita di dalam kubur. Jika amal perbuatan kita baik, maka ibu bapa kita akan berasa amat senang hati lalu mendoakan kita. Sebaliknya, jika kita mengamalkan perbuatan yang berdosa, maka kedua-duanya akan berduka cita dan kecewa di dalam kubur. Maka beruntunglah ibu bapa yang mempunyai anak yang soleh yang selalu mendoakannya. Ini adalah kerana, si anak yang banyak melakukan ibadat serta amal jariah terhadap Allah swt adalah berkat daripada didikan ibu bapanya. Amal jariah adalah sebutan bagi amalan yang terus mengalir pahalanya, walaupun orang yang melakukan amalan tersebut telah meninggal dunia. Amalan tersebut terus menghasilkan pahala yang terus mengalir kepadanya. Bersedekah secara ikhlas kerana Allah swt merupakan salah satu dari contoh amal jariah Hadis tentang amal jariah yang popular dari Abu Hurairah menerangkan bahawa Rasulullah SAW bersabda: "Apabila anak Adam (manusia) meninggal dunia, maka terputuslah semua (pahala) amal perbuatannya kecuali tiga macam perbuatan, iaitu sedekah jariah, ilmu yang bermanfaat, dan anak soleh yang mendoakannya" (HR. Muslim). Selain dari ketiga jenis perbuatan di atas, ada lagi beberapa jenis perbuatan yang tergolong dalam amal jariah. Dalam riwayat lain, Rasulullah SAW bersabda, "Sesungguhnya diantara amal kebaikan yang mendatangkan pahala setelah orang yang melakukannya wafat ialah ilmu pengatahuan yang disebarluaskannya, anak soleh yang ditinggalkannya, mushaf (kitab-kitab keagamaan) yang diwariskannya, masjid yang dibina untuk beribadat, rumah yang dibina untuk penginapan orang yang sedang dalam perjalanan, sungai yang dialirkannya untuk kepentingan orang banyak, dan harta yang disedekahkannya "(HR. Ibnu Majah). Di dalam hadis ini disebut tujuh macam amal yang tergolong amal jariah sebagai berikut: Ilmu agama 1. Menyebarluaskan ilmu pengetahuan yang bermanfaat, baik melalui pendidikan formal dan nonformal, seperti perbincangan, ceramah, dakwah, dan sebagainya. Termasuk dalam kategori ini adalah menulis buku yang berguna dan mempublikasikannya. Anak yang soleh 2. Mendidik anak menjadi anak yang soleh. Anak yang soleh akan selalu berbuat kebaikan di dunia. Menurut keterangan hadis ini, kebaikan yang dipeibuat oleh anak soleh pahalanya sampai kepada ibu bapa yang mendidiknya yang telah meninggal dunia tanpa mengurangkan nilai/pahala yang diterima oleh kanak-kanak tadi. Bahan bacaan agama 3. Mewariskan mushaf (buku agama) kepada orang-orang yang dapat memanfaatkannya untuk kebaikan diri dan masyarakatnya. Hasil binaan masjid atau surau 4. Membangunkan masjid. Hal ini selaras dengan sabda Nabi SAW: "Barangsiapa yang membangunkan sebuah masjid kerana Allah walau sekecil apa pun, maka Allah akan membangunkan untuknya sebuah rumah di syurga" (HR. al-Bukhari dan Muslim). Orang yang membina masjid tersebut akan menerima pahala seperti pahala orang yang beribadah di masjid itu. Menyediakan pondok atau wakaf 5. Membangunkan rumah atau pondok bagi orang-orang yang bepergian untuk kebaikan. Setiap orang yang memanfaatkannya, baik untuk berehat sebentar mahupun untuk bermalam dan kegunaan lain yang bukan untuk maksiat, akan mengalirkan pahala kepada orang yang membinanya. Menyediakan sumber mata air atau telaga 6. Mengalirkan air secara baik dan bersih ke tampat-tempat orang yang memerlukannya atau menggali perigi di tempat yang sering dilalui atau didiami orang ramai. Setelah orang yang mengalirkan air itu wafat dan air itu tetap mengalir serta terpelihara dari kecemaran dan dimanfaatkan orang yang hidup maka ia mendapat pahala yang terus mengalir. Semakin banyak orang yang memanfaatkannya semakin banyak ia menerima pahala di akhirat. Rasulullah SAW bersabda: "Barangsiapa membina sebuah telaga lalu diminum oleh jin atau burung yang kehausan, maka Allah akan memberinya pahala kelak di hari kiamat" (HR. Ibnu Khuzaimah dan Ibnu Majah). Membelanjakan harta atau bersedekah 7. Menyedekahkan sebahagian harta. Sedekah yang diberikan secara ikhlas akan mendatangkan pahala yang berlipat ganda. Demikianlah maksud tujuan amal jariah, yakni amal yang mengalir pahalanya bagi orang yang telah menyumbang amalnya atau ilmu untuk kebaikan dunia dan juga agama. Seperti Firman Allah di dalam surat Al-Kahfi ayat 107-108 : إِنَّ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ كَانَتْ لَهُمْ جَنَّاتُ الْفِرْدَوْسِ نُزُلا (١٠٧)خَالِدِينَ فِيهَا لا يَبْغُونَ عَنْهَا حِوَلا (١٠٨) Sesungguhnya orang-orang Yang beriman dan beramal soleh, disediakan bagi mereka Syurga-syurga Firdaus, sebagai tempat tetamu (yang serba mewah). mereka kekal di dalamnya, (dan) tidak ingin berpindah daripadanya. Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang beriman dan beramal saleh, bagi mereka adalah surga Firdaus menjadi tempat tinggal, * mereka kekal di dalamnya, mereka tidak ingin berpindah dari padanya Allah telah berpesan dalam Al-Qur'an dalam surat Al-Qasas ayat 77: وَابْتَغِ فِيمَا آتَاكَ اللَّهُ الدَّارَ الآخِرَةَ وَلا تَنْسَ نَصِيبَكَ مِنَ الدُّنْيَا وَأَحْسِنْ كَمَا أَحْسَنَ اللَّهُ إِلَيْكَ وَلا تَبْغِ الْفَسَادَ فِي الأرْضِ إِنَّ اللَّهَ لا يُحِبُّ الْمُفْسِدِينَ (٧٧) "Dan tuntutlah Dengan harta kekayaan Yang telah dikurniakan Allah kepadamu akan pahala dan kebahagiaan hari akhirat dan janganlah Engkau melupakan bahagianmu (keperluan dan bekalanmu) dari dunia; dan berbuat baiklah (kepada hamba-hamba Allah) sebagaimana Allah berbuat baik kepadamu (dengan pemberian nikmatNya Yang melimpah-limpah); dan janganlah Engkau melakukan kerosakan di muka bumi; Sesungguhnya Allah tidak suka kepada orang-orang Yang berbuat kerosakan ". Janganlah kamu berbuat kerosakan di (muka) bumi. Sesungguhnya Allah tidak menyukai orang-orang yang berbuat kerosakan [1 Aktualisierung]
- islam fatwa - Social Mention: Malcolm X's Diary Will Be Published This Week - COLORLINES [1 Aktualisierung]
- al-ansar - Social Mention: Why The World Is So F**ked Up & The Destruction Of The Human Mind. [1 Aktualisierung]
- Abu Walaa - Social Mention: I just can't believe it !!RIP dear George !! my prayers with you Mary Qarra'a I have nothing to say !!!! Walaa Abu Farha WaLaá AwWad Khoury [1 Aktualisierung]
- kafir - Social Mention: Tanda-tanda Ajal Sudah Dekat MAUT itu urusan Allah SWT belaka. Medis tidak bisa mengungkapkannya. Namun, Islam, lewat Rasulullah SAW, memberikan banyak petunjuk lewat hadist-hadistnya. Sebagian para Nabi berkata kepada Malaikat pencabut nyawa. "Tidakkah Kau memberikan aba-aba atau peringatan kepada manusia bahwa kau datang sebagai malikat pencabut nyawa sehingga mereka akan lebih hati- hati?" Malaikat itu menjawab, "Demi Allah, aku sudah memberikan aba-aba dan tanda-tandamu yang sangat banyak berupa penyakit, uban, kurang pendengaran, pengliatan mulai tidak jelas (terutama ketika sudah tua). Semua itu adalah peringatan bahwa sebentar lagi aku akan menjemputnya. "Apabila setelah datang aba-aba tadi tidak segera bertobat dan tidak mempersiapkan bekal yang cukup, maka aku akan serukan kepadanya ketika aku cabut nyawanya: "Bukankah aku telah memberimu banyak aba-aba dan peringatan bahwa aku sebentar lagi akan datang? Ketahuilah, aku adalah peringatan terakir, setelah ini tidak akan datang peringatana lainnya." (HR imam qurthubi) Nabi Ibrahim pernah bertanya kepada malaikat maut yang mempunyai dua mata di wajahnya dan dua lagi di tengkuknya. "Wahai malaikat pencabut nyawa, apa yang kamu lakukan seandainya ada dua orang yang meninggal di waktu yang sama, yang satu berada di ujung timur, yang satu berada di ujung barat, serta di tempat lain tersebar penyakit yang mematikan dan dua ekor binatang melata pun akan mati?" Malaikat pencabut nyawa berkata: "Aku akan panggil ruh-ruh tersebut, dengan izin Allah, sehingga semuanya berada diantara dua jariku, Bumi ini aku bentangkan kemudian aku biarkan seperti sebuah bejana besar dan dapat mengambil yang mana saja sekehendak hatiku." (HR Abu Nu`aim). Rasulullah SAW memerintahkan agar mayat-mayat orang kafir yang tewas pada perang badar dilemparkan ke sebuah sumur tua. Kemudian beliau mendatanginya dan berdiri di hadapannya. Setelah itu, beliau memanggil nama mereka satu-satu: "Wahai fulan bin fulan, fulan bin fulan, apakah kalian mendapatkan apa yang telah dijanjikan oleh Tuhan kalian untuk kalian betul-betul ada? Ketahuilah sesungguhnya aku mendapatkan apa yang dijanjikan Tuhanku itu benar-benar ada dan terbukti." Umar lalu bertanya kepada Rasulullah. "Wahai Rasul, mengapa engkau mengajak bicara orang-orang yang sudah jadi mayat?" Rasulullah menjawab. "Demi Tuhan yang mengutusku dengan kebenaran, kalian memang tidak mendengar jawaban mereka atas apa yang tadi aku ucapkan, Tapi ketahuilah, mereka mendengarnya, hanya saja tidak dapat menjawab," (HR Bukhari Muslim). Semoga kapanpun, dimanapun hidup kita berakhir... mudah2n dalam keadaan khusnul khotimah... Aamiin.. [1 Aktualisierung]
- Lesen ist kostenlos Facebook-Pinnwand: EVERY HUSBAND SHOULD READ THIS:"♥Love her …when she sips on your coffee or tea... [1 Aktualisierung]
- street dawah - Social Mention: El Don [1 Aktualisierung]
- sharia - Social Mention: عن بريدة الأسلمي - رضي الله عنه - عن النبي - صلى الله عليه وسلم - قال: ((بشِّرِ المشَّائين في الظُّلَم إلى المساجد بالنور التام يوم القيامة))؛ رواه أبو داود والترمذي. رابط الموضوع: [1 Aktualisierung]
- abu adam - Social Mention: AURAT LELAKI Hadis Riwayat Muslim , Ahmad, Abu Daud, At-Tirmizi, Bahawa Nabi Muhammad SAW Bersabda maksudnya: "Seorang Lelaki tidak boleh melihat aurat lelaki lain , demikian juga wanita tidak boleh melihat aurat wanita yang lain. Tidak boleh dua orang lelaki berada (TIDUR) dalam satu selimut demikian juga dengan wanita dilarang berbuat demikian". Imam Maliki dan Imam Syafi'e berpendapat: "Aurat lelaki ada dua keadaan: 1. Auratnya dengan sesama lelaki dan perempuan yang mahram dengannya. Auratnya ialah di antara PUSAT HINGGA LUTUT sahaja. 2. Auratnya dengan perempuan yang bukan mahramnya. Auratnya adalah SELURUH TUBUH BADANNYA (tidak termasuk rambut). (Rujuk al-Fiqh 'Ala al-Mazahib Al-Arba'ah, jilid 1 dalam bab Mabhas Sitr Al Aurah). Wahai KAUM ADAM, ingatlah! bukannya pusat dan lutut... tetapi pusat hingga lutut Main bola tidak haram, tetapi bermain bola nampak lutut itu adalah HARAM... sekiranya dilanggar, NANTIKAN KEMUNCULAN AZAB YANG AMAT PEDIH.... BERKASIH SAYANG KERANA ALLAH Wallahua'lam [1 Aktualisierung]
Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 10:58PM tauhid - Social Mention "Jika salah seorang dari kalian melihat dirinya maka jangan sekali-kali ia berkata, "Pada diriku ada kebaikan, pada diriku ada tauhid". Akan tetapi hendaknya ia berkata, "Sungguh aku khawatir keburukan yang ada pada diriku akan membinasakan aku" !!. Dan aku tidak menyangka ada seorangpun punya waktu untuk mencari keburukan orang-orang kecuali dikarenakan kelalaiannya terhadap dirinya. Jika ia perhatian terhadap aib dirinya maka ia tidak akan sempat untuk mencari aib orang lain atau mencela orang lain" (Syu'abul Imaan li Al-Baihaqi 10/58 dan Tariikh Dimasyq li Ibni 'Asaakir 47/88) Nov 19th 2013, 22:43 Jangan Lalai Terhadap Diri Sendiri 'Aun bin 'Abdillah berkata : إِذَا رآى أَحَدُكُمْ عَلَى نَفْسِهِ، فَلَا يَقُولَنَّ: مَا فِيَّ خَيْرٌ، فَإِنَّ فِينَا التَّوْحِيدَ، وَلَكِنْ لِيَقُلْ: قَدْ خَشِيتُ أَنْ يُهْلِكَنِي مَا فِيَّ مِنَ الشَّرِّ، وَمَا أَحْسِبُ أَحَدًا يَفْرُغُ لِعَيْبِ النَّاسِ إِلَّا عَنْ غَفْلَةٍ غَفِلَهَا مِنْ نَفْسِهِ، وَلَوِ اهْتَمَّ لِعَيْبِ نَفْسِهِ مَا تَفَرَّغَ لِعَيْبِ أَحَدٍ وَلَا لِذَمِّهِ "Jika salah seorang dari kalian melihat dirinya maka jangan sekali-kali ia berkata, "Pada diriku ada kebaikan, pada diriku ada tauhid". Akan tetapi hendaknya ia berkata, "Sungguh aku khawatir keburukan yang ada pada diriku akan membinasakan aku" !!. Dan aku tidak menyangka ada seorangpun punya waktu untuk mencari keburukan orang-orang kecuali dikarenakan kelalaiannya terhadap dirinya. Jika ia perhatian terhadap aib dirinya maka ia tidak akan sempat untuk mencari aib orang lain atau mencela orang lain" (Syu'abul Imaan li Al-Baihaqi 10/58 dan Tariikh Dimasyq li Ibni 'Asaakir 47/88) You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: Blogtrottr <> Nov 22 07:18AM Scheiß auf NY~ I love Istanbul *___*s Facebook-Pinnwand Scheiß auf NY~ I love Istanbul *___*s Facebook-Pinnwand Powertürk <3 Deniz Zeki- suya hapisettim <3 Murat Dalkılıc- neyliyim istanbullu... Nov 22nd 2013, 07:02 Powertürk ♥ Deniz Zeki- suya hapisettim ♥ Murat Dalkılıc- neyliyim istanbullu ♥ Ferhat Göçer- git *-* Atiye- Ya habibi Gripin - bir cevabın var mı? :* Sinan akcıl- dev dalga ♥ ♥ günaydın bebis :* ela ♥ You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 07:26PM Hoor al Ayns Facebook-Pinnwand Hoor al Ayns Facebook-Pinnwand Abu Hurairah - Allāh möge Wohlgefallen auf ihm haben - berichtete, dass der Gesa... Nov 19th 2013, 18:36 Abu Hurairah - Allāh möge Wohlgefallen auf ihm haben - berichtete, dass der Gesandte Allāhs – Allāh segne ihn und gebe ihm Heil - sagte: „Wer spricht ‚Subhānallāhi wa bihamdi' (Gepriesen sei Allāh und alles Lob gebührt Ihm) einhundert Mal an einem Tag, dem werden alle seine Sünden getilgt, auch dann, wenn sie so viel wären wie der Meeresschaum." [Sahīh al-Buchārī, Nr. 6405] You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 02:30PM Quran & Sunnahs Facebook-Pinnwand Quran & Sunnahs Facebook-Pinnwand Und wie viele Eltern denken sich, das sie die beste Tochter hätten? Sie stützen... Nov 21st 2013, 13:57 Und wie viele Eltern denken sich, das sie die beste Tochter hätten? Sie stützen ihr Argument damit, das sie nach der Arbeit oder nach der Schule nur zu Hause sei, doch haben sie vergessen das sie sich von zu Hause aus (facebook), das Leben von draußen, nachhause bringt. Dieses Argument, das die Tochter Anständig sei, weil sie eben nur zu Hause ist, gilt schon lange nicht mehr. Die Videos und Bilder, die man hier auf facebook findet, sind ja weit mehr als in Ordnung und ab und zu mit den Männern schreiben, wieso nicht, wird ja langweilig, wenn man nur mit der Freundin schreibt und wer weiß, vielleicht wird er ja mein Prinz.. Und so schreibt sie mit jedem Hans und Hasan, aber hey, seine Tochter ist ja immer zu Hause, sie muss Anständig sein! Admin 3 You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: dawa - Social Mention: Świąteczne Przyspieszenie Święta tuż..tuż...zrób sobie prezent i zmień obecny powolny internet na nasze super łącze światłowodowe. Za 55 zł/miesiąc możesz surfować z super prędkością 25Mb/s, u konkurencji musiałbyś zapłacić 100 zł za 20Mb/s. Jeśli jesteś wymagający i chcesz więcej to za wspomniane 100 zł dostaniesz 100 Mb/s, nikt inny w Lipsku nie da Ci aż tyle. Nie chcemy dawać kota w worku, chwalić się nie realnymi prędkościami, dlatego by dowieść jakości naszych usług każdy nowy klient który zawrze umowę w okresie listopad 2013-styczeń 2014 przez pierwszy miesiąc by w pełni przetestować możliwości sieci światłowodowej otrzyma Internet 100Mb/s natomiast po tym okresie prędkość wróci do wartości wg, umowy. Pierwszy miesiąc GRATIS!! + dla rezygnujących z usług konkurencji dodatkowe 2 miesiące za 1,23 zł/miesiąc. Zapraszamy również do zapoznania się z ofertą TrioPack HD. Usługa dostępna na osiedlach Zwoleńska oraz Czerwiakowskiego/Śniadeckiego w blokach: - Zwoleńska 21, 21a, 21b, 21c, 21d - Zwoleńska 17a, 19, 19a - Boczna 4, 5 - Czerwiakowskiego 3 - Czerwiakowskiego 3a - Czerwiakowskiego 5 - Czerwiakowskiego 1a - Śniadeckiego 3a, 5 Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 07:39PM dawa - Social Mention Świąteczne Przyspieszenie Święta tuż..tuż...zrób sobie prezent i zmień obecny powolny internet na nasze super łącze światłowodowe. Za 55 zł/miesiąc możesz surfować z super prędkością 25Mb/s, u konkurencji musiałbyś zapłacić 100 zł za 20Mb/s. Jeśli jesteś wymagający i chcesz więcej to za wspomniane 100 zł dostaniesz 100 Mb/s, nikt inny w Lipsku nie da Ci aż tyle. Nie chcemy dawać kota w worku, chwalić się nie realnymi prędkościami, dlatego by dowieść jakości naszych usług każdy nowy klient który zawrze umowę w okresie listopad 2013-styczeń 2014 przez pierwszy miesiąc by w pełni przetestować możliwości sieci światłowodowej otrzyma Internet 100Mb/s natomiast po tym okresie prędkość wróci do wartości wg, umowy. Pierwszy miesiąc GRATIS!! + dla rezygnujących z usług konkurencji dodatkowe 2 miesiące za 1,23 zł/miesiąc. Zapraszamy również do zapoznania się z ofertą TrioPack HD. Usługa dostępna na osiedlach Zwoleńska oraz Czerwiakowskiego/Śniadeckiego w blokach: - Zwoleńska 21, 21a, 21b, 21c, 21d - Zwoleńska 17a, 19, 19a - Boczna 4, 5 - Czerwiakowskiego 3 - Czerwiakowskiego 3a - Czerwiakowskiego 5 - Czerwiakowskiego 1a - Śniadeckiego 3a, 5 Nov 19th 2013, 19:30 You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 06:14PM Islam - Die wahre Religions Facebook-Pinnwand Islam - Die wahre Religions Facebook-Pinnwand Der Schmuck des Mannes ist sein Bart... Der Schmuck der Frau ist ihr Hijab... Ei... Nov 21st 2013, 17:52 Der Schmuck des Mannes ist sein Bart... Der Schmuck der Frau ist ihr Hijab... Ein Mann ohne Bart ist wie ein Löwe ohne Mähne. Eine Frau ohne Hijab ist wie eine Perle ohne Muschel. La You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: Abu Adam - Social Mention: 7 Amalan Yang Pahalanya Akan Terus Mengalir Apabila kedua ibu-bapa kita telah meninggal dunia, maka segala amal perbuatan kita akan ditunjukkan oleh malaikat kepada kedua ibu-bapa kita di dalam kubur. Jika amal perbuatan kita baik, maka ibu bapa kita akan berasa amat senang hati lalu mendoakan kita. Sebaliknya, jika kita mengamalkan perbuatan yang berdosa, maka kedua-duanya akan berduka cita dan kecewa di dalam kubur. Maka beruntunglah ibu bapa yang mempunyai anak yang soleh yang selalu mendoakannya. Ini adalah kerana, si anak yang banyak melakukan ibadat serta amal jariah terhadap Allah swt adalah berkat daripada didikan ibu bapanya. Amal jariah adalah sebutan bagi amalan yang terus mengalir pahalanya, walaupun orang yang melakukan amalan tersebut telah meninggal dunia. Amalan tersebut terus menghasilkan pahala yang terus mengalir kepadanya. Bersedekah secara ikhlas kerana Allah swt merupakan salah satu dari contoh amal jariah Hadis tentang amal jariah yang popular dari Abu Hurairah menerangkan bahawa Rasulullah SAW bersabda: "Apabila anak Adam (manusia) meninggal dunia, maka terputuslah semua (pahala) amal perbuatannya kecuali tiga macam perbuatan, iaitu sedekah jariah, ilmu yang bermanfaat, dan anak soleh yang mendoakannya" (HR. Muslim). Selain dari ketiga jenis perbuatan di atas, ada lagi beberapa jenis perbuatan yang tergolong dalam amal jariah. Dalam riwayat lain, Rasulullah SAW bersabda, "Sesungguhnya diantara amal kebaikan yang mendatangkan pahala setelah orang yang melakukannya wafat ialah ilmu pengatahuan yang disebarluaskannya, anak soleh yang ditinggalkannya, mushaf (kitab-kitab keagamaan) yang diwariskannya, masjid yang dibina untuk beribadat, rumah yang dibina untuk penginapan orang yang sedang dalam perjalanan, sungai yang dialirkannya untuk kepentingan orang banyak, dan harta yang disedekahkannya "(HR. Ibnu Majah). Di dalam hadis ini disebut tujuh macam amal yang tergolong amal jariah sebagai berikut: Ilmu agama 1. Menyebarluaskan ilmu pengetahuan yang bermanfaat, baik melalui pendidikan formal dan nonformal, seperti perbincangan, ceramah, dakwah, dan sebagainya. Termasuk dalam kategori ini adalah menulis buku yang berguna dan mempublikasikannya. Anak yang soleh 2. Mendidik anak menjadi anak yang soleh. Anak yang soleh akan selalu berbuat kebaikan di dunia. Menurut keterangan hadis ini, kebaikan yang dipeibuat oleh anak soleh pahalanya sampai kepada ibu bapa yang mendidiknya yang telah meninggal dunia tanpa mengurangkan nilai/pahala yang diterima oleh kanak-kanak tadi. Bahan bacaan agama 3. Mewariskan mushaf (buku agama) kepada orang-orang yang dapat memanfaatkannya untuk kebaikan diri dan masyarakatnya. Hasil binaan masjid atau surau 4. Membangunkan masjid. Hal ini selaras dengan sabda Nabi SAW: "Barangsiapa yang membangunkan sebuah masjid kerana Allah walau sekecil apa pun, maka Allah akan membangunkan untuknya sebuah rumah di syurga" (HR. al-Bukhari dan Muslim). Orang yang membina masjid tersebut akan menerima pahala seperti pahala orang yang beribadah di masjid itu. Menyediakan pondok atau wakaf 5. Membangunkan rumah atau pondok bagi orang-orang yang bepergian untuk kebaikan. Setiap orang yang memanfaatkannya, baik untuk berehat sebentar mahupun untuk bermalam dan kegunaan lain yang bukan untuk maksiat, akan mengalirkan pahala kepada orang yang membinanya. Menyediakan sumber mata air atau telaga 6. Mengalirkan air secara baik dan bersih ke tampat-tempat orang yang memerlukannya atau menggali perigi di tempat yang sering dilalui atau didiami orang ramai. Setelah orang yang mengalirkan air itu wafat dan air itu tetap mengalir serta terpelihara dari kecemaran dan dimanfaatkan orang yang hidup maka ia mendapat pahala yang terus mengalir. Semakin banyak orang yang memanfaatkannya semakin banyak ia menerima pahala di akhirat. Rasulullah SAW bersabda: "Barangsiapa membina sebuah telaga lalu diminum oleh jin atau burung yang kehausan, maka Allah akan memberinya pahala kelak di hari kiamat" (HR. Ibnu Khuzaimah dan Ibnu Majah). Membelanjakan harta atau bersedekah 7. Menyedekahkan sebahagian harta. Sedekah yang diberikan secara ikhlas akan mendatangkan pahala yang berlipat ganda. Demikianlah maksud tujuan amal jariah, yakni amal yang mengalir pahalanya bagi orang yang telah menyumbang amalnya atau ilmu untuk kebaikan dunia dan juga agama. Seperti Firman Allah di dalam surat Al-Kahfi ayat 107-108 : إِنَّ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ كَانَتْ لَهُمْ جَنَّاتُ الْفِرْدَوْسِ نُزُلا (١٠٧)خَالِدِينَ فِيهَا لا يَبْغُونَ عَنْهَا حِوَلا (١٠٨) Sesungguhnya orang-orang Yang beriman dan beramal soleh, disediakan bagi mereka Syurga-syurga Firdaus, sebagai tempat tetamu (yang serba mewah). mereka kekal di dalamnya, (dan) tidak ingin berpindah daripadanya. Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang beriman dan beramal saleh, bagi mereka adalah surga Firdaus menjadi tempat tinggal, * mereka kekal di dalamnya, mereka tidak ingin berpindah dari padanya Allah telah berpesan dalam Al-Qur'an dalam surat Al-Qasas ayat 77: وَابْتَغِ فِيمَا آتَاكَ اللَّهُ الدَّارَ الآخِرَةَ وَلا تَنْسَ نَصِيبَكَ مِنَ الدُّنْيَا وَأَحْسِنْ كَمَا أَحْسَنَ اللَّهُ إِلَيْكَ وَلا تَبْغِ الْفَسَادَ فِي الأرْضِ إِنَّ اللَّهَ لا يُحِبُّ الْمُفْسِدِينَ (٧٧) "Dan tuntutlah Dengan harta kekayaan Yang telah dikurniakan Allah kepadamu akan pahala dan kebahagiaan hari akhirat dan janganlah Engkau melupakan bahagianmu (keperluan dan bekalanmu) dari dunia; dan berbuat baiklah (kepada hamba-hamba Allah) sebagaimana Allah berbuat baik kepadamu (dengan pemberian nikmatNya Yang melimpah-limpah); dan janganlah Engkau melakukan kerosakan di muka bumi; Sesungguhnya Allah tidak suka kepada orang-orang Yang berbuat kerosakan ". Janganlah kamu berbuat kerosakan di (muka) bumi. Sesungguhnya Allah tidak menyukai orang-orang yang berbuat kerosakan Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 03:03AM Abu Adam - Social Mention 7 Amalan Yang Pahalanya Akan Terus Mengalir Apabila kedua ibu-bapa kita telah meninggal dunia, maka segala amal perbuatan kita akan ditunjukkan oleh malaikat kepada kedua ibu-bapa kita di dalam kubur. Jika amal perbuatan kita baik, maka ibu bapa kita akan berasa amat senang hati lalu mendoakan kita. Sebaliknya, jika kita mengamalkan perbuatan yang berdosa, maka kedua-duanya akan berduka cita dan kecewa di dalam kubur. Maka beruntunglah ibu bapa yang mempunyai anak yang soleh yang selalu mendoakannya. Ini adalah kerana, si anak yang banyak melakukan ibadat serta amal jariah terhadap Allah swt adalah berkat daripada didikan ibu bapanya. Amal jariah adalah sebutan bagi amalan yang terus mengalir pahalanya, walaupun orang yang melakukan amalan tersebut telah meninggal dunia. Amalan tersebut terus menghasilkan pahala yang terus mengalir kepadanya. Bersedekah secara ikhlas kerana Allah swt merupakan salah satu dari contoh amal jariah Hadis tentang amal jariah yang popular dari Abu Hurairah menerangkan bahawa Rasulullah SAW bersabda: "Apabila anak Adam (manusia) meninggal dunia, maka terputuslah semua (pahala) amal perbuatannya kecuali tiga macam perbuatan, iaitu sedekah jariah, ilmu yang bermanfaat, dan anak soleh yang mendoakannya" (HR. Muslim). Selain dari ketiga jenis perbuatan di atas, ada lagi beberapa jenis perbuatan yang tergolong dalam amal jariah. Dalam riwayat lain, Rasulullah SAW bersabda, "Sesungguhnya diantara amal kebaikan yang mendatangkan pahala setelah orang yang melakukannya wafat ialah ilmu pengatahuan yang disebarluaskannya, anak soleh yang ditinggalkannya, mushaf (kitab-kitab keagamaan) yang diwariskannya, masjid yang dibina untuk beribadat, rumah yang dibina untuk penginapan orang yang sedang dalam perjalanan, sungai yang dialirkannya untuk kepentingan orang banyak, dan harta yang disedekahkannya "(HR. Ibnu Majah). Di dalam hadis ini disebut tujuh macam amal yang tergolong amal jariah sebagai berikut: Ilmu agama 1. Menyebarluaskan ilmu pengetahuan yang bermanfaat, baik melalui pendidikan formal dan nonformal, seperti perbincangan, ceramah, dakwah, dan sebagainya. Termasuk dalam kategori ini adalah menulis buku yang berguna dan mempublikasikannya. Anak yang soleh 2. Mendidik anak menjadi anak yang soleh. Anak yang soleh akan selalu berbuat kebaikan di dunia. Menurut keterangan hadis ini, kebaikan yang dipeibuat oleh anak soleh pahalanya sampai kepada ibu bapa yang mendidiknya yang telah meninggal dunia tanpa mengurangkan nilai/pahala yang diterima oleh kanak-kanak tadi. Bahan bacaan agama 3. Mewariskan mushaf (buku agama) kepada orang-orang yang dapat memanfaatkannya untuk kebaikan diri dan masyarakatnya. Hasil binaan masjid atau surau 4. Membangunkan masjid. Hal ini selaras dengan sabda Nabi SAW: "Barangsiapa yang membangunkan sebuah masjid kerana Allah walau sekecil apa pun, maka Allah akan membangunkan untuknya sebuah rumah di syurga" (HR. al-Bukhari dan Muslim). Orang yang membina masjid tersebut akan menerima pahala seperti pahala orang yang beribadah di masjid itu. Menyediakan pondok atau wakaf 5. Membangunkan rumah atau pondok bagi orang-orang yang bepergian untuk kebaikan. Setiap orang yang memanfaatkannya, baik untuk berehat sebentar mahupun untuk bermalam dan kegunaan lain yang bukan untuk maksiat, akan mengalirkan pahala kepada orang yang membinanya. Menyediakan sumber mata air atau telaga 6. Mengalirkan air secara baik dan bersih ke tampat-tempat orang yang memerlukannya atau menggali perigi di tempat yang sering dilalui atau didiami orang ramai. Setelah orang yang mengalirkan air itu wafat dan air itu tetap mengalir serta terpelihara dari kecemaran dan dimanfaatkan orang yang hidup maka ia mendapat pahala yang terus mengalir. Semakin banyak orang yang memanfaatkannya semakin banyak ia menerima pahala di akhirat. Rasulullah SAW bersabda: "Barangsiapa membina sebuah telaga lalu diminum oleh jin atau burung yang kehausan, maka Allah akan memberinya pahala kelak di hari kiamat" (HR. Ibnu Khuzaimah dan Ibnu Majah). Membelanjakan harta atau bersedekah 7. Menyedekahkan sebahagian harta. Sedekah yang diberikan secara ikhlas akan mendatangkan pahala yang berlipat ganda. Demikianlah maksud tujuan amal jariah, yakni amal yang mengalir pahalanya bagi orang yang telah menyumbang amalnya atau ilmu untuk kebaikan dunia dan juga agama. Seperti Firman Allah di dalam surat Al-Kahfi ayat 107-108 : إِنَّ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ كَانَتْ لَهُمْ جَنَّاتُ الْفِرْدَوْسِ نُزُلا (١٠٧)خَالِدِينَ فِيهَا لا يَبْغُونَ عَنْهَا حِوَلا (١٠٨) Sesungguhnya orang-orang Yang beriman dan beramal soleh, disediakan bagi mereka Syurga-syurga Firdaus, sebagai tempat tetamu (yang serba mewah). mereka kekal di dalamnya, (dan) tidak ingin berpindah daripadanya. Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang beriman dan beramal saleh, bagi mereka adalah surga Firdaus menjadi tempat tinggal, * mereka kekal di dalamnya, mereka tidak ingin berpindah dari padanya Allah telah berpesan dalam Al-Qur'an dalam surat Al-Qasas ayat 77: وَابْتَغِ فِيمَا آتَاكَ اللَّهُ الدَّارَ الآخِرَةَ وَلا تَنْسَ نَصِيبَكَ مِنَ الدُّنْيَا وَأَحْسِنْ كَمَا أَحْسَنَ اللَّهُ إِلَيْكَ وَلا تَبْغِ الْفَسَادَ فِي الأرْضِ إِنَّ اللَّهَ لا يُحِبُّ الْمُفْسِدِينَ (٧٧) "Dan tuntutlah Dengan harta kekayaan Yang telah dikurniakan Allah kepadamu akan pahala dan kebahagiaan hari akhirat dan janganlah Engkau melupakan bahagianmu (keperluan dan bekalanmu) dari dunia; dan berbuat baiklah (kepada hamba-hamba Allah) sebagaimana Allah berbuat baik kepadamu (dengan pemberian nikmatNya Yang melimpah-limpah); dan janganlah Engkau melakukan kerosakan di muka bumi; Sesungguhnya Allah tidak suka kepada orang-orang Yang berbuat kerosakan ". Janganlah kamu berbuat kerosakan di (muka) bumi. Sesungguhnya Allah tidak menyukai orang-orang yang berbuat kerosakan Nov 21st 2013, 02:20 You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: kafir - Social Mention: Tanda-tanda Ajal Sudah Dekat MAUT itu urusan Allah SWT belaka. Medis tidak bisa mengungkapkannya. Namun, Islam, lewat Rasulullah SAW, memberikan banyak petunjuk lewat hadist-hadistnya. Sebagian para Nabi berkata kepada Malaikat pencabut nyawa. "Tidakkah Kau memberikan aba-aba atau peringatan kepada manusia bahwa kau datang sebagai malikat pencabut nyawa sehingga mereka akan lebih hati- hati?" Malaikat itu menjawab, "Demi Allah, aku sudah memberikan aba-aba dan tanda-tandamu yang sangat banyak berupa penyakit, uban, kurang pendengaran, pengliatan mulai tidak jelas (terutama ketika sudah tua). Semua itu adalah peringatan bahwa sebentar lagi aku akan menjemputnya. "Apabila setelah datang aba-aba tadi tidak segera bertobat dan tidak mempersiapkan bekal yang cukup, maka aku akan serukan kepadanya ketika aku cabut nyawanya: "Bukankah aku telah memberimu banyak aba-aba dan peringatan bahwa aku sebentar lagi akan datang? Ketahuilah, aku adalah peringatan terakir, setelah ini tidak akan datang peringatana lainnya." (HR imam qurthubi) Nabi Ibrahim pernah bertanya kepada malaikat maut yang mempunyai dua mata di wajahnya dan dua lagi di tengkuknya. "Wahai malaikat pencabut nyawa, apa yang kamu lakukan seandainya ada dua orang yang meninggal di waktu yang sama, yang satu berada di ujung timur, yang satu berada di ujung barat, serta di tempat lain tersebar penyakit yang mematikan dan dua ekor binatang melata pun akan mati?" Malaikat pencabut nyawa berkata: "Aku akan panggil ruh-ruh tersebut, dengan izin Allah, sehingga semuanya berada diantara dua jariku, Bumi ini aku bentangkan kemudian aku biarkan seperti sebuah bejana besar dan dapat mengambil yang mana saja sekehendak hatiku." (HR Abu Nu`aim). Rasulullah SAW memerintahkan agar mayat-mayat orang kafir yang tewas pada perang badar dilemparkan ke sebuah sumur tua. Kemudian beliau mendatanginya dan berdiri di hadapannya. Setelah itu, beliau memanggil nama mereka satu-satu: "Wahai fulan bin fulan, fulan bin fulan, apakah kalian mendapatkan apa yang telah dijanjikan oleh Tuhan kalian untuk kalian betul-betul ada? Ketahuilah sesungguhnya aku mendapatkan apa yang dijanjikan Tuhanku itu benar-benar ada dan terbukti." Umar lalu bertanya kepada Rasulullah. "Wahai Rasul, mengapa engkau mengajak bicara orang-orang yang sudah jadi mayat?" Rasulullah menjawab. "Demi Tuhan yang mengutusku dengan kebenaran, kalian memang tidak mendengar jawaban mereka atas apa yang tadi aku ucapkan, Tapi ketahuilah, mereka mendengarnya, hanya saja tidak dapat menjawab," (HR Bukhari Muslim). Semoga kapanpun, dimanapun hidup kita berakhir... mudah2n dalam keadaan khusnul khotimah... Aamiin.. Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 04:38AM kafir - Social Mention Tanda-tanda Ajal Sudah Dekat MAUT itu urusan Allah SWT belaka. Medis tidak bisa mengungkapkannya. Namun, Islam, lewat Rasulullah SAW, memberikan banyak petunjuk lewat hadist-hadistnya. Sebagian para Nabi berkata kepada Malaikat pencabut nyawa. "Tidakkah Kau memberikan aba-aba atau peringatan kepada manusia bahwa kau datang sebagai malikat pencabut nyawa sehingga mereka akan lebih hati- hati?" Malaikat itu menjawab, "Demi Allah, aku sudah memberikan aba-aba dan tanda-tandamu yang sangat banyak berupa penyakit, uban, kurang pendengaran, pengliatan mulai tidak jelas (terutama ketika sudah tua). Semua itu adalah peringatan bahwa sebentar lagi aku akan menjemputnya. "Apabila setelah datang aba-aba tadi tidak segera bertobat dan tidak mempersiapkan bekal yang cukup, maka aku akan serukan kepadanya ketika aku cabut nyawanya: "Bukankah aku telah memberimu banyak aba-aba dan peringatan bahwa aku sebentar lagi akan datang? Ketahuilah, aku adalah peringatan terakir, setelah ini tidak akan datang peringatana lainnya." (HR imam qurthubi) Nabi Ibrahim pernah bertanya kepada malaikat maut yang mempunyai dua mata di wajahnya dan dua lagi di tengkuknya. "Wahai malaikat pencabut nyawa, apa yang kamu lakukan seandainya ada dua orang yang meninggal di waktu yang sama, yang satu berada di ujung timur, yang satu berada di ujung barat, serta di tempat lain tersebar penyakit yang mematikan dan dua ekor binatang melata pun akan mati?" Malaikat pencabut nyawa berkata: "Aku akan panggil ruh-ruh tersebut, dengan izin Allah, sehingga semuanya berada diantara dua jariku, Bumi ini aku bentangkan kemudian aku biarkan seperti sebuah bejana besar dan dapat mengambil yang mana saja sekehendak hatiku." (HR Abu Nu`aim). Rasulullah SAW memerintahkan agar mayat-mayat orang kafir yang tewas pada perang badar dilemparkan ke sebuah sumur tua. Kemudian beliau mendatanginya dan berdiri di hadapannya. Setelah itu, beliau memanggil nama mereka satu-satu: "Wahai fulan bin fulan, fulan bin fulan, apakah kalian mendapatkan apa yang telah dijanjikan oleh Tuhan kalian untuk kalian betul-betul ada? Ketahuilah sesungguhnya aku mendapatkan apa yang dijanjikan Tuhanku itu benar-benar ada dan terbukti." Umar lalu bertanya kepada Rasulullah. "Wahai Rasul, mengapa engkau mengajak bicara orang-orang yang sudah jadi mayat?" Rasulullah menjawab. "Demi Tuhan yang mengutusku dengan kebenaran, kalian memang tidak mendengar jawaban mereka atas apa yang tadi aku ucapkan, Tapi ketahuilah, mereka mendengarnya, hanya saja tidak dapat menjawab," (HR Bukhari Muslim). Semoga kapanpun, dimanapun hidup kita berakhir... mudah2n dalam keadaan khusnul khotimah... Aamiin.. Nov 20th 2013, 04:34 You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 06:41PM Lesen ist kostenlos Facebook-Pinnwand Lesen ist kostenlos Facebook-Pinnwand EVERY HUSBAND SHOULD READ THIS: "♥Love her …when she sips on your coffee or tea... Nov 21st 2013, 18:26 EVERY HUSBAND SHOULD READ THIS: "♥Love her …when she sips on your coffee or tea. She only wants to make sure it tastes just right for you. ♥Love her…when she "pushes" you to pray. She wants to be with you in Jannah (Paradise). ♥Love her…when she asks you to play with the kids. She did not "make" them on her own. ... ♥Love her...when she is jealous. Out of all the men she can have, she chose you ♥Love her…when she has annoying little habits that drives you nuts. You have them too. ♥Love her…when her cooking is bad. She tries.(But Yours is just awesome) ♥Love her…when she looks disheveled in the morning. She always grooms herself up again. ♥Love her…when she asks to help with the kids homework. She only wants you to be part of the home. ♥Love her...when she asks if she looks fat. Your opinion counts, so tell her she's beautiful. ♥Love her…when she looks beautiful. She's yours so appreciate her. ♥Love her...when she spends hours to get ready. She only wants to look her best for you. ♥Love her…when she buys you gifts you don't like. Smile and tell her it's what you've always wanted. ♥Love her…when she has developed a bad habit. You have many more and with wisdom and politeness you have all the time to help her change. Love her…when she cries for absolutely nothing. Don't ask, tell her its going to be okay ♥Love her…when she suffers from PMS. Buy chocolate, rub her feet and back and just chat to her (trust me this works!) ♥Love her…when whatever you do is not pleasing. It happens and will pass ♥Love her…when she stains your clothes. You needed a new thobe (kurta) anyway ♥Love her…when she tells you how to drive. She only wants you to be safe. ♥Love her…when she argues. She only wants to make things right for both ♥Love her…she is yours. You don't need any other special reason!!!! All this forms part of a Woman's Character. Women are part of your life and should be treated as the Queen. • Treat the women well!!! May Allah bless us all and make all the husbands treat their woman right! AMEEEEN You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 12:55PM abu adam - Social Mention AURAT LELAKI Hadis Riwayat Muslim , Ahmad, Abu Daud, At-Tirmizi, Bahawa Nabi Muhammad SAW Bersabda maksudnya: "Seorang Lelaki tidak boleh melihat aurat lelaki lain , demikian juga wanita tidak boleh melihat aurat wanita yang lain. Tidak boleh dua orang lelaki berada (TIDUR) dalam satu selimut demikian juga dengan wanita dilarang berbuat demikian". Imam Maliki dan Imam Syafi'e berpendapat: "Aurat lelaki ada dua keadaan: 1. Auratnya dengan sesama lelaki dan perempuan yang mahram dengannya. Auratnya ialah di antara PUSAT HINGGA LUTUT sahaja. 2. Auratnya dengan perempuan yang bukan mahramnya. Auratnya adalah SELURUH TUBUH BADANNYA (tidak termasuk rambut). (Rujuk al-Fiqh 'Ala al-Mazahib Al-Arba'ah, jilid 1 dalam bab Mabhas Sitr Al Aurah). Wahai KAUM ADAM, ingatlah! bukannya pusat dan lutut... tetapi pusat hingga lutut Main bola tidak haram, tetapi bermain bola nampak lutut itu adalah HARAM... sekiranya dilanggar, NANTIKAN KEMUNCULAN AZAB YANG AMAT PEDIH.... BERKASIH SAYANG KERANA ALLAH Wallahua'lam Nov 19th 2013, 12:32 You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: -- Sie erhalten diese Nachricht, weil Sie Mitglied der Google Groups-Gruppe "News2" sind. Um Ihr Abonnement für diese Gruppe zu beenden und keine E-Mails mehr von dieser Gruppe zu erhalten, senden Sie eine Email an Weitere Optionen: | Benachrichtigung für - 25 Nachrichten in 25 Themen Gruppe: - islam fatwa - Social Mention: Assalamualaikum; Amat menyedihkan dan memalukan sekali bila muncul sebuah klip video ringkas atau you tube, lakonan para pelakon upahan yg menghina hukum hudud, kandungannya memperli pemimpin pas tetapi dialog2nya memperkecilkan hukum Allah swt dan memperlekehkannya, pelakon upahan adalah org Islam... Ya Allah, begitu sekali mereka ini berani melakukan adegan sebegitu... Di mana iman, di mana dosa pahala, di mana kepercayaan terhadap adanya alam syurga dan neraka.. Tidak takutkah mereka utk kembali kpd Allah swt pada bila2 masa.. Apakah begitu hinanya hukum ketentuan Allah swt ?... Mereka hidup di bumi ciptaan Allah, menghirup nikmat udara pemberaian Allah dsbnya... Cukuplah wahai para pelakon upahan, mengapa begitu sekali kamu sanggup melakukannya ?? Ya Allah anugerahkanlah kpd mereka hidayahMu, berikan mereka jalan pulang segera, kembali kpd kebenaran ajaranMu... Kpd para pelakon semua, seruan ikhlas saya.. Bertaubatlah kepada Allah, carilah pintu rumah Allah, belajarlah dengan para alim ulamak... Segeralah kembali kpd Allah, langit tidak selama kamu junjung dan bumi tidak selama kamu pijak...!!! [1 Aktualisierung]
- bushido - Social Mention: we had a great turn out yesterday and got rid of some tickets we decided that next monday from 10am to 5pm if you come down to the fat cat 930 11th st Modesto ca you can buy 2 tickets at regular price and get 1 free Thats 3 tickets for 30 dollars!! The last Pro wrestling bushido show of the year. This is are biggest and baddest you aready know Bobby Hart and Rik Luxury will face Peter Avalon and Ray Rosas in a steel cage. plus 20 months in the making after wining the warriors way in 2012 Adam Thornstowe had to have surgery on his shoulder keeping him out for several months by the time Adam was ready Sir Samurai had won the warriors way in 2013 making him the number one contender for the pwb championship but in scum fashion Adam challenged and beat Sir Samurai to be the number one contender. on Dec 8th in Modesto ca at PWB presents LAST RIGHTS after 20 months Adam Thornstowe will finley take on Johnny Goodtime for the Pro wrestling bushido Championship [1 Aktualisierung]
- dawa - Social Mention: Hangu. : madrasy par drone hamla 8 kamsin talib ilam shahed. . .sar jaj aziz kal dawa kr chuky hen k drone hamly ruk gay hen. . .gareb hakumt,gareb awam. . .ml k bna rhy hen gareb pakistan. . . Ad [1 Aktualisierung]
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- Islamische Bücher Yunus Acuns Facebook-Pinnwand: Mouhanad Khorchide lügt immer noch (siehe mein Text jetzt+video:der Merkel-Han... [1 Aktualisierung]
- Masallah - Social Mention: Masallah subhanallah... [1 Aktualisierung]
- khilafah - Social Mention: Syabab.Com berbagi tautan dan berpendapat berikut ini: Sekretaris Jenderal Organisasi Kerjasama Islam, Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu mengatakan bahwa ia tidak mampu menahan tangis pada saat pertemuannya dengan anggota etnis Muslim "#Rohingya" di #Myanmar. --------------------------------------------------------------------- DUKUNG SYARIAH & KHILAFAH LIKE, TAG, SHAR... [1 Aktualisierung]
- dawa news - Social Mention: PAF's JF-17 Thunder aircraft to feature at Dubai Air Show [1 Aktualisierung]
- dawa - Social Mention: NABI Ke Paseene Ki Yaad Aagayi Hai. Bahare Jeena Ka Hua Zikr Jis Dam, MADINEKe Zarre Ki Yaad Aagayi Hai, Gulabo Chameli Se Faili Jo Khusbu, NABIKePaseeneKi Yaad Aagayi Hai. صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم Sitaron Ki Baaten Bohot Khub Lekin, Nazaron Ki Baaten Bohot Khub Lekin, Mujhe Khak E PaayeNABIChumne Do, Ke Purnoor Talwe Ki Yaad Aagayi Hai. صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم JoMomeenHain Wo Hargiz Marte Nahi Hain, Haqikat Hai Ye Dawa Nahi Hai, Dalil Pe Jab Mujhse Manga Kisine To KalyarKe Dulhe Ki Yaad Aagayi Hai. Sada Apni Palkeen Bheegoti Hain Maayen, Chaba Kar Loqma Khilati Hain Maayen. Chala Tazkira JabGilaf e HaramKa, ToMaaKe Dopatte Ki Yaad Aagayi Hai... Jahazo Ka Udna Hawaon Me Dekha, Wo Rocket Ka Chalna Falaon Me Dekha.. Jo Science Ko Meine Fizaon Me Dekha, ToKHWAZAKe Jute Ki Yaad Aagayi Hai. Darayega Kya Mujhko Tufan Gamka, Dehel Jayega Seena Julm O Sitam Ka, HUSSAINIHun Main, Mout Se Kiun Darunga. NABIKeNawaseKi Yaad Aagayi Hai... صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم Kahin Bhi Rahun Me Nahi Hun Akela, Mere Sar Pe Rehta Hai Walion Ka Shaya. KabhiDham,(Dham Nagar)Ajmeer, Kaliyar,Kabhi To Bareilly, KachochyKi Yaad Aagayi Hai., [1 Aktualisierung]
- projekt koran - Social Mention: New Afghanistan Deal: Obama to Apologize; US Troops There Indefinitely [1 Aktualisierung]
- tauhid - Social Mention: prinsip kmudahan dunia itu, sama. TAUHID, IMAN dan KEYAKINAN. [1 Aktualisierung]
- kafir - Social Mention: Siapa Tuhan Mu → Allah S.W.T Siapa Nabi Mu → Muhammad S.A.W Apa Agama Mu → Islam Apa Kitab Mu → Al - Qur'an Siapa Saudara Mu → Orang - Orang Muslim Siapa Musuh Mu → Syaitan Dan Orang Kafir *Jika Anda Merasa Islam Tekan Like -=[[ #Alamshah ]]=- [1 Aktualisierung]
- bushido - Social Mention: Von wegen Stress...die Gerechtigkeit siegt... [1 Aktualisierung]
- kuffar - Social Mention: [1 Aktualisierung]
- IHED - Social Mention: Harta q yg pling berharga adlh keluarga....i miss u.. [1 Aktualisierung]
- - Social Mention: Sheikh Abdellatif Aqida der Shia Teil 3 Trailer HD) [1 Aktualisierung]
- Muslimtube: Abu Adam - Vertrete die Wahrheit [1 Aktualisierung]
- Mein Herz Für Allahs Facebook-Pinnwand: Salam u aleikum Liebe Schwester, Lieber BruderVervollständige diesen Satz:★☆★... [1 Aktualisierung]
- Abu Abdullah - Social Mention: Volume 9, Book 88, Number 184: Narrated 'Abdullah and Abu Musa: The Prophet said, "Near the establishment of the Hour there will be days during which Religious ignorance will spread, knowledge will be taken away (vanish) and there will be much Al-Harj, and Al-Harj means killing." [1 Aktualisierung]
- Portali i dijes dhe Informacionit Islams Facebook-Pinnwand: E nëse ty të ngacmon ndonjë ngacmim prej djallit, ti kërko mbrojtje prej Allahut... [1 Aktualisierung]
- Your 8 hourly digest for Ahmad Abul Baraa - Social Mention [1 Aktualisierung]
- Beautiful Islams Facebook-Pinnwand: [1 Aktualisierung]
- islamist - Social Mention: Egypt revolutionaries make return to Tahrir Square [1 Aktualisierung]
- bushido - Social Mention: bushido .... :) wenigsten Hbf ich ihn bekannt gemacht ;) u mf wo du bist war i mit 17 bis 21 :) aber freut mich dass du wenigstens jetzt mit 24 mal unter coole Leute kommst ;) du rudelFührer ;) tut mir leid dass du nicht Mann genug warst m ihr was zu .... ;) spast. bushido würde sich schämen u sein neues albung darauf veröffentlichende. aber du peinliche .... mistGeburt Klaust lieber wie mir ein paar speicherkarten um.... ;) deshalb niemals du peinliche;) [1 Aktualisierung]
islam fatwa - Social Mention: Assalamualaikum; Amat menyedihkan dan memalukan sekali bila muncul sebuah klip video ringkas atau you tube, lakonan para pelakon upahan yg menghina hukum hudud, kandungannya memperli pemimpin pas tetapi dialog2nya memperkecilkan hukum Allah swt dan memperlekehkannya, pelakon upahan adalah org Islam... Ya Allah, begitu sekali mereka ini berani melakukan adegan sebegitu... Di mana iman, di mana dosa pahala, di mana kepercayaan terhadap adanya alam syurga dan neraka.. Tidak takutkah mereka utk kembali kpd Allah swt pada bila2 masa.. Apakah begitu hinanya hukum ketentuan Allah swt ?... Mereka hidup di bumi ciptaan Allah, menghirup nikmat udara pemberaian Allah dsbnya... Cukuplah wahai para pelakon upahan, mengapa begitu sekali kamu sanggup melakukannya ?? Ya Allah anugerahkanlah kpd mereka hidayahMu, berikan mereka jalan pulang segera, kembali kpd kebenaran ajaranMu... Kpd para pelakon semua, seruan ikhlas saya.. Bertaubatlah kepada Allah, carilah pintu rumah Allah, belajarlah dengan para alim ulamak... Segeralah kembali kpd Allah, langit tidak selama kamu junjung dan bumi tidak selama kamu pijak...!!! Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 01:42PM islam fatwa - Social Mention Assalamualaikum; Amat menyedihkan dan memalukan sekali bila muncul sebuah klip video ringkas atau you tube, lakonan para pelakon upahan yg menghina hukum hudud, kandungannya memperli pemimpin pas tetapi dialog2nya memperkecilkan hukum Allah swt dan memperlekehkannya, pelakon upahan adalah org Islam... Ya Allah, begitu sekali mereka ini berani melakukan adegan sebegitu... Di mana iman, di mana dosa pahala, di mana kepercayaan terhadap adanya alam syurga dan neraka.. Tidak takutkah mereka utk kembali kpd Allah swt pada bila2 masa.. Apakah begitu hinanya hukum ketentuan Allah swt ?... Mereka hidup di bumi ciptaan Allah, menghirup nikmat udara pemberaian Allah dsbnya... Cukuplah wahai para pelakon upahan, mengapa begitu sekali kamu sanggup melakukannya ?? Ya Allah anugerahkanlah kpd mereka hidayahMu, berikan mereka jalan pulang segera, kembali kpd kebenaran ajaranMu... Kpd para pelakon semua, seruan ikhlas saya.. Bertaubatlah kepada Allah, carilah pintu rumah Allah, belajarlah dengan para alim ulamak... Segeralah kembali kpd Allah, langit tidak selama kamu junjung dan bumi tidak selama kamu pijak...!!! Nov 19th 2013, 12:42 You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 09:28PM bushido - Social Mention we had a great turn out yesterday and got rid of some tickets we decided that next monday from 10am to 5pm if you come down to the fat cat 930 11th st Modesto ca you can buy 2 tickets at regular price and get 1 free Thats 3 tickets for 30 dollars!! The last Pro wrestling bushido show of the year. This is are biggest and baddest you aready know Bobby Hart and Rik Luxury will face Peter Avalon and Ray Rosas in a steel cage. plus 20 months in the making after wining the warriors way in 2012 Adam Thornstowe had to have surgery on his shoulder keeping him out for several months by the time Adam was ready Sir Samurai had won the warriors way in 2013 making him the number one contender for the pwb championship but in scum fashion Adam challenged and beat Sir Samurai to be the number one contender. on Dec 8th in Modesto ca at PWB presents LAST RIGHTS after 20 months Adam Thornstowe will finley take on Johnny Goodtime for the Pro wrestling bushido Championship Nov 21st 2013, 21:09 You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 09:25PM Islamische Bücher Yunus Acuns Facebook-Pinnwand Islamische Bücher Yunus Acuns Facebook-Pinnwand Mouhanad Khorchide lügt immer noch (siehe mein Text jetzt+video: der Merkel-Han... Nov 21st 2013, 21:15 Mouhanad Khorchide lügt immer noch (siehe mein Text jetzt+video: der Merkel-Handgriff nebenbei :)) die okkultische video-atmosphäre+schwarze klamotten nicht hilfreich :p Minute 1: "Mouhanad Khorchide behauptet,dass er doch für ein Kopftuchgebot im islam steht" MK belügt hier die Muslime. Wie macht er das ? Passt auf ,ich erklärs euch: Über MK habe ich geschrieben,dass er behauptet,dass es laut MK "kein expilizites Kopftuch-Gebot im Kuran" gäbe (quellen unten) MK glaubt NUR AN EIN prophetisches kopftuchgebot (also eine art SUNNA/keine Pflicht). er sieht keine PFLICHT für ein kopftuchtragen im kuran. solch eine wortspielerei wie im video (das macht er ständig) unterstreicht nochmals, dass er nicht ehrlich zu den muslimen ist.ein ehrlicher khorchide hätte hier sagen müssen, "das kopftuchgebot ist KEINE PFLICHT!" Minute 3: "der ist kafir,der ist kafir,der ist kafir" (gekünstelte opferrolle) Khorchide macht Millionen Salafis und Millionen andersdenkende (die nicht wie Sufis Yunus Emre, Rabia u.a Mystikern glauben) zum Kafir . In seinem Buch bezeichnet er selbst Millionen zu Beigesellern (siehe Quellen unten),also spielt er schon wieder mit den Wörtern Minute 6: Vers über Frevler (Opferrolle Teil 2) Ja, weil du ein Frevler bist, vergewissern wir muslime uns und widerlegen dich mit dem kuran.weiss nicht,wat du willst? giyba gilt nicht in sachen kritik an islamverdrehern (er missbraucht den vers).in seinem buch erklärt er,dass muslime beigeseller sind,die nach dem paradies für ihre taten trachten. dann ist das auch giyba (nach seiner logik) ;) minute 9: "allahualem deine meinung meine meinung gott weiss es" mit diesem spruch versucht er seine lehren,die schon AUßERHALB des islams sind zu rechtfertigen. es gibt meinungsunterschiede in details aber nie in islamischen grundlagen wie "christen kommen solange nicht ins paradies bis sie den islam angenommen haben",mk behauptet das gegenteil Prof. Khorchide startet eine Reihe zur Islamischen Theologie You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: dawa - Social Mention: NABI Ke Paseene Ki Yaad Aagayi Hai. Bahare Jeena Ka Hua Zikr Jis Dam, MADINEKe Zarre Ki Yaad Aagayi Hai, Gulabo Chameli Se Faili Jo Khusbu, NABIKePaseeneKi Yaad Aagayi Hai. صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم Sitaron Ki Baaten Bohot Khub Lekin, Nazaron Ki Baaten Bohot Khub Lekin, Mujhe Khak E PaayeNABIChumne Do, Ke Purnoor Talwe Ki Yaad Aagayi Hai. صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم JoMomeenHain Wo Hargiz Marte Nahi Hain, Haqikat Hai Ye Dawa Nahi Hai, Dalil Pe Jab Mujhse Manga Kisine To KalyarKe Dulhe Ki Yaad Aagayi Hai. Sada Apni Palkeen Bheegoti Hain Maayen, Chaba Kar Loqma Khilati Hain Maayen. Chala Tazkira JabGilaf e HaramKa, ToMaaKe Dopatte Ki Yaad Aagayi Hai... Jahazo Ka Udna Hawaon Me Dekha, Wo Rocket Ka Chalna Falaon Me Dekha.. Jo Science Ko Meine Fizaon Me Dekha, ToKHWAZAKe Jute Ki Yaad Aagayi Hai. Darayega Kya Mujhko Tufan Gamka, Dehel Jayega Seena Julm O Sitam Ka, HUSSAINIHun Main, Mout Se Kiun Darunga. NABIKeNawaseKi Yaad Aagayi Hai... صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم Kahin Bhi Rahun Me Nahi Hun Akela, Mere Sar Pe Rehta Hai Walion Ka Shaya. KabhiDham,(Dham Nagar)Ajmeer, Kaliyar,Kabhi To Bareilly, KachochyKi Yaad Aagayi Hai., Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 10:50AM dawa - Social Mention NABI Ke Paseene Ki Yaad Aagayi Hai. Bahare Jeena Ka Hua Zikr Jis Dam, MADINEKe Zarre Ki Yaad Aagayi Hai, Gulabo Chameli Se Faili Jo Khusbu, NABIKePaseeneKi Yaad Aagayi Hai. صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم Sitaron Ki Baaten Bohot Khub Lekin, Nazaron Ki Baaten Bohot Khub Lekin, Mujhe Khak E PaayeNABIChumne Do, Ke Purnoor Talwe Ki Yaad Aagayi Hai. صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم JoMomeenHain Wo Hargiz Marte Nahi Hain, Haqikat Hai Ye Dawa Nahi Hai, Dalil Pe Jab Mujhse Manga Kisine To KalyarKe Dulhe Ki Yaad Aagayi Hai. Sada Apni Palkeen Bheegoti Hain Maayen, Chaba Kar Loqma Khilati Hain Maayen. Chala Tazkira JabGilaf e HaramKa, ToMaaKe Dopatte Ki Yaad Aagayi Hai... Jahazo Ka Udna Hawaon Me Dekha, Wo Rocket Ka Chalna Falaon Me Dekha.. Jo Science Ko Meine Fizaon Me Dekha, ToKHWAZAKe Jute Ki Yaad Aagayi Hai. Darayega Kya Mujhko Tufan Gamka, Dehel Jayega Seena Julm O Sitam Ka, HUSSAINIHun Main, Mout Se Kiun Darunga. NABIKeNawaseKi Yaad Aagayi Hai... صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم Kahin Bhi Rahun Me Nahi Hun Akela, Mere Sar Pe Rehta Hai Walion Ka Shaya. KabhiDham,(Dham Nagar)Ajmeer, Kaliyar,Kabhi To Bareilly, KachochyKi Yaad Aagayi Hai., Nov 20th 2013, 10:50 You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 07:32PM projekt koran - Social Mention New Afghanistan Deal: Obama to Apologize; US Troops There Indefinitely Nov 19th 2013, 18:49 New Afghanistan Deal: Obama to Apologize; US Troops There Indefinitely [gallery ids="1171"] President Barack Obama will apologize to the Afghan people under a security agreement that will keep U.S. troops […] You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 03:28PM Portali i dijes dhe Informacionit Islams Facebook-Pinnwand Portali i dijes dhe Informacionit Islams Facebook-Pinnwand E nëse ty të ngacmon ndonjë ngacmim prej djallit, ti kërko mbrojtje prej Allahut... Nov 21st 2013, 14:32 E nëse ty të ngacmon ndonjë ngacmim prej djallit, ti kërko mbrojtje prej Allahut se vërtet Ai është dëgjuesi i dijshmi." (Fussilet,36) Pejgamberi s.a.v.s. ka këshilluar që kur jemi të zemruar të ulemi ose të shtrihemi, sepse nuk është lehtë me e goditë dikend kur jemi në këtë pozitë. Por, ilaçi më i mirë është me mendue për hidhërimin dhe dënimin e Allahut. A thua hidhërimi i Allahut është më i vogël se i yni? Dhe çfarë ndodhë kur Ai shprehë hidhërimin e tij? Ne, njerëzit që kërkojmë falje nga Allahu së pari duhet falur njerëzit. Kur falim dikend, vendoset paqja dhe qetësia në zemrat tona. You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: Blogtrottr <> Nov 22 02:08AM Ahmad Abul Baraa - Social Mention When did Muhammad Ahmad declare he was Mahdi? Nov 22nd 2013, 02:08 When fakrudin ali ahmad expired? Nov 22nd 2013, 02:08 What is the name of mother of Ahmad shawqi? Nov 22nd 2013, 02:08 What is the definition of the name Ahmad? Nov 22nd 2013, 02:08 What does abul kwanda look like? Nov 22nd 2013, 02:08 When is Ahmad Bradshaw's contract up?'scontractup Nov 22nd 2013, 02:08 Who are Ahmad Rashad's siblings?'ssiblings Nov 22nd 2013, 02:08 Why is ahmad zahir famous? Nov 22nd 2013, 02:08 Who is the narrator of the book Ahmad? Nov 22nd 2013, 02:08 Who is the authour of hadeeth musnad ahmad? Nov 22nd 2013, 02:08 Who is abul qasim and what did he invent? Nov 22nd 2013, 02:08 مساااء الورد لأجمل اصدقاء :) والله القلب مشتتتااااق ☺ Nov 21st 2013, 19:23 Die falschen Prediger - Ahmad Abul Baraa Aug 30th 2013, 13:40 http://w... You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 11:45PM islamist - Social Mention Egypt revolutionaries make return to Tahrir Square Nov 19th 2013, 11:05 Modesto Bee - Found 40 minutes ago... by the current military-backed rulers, boosted by popular support since the July coup against Islamist President Mohammed Morsi, to paper over... UN to Syria: Stop blocking aid convoys - Modesto Bee Lebanon blasts: Q&A about why they happened - Modesto Bee Vatican unveils new frescoes in top catacomb - Modesto Bee UK prime minister phones Iran's president - Modesto Bee Explore All Modesto Bee You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: Blogtrottr <> Nov 22 02:26AM bushido - Social Mention bushido .... :) wenigsten Hbf ich ihn bekannt gemacht ;) u mf wo du bist war i mit 17 bis 21 :) aber freut mich dass du wenigstens jetzt mit 24 mal unter coole Leute kommst ;) du rudelFührer ;) tut mir leid dass du nicht Mann genug warst m ihr was zu .... ;) spast. bushido würde sich schämen u sein neues albung darauf veröffentlichende. aber du peinliche .... mistGeburt Klaust lieber wie mir ein paar speicherkarten um.... ;) deshalb niemals du peinliche;) Nov 22nd 2013, 02:22 You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: -- Sie erhalten diese Nachricht, weil Sie Mitglied der Google Groups-Gruppe "News2" sind. Um Ihr Abonnement für diese Gruppe zu beenden und keine E-Mails mehr von dieser Gruppe zu erhalten, senden Sie eine E-Mail an Weitere Optionen: | Benachrichtigung für - 25 Nachrichten in 25 Themen Gruppe: - Masallah - Social Mention: - Lia istia dewi - nak engken engken ttu nyantumin addan yg di stt tu ?? adde masallah appo jak yg tu nyaddar nae masiih bedik yg sll nollong cii mun cii susah cg sg mesebeng paling toop kko nyak cci metunangan ajjak indra / leggo cg taen ink protes !!!! mellah mellah ngabe bungut nh cg sg ngellah nyame care ciii !!! [1 Aktualisierung]
- helfen in not - Social Mention: Ein Mann ruft bei der Polizei an und sagt: Kommt oder es knallt!" Minuten später wird er von einem Beamten in den Bauch geschossen und stirbt! Das war grad noch einmal Thema bei SternTV, berechtigte Fragen sind wohl: Warum suchten die Polizisten nicht erstmal den Dialog? Warum schießt man als ausgebildeter Schütze in den Bauch, und nicht auf nicht tödliche Punkte wie etwa die Beine? Warum wurde kein Saniwagen vorab hinzubestellt? Warum konnte man ihn nicht mit einer Elektroschockpistole ausser Gefecht setzen? Was garnicht geht, das von den 20 Polizisten keiner nach dem Schuss Erste Hilfe leistet!! Täter oder Opfer, Menschen sind sie alle!!! Dass man Menschen nach einem "Gefecht" auf offener Straße verbluten lässt wenn man die Möglichkeit hat zu helfen, kennt man aus Kriegsgebieten aber hier in Stuttgart sollte es das nicht geben!! Was sagt Ihr dazu?? [1 Aktualisierung]
- PierreVogel.des Facebook-Pinnwand: Prof. Dr. Joe Leigh Simpson „Es gibt einige Aussagen im Koran, die sich Jahrhun... [1 Aktualisierung]
- - Social Mention: Die Grundlagen der Methodik von Ahlu Sunnah ua Al-Jama`ah in der Aqidah Teil 2 - Selman Ramadani [1 Aktualisierung]
- Abu Adam - Social Mention: KISAH NYATA SHOLAT DHUHA YANG MENAKJUBKAN Bismillahir-Rahmaanir-Rahim ... Salah satu dari 7 sunnah harian Rasulullah saw adalah shalat Dhuha. Dan inilah amalan yang saya lakukan semenjak saya masuk SMK (SMA). Berawal dari nasehat ibu yang mengatakan "san … mulai sekarang, rajinin shalat-shalat sunnah seperti dhuha, tahajud, hajat, istikharah, dll … kalo dari sekarang ihsan sudah males gimana nanti kalo sudah punya istri dan anak". Berangkat dari nasehat ibu, saya mulai melakukannya dari kelas 1 SMK. Setiap jam istirahat yang kebetulan sudah masuk waktu dhuha, saya shalat di mushalla sekolah, kadang makan dulu dikantin baru shalat, kadang sebaliknya. Karena tidak enak kalo shalat sendirian akhirnya saya mulai ngajak beberapa temen kelas untuk shalat dhuha, Alhamdulillah pada nolak. Akhirnya ada juga satu dua orang yang ikut. Karena kita semua masih dalam tahap belajar rutinin shalat dhuha, tidak jarang juga kami keasyikan jajan dan ngobrol akhirnya waktu istirahatnya selesai yang mengakibatkan kita tidak dhuhaan pada hari itu. Dan alhamdulilah mulai banyak temen yang shalat dhuha, tidak dari temen kelas, namun ada juga dari kelas lain. Apalagi kalo lagi ada ujian mata pelajaran tertentu, wudhu pun sampai ngantri. Ketika saya kelas 3 semester dua, saya mendapat info bahwa ada beasiswa dari Yayasan Beasiswa Jakarta. Saya mengajukan bersama ketiga temen kelas saya, Alhamdulillah semua dokumen dan syarat yang diperlukan dapat saya dan teman-teman penuhi. Pengumuman pun tiba, tanpa disangka-sangka kami berempat menerima beasiswa tersebut, padahal kami mendapat kabar bahwa di kelas lain yang mengajukan beberapa orang namun hanya 1-2 orang yang dapat. Dan uang tunai senilai Rp 1.200.000,- kami terima per siswa. Dan inilah awal dari keberkahan shalat dhuha yang saya dapatkan. Alm. Ayah menginginkan saya untuk melanjutkan studi kejenjang perkuliahan, dan akhirnya setelah proses panjang, akhirnya saya kuliah di UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta jurusan Asuransi Syariah. Belum genap sebulan saya kuliah, Ayah saya wafat. Alhamdulillah impiannya sudah tercapai yaitu melihat saya bisa kuliah. Dan semenjak Ayah wafat, ibulah yang membiayai kuliah saya dari hasil berdagang nasi uduk setiap pagi didepan rumah. Allah selalu punya rahasia yang sangat teristimewa bagi setiap hamba-Nya. Semingggu setelah Alm. Ayah wafat saya mendapatkan Bantuan Khusus Mahasiswa (BKM) dari universitas senilai Rp 5.000.000,-. Inilah "reward" pertama saya di kampus dari Allah karena Shalat Dhuha. beberapa atm dan buku rekening beasiswa yang saya dapatkan Tak berhenti disitu, Alhamdulillah hampir setiap semester saya mendapatkan beasiswa dari DIPA, BAZIS, Yayasan Beasiswa Jakarta, dll. Kalau ditanya sudah berapa kali saya mendapat beasiswa, saya lupa karena saking bayaknya, tapi saya juga pernah ditolak sama Yayasan Beasiswa Jakarta ketika saya mengajukan di semester 5, namun ketika semester 7 akhirnya dapat. Ada saja jalan dari-Nya sehingga saya bisa mendapatkan beasiswa tersebut. Baginda Rasulullah saw bersabda; "pada setiap manusia diciptakan 360 persendian dan seharusnya orang yang bersangkutan (pemilik sendi) bersedekah untuk setiap sendinya". Lalu para sahabat bertanya; "Ya Rasulullah saw siapa yang sanggup melakukannya?". Rasulullah saw menjelaskan "membersihkan kotoran yang ada di masjid atau menyingkirkan segala sesuatu (yang dapat merugikan orang lain) dari jalan raya, apabila ia tidak mampu maka shalat dhuha dua rakaat , dapat menggantinya". (HR. Ahmad bin Hambal dan Abu Daud). Penjelasan tentang hadits ini subhanallah ternyata memang benar adanya. Alhamdulillah setelah melakukan shalat dhuha badan terasa segar, seperti orang yang sering melakukan olahraga pagi setiap harinya. Karena saya termasuk orang yang jarang melakukan olahraga pagi dikarenakan setiap paginya saya harus membantu ibu berdagang nasi uduk didepan rumah, jadi sebelum saya beraktifitas keluar rumah saya shalat dhuha minimal 2 rakaat jika sedang terburu-buru, dan 8-12 rakaat jika sempat. Jadi bagi orang-orang yang tidak sempat melakukan olahraga pagi, cukup shalat dhuha 2-12 rakaat setiap harinya. Dan saya juga pernah bertanya kepada seorang ulama sepuh yang mempunyai yayasan di desa tersebut ketika saya KKN (Kuliah Kerja Nyata) didesa Cibitung, Bogor bulan Juni-Juli lalu .. "Pa … amalan apa yang membuat bapak walaupun sudah sepuh begini tapi pendengaran dan penglihatannya masih sangat bagus, bahkan bapak masih kuat mencangkul di sawah setiap hari?" Bapak ini menjawab "rajinin shalat malam dan dhuha". Lain lagi seorang nenek yang saya jumpai juga masih di desa tersebut, dan nenek ini pun pendengaran, penglihatannya bahkan ingatannya juga masih sangat bagus ketika menceritakan kisah hidupnya sampai beliau bisa tinggal di desa tersebut. "Nek … umur nenek berapa nek? Kok nenek masih inget semuanya (kisah hidup) dah?" nenek ini menjawab, "umur nenek sudah ratusan … sejak nenek masih muda nenek sering puasa sunnah (senin kamis) dan shalat dhuha." Dalam hadits qudsi, Rasulullah saw bersabda, Allah SWT berfirman "wahai anak Adam, jangan sekali-kali engkau malas melakukan shalat empat rakaat di pagi hari, yaitu shalat dhuha, niscaya nanti akan kucukupi kebutuhanmu hingga sore harinya." (HR. Al-Hakim dan At-Tabrani). Dan cerita bagaimana saya mendapatkan beasiswa sejak saya kelas 3 SMK sampai sekarang insyaAllah sudah bisa menjawab hadits ini. Dan ternyata shalat dhuha membawa pengaruh positif terhadap penurunan stress. Apabila shalat dhuha dilaksanakan dengan ikhlas, dapat memperbaiki emotional positif, yang dari sisi medis jika kita jalankan secara terus menerus, tepat gerakannya, khusyu, dan ikhlas dapat memelihara immunitas tubuh yang baik dapat membuat individu terhindar dari infeksi, resiko terkena berbagai penyakit. "Bagi yang sudah shalat dhuha namun belum mendapatkan "reward" dari Allah, sabar dulu … Allah aja sabar nunggu kita shalat dhuha. Kalo Anda memperhatikan saya mulai shalat dhuha dari kelas 1 SMK, Alhamdulillah berbagai macam "reward" baru saya dapatkan ketika saya kelas 3 SMK, berarti butuh 2 tahun. Yuk shalat dhuha dan rasakan "taste" nya yang menakjubkan" kata Muhamad Ihsan ... Semoga tulisan ini dapat membuka pintu hati kita yang telah lama terkunci ... Klik SHARE....... via Tutorial Hijab Modern [1 Aktualisierung]
- Abu Bilal - Social Mention: ﺃﺳﺒﺎﺏ ﻏﻴﺎﺏ ﺍﻻﺑﺘﺴﺎﻣﺔ ﻓﻲ ﺍﻟﻤﻐﺮﺏ : . . . . . . . . . ... -1 ﺇﺫﺍ ﺍﺑﺘﺴﻤﺖ ﻟﺷﺨﺺ ﻏﺮﻳﺐ ﻗﺎﻝ :ﺳﺒﺤﺎﻥ ﺍﻟﻠﻪ ﻛﺘﻌﺮﻓﻨﻲ !!؟ 2 ﺇﺫﺍ ﺍﺑﺘﺴﻤﺖ ﻷﺧﻮﻛـ ﻗﺎﻝ : ﻳﺎﻙ ﻻﺑﺎﺱ ﺷﻨﻮ ﻛﺎﻳﻦ ؟ -3 ﺇﺫﺍ ﺍﺑﺘﺴﻤﺖ ﻷﺑﻮﻛـ ﻗﺎﻝ : ﻳﺎﻛﻤﺎ ﺩﺭﺗﻲ ﺷﻲ ﺯﺑﻠﺔ ﺍﻋﺘﺮﻑ ؟ -4 ﺇﺫﺍ ﺍﺑﺘﺴﻤﺖ ﻷﻣﻜـ ﻗﺎﻟﺖ : ﻭﺍﻟﻠﻪ ﻣﺎﻋﻨﺪﻱ ﺍﻟﺮﻳﺎﺍﺍﻝ ﻏﻴﻴﻴﺮ ﻫﻨﻲ ﺭﺍﺳﻚ -5 ﺇﺫﺍ ﺍﺑﺘﺴﻤﺖ ﻓﻲ ﺍﻟﺪﺭﺱ ﺍﻭ ﺍﻟﻤﺤﺎﺿﺮﺓ ﻳﻘﻮﻟﻚ : ﺍﺧﺮﺝ ﻋﻠﻴﺎ ﺑﺮﺍ . ﻭ ﻓﻲ ﺍﻻﺧﺮ ﻳﻘﻮﻟﻚ ﻣﺎﻝ ﺍﻟﺸﻌﺐ ﺍﻟﻤﻐﺮﺑﻲ ﺩﻳﻤﺎ ﻣﻌﺒﺲ و نتوما لاش كتبتسمو كا ينا شي حاجة [1 Aktualisierung]
- Das Gebet ist der Schlüssel ins Paradies Facebook-Pinnwand: SubhanAllah .. :( [1 Aktualisierung]
- islamist - Social Mention: "Aswat Masriya" / Constitution / armée L'Assemblée constituante, chargée d'apporter des modifications à la Constitution de l'Egypte, a adopté un article accordant au Conseil suprême des Forces armées le droit de choisir le ministre de la Défense du pays au cours des huit prochaines années (deux mandats présidentiels). ***************** The constituent assembly amending Egypt's constitution has passed an article that grants the Supreme Council of Armed Forces the right to choose the country's defense minister for the next eight years (two presidential terms), sources said. The article grants the president the authority to remove the defense minister when he wishes though, as well as the right to appoint one with the permission of the SCAF. The constitution was written by an Islamist-led assembly last year, but was suspended following the army's ouster of President Mohamed Mursi in July. A 50-member assembly was formed after Mursi's ouster to amend the controversial constitution. Egyptians are expected to vote on the amendments within the next several weeks. [1 Aktualisierung]
- abu z project - Social Mention: teeny- tiny branch!!! [1 Aktualisierung]
- Abu Bilal - Social Mention: abonné kéén t7eeb omeek [1 Aktualisierung]
- Islamischeweisheitens Facebook-Pinnwand: [1 Aktualisierung]
- sharia - Social Mention: Ahhh see how peaceful these islamic people are? The Palestinians, the shiites the sunnis, the Hamas, The fatah, the taliban etc.. they are all the same. we need to get all islamic people out of our countries that aren't under sharia law. They are not civilized and will only get worse as their population increases in countries. When they are a majority( if ever) we will lose our freedomss 100%. Send them back to Islamic countires, and do absolutely no business with those countries. Stop depending on oil. get solar panels, and use clean energy as much as possible. [1 Aktualisierung]
- abu adam - Social Mention: Iklan Pagi Khamis. Semoga berhasil. Amin [1 Aktualisierung]
- bushido - Social Mention: Rettitudine, Benevolenza, Accoglienza, Amore, Fede e Fedelta' queste sono le vie del Bushido'.. Katana e Poesia Unica Via [1 Aktualisierung]
- dawa - Social Mention: Sy ciawe ale dzi nani len dewla wybaczyn kaj dawa phenaw ale kamdziombys romes dzia syr miro pszal sy jof to sy ciawo jarenca a na bajerenca ale so te kerel dasales ciawes jek do dewel moginel te biciawel mange :'( :'( haw leske dzijoro me lovki ciem braciuszku :* :* :* [1 Aktualisierung]
- Uploads by Imam Abu Adam Shashaa: الطريق من الجمرات الى مكة 00296 [1 Aktualisierung]
- dawa news - Social Mention: Okupant wszystko ma pod kontrolą nawet Marsz Niepodległości bo swoich tam powtykał a Polacy co..? Nadal naiwnie myślą i dają się dalej ogłupiać ???!!! Zachłyśnięci Marszem może byście Szanowni Państwo łaskawie zauważyli, że okupant na Naród Polski nie musi już wysyłać ani wojska,ani policji bo ma przećwiczone żydowskie zastępy, młodzieży ( przybyłą z wielu krajów, głównie z USA) z sieci kolektywów i kibuców rozsianych po Polsce i będą przejmować w każdym mieście ,w każdej miejscowości tzw " przestrzeń" miejską i stosować terror w dodatku wspierani też z naszego budżetu państwa.... Konieczne rozglądajmy się wokół ... fb... BĄDŻMY CZUJNI ! Konieczne jest realizowanie wezwania T. Cichockiego do tworzenia Oddziałów Obrony Koniecznej.. więcej na stronie Tadeusz CICHOCKI Oficjalna strona internetowa niezależnego kandydata na Prezydenta Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej Tadeusza Cichockiego w wyborach przypadających w 2010 roku. [1 Aktualisierung]
- islam fatwa - Social Mention: THE RELIGION OF ISLAM IS A RELIGION OF MERCY Holy Quran NISA : TIME 26 - God , you declare you do not know , you want to accept the repentance of previous ways and show you . God , everything is very well Knower, All-Wise. 27 - Allah wants to accept your repentance . However, those who follow their lust , if you want to sapmanızı with the correct way of declination large . 28 - Allah wants to relieve you of religion in respect of heavy vehicles . Because man was created weak in terms of patience and tolerance . 29 - O ye who believe ! Do not eat your goods between you and injustice . However, their consent is lawful to eat your trade . Kıymayın each other's ass . Allah is Most Merciful to you . 30 - Who commits these prohibitions by way of cruelty and rape , it soon will have the fire of hell . Throw it in the fire, so is easy to Allah . 31 - If you, the major sins are forbidden fear Allah, He covers other flaws , you put a good authority . 32 - And God bazınıza , other than the things that do not wish to . There are men, they deserve a share . There are women who share their earned . Ask God wishes fazlından and foresight . Allah is Knower of all things . 33 - mother, father and relatives have appointed an heir to everything left . Please share your oath kıldıklarınızın liability regarding the heir . Allah is Witness to all things . 34 - Men , women , and dominated on the executive . Because one of Allah ( jihad , the Imamate , heritage as well as jobs ) has created superior to the other . One the men's goods ( family members ) are spending . Good women are obedient, God's protection of the ordered ones and also maintaining their things in the absence of their husbands . When it comes to women who are afraid of evil and incompatibility : first admonish them , leave deposits . They beat it does not benefit . If they obey you not look for another excuse to hurt themselves . Allah is exalted , is immense. 35 - If you are in concern you husband and wife, between the opening of an arbitrator by the man , the woman's family, they send an umpire . This is indeed a mediator to reconcile the referees , Allâh gives livelihood instead of resentment between husband and wife . Allah is All- Knower, Aware of the fact that everything . 36 - Worship Allah and associate no partners with Him, do not run. Then the constitution , the father , kinsfolk, orphans , the poor , relatives, neighbors , close neighbors , located next to the friend on the road, for those who have, please kindness to slaves . Allah does not love kibirlenen and boasted . 37 - They are both jealous of that , they skimp , skimp on anyone advise both grace and God 's blessing to conceal them . We have prepared a humiliating punishment to unbelievers . 38 - They who do not believe in Allah and the Last Day, goods , people spend to flaunt . No friend of the devil who , then what a bad companion ! 39 - They believe in Allah and the Last Day , and God had given in his sustenance harcasalardı unpretentious what harm would come to them ? Allah is All-Knowing their words and their job very well . 40 - Verily , Allah does not persecuted anyone iota . Even if you made an iota of kindness , his reward increases many times . And gives from Himself a great reward . 41 - Always bring a witness , and I dislike a witness over them when we do look at the state of the disbelievers will happen ! .. 42 - God , denying those who rebel against the Prophet , then they want to be razed to the Day of Resurrection . No word of God can not hide . 43 - O ye who believe ! So what you said bilinceye not approach prayer while intoxicated . While the prayer until Cünüb ablution except those who come near the passenger . If you become ill , or on a journey of sexual intercourse is found or there when it comes to break ablution Or the one of you , you can not find water , then make tayammum with a clean soil . Apply faith faces and your hands . Verily Allah is Pardoning , Oft-Forgiving . 44 - Nasib given them a book, do not you see what happened ? They sapmanızı perversion are buying and that you want out of the way . 45 - Allah knows your enemies well . And enough is Allah as a true friend . And enough is Allah for help . 46 - Some of the Jews , ( the book of Allah ) is based on the meaning of the words slide , language and religion, attacked by tilting , " Word heard , rebelled against orders , listen, listen , and Raina possible ( oversees us ), " they say. However, they say, " We hear and we obey , listen , and look at us " deselerdi it would be better for them and more accurate . But Allah has cursed them because of curses . Now they are very few , except you will not believe . 47 - O People of the Book ! Come in with you ( Torah) I believe in this book sent down to confirm . We also wipe out the faces of some people 's necks dialing or Saturday ( the Jews ) as lanetlediğimiz faith in them before the curse . Or instead of God's order will do . 48 - Indeed , Allah will never forgive him koşulmasını common . From someone else ( other sins ), the donations and forgiveness to those who wished commands . Whoever joins other gods really is not much larger ascribe partners to Allah is to devise a sin . 49 - Do not you see their souls bringing clear ? No ! But God , whom he absolves . Zulmedilmez them up to the hair . 50 - See how invent a lie against Allah . That's enough as a manifest sin . 51 - " From the book to them ( without reading ) Can not you see what happened in a given Nasib ! They believe in idols and the devil . And God, who do not know , " They are on the right track to the believers . "They say. 52 - They are the ones whom Allah's curse . If you can not find it anymore curse whom God will never help you . 53 - There Is Or share of their property within . If it were, people would not have even an iota of the core . 54 - Or do they envy the blessings of God for his bounty to people ? Surely we gave to Abraham in the book and wisdom . We have bestowed on them as well as a large property and sovereignty . 55 - Here are some of the Jews believed in him . Some of them turned away from him . Enough for those who do not believe that the flame of hell . 56 - Without a doubt we are disbelievers who deny Our revelations gonna get fired tomorrow . They hear the punishment he matures skins , skins give them another . Because God is really very strong, the All-Wise . 57 - believe and do righteous deeds işliyenleri the Gardens with rivers flowing under them put . There will be eternal . There they are pure companions . Them to keep it under the dark shadows . 58 - God has given you , and the people entrusted to you to judge between the People of the time to judge with justice . God , how beautiful it exhorts you . Allah is All- Hearer everything , Seer of . 59 - O ye who believe ! Obey Allah, and obey the messenger and you'll also obey the orders at the owner . If you are in any dispute you anything , really believe in Allah and the Last Day , please supply it to Allah and His Messenger . This results in terms of better and more beautiful. 60 - You Can not you see ? Down to you and say that they believe that they sent down before you, even though the tağuta inanmamaları emrolunduğu them , in front of Tağut want muhakemeleşmek . Satan will not be able to so thoroughly perversion wants to reduce them . 61 - to them: " Allah hath revealed , and the Prophet come! " mention of the hypocrites I see moving away altogether . 62 - And how , because of their heads with their hands when it comes to a disaster , they came to you as well : "We just wanted to find favor and catch up . " I swear to God . 63 - They kalblerindekini God knows what , do not bother them , give them advice and tell great promise to affect them and to them ! 64 - We gönderdikse prophet , sent just to be obeyed by Allah's leave . When they persecute them if they come to you from God the forgiveness of their sins, forgiveness and Resul dileselerdi willed , surely Allah is forgiving , merciful, they would have found . 65 - No ! Verily I know the Lord is not like work , they make you a judge In all disputes between them , then gave judgment against you without any trouble in them , can not have faith in a submission eğmedikçe neck . 66 - If we are to them, " Kill yourself , or quit homes . " If we wrote , except for a few of them , they could not do it . But tutsalardı counsels given to them , of course, better than both the rights , as well as it would be more robust . 67 - And then of course we would have them from Ourselves a great reward . 68 - And of course, the right path iletirdik them . 69 - it is they who obeys Allah and His Messenger , Allah has blessed them prophets , saints , şehidlerle , associated with greats . What a beautiful fellowship ! 70 - This is grace from God. And enough is Allah as knowing . 71 - O ye who believe ! Take every precaution against the enemy defense . Against them , or in small units or total mobilization , make sure to move . 72 - There is no doubt that some of you , many severe acts . If you are a calamity happened : "God has been gracious to me with them, I have not . " der . 73 - And if you will be accessing the glory of God and is a blessing to you , as if there is no love between you and himself , no doubt this time will say: "Oh, what would be the largest Murada ereydim wish I was with them . " 74 - Then the temporary life of this world , the eternal life of the Hereafter for those who are going to sell , Let those fight in the cause of Allah . Whoever fights in the cause of Allah killed or gets victory , in both cases we will give a great reward to him that tomorrow . 75 - And what happens to you in the way of Allah : "O Lord, who oppressed us, it comes from the country , will be managed by a well with us and send us a savior in times that" non- poor and poor beg for men, women and children for the sake of rescue çıkmıyorsunuz war ? 76 - Those who believe , fight in the cause of Allah . Those who disbelieve fight in the way of the Tağut . Then you fight against the devil's supporters . The trick because it is weak. 77 - to them , " Take your hands the war , establish prayer , give charity, " Did not you see what it is told ? Some of them, the people of war is Great on them immediately , such as fear God , and even more afraid , and " Lord, why did you write us a war ? What would happen if you were to us a little bit more if we were recognized for a while ?" they say. Say: "The world is pleasure , nor less than the Hereafter , and to Allah is better for avoiding the hair so you will not be wronged . " 78 - It grows on you no matter where you death , not get rid of it could also be extremely robust in castles . Good befalls them, " This is from Allah ," they say , an evil uğrarlarsa , " This is due to you . " they say. O Muhammad ! Say: " All things are from Allah . " This is what happens to the community , to refuse to be there to understand ? 79 - ( O mankind ! ) That comes to you from Allah a favor , I kendindendir what evil touches . O Muhammad ! We have sent you as a messenger to all men . And enough is Allah as a witness to this . 80 - who obeys the Messenger has obeyed Allah . If anyone turns away , we have not sent you as a guard them . 81 - I "Well," they say, but by your side when they , birtakımı them at night ( during the day) said they establish that they are the opposite . He says they were designing the night . Do not mind them . Trust in God . And enough is Allah as a Trustee . 82 - They still think and try to understand what the Qur'an is as it should ? If you do then downloaded by other than Allah they would have found many inconsistencies in it . 83 - They trust or fear when it comes to respect her right yayıverirler news . However, the prophet , and among them it götürselerdi authorized persons , those who can afford them, drawing conclusions , they'd know it . Without the grace and mercy of Allah on you , except that few of you , the devil warned . 84 - (O Muhammad) Fight in the cause of Allah ! You are responsible for what you did , but his own . Encourage the believers in the fighting . Hopefully, God breaks the power of the infidels . No doubt that God is much more powerful force and kudretçe , and is strict in punishment . 85 - Who here is a nice intermediary if it has a share of that business sevabından . If an intermediary who is not a bad thing , it also has a share of that evil . God gives you value for observing everything . 86 - You are greeted with a greeting , when you give it back to him , or a recompense in return the same greeting . Allah is the One Who proper account of all things . 87 - Self is not no god other than Allah , do you bring together the Day of Judgment . There is no doubt about that . Who could be truer than Allah ? 88 - Then , why you 're leaving in two groups of hypocrites ? He earned them upside down because of sin, then returnedto the road would distort God ? He whom Allah astray, you will not find a way out for him . 89 - They have committed blasphemy , as you have the desire to be a curse to process them . For him, until they emigrated to the path of Allah them for friends. Catch and kill them wherever you find if you turn away from it , what a friend of them , nor take them as a helper . 90 - However, do not touch it to those that are found refuge with a people who deal with them . Or what you , nor fight their hearts sığdıramayıp tribes came to you objectively . If Allah had so willed , would have made them haunt you , and they fought with you . If they stay away from you , you savaşmayıp if they offer you peace , Allah has not given you a way against them for . 91 - the other ones will also find a number of that, and make sure you both want to be sure to tribes . Olunuşlarında dive into it upside down every invitation to sedition . If you are çekinmezlerse , catch and kill them wherever you find . Here they have an edict against open to you . 92 - a believer out of error , kill another believer . And whoever kills a believer by mistake , to set free a believing slave , and the deceased's family ( heirs ) must provide a diet that will be delivered . But forgiveness is exempted from the family of the deceased . If you are killed , although a believer in a nation hostile to you , then you must set free a slave killed . If you are a people of the covenant between you killed , killed , the deceased's family , and a believing slave set free diet must provide . The acceptance by God, who can not afford them tevbesinin need to fast for two consecutive months . God , Alim ( Knower of all things ) , the All-Wise ( Wise ) . 93 - Who kills a believer intentionally , penalty will be eternally in hell. God said to him , and his wrath and curse had prepared a great punishment . 94 - O ye who believe ! Jihad in the path of Allah when you exit , to separate the believer thoroughly investigate the disbelievers . Anyone who salute you , taking into consideration the interests of the world 's life , " You 're not a believer say" . There are a lot of trophies in Allah's sight . You will like it when you were first entered Islam . Then God was gracious to you . Search for it thoroughly . Allah is Aware of what you do . 95 - believers who sit without apology to the path of Allah wealth and their lives can not be equal to those of jihad . God , wealth and their lives who fought , extremely As residents made outstanding . Allah has promised them all in heaven . However, the Mujahideen in Allah , has given a great reward on the residents . 96 - fold by degrees their ranks, forgiveness and mercy has given . Indeed, it is very forgiving , Most Merciful . 97 - angels , souls of people who persecuted them when they told them, " What were you here ?" they say. They said: " We kimselerdik weak in the face . " they say. They said: " Allah's earth was not large , or you should've migrated there ?" they say. Here is their refuge is Hell . What's he going bad place. 98 - But really helpless and weak , helpless, unable to find the way to migrate the remaining men , women and children ... except 99 - may be that Allah will forgive these people . Allah is Forgiving, merciful. 100 - If all who emigrated to the path of Allah , will find many places of the earth , finds wide . Whoever is the house of Allah and His Messenger in order to emigrate then death overtakes him , his reward Allah surely fall. Allah is Oft-Forgiving , Most Merciful . 101 - Earth time would do a disservice to you when you fear the unbelievers there is no hardship you kısaltmanızda prayer . Surely the unbelievers are your open enemy . 102 - You are there among them some of them with you to pray , let them pray kıldırdığında . The weapons they take with them . They wait behind another part prostrate upon arrival . Then you come to the other part , which he never prayed together and prudent Let your flag, they take with them their weapons . Infidels are desirable , that even if an unwary silahlarınızdan and goods such they make a surprise attack you . If you like the rain or the patient reaches a grind you bırakmanızda weapons not a hardship . However, do not cautious . Surely the unbelievers Allah has prepared a humiliating punishment . 103 - He Is fearful disengaged also need prayer standing , both sides need to sit and chant Allah is always on . You get rid of the hair on his people prayer full of fear . Because prayer is obligatory for the believers in a particular evening as written . 104 - the enemy not show laxity in monitoring the community . If you suffer , of course, they also suffer as you hear your pain . However, what you hope to God they could not hope . Surely Allah is the Knower , the Wise. 105 - We have the Book to you ( the Qur'an ) sent down as a right that I , as indicated by the adjudicating among the people of God to you . Do not traitors to defend ! 106 - God bağışlanmanı language . Verily, Allah is Oft-Forgiving , Most Merciful. 107 - treachery those defending themselves . Surely Allah does not love the treacherous sinners . 108 - These are the people ( mischief ) in conceal , disguise from Allah . However, he did not want the night everything is right next to them kurarlarken . God , they do ( the knowledge of ) encompasses . 109 - Let's you savunuverdiniz them in this world (let's say ) . So who will defend them in the presence of Allah on the Day of Judgment ? Them or who will be the proxy ? 110 - who works evil , or wrongs his own soul , forgiveness of Allah wills, then Allah is Forgiving, Merciful finds . 111 - Who commits an evil , evil would have their own souls . Allah is All- Knowing, All-Wise. 112 - Who works as well as a fault or a sin and then throws it upon the innocent , surely devise will be installed and a flagrant sin . 113 - If God's grace and mercy you did not , you sapıtmaya a mob of them worked . However, they are, but their own souls astray , can not hurt you . God , I Kitab ( the Qur'an) , and I do not know what I downloaded and taught wisdom . Greater than the grace of God in you . 114 - Or the one to give alms to the people in favor or between each ordering (s) inki , except for the majority of their speeches, no no no secret between them . Who makes them just to earn the pleasure of Allah , will soon give a great reward to him . 115 - Who opposes the Messenger after it is obviously the right path , the path of the believers leave the road and returned it to someone else goes to hell puts remembered . That's what an evil destination. 116 - Allah will not forgive him koşulmasını common . Other than that forgives . Running with Allah , surely , has dropped a deep perversion . 117 - They also leave Him alone, worship females . Thus, worshiped the devil , but are stubborn . 118-119 - God damn it was the devil . And he said: "Of course I 'll take a certain share of your servants , mislead them , I'm gonna them false desires , and the ears of cattle yaracaklar order them , order them will change Allah's creation ," he said . Become friend of the devil , who , instead of Allah , no doubt he would have suffered an obvious losers . 120 - Satan is made to them and distracts them empty hopes . However, the promise of satan , is nothing but delusion . 121 - Their refuge is Hell . Will not find a cure to get rid of him . 122 - those who believe and do good works gonna have to get in the Gardens with rivers flowing under them , there's recompense . This is the true promise of God . Who could be truer than Allah ? 123 - ( Business ) , what are your kuruntunuza , nor according to kuruntusuna People of the Book . Who does evil , it shall be so . He is a friend to him what else God , nor can help . 124 - Male or female, who is a believer commits a nice deeds , that they will enter Heaven . Also be wronged in the least . 125 - Goodness itself by making a submission to God , and that anyone who follow the religion of Abraham as a straight , who may be better in terms of religion ? God had made Abraham friendly . 126 - in the heavens and on earth belongs to Allah. God kuşatıcıdır everything . 127 - fatwa about women you want . Say: Allah gives you the fatwa about them : the legacy of written law they do not want to give them nikahlanmayı orphan girls and orphans and poor children , and also about fairness Bible verses you are reading . All the good you do , Allah surely knows . 128 - If a woman 's husband geçimsizliğinden , concern or if the dial face him , among them a peace transact , there is no blame on them . Peace is better all the time . Already a delightfully ready to jealousy . If you get along well and clash fear Allah, He verily Allah is aware of what you do . 129 - wives how to behave in a fair matter of ritual every aspect of it could never . Do not completely caught up in one of the other, such as Bari suspended . If the gap is maintained fixes and injustice , Allah is Oft- forgiving, Most Merciful . 130 - If they are separated from each other as husband and wife , God 's grace in need of large leaves each of them . God's grace is spacious and great wisdom . 131 - Allah belongs whatever is in the heavens and the earth . Those given the Book before you , and you have ordered that you fear God . If you disbelieve , know that whatever is in the heavens and the earth belongs to Allah. Allah is not in need of anything , worthy of praise and Sena Him . 132 - Allah belongs whatever is in the heavens and the earth . And enough is Allah as a Trustee . 133 - O my people! Brings the others to remove you if Allah wills . And Allah is Able to do it . 134 - Who 's blessing to the world wants, he know that the world and the Hereafter with Allah 's blessings . Allah is Seer of everything very well and very good hearing . 135 - O ye who believe ! That uphold justice , and by yourself , against your parents and close relatives , albeit ones who bear witness to God alone make . Because even if the rich , the poor , albeit both God ( you ) closer. Following the desire of your soul justice far. If ( when witness ) language , if you bükerseniz or çekinirseniz , Allah is Aware of what you do . 136 - O ye who believe ! Allah , His Messenger and the Book sent down to His Messenger , and before that hath faith in the book . Who is Allah , His angels , books , His messengers, the Last Day , and denies the koyusuna perversion would have fallen. 137 - who believe and then disbelieve , then believe and disbelieve again , which all go forward to unbelief after Allah forgive them , nor eriştirecektir the right path . 138 - Let me know when the hypocrites that for them there is a painful punishment . 139 - They leave the believers take for friends unbelievers ediniyorlar . Next to them are seeking gloryand honor ? However, all honor and glory belongs to God. 140 - God has given you the Book (the Qur'an ), said: " When you hear Allah's verses being rejected and mocked , have undergone other words , as long as he sit unbelievers . Otherwise, you would be like them ," he ruled down. Verily Allah will collect the hypocrites and the unbelievers all in hell . 141 - They stand and watch about you . If you grant a victory to you by Allah : " Were we not with you ?" they say. If you share in the victory of infidels : ( this time to them ) : " Do not protect believers you by providing you the upper hand ?" they say. Allah will judge between you on the day of Resurrection . Allah will not give the believers against the disbelievers any way . 142 - The hypocrites seek to deceive Allah . But Allah will their games themselves . They get up you lazy get up to pray . Showing off to people they do. Little commemorate God . 143 - Hypocrites bocalamaktadırlar of faith with blasphemy . What is it connected to the believers , nor these infidels . Astray whom Allah the right way , you will not find him anymore the way of salvation . 144 - O ye who believe ! Believers for friends unbelievers rather than leave . Would you give Allah a clear proof against youown ? 145 - Surely the hypocrites , tabakasındadırlar down most of the fire of hell . Also be a help to them find it. 146 - But those who repent , mend states , who adhere to Allah , and Allah except for connecting to the religion sincerely . These are the believers together. Allah will give the believers a great reward . 147 - If you believe in you and gives thanks to God torment you do? Allah is Knower of all things , and that reward those who give thanks . 148 - God , who suffered persecution , other than being told explicitly not like ugly word . Allah is the Hearer everything , Knower . 149 - describes a sake or conceal , or to forgive an evil , verily , Allah is the Oft-Forgiving , hath power over all things . 150 - They deny Allah and His messengers , the prophets of God and want to distinguish between . " We believe that to some , yet another would deny " they say. These two ( the ungodly by faith ) want to keep the way of . 151 - Here they are the real kâfirlerdir . We have prepared for the disbelievers a humiliating punishment . 152 - those who believe in Allah and His messengers , and others who do not distinguish between them (God ) will give you the rewards soon . Allah is Oft-Forgiving , Most Merciful . 153 - People of the Book , you , they want to drop your book from the sky . Moses wanted bigger than that, and said: " God, show us clearly " they said. Lightning struck them because of injustices . Although he came to them after the clear proofs calf (for worship ) had acquired. Therefore forgive them . And Moses a clear proof ( the authority ) have . 154 - The mountain tour to give them removed . I told them: " Enter through that door, prostrate ," we said . Yet to them, " chew the ban on Saturday said," and the sound of them have . 155 - Their promise to return , to deny the revelations of Allah , killing the prophets unjustly , and " Our hearts sheathed saying," Because ( the beginning you have any troubles ) . Surely, Allah sealed their hearts because of denials flying . Except for a few of them do not believe. 156 - ( Another reason mühürlenmesinin Kalblerinin Jesus ) and Mary a great slander to deny that they are provided . 157 - A " We killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary, Allah's prophet, saying," . However, what killed him , nor hanged . But nobody killed them, as Jesus demonstrated . Those who argue about him , since it fully in doubt . There is no information that an issue . Just conjecture sleeping. Certainly did not kill him . 158 - But God raised him in his own . God , the saints (always excellent ) is Mighty, Wise. 159 - People of the Book there is no one , in him before his death ( Jesus ) not have faith . The Day of Resurrection , he will bear witness to them . 160-161 - whomever Allah's way to persecute the Jews , and many detentions , and people take interest yasaklandıkları state property disclosures unfairly good things lawful for them to eat haram because we made earlier . Have prepared a painful doom them unbelievers . 162 - But those who believe in science and those deeper , down to you down before , and I do believe . [1 Aktualisierung]
- Legst du dich mit Türken an , Simdiden Allah rahmet eylesin.s Facebook-Pinnwand: Kısaca: iş işten geçince..#güli [1 Aktualisierung]
- islam fatwa - Social Mention: The third question of Fatwa no. 6901 Q 3: What is the ruling on studying man-made laws and trying to apply them while acknowledging that the Shari`ah is better and superior? What is the ruling on teaching man-made laws, philosophy, logic, and psychology? It should be noted that these sciences include a great deal of falsehood, such as their questioning the Essence of Allah, His Attributes, Names, Lawfulness and unlawfulness. They also include the study of Communism, Existentialism and Liberalism. What is the ruling on those who teach and learn these subjects? Especially that these subjects are in the general curriculums all over the state and the teachers and students do not study religious knowledge. In fact they are ordinary Muslim people who if (Part No. 12; Page No. 135) exposed to doubts, may doubt religious tenets. If they are advised to leave all that, they would say: What can we do? We obtain our living from it, or we are simply seeking knowledge. A: It is not permissible to study man-made laws to apply them as long as they are against the Shari`ah. However, it is permissible to study them in order to expose that they are inappropriate and deviated from the Truth on one hand, and to manifest the aspects of justice, uprightness and righteousness in Islam and its appropriateness for the interests of mankind. Therefore, it is not permissible for a Muslim to study philosophy, man-made laws and the like if they are unable to distinguish the right from the wrong lest they should deviate from the Straight Path of Allah (Exalted be He). It is permissible for those who are able to study and digest these sciences, of course after studying the Qur'an and Sunnah, to study them with the intention of distinguishing between the right and wrong in them as long as this will not distract them from the more important purpose of the Shari`ah. Accordingly, it should be known that it is not permissible to make these sciences a general field of study in our schools and educational institutions. In fact, they should be studied by qualified specialized Muslims who take it as an Islamic duty to defend the Truth and refute falsehood. May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions. The Permanent Committee for Scholarly Research and Ifta' [1 Aktualisierung]
- killuminati - Social Mention: Lucifer speaking to Diz-A Killuminati in New track called Lucifer Lucifer: I provided you with pussy and easy licks to hit " [1 Aktualisierung]
- bushido - Social Mention: Bout to end week 5 of hittin' up the YMCA everyday. Feelin' like a champ :) .On that honky get thick quick plan ,steady on the come up. Thanks to my motivational guys. Missin' our Bushido guys though ,aint forgot 'em. #ain't no stoppin' now [1 Aktualisierung]
- islamist - Social Mention: I cannot wait until I have the opportunity to confront one of these ignorant Islamist. The infidel is those of Islam. [1 Aktualisierung]
- takbir - Social Mention: JAMINAN RIZKI & PAHALA PADA SHALAT DHUHA Shalat dhuha merupakan salah satu diantara shalat-shalat sunah yang sangat dianjurkan oleh Rasulullah SAW. Banyak sekali penjelasan hadits yang telah menyebutkan berbagai keutamaan dan keistimewaan shalat Dhuha bagi siapa saja yang melaksanakannya. Berikut ini adalah beberapa hadits Rasulullah Muhammad saw yang menceritakan tentang keutamaan shalat Dhuha, di antaranya: 1. Sedekah bagi seluruh persendian tubuh manusia Dari Abu Dzar al-Ghifari ra, ia berkata bahwa Nabi Muhammad saw bersabda: "Di setiap sendiri seorang dari kamu terdapat sedekah, setiap tasbih (ucapan subhanallah) adalah sedekah, setiap tahmid (ucapan alhamdulillah) adalah sedekah, setiap tahlil (ucapan lailahaillallah) adalah sedekah, setiap takbir adalah sedekah, menyuruh kepada kebaikan adalah sedekah, mencegah dari kemungkaran adalah sedekah. Dan dua rakaat Dhuha diberi pahala" (HR Muslim). 2. Ghanimah (keuntungan) yang besar Dari Abdullah bin `Amr bin `Ash radhiyallahu `anhuma, ia berkata: Rasulullah saw mengirim sebuah pasukan perang. Nabi saw berkata: "Perolehlah keuntungan (ghanimah) dan cepatlah kembali!". Mereka akhirnya saling berbicara tentang dekatnya tujuan (tempat) perang dan banyaknya ghanimah (keuntungan) yang akan diperoleh dan cepat kembali (karena dekat jaraknya). Lalu Rasulullah saw berkata; "Maukah kalian aku tunjukkan kepada tujuan paling dekat dari mereka (musuh yang akan diperangi), paling banyak ghanimah (keuntungan) nya dan cepat kembalinya?" Mereka menjawab; "Ya! Rasul saw berkata lagi: "Barangsiapa yang berwudhu', kemudian masuk ke dalam masjid untuk melakukan shalat Dhuha, dia lah yang paling dekat tujuanannya (tempat perangnya), lebih banyak ghanimahnya dan lebih cepat kembalinya." (Shahih al-Targhib: 666) 3. Sebuah rumah di surga Bagi yang rajin mengerjakan shalat Dhuha, maka ia akan dibangunkan sebuah rumah di dalam surga. Hal ini dijelaskan dalam sebuah hadits Nabi Muahammad saw: "Barangsiapa yang shalat Dhuha sebanyak empat rakaat dan empat rakaat sebelumnya, maka ia akan dibangunkan sebuah rumah di surga." (Shahih al-Jami`: 634) 4. Memeroleh ganjaran di sore hari Dari Abu Darda' ra, ia berkata bahwa Rasulullah saw berkata: Allah SWT berkata: "Wahai anak Adam, shalatlah untuk-Ku empat rakaat dari awal hari, maka Aku akan mencukupi kebutuhanmu (ganjaran) pada sore harinya" (Shahih al-Jami: 4339). Dalam sebuah riwayat juga disebutkan: "Innallaa `azza wa jalla yaqulu: Yabna adama akfnini awwala al-nahar bi'arba`i raka`at ukfika bihinna akhira yaumika" (Sesungguhnya Allah `Azza Wa Jalla berkata: "Wahai anak Adam, cukuplah bagi-Ku empat rakaat di awal hari, maka aku akan mencukupimu di sore harimu"). 5. Pahala Umrah Dari Abu Umamah ra bahwa Rasulullah saw bersabda: "Barang siapa yang keluar dari rumahnya dalam keadaan bersuci untuk melaksanakan shalat wajib, maka pahalanya seperti seorang yang melaksanakan haji. Barang siapa yang keluar untuk melaksanakan shalat Dhuha, maka pahalanya seperti orang yang melaksanakan `umrah…" (Shahih al-Targhib: 673). Dalam sebuah hadits yang lain disebutkan bahwa Nabi saw bersabda: "Barang siapa yang mengerjakan shalat fajar (shubuh) berjamaah, kemudian ia (setelah usai) duduk mengingat Allah hingga terbit matahari, lalu ia shalat dua rakaat (Dhuha), ia mendapatkan pahala seperti pahala haji dan umrah; sempurna, sempurna, sempurna.." (Shahih al-Jami`: 6346). 6. Ampunan Dosa "Siapa pun yang melaksanakan shalat dhuha dengan langgeng, akan diampuni dosanya oleh Allah, sekalipun dosa itu sebanyak buih di lautan." (HR Tirmidzi). Semoga sedikit kutipan mengenai Rahasia dan Keutamaan Shalat Dhuha ini bisa membuat kita lebih giat lagi dalam menjalankan shalat dhuha, dan bagi yang belum melaksanakannya bisa memulai untuk menjalankannya… Aamiin… TOLONG JANGAN DI ABAIKAN..!! --- Semoga Bermanfaat --- Sobat sekarang anda memiliki dua pilihan , 1. Membiarkan sedikit pengetahuan ini hanya dibaca disini 2. Membagikan pengetahuan ini kesemua teman facebookmu , Insyallah bermanfaat dan akan menjadi pahala bagimu [1 Aktualisierung]
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Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 10:53PM helfen in not - Social Mention Ein Mann ruft bei der Polizei an und sagt: Kommt oder es knallt!" Minuten später wird er von einem Beamten in den Bauch geschossen und stirbt! Das war grad noch einmal Thema bei SternTV, berechtigte Fragen sind wohl: Warum suchten die Polizisten nicht erstmal den Dialog? Warum schießt man als ausgebildeter Schütze in den Bauch, und nicht auf nicht tödliche Punkte wie etwa die Beine? Warum wurde kein Saniwagen vorab hinzubestellt? Warum konnte man ihn nicht mit einer Elektroschockpistole ausser Gefecht setzen? Was garnicht geht, das von den 20 Polizisten keiner nach dem Schuss Erste Hilfe leistet!! Täter oder Opfer, Menschen sind sie alle!!! Dass man Menschen nach einem "Gefecht" auf offener Straße verbluten lässt wenn man die Möglichkeit hat zu helfen, kennt man aus Kriegsgebieten aber hier in Stuttgart sollte es das nicht geben!! Was sagt Ihr dazu?? Nov 20th 2013, 22:05 Der Mann, der in Stuttgart von einem Polizeibeamten erschossen wurde, hätte vielleicht noch gerettet werden können. You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 06:18PM PierreVogel.des Facebook-Pinnwand PierreVogel.des Facebook-Pinnwand Prof. Dr. Joe Leigh Simpson „Es gibt einige Aussagen im Koran, die sich Jahrhun... Nov 21st 2013, 17:49 Prof. Dr. Joe Leigh Simpson „Es gibt einige Aussagen im Koran, die sich Jahrhunderte später als wahr herausgestellt haben, was unterstützt, dass das Wissen des Korans von Gott erhalten wurde." Prof. Dr. Joe Leigh Simpson: Professor und Vorsitzender der Abteilung für Geburtshilfe und Gynökologie, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, USA. You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: Abu Adam - Social Mention: KISAH NYATA SHOLAT DHUHA YANG MENAKJUBKAN Bismillahir-Rahmaanir-Rahim ... Salah satu dari 7 sunnah harian Rasulullah saw adalah shalat Dhuha. Dan inilah amalan yang saya lakukan semenjak saya masuk SMK (SMA). Berawal dari nasehat ibu yang mengatakan "san … mulai sekarang, rajinin shalat-shalat sunnah seperti dhuha, tahajud, hajat, istikharah, dll … kalo dari sekarang ihsan sudah males gimana nanti kalo sudah punya istri dan anak". Berangkat dari nasehat ibu, saya mulai melakukannya dari kelas 1 SMK. Setiap jam istirahat yang kebetulan sudah masuk waktu dhuha, saya shalat di mushalla sekolah, kadang makan dulu dikantin baru shalat, kadang sebaliknya. Karena tidak enak kalo shalat sendirian akhirnya saya mulai ngajak beberapa temen kelas untuk shalat dhuha, Alhamdulillah pada nolak. Akhirnya ada juga satu dua orang yang ikut. Karena kita semua masih dalam tahap belajar rutinin shalat dhuha, tidak jarang juga kami keasyikan jajan dan ngobrol akhirnya waktu istirahatnya selesai yang mengakibatkan kita tidak dhuhaan pada hari itu. Dan alhamdulilah mulai banyak temen yang shalat dhuha, tidak dari temen kelas, namun ada juga dari kelas lain. Apalagi kalo lagi ada ujian mata pelajaran tertentu, wudhu pun sampai ngantri. Ketika saya kelas 3 semester dua, saya mendapat info bahwa ada beasiswa dari Yayasan Beasiswa Jakarta. Saya mengajukan bersama ketiga temen kelas saya, Alhamdulillah semua dokumen dan syarat yang diperlukan dapat saya dan teman-teman penuhi. Pengumuman pun tiba, tanpa disangka-sangka kami berempat menerima beasiswa tersebut, padahal kami mendapat kabar bahwa di kelas lain yang mengajukan beberapa orang namun hanya 1-2 orang yang dapat. Dan uang tunai senilai Rp 1.200.000,- kami terima per siswa. Dan inilah awal dari keberkahan shalat dhuha yang saya dapatkan. Alm. Ayah menginginkan saya untuk melanjutkan studi kejenjang perkuliahan, dan akhirnya setelah proses panjang, akhirnya saya kuliah di UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta jurusan Asuransi Syariah. Belum genap sebulan saya kuliah, Ayah saya wafat. Alhamdulillah impiannya sudah tercapai yaitu melihat saya bisa kuliah. Dan semenjak Ayah wafat, ibulah yang membiayai kuliah saya dari hasil berdagang nasi uduk setiap pagi didepan rumah. Allah selalu punya rahasia yang sangat teristimewa bagi setiap hamba-Nya. Semingggu setelah Alm. Ayah wafat saya mendapatkan Bantuan Khusus Mahasiswa (BKM) dari universitas senilai Rp 5.000.000,-. Inilah "reward" pertama saya di kampus dari Allah karena Shalat Dhuha. beberapa atm dan buku rekening beasiswa yang saya dapatkan Tak berhenti disitu, Alhamdulillah hampir setiap semester saya mendapatkan beasiswa dari DIPA, BAZIS, Yayasan Beasiswa Jakarta, dll. Kalau ditanya sudah berapa kali saya mendapat beasiswa, saya lupa karena saking bayaknya, tapi saya juga pernah ditolak sama Yayasan Beasiswa Jakarta ketika saya mengajukan di semester 5, namun ketika semester 7 akhirnya dapat. Ada saja jalan dari-Nya sehingga saya bisa mendapatkan beasiswa tersebut. Baginda Rasulullah saw bersabda; "pada setiap manusia diciptakan 360 persendian dan seharusnya orang yang bersangkutan (pemilik sendi) bersedekah untuk setiap sendinya". Lalu para sahabat bertanya; "Ya Rasulullah saw siapa yang sanggup melakukannya?". Rasulullah saw menjelaskan "membersihkan kotoran yang ada di masjid atau menyingkirkan segala sesuatu (yang dapat merugikan orang lain) dari jalan raya, apabila ia tidak mampu maka shalat dhuha dua rakaat , dapat menggantinya". (HR. Ahmad bin Hambal dan Abu Daud). Penjelasan tentang hadits ini subhanallah ternyata memang benar adanya. Alhamdulillah setelah melakukan shalat dhuha badan terasa segar, seperti orang yang sering melakukan olahraga pagi setiap harinya. Karena saya termasuk orang yang jarang melakukan olahraga pagi dikarenakan setiap paginya saya harus membantu ibu berdagang nasi uduk didepan rumah, jadi sebelum saya beraktifitas keluar rumah saya shalat dhuha minimal 2 rakaat jika sedang terburu-buru, dan 8-12 rakaat jika sempat. Jadi bagi orang-orang yang tidak sempat melakukan olahraga pagi, cukup shalat dhuha 2-12 rakaat setiap harinya. Dan saya juga pernah bertanya kepada seorang ulama sepuh yang mempunyai yayasan di desa tersebut ketika saya KKN (Kuliah Kerja Nyata) didesa Cibitung, Bogor bulan Juni-Juli lalu .. "Pa … amalan apa yang membuat bapak walaupun sudah sepuh begini tapi pendengaran dan penglihatannya masih sangat bagus, bahkan bapak masih kuat mencangkul di sawah setiap hari?" Bapak ini menjawab "rajinin shalat malam dan dhuha". Lain lagi seorang nenek yang saya jumpai juga masih di desa tersebut, dan nenek ini pun pendengaran, penglihatannya bahkan ingatannya juga masih sangat bagus ketika menceritakan kisah hidupnya sampai beliau bisa tinggal di desa tersebut. "Nek … umur nenek berapa nek? Kok nenek masih inget semuanya (kisah hidup) dah?" nenek ini menjawab, "umur nenek sudah ratusan … sejak nenek masih muda nenek sering puasa sunnah (senin kamis) dan shalat dhuha." Dalam hadits qudsi, Rasulullah saw bersabda, Allah SWT berfirman "wahai anak Adam, jangan sekali-kali engkau malas melakukan shalat empat rakaat di pagi hari, yaitu shalat dhuha, niscaya nanti akan kucukupi kebutuhanmu hingga sore harinya." (HR. Al-Hakim dan At-Tabrani). Dan cerita bagaimana saya mendapatkan beasiswa sejak saya kelas 3 SMK sampai sekarang insyaAllah sudah bisa menjawab hadits ini. Dan ternyata shalat dhuha membawa pengaruh positif terhadap penurunan stress. Apabila shalat dhuha dilaksanakan dengan ikhlas, dapat memperbaiki emotional positif, yang dari sisi medis jika kita jalankan secara terus menerus, tepat gerakannya, khusyu, dan ikhlas dapat memelihara immunitas tubuh yang baik dapat membuat individu terhindar dari infeksi, resiko terkena berbagai penyakit. "Bagi yang sudah shalat dhuha namun belum mendapatkan "reward" dari Allah, sabar dulu … Allah aja sabar nunggu kita shalat dhuha. Kalo Anda memperhatikan saya mulai shalat dhuha dari kelas 1 SMK, Alhamdulillah berbagai macam "reward" baru saya dapatkan ketika saya kelas 3 SMK, berarti butuh 2 tahun. Yuk shalat dhuha dan rasakan "taste" nya yang menakjubkan" kata Muhamad Ihsan ... Semoga tulisan ini dapat membuka pintu hati kita yang telah lama terkunci ... Klik SHARE....... via Tutorial Hijab Modern Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 09:57AM Abu Adam - Social Mention KISAH NYATA SHOLAT DHUHA YANG MENAKJUBKAN Bismillahir-Rahmaanir-Rahim ... Salah satu dari 7 sunnah harian Rasulullah saw adalah shalat Dhuha. Dan inilah amalan yang saya lakukan semenjak saya masuk SMK (SMA). Berawal dari nasehat ibu yang mengatakan "san … mulai sekarang, rajinin shalat-shalat sunnah seperti dhuha, tahajud, hajat, istikharah, dll … kalo dari sekarang ihsan sudah males gimana nanti kalo sudah punya istri dan anak". Berangkat dari nasehat ibu, saya mulai melakukannya dari kelas 1 SMK. Setiap jam istirahat yang kebetulan sudah masuk waktu dhuha, saya shalat di mushalla sekolah, kadang makan dulu dikantin baru shalat, kadang sebaliknya. Karena tidak enak kalo shalat sendirian akhirnya saya mulai ngajak beberapa temen kelas untuk shalat dhuha, Alhamdulillah pada nolak. Akhirnya ada juga satu dua orang yang ikut. Karena kita semua masih dalam tahap belajar rutinin shalat dhuha, tidak jarang juga kami keasyikan jajan dan ngobrol akhirnya waktu istirahatnya selesai yang mengakibatkan kita tidak dhuhaan pada hari itu. Dan alhamdulilah mulai banyak temen yang shalat dhuha, tidak dari temen kelas, namun ada juga dari kelas lain. Apalagi kalo lagi ada ujian mata pelajaran tertentu, wudhu pun sampai ngantri. Ketika saya kelas 3 semester dua, saya mendapat info bahwa ada beasiswa dari Yayasan Beasiswa Jakarta. Saya mengajukan bersama ketiga temen kelas saya, Alhamdulillah semua dokumen dan syarat yang diperlukan dapat saya dan teman-teman penuhi. Pengumuman pun tiba, tanpa disangka-sangka kami berempat menerima beasiswa tersebut, padahal kami mendapat kabar bahwa di kelas lain yang mengajukan beberapa orang namun hanya 1-2 orang yang dapat. Dan uang tunai senilai Rp 1.200.000,- kami terima per siswa. Dan inilah awal dari keberkahan shalat dhuha yang saya dapatkan. Alm. Ayah menginginkan saya untuk melanjutkan studi kejenjang perkuliahan, dan akhirnya setelah proses panjang, akhirnya saya kuliah di UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta jurusan Asuransi Syariah. Belum genap sebulan saya kuliah, Ayah saya wafat. Alhamdulillah impiannya sudah tercapai yaitu melihat saya bisa kuliah. Dan semenjak Ayah wafat, ibulah yang membiayai kuliah saya dari hasil berdagang nasi uduk setiap pagi didepan rumah. Allah selalu punya rahasia yang sangat teristimewa bagi setiap hamba-Nya. Semingggu setelah Alm. Ayah wafat saya mendapatkan Bantuan Khusus Mahasiswa (BKM) dari universitas senilai Rp 5.000.000,-. Inilah "reward" pertama saya di kampus dari Allah karena Shalat Dhuha. beberapa atm dan buku rekening beasiswa yang saya dapatkan Tak berhenti disitu, Alhamdulillah hampir setiap semester saya mendapatkan beasiswa dari DIPA, BAZIS, Yayasan Beasiswa Jakarta, dll. Kalau ditanya sudah berapa kali saya mendapat beasiswa, saya lupa karena saking bayaknya, tapi saya juga pernah ditolak sama Yayasan Beasiswa Jakarta ketika saya mengajukan di semester 5, namun ketika semester 7 akhirnya dapat. Ada saja jalan dari-Nya sehingga saya bisa mendapatkan beasiswa tersebut. Baginda Rasulullah saw bersabda; "pada setiap manusia diciptakan 360 persendian dan seharusnya orang yang bersangkutan (pemilik sendi) bersedekah untuk setiap sendinya". Lalu para sahabat bertanya; "Ya Rasulullah saw siapa yang sanggup melakukannya?". Rasulullah saw menjelaskan "membersihkan kotoran yang ada di masjid atau menyingkirkan segala sesuatu (yang dapat merugikan orang lain) dari jalan raya, apabila ia tidak mampu maka shalat dhuha dua rakaat , dapat menggantinya". (HR. Ahmad bin Hambal dan Abu Daud). Penjelasan tentang hadits ini subhanallah ternyata memang benar adanya. Alhamdulillah setelah melakukan shalat dhuha badan terasa segar, seperti orang yang sering melakukan olahraga pagi setiap harinya. Karena saya termasuk orang yang jarang melakukan olahraga pagi dikarenakan setiap paginya saya harus membantu ibu berdagang nasi uduk didepan rumah, jadi sebelum saya beraktifitas keluar rumah saya shalat dhuha minimal 2 rakaat jika sedang terburu-buru, dan 8-12 rakaat jika sempat. Jadi bagi orang-orang yang tidak sempat melakukan olahraga pagi, cukup shalat dhuha 2-12 rakaat setiap harinya. Dan saya juga pernah bertanya kepada seorang ulama sepuh yang mempunyai yayasan di desa tersebut ketika saya KKN (Kuliah Kerja Nyata) didesa Cibitung, Bogor bulan Juni-Juli lalu .. "Pa … amalan apa yang membuat bapak walaupun sudah sepuh begini tapi pendengaran dan penglihatannya masih sangat bagus, bahkan bapak masih kuat mencangkul di sawah setiap hari?" Bapak ini menjawab "rajinin shalat malam dan dhuha". Lain lagi seorang nenek yang saya jumpai juga masih di desa tersebut, dan nenek ini pun pendengaran, penglihatannya bahkan ingatannya juga masih sangat bagus ketika menceritakan kisah hidupnya sampai beliau bisa tinggal di desa tersebut. "Nek … umur nenek berapa nek? Kok nenek masih inget semuanya (kisah hidup) dah?" nenek ini menjawab, "umur nenek sudah ratusan … sejak nenek masih muda nenek sering puasa sunnah (senin kamis) dan shalat dhuha." Dalam hadits qudsi, Rasulullah saw bersabda, Allah SWT berfirman "wahai anak Adam, jangan sekali-kali engkau malas melakukan shalat empat rakaat di pagi hari, yaitu shalat dhuha, niscaya nanti akan kucukupi kebutuhanmu hingga sore harinya." (HR. Al-Hakim dan At-Tabrani). Dan cerita bagaimana saya mendapatkan beasiswa sejak saya kelas 3 SMK sampai sekarang insyaAllah sudah bisa menjawab hadits ini. Dan ternyata shalat dhuha membawa pengaruh positif terhadap penurunan stress. Apabila shalat dhuha dilaksanakan dengan ikhlas, dapat memperbaiki emotional positif, yang dari sisi medis jika kita jalankan secara terus menerus, tepat gerakannya, khusyu, dan ikhlas dapat memelihara immunitas tubuh yang baik dapat membuat individu terhindar dari infeksi, resiko terkena berbagai penyakit. "Bagi yang sudah shalat dhuha namun belum mendapatkan "reward" dari Allah, sabar dulu … Allah aja sabar nunggu kita shalat dhuha. Kalo Anda memperhatikan saya mulai shalat dhuha dari kelas 1 SMK, Alhamdulillah berbagai macam "reward" baru saya dapatkan ketika saya kelas 3 SMK, berarti butuh 2 tahun. Yuk shalat dhuha dan rasakan "taste" nya yang menakjubkan" kata Muhamad Ihsan ... Semoga tulisan ini dapat membuka pintu hati kita yang telah lama terkunci ... Klik SHARE....... via Tutorial Hijab Modern Nov 20th 2013, 09:00 You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 10:50AM Abu Bilal - Social Mention ﺃﺳﺒﺎﺏ ﻏﻴﺎﺏ ﺍﻻﺑﺘﺴﺎﻣﺔ ﻓﻲ ﺍﻟﻤﻐﺮﺏ : . . . . . . . . . ... -1 ﺇﺫﺍ ﺍﺑﺘﺴﻤﺖ ﻟﺷﺨﺺ ﻏﺮﻳﺐ ﻗﺎﻝ :ﺳﺒﺤﺎﻥ ﺍﻟﻠﻪ ﻛﺘﻌﺮﻓﻨﻲ !!؟ 2 ﺇﺫﺍ ﺍﺑﺘﺴﻤﺖ ﻷﺧﻮﻛـ ﻗﺎﻝ : ﻳﺎﻙ ﻻﺑﺎﺱ ﺷﻨﻮ ﻛﺎﻳﻦ ؟ -3 ﺇﺫﺍ ﺍﺑﺘﺴﻤﺖ ﻷﺑﻮﻛـ ﻗﺎﻝ : ﻳﺎﻛﻤﺎ ﺩﺭﺗﻲ ﺷﻲ ﺯﺑﻠﺔ ﺍﻋﺘﺮﻑ ؟ -4 ﺇﺫﺍ ﺍﺑﺘﺴﻤﺖ ﻷﻣﻜـ ﻗﺎﻟﺖ : ﻭﺍﻟﻠﻪ ﻣﺎﻋﻨﺪﻱ ﺍﻟﺮﻳﺎﺍﺍﻝ ﻏﻴﻴﻴﺮ ﻫﻨﻲ ﺭﺍﺳﻚ -5 ﺇﺫﺍ ﺍﺑﺘﺴﻤﺖ ﻓﻲ ﺍﻟﺪﺭﺱ ﺍﻭ ﺍﻟﻤﺤﺎﺿﺮﺓ ﻳﻘﻮﻟﻚ : ﺍﺧﺮﺝ ﻋﻠﻴﺎ ﺑﺮﺍ . ﻭ ﻓﻲ ﺍﻻﺧﺮ ﻳﻘﻮﻟﻚ ﻣﺎﻝ ﺍﻟﺸﻌﺐ ﺍﻟﻤﻐﺮﺑﻲ ﺩﻳﻤﺎ ﻣﻌﺒﺲ و نتوما لاش كتبتسمو كا ينا شي حاجة Nov 20th 2013, 10:33 You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 07:49PM islamist - Social Mention "Aswat Masriya" / Constitution / armée L'Assemblée constituante, chargée d'apporter des modifications à la Constitution de l'Egypte, a adopté un article accordant au Conseil suprême des Forces armées le droit de choisir le ministre de la Défense du pays au cours des huit prochaines années (deux mandats présidentiels). ***************** The constituent assembly amending Egypt's constitution has passed an article that grants the Supreme Council of Armed Forces the right to choose the country's defense minister for the next eight years (two presidential terms), sources said. The article grants the president the authority to remove the defense minister when he wishes though, as well as the right to appoint one with the permission of the SCAF. The constitution was written by an Islamist-led assembly last year, but was suspended following the army's ouster of President Mohamed Mursi in July. A 50-member assembly was formed after Mursi's ouster to amend the controversial constitution. Egyptians are expected to vote on the amendments within the next several weeks. Nov 20th 2013, 19:28 The constituent assembly amending Egypt's constitution has passed an article that grants the Supreme Council of Armed Forces the right to choose the country's defense minister for the next eight years (two terms), sources said. You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 04:47AM sharia - Social Mention Ahhh see how peaceful these islamic people are? The Palestinians, the shiites the sunnis, the Hamas, The fatah, the taliban etc.. they are all the same. we need to get all islamic people out of our countries that aren't under sharia law. They are not civilized and will only get worse as their population increases in countries. When they are a majority( if ever) we will lose our freedomss 100%. Send them back to Islamic countires, and do absolutely no business with those countries. Stop depending on oil. get solar panels, and use clean energy as much as possible. Nov 21st 2013, 04:44 British teacher, 24, 'murdered in Qatar after leaving hotel nightclub with group of men' Lauren Patterson went missing after last seen at Doha hotel on Saturday Believed to have left five-st... You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 11:39PM dawa news - Social Mention Okupant wszystko ma pod kontrolą nawet Marsz Niepodległości bo swoich tam powtykał a Polacy co..? Nadal naiwnie myślą i dają się dalej ogłupiać ???!!! Zachłyśnięci Marszem może byście Szanowni Państwo łaskawie zauważyli, że okupant na Naród Polski nie musi już wysyłać ani wojska,ani policji bo ma przećwiczone żydowskie zastępy, młodzieży ( przybyłą z wielu krajów, głównie z USA) z sieci kolektywów i kibuców rozsianych po Polsce i będą przejmować w każdym mieście ,w każdej miejscowości tzw " przestrzeń" miejską i stosować terror w dodatku wspierani też z naszego budżetu państwa.... Konieczne rozglądajmy się wokół ... fb... BĄDŻMY CZUJNI ! Konieczne jest realizowanie wezwania T. Cichockiego do tworzenia Oddziałów Obrony Koniecznej.. więcej na stronie Tadeusz CICHOCKI Oficjalna strona internetowa niezależnego kandydata na Prezydenta Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej Tadeusza Cichockiego w wyborach przypadających w 2010 roku. Nov 19th 2013, 22:36 Oficjalna strona internetowa niezależnego kandydata na Prezydenta Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej Tadeusza Cichockiego w wyborach przypadających w 2010 roku. You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: islam fatwa - Social Mention: THE RELIGION OF ISLAM IS A RELIGION OF MERCY Holy Quran NISA : TIME 26 - God , you declare you do not know , you want to accept the repentance of previous ways and show you . God , everything is very well Knower, All-Wise. 27 - Allah wants to accept your repentance . However, those who follow their lust , if you want to sapmanızı with the correct way of declination large . 28 - Allah wants to relieve you of religion in respect of heavy vehicles . Because man was created weak in terms of patience and tolerance . 29 - O ye who believe ! Do not eat your goods between you and injustice . However, their consent is lawful to eat your trade . Kıymayın each other's ass . Allah is Most Merciful to you . 30 - Who commits these prohibitions by way of cruelty and rape , it soon will have the fire of hell . Throw it in the fire, so is easy to Allah . 31 - If you, the major sins are forbidden fear Allah, He covers other flaws , you put a good authority . 32 - And God bazınıza , other than the things that do not wish to . There are men, they deserve a share . There are women who share their earned . Ask God wishes fazlından and foresight . Allah is Knower of all things . 33 - mother, father and relatives have appointed an heir to everything left . Please share your oath kıldıklarınızın liability regarding the heir . Allah is Witness to all things . 34 - Men , women , and dominated on the executive . Because one of Allah ( jihad , the Imamate , heritage as well as jobs ) has created superior to the other . One the men's goods ( family members ) are spending . Good women are obedient, God's protection of the ordered ones and also maintaining their things in the absence of their husbands . When it comes to women who are afraid of evil and incompatibility : first admonish them , leave deposits . They beat it does not benefit . If they obey you not look for another excuse to hurt themselves . Allah is exalted , is immense. 35 - If you are in concern you husband and wife, between the opening of an arbitrator by the man , the woman's family, they send an umpire . This is indeed a mediator to reconcile the referees , Allâh gives livelihood instead of resentment between husband and wife . Allah is All- Knower, Aware of the fact that everything . 36 - Worship Allah and associate no partners with Him, do not run. Then the constitution , the father , kinsfolk, orphans , the poor , relatives, neighbors , close neighbors , located next to the friend on the road, for those who have, please kindness to slaves . Allah does not love kibirlenen and boasted . 37 - They are both jealous of that , they skimp , skimp on anyone advise both grace and God 's blessing to conceal them . We have prepared a humiliating punishment to unbelievers . 38 - They who do not believe in Allah and the Last Day, goods , people spend to flaunt . No friend of the devil who , then what a bad companion ! 39 - They believe in Allah and the Last Day , and God had given in his sustenance harcasalardı unpretentious what harm would come to them ? Allah is All-Knowing their words and their job very well . 40 - Verily , Allah does not persecuted anyone iota . Even if you made an iota of kindness , his reward increases many times . And gives from Himself a great reward . 41 - Always bring a witness , and I dislike a witness over them when we do look at the state of the disbelievers will happen ! .. 42 - God , denying those who rebel against the Prophet , then they want to be razed to the Day of Resurrection . No word of God can not hide . 43 - O ye who believe ! So what you said bilinceye not approach prayer while intoxicated . While the prayer until Cünüb ablution except those who come near the passenger . If you become ill , or on a journey of sexual intercourse is found or there when it comes to break ablution Or the one of you , you can not find water , then make tayammum with a clean soil . Apply faith faces and your hands . Verily Allah is Pardoning , Oft-Forgiving . 44 - Nasib given them a book, do not you see what happened ? They sapmanızı perversion are buying and that you want out of the way . 45 - Allah knows your enemies well . And enough is Allah as a true friend . And enough is Allah for help . 46 - Some of the Jews , ( the book of Allah ) is based on the meaning of the words slide , language and religion, attacked by tilting , " Word heard , rebelled against orders , listen, listen , and Raina possible ( oversees us ), " they say. However, they say, " We hear and we obey , listen , and look at us " deselerdi it would be better for them and more accurate . But Allah has cursed them because of curses . Now they are very few , except you will not believe . 47 - O People of the Book ! Come in with you ( Torah) I believe in this book sent down to confirm . We also wipe out the faces of some people 's necks dialing or Saturday ( the Jews ) as lanetlediğimiz faith in them before the curse . Or instead of God's order will do . 48 - Indeed , Allah will never forgive him koşulmasını common . From someone else ( other sins ), the donations and forgiveness to those who wished commands . Whoever joins other gods really is not much larger ascribe partners to Allah is to devise a sin . 49 - Do not you see their souls bringing clear ? No ! But God , whom he absolves . Zulmedilmez them up to the hair . 50 - See how invent a lie against Allah . That's enough as a manifest sin . 51 - " From the book to them ( without reading ) Can not you see what happened in a given Nasib ! They believe in idols and the devil . And God, who do not know , " They are on the right track to the believers . "They say. 52 - They are the ones whom Allah's curse . If you can not find it anymore curse whom God will never help you . 53 - There Is Or share of their property within . If it were, people would not have even an iota of the core . 54 - Or do they envy the blessings of God for his bounty to people ? Surely we gave to Abraham in the book and wisdom . We have bestowed on them as well as a large property and sovereignty . 55 - Here are some of the Jews believed in him . Some of them turned away from him . Enough for those who do not believe that the flame of hell . 56 - Without a doubt we are disbelievers who deny Our revelations gonna get fired tomorrow . They hear the punishment he matures skins , skins give them another . Because God is really very strong, the All-Wise . 57 - believe and do righteous deeds işliyenleri the Gardens with rivers flowing under them put . There will be eternal . There they are pure companions . Them to keep it under the dark shadows . 58 - God has given you , and the people entrusted to you to judge between the People of the time to judge with justice . God , how beautiful it exhorts you . Allah is All- Hearer everything , Seer of . 59 - O ye who believe ! Obey Allah, and obey the messenger and you'll also obey the orders at the owner . If you are in any dispute you anything , really believe in Allah and the Last Day , please supply it to Allah and His Messenger . This results in terms of better and more beautiful. 60 - You Can not you see ? Down to you and say that they believe that they sent down before you, even though the tağuta inanmamaları emrolunduğu them , in front of Tağut want muhakemeleşmek . Satan will not be able to so thoroughly perversion wants to reduce them . 61 - to them: " Allah hath revealed , and the Prophet come! " mention of the hypocrites I see moving away altogether . 62 - And how , because of their heads with their hands when it comes to a disaster , they came to you as well : "We just wanted to find favor and catch up . " I swear to God . 63 - They kalblerindekini God knows what , do not bother them , give them advice and tell great promise to affect them and to them ! 64 - We gönderdikse prophet , sent just to be obeyed by Allah's leave . When they persecute them if they come to you from God the forgiveness of their sins, forgiveness and Resul dileselerdi willed , surely Allah is forgiving , merciful, they would have found . 65 - No ! Verily I know the Lord is not like work , they make you a judge In all disputes between them , then gave judgment against you without any trouble in them , can not have faith in a submission eğmedikçe neck . 66 - If we are to them, " Kill yourself , or quit homes . " If we wrote , except for a few of them , they could not do it . But tutsalardı counsels given to them , of course, better than both the rights , as well as it would be more robust . 67 - And then of course we would have them from Ourselves a great reward . 68 - And of course, the right path iletirdik them . 69 - it is they who obeys Allah and His Messenger , Allah has blessed them prophets , saints , şehidlerle , associated with greats . What a beautiful fellowship ! 70 - This is grace from God. And enough is Allah as knowing . 71 - O ye who believe ! Take every precaution against the enemy defense . Against them , or in small units or total mobilization , make sure to move . 72 - There is no doubt that some of you , many severe acts . If you are a calamity happened : "God has been gracious to me with them, I have not . " der . 73 - And if you will be accessing the glory of God and is a blessing to you , as if there is no love between you and himself , no doubt this time will say: "Oh, what would be the largest Murada ereydim wish I was with them . " 74 - Then the temporary life of this world , the eternal life of the Hereafter for those who are going to sell , Let those fight in the cause of Allah . Whoever fights in the cause of Allah killed or gets victory , in both cases we will give a great reward to him that tomorrow . 75 - And what happens to you in the way of Allah : "O Lord, who oppressed us, it comes from the country , will be managed by a well with us and send us a savior in times that" non- poor and poor beg for men, women and children for the sake of rescue çıkmıyorsunuz war ? 76 - Those who believe , fight in the cause of Allah . Those who disbelieve fight in the way of the Tağut . Then you fight against the devil's supporters . The trick because it is weak. 77 - to them , " Take your hands the war , establish prayer , give charity, " Did not you see what it is told ? Some of them, the people of war is Great on them immediately , such as fear God , and even more afraid , and " Lord, why did you write us a war ? What would happen if you were to us a little bit more if we were recognized for a while ?" they say. Say: "The world is pleasure , nor less than the Hereafter , and to Allah is better for avoiding the hair so you will not be wronged . " 78 - It grows on you no matter where you death , not get rid of it could also be extremely robust in castles . Good befalls them, " This is from Allah ," they say , an evil uğrarlarsa , " This is due to you . " they say. O Muhammad ! Say: " All things are from Allah . " This is what happens to the community , to refuse to be there to understand ? 79 - ( O mankind ! ) That comes to you from Allah a favor , I kendindendir what evil touches . O Muhammad ! We have sent you as a messenger to all men . And enough is Allah as a witness to this . 80 - who obeys the Messenger has obeyed Allah . If anyone turns away , we have not sent you as a guard them . 81 - I "Well," they say, but by your side when they , birtakımı them at night ( during the day) said they establish that they are the opposite . He says they were designing the night . Do not mind them . Trust in God . And enough is Allah as a Trustee . 82 - They still think and try to understand what the Qur'an is as it should ? If you do then downloaded by other than Allah they would have found many inconsistencies in it . 83 - They trust or fear when it comes to respect her right yayıverirler news . However, the prophet , and among them it götürselerdi authorized persons , those who can afford them, drawing conclusions , they'd know it . Without the grace and mercy of Allah on you , except that few of you , the devil warned . 84 - (O Muhammad) Fight in the cause of Allah ! You are responsible for what you did , but his own . Encourage the believers in the fighting . Hopefully, God breaks the power of the infidels . No doubt that God is much more powerful force and kudretçe , and is strict in punishment . 85 - Who here is a nice intermediary if it has a share of that business sevabından . If an intermediary who is not a bad thing , it also has a share of that evil . God gives you value for observing everything . 86 - You are greeted with a greeting , when you give it back to him , or a recompense in return the same greeting . Allah is the One Who proper account of all things . 87 - Self is not no god other than Allah , do you bring together the Day of Judgment . There is no doubt about that . Who could be truer than Allah ? 88 - Then , why you 're leaving in two groups of hypocrites ? He earned them upside down because of sin, then returnedto the road would distort God ? He whom Allah astray, you will not find a way out for him . 89 - They have committed blasphemy , as you have the desire to be a curse to process them . For him, until they emigrated to the path of Allah them for friends. Catch and kill them wherever you find if you turn away from it , what a friend of them , nor take them as a helper . 90 - However, do not touch it to those that are found refuge with a people who deal with them . Or what you , nor fight their hearts sığdıramayıp tribes came to you objectively . If Allah had so willed , would have made them haunt you , and they fought with you . If they stay away from you , you savaşmayıp if they offer you peace , Allah has not given you a way against them for . 91 - the other ones will also find a number of that, and make sure you both want to be sure to tribes . Olunuşlarında dive into it upside down every invitation to sedition . If you are çekinmezlerse , catch and kill them wherever you find . Here they have an edict against open to you . 92 - a believer out of error , kill another believer . And whoever kills a believer by mistake , to set free a believing slave , and the deceased's family ( heirs ) must provide a diet that will be delivered . But forgiveness is exempted from the family of the deceased . If you are killed , although a believer in a nation hostile to you , then you must set free a slave killed . If you are a people of the covenant between you killed , killed , the deceased's family , and a believing slave set free diet must provide . The acceptance by God, who can not afford them tevbesinin need to fast for two consecutive months . God , Alim ( Knower of all things ) , the All-Wise ( Wise ) . 93 - Who kills a believer intentionally , penalty will be eternally in hell. God said to him , and his wrath and curse had prepared a great punishment . 94 - O ye who believe ! Jihad in the path of Allah when you exit , to separate the believer thoroughly investigate the disbelievers . Anyone who salute you , taking into consideration the interests of the world 's life , " You 're not a believer say" . There are a lot of trophies in Allah's sight . You will like it when you were first entered Islam . Then God was gracious to you . Search for it thoroughly . Allah is Aware of what you do . 95 - believers who sit without apology to the path of Allah wealth and their lives can not be equal to those of jihad . God , wealth and their lives who fought , extremely As residents made outstanding . Allah has promised them all in heaven . However, the Mujahideen in Allah , has given a great reward on the residents . 96 - fold by degrees their ranks, forgiveness and mercy has given . Indeed, it is very forgiving , Most Merciful . 97 - angels , souls of people who persecuted them when they told them, " What were you here ?" they say. They said: " We kimselerdik weak in the face . " they say. They said: " Allah's earth was not large , or you should've migrated there ?" they say. Here is their refuge is Hell . What's he going bad place. 98 - But really helpless and weak , helpless, unable to find the way to migrate the remaining men , women and children ... except 99 - may be that Allah will forgive these people . Allah is Forgiving, merciful. 100 - If all who emigrated to the path of Allah , will find many places of the earth , finds wide . Whoever is the house of Allah and His Messenger in order to emigrate then death overtakes him , his reward Allah surely fall. Allah is Oft-Forgiving , Most Merciful . 101 - Earth time would do a disservice to you when you fear the unbelievers there is no hardship you kısaltmanızda prayer . Surely the unbelievers are your open enemy . 102 - You are there among them some of them with you to pray , let them pray kıldırdığında . The weapons they take with them . They wait behind another part prostrate upon arrival . Then you come to the other part , which he never prayed together and prudent Let your flag, they take with them their weapons . Infidels are desirable , that even if an unwary silahlarınızdan and goods such they make a surprise attack you . If you like the rain or the patient reaches a grind you bırakmanızda weapons not a hardship . However, do not cautious . Surely the unbelievers Allah has prepared a humiliating punishment . 103 - He Is fearful disengaged also need prayer standing , both sides need to sit and chant Allah is always on . You get rid of the hair on his people prayer full of fear . Because prayer is obligatory for the believers in a particular evening as written . 104 - the enemy not show laxity in monitoring the community . If you suffer , of course, they also suffer as you hear your pain . However, what you hope to God they could not hope . Surely Allah is the Knower , the Wise. 105 - We have the Book to you ( the Qur'an ) sent down as a right that I , as indicated by the adjudicating among the people of God to you . Do not traitors to defend ! 106 - God bağışlanmanı language . Verily, Allah is Oft-Forgiving , Most Merciful. 107 - treachery those defending themselves . Surely Allah does not love the treacherous sinners . 108 - These are the people ( mischief ) in conceal , disguise from Allah . However, he did not want the night everything is right next to them kurarlarken . God , they do ( the knowledge of ) encompasses . 109 - Let's you savunuverdiniz them in this world (let's say ) . So who will defend them in the presence of Allah on the Day of Judgment ? Them or who will be the proxy ? 110 - who works evil , or wrongs his own soul , forgiveness of Allah wills, then Allah is Forgiving, Merciful finds . 111 - Who commits an evil , evil would have their own souls . Allah is All- Knowing, All-Wise. 112 - Who works as well as a fault or a sin and then throws it upon the innocent , surely devise will be installed and a flagrant sin . 113 - If God's grace and mercy you did not , you sapıtmaya a mob of them worked . However, they are, but their own souls astray , can not hurt you . God , I Kitab ( the Qur'an) , and I do not know what I downloaded and taught wisdom . Greater than the grace of God in you . 114 - Or the one to give alms to the people in favor or between each ordering (s) inki , except for the majority of their speeches, no no no secret between them . Who makes them just to earn the pleasure of Allah , will soon give a great reward to him . 115 - Who opposes the Messenger after it is obviously the right path , the path of the believers leave the road and returned it to someone else goes to hell puts remembered . That's what an evil destination. 116 - Allah will not forgive him koşulmasını common . Other than that forgives . Running with Allah , surely , has dropped a deep perversion . 117 - They also leave Him alone, worship females . Thus, worshiped the devil , but are stubborn . 118-119 - God damn it was the devil . And he said: "Of course I 'll take a certain share of your servants , mislead them , I'm gonna them false desires , and the ears of cattle yaracaklar order them , order them will change Allah's creation ," he said . Become friend of the devil , who , instead of Allah , no doubt he would have suffered an obvious losers . 120 - Satan is made to them and distracts them empty hopes . However, the promise of satan , is nothing but delusion . 121 - Their refuge is Hell . Will not find a cure to get rid of him . 122 - those who believe and do good works gonna have to get in the Gardens with rivers flowing under them , there's recompense . This is the true promise of God . Who could be truer than Allah ? 123 - ( Business ) , what are your kuruntunuza , nor according to kuruntusuna People of the Book . Who does evil , it shall be so . He is a friend to him what else God , nor can help . 124 - Male or female, who is a believer commits a nice deeds , that they will enter Heaven . Also be wronged in the least . 125 - Goodness itself by making a submission to God , and that anyone who follow the religion of Abraham as a straight , who may be better in terms of religion ? God had made Abraham friendly . 126 - in the heavens and on earth belongs to Allah. God kuşatıcıdır everything . 127 - fatwa about women you want . Say: Allah gives you the fatwa about them : the legacy of written law they do not want to give them nikahlanmayı orphan girls and orphans and poor children , and also about fairness Bible verses you are reading . All the good you do , Allah surely knows . 128 - If a woman 's husband geçimsizliğinden , concern or if the dial face him , among them a peace transact , there is no blame on them . Peace is better all the time . Already a delightfully ready to jealousy . If you get along well and clash fear Allah, He verily Allah is aware of what you do . 129 - wives how to behave in a fair matter of ritual every aspect of it could never . Do not completely caught up in one of the other, such as Bari suspended . If the gap is maintained fixes and injustice , Allah is Oft- forgiving, Most Merciful . 130 - If they are separated from each other as husband and wife , God 's grace in need of large leaves each of them . God's grace is spacious and great wisdom . 131 - Allah belongs whatever is in the heavens and the earth . Those given the Book before you , and you have ordered that you fear God . If you disbelieve , know that whatever is in the heavens and the earth belongs to Allah. Allah is not in need of anything , worthy of praise and Sena Him . 132 - Allah belongs whatever is in the heavens and the earth . And enough is Allah as a Trustee . 133 - O my people! Brings the others to remove you if Allah wills . And Allah is Able to do it . 134 - Who 's blessing to the world wants, he know that the world and the Hereafter with Allah 's blessings . Allah is Seer of everything very well and very good hearing . 135 - O ye who believe ! That uphold justice , and by yourself , against your parents and close relatives , albeit ones who bear witness to God alone make . Because even if the rich , the poor , albeit both God ( you ) closer. Following the desire of your soul justice far. If ( when witness ) language , if you bükerseniz or çekinirseniz , Allah is Aware of what you do . 136 - O ye who believe ! Allah , His Messenger and the Book sent down to His Messenger , and before that hath faith in the book . Who is Allah , His angels , books , His messengers, the Last Day , and denies the koyusuna perversion would have fallen. 137 - who believe and then disbelieve , then believe and disbelieve again , which all go forward to unbelief after Allah forgive them , nor eriştirecektir the right path . 138 - Let me know when the hypocrites that for them there is a painful punishment . 139 - They leave the believers take for friends unbelievers ediniyorlar . Next to them are seeking gloryand honor ? However, all honor and glory belongs to God. 140 - God has given you the Book (the Qur'an ), said: " When you hear Allah's verses being rejected and mocked , have undergone other words , as long as he sit unbelievers . Otherwise, you would be like them ," he ruled down. Verily Allah will collect the hypocrites and the unbelievers all in hell . 141 - They stand and watch about you . If you grant a victory to you by Allah : " Were we not with you ?" they say. If you share in the victory of infidels : ( this time to them ) : " Do not protect believers you by providing you the upper hand ?" they say. Allah will judge between you on the day of Resurrection . Allah will not give the believers against the disbelievers any way . 142 - The hypocrites seek to deceive Allah . But Allah will their games themselves . They get up you lazy get up to pray . Showing off to people they do. Little commemorate God . 143 - Hypocrites bocalamaktadırlar of faith with blasphemy . What is it connected to the believers , nor these infidels . Astray whom Allah the right way , you will not find him anymore the way of salvation . 144 - O ye who believe ! Believers for friends unbelievers rather than leave . Would you give Allah a clear proof against youown ? 145 - Surely the hypocrites , tabakasındadırlar down most of the fire of hell . Also be a help to them find it. 146 - But those who repent , mend states , who adhere to Allah , and Allah except for connecting to the religion sincerely . These are the believers together. Allah will give the believers a great reward . 147 - If you believe in you and gives thanks to God torment you do? Allah is Knower of all things , and that reward those who give thanks . 148 - God , who suffered persecution , other than being told explicitly not like ugly word . Allah is the Hearer everything , Knower . 149 - describes a sake or conceal , or to forgive an evil , verily , Allah is the Oft-Forgiving , hath power over all things . 150 - They deny Allah and His messengers , the prophets of God and want to distinguish between . " We believe that to some , yet another would deny " they say. These two ( the ungodly by faith ) want to keep the way of . 151 - Here they are the real kâfirlerdir . We have prepared for the disbelievers a humiliating punishment . 152 - those who believe in Allah and His messengers , and others who do not distinguish between them (God ) will give you the rewards soon . Allah is Oft-Forgiving , Most Merciful . 153 - People of the Book , you , they want to drop your book from the sky . Moses wanted bigger than that, and said: " God, show us clearly " they said. Lightning struck them because of injustices . Although he came to them after the clear proofs calf (for worship ) had acquired. Therefore forgive them . And Moses a clear proof ( the authority ) have . 154 - The mountain tour to give them removed . I told them: " Enter through that door, prostrate ," we said . Yet to them, " chew the ban on Saturday said," and the sound of them have . 155 - Their promise to return , to deny the revelations of Allah , killing the prophets unjustly , and " Our hearts sheathed saying," Because ( the beginning you have any troubles ) . Surely, Allah sealed their hearts because of denials flying . Except for a few of them do not believe. 156 - ( Another reason mühürlenmesinin Kalblerinin Jesus ) and Mary a great slander to deny that they are provided . 157 - A " We killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary, Allah's prophet, saying," . However, what killed him , nor hanged . But nobody killed them, as Jesus demonstrated . Those who argue about him , since it fully in doubt . There is no information that an issue . Just conjecture sleeping. Certainly did not kill him . 158 - But God raised him in his own . God , the saints (always excellent ) is Mighty, Wise. 159 - People of the Book there is no one , in him before his death ( Jesus ) not have faith . The Day of Resurrection , he will bear witness to them . 160-161 - whomever Allah's way to persecute the Jews , and many detentions , and people take interest yasaklandıkları state property disclosures unfairly good things lawful for them to eat haram because we made earlier . Have prepared a painful doom them unbelievers . 162 - But those who believe in science and those deeper , down to you down before , and I do believe . Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 06:42PM islam fatwa - Social Mention THE RELIGION OF ISLAM IS A RELIGION OF MERCY Holy Quran NISA : TIME 26 - God , you declare you do not know , you want to accept the repentance of previous ways and show you . God , everything is very well Knower, All-Wise. 27 - Allah wants to accept your repentance . However, those who follow their lust , if you want to sapmanızı with the correct way of declination large . 28 - Allah wants to relieve you of religion in respect of heavy vehicles . Because man was created weak in terms of patience and tolerance . 29 - O ye who believe ! Do not eat your goods between you and injustice . However, their consent is lawful to eat your trade . Kıymayın each other's ass . Allah is Most Merciful to you . 30 - Who commits these prohibitions by way of cruelty and rape , it soon will have the fire of hell . Throw it in the fire, so is easy to Allah . 31 - If you, the major sins are forbidden fear Allah, He covers other flaws , you put a good authority . 32 - And God bazınıza , other than the things that do not wish to . There are men, they deserve a share . There are women who share their earned . Ask God wishes fazlından and foresight . Allah is Knower of all things . 33 - mother, father and relatives have appointed an heir to everything left . Please share your oath kıldıklarınızın liability regarding the heir . Allah is Witness to all things . 34 - Men , women , and dominated on the executive . Because one of Allah ( jihad , the Imamate , heritage as well as jobs ) has created superior to the other . One the men's goods ( family members ) are spending . Good women are obedient, God's protection of the ordered ones and also maintaining their things in the absence of their husbands . When it comes to women who are afraid of evil and incompatibility : first admonish them , leave deposits . They beat it does not benefit . If they obey you not look for another excuse to hurt themselves . Allah is exalted , is immense. 35 - If you are in concern you husband and wife, between the opening of an arbitrator by the man , the woman's family, they send an umpire . This is indeed a mediator to reconcile the referees , Allâh gives livelihood instead of resentment between husband and wife . Allah is All- Knower, Aware of the fact that everything . 36 - Worship Allah and associate no partners with Him, do not run. Then the constitution , the father , kinsfolk, orphans , the poor , relatives, neighbors , close neighbors , located next to the friend on the road, for those who have, please kindness to slaves . Allah does not love kibirlenen and boasted . 37 - They are both jealous of that , they skimp , skimp on anyone advise both grace and God 's blessing to conceal them . We have prepared a humiliating punishment to unbelievers . 38 - They who do not believe in Allah and the Last Day, goods , people spend to flaunt . No friend of the devil who , then what a bad companion ! 39 - They believe in Allah and the Last Day , and God had given in his sustenance harcasalardı unpretentious what harm would come to them ? Allah is All-Knowing their words and their job very well . 40 - Verily , Allah does not persecuted anyone iota . Even if you made an iota of kindness , his reward increases many times . And gives from Himself a great reward . 41 - Always bring a witness , and I dislike a witness over them when we do look at the state of the disbelievers will happen ! .. 42 - God , denying those who rebel against the Prophet , then they want to be razed to the Day of Resurrection . No word of God can not hide . 43 - O ye who believe ! So what you said bilinceye not approach prayer while intoxicated . While the prayer until Cünüb ablution except those who come near the passenger . If you become ill , or on a journey of sexual intercourse is found or there when it comes to break ablution Or the one of you , you can not find water , then make tayammum with a clean soil . Apply faith faces and your hands . Verily Allah is Pardoning , Oft-Forgiving . 44 - Nasib given them a book, do not you see what happened ? They sapmanızı perversion are buying and that you want out of the way . 45 - Allah knows your enemies well . And enough is Allah as a true friend . And enough is Allah for help . 46 - Some of the Jews , ( the book of Allah ) is based on the meaning of the words slide , language and religion, attacked by tilting , " Word heard , rebelled against orders , listen, listen , and Raina possible ( oversees us ), " they say. However, they say, " We hear and we obey , listen , and look at us " deselerdi it would be better for them and more accurate . But Allah has cursed them because of curses . Now they are very few , except you will not believe . 47 - O People of the Book ! Come in with you ( Torah) I believe in this book sent down to confirm . We also wipe out the faces of some people 's necks dialing or Saturday ( the Jews ) as lanetlediğimiz faith in them before the curse . Or instead of God's order will do . 48 - Indeed , Allah will never forgive him koşulmasını common . From someone else ( other sins ), the donations and forgiveness to those who wished commands . Whoever joins other gods really is not much larger ascribe partners to Allah is to devise a sin . 49 - Do not you see their souls bringing clear ? No ! But God , whom he absolves . Zulmedilmez them up to the hair . 50 - See how invent a lie against Allah . That's enough as a manifest sin . 51 - " From the book to them ( without reading ) Can not you see what happened in a given Nasib ! They believe in idols and the devil . And God, who do not know , " They are on the right track to the believers . "They say. 52 - They are the ones whom Allah's curse . If you can not find it anymore curse whom God will never help you . 53 - There Is Or share of their property within . If it were, people would not have even an iota of the core . 54 - Or do they envy the blessings of God for his bounty to people ? Surely we gave to Abraham in the book and wisdom . We have bestowed on them as well as a large property and sovereignty . 55 - Here are some of the Jews believed in him . Some of them turned away from him . Enough for those who do not believe that the flame of hell . 56 - Without a doubt we are disbelievers who deny Our revelations gonna get fired tomorrow . They hear the punishment he matures skins , skins give them another . Because God is really very strong, the All-Wise . 57 - believe and do righteous deeds işliyenleri the Gardens with rivers flowing under them put . There will be eternal . There they are pure companions . Them to keep it under the dark shadows . 58 - God has given you , and the people entrusted to you to judge between the People of the time to judge with justice . God , how beautiful it exhorts you . Allah is All- Hearer everything , Seer of . 59 - O ye who believe ! Obey Allah, and obey the messenger and you'll also obey the orders at the owner . If you are in any dispute you anything , really believe in Allah and the Last Day , please supply it to Allah and His Messenger . This results in terms of better and more beautiful. 60 - You Can not you see ? Down to you and say that they believe that they sent down before you, even though the tağuta inanmamaları emrolunduğu them , in front of Tağut want muhakemeleşmek . Satan will not be able to so thoroughly perversion wants to reduce them . 61 - to them: " Allah hath revealed , and the Prophet come! " mention of the hypocrites I see moving away altogether . 62 - And how , because of their heads with their hands when it comes to a disaster , they came to you as well : "We just wanted to find favor and catch up . " I swear to God . 63 - They kalblerindekini God knows what , do not bother them , give them advice and tell great promise to affect them and to them ! 64 - We gönderdikse prophet , sent just to be obeyed by Allah's leave . When they persecute them if they come to you from God the forgiveness of their sins, forgiveness and Resul dileselerdi willed , surely Allah is forgiving , merciful, they would have found . 65 - No ! Verily I know the Lord is not like work , they make you a judge In all disputes between them , then gave judgment against you without any trouble in them , can not have faith in a submission eğmedikçe neck . 66 - If we are to them, " Kill yourself , or quit homes . " If we wrote , except for a few of them , they could not do it . But tutsalardı counsels given to them , of course, better than both the rights , as well as it would be more robust . 67 - And then of course we would have them from Ourselves a great reward . 68 - And of course, the right path iletirdik them . 69 - it is they who obeys Allah and His Messenger , Allah has blessed them prophets , saints , şehidlerle , associated with greats . What a beautiful fellowship ! 70 - This is grace from God. And enough is Allah as knowing . 71 - O ye who believe ! Take every precaution against the enemy defense . Against them , or in small units or total mobilization , make sure to move . 72 - There is no doubt that some of you , many severe acts . If you are a calamity happened : "God has been gracious to me with them, I have not . " der . 73 - And if you will be accessing the glory of God and is a blessing to you , as if there is no love between you and himself , no doubt this time will say: "Oh, what would be the largest Murada ereydim wish I was with them . " 74 - Then the temporary life of this world , the eternal life of the Hereafter for those who are going to sell , Let those fight in the cause of Allah . Whoever fights in the cause of Allah killed or gets victory , in both cases we will give a great reward to him that tomorrow . 75 - And what happens to you in the way of Allah : "O Lord, who oppressed us, it comes from the country , will be managed by a well with us and send us a savior in times that" non- poor and poor beg for men, women and children for the sake of rescue çıkmıyorsunuz war ? 76 - Those who believe , fight in the cause of Allah . Those who disbelieve fight in the way of the Tağut . Then you fight against the devil's supporters . The trick because it is weak. 77 - to them , " Take your hands the war , establish prayer , give charity, " Did not you see what it is told ? Some of them, the people of war is Great on them immediately , such as fear God , and even more afraid , and " Lord, why did you write us a war ? What would happen if you were to us a little bit more if we were recognized for a while ?" they say. Say: "The world is pleasure , nor less than the Hereafter , and to Allah is better for avoiding the hair so you will not be wronged . " 78 - It grows on you no matter where you death , not get rid of it could also be extremely robust in castles . Good befalls them, " This is from Allah ," they say , an evil uğrarlarsa , " This is due to you . " they say. O Muhammad ! Say: " All things are from Allah . " This is what happens to the community , to refuse to be there to understand ? 79 - ( O mankind ! ) That comes to you from Allah a favor , I kendindendir what evil touches . O Muhammad ! We have sent you as a messenger to all men . And enough is Allah as a witness to this . 80 - who obeys the Messenger has obeyed Allah . If anyone turns away , we have not sent you as a guard them . 81 - I "Well," they say, but by your side when they , birtakımı them at night ( during the day) said they establish that they are the opposite . He says they were designing the night . Do not mind them . Trust in God . And enough is Allah as a Trustee . 82 - They still think and try to understand what the Qur'an is as it should ? If you do then downloaded by other than Allah they would have found many inconsistencies in it . 83 - They trust or fear when it comes to respect her right yayıverirler news . However, the prophet , and among them it götürselerdi authorized persons , those who can afford them, drawing conclusions , they'd know it . Without the grace and mercy of Allah on you , except that few of you , the devil warned . 84 - (O Muhammad) Fight in the cause of Allah ! You are responsible for what you did , but his own . Encourage the believers in the fighting . Hopefully, God breaks the power of the infidels . No doubt that God is much more powerful force and kudretçe , and is strict in punishment . 85 - Who here is a nice intermediary if it has a share of that business sevabından . If an intermediary who is not a bad thing , it also has a share of that evil . God gives you value for observing everything . 86 - You are greeted with a greeting , when you give it back to him , or a recompense in return the same greeting . Allah is the One Who proper account of all things . 87 - Self is not no god other than Allah , do you bring together the Day of Judgment . There is no doubt about that . Who could be truer than Allah ? 88 - Then , why you 're leaving in two groups of hypocrites ? He earned them upside down because of sin, then returnedto the road would distort God ? He whom Allah astray, you will not find a way out for him . 89 - They have committed blasphemy , as you have the desire to be a curse to process them . For him, until they emigrated to the path of Allah them for friends. Catch and kill them wherever you find if you turn away from it , what a friend of them , nor take them as a helper . 90 - However, do not touch it to those that are found refuge with a people who deal with them . Or what you , nor fight their hearts sığdıramayıp tribes came to you objectively . If Allah had so willed , would have made them haunt you , and they fought with you . If they stay away from you , you savaşmayıp if they offer you peace , Allah has not given you a way against them for . 91 - the other ones will also find a number of that, and make sure you both want to be sure to tribes . Olunuşlarında dive into it upside down every invitation to sedition . If you are çekinmezlerse , catch and kill them wherever you find . Here they have an edict against open to you . 92 - a believer out of error , kill another believer . And whoever kills a believer by mistake , to set free a believing slave , and the deceased's family ( heirs ) must provide a diet that will be delivered . But forgiveness is exempted from the family of the deceased . If you are killed , although a believer in a nation hostile to you , then you must set free a slave killed . If you are a people of the covenant between you killed , killed , the deceased's family , and a believing slave set free diet must provide . The acceptance by God, who can not afford them tevbesinin need to fast for two consecutive months . God , Alim ( Knower of all things ) , the All-Wise ( Wise ) . 93 - Who kills a believer intentionally , penalty will be eternally in hell. God said to him , and his wrath and curse had prepared a great punishment . 94 - O ye who believe ! Jihad in the path of Allah when you exit , to separate the believer thoroughly investigate the disbelievers . Anyone who salute you , taking into consideration the interests of the world 's life , " You 're not a believer say" . There are a lot of trophies in Allah's sight . You will like it when you were first entered Islam . Then God was gracious to you . Search for it thoroughly . Allah is Aware of what you do . 95 - believers who sit without apology to the path of Allah wealth and their lives can not be equal to those of jihad . God , wealth and their lives who fought , extremely As residents made outstanding . Allah has promised them all in heaven . However, the Mujahideen in Allah , has given a great reward on the residents . 96 - fold by degrees their ranks, forgiveness and mercy has given . Indeed, it is very forgiving , Most Merciful . 97 - angels , souls of people who persecuted them when they told them, " What were you here ?" they say. They said: " We kimselerdik weak in the face . " they say. They said: " Allah's earth was not large islam fatwa - Social Mention: The third question of Fatwa no. 6901 Q 3: What is the ruling on studying man-made laws and trying to apply them while acknowledging that the Shari`ah is better and superior? What is the ruling on teaching man-made laws, philosophy, logic, and psychology? It should be noted that these sciences include a great deal of falsehood, such as their questioning the Essence of Allah, His Attributes, Names, Lawfulness and unlawfulness. They also include the study of Communism, Existentialism and Liberalism. What is the ruling on those who teach and learn these subjects? Especially that these subjects are in the general curriculums all over the state and the teachers and students do not study religious knowledge. In fact they are ordinary Muslim people who if (Part No. 12; Page No. 135) exposed to doubts, may doubt religious tenets. If they are advised to leave all that, they would say: What can we do? We obtain our living from it, or we are simply seeking knowledge. A: It is not permissible to study man-made laws to apply them as long as they are against the Shari`ah. However, it is permissible to study them in order to expose that they are inappropriate and deviated from the Truth on one hand, and to manifest the aspects of justice, uprightness and righteousness in Islam and its appropriateness for the interests of mankind. Therefore, it is not permissible for a Muslim to study philosophy, man-made laws and the like if they are unable to distinguish the right from the wrong lest they should deviate from the Straight Path of Allah (Exalted be He). It is permissible for those who are able to study and digest these sciences, of course after studying the Qur'an and Sunnah, to study them with the intention of distinguishing between the right and wrong in them as long as this will not distract them from the more important purpose of the Shari`ah. Accordingly, it should be known that it is not permissible to make these sciences a general field of study in our schools and educational institutions. In fact, they should be studied by qualified specialized Muslims who take it as an Islamic duty to defend the Truth and refute falsehood. May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions. The Permanent Committee for Scholarly Research and Ifta' Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 01:42PM islam fatwa - Social Mention The third question of Fatwa no. 6901 Q 3: What is the ruling on studying man-made laws and trying to apply them while acknowledging that the Shari`ah is better and superior? What is the ruling on teaching man-made laws, philosophy, logic, and psychology? It should be noted that these sciences include a great deal of falsehood, such as their questioning the Essence of Allah, His Attributes, Names, Lawfulness and unlawfulness. They also include the study of Communism, Existentialism and Liberalism. What is the ruling on those who teach and learn these subjects? Especially that these subjects are in the general curriculums all over the state and the teachers and students do not study religious knowledge. In fact they are ordinary Muslim people who if (Part No. 12; Page No. 135) exposed to doubts, may doubt religious tenets. If they are advised to leave all that, they would say: What can we do? We obtain our living from it, or we are simply seeking knowledge. A: It is not permissible to study man-made laws to apply them as long as they are against the Shari`ah. However, it is permissible to study them in order to expose that they are inappropriate and deviated from the Truth on one hand, and to manifest the aspects of justice, uprightness and righteousness in Islam and its appropriateness for the interests of mankind. Therefore, it is not permissible for a Muslim to study philosophy, man-made laws and the like if they are unable to distinguish the right from the wrong lest they should deviate from the Straight Path of Allah (Exalted be He). It is permissible for those who are able to study and digest these sciences, of course after studying the Qur'an and Sunnah, to study them with the intention of distinguishing between the right and wrong in them as long as this will not distract them from the more important purpose of the Shari`ah. Accordingly, it should be known that it is not permissible to make these sciences a general field of study in our schools and educational institutions. In fact, they should be studied by qualified specialized Muslims who take it as an Islamic duty to defend the Truth and refute falsehood. May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions. The Permanent Committee for Scholarly Research and Ifta' Nov 19th 2013, 13:26 You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: takbir - Social Mention: JAMINAN RIZKI & PAHALA PADA SHALAT DHUHA Shalat dhuha merupakan salah satu diantara shalat-shalat sunah yang sangat dianjurkan oleh Rasulullah SAW. Banyak sekali penjelasan hadits yang telah menyebutkan berbagai keutamaan dan keistimewaan shalat Dhuha bagi siapa saja yang melaksanakannya. Berikut ini adalah beberapa hadits Rasulullah Muhammad saw yang menceritakan tentang keutamaan shalat Dhuha, di antaranya: 1. Sedekah bagi seluruh persendian tubuh manusia Dari Abu Dzar al-Ghifari ra, ia berkata bahwa Nabi Muhammad saw bersabda: "Di setiap sendiri seorang dari kamu terdapat sedekah, setiap tasbih (ucapan subhanallah) adalah sedekah, setiap tahmid (ucapan alhamdulillah) adalah sedekah, setiap tahlil (ucapan lailahaillallah) adalah sedekah, setiap takbir adalah sedekah, menyuruh kepada kebaikan adalah sedekah, mencegah dari kemungkaran adalah sedekah. Dan dua rakaat Dhuha diberi pahala" (HR Muslim). 2. Ghanimah (keuntungan) yang besar Dari Abdullah bin `Amr bin `Ash radhiyallahu `anhuma, ia berkata: Rasulullah saw mengirim sebuah pasukan perang. Nabi saw berkata: "Perolehlah keuntungan (ghanimah) dan cepatlah kembali!". Mereka akhirnya saling berbicara tentang dekatnya tujuan (tempat) perang dan banyaknya ghanimah (keuntungan) yang akan diperoleh dan cepat kembali (karena dekat jaraknya). Lalu Rasulullah saw berkata; "Maukah kalian aku tunjukkan kepada tujuan paling dekat dari mereka (musuh yang akan diperangi), paling banyak ghanimah (keuntungan) nya dan cepat kembalinya?" Mereka menjawab; "Ya! Rasul saw berkata lagi: "Barangsiapa yang berwudhu', kemudian masuk ke dalam masjid untuk melakukan shalat Dhuha, dia lah yang paling dekat tujuanannya (tempat perangnya), lebih banyak ghanimahnya dan lebih cepat kembalinya." (Shahih al-Targhib: 666) 3. Sebuah rumah di surga Bagi yang rajin mengerjakan shalat Dhuha, maka ia akan dibangunkan sebuah rumah di dalam surga. Hal ini dijelaskan dalam sebuah hadits Nabi Muahammad saw: "Barangsiapa yang shalat Dhuha sebanyak empat rakaat dan empat rakaat sebelumnya, maka ia akan dibangunkan sebuah rumah di surga." (Shahih al-Jami`: 634) 4. Memeroleh ganjaran di sore hari Dari Abu Darda' ra, ia berkata bahwa Rasulullah saw berkata: Allah SWT berkata: "Wahai anak Adam, shalatlah untuk-Ku empat rakaat dari awal hari, maka Aku akan mencukupi kebutuhanmu (ganjaran) pada sore harinya" (Shahih al-Jami: 4339). Dalam sebuah riwayat juga disebutkan: "Innallaa `azza wa jalla yaqulu: Yabna adama akfnini awwala al-nahar bi'arba`i raka`at ukfika bihinna akhira yaumika" (Sesungguhnya Allah `Azza Wa Jalla berkata: "Wahai anak Adam, cukuplah bagi-Ku empat rakaat di awal hari, maka aku akan mencukupimu di sore harimu"). 5. Pahala Umrah Dari Abu Umamah ra bahwa Rasulullah saw bersabda: "Barang siapa yang keluar dari rumahnya dalam keadaan bersuci untuk melaksanakan shalat wajib, maka pahalanya seperti seorang yang melaksanakan haji. Barang siapa yang keluar untuk melaksanakan shalat Dhuha, maka pahalanya seperti orang yang melaksanakan `umrah…" (Shahih al-Targhib: 673). Dalam sebuah hadits yang lain disebutkan bahwa Nabi saw bersabda: "Barang siapa yang mengerjakan shalat fajar (shubuh) berjamaah, kemudian ia (setelah usai) duduk mengingat Allah hingga terbit matahari, lalu ia shalat dua rakaat (Dhuha), ia mendapatkan pahala seperti pahala haji dan umrah; sempurna, sempurna, sempurna.." (Shahih al-Jami`: 6346). 6. Ampunan Dosa "Siapa pun yang melaksanakan shalat dhuha dengan langgeng, akan diampuni dosanya oleh Allah, sekalipun dosa itu sebanyak buih di lautan." (HR Tirmidzi). Semoga sedikit kutipan mengenai Rahasia dan Keutamaan Shalat Dhuha ini bisa membuat kita lebih giat lagi dalam menjalankan shalat dhuha, dan bagi yang belum melaksanakannya bisa memulai untuk menjalankannya… Aamiin… TOLONG JANGAN DI ABAIKAN..!! --- Semoga Bermanfaat --- Sobat sekarang anda memiliki dua pilihan , 1. Membiarkan sedikit pengetahuan ini hanya dibaca disini 2. Membagikan pengetahuan ini kesemua teman facebookmu , Insyallah bermanfaat dan akan menjadi pahala bagimu Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 11:29PM takbir - Social Mention JAMINAN RIZKI & PAHALA PADA SHALAT DHUHA Shalat dhuha merupakan salah satu diantara shalat-shalat sunah yang sangat dianjurkan oleh Rasulullah SAW. Banyak sekali penjelasan hadits yang telah menyebutkan berbagai keutamaan dan keistimewaan shalat Dhuha bagi siapa saja yang melaksanakannya. Berikut ini adalah beberapa hadits Rasulullah Muhammad saw yang menceritakan tentang keutamaan shalat Dhuha, di antaranya: 1. Sedekah bagi seluruh persendian tubuh manusia Dari Abu Dzar al-Ghifari ra, ia berkata bahwa Nabi Muhammad saw bersabda: "Di setiap sendiri seorang dari kamu terdapat sedekah, setiap tasbih (ucapan subhanallah) adalah sedekah, setiap tahmid (ucapan alhamdulillah) adalah sedekah, setiap tahlil (ucapan lailahaillallah) adalah sedekah, setiap takbir adalah sedekah, menyuruh kepada kebaikan adalah sedekah, mencegah dari kemungkaran adalah sedekah. Dan dua rakaat Dhuha diberi pahala" (HR Muslim). 2. Ghanimah (keuntungan) yang besar Dari Abdullah bin `Amr bin `Ash radhiyallahu `anhuma, ia berkata: Rasulullah saw mengirim sebuah pasukan perang. Nabi saw berkata: "Perolehlah keuntungan (ghanimah) dan cepatlah kembali!". Mereka akhirnya saling berbicara tentang dekatnya tujuan (tempat) perang dan banyaknya ghanimah (keuntungan) yang akan diperoleh dan cepat kembali (karena dekat jaraknya). Lalu Rasulullah saw berkata; "Maukah kalian aku tunjukkan kepada tujuan paling dekat dari mereka (musuh yang akan diperangi), paling banyak ghanimah (keuntungan) nya dan cepat kembalinya?" Mereka menjawab; "Ya! Rasul saw berkata lagi: "Barangsiapa yang berwudhu', kemudian masuk ke dalam masjid untuk melakukan shalat Dhuha, dia lah yang paling dekat tujuanannya (tempat perangnya), lebih banyak ghanimahnya dan lebih cepat kembalinya." (Shahih al-Targhib: 666) 3. Sebuah rumah di surga Bagi yang rajin mengerjakan shalat Dhuha, maka ia akan dibangunkan sebuah rumah di dalam surga. Hal ini dijelaskan dalam sebuah hadits Nabi Muahammad saw: "Barangsiapa yang shalat Dhuha sebanyak empat rakaat dan empat rakaat sebelumnya, maka ia akan dibangunkan sebuah rumah di surga." (Shahih al-Jami`: 634) 4. Memeroleh ganjaran di sore hari Dari Abu Darda' ra, ia berkata bahwa Rasulullah saw berkata: Allah SWT berkata: "Wahai anak Adam, shalatlah untuk-Ku empat rakaat dari awal hari, maka Aku akan mencukupi kebutuhanmu (ganjaran) pada sore harinya" (Shahih al-Jami: 4339). Dalam sebuah riwayat juga disebutkan: "Innallaa `azza wa jalla yaqulu: Yabna adama akfnini awwala al-nahar bi'arba`i raka`at ukfika bihinna akhira yaumika" (Sesungguhnya Allah `Azza Wa Jalla berkata: "Wahai anak Adam, cukuplah bagi-Ku empat rakaat di awal hari, maka aku akan mencukupimu di sore harimu"). 5. Pahala Umrah Dari Abu Umamah ra bahwa Rasulullah saw bersabda: "Barang siapa yang keluar dari rumahnya dalam keadaan bersuci untuk melaksanakan shalat wajib, maka pahalanya seperti seorang yang melaksanakan haji. Barang siapa yang keluar untuk melaksanakan shalat Dhuha, maka pahalanya seperti orang yang melaksanakan `umrah…" (Shahih al-Targhib: 673). Dalam sebuah hadits yang lain disebutkan bahwa Nabi saw bersabda: "Barang siapa yang mengerjakan shalat fajar (shubuh) berjamaah, kemudian ia (setelah usai) duduk mengingat Allah hingga terbit matahari, lalu ia shalat dua rakaat (Dhuha), ia mendapatkan pahala seperti pahala haji dan umrah; sempurna, sempurna, sempurna.." (Shahih al-Jami`: 6346). 6. Ampunan Dosa "Siapa pun yang melaksanakan shalat dhuha dengan langgeng, akan diampuni dosanya oleh Allah, sekalipun dosa itu sebanyak buih di lautan." (HR Tirmidzi). Semoga sedikit kutipan mengenai Rahasia dan Keutamaan Shalat Dhuha ini bisa membuat kita lebih giat lagi dalam menjalankan shalat dhuha, dan bagi yang belum melaksanakannya bisa memulai untuk menjalankannya… Aamiin… TOLONG JANGAN DI ABAIKAN..!! --- Semoga Bermanfaat --- Sobat sekarang anda memiliki dua pilihan , 1. Membiarkan sedikit pengetahuan ini hanya dibaca disini 2. Membagikan pengetahuan ini kesemua teman facebookmu , Insyallah bermanfaat dan akan menjadi pahala bagimu Nov 20th 2013, 23:29 You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 02:57PM { A L L A H } SΘLL UNS Hєlal FÜRЄiiNANDER SCHRЄiiBЄN <'3s Facebook-Pinnwand { A L L A H } SΘLL UNS Hєlal FÜRЄiiNANDER SCHRЄiiBЄN Eine Likerin fragt euch, was sie zum Hennaabend und zur Hochzeit ihrer älteren S... Nov 21st 2013, 14:29 Eine Likerin fragt euch, was sie zum Hennaabend und zur Hochzeit ihrer älteren Schwester schenken kann. Sie möchte etwas grosses und einzigartiges. Aber ihr fällt nichts ein. Sie würde sich freuen wenn ihr inshaAllah Vorschläge habt und die in die kommentare schreibt. Worüber würdet ihr euch freuen? You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: -- Sie erhalten diese Nachricht, weil Sie Mitglied der Google Groups-Gruppe "News2" sind. Um Ihr Abonnement für diese Gruppe zu beenden und keine E-Mails mehr von dieser Gruppe zu erhalten, senden Sie eine E-Mail an Weitere Optionen: | Benachrichtigung für - 25 Nachrichten in 25 Themen Gruppe: - jihad - Social Mention: 150 MILLION ISLALMIC SHARIA FOLLOWERS TO AMERICA BY 2018 IN AMNESTY BILL Posted on November 16, 2013 by retireddon jihad_encoreIt is estimated that there are 1.5 Billion Muslims world-wide. Of those, 33% are radical Jihad followers and 75% follow Sharia Law. Well, the new Amnesty bill being shoved through congress and shared 1000 times on has a back door to turn the United States into a Muslim country. Amnesty is not about the 13 million or so Hispanics in this country illegally as you are lead to believe. It is a back door calling for 150 million Muslims to be brought to the US by 2018. Just when you think that the Amnesty Bill should be killed, it takes a life of its own. The bill is not Amnesty. Even the liberal CNN states quite bluntly that the bill is not amnesty. It does give away more jobs, your medical care, your taxes, your social security, your schools, and your scholarships to individuals that are not born in this country and are here illegally. Not only that, but it also ups the amount of fast track applications from countries like Afghanistan. Do you still think it is about Amnesty? Let's take a look at some hard facts. Some people may not know it, but in 2010, President Barack H. Obama signed into law through executive order a fast track policy to immigrants from Islamic countries. If you are from any Muslim country, you can become a US citizen in as little as 10 weeks. No ID, no deceleration of fealty to the Constitution. 1500 a year from Afghanistan is nearly 3 times that in the Amnesty bill. It includes not only women and children, but the men that practice Sharia law. Nearly 10 times that amount are being allowed in from Saudi Arabia. In fact there is even evidence that the bill had help being written by the Muslim Brotherhood. That makes you feel special. Don't think the Republican supporters are innocent either. Senator John McCain put earmarks in the bill. Colorado Senators have an earmark to hire illegal ski instructors. Senator Marco Rubio wants 11,000 people who can build cruise ships. Senator Lindsey Graham wants 22,000 Halal trained meat package workers imported. In fact he inserted 22,000 cutters and trimmers to get extra visas. Lovely when we have a constant rate of only 48% of Americans working. It's sickening and frightening, but no wonder that it passed the Senate (during the shutdown mind you, when they wouldn't touch the budget) 67 to 33 and are spending countless millions to shove it down your throats like Obamacare before the election. Even the union bosses are griping about this bill. We have countless millions living in the country illegally with no desire to become citizens legally. We have holes in Obamacare making it easy to obtain a waiver if you are Muslim. We have free healthcare to non-citizens tucked in the Obamacare bill. This piece of legislation could kill the United States. Posted on 13 Nov 13 by Tom Fernandez [1 Aktualisierung]
- mujahid - Social Mention: Well done to my boy Mujahid for receiving a diploma for maths. Daddy very proud of you. [1 Aktualisierung]
- dschihad - Social Mention: Der deutsche Bevölkerungsaustausch - Daten und Fakten einer Katastrophe [1 Aktualisierung]
- bushido - Social Mention: Bushido beste rapper fuck off tha rest #lebenundtoddeskennethglöckler [1 Aktualisierung]
- mujahid - Social Mention: ALLAH menguji keikhlasan dalam kesendirian ALLAH memberi kedewasaan ketika masalah berdatangan ALLAH melatih ketegaran dalam kesakitan Pantang bagi mujahid untuk berputus asa SEMANGAT bro !!! yossshhhh (!) [1 Aktualisierung]
- khilafah - Social Mention: "Permulaan agama kalian adlh kenabian & rahmat, kemudian Khilafah yg mngikuti Metode Kenabian.. kemudian akan kmbali lagi Khilafah yg sesuai dgn metode kenabian". Dlm hadits ini trdpt kabar gmbira, bhwa Khilafah akn kmbali lg atas izin Allah. Tetapi, Khilafah tsb akan kmbali sprti khilafah yg pertama, yaitu kekhilafahan para Khalifah yg m'dpt ptnjuk, para shbat Rasulullah Saw. Maka, siapa yg berjuang n berambsi mngembalikannya, dan Rindu utk melihatnya, hndaklah dia melangkahkan langkahnya kesana, disrtai kykinan, agr dia bsa sprti para shbat Rasulullah atau org2 sprti mrka. #Pilar2 Pengokoh Nafaiyah Islamiyah [1 Aktualisierung]
- ثورة شباب تحرير سورياs Facebook-Pinnwand: من جديد ...قناة العبرية ( "العربية" ) تحاول الإفساد وزرع الفتنة بين الثوار .. [1 Aktualisierung]
- Anti - Baschar al Assads Facebook-Pinnwand: Amin [1 Aktualisierung]
- islam fatwa - Social Mention: Apakah Mayit bisa Mendengar Seruan Manusia ?? Lajnah Daimah Lil Buhuts Al-Ilmiah Wal Ifta ditanya : Apakah para wali yang shalih mendengar panggilan orang-orang yang memanggilnya ?? Apa makna sabda Nabi Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam : "Demi Allah sesungguhnya orang yang telah meninggal dari kalian (di dalam kuburnya) mendengar bunyi langkah terompah kalian" Mohon penjelasan.. ___________ Jawaban : Pada dasarnya bahwa orang yang telah meninggal dunia baik yang shalih atau yang tidak shalih, mereka tidak mendengar perkataan manusia, sebagaimana firman Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala : "Jika kamu menyeru mereka, mereka tiada mendengar seruanmu ; dan kalau mereka mendengar, mereka tidak dapat memperkenankan permintaanmu. Dan di hari kiamat mereka akan mengingkari kemusyrikanmu dan tidak ada yang dapat memberikan keterangan kepadamu sebagaimana yang diberikan oleh Yang maha Mengetahui". [QS. Fathir : 14] Begitu juga firmanNya Subhanahu wa Ta'ala : "Dan kamu sekali-kali tiada sanggup menjadikan orang yang di dalam kubur dapat mendengar" [Fathir : 22] Akan tetapi terkadang Allah memperdengarkan kepada mayit suara dari salah satu RasulNya untuk suatu hikmah tertentu, seperti Allah memperdengarkan suara Rasulullah Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam kepada orang-orang kafir yang terbunuh di perang Badar, sebagai penghinaan dan penistaan untuk mereka, dan kemuliaan untuk Rasulullah Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam. Sampai-sampai Nabi Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam mengatakan kepada para sahabatnya ketika sebagian mereka mengingkari hal tersebut. "Tidaklah kalian lebih mendengar apa yang aku katakan daripada mereka, akan tetapi mereka tidak mampu menjawab".[Hadits Riwayat Ahmad dan ini lafalnya- (I/27 : III/104, 182, 263 dan 287), Bukhari II/101 dan Nasa-i IV/110] Lihat pembahasan ini di kitab An-Nubuwat, kitab At-Tawassul Wa-al-Wasilah dan kitab Al-Furqan, seluruhnya karya Syaikhul Islam Ibnu Taimiyah. Maka kitab-kitab tersebut cukup memadai dalam mengupas pembahasan ini. Adapun mayat yang mendengar suara langkah orang yang mengantarnya (ketika berjalan meninggalkan kuburnya) setelah dia dikubur, maka itu adalah pendengaran khusus yang ditetapkan oleh nash (dalil), dan tidak lebih dari itu (tidak lebih dari sekedar mendengar suara terompah mereka), karena hal itu diperkecualikan dari dalil-dalil yang umum yang menunjukkan bahwa orang yang meninggal tidak bisa mendengar (suara orang yang masih hidup), sebagaimana yang telah lalu.. Shalawat dan salam semoga tercurah atas Nabi kita Muhammad Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam, keluarganya, dan sahabat-shabatnya. [Fatawa Li Al- Lajnah Ad-Da'imah I/151-152 dari Fatwa no. 7366 Di susun oleh Syaikh Ahmad Abdurrazzak Ad-Duwaisy, Darul Asimah Riyadh. Di salin ulang dari Majalah Fatawa edisi 7/I/ 1424H] __________ Jadi.. Jelaslah sudah bahwa mayit tak bisa mendengar para penyerunya.. Lantas.. Bagaimana mereka yang bertawassul pada penghuni kuburan ??? Darimana keyakinan bahwa permintaan mereka akan sampai, sedangkan mayit yang dijadikan PERANTARA saja tak bisa mendengar permintaan mereka ??? Andaikan bisa mendengar pun, mereka tak bisa berbuat apa apa.. _______________ - Seandainya orang yang telah mati dapat dipanggil (diseru), maka panggillah arwah para Nabi dan semua para syuhada serta panglima-panglima perang Islam yang telah wafat untuk datang membantu menumpas orang-orang Yahudi dan Nasrani atau kaum kafirin yang lain, dan buatlah angkatan perang 'Ghaib'. - Seandainya orang yang sudah wafat bisa membantu, maka pastilah arwah orang tua kita yang sudah meninggal akan membantu kita dalam kesulitan mereka pasti akan berusaha sekuat tenaga keluar dari alam barzakh, dan tidaklah mungkin mereka tega melihat anak cucunya menderita.. Apakah bisa ?????? ________________ Maka benarlah jika dikatakan bahwa amalan tanpa tuntunan dari Rasulullah adalah hal yang sia sia.. Sudah berletih dan susah payah namun tak ada manfaatnya, jangankan pahala, bahkan justru menyebabkan siksa dan celaka.. Ibnul Qoyyim rahimahullah (dalam al Fawaid) berkata : Amalan tanpa mengikuti tuntunan Nabi shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam bagaikan seorang musafir yang membawa bekal berisi pasir. Bekal tersebut hanya MEMBERATKAN, namun tidak membawa manfaat apa-apa.. _____________ Bagi yang masih gemar menyeru mayit/kuburan dan menjadikannya sebagai peratara permintaan, maka camkan baik-baik peringatan dari Allaah subhanahu wa ta'ala : In tad'uuhum laayasma'uu du'aa-akum walaw sami'uu maaistajaabuu lakum wayawma lqiyaamati yakfuruuna bisyirkikum walaayunabbi-uka mitslu khabiir " Jika kamu menyeru mereka, mereka tiada mendengar seruanmu ; dan kalau mereka mendengar, mereka tidak dapat memperkenankan permintaanmu. Dan dihari kiamat mereka akan mengingkari kemusyirikanmu dan tidak ada yang dapat memberi keterangan kepadamu sebagai yang diberikan oleh Yang Maha Mengetahui " [QS. Fathir : 14] Semoga Allaah memberikan petunjuk pada kita semua.. [1 Aktualisierung]
- bushido - Social Mention: Leute gömmer jez alli go schlafe, ganz facebook eifach keine me online, mir mönd morn alli fit sie, ned für schuel oder schaffe sondern für de diss vo bushido [1 Aktualisierung]
- - إسلام إينوs Facebook-Pinnwand: [1 Aktualisierung]
- tauhid - Social Mention: >>> Kemarin seharian meneliti budaya sunda. sunda definisi menurut bahasa adalah bagus atau baik. yang sering di gambarkan para ulama ketika itu : Baik Tauhid dan pemahaman agamanya, baik budi pekertinya, baik alamnya, Sunda sangat kental dengan kasih sayang dan sunda sangat terkenal dengan gotong royong, hayu atuh ka sadayana urang kembali ka fitrah anu sejati,,teu aya deui pangumpatan, teu aya deui karusakan, alam enda nu merenah ulah nepi ka punah ku urang kudu di pusti supaya tetep asri lestari,,, [1 Aktualisierung]
- Weisheitsperlens Facebook-Pinnwand: [1 Aktualisierung]
- MJK (Muslimische Jugend Kehl)s Facebook-Pinnwand: Das Leben fragte den Tod :Warum lieben mich die Menschen während sie dich hass... [1 Aktualisierung]
- islam fatwa - Social Mention: Ikut Madzhab Ataukah Ikut Al-Qur'an dan Sunnah? Reply Apa Kata Ustadz, Fiqih, Madzhab Apa Kata Ustadz? Tanya Jawab Bersama Ustadz Novel Muhammad Alaydrus (Pengasuh Majelis Ta'lim dan Dzikir Arraudhah, Solo) Tanya: Kenapa kebanyakan umat Islam dalam beribadah memakai madzhab Imam Syafi'i, Maliki, Hanafi atau Hambali, bukankah yang benar adalah yang mengikuti Al-Qur'an dan Sunnah (Hadits)? Kenapa tidak kembali kepada Al-Qur'an dan Sunnah saja? Jawab: Sebuah pertanyaan yang menarik, mengapa kita harus bermadzhab? Mengapa kita tidak kembali kepada Al-Qur'an dan Sunnah saja? Kalimat "Mengapa kita tidak kembali kepada Al-Qur'an dan Sunnah saja?" seakan-akan menghakimi bahwa orang yang bermadzhab itu tidak kembali kepada Al-Qur'an dan Sunnah. Penggunaan kalimat "Mengapa kita tidak kembali kepada Al-Qur'an dan Sunnah saja?" tersebut telah menyebabkan sebagian orang memandang remeh ijtihad dan keilmuan para ulama, terutama ulama terdahulu yang sangat dikenal kesalehan dan keluasan ilmunya. Dengan menggunakan kalimat "Mengapa kita tidak kembali kepada Al-Qur'an dan Sunnah saja?" sekelompok orang sebenarnya sedang berusaha mengajak pendengar dan pembaca tulisannya untuk mengikuti cara berpikirnya, metodenya dalam memahami Al-Qur'an dan Sunnah, serta menganggap bahwa dirinyalah yang paling benar, karena ia telah berpegang kepada Al Qur'an dan Sunnah, bukan fatwa atau pendapat para ulama. Hal semacam ini tentunya sangat berbahaya. Sebenarnya sungguh aneh jika seseorang menyatakan agar kita tidak bermadzhab dan seharusnya kembali kepada Al Qur'an dan Sunnah. Mengapa aneh, coba perhatikan, apakah dengan mengikuti suatu madzhab berarti tidak mengikuti Al Qur'an dan Sunnah? Madzhab mana yang tidak kembali kepada Al Qur'an dan Sunnah? Justru para pemuka madzhab tersebut adalah orang-orang yang sangat paham tentang Al Qur'an dan Sunnah. Coba dicek, hasil ijtihad yang mana dalam suatu madzhab, yang tidak kembali kepada Al Qur'an dan Al Hadits? Ternyata semua hasil ijtihad keempat madzhab yang populer di dalam Islam semuanya bersumber kepada Al Qur'an dan Hadits. Artinya dengan bermadzhab kita justru sedang kembali kepada Al Qur'an dan Hadits dengan cara yang benar, yaitu mengikuti ulama yang dikenal keluasan ilmu dan kesalehannya. Akhir-akhir ini memang muncul sekelompok orang yang sangat fanatik dengan golongannya dan secara sistematis berupaya mengajak umat Islam meninggalkan madzhab. Mereka seringkali berkata, "Kembalilah kepada Alquran dan Sunnah". Ajakan ini sepintas tampak benar, akan tetapi sangat berbahaya, karena secara tidak langsung mereka menggunakan kalimat (propaganda) di atas untuk menjauhkan umat dari meyakini pendapat para ulama terdahulu yang telah mumpuni. Mereka memaksakan agar kita semua hanya mengikuti pendapat gurunya. Kemudian perhatikan lebih cermat lagi, apakah mereka yang menyatakan kembali kepada Al Qur'an dan Sunnah benar- benar langsung kembali kepada Al Qur'an dan Sunnah? Tidak bukan, mereka ternyata menyampaikan pendapat guru- gurunya. Artinya, mereka sendiri sedang membuat madzhab baru sesuai pemikiran guru-gurunya. Coba bayangkan, andai saja setiap orang kembali kepada Al Qur'an dan Sunnah secara langsung, tanpa bertanya kepada pakarnya, apa yang akan terjadi? Yang terjadi adalah setiap orang akan menafsirkan Al Qur'an dan Sunnah menurut akalnya sendiri, jalan pikirnya sendiri, sehingga akan sangat berbahaya. Oleh karena itu, kita harus bermadzhab, agar kita tidak salah memahami Al Qur'an dan Sunnah. Kita sadar, tingkat keilmuan para pakar yang ada di masa ini tidak dapat disamakan dengan para ulama terdahulu, begitu pula tingkat ibadah dan kesalehan mereka. Sumber: Buku Umat Bertanya, Ulama Menjawab 1 , Novel Muhammad Alaydrus, Penerbit: Taman Ilmu Redaktur: Abu Umar/Suara-Muslim [1 Aktualisierung]
- mujahid - Social Mention: Mujahid Mujahid [1 Aktualisierung]
- mujahid - Social Mention: Dewan Rakyat 21 Nov 2013: Soalan No. 2. Dato' Dr. Mujahid Yusof Rawa [ Parit Buntar ] minta MENTERI TENAGA, TEKNOLOGI HIJAU DAN AIR menyatakan insentif bagi mewujudkan bangunan hijau di premis-premis perniagaan. LIVE melalui [1 Aktualisierung]
- Abu Bilal - Social Mention: ALLAH Hum Sabko, Hazrat Ali Ki Himmat, Hazrat Umar Ki Taqat, Hazrat Usman Ki Doulat, Hazrat Abu Bakkar Ki Sadaqat, Hazrat Sulema...n Ki Saltanat, Hazrat Yousaf Ki Khubsurti, Hazrat Bilal Ki Awaz Or Hazrat Muhammad (Salallaho.Alahe.Wasallim) Ki CHAHAT or akhlaq Naseeb Farmaye [1 Aktualisierung]
- bushido - Social Mention: [1 Aktualisierung]
- sharia - Social Mention: I TRANSLATED IT ON THE PAGE..................Attacks on Christians in Nigeria have continued with increased brutality. The terrifying attack Islamists 50 Christians burned alive. As communicated to the media, were killed over a hundred people in the attacks on 12 villages in Nigeria's Plateau State. Responsibility for the attacks resumed Islamist terrorist group Boko Haram. As confirmed by several news agencies, 50 Christians, members of the Church of Christ, in the village after the attack MASEHE sought refuge in the house of their pastor, where they burned alive. "Fifty members of the church were killed in a church building, where they hid. They were killed along with the pastor's wife and children, "said Dakholom dating, minister and Vice President of the Church of Christ in Nigeria. "Nigeria is becoming a new scaffold Christians. Boko Haram have been brutally killed hundreds of Christians, including women and children, "said Jerry Dajkst, by an American aid organization persecuted Christians" Open Door "(Open Doors)," Their goal is to rule the entire Nigerian Sharia law. " Some Nigerian officials believe that members of the Muslim Fulani tribe, which inhabited the country Plato, helping Boko Haram-in in the persecution of Christians and establishing Islamic domination in the country. "I do not believe that Boko Haram, out of nowhere, they attack those villages. They could not do it without local support and assistance, "said the Nigerian judicial advisor Innocent Čukuvuma. The citizens of Nigeria have criticized the passivity of the government and called for more commitment in the fight against terrorist Boko Haram's. Ajo Pastor Oritsejafor, president of the Christian Association of Nigeria, has urged the Foreign Affairs Committee House of Representatives of the United States to officially declare Boko Haram terrorist organization against which we must fight in an international level. "In Nigeria, there are certain Muslim extremists who believe that Nigeria should be an Islamic state, Boko Haram is the body that led the group of people. Nigeria is divided into two majority religion, Christianity and Islam, it is not possible to Islamize Nigeria, "said the pastor. [1 Aktualisierung]
- Masallah - Social Mention: yanımdaki saçı sakala karışmış onbaşı'ya kaç beğeni gelir :) ( :) ) canım kardeşim fuat akın [1 Aktualisierung]
- domeus - Neues von Abu AL-Hussain - Sûra 15 Al-Hiǧr (Die Auswanderung) [1 Aktualisierung]
- dawa - Social Mention: wismah d arani bokis.musang br bulu domba.pendusta.kebo pula.emang laka baguse ko mah gir ning matane kweh uong.d anggap apa ch.ari bli glm ea uis lepehna. [1 Aktualisierung]
- killuminati - Social Mention: Fema camps=concentration camps, freemason symbol on side of truck. Aka holocaust all over again.. #KILLUMINATI [1 Aktualisierung]
- sharia - Social Mention: Bangladesh: Genocide Now, Taliban Soon [1 Aktualisierung]
jihad - Social Mention: 150 MILLION ISLALMIC SHARIA FOLLOWERS TO AMERICA BY 2018 IN AMNESTY BILL Posted on November 16, 2013 by retireddon jihad_encoreIt is estimated that there are 1.5 Billion Muslims world-wide. Of those, 33% are radical Jihad followers and 75% follow Sharia Law. Well, the new Amnesty bill being shoved through congress and shared 1000 times on has a back door to turn the United States into a Muslim country. Amnesty is not about the 13 million or so Hispanics in this country illegally as you are lead to believe. It is a back door calling for 150 million Muslims to be brought to the US by 2018. Just when you think that the Amnesty Bill should be killed, it takes a life of its own. The bill is not Amnesty. Even the liberal CNN states quite bluntly that the bill is not amnesty. It does give away more jobs, your medical care, your taxes, your social security, your schools, and your scholarships to individuals that are not born in this country and are here illegally. Not only that, but it also ups the amount of fast track applications from countries like Afghanistan. Do you still think it is about Amnesty? Let's take a look at some hard facts. Some people may not know it, but in 2010, President Barack H. Obama signed into law through executive order a fast track policy to immigrants from Islamic countries. If you are from any Muslim country, you can become a US citizen in as little as 10 weeks. No ID, no deceleration of fealty to the Constitution. 1500 a year from Afghanistan is nearly 3 times that in the Amnesty bill. It includes not only women and children, but the men that practice Sharia law. Nearly 10 times that amount are being allowed in from Saudi Arabia. In fact there is even evidence that the bill had help being written by the Muslim Brotherhood. That makes you feel special. Don't think the Republican supporters are innocent either. Senator John McCain put earmarks in the bill. Colorado Senators have an earmark to hire illegal ski instructors. Senator Marco Rubio wants 11,000 people who can build cruise ships. Senator Lindsey Graham wants 22,000 Halal trained meat package workers imported. In fact he inserted 22,000 cutters and trimmers to get extra visas. Lovely when we have a constant rate of only 48% of Americans working. It's sickening and frightening, but no wonder that it passed the Senate (during the shutdown mind you, when they wouldn't touch the budget) 67 to 33 and are spending countless millions to shove it down your throats like Obamacare before the election. Even the union bosses are griping about this bill. We have countless millions living in the country illegally with no desire to become citizens legally. We have holes in Obamacare making it easy to obtain a waiver if you are Muslim. We have free healthcare to non-citizens tucked in the Obamacare bill. This piece of legislation could kill the United States. Posted on 13 Nov 13 by Tom Fernandez Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 08:04PM jihad - Social Mention 150 MILLION ISLALMIC SHARIA FOLLOWERS TO AMERICA BY 2018 IN AMNESTY BILL Posted on November 16, 2013 by retireddon jihad_encoreIt is estimated that there are 1.5 Billion Muslims world-wide. Of those, 33% are radical Jihad followers and 75% follow Sharia Law. Well, the new Amnesty bill being shoved through congress and shared 1000 times on has a back door to turn the United States into a Muslim country. Amnesty is not about the 13 million or so Hispanics in this country illegally as you are lead to believe. It is a back door calling for 150 million Muslims to be brought to the US by 2018. Just when you think that the Amnesty Bill should be killed, it takes a life of its own. The bill is not Amnesty. Even the liberal CNN states quite bluntly that the bill is not amnesty. It does give away more jobs, your medical care, your taxes, your social security, your schools, and your scholarships to individuals that are not born in this country and are here illegally. Not only that, but it also ups the amount of fast track applications from countries like Afghanistan. Do you still think it is about Amnesty? Let's take a look at some hard facts. Some people may not know it, but in 2010, President Barack H. Obama signed into law through executive order a fast track policy to immigrants from Islamic countries. If you are from any Muslim country, you can become a US citizen in as little as 10 weeks. No ID, no deceleration of fealty to the Constitution. 1500 a year from Afghanistan is nearly 3 times that in the Amnesty bill. It includes not only women and children, but the men that practice Sharia law. Nearly 10 times that amount are being allowed in from Saudi Arabia. In fact there is even evidence that the bill had help being written by the Muslim Brotherhood. That makes you feel special. Don't think the Republican supporters are innocent either. Senator John McCain put earmarks in the bill. Colorado Senators have an earmark to hire illegal ski instructors. Senator Marco Rubio wants 11,000 people who can build cruise ships. Senator Lindsey Graham wants 22,000 Halal trained meat package workers imported. In fact he inserted 22,000 cutters and trimmers to get extra visas. Lovely when we have a constant rate of only 48% of Americans working. It's sickening and frightening, but no wonder that it passed the Senate (during the shutdown mind you, when they wouldn't touch the budget) 67 to 33 and are spending countless millions to shove it down your throats like Obamacare before the election. Even the union bosses are griping about this bill. We have countless millions living in the country illegally with no desire to become citizens legally. We have holes in Obamacare making it easy to obtain a waiver if you are Muslim. We have free healthcare to non-citizens tucked in the Obamacare bill. This piece of legislation could kill the United States. Posted on 13 Nov 13 by Tom Fernandez Nov 20th 2013, 19:57 You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: khilafah - Social Mention: "Permulaan agama kalian adlh kenabian & rahmat, kemudian Khilafah yg mngikuti Metode Kenabian.. kemudian akan kmbali lagi Khilafah yg sesuai dgn metode kenabian". Dlm hadits ini trdpt kabar gmbira, bhwa Khilafah akn kmbali lg atas izin Allah. Tetapi, Khilafah tsb akan kmbali sprti khilafah yg pertama, yaitu kekhilafahan para Khalifah yg m'dpt ptnjuk, para shbat Rasulullah Saw. Maka, siapa yg berjuang n berambsi mngembalikannya, dan Rindu utk melihatnya, hndaklah dia melangkahkan langkahnya kesana, disrtai kykinan, agr dia bsa sprti para shbat Rasulullah atau org2 sprti mrka. #Pilar2 Pengokoh Nafaiyah Islamiyah Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 11:51PM khilafah - Social Mention "Permulaan agama kalian adlh kenabian & rahmat, kemudian Khilafah yg mngikuti Metode Kenabian.. kemudian akan kmbali lagi Khilafah yg sesuai dgn metode kenabian". Dlm hadits ini trdpt kabar gmbira, bhwa Khilafah akn kmbali lg atas izin Allah. Tetapi, Khilafah tsb akan kmbali sprti khilafah yg pertama, yaitu kekhilafahan para Khalifah yg m'dpt ptnjuk, para shbat Rasulullah Saw. Maka, siapa yg berjuang n berambsi mngembalikannya, dan Rindu utk melihatnya, hndaklah dia melangkahkan langkahnya kesana, disrtai kykinan, agr dia bsa sprti para shbat Rasulullah atau org2 sprti mrka. #Pilar2 Pengokoh Nafaiyah Islamiyah Nov 20th 2013, 23:15 You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: Blogtrottr <> Nov 22 07:12AM ثورة شباب تحرير سورياs Facebook-Pinnwand ثورة شباب تحرير سورياs Facebook-Pinnwand من جديد ...قناة العبرية ( "العربية" ) تحاول الإفساد وزرع الفتنة بين الثوار .. Nov 22nd 2013, 06:40 من جديد ...قناة العبرية ( "العربية" ) تحاول الإفساد وزرع الفتنة بين الثوار .. جماعة "قاعدية" تستولي على بلدة سورية على حدود تركيا ذكر نشطاء أن جماعة تابعة لتنظيم القاعدة استولت على بلدة في شمال سوريا على الحدود مع تركيا بعد أن طرد You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: islam fatwa - Social Mention: Apakah Mayit bisa Mendengar Seruan Manusia ?? Lajnah Daimah Lil Buhuts Al-Ilmiah Wal Ifta ditanya : Apakah para wali yang shalih mendengar panggilan orang-orang yang memanggilnya ?? Apa makna sabda Nabi Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam : "Demi Allah sesungguhnya orang yang telah meninggal dari kalian (di dalam kuburnya) mendengar bunyi langkah terompah kalian" Mohon penjelasan.. ___________ Jawaban : Pada dasarnya bahwa orang yang telah meninggal dunia baik yang shalih atau yang tidak shalih, mereka tidak mendengar perkataan manusia, sebagaimana firman Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala : "Jika kamu menyeru mereka, mereka tiada mendengar seruanmu ; dan kalau mereka mendengar, mereka tidak dapat memperkenankan permintaanmu. Dan di hari kiamat mereka akan mengingkari kemusyrikanmu dan tidak ada yang dapat memberikan keterangan kepadamu sebagaimana yang diberikan oleh Yang maha Mengetahui". [QS. Fathir : 14] Begitu juga firmanNya Subhanahu wa Ta'ala : "Dan kamu sekali-kali tiada sanggup menjadikan orang yang di dalam kubur dapat mendengar" [Fathir : 22] Akan tetapi terkadang Allah memperdengarkan kepada mayit suara dari salah satu RasulNya untuk suatu hikmah tertentu, seperti Allah memperdengarkan suara Rasulullah Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam kepada orang-orang kafir yang terbunuh di perang Badar, sebagai penghinaan dan penistaan untuk mereka, dan kemuliaan untuk Rasulullah Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam. Sampai-sampai Nabi Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam mengatakan kepada para sahabatnya ketika sebagian mereka mengingkari hal tersebut. "Tidaklah kalian lebih mendengar apa yang aku katakan daripada mereka, akan tetapi mereka tidak mampu menjawab".[Hadits Riwayat Ahmad dan ini lafalnya- (I/27 : III/104, 182, 263 dan 287), Bukhari II/101 dan Nasa-i IV/110] Lihat pembahasan ini di kitab An-Nubuwat, kitab At-Tawassul Wa-al-Wasilah dan kitab Al-Furqan, seluruhnya karya Syaikhul Islam Ibnu Taimiyah. Maka kitab-kitab tersebut cukup memadai dalam mengupas pembahasan ini. Adapun mayat yang mendengar suara langkah orang yang mengantarnya (ketika berjalan meninggalkan kuburnya) setelah dia dikubur, maka itu adalah pendengaran khusus yang ditetapkan oleh nash (dalil), dan tidak lebih dari itu (tidak lebih dari sekedar mendengar suara terompah mereka), karena hal itu diperkecualikan dari dalil-dalil yang umum yang menunjukkan bahwa orang yang meninggal tidak bisa mendengar (suara orang yang masih hidup), sebagaimana yang telah lalu.. Shalawat dan salam semoga tercurah atas Nabi kita Muhammad Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam, keluarganya, dan sahabat-shabatnya. [Fatawa Li Al- Lajnah Ad-Da'imah I/151-152 dari Fatwa no. 7366 Di susun oleh Syaikh Ahmad Abdurrazzak Ad-Duwaisy, Darul Asimah Riyadh. Di salin ulang dari Majalah Fatawa edisi 7/I/ 1424H] __________ Jadi.. Jelaslah sudah bahwa mayit tak bisa mendengar para penyerunya.. Lantas.. Bagaimana mereka yang bertawassul pada penghuni kuburan ??? Darimana keyakinan bahwa permintaan mereka akan sampai, sedangkan mayit yang dijadikan PERANTARA saja tak bisa mendengar permintaan mereka ??? Andaikan bisa mendengar pun, mereka tak bisa berbuat apa apa.. _______________ - Seandainya orang yang telah mati dapat dipanggil (diseru), maka panggillah arwah para Nabi dan semua para syuhada serta panglima-panglima perang Islam yang telah wafat untuk datang membantu menumpas orang-orang Yahudi dan Nasrani atau kaum kafirin yang lain, dan buatlah angkatan perang 'Ghaib'. - Seandainya orang yang sudah wafat bisa membantu, maka pastilah arwah orang tua kita yang sudah meninggal akan membantu kita dalam kesulitan mereka pasti akan berusaha sekuat tenaga keluar dari alam barzakh, dan tidaklah mungkin mereka tega melihat anak cucunya menderita.. Apakah bisa ?????? ________________ Maka benarlah jika dikatakan bahwa amalan tanpa tuntunan dari Rasulullah adalah hal yang sia sia.. Sudah berletih dan susah payah namun tak ada manfaatnya, jangankan pahala, bahkan justru menyebabkan siksa dan celaka.. Ibnul Qoyyim rahimahullah (dalam al Fawaid) berkata : Amalan tanpa mengikuti tuntunan Nabi shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam bagaikan seorang musafir yang membawa bekal berisi pasir. Bekal tersebut hanya MEMBERATKAN, namun tidak membawa manfaat apa-apa.. _____________ Bagi yang masih gemar menyeru mayit/kuburan dan menjadikannya sebagai peratara permintaan, maka camkan baik-baik peringatan dari Allaah subhanahu wa ta'ala : In tad'uuhum laayasma'uu du'aa-akum walaw sami'uu maaistajaabuu lakum wayawma lqiyaamati yakfuruuna bisyirkikum walaayunabbi-uka mitslu khabiir " Jika kamu menyeru mereka, mereka tiada mendengar seruanmu ; dan kalau mereka mendengar, mereka tidak dapat memperkenankan permintaanmu. Dan dihari kiamat mereka akan mengingkari kemusyirikanmu dan tidak ada yang dapat memberi keterangan kepadamu sebagai yang diberikan oleh Yang Maha Mengetahui " [QS. Fathir : 14] Semoga Allaah memberikan petunjuk pada kita semua.. Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 01:53PM islam fatwa - Social Mention Apakah Mayit bisa Mendengar Seruan Manusia ?? Lajnah Daimah Lil Buhuts Al-Ilmiah Wal Ifta ditanya : Apakah para wali yang shalih mendengar panggilan orang-orang yang memanggilnya ?? Apa makna sabda Nabi Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam : "Demi Allah sesungguhnya orang yang telah meninggal dari kalian (di dalam kuburnya) mendengar bunyi langkah terompah kalian" Mohon penjelasan.. ___________ Jawaban : Pada dasarnya bahwa orang yang telah meninggal dunia baik yang shalih atau yang tidak shalih, mereka tidak mendengar perkataan manusia, sebagaimana firman Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala : "Jika kamu menyeru mereka, mereka tiada mendengar seruanmu ; dan kalau mereka mendengar, mereka tidak dapat memperkenankan permintaanmu. Dan di hari kiamat mereka akan mengingkari kemusyrikanmu dan tidak ada yang dapat memberikan keterangan kepadamu sebagaimana yang diberikan oleh Yang maha Mengetahui". [QS. Fathir : 14] Begitu juga firmanNya Subhanahu wa Ta'ala : "Dan kamu sekali-kali tiada sanggup menjadikan orang yang di dalam kubur dapat mendengar" [Fathir : 22] Akan tetapi terkadang Allah memperdengarkan kepada mayit suara dari salah satu RasulNya untuk suatu hikmah tertentu, seperti Allah memperdengarkan suara Rasulullah Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam kepada orang-orang kafir yang terbunuh di perang Badar, sebagai penghinaan dan penistaan untuk mereka, dan kemuliaan untuk Rasulullah Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam. Sampai-sampai Nabi Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam mengatakan kepada para sahabatnya ketika sebagian mereka mengingkari hal tersebut. "Tidaklah kalian lebih mendengar apa yang aku katakan daripada mereka, akan tetapi mereka tidak mampu menjawab".[Hadits Riwayat Ahmad dan ini lafalnya- (I/27 : III/104, 182, 263 dan 287), Bukhari II/101 dan Nasa-i IV/110] Lihat pembahasan ini di kitab An-Nubuwat, kitab At-Tawassul Wa-al-Wasilah dan kitab Al-Furqan, seluruhnya karya Syaikhul Islam Ibnu Taimiyah. Maka kitab-kitab tersebut cukup memadai dalam mengupas pembahasan ini. Adapun mayat yang mendengar suara langkah orang yang mengantarnya (ketika berjalan meninggalkan kuburnya) setelah dia dikubur, maka itu adalah pendengaran khusus yang ditetapkan oleh nash (dalil), dan tidak lebih dari itu (tidak lebih dari sekedar mendengar suara terompah mereka), karena hal itu diperkecualikan dari dalil-dalil yang umum yang menunjukkan bahwa orang yang meninggal tidak bisa mendengar (suara orang yang masih hidup), sebagaimana yang telah lalu.. Shalawat dan salam semoga tercurah atas Nabi kita Muhammad Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam, keluarganya, dan sahabat-shabatnya. [Fatawa Li Al- Lajnah Ad-Da'imah I/151-152 dari Fatwa no. 7366 Di susun oleh Syaikh Ahmad Abdurrazzak Ad-Duwaisy, Darul Asimah Riyadh. Di salin ulang dari Majalah Fatawa edisi 7/I/ 1424H] __________ Jadi.. Jelaslah sudah bahwa mayit tak bisa mendengar para penyerunya.. Lantas.. Bagaimana mereka yang bertawassul pada penghuni kuburan ??? Darimana keyakinan bahwa permintaan mereka akan sampai, sedangkan mayit yang dijadikan PERANTARA saja tak bisa mendengar permintaan mereka ??? Andaikan bisa mendengar pun, mereka tak bisa berbuat apa apa.. _______________ - Seandainya orang yang telah mati dapat dipanggil (diseru), maka panggillah arwah para Nabi dan semua para syuhada serta panglima-panglima perang Islam yang telah wafat untuk datang membantu menumpas orang-orang Yahudi dan Nasrani atau kaum kafirin yang lain, dan buatlah angkatan perang 'Ghaib'. - Seandainya orang yang sudah wafat bisa membantu, maka pastilah arwah orang tua kita yang sudah meninggal akan membantu kita dalam kesulitan mereka pasti akan berusaha sekuat tenaga keluar dari alam barzakh, dan tidaklah mungkin mereka tega melihat anak cucunya menderita.. Apakah bisa ?????? ________________ Maka benarlah jika dikatakan bahwa amalan tanpa tuntunan dari Rasulullah adalah hal yang sia sia.. Sudah berletih dan susah payah namun tak ada manfaatnya, jangankan pahala, bahkan justru menyebabkan siksa dan celaka.. Ibnul Qoyyim rahimahullah (dalam al Fawaid) berkata : Amalan tanpa mengikuti tuntunan Nabi shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam bagaikan seorang musafir yang membawa bekal berisi pasir. Bekal tersebut hanya MEMBERATKAN, namun tidak membawa manfaat apa-apa.. _____________ Bagi yang masih gemar menyeru mayit/kuburan dan menjadikannya sebagai peratara permintaan, maka camkan baik-baik peringatan dari Allaah subhanahu wa ta'ala : In tad'uuhum laayasma'uu du'aa-akum walaw sami'uu maaistajaabuu lakum wayawma lqiyaamati yakfuruuna bisyirkikum walaayunabbi-uka mitslu khabiir " Jika kamu menyeru mereka, mereka tiada mendengar seruanmu ; dan kalau mereka mendengar, mereka tidak dapat memperkenankan permintaanmu. Dan dihari kiamat mereka akan mengingkari kemusyirikanmu dan tidak ada yang dapat memberi keterangan kepadamu sebagai yang diberikan oleh Yang Maha Mengetahui " [QS. Fathir : 14] Semoga Allaah memberikan petunjuk pada kita semua.. Nov 20th 2013, 13:28 You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: tauhid - Social Mention: >>> Kemarin seharian meneliti budaya sunda. sunda definisi menurut bahasa adalah bagus atau baik. yang sering di gambarkan para ulama ketika itu : Baik Tauhid dan pemahaman agamanya, baik budi pekertinya, baik alamnya, Sunda sangat kental dengan kasih sayang dan sunda sangat terkenal dengan gotong royong, hayu atuh ka sadayana urang kembali ka fitrah anu sejati,,teu aya deui pangumpatan, teu aya deui karusakan, alam enda nu merenah ulah nepi ka punah ku urang kudu di pusti supaya tetep asri lestari,,, Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 11:52PM tauhid - Social Mention >>> Kemarin seharian meneliti budaya sunda. sunda definisi menurut bahasa adalah bagus atau baik. yang sering di gambarkan para ulama ketika itu : Baik Tauhid dan pemahaman agamanya, baik budi pekertinya, baik alamnya, Sunda sangat kental dengan kasih sayang dan sunda sangat terkenal dengan gotong royong, hayu atuh ka sadayana urang kembali ka fitrah anu sejati,,teu aya deui pangumpatan, teu aya deui karusakan, alam enda nu merenah ulah nepi ka punah ku urang kudu di pusti supaya tetep asri lestari,,, Nov 20th 2013, 23:22 You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: islam fatwa - Social Mention: Ikut Madzhab Ataukah Ikut Al-Qur'an dan Sunnah? Reply Apa Kata Ustadz, Fiqih, Madzhab Apa Kata Ustadz? Tanya Jawab Bersama Ustadz Novel Muhammad Alaydrus (Pengasuh Majelis Ta'lim dan Dzikir Arraudhah, Solo) Tanya: Kenapa kebanyakan umat Islam dalam beribadah memakai madzhab Imam Syafi'i, Maliki, Hanafi atau Hambali, bukankah yang benar adalah yang mengikuti Al-Qur'an dan Sunnah (Hadits)? Kenapa tidak kembali kepada Al-Qur'an dan Sunnah saja? Jawab: Sebuah pertanyaan yang menarik, mengapa kita harus bermadzhab? Mengapa kita tidak kembali kepada Al-Qur'an dan Sunnah saja? Kalimat "Mengapa kita tidak kembali kepada Al-Qur'an dan Sunnah saja?" seakan-akan menghakimi bahwa orang yang bermadzhab itu tidak kembali kepada Al-Qur'an dan Sunnah. Penggunaan kalimat "Mengapa kita tidak kembali kepada Al-Qur'an dan Sunnah saja?" tersebut telah menyebabkan sebagian orang memandang remeh ijtihad dan keilmuan para ulama, terutama ulama terdahulu yang sangat dikenal kesalehan dan keluasan ilmunya. Dengan menggunakan kalimat "Mengapa kita tidak kembali kepada Al-Qur'an dan Sunnah saja?" sekelompok orang sebenarnya sedang berusaha mengajak pendengar dan pembaca tulisannya untuk mengikuti cara berpikirnya, metodenya dalam memahami Al-Qur'an dan Sunnah, serta menganggap bahwa dirinyalah yang paling benar, karena ia telah berpegang kepada Al Qur'an dan Sunnah, bukan fatwa atau pendapat para ulama. Hal semacam ini tentunya sangat berbahaya. Sebenarnya sungguh aneh jika seseorang menyatakan agar kita tidak bermadzhab dan seharusnya kembali kepada Al Qur'an dan Sunnah. Mengapa aneh, coba perhatikan, apakah dengan mengikuti suatu madzhab berarti tidak mengikuti Al Qur'an dan Sunnah? Madzhab mana yang tidak kembali kepada Al Qur'an dan Sunnah? Justru para pemuka madzhab tersebut adalah orang-orang yang sangat paham tentang Al Qur'an dan Sunnah. Coba dicek, hasil ijtihad yang mana dalam suatu madzhab, yang tidak kembali kepada Al Qur'an dan Al Hadits? Ternyata semua hasil ijtihad keempat madzhab yang populer di dalam Islam semuanya bersumber kepada Al Qur'an dan Hadits. Artinya dengan bermadzhab kita justru sedang kembali kepada Al Qur'an dan Hadits dengan cara yang benar, yaitu mengikuti ulama yang dikenal keluasan ilmu dan kesalehannya. Akhir-akhir ini memang muncul sekelompok orang yang sangat fanatik dengan golongannya dan secara sistematis berupaya mengajak umat Islam meninggalkan madzhab. Mereka seringkali berkata, "Kembalilah kepada Alquran dan Sunnah". Ajakan ini sepintas tampak benar, akan tetapi sangat berbahaya, karena secara tidak langsung mereka menggunakan kalimat (propaganda) di atas untuk menjauhkan umat dari meyakini pendapat para ulama terdahulu yang telah mumpuni. Mereka memaksakan agar kita semua hanya mengikuti pendapat gurunya. Kemudian perhatikan lebih cermat lagi, apakah mereka yang menyatakan kembali kepada Al Qur'an dan Sunnah benar- benar langsung kembali kepada Al Qur'an dan Sunnah? Tidak bukan, mereka ternyata menyampaikan pendapat guru- gurunya. Artinya, mereka sendiri sedang membuat madzhab baru sesuai pemikiran guru-gurunya. Coba bayangkan, andai saja setiap orang kembali kepada Al Qur'an dan Sunnah secara langsung, tanpa bertanya kepada pakarnya, apa yang akan terjadi? Yang terjadi adalah setiap orang akan menafsirkan Al Qur'an dan Sunnah menurut akalnya sendiri, jalan pikirnya sendiri, sehingga akan sangat berbahaya. Oleh karena itu, kita harus bermadzhab, agar kita tidak salah memahami Al Qur'an dan Sunnah. Kita sadar, tingkat keilmuan para pakar yang ada di masa ini tidak dapat disamakan dengan para ulama terdahulu, begitu pula tingkat ibadah dan kesalehan mereka. Sumber: Buku Umat Bertanya, Ulama Menjawab 1 , Novel Muhammad Alaydrus, Penerbit: Taman Ilmu Redaktur: Abu Umar/Suara-Muslim Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 12:41PM islam fatwa - Social Mention Ikut Madzhab Ataukah Ikut Al-Qur'an dan Sunnah? Reply Apa Kata Ustadz, Fiqih, Madzhab Apa Kata Ustadz? Tanya Jawab Bersama Ustadz Novel Muhammad Alaydrus (Pengasuh Majelis Ta'lim dan Dzikir Arraudhah, Solo) Tanya: Kenapa kebanyakan umat Islam dalam beribadah memakai madzhab Imam Syafi'i, Maliki, Hanafi atau Hambali, bukankah yang benar adalah yang mengikuti Al-Qur'an dan Sunnah (Hadits)? Kenapa tidak kembali kepada Al-Qur'an dan Sunnah saja? Jawab: Sebuah pertanyaan yang menarik, mengapa kita harus bermadzhab? Mengapa kita tidak kembali kepada Al-Qur'an dan Sunnah saja? Kalimat "Mengapa kita tidak kembali kepada Al-Qur'an dan Sunnah saja?" seakan-akan menghakimi bahwa orang yang bermadzhab itu tidak kembali kepada Al-Qur'an dan Sunnah. Penggunaan kalimat "Mengapa kita tidak kembali kepada Al-Qur'an dan Sunnah saja?" tersebut telah menyebabkan sebagian orang memandang remeh ijtihad dan keilmuan para ulama, terutama ulama terdahulu yang sangat dikenal kesalehan dan keluasan ilmunya. Dengan menggunakan kalimat "Mengapa kita tidak kembali kepada Al-Qur'an dan Sunnah saja?" sekelompok orang sebenarnya sedang berusaha mengajak pendengar dan pembaca tulisannya untuk mengikuti cara berpikirnya, metodenya dalam memahami Al-Qur'an dan Sunnah, serta menganggap bahwa dirinyalah yang paling benar, karena ia telah berpegang kepada Al Qur'an dan Sunnah, bukan fatwa atau pendapat para ulama. Hal semacam ini tentunya sangat berbahaya. Sebenarnya sungguh aneh jika seseorang menyatakan agar kita tidak bermadzhab dan seharusnya kembali kepada Al Qur'an dan Sunnah. Mengapa aneh, coba perhatikan, apakah dengan mengikuti suatu madzhab berarti tidak mengikuti Al Qur'an dan Sunnah? Madzhab mana yang tidak kembali kepada Al Qur'an dan Sunnah? Justru para pemuka madzhab tersebut adalah orang-orang yang sangat paham tentang Al Qur'an dan Sunnah. Coba dicek, hasil ijtihad yang mana dalam suatu madzhab, yang tidak kembali kepada Al Qur'an dan Al Hadits? Ternyata semua hasil ijtihad keempat madzhab yang populer di dalam Islam semuanya bersumber kepada Al Qur'an dan Hadits. Artinya dengan bermadzhab kita justru sedang kembali kepada Al Qur'an dan Hadits dengan cara yang benar, yaitu mengikuti ulama yang dikenal keluasan ilmu dan kesalehannya. Akhir-akhir ini memang muncul sekelompok orang yang sangat fanatik dengan golongannya dan secara sistematis berupaya mengajak umat Islam meninggalkan madzhab. Mereka seringkali berkata, "Kembalilah kepada Alquran dan Sunnah". Ajakan ini sepintas tampak benar, akan tetapi sangat berbahaya, karena secara tidak langsung mereka menggunakan kalimat (propaganda) di atas untuk menjauhkan umat dari meyakini pendapat para ulama terdahulu yang telah mumpuni. Mereka memaksakan agar kita semua hanya mengikuti pendapat gurunya. Kemudian perhatikan lebih cermat lagi, apakah mereka yang menyatakan kembali kepada Al Qur'an dan Sunnah benar- benar langsung kembali kepada Al Qur'an dan Sunnah? Tidak bukan, mereka ternyata menyampaikan pendapat guru- gurunya. Artinya, mereka sendiri sedang membuat madzhab baru sesuai pemikiran guru-gurunya. Coba bayangkan, andai saja setiap orang kembali kepada Al Qur'an dan Sunnah secara langsung, tanpa bertanya kepada pakarnya, apa yang akan terjadi? Yang terjadi adalah setiap orang akan menafsirkan Al Qur'an dan Sunnah menurut akalnya sendiri, jalan pikirnya sendiri, sehingga akan sangat berbahaya. Oleh karena itu, kita harus bermadzhab, agar kita tidak salah memahami Al Qur'an dan Sunnah. Kita sadar, tingkat keilmuan para pakar yang ada di masa ini tidak dapat disamakan dengan para ulama terdahulu, begitu pula tingkat ibadah dan kesalehan mereka. Sumber: Buku Umat Bertanya, Ulama Menjawab 1 , Novel Muhammad Alaydrus, Penerbit: Taman Ilmu Redaktur: Abu Umar/Suara-Muslim Nov 19th 2013, 12:37 You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: sharia - Social Mention: I TRANSLATED IT ON THE PAGE..................Attacks on Christians in Nigeria have continued with increased brutality. The terrifying attack Islamists 50 Christians burned alive. As communicated to the media, were killed over a hundred people in the attacks on 12 villages in Nigeria's Plateau State. Responsibility for the attacks resumed Islamist terrorist group Boko Haram. As confirmed by several news agencies, 50 Christians, members of the Church of Christ, in the village after the attack MASEHE sought refuge in the house of their pastor, where they burned alive. "Fifty members of the church were killed in a church building, where they hid. They were killed along with the pastor's wife and children, "said Dakholom dating, minister and Vice President of the Church of Christ in Nigeria. "Nigeria is becoming a new scaffold Christians. Boko Haram have been brutally killed hundreds of Christians, including women and children, "said Jerry Dajkst, by an American aid organization persecuted Christians" Open Door "(Open Doors)," Their goal is to rule the entire Nigerian Sharia law. " Some Nigerian officials believe that members of the Muslim Fulani tribe, which inhabited the country Plato, helping Boko Haram-in in the persecution of Christians and establishing Islamic domination in the country. "I do not believe that Boko Haram, out of nowhere, they attack those villages. They could not do it without local support and assistance, "said the Nigerian judicial advisor Innocent Čukuvuma. The citizens of Nigeria have criticized the passivity of the government and called for more commitment in the fight against terrorist Boko Haram's. Ajo Pastor Oritsejafor, president of the Christian Association of Nigeria, has urged the Foreign Affairs Committee House of Representatives of the United States to officially declare Boko Haram terrorist organization against which we must fight in an international level. "In Nigeria, there are certain Muslim extremists who believe that Nigeria should be an Islamic state, Boko Haram is the body that led the group of people. Nigeria is divided into two majority religion, Christianity and Islam, it is not possible to Islamize Nigeria, "said the pastor. Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 11:40AM sharia - Social Mention I TRANSLATED IT ON THE PAGE..................Attacks on Christians in Nigeria have continued with increased brutality. The terrifying attack Islamists 50 Christians burned alive. As communicated to the media, were killed over a hundred people in the attacks on 12 villages in Nigeria's Plateau State. Responsibility for the attacks resumed Islamist terrorist group Boko Haram. As confirmed by several news agencies, 50 Christians, members of the Church of Christ, in the village after the attack MASEHE sought refuge in the house of their pastor, where they burned alive. "Fifty members of the church were killed in a church building, where they hid. They were killed along with the pastor's wife and children, "said Dakholom dating, minister and Vice President of the Church of Christ in Nigeria. "Nigeria is becoming a new scaffold Christians. Boko Haram have been brutally killed hundreds of Christians, including women and children, "said Jerry Dajkst, by an American aid organization persecuted Christians" Open Door "(Open Doors)," Their goal is to rule the entire Nigerian Sharia law. " Some Nigerian officials believe that members of the Muslim Fulani tribe, which inhabited the country Plato, helping Boko Haram-in in the persecution of Christians and establishing Islamic domination in the country. "I do not believe that Boko Haram, out of nowhere, they attack those villages. They could not do it without local support and assistance, "said the Nigerian judicial advisor Innocent Čukuvuma. The citizens of Nigeria have criticized the passivity of the government and called for more commitment in the fight against terrorist Boko Haram's. Ajo Pastor Oritsejafor, president of the Christian Association of Nigeria, has urged the Foreign Affairs Committee House of Representatives of the United States to officially declare Boko Haram terrorist organization against which we must fight in an international level. "In Nigeria, there are certain Muslim extremists who believe that Nigeria should be an Islamic state, Boko Haram is the body that led the group of people. Nigeria is divided into two majority religion, Christianity and Islam, it is not possible to Islamize Nigeria, "said the pastor. Nov 19th 2013, 10:57 Напади на хришћане у Нигерији су се током протекле седмице наставили са појачаном бруталношћу. У застрашујућем нападу екстремисти су живе спалили 50 хришћана. You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: -- Sie erhalten diese Nachricht, weil Sie Mitglied der Google Groups-Gruppe "News2" sind. Um Ihr Abonnement für diese Gruppe zu beenden und keine E-Mails mehr von dieser Gruppe zu erhalten, senden Sie eine E-Mail an Weitere Optionen: | Benachrichtigung für - 25 Nachrichten in 25 Themen Gruppe: - dawa - Social Mention: Zakhm aisa diya K koi dawa kam na aayi, Aag aisi lagayi K pani se buj na payi, Aaj bhi rote he unki yaad me, Jinhe kabhi hamari yaad na ayi ! #aman s@ngher@ [1 Aktualisierung]
- kuffar - Social Mention: How can the believer be content to live in the land of the kuffaar where the rituals of kufr are proclaimed openly and rule belongs to someone other than Allaah and His Messenger, seeing that with his own eyes, hearing that with his own ears and approving of it, and even starting to feel that he belongs there and living there with his wife and children, and feeling as comfortable there as he does in the Muslim lands, even though he and his wife and children are in such great danger and their religious commitment and morals are in such peril? (Majmoo' Fataawa al-Shaykh Ibn 'Uthyameen, Fatwa no. 388) [1 Aktualisierung]
- salafist - Social Mention: Mesopotamische EntwicklungsGesellschaft - Mezopotamian Development Society (Registered) THE MOST REQUESTED DAILY & ONLY INDEPENDENT NEWSSERVICE ON KURDISTAN FOR THE HIGHLY INVOLVED PEOPLE MESOP English & German Version - (FOUNDED 1988) / PO Box 5135 - D 61440 OBERURSEL – Germany VISIT & SUBSCRIBE (or unsubscribe) "MESOP NEWSLETTER" ON OUR WEBSITE : Editors Facebook: Hour by hour new News from all parts of Kurdistan - German follows English MESOP MOTTO : „NEVER MAKE A CONCESSION FROM THE TRUTH" TODAY'S MESOP QUOTATION : Turkish PM denies general amnesty claims Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has strictly ruled out comments that the government was considering a general amnesty MORE ABOUT KURDISH DISUNITY : Thousands protested against Barzani in Efrin ANF - Efrin 19.11.2013 - Thousands in the west Kurdistan city of Efrin staged a march to protest against Massoud Barzani, president of Iraqi Kurdish Regional Government, in relation with his statements against the Rojava revolution and the Democratic Union Party (PYD). Read more: SIVAN PERWER – ERDOGAN'S INSTRUMENT BBC UK – 19-11-2013 - Sivan Perwer's return to Turkey exposes a rift within the Kurdish movement. Some Kurds in Diyarbakir accuse their most famous singer of allowing himself to be co-opted by Mr Erdogan and Mr Barzani, as part of an attempt to marginalise the PKK, a movement that Turkey designates as a terrorist organisation. Read more: Erdoğan & Barzani Cooperating Against the Rojava Revolution Ferda Çetin * - News Desk 19.11.2013 - Erdoğan, Barzani, Şivan Perwer and İbrahim Tatlises kicked off the AKP's election campaign in Kurdistan [last weekend]. And when some intelligent (!) Kurdish politicians went on about how "it would be wrong to understand this meeting as support for Erdoğan in the election campaign" it can be clearly seen that this was a manipulation. – Read more: NORTH KURDISTAN (TURKEY) Barzani meets Turkey Kurdish deputies behind closed doors 19-11-2013 – Kurdpress - The President of Kurdistan Region Massoud Barzani held a meeting on Sunday in Diyarbakir with the Kurdish deputies in Ankara Parliament, Radikal daily said. Read more: Fuad Hussein (KDP) no decision on Syrian Kurds or oil in Diyarbakir Dr. Fuat Hüseyin: Erdoğan ile Rojava'yı konuşmadık - AMED 17.11.2013 Dün akşam Başbakan Recep Tayyip Erdoğan ve Federal Kürdistan Yönetimi Başkanı Mesud Barzani arasında yapılan görüşme hakkında konuşan KDP Başkanlık Divanı Başkanı Dr. Fuat Hüseyin, hiçbir anlaşma yapılmadığını, ikili görüşmede Rojava'nın konuşulmadığını ve enerji konusunda hiçbir anlaşmanın yapılmadığını söyledi. Read more: Turkey-KRG alliance to shift regional balance 19 November 2013 /SİNEM CENGİZ, DİYARBAKIR/ANKARA ZAMAN - The close ties between Ankara and Arbil, which gained momentum after the historic visit to Turkey by Massoud Barzani, president of the autonomous Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) of northern Iraq, are likely to have a tremendous impact on the regional power balance as well as on the settlement process launched by the Turkish government last year to end the decades-old Kurdish conflict. Read more: Cemil Bayik Interview on Recent Developments Rojhelat 19-11-2013 - Cemil Bayik: Iran executed three Kurds in order to satisfy Turkey. Co-president of Kurdistan Communities Union (KCK) Executive Council Cemil Bayik stated that Iran wants to satisfy Turkey that is why it executed three Kurds. Read more: Öcalan: We are ready for negotiations ANF - News Desk 19.11.2013 - Mehmet Öcalan spoke to DIHA (Dicle News Agency) about the details of the meeting he had with his brother, Kurdish people's leader Abdullah Öcalan in İmralı prison on Monday. Read more: WEST KURDISTAN (SYRIA) COUNCIL OF FOREIGN RELATIONS : How have Iraqi Kurdish authorities responded to the Syrian civil war? Question submitted by Martin Lafon, from Sciences-Po Bordeaux, November 18, 2013 The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) has approached the civil war in Syria with caution. The authorities governing the Iraqi autonomous region, based in Erbil, have quietly played an important role in the humanitarian response to the crisis with 197,000 (according to the UN refugee agency) Syrian refugees on KRG territory, spread across three refugee camps in the main cities of Dohuk, Erbil, and Sulaimaniyah. Read more: Turkey backing off support for jihadists on Syria border Amberin Zaman Posted November 18, 2013 – AL MONITOR - Topcu, on the Turkish side of the border, is on the front line of a vicious turf war between the Syrian Kurdish People's Defense Units (YPG) and Salafist groups led by Jabhat al-Nusra, the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) and Ahrar Ash Sham. The battle, which has Topcu caught in its crosshairs, is over a village called Susik that keeps switching hands. Read more: EAST KURDISTAN (IRAN) Kurds in Iran Wary About Restart of Armed Conflict by PJAK By Nasir Piroti – RUDAW – 19-11-2013 - ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – Kurdish activists and political leaders in Iran warn that a threat by the underground Free Life Party of Kurdistan (PJAK) to resume armed conflict with Tehran will not be in the interests of the country's large Kurdish minority. Read more: PDKI Representative Met with German Foreign Ministry & CDU 19-11-2013 – MESOP - In two separate meetings, the PDKI's representative in Germany, Hiwa Bahrami, met with the officials from the German Foreign Ministry and Christian Democratic Union (CDU). Read more: GERMANY : PDKI Representative Participated in the SPD's Congress 19-11-2013 – MESOP - The PDKI's representative in Germany, Hiwa Bahrami, participated in the Congress of the German Social Democratic Party (SPD) in Leipzig. - Read more : PDKI's Head of Foreign Relations Disappointed with the SI's Council Meeting in Istanbul 19-11-2013 - The PDKI's Head of Foreign Relations, Loghman H. Ahmedi, expressed disappointment with the Council meeting of the Socialist International, which was held in the city of Istanbul on 11-12 November. Read more: FULL REPORT : News & Human Rights Updates from Iranian Kurdistan Brother and Sister Arrested in Bokan Early in the morning on Saturday, November 16, agents from the intelligence agency entered the home of Afsana and Shaho Bayzidi in Bokan and arrested the two siblings. Kurdish Political Prisoner Stages Hunger Strike A Kurdish political prisoner by the name of Ali Moradi has begun a hunger strike because he has been transferred from Minab prison to a prison in Bander Abbas Female Kurdish Activist Sentenced to Two Years in Prison Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Court in Bokan sentenced Kurdish activist Shehin Baizidpor to two years in prison. – Read more: SOUTH KURDISTAN (IRAQ) Baghdad Rejects Oil Revenues Mechanism Proposed by Turkey RUDAW - By Samia Zuber – 19-11-2013 - ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki's State of Law Coalition has rejected a Turkish proposal for an escrow account to monitor Iraqi oil revenues and resolve a pending payment issue between Baghdad and Erbil. Read more: More than 30 Kurdish Yazidi women committed suicide in 2013 in Bashiqa, Iraq - 19.11.2013 - MOSUL, Iraq: A Kurdish Yazidi woman died on Tuesday, five days after burning herself in Ba'shiqah area northeast of Mosul, as suicide cases have increased in this community to more than 30 during the current year only. " Read more: THE GERMAN KURDISH CHAPTER 1. Zum Hamburger Arak-Prozess: Iran-Sanktionen und deutsche Kontrollbehörden Im Hamburger Arak-Prozess ist am 8. November ein Urteil gefällt worden. Verhandelt wurden Fälle von Proliferation für den Atomreaktor Arak. Deutsch-iranische Händler hatten von Deutschland aus wichtige Technologie für Irans gefährlichstes Atomprojekt geliefert. - Im Prozess wurde auch das Versagen der deutschen Kontrollbehörden deutlich. STOP THE BOMB kritisiert das Behördenversagen und fordert die Einsetzung eines Untersuchungsausschusses. Weiterlesen: Pressemeldung vom 8. November Weiterlesen: Hintergrundinformationen zum Arak-Prozess [1 Aktualisierung]
- kalifat - Social Mention: Kevin-Prince Boateng trauert auf Twitter um Burak K. [1 Aktualisierung]
- Abu Walaa - Social Mention: Sekilas tentang Rafidlah dan Pendirinya.... Oleh : Abu Bakr 'Abdurrazzaq bin Shalih bin 'Ali An-Nahmiy Orang pertama yang mencetuskan paham Rafidlah adalah 'Abdullah bin Saba' Al-Yahud dari kalangan Yahudi Yaman. Dia menampakkan keislaman, kemudian datang ke Madinah pada masa khalifah yang lurus, 'Utsman bin 'Affan radliyallaahu 'anhu. Mereka dinamakan dengan Rafidlah (kaum yang meninggalkan) karena mereka meninggalkan Zaid bin 'Ali, ketika mereka meminta beliau untuk menyatakan putus hubungan dengan Abu Bakar dan 'Umar, tetapi beliau justru mendoakan rahmat untuk mereka berdua. Maka mereka mengatakan,"Jika demikian, kami akan meninggalkanmu". Maka beliau (Zaid bin 'Ali) berkata,"Pergilah ! Sesungguhnya kalian adalah Rafidlah (orang-orang yang meninggalkan)". Adz-Dzahabi berkata dalam Siyaru A'laamin-Nubalaa' (5/390) bahwa 'Isa bin Yunus berkata,"Orang-orang Rafidlah datang menemui Zaid, lantas mereka berkata : 'Buatlah pernyataan putus hubungan dengan Abu Bakar dan 'Umar sehingga kami membantumu'. Maka beliau menanggapi : 'Bahkan aku loyal kepada mereka berdua'. Mereka pun berkata : 'Jika demikian, maka kami meninggalkanmu'. Dari situlah mereka dikatakan Rafidlah". Syaikhul-Islam Ibnu Taimiyyah berkata dalam Majmu' Fataawaa (4/435) : "Dikatakan kepada Al-Imam Ahmad : 'Siapa itu Rafidlah ?'. Beliau menjawab : 'Orang yang mencela Abu Bakar dan 'Umar'. Karena alasan inilah mereka dinamakan Rafidlah. Sebab, mereka meninggalkan Zaid bin 'Ali ketika beliau loyal kepada kedua khalifah tersebut sedangkan mereka benci kepada keduanya. Sehingga orang yang membenci mereka berdua dinamakan Rafidlah". Ada yang berkata bahwa mereka dinamakan Rafidlah sebab mereka meninggalkan Abu Bakar dan 'Umar. Ibnu Taimiyyah juga berkata pada sumber yang lalu,"Asal-usul Rafidlah dari kalangan munafiq dan zindiq. Rafidlah itu dibuat oleh Ibnu Saba' yang zindiq. Dia menampakkan sikap ekstrim mendukung 'Ali dengan propaganda bahwa 'Ali lebih berhak untuk kepemimpinan dan ada wasiat bagi 'Ali". Beliau juga berkata pada (28/483),"Para ulama menyebutkan bahwa permulaan paham Rafidlah adalah dari seorang zindiq bernama 'Abdullah bin Saba'. Dia menampakkan keislaman dan menyembunyikan agama Yahudinya. Dia ingin merusak Islam sebagaimana yang dilakukan Paulus An-Nashraniy yang dahulunya Yahudi ketika merusak agama Nashrani". Ibnu Abil-'Izz Al-Hanafiy berkata dalam Syarh Ath-Thahawiyyah hal. 490 dengan tahqiq Al-Albani,"Asal mula paham Rafidlah dimunculkan oleh seorang munafiq lagi zindiq yang bermaksud meruntuhkan agama Islam dan mencela Rasul shallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam sebagaimana disebutkan para ulama. Karena 'Abdullah bin Saba' si Yahudi ketika menampakkan Islam, dia hanya ingin merusak Islam dengan tipu daya dan keburukannya, sebagaimana dilakukan Paulus terhadap agama Nashrani. Dia berpenampilan orang yang rajin beribadah, kemudian dia perlihatkan amar ma'ruf nahi munkart sampai akhirnya dia berupaya memfitnah 'Utsman dan membunuhnya. Kemudian ketika datang ke Kuffah, dia menampakkan sikap ekstrim terhadap 'Ali dan pembelaan kepadanya agar dengan itu ia mampu untuk mencapai tujuan-tujuannya. Berita itu akhirnya sampai kepada 'Ali, maka 'Ali bermaksud membunuhnya sehingga dia melarikan diri darinya menuju Qarqis. Dan berita tentangnya sudah sangat dikenal dalam sejarah. Buku-buku sejarah menyebutkan bahwa Ibnu Saba' dulunya seorang Yahudi kemudian dia tampakkan keislamannya padahal dia seorang munafiq zindiq". Ath-Thabari telah menyebutkannya dalam At-Taarikh (4/430) bahwa Ibnu Saba' dahulunya seorang Yahudi dari penduduk Shan'a. Ibnul-Atsir berkata dalam Al-Kamiil (3/77) : "Abdullah bin Saba' si Yahudi dulunya seorang Yahudi dari penduduk Shan'a dan ibunya adalah Sauda' ". Ath-Thabariy menyebutkan dalam sejarah kejadian-kejadian di tahun 30 H bahwa Ibnu Saba' mendatangi Abu Darda'. Maka Abu Darda' berkata kepadanya,"Siapa kamu ini ? Aku mengira kamu ini – demi Allah – seorang Yahudi !". Aku (yaitu Penulis – Abu Bakr 'Abdurrazzaq bin Shalih An-Nahmiy) berkata,"Sehingga 'Abdullah bin Saba' itu hanyalah seorang Yahudi yang berkedok Islam. Asy-Syahrastani berkata dalam Al-Milal wan-Nihal (1/204) cet. Daarul-Ma'rifah : 'Saba'iyyah adalah para pengikut 'Abdullah bin Saba' yang berkata kepada 'Ali : 'Kamulah, kamulah !'. Maksudnya,'Kamu adalah Tuhan'. Maka 'Ali kemudian mengusirnya ke Al-Madain". Orang-orang menyangka bahwa dia dulunya seorang Yahudi lantas masuk Islam. Ketika beragama Yahudi dia mengatakan bahwa Yusya' bin Nun berwasiat kepada Musa 'alaihis-salaam seperti yang dikatakannya tentang 'Ali, dialah orang pertama yang memunculkan pernyataan adanya wasiat tentang kepemimpinan 'Ali radliyallaahu 'anhu dan dari situlah bercabang berbagai sikap berlebihan (ghulluw). Dia meyakni bahwa 'Ali terus hidup dan tidak akan mati, padanya terdapat sifat ketuhanan, dan beliau tidak boleh menjadi bawahan. Beliaulah yang datang dari awan, halilintar adalah suaranya, kilatan petir adalah senyumannya. Beliau nanti akan turun ke bumi lantas memenuhi bumi dengan keadilan setelah sebelumnya dipenuhi dengan kedhaliman. Ibnu Saba' menampakkan ucapan ini setelah wafatnya 'Ali radliyallaahu 'anhu dan adanya sejumlah orang yang berhimpun mendukungnya. Merekalah kelompok pertama yang menyatakan tawaqquf, ghaib, dan akan kembalinya 'Ali. Mereka juga menyatakan menjelmanya sebagian sifat ketuhanan pada para imam setelah 'Ali radliyallaahu 'anhu. Dia ('Abdullah bin Saba') berkata,"Makna seperti ini sebenarnya juga diketahui oleh para shahabat, sekalipun mereka berseberangan dengan keinginannya ('Ali). Ini 'Umar bin Khaththab, ketika 'Ali mencungkil mata seseorang dengan benda tajam di tanah suci, dilaporkan kepadanya ('Umar) dan ia berkomentar,'Apa yang sanggup aku katakan terhadap tangan Allah yang telah mencungkil mata di tanah suci milik Allah ?'. Jadi 'Umar memberikan baginya sebutan ketuhanan karena memang 'Umar mengetahui sifat itu pada diri 'Ali". Berikut ini adalah biografi 'Abdullah bin Saba' si Yahudi dalam kitab Mizaanul-I'tidaal karya Adz-Dzahabi dan Lisaanul-Miizaan karya Ibnu Hajar. Al-Hafidh Adz-Dzahabi berkata,"Abdullah bin Saba' termasuk orang-orang zindiq yang paling ekstrim, sesat, dan menyesatkan. Aku mengira 'Ali yang membakarnya dengan api. Al-Jauzajani berkata : 'Dia meyakini bahwa Al-Qur'an itu hanya satu bagian dari sembilan bagian yang ilmunya ada pada 'Ali. 'Ali mengusirnya setelah bertekad melakukannya". Al-Hafidh Ibnu Hajar berkata dalam Lisaanul-Miizaan (29/30) : "Ibnu 'Asakir berkata dalam Tarikh-nya : 'Asalnya dari Yaman, dulunya dia seorang Yahudi kemudian dia menampakkan kesialaman. Kemudian dia berkeliling ke negeri-negeri muslimin untuk memalingkan mereka dari ketaatan kepada penguasa dan menyusupkan keburukan di tengah-tengah mereka. Dia memasuki kota Damaskus untuk tujuan tadi pada masa 'Utsman'. Kemudian dia (Ibnu 'Asakir) meriwayatkan dari jalan Saif bin 'Umar At-Tamimi dalam Al-Futuh dengan kisah yang panjang, tetapi sanadnya tidak benar. Juga dari jalan Ibnu Abi Khaitsamah, dia berkata : Telah menceritakan kepada kami Muhammad bin 'Abbad, ia berkata : Telah menceritakan hadits kepada kami Sufyan, dari 'Ammar Ad-Duhni, ia mengatakan : Aku mendengar Abu Ath-Thufail berkata : رأيت المسيب بن نجبة أتى به دخل على المنبر فقال ما شأنه فقال يكذب على الله وعلى رسوله Aku melihat Al-Musayyib bin Najbah datang menyeretnya (yaitu Ibnu Saba'), sementara 'Ali sedang berada di atas mimbar. Lantas beliau ('Ali) berkata,"Ada apa dengannya ?". Al-Musayyib berkata,"Dia berdusta atas nama Allah dan Rasul-Nya". [1] Beliau (Ibnu 'Asakir) juga berkata : Telah menceritakan kepada kami 'Umar bin Marzuq, dia berkata : Telah menceritakan kepada kami Syu'bah, dari Salamah bin Kuhail, dari Zaid bin Wahb, dia berkata : 'Ali bin Abi Thalib radliyallaahu ta'ala 'anhu berkata, ما لي ولهذا الخبيث الأسود يعني عبد الله بن سبأ كان يقع في أبي بكر وعمر رضى الله تعالى عنهما "Apa urusanku dengan al-hamil [2] yang hitam ini – yaitu 'Abdullah bin Saba' - ?. Dia biasa mencela Abu Bakar dan 'Umar radliyalaahu ta'ala 'anhuma". [3] Dari jalan Muhammad bin 'Utsman bin Abi Syaibah, dia berkata : Telah menceritakan kepada kami Muhammad bin Al-'Alla' dia berkata : Telah menceritakan kepada kami Abu Bakar bin Ayyas, dari Mujahid, dari Asy-Sya'bi, dia berkata : "Orang pertama yang berbuat kedustaan adalah 'Abdullah bin Saba'". Abu Ya'la Al-Mushili berkata dalam Musnad-nya : Telah menceritakan kepada kami Abu Kuraib, dia berkata : Telah menceritakan kepada kami Muhammad bin Al-Hasan Al-Asadi, dia berkata : Telah menceritakan kepada kami Harun bin Shaalih, dari Al-Haarits bin 'Abdirrahman, dari Abul-Jalas, ia berkata : Aku mendengar 'Ali berkata kepada 'Abdullah bin Saba' : والله ما أفضى إلي بشيء كتمه أحدا من الناس ولقد سمعت يقول إن بين يدي الساعة ثلاثين كذابا وإنك لأحدهم "Demi Allah, beliau tidak pernah menyampaikan kepadaku sesuatupun yang beliau sembunyikan dari manusia. Benar-benar aku mendengar beliau bersabda,'Sesungguhnya sebelum terjadinya kiamat ada tiga puluh pendusta'; dan engkau adalah salah satu dari mereka".[4] Abu Ishaq Al-Fazari berkata : Dari Syu'bah, dari Salamah bin Kuhail, dari Abu Az-Za'ra', dari Zaid bin Wahb : Bahwasannya Suwaid bin Ghafalah masuk menemui 'Ali radliyallaahu 'anhu di masa kepemimpinannya. Lantas dia berkata,"Aku melewati sekelompok orang menyebut-nyebut Abu Bakar dan 'Umar (dengan kejelekan). Mereka berpandangan bahwa engkau juga menyembunyikan perasaan seperti itu kepada mereka berdua. Diantara mereka adalah 'Abdullah bin Saba' dan dialah orang pertama yang menampakkan hal itu". Lantas 'Ali berkata,"Aku berlindung kepada Allah untuk menyembunyikan sesuatu terhadap mereka berdua kecuali kebaikan". Kemudian beliau mengirim utusan kepada 'Abdullah bin Saba' dan mengusirnya ke Al-Madaain. Beliau juga berkata,"Jangan sampai engkau tinggal satu negeri bersamaku selamanya". Kemudian beliau bangkit menuju mimbar sehingga manusia berkumpul. Lantas beliau menyebutkan kisah secara panjang lebar yang padanya terdapat pujian terhadap mereka berdua (Abu Bakar dan 'Umar), dan akhirnya berliau berkata,"Ketahuilah, jangan pernah sampai kepadaku dari seorangpun yang mengutamakan aku dari mereka berdua melainkan aku akan mencambuknya sebagai hukuman untuk orang yang berbuat dusta".[5] Berita tentang 'Abdullah bin Saba' ini sangatlah masyhur dalam buku-buku sejarah dan dia tidak mempunyai satu riwayat hadits pun, walhamdulillah. Dia mempunyai pengikut yang dikenal dengan Saba'iyyah yang meyakini sifat ketuhanan 'Ali bin Abi Thalib dan 'Ali telah membakarnya dengan api pada masa kekhalifahannya" [selesai perkataan Ibnu Hajar dalam Lisaanul-Miizaan]. Amirul-Mukminin 'Ali bin Abi Thalib telah membakar pengikut si Yahudi 'Abdullah bin Saba' setelah beliau menasihati agar mereka kembali dan bertaubat kepada Allah dari kesesatan dan penyelewengan mereka. Al-Bukhari meriwayatkan (12/335) dalam Fathul-Baari no. 6922, beliau berkata : Telah memberikan hadits kepada Abu An-Nu'mar Muhammad bin Al-Fadhl ia berkata : Telah menceritakan kepada kami Hammad bin Zaid, dari Ayyub, dari 'Ikrimah bahwasannya ia berkata : أتى علي رضى الله تعالى عنه بزنادقة فأحرقهم فبلغ ذلك بن عباس فقال لو كنت أنا لم أحرقهم لنهي رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم لا تعذبوا بعذاب الله ولقتلتهم لقول رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم من بدل دينه فاقتلوه "Didatangkan kepada 'Ali radliyallaahu 'anhu sekelompok orang zindiq, lantas beliau membakarnya. Kemudian berita itu sampai kepada Ibnu 'Abbas radliyallaahu 'anhuma, maka beliau berkata : "Seandainya aku yang menghukumnya, maka aku tidak akan membakarnya, sebab ada larangan dari Rasulullah shallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam : 'Janganlah kalian menyiksa dengan siksaan Allah (yaitu api), akan tetapi aku akan membunuhnya karena sabda Rasulullah shallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam : 'Barangsiapa yang mengganti agamanya, maka bunuhlah ia". Ibnu Hajar ketika menjelaskan hadits ini berkata : "Abul-Mudhaffar Al-Isfirayini mengatakan dalam Al-Milal wan-Nihal bahwa yang dibakar oleh 'Ali itu adalah orang-orang Rafidlah yang mengklaim sifat ketuhanan pada diri 'Ali. Dan mereka itu adalah Saba'iyyah. Pemimpin mereka adalah 'Abdullah bin Saba', seorang Yahudi yang menampakkan keislaman. Dia membuat bid'ah berupa ucapan seperti ini. Dan sangatlah mungkin asal hadits ini adalah apa yang kami riwayatkan dalam juz 3 dari hadits Abu Thahir Al-Mukhlish dari jalan 'Abdullah bin Syuraik Al-'Amiriy, dari ayahnya ia berkata : Dikatakan kepada 'Ali : 'Disana ada sekelompok orang di depan pintu masjid yang mengklaim bahwa engkau adalah Rabb mereka'. Lantas beliau memanggil mereka dan berkata kepada mereka : 'Celaka kalian, apa yang kalian katakan ?'. Mereka menjawab : 'Engkau adalah Rabb kami, pencipta kami, dan pemberi rizki kami'. 'Ali berkata : 'Celaka kalian, aku hanyalah seorang hamba seperti kalian. Aku makan makanan sebagaimana kalian makan, dan aku minum sebagaimana kalian minum. Jika aku mentaati Allah, maka Allah akan memberiku pahala jika Dia berkehendak. Dan jika aku bermaksiat, maka aku khawatir Dia akan mengadzabku. Maka bertaqwalah kalian kepada Allah dan kemballah'. Tetapi mereka tetap enggan. Ketika datang hari berikutnya, mereka datang lagi kepada 'Ali, kemudian datanglah Qanbar dan berkata,'Demi Allah, mereka kembali mengatakan perkataan seperti itu'. 'Ali pun berkata,'Masukkan mereka kemari'. Tetapi mereka masih mengatakan seperti itu juga. Ketiga hari ketiga, beliau berkata,'Jika kalian masih mengatakannya, aku benar-benar akan membunuh kalian dengan cara yang paling buruk'. Tetapi mereka masih berkeras masih menjalaninya. Maka 'Ali berkata,'Wahai Qanbar, datangkanlah kepadaku para pekerja yang membawa alat-alat galian dan alat-alat kerja lainnya. Lantas, buatkanlah untuk mereka parit-parit yang luasnya antara pintu masjid dengan istana'. Beliau juga berkata,'Galilah dan dalamkanlah galiannya'. Kemudian beliau memerintahkan mendatangkan kayu bakar lantas menyalakan api di parit-parit tersebut. Beliaupun berkata,'Sungguh aku akan lempar kalian ke dalamnya atau kalian kembali (pada agama Allah)'. Maka 'Ali melempar mereka ke dalamnya, sampai ketika mereka telah terbakar, beliau pun berkata : اني إذا رأيت أمرا منكرا - أوقدت ناري ودعوت قنبرا Ketika aku melihat perkara yang munkar Aku sulut apiku dan aku panggil Qanbar Ini adalah sanad yang hasan. [selesai perkataan Ibnu Hajar dalam Fathul-Baari]. Adapun 'Abdullah bin Saba', maka 'Ali mengusirnya ke Al-Madaain. Ketika 'Ali meninggal dan berita kematian 'Ali sampai kepada 'Abdullah bin Saba', dia berkata kepada orang yang membawa berita,"Seandainya pun engkau membawa berita kepada kami membawa otaknya dimasukkan ke dalam tujuhpuluh kantong dan engkau berdirikan tujuhpuluh orang saksi yang adil, maka tentu kami masih bisa memastikan bahwa dia belum terbunuh dan tidak akan mati sampai menguasai bumi".[6] Ibnu Saba'Al-Yahudi memanfaatkan kematian Amirul-Mukminin 'Ali bin Abi Thalib, dia susupkan keyakinan-keyakinan rusaknya dan diterima oleh para pengikutnya dari orang-orang Rafidlah. Mereka pun kemudian menyebarkannya dan menyeru kepadanya. Di sini, kami akan menyebutkan sebagian yang diperbuat oleh orang Yahudi ni dan keyakinan-keyakinan rusaknya yang dia masukkan (ke dalam tubuh kaum muslimin) : 1. Mencetuskan kelompok yang menyimpang ini, yaitu Rafidlah. 2. Upayanya untuk membunuh khalifah yang lurus Dzun-Nurain (pemilik dua cahaya : dua anak perempuan Nabi shallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam), yaitu 'Utsman bin 'Affan radliyallaahu 'anhu. 3. Mencela shahabat dan mengkafirkannya, terutama Abu Bakar, 'Umar, dan 'Utsman radliyallaahu 'anhum. 4. Keyakinan adanya wasiat tertulis bagi 'Ali. 5. Sikap ekstrim terhadap 'Ali dan ahli bait. 6. 'Aqidah bada' (menjadi nampak).[7] 7. Pengkultusan 'Ali radliyallaahu 'anhu. 8. Keyakinan tentang tidak meninggalnya 'Ali radliyallaahu 'anhu. Orang-orang Rafidlah mengambil 'aqidah yang jelek yang disusupkan oleh orang Yahudi ini[8] dan mereka sampai sekarang masih meyakini 'aqidah-'aqidah ini dan membelanya, sebagaimana dikatakan oleh guru kami Al-Imam Al-Wadi'iy[9] dalam kitabnya Al-Ilhadul-Khumaini fil-Ardlil-Haramain hal. 110, Cet. Daarul-Hadits : "Mudah-mudahan kaum muslimin mengambil pelajaran dari kisah 'Abdullah bin Saba' sehingga mereka waspada dari tipu daya dan keburukan orang-orang Rafidlah, sebab seruan mereka terbangun di atas kedustaan dan sungguh betapa miripnya malam ini dengan malam sebelumnya. Orang-orang Rafidlah sekarang menganut keyakinan 'Abdullah bin Saba'". Ketika 'aqidah orang-orang Rafidlah diambil dari orang Yahudi ini, maka kamu dapati keserupaan mereka dengan Yahudi dalam banyak perkara. Penulis[10] telah meletakkan sebuah pasal dalam risalah ini seputar masalah tersebut. Rafidlah memiliki beberapa nama. Mereka disebut Al-Itsna 'Asyariyah nisbat kepada keyakinan mereka tentang 12 imam. Mereka dinamakan Ja'fariyyah, nisbat kepada Ja'far Ash-Shaadiq. Mereka dinamakan Imamiyyah karena berpandangan kepemimpinan itu hanya untuk 'Ali dan anak keturunannya, dan mereka menunggu seorang imam yang akan muncul di akhir jaman. Mereka juga dinamakan Rafidlah karena sikap mereka yang meninggalkan Zaid bin 'Ali sebagaimana pembahasan lalu.[11] Demikianlah, dan hendaknya diketahui oleh setiap muslim bahwa orang-orang Rafidlah pada hakekatnya adalah para musuh Islam. Hanyalah mereka berkedok Islam untuk menghantam Islam. Mereka bahu-membahu dengan semua musuh Islam untuk menghadapi Islam serta bekerjasama dengan semua orang jahat untuk melawan islam. Laa haula walaa quwwata illaa billaah. [1 Aktualisierung]
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Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 11:41PM kuffar - Social Mention How can the believer be content to live in the land of the kuffaar where the rituals of kufr are proclaimed openly and rule belongs to someone other than Allaah and His Messenger, seeing that with his own eyes, hearing that with his own ears and approving of it, and even starting to feel that he belongs there and living there with his wife and children, and feeling as comfortable there as he does in the Muslim lands, even though he and his wife and children are in such great danger and their religious commitment and morals are in such peril? (Majmoo' Fataawa al-Shaykh Ibn 'Uthyameen, Fatwa no. 388) Nov 20th 2013, 22:46 You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: salafist - Social Mention: Mesopotamische EntwicklungsGesellschaft - Mezopotamian Development Society (Registered) THE MOST REQUESTED DAILY & ONLY INDEPENDENT NEWSSERVICE ON KURDISTAN FOR THE HIGHLY INVOLVED PEOPLE MESOP English & German Version - (FOUNDED 1988) / PO Box 5135 - D 61440 OBERURSEL – Germany VISIT & SUBSCRIBE (or unsubscribe) "MESOP NEWSLETTER" ON OUR WEBSITE : Editors Facebook: Hour by hour new News from all parts of Kurdistan - German follows English MESOP MOTTO : „NEVER MAKE A CONCESSION FROM THE TRUTH" TODAY'S MESOP QUOTATION : Turkish PM denies general amnesty claims Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has strictly ruled out comments that the government was considering a general amnesty MORE ABOUT KURDISH DISUNITY : Thousands protested against Barzani in Efrin ANF - Efrin 19.11.2013 - Thousands in the west Kurdistan city of Efrin staged a march to protest against Massoud Barzani, president of Iraqi Kurdish Regional Government, in relation with his statements against the Rojava revolution and the Democratic Union Party (PYD). Read more: SIVAN PERWER – ERDOGAN'S INSTRUMENT BBC UK – 19-11-2013 - Sivan Perwer's return to Turkey exposes a rift within the Kurdish movement. Some Kurds in Diyarbakir accuse their most famous singer of allowing himself to be co-opted by Mr Erdogan and Mr Barzani, as part of an attempt to marginalise the PKK, a movement that Turkey designates as a terrorist organisation. Read more: Erdoğan & Barzani Cooperating Against the Rojava Revolution Ferda Çetin * - News Desk 19.11.2013 - Erdoğan, Barzani, Şivan Perwer and İbrahim Tatlises kicked off the AKP's election campaign in Kurdistan [last weekend]. And when some intelligent (!) Kurdish politicians went on about how "it would be wrong to understand this meeting as support for Erdoğan in the election campaign" it can be clearly seen that this was a manipulation. – Read more: NORTH KURDISTAN (TURKEY) Barzani meets Turkey Kurdish deputies behind closed doors 19-11-2013 – Kurdpress - The President of Kurdistan Region Massoud Barzani held a meeting on Sunday in Diyarbakir with the Kurdish deputies in Ankara Parliament, Radikal daily said. Read more: Fuad Hussein (KDP) no decision on Syrian Kurds or oil in Diyarbakir Dr. Fuat Hüseyin: Erdoğan ile Rojava'yı konuşmadık - AMED 17.11.2013 Dün akşam Başbakan Recep Tayyip Erdoğan ve Federal Kürdistan Yönetimi Başkanı Mesud Barzani arasında yapılan görüşme hakkında konuşan KDP Başkanlık Divanı Başkanı Dr. Fuat Hüseyin, hiçbir anlaşma yapılmadığını, ikili görüşmede Rojava'nın konuşulmadığını ve enerji konusunda hiçbir anlaşmanın yapılmadığını söyledi. Read more: Turkey-KRG alliance to shift regional balance 19 November 2013 /SİNEM CENGİZ, DİYARBAKIR/ANKARA ZAMAN - The close ties between Ankara and Arbil, which gained momentum after the historic visit to Turkey by Massoud Barzani, president of the autonomous Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) of northern Iraq, are likely to have a tremendous impact on the regional power balance as well as on the settlement process launched by the Turkish government last year to end the decades-old Kurdish conflict. Read more: Cemil Bayik Interview on Recent Developments Rojhelat 19-11-2013 - Cemil Bayik: Iran executed three Kurds in order to satisfy Turkey. Co-president of Kurdistan Communities Union (KCK) Executive Council Cemil Bayik stated that Iran wants to satisfy Turkey that is why it executed three Kurds. Read more: Öcalan: We are ready for negotiations ANF - News Desk 19.11.2013 - Mehmet Öcalan spoke to DIHA (Dicle News Agency) about the details of the meeting he had with his brother, Kurdish people's leader Abdullah Öcalan in İmralı prison on Monday. Read more: WEST KURDISTAN (SYRIA) COUNCIL OF FOREIGN RELATIONS : How have Iraqi Kurdish authorities responded to the Syrian civil war? Question submitted by Martin Lafon, from Sciences-Po Bordeaux, November 18, 2013 The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) has approached the civil war in Syria with caution. The authorities governing the Iraqi autonomous region, based in Erbil, have quietly played an important role in the humanitarian response to the crisis with 197,000 (according to the UN refugee agency) Syrian refugees on KRG territory, spread across three refugee camps in the main cities of Dohuk, Erbil, and Sulaimaniyah. Read more: Turkey backing off support for jihadists on Syria border Amberin Zaman Posted November 18, 2013 – AL MONITOR - Topcu, on the Turkish side of the border, is on the front line of a vicious turf war between the Syrian Kurdish People's Defense Units (YPG) and Salafist groups led by Jabhat al-Nusra, the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) and Ahrar Ash Sham. The battle, which has Topcu caught in its crosshairs, is over a village called Susik that keeps switching hands. Read more: EAST KURDISTAN (IRAN) Kurds in Iran Wary About Restart of Armed Conflict by PJAK By Nasir Piroti – RUDAW – 19-11-2013 - ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – Kurdish activists and political leaders in Iran warn that a threat by the underground Free Life Party of Kurdistan (PJAK) to resume armed conflict with Tehran will not be in the interests of the country's large Kurdish minority. Read more: PDKI Representative Met with German Foreign Ministry & CDU 19-11-2013 – MESOP - In two separate meetings, the PDKI's representative in Germany, Hiwa Bahrami, met with the officials from the German Foreign Ministry and Christian Democratic Union (CDU). Read more: GERMANY : PDKI Representative Participated in the SPD's Congress 19-11-2013 – MESOP - The PDKI's representative in Germany, Hiwa Bahrami, participated in the Congress of the German Social Democratic Party (SPD) in Leipzig. - Read more : PDKI's Head of Foreign Relations Disappointed with the SI's Council Meeting in Istanbul 19-11-2013 - The PDKI's Head of Foreign Relations, Loghman H. Ahmedi, expressed disappointment with the Council meeting of the Socialist International, which was held in the city of Istanbul on 11-12 November. Read more: FULL REPORT : News & Human Rights Updates from Iranian Kurdistan Brother and Sister Arrested in Bokan Early in the morning on Saturday, November 16, agents from the intelligence agency entered the home of Afsana and Shaho Bayzidi in Bokan and arrested the two siblings. Kurdish Political Prisoner Stages Hunger Strike A Kurdish political prisoner by the name of Ali Moradi has begun a hunger strike because he has been transferred from Minab prison to a prison in Bander Abbas Female Kurdish Activist Sentenced to Two Years in Prison Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Court in Bokan sentenced Kurdish activist Shehin Baizidpor to two years in prison. – Read more: SOUTH KURDISTAN (IRAQ) Baghdad Rejects Oil Revenues Mechanism Proposed by Turkey RUDAW - By Samia Zuber – 19-11-2013 - ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki's State of Law Coalition has rejected a Turkish proposal for an escrow account to monitor Iraqi oil revenues and resolve a pending payment issue between Baghdad and Erbil. Read more: More than 30 Kurdish Yazidi women committed suicide in 2013 in Bashiqa, Iraq - 19.11.2013 - MOSUL, Iraq: A Kurdish Yazidi woman died on Tuesday, five days after burning herself in Ba'shiqah area northeast of Mosul, as suicide cases have increased in this community to more than 30 during the current year only. " Read more: THE GERMAN KURDISH CHAPTER 1. Zum Hamburger Arak-Prozess: Iran-Sanktionen und deutsche Kontrollbehörden Im Hamburger Arak-Prozess ist am 8. November ein Urteil gefällt worden. Verhandelt wurden Fälle von Proliferation für den Atomreaktor Arak. Deutsch-iranische Händler hatten von Deutschland aus wichtige Technologie für Irans gefährlichstes Atomprojekt geliefert. - Im Prozess wurde auch das Versagen der deutschen Kontrollbehörden deutlich. STOP THE BOMB kritisiert das Behördenversagen und fordert die Einsetzung eines Untersuchungsausschusses. Weiterlesen: Pressemeldung vom 8. November Weiterlesen: Hintergrundinformationen zum Arak-Prozess Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 06:36PM salafist - Social Mention Mesopotamische EntwicklungsGesellschaft - Mezopotamian Development Society (Registered) THE MOST REQUESTED DAILY & ONLY INDEPENDENT NEWSSERVICE ON KURDISTAN FOR THE HIGHLY INVOLVED PEOPLE MESOP English & German Version - (FOUNDED 1988) / PO Box 5135 - D 61440 OBERURSEL – Germany VISIT & SUBSCRIBE (or unsubscribe) "MESOP NEWSLETTER" ON OUR WEBSITE : Editors Facebook: Hour by hour new News from all parts of Kurdistan - German follows English MESOP MOTTO : „NEVER MAKE A CONCESSION FROM THE TRUTH" TODAY'S MESOP QUOTATION : Turkish PM denies general amnesty claims Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has strictly ruled out comments that the government was considering a general amnesty MORE ABOUT KURDISH DISUNITY : Thousands protested against Barzani in Efrin ANF - Efrin 19.11.2013 - Thousands in the west Kurdistan city of Efrin staged a march to protest against Massoud Barzani, president of Iraqi Kurdish Regional Government, in relation with his statements against the Rojava revolution and the Democratic Union Party (PYD). Read more: SIVAN PERWER – ERDOGAN'S INSTRUMENT BBC UK – 19-11-2013 - Sivan Perwer's return to Turkey exposes a rift within the Kurdish movement. Some Kurds in Diyarbakir accuse their most famous singer of allowing himself to be co-opted by Mr Erdogan and Mr Barzani, as part of an attempt to marginalise the PKK, a movement that Turkey designates as a terrorist organisation. Read more: Erdoğan & Barzani Cooperating Against the Rojava Revolution Ferda Çetin * - News Desk 19.11.2013 - Erdoğan, Barzani, Şivan Perwer and İbrahim Tatlises kicked off the AKP's election campaign in Kurdistan [last weekend]. And when some intelligent (!) Kurdish politicians went on about how "it would be wrong to understand this meeting as support for Erdoğan in the election campaign" it can be clearly seen that this was a manipulation. – Read more: NORTH KURDISTAN (TURKEY) Barzani meets Turkey Kurdish deputies behind closed doors 19-11-2013 – Kurdpress - The President of Kurdistan Region Massoud Barzani held a meeting on Sunday in Diyarbakir with the Kurdish deputies in Ankara Parliament, Radikal daily said. Read more: Fuad Hussein (KDP) no decision on Syrian Kurds or oil in Diyarbakir Dr. Fuat Hüseyin: Erdoğan ile Rojava'yı konuşmadık - AMED 17.11.2013 Dün akşam Başbakan Recep Tayyip Erdoğan ve Federal Kürdistan Yönetimi Başkanı Mesud Barzani arasında yapılan görüşme hakkında konuşan KDP Başkanlık Divanı Başkanı Dr. Fuat Hüseyin, hiçbir anlaşma yapılmadığını, ikili görüşmede Rojava'nın konuşulmadığını ve enerji konusunda hiçbir anlaşmanın yapılmadığını söyledi. Read more: Turkey-KRG alliance to shift regional balance 19 November 2013 /SİNEM CENGİZ, DİYARBAKIR/ANKARA ZAMAN - The close ties between Ankara and Arbil, which gained momentum after the historic visit to Turkey by Massoud Barzani, president of the autonomous Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) of northern Iraq, are likely to have a tremendous impact on the regional power balance as well as on the settlement process launched by the Turkish government last year to end the decades-old Kurdish conflict. Read more: Cemil Bayik Interview on Recent Developments Rojhelat 19-11-2013 - Cemil Bayik: Iran executed three Kurds in order to satisfy Turkey. Co-president of Kurdistan Communities Union (KCK) Executive Council Cemil Bayik stated that Iran wants to satisfy Turkey that is why it executed three Kurds. Read more: Öcalan: We are ready for negotiations ANF - News Desk 19.11.2013 - Mehmet Öcalan spoke to DIHA (Dicle News Agency) about the details of the meeting he had with his brother, Kurdish people's leader Abdullah Öcalan in İmralı prison on Monday. Read more: WEST KURDISTAN (SYRIA) COUNCIL OF FOREIGN RELATIONS : How have Iraqi Kurdish authorities responded to the Syrian civil war? Question submitted by Martin Lafon, from Sciences-Po Bordeaux, November 18, 2013 The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) has approached the civil war in Syria with caution. The authorities governing the Iraqi autonomous region, based in Erbil, have quietly played an important role in the humanitarian response to the crisis with 197,000 (according to the UN refugee agency) Syrian refugees on KRG territory, spread across three refugee camps in the main cities of Dohuk, Erbil, and Sulaimaniyah. Read more: Turkey backing off support for jihadists on Syria border Amberin Zaman Posted November 18, 2013 – AL MONITOR - Topcu, on the Turkish side of the border, is on the front line of a vicious turf war between the Syrian Kurdish People's Defense Units (YPG) and Salafist groups led by Jabhat al-Nusra, the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) and Ahrar Ash Sham. The battle, which has Topcu caught in its crosshairs, is over a village called Susik that keeps switching hands. Read more: EAST KURDISTAN (IRAN) Kurds in Iran Wary About Restart of Armed Conflict by PJAK By Nasir Piroti – RUDAW – 19-11-2013 - ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – Kurdish activists and political leaders in Iran warn that a threat by the underground Free Life Party of Kurdistan (PJAK) to resume armed conflict with Tehran will not be in the interests of the country's large Kurdish minority. Read more: PDKI Representative Met with German Foreign Ministry & CDU 19-11-2013 – MESOP - In two separate meetings, the PDKI's representative in Germany, Hiwa Bahrami, met with the officials from the German Foreign Ministry and Christian Democratic Union (CDU). Read more: GERMANY : PDKI Representative Participated in the SPD's Congress 19-11-2013 – MESOP - The PDKI's representative in Germany, Hiwa Bahrami, participated in the Congress of the German Social Democratic Party (SPD) in Leipzig. - Read more : PDKI's Head of Foreign Relations Disappointed with the SI's Council Meeting in Istanbul 19-11-2013 - The PDKI's Head of Foreign Relations, Loghman H. Ahmedi, expressed disappointment with the Council meeting of the Socialist International, which was held in the city of Istanbul on 11-12 November. Read more: FULL REPORT : News & Human Rights Updates from Iranian Kurdistan Brother and Sister Arrested in Bokan Early in the morning on Saturday, November 16, agents from the intelligence agency entered the home of Afsana and Shaho Bayzidi in Bokan and arrested the two siblings. Kurdish Political Prisoner Stages Hunger Strike A Kurdish political prisoner by the name of Ali Moradi has begun a hunger strike because he has been transferred from Minab prison to a prison in Bander Abbas Female Kurdish Activist Sentenced to Two Years in Prison Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Court in Bokan sentenced Kurdish activist Shehin Baizidpor to two years in prison. – Read more: SOUTH KURDISTAN (IRAQ) Baghdad Rejects Oil Revenues Mechanism Proposed by Turkey RUDAW - By Samia Zuber – 19-11-2013 - ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki's State of Law Coalition has rejected a Turkish proposal for an escrow account to monitor Iraqi oil revenues and resolve a pending payment issue between Baghdad and Erbil. Read more: More than 30 Kurdish Yazidi women committed suicide in 2013 in Bashiqa, Iraq - 19.11.2013 - MOSUL, Iraq: A Kurdish Yazidi woman died on Tuesday, five days after burning herself in Ba'shiqah area northeast of Mosul, as suicide cases have increased in this community to more than 30 during the current year only. " Read more: THE GERMAN KURDISH CHAPTER 1. Zum Hamburger Arak-Prozess: Iran-Sanktionen und deutsche Kontrollbehörden Im Hamburger Arak-Prozess ist am 8. November ein Urteil gefällt worden. Verhandelt wurden Fälle von Proliferation für den Atomreaktor Arak. Deutsch-iranische Händler hatten von Deutschland aus wichtige Technologie für Irans gefährlichstes Atomprojekt geliefert. - Im Prozess wurde auch das Versagen der deutschen Kontrollbehörden deutlich. STOP THE BOMB kritisiert das Behördenversagen und fordert die Einsetzung eines Untersuchungsausschusses. Weiterlesen: Pressemeldung vom 8. November Weiterlesen: Hintergrundinformationen zum Arak-Prozess Nov 19th 2013, 18:32 Atef al-Souri – November 15, 2013 – FIKRA FORUM - Since the beginning of the 2011 revolution, Syrians have awaited the response of the Alawite sect. There was hope that the Alawites would join the revolution in opposition to everything perpetuated by the regime, including fear mongering, killing, p... You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: Abu Walaa - Social Mention: Sekilas tentang Rafidlah dan Pendirinya.... Oleh : Abu Bakr 'Abdurrazzaq bin Shalih bin 'Ali An-Nahmiy Orang pertama yang mencetuskan paham Rafidlah adalah 'Abdullah bin Saba' Al-Yahud dari kalangan Yahudi Yaman. Dia menampakkan keislaman, kemudian datang ke Madinah pada masa khalifah yang lurus, 'Utsman bin 'Affan radliyallaahu 'anhu. Mereka dinamakan dengan Rafidlah (kaum yang meninggalkan) karena mereka meninggalkan Zaid bin 'Ali, ketika mereka meminta beliau untuk menyatakan putus hubungan dengan Abu Bakar dan 'Umar, tetapi beliau justru mendoakan rahmat untuk mereka berdua. Maka mereka mengatakan,"Jika demikian, kami akan meninggalkanmu". Maka beliau (Zaid bin 'Ali) berkata,"Pergilah ! Sesungguhnya kalian adalah Rafidlah (orang-orang yang meninggalkan)". Adz-Dzahabi berkata dalam Siyaru A'laamin-Nubalaa' (5/390) bahwa 'Isa bin Yunus berkata,"Orang-orang Rafidlah datang menemui Zaid, lantas mereka berkata : 'Buatlah pernyataan putus hubungan dengan Abu Bakar dan 'Umar sehingga kami membantumu'. Maka beliau menanggapi : 'Bahkan aku loyal kepada mereka berdua'. Mereka pun berkata : 'Jika demikian, maka kami meninggalkanmu'. Dari situlah mereka dikatakan Rafidlah". Syaikhul-Islam Ibnu Taimiyyah berkata dalam Majmu' Fataawaa (4/435) : "Dikatakan kepada Al-Imam Ahmad : 'Siapa itu Rafidlah ?'. Beliau menjawab : 'Orang yang mencela Abu Bakar dan 'Umar'. Karena alasan inilah mereka dinamakan Rafidlah. Sebab, mereka meninggalkan Zaid bin 'Ali ketika beliau loyal kepada kedua khalifah tersebut sedangkan mereka benci kepada keduanya. Sehingga orang yang membenci mereka berdua dinamakan Rafidlah". Ada yang berkata bahwa mereka dinamakan Rafidlah sebab mereka meninggalkan Abu Bakar dan 'Umar. Ibnu Taimiyyah juga berkata pada sumber yang lalu,"Asal-usul Rafidlah dari kalangan munafiq dan zindiq. Rafidlah itu dibuat oleh Ibnu Saba' yang zindiq. Dia menampakkan sikap ekstrim mendukung 'Ali dengan propaganda bahwa 'Ali lebih berhak untuk kepemimpinan dan ada wasiat bagi 'Ali". Beliau juga berkata pada (28/483),"Para ulama menyebutkan bahwa permulaan paham Rafidlah adalah dari seorang zindiq bernama 'Abdullah bin Saba'. Dia menampakkan keislaman dan menyembunyikan agama Yahudinya. Dia ingin merusak Islam sebagaimana yang dilakukan Paulus An-Nashraniy yang dahulunya Yahudi ketika merusak agama Nashrani". Ibnu Abil-'Izz Al-Hanafiy berkata dalam Syarh Ath-Thahawiyyah hal. 490 dengan tahqiq Al-Albani,"Asal mula paham Rafidlah dimunculkan oleh seorang munafiq lagi zindiq yang bermaksud meruntuhkan agama Islam dan mencela Rasul shallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam sebagaimana disebutkan para ulama. Karena 'Abdullah bin Saba' si Yahudi ketika menampakkan Islam, dia hanya ingin merusak Islam dengan tipu daya dan keburukannya, sebagaimana dilakukan Paulus terhadap agama Nashrani. Dia berpenampilan orang yang rajin beribadah, kemudian dia perlihatkan amar ma'ruf nahi munkart sampai akhirnya dia berupaya memfitnah 'Utsman dan membunuhnya. Kemudian ketika datang ke Kuffah, dia menampakkan sikap ekstrim terhadap 'Ali dan pembelaan kepadanya agar dengan itu ia mampu untuk mencapai tujuan-tujuannya. Berita itu akhirnya sampai kepada 'Ali, maka 'Ali bermaksud membunuhnya sehingga dia melarikan diri darinya menuju Qarqis. Dan berita tentangnya sudah sangat dikenal dalam sejarah. Buku-buku sejarah menyebutkan bahwa Ibnu Saba' dulunya seorang Yahudi kemudian dia tampakkan keislamannya padahal dia seorang munafiq zindiq". Ath-Thabari telah menyebutkannya dalam At-Taarikh (4/430) bahwa Ibnu Saba' dahulunya seorang Yahudi dari penduduk Shan'a. Ibnul-Atsir berkata dalam Al-Kamiil (3/77) : "Abdullah bin Saba' si Yahudi dulunya seorang Yahudi dari penduduk Shan'a dan ibunya adalah Sauda' ". Ath-Thabariy menyebutkan dalam sejarah kejadian-kejadian di tahun 30 H bahwa Ibnu Saba' mendatangi Abu Darda'. Maka Abu Darda' berkata kepadanya,"Siapa kamu ini ? Aku mengira kamu ini – demi Allah – seorang Yahudi !". Aku (yaitu Penulis – Abu Bakr 'Abdurrazzaq bin Shalih An-Nahmiy) berkata,"Sehingga 'Abdullah bin Saba' itu hanyalah seorang Yahudi yang berkedok Islam. Asy-Syahrastani berkata dalam Al-Milal wan-Nihal (1/204) cet. Daarul-Ma'rifah : 'Saba'iyyah adalah para pengikut 'Abdullah bin Saba' yang berkata kepada 'Ali : 'Kamulah, kamulah !'. Maksudnya,'Kamu adalah Tuhan'. Maka 'Ali kemudian mengusirnya ke Al-Madain". Orang-orang menyangka bahwa dia dulunya seorang Yahudi lantas masuk Islam. Ketika beragama Yahudi dia mengatakan bahwa Yusya' bin Nun berwasiat kepada Musa 'alaihis-salaam seperti yang dikatakannya tentang 'Ali, dialah orang pertama yang memunculkan pernyataan adanya wasiat tentang kepemimpinan 'Ali radliyallaahu 'anhu dan dari situlah bercabang berbagai sikap berlebihan (ghulluw). Dia meyakni bahwa 'Ali terus hidup dan tidak akan mati, padanya terdapat sifat ketuhanan, dan beliau tidak boleh menjadi bawahan. Beliaulah yang datang dari awan, halilintar adalah suaranya, kilatan petir adalah senyumannya. Beliau nanti akan turun ke bumi lantas memenuhi bumi dengan keadilan setelah sebelumnya dipenuhi dengan kedhaliman. Ibnu Saba' menampakkan ucapan ini setelah wafatnya 'Ali radliyallaahu 'anhu dan adanya sejumlah orang yang berhimpun mendukungnya. Merekalah kelompok pertama yang menyatakan tawaqquf, ghaib, dan akan kembalinya 'Ali. Mereka juga menyatakan menjelmanya sebagian sifat ketuhanan pada para imam setelah 'Ali radliyallaahu 'anhu. Dia ('Abdullah bin Saba') berkata,"Makna seperti ini sebenarnya juga diketahui oleh para shahabat, sekalipun mereka berseberangan dengan keinginannya ('Ali). Ini 'Umar bin Khaththab, ketika 'Ali mencungkil mata seseorang dengan benda tajam di tanah suci, dilaporkan kepadanya ('Umar) dan ia berkomentar,'Apa yang sanggup aku katakan terhadap tangan Allah yang telah mencungkil mata di tanah suci milik Allah ?'. Jadi 'Umar memberikan baginya sebutan ketuhanan karena memang 'Umar mengetahui sifat itu pada diri 'Ali". Berikut ini adalah biografi 'Abdullah bin Saba' si Yahudi dalam kitab Mizaanul-I'tidaal karya Adz-Dzahabi dan Lisaanul-Miizaan karya Ibnu Hajar. Al-Hafidh Adz-Dzahabi berkata,"Abdullah bin Saba' termasuk orang-orang zindiq yang paling ekstrim, sesat, dan menyesatkan. Aku mengira 'Ali yang membakarnya dengan api. Al-Jauzajani berkata : 'Dia meyakini bahwa Al-Qur'an itu hanya satu bagian dari sembilan bagian yang ilmunya ada pada 'Ali. 'Ali mengusirnya setelah bertekad melakukannya". Al-Hafidh Ibnu Hajar berkata dalam Lisaanul-Miizaan (29/30) : "Ibnu 'Asakir berkata dalam Tarikh-nya : 'Asalnya dari Yaman, dulunya dia seorang Yahudi kemudian dia menampakkan kesialaman. Kemudian dia berkeliling ke negeri-negeri muslimin untuk memalingkan mereka dari ketaatan kepada penguasa dan menyusupkan keburukan di tengah-tengah mereka. Dia memasuki kota Damaskus untuk tujuan tadi pada masa 'Utsman'. Kemudian dia (Ibnu 'Asakir) meriwayatkan dari jalan Saif bin 'Umar At-Tamimi dalam Al-Futuh dengan kisah yang panjang, tetapi sanadnya tidak benar. Juga dari jalan Ibnu Abi Khaitsamah, dia berkata : Telah menceritakan kepada kami Muhammad bin 'Abbad, ia berkata : Telah menceritakan hadits kepada kami Sufyan, dari 'Ammar Ad-Duhni, ia mengatakan : Aku mendengar Abu Ath-Thufail berkata : رأيت المسيب بن نجبة أتى به دخل على المنبر فقال ما شأنه فقال يكذب على الله وعلى رسوله Aku melihat Al-Musayyib bin Najbah datang menyeretnya (yaitu Ibnu Saba'), sementara 'Ali sedang berada di atas mimbar. Lantas beliau ('Ali) berkata,"Ada apa dengannya ?". Al-Musayyib berkata,"Dia berdusta atas nama Allah dan Rasul-Nya". [1] Beliau (Ibnu 'Asakir) juga berkata : Telah menceritakan kepada kami 'Umar bin Marzuq, dia berkata : Telah menceritakan kepada kami Syu'bah, dari Salamah bin Kuhail, dari Zaid bin Wahb, dia berkata : 'Ali bin Abi Thalib radliyallaahu ta'ala 'anhu berkata, ما لي ولهذا الخبيث الأسود يعني عبد الله بن سبأ كان يقع في أبي بكر وعمر رضى الله تعالى عنهما "Apa urusanku dengan al-hamil [2] yang hitam ini – yaitu 'Abdullah bin Saba' - ?. Dia biasa mencela Abu Bakar dan 'Umar radliyalaahu ta'ala 'anhuma". [3] Dari jalan Muhammad bin 'Utsman bin Abi Syaibah, dia berkata : Telah menceritakan kepada kami Muhammad bin Al-'Alla' dia berkata : Telah menceritakan kepada kami Abu Bakar bin Ayyas, dari Mujahid, dari Asy-Sya'bi, dia berkata : "Orang pertama yang berbuat kedustaan adalah 'Abdullah bin Saba'". Abu Ya'la Al-Mushili berkata dalam Musnad-nya : Telah menceritakan kepada kami Abu Kuraib, dia berkata : Telah menceritakan kepada kami Muhammad bin Al-Hasan Al-Asadi, dia berkata : Telah menceritakan kepada kami Harun bin Shaalih, dari Al-Haarits bin 'Abdirrahman, dari Abul-Jalas, ia berkata : Aku mendengar 'Ali berkata kepada 'Abdullah bin Saba' : والله ما أفضى إلي بشيء كتمه أحدا من الناس ولقد سمعت يقول إن بين يدي الساعة ثلاثين كذابا وإنك لأحدهم "Demi Allah, beliau tidak pernah menyampaikan kepadaku sesuatupun yang beliau sembunyikan dari manusia. Benar-benar aku mendengar beliau bersabda,'Sesungguhnya sebelum terjadinya kiamat ada tiga puluh pendusta'; dan engkau adalah salah satu dari mereka".[4] Abu Ishaq Al-Fazari berkata : Dari Syu'bah, dari Salamah bin Kuhail, dari Abu Az-Za'ra', dari Zaid bin Wahb : Bahwasannya Suwaid bin Ghafalah masuk menemui 'Ali radliyallaahu 'anhu di masa kepemimpinannya. Lantas dia berkata,"Aku melewati sekelompok orang menyebut-nyebut Abu Bakar dan 'Umar (dengan kejelekan). Mereka berpandangan bahwa engkau juga menyembunyikan perasaan seperti itu kepada mereka berdua. Diantara mereka adalah 'Abdullah bin Saba' dan dialah orang pertama yang menampakkan hal itu". Lantas 'Ali berkata,"Aku berlindung kepada Allah untuk menyembunyikan sesuatu terhadap mereka berdua kecuali kebaikan". Kemudian beliau mengirim utusan kepada 'Abdullah bin Saba' dan mengusirnya ke Al-Madaain. Beliau juga berkata,"Jangan sampai engkau tinggal satu negeri bersamaku selamanya". Kemudian beliau bangkit menuju mimbar sehingga manusia berkumpul. Lantas beliau menyebutkan kisah secara panjang lebar yang padanya terdapat pujian terhadap mereka berdua (Abu Bakar dan 'Umar), dan akhirnya berliau berkata,"Ketahuilah, jangan pernah sampai kepadaku dari seorangpun yang mengutamakan aku dari mereka berdua melainkan aku akan mencambuknya sebagai hukuman untuk orang yang berbuat dusta".[5] Berita tentang 'Abdullah bin Saba' ini sangatlah masyhur dalam buku-buku sejarah dan dia tidak mempunyai satu riwayat hadits pun, walhamdulillah. Dia mempunyai pengikut yang dikenal dengan Saba'iyyah yang meyakini sifat ketuhanan 'Ali bin Abi Thalib dan 'Ali telah membakarnya dengan api pada masa kekhalifahannya" [selesai perkataan Ibnu Hajar dalam Lisaanul-Miizaan]. Amirul-Mukminin 'Ali bin Abi Thalib telah membakar pengikut si Yahudi 'Abdullah bin Saba' setelah beliau menasihati agar mereka kembali dan bertaubat kepada Allah dari kesesatan dan penyelewengan mereka. Al-Bukhari meriwayatkan (12/335) dalam Fathul-Baari no. 6922, beliau berkata : Telah memberikan hadits kepada Abu An-Nu'mar Muhammad bin Al-Fadhl ia berkata : Telah menceritakan kepada kami Hammad bin Zaid, dari Ayyub, dari 'Ikrimah bahwasannya ia berkata : أتى علي رضى الله تعالى عنه بزنادقة فأحرقهم فبلغ ذلك بن عباس فقال لو كنت أنا لم أحرقهم لنهي رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم لا تعذبوا بعذاب الله ولقتلتهم لقول رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم من بدل دينه فاقتلوه "Didatangkan kepada 'Ali radliyallaahu 'anhu sekelompok orang zindiq, lantas beliau membakarnya. Kemudian berita itu sampai kepada Ibnu 'Abbas radliyallaahu 'anhuma, maka beliau berkata : "Seandainya aku yang menghukumnya, maka aku tidak akan membakarnya, sebab ada larangan dari Rasulullah shallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam : 'Janganlah kalian menyiksa dengan siksaan Allah (yaitu api), akan tetapi aku akan membunuhnya karena sabda Rasulullah shallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam : 'Barangsiapa yang mengganti agamanya, maka bunuhlah ia". Ibnu Hajar ketika menjelaskan hadits ini berkata : "Abul-Mudhaffar Al-Isfirayini mengatakan dalam Al-Milal wan-Nihal bahwa yang dibakar oleh 'Ali itu adalah orang-orang Rafidlah yang mengklaim sifat ketuhanan pada diri 'Ali. Dan mereka itu adalah Saba'iyyah. Pemimpin mereka adalah 'Abdullah bin Saba', seorang Yahudi yang menampakkan keislaman. Dia membuat bid'ah berupa ucapan seperti ini. Dan sangatlah mungkin asal hadits ini adalah apa yang kami riwayatkan dalam juz 3 dari hadits Abu Thahir Al-Mukhlish dari jalan 'Abdullah bin Syuraik Al-'Amiriy, dari ayahnya ia berkata : Dikatakan kepada 'Ali : 'Disana ada sekelompok orang di depan pintu masjid yang mengklaim bahwa engkau adalah Rabb mereka'. Lantas beliau memanggil mereka dan berkata kepada mereka : 'Celaka kalian, apa yang kalian katakan ?'. Mereka menjawab : 'Engkau adalah Rabb kami, pencipta kami, dan pemberi rizki kami'. 'Ali berkata : 'Celaka kalian, aku hanyalah seorang hamba seperti kalian. Aku makan makanan sebagaimana kalian makan, dan aku minum sebagaimana kalian minum. Jika aku mentaati Allah, maka Allah akan memberiku pahala jika Dia berkehendak. Dan jika aku bermaksiat, maka aku khawatir Dia akan mengadzabku. Maka bertaqwalah kalian kepada Allah dan kemballah'. Tetapi mereka tetap enggan. Ketika datang hari berikutnya, mereka datang lagi kepada 'Ali, kemudian datanglah Qanbar dan berkata,'Demi Allah, mereka kembali mengatakan perkataan seperti itu'. 'Ali pun berkata,'Masukkan mereka kemari'. Tetapi mereka masih mengatakan seperti itu juga. Ketiga hari ketiga, beliau berkata,'Jika kalian masih mengatakannya, aku benar-benar akan membunuh kalian dengan cara yang paling buruk'. Tetapi mereka masih berkeras masih menjalaninya. Maka 'Ali berkata,'Wahai Qanbar, datangkanlah kepadaku para pekerja yang membawa alat-alat galian dan alat-alat kerja lainnya. Lantas, buatkanlah untuk mereka parit-parit yang luasnya antara pintu masjid dengan istana'. Beliau juga berkata,'Galilah dan dalamkanlah galiannya'. Kemudian beliau memerintahkan mendatangkan kayu bakar lantas menyalakan api di parit-parit tersebut. Beliaupun berkata,'Sungguh aku akan lempar kalian ke dalamnya atau kalian kembali (pada agama Allah)'. Maka 'Ali melempar mereka ke dalamnya, sampai ketika mereka telah terbakar, beliau pun berkata : اني إذا رأيت أمرا منكرا - أوقدت ناري ودعوت قنبرا Ketika aku melihat perkara yang munkar Aku sulut apiku dan aku panggil Qanbar Ini adalah sanad yang hasan. [selesai perkataan Ibnu Hajar dalam Fathul-Baari]. Adapun 'Abdullah bin Saba', maka 'Ali mengusirnya ke Al-Madaain. Ketika 'Ali meninggal dan berita kematian 'Ali sampai kepada 'Abdullah bin Saba', dia berkata kepada orang yang membawa berita,"Seandainya pun engkau membawa berita kepada kami membawa otaknya dimasukkan ke dalam tujuhpuluh kantong dan engkau berdirikan tujuhpuluh orang saksi yang adil, maka tentu kami masih bisa memastikan bahwa dia belum terbunuh dan tidak akan mati sampai menguasai bumi".[6] Ibnu Saba'Al-Yahudi memanfaatkan kematian Amirul-Mukminin 'Ali bin Abi Thalib, dia susupkan keyakinan-keyakinan rusaknya dan diterima oleh para pengikutnya dari orang-orang Rafidlah. Mereka pun kemudian menyebarkannya dan menyeru kepadanya. Di sini, kami akan menyebutkan sebagian yang diperbuat oleh orang Yahudi ni dan keyakinan-keyakinan rusaknya yang dia masukkan (ke dalam tubuh kaum muslimin) : 1. Mencetuskan kelompok yang menyimpang ini, yaitu Rafidlah. 2. Upayanya untuk membunuh khalifah yang lurus Dzun-Nurain (pemilik dua cahaya : dua anak perempuan Nabi shallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam), yaitu 'Utsman bin 'Affan radliyallaahu 'anhu. 3. Mencela shahabat dan mengkafirkannya, terutama Abu Bakar, 'Umar, dan 'Utsman radliyallaahu 'anhum. 4. Keyakinan adanya wasiat tertulis bagi 'Ali. 5. Sikap ekstrim terhadap 'Ali dan ahli bait. 6. 'Aqidah bada' (menjadi nampak).[7] 7. Pengkultusan 'Ali radliyallaahu 'anhu. 8. Keyakinan tentang tidak meninggalnya 'Ali radliyallaahu 'anhu. Orang-orang Rafidlah mengambil 'aqidah yang jelek yang disusupkan oleh orang Yahudi ini[8] dan mereka sampai sekarang masih meyakini 'aqidah-'aqidah ini dan membelanya, sebagaimana dikatakan oleh guru kami Al-Imam Al-Wadi'iy[9] dalam kitabnya Al-Ilhadul-Khumaini fil-Ardlil-Haramain hal. 110, Cet. Daarul-Hadits : "Mudah-mudahan kaum muslimin mengambil pelajaran dari kisah 'Abdullah bin Saba' sehingga mereka waspada dari tipu daya dan keburukan orang-orang Rafidlah, sebab seruan mereka terbangun di atas kedustaan dan sungguh betapa miripnya malam ini dengan malam sebelumnya. Orang-orang Rafidlah sekarang menganut keyakinan 'Abdullah bin Saba'". Ketika 'aqidah orang-orang Rafidlah diambil dari orang Yahudi ini, maka kamu dapati keserupaan mereka dengan Yahudi dalam banyak perkara. Penulis[10] telah meletakkan sebuah pasal dalam risalah ini seputar masalah tersebut. Rafidlah memiliki beberapa nama. Mereka disebut Al-Itsna 'Asyariyah nisbat kepada keyakinan mereka tentang 12 imam. Mereka dinamakan Ja'fariyyah, nisbat kepada Ja'far Ash-Shaadiq. Mereka dinamakan Imamiyyah karena berpandangan kepemimpinan itu hanya untuk 'Ali dan anak keturunannya, dan mereka menunggu seorang imam yang akan muncul di akhir jaman. Mereka juga dinamakan Rafidlah karena sikap mereka yang meninggalkan Zaid bin 'Ali sebagaimana pembahasan lalu.[11] Demikianlah, dan hendaknya diketahui oleh setiap muslim bahwa orang-orang Rafidlah pada hakekatnya adalah para musuh Islam. Hanyalah mereka berkedok Islam untuk menghantam Islam. Mereka bahu-membahu dengan semua musuh Islam untuk menghadapi Islam serta bekerjasama dengan semua orang jahat untuk melawan islam. Laa haula walaa quwwata illaa billaah. Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 12:57PM Abu Walaa - Social Mention Sekilas tentang Rafidlah dan Pendirinya.... Oleh : Abu Bakr 'Abdurrazzaq bin Shalih bin 'Ali An-Nahmiy Orang pertama yang mencetuskan paham Rafidlah adalah 'Abdullah bin Saba' Al-Yahud dari kalangan Yahudi Yaman. Dia menampakkan keislaman, kemudian datang ke Madinah pada masa khalifah yang lurus, 'Utsman bin 'Affan radliyallaahu 'anhu. Mereka dinamakan dengan Rafidlah (kaum yang meninggalkan) karena mereka meninggalkan Zaid bin 'Ali, ketika mereka meminta beliau untuk menyatakan putus hubungan dengan Abu Bakar dan 'Umar, tetapi beliau justru mendoakan rahmat untuk mereka berdua. Maka mereka mengatakan,"Jika demikian, kami akan meninggalkanmu". Maka beliau (Zaid bin 'Ali) berkata,"Pergilah ! Sesungguhnya kalian adalah Rafidlah (orang-orang yang meninggalkan)". Adz-Dzahabi berkata dalam Siyaru A'laamin-Nubalaa' (5/390) bahwa 'Isa bin Yunus berkata,"Orang-orang Rafidlah datang menemui Zaid, lantas mereka berkata : 'Buatlah pernyataan putus hubungan dengan Abu Bakar dan 'Umar sehingga kami membantumu'. Maka beliau menanggapi : 'Bahkan aku loyal kepada mereka berdua'. Mereka pun berkata : 'Jika demikian, maka kami meninggalkanmu'. Dari situlah mereka dikatakan Rafidlah". Syaikhul-Islam Ibnu Taimiyyah berkata dalam Majmu' Fataawaa (4/435) : "Dikatakan kepada Al-Imam Ahmad : 'Siapa itu Rafidlah ?'. Beliau menjawab : 'Orang yang mencela Abu Bakar dan 'Umar'. Karena alasan inilah mereka dinamakan Rafidlah. Sebab, mereka meninggalkan Zaid bin 'Ali ketika beliau loyal kepada kedua khalifah tersebut sedangkan mereka benci kepada keduanya. Sehingga orang yang membenci mereka berdua dinamakan Rafidlah". Ada yang berkata bahwa mereka dinamakan Rafidlah sebab mereka meninggalkan Abu Bakar dan 'Umar. Ibnu Taimiyyah juga berkata pada sumber yang lalu,"Asal-usul Rafidlah dari kalangan munafiq dan zindiq. Rafidlah itu dibuat oleh Ibnu Saba' yang zindiq. Dia menampakkan sikap ekstrim mendukung 'Ali dengan propaganda bahwa 'Ali lebih berhak untuk kepemimpinan dan ada wasiat bagi 'Ali". Beliau juga berkata pada (28/483),"Para ulama menyebutkan bahwa permulaan paham Rafidlah adalah dari seorang zindiq bernama 'Abdullah bin Saba'. Dia menampakkan keislaman dan menyembunyikan agama Yahudinya. Dia ingin merusak Islam sebagaimana yang dilakukan Paulus An-Nashraniy yang dahulunya Yahudi ketika merusak agama Nashrani". Ibnu Abil-'Izz Al-Hanafiy berkata dalam Syarh Ath-Thahawiyyah hal. 490 dengan tahqiq Al-Albani,"Asal mula paham Rafidlah dimunculkan oleh seorang munafiq lagi zindiq yang bermaksud meruntuhkan agama Islam dan mencela Rasul shallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam sebagaimana disebutkan para ulama. Karena 'Abdullah bin Saba' si Yahudi ketika menampakkan Islam, dia hanya ingin merusak Islam dengan tipu daya dan keburukannya, sebagaimana dilakukan Paulus terhadap agama Nashrani. Dia berpenampilan orang yang rajin beribadah, kemudian dia perlihatkan amar ma'ruf nahi munkart sampai akhirnya dia berupaya memfitnah 'Utsman dan membunuhnya. Kemudian ketika datang ke Kuffah, dia menampakkan sikap ekstrim terhadap 'Ali dan pembelaan kepadanya agar dengan itu ia mampu untuk mencapai tujuan-tujuannya. Berita itu akhirnya sampai kepada 'Ali, maka 'Ali bermaksud membunuhnya sehingga dia melarikan diri darinya menuju Qarqis. Dan berita tentangnya sudah sangat dikenal dalam sejarah. Buku-buku sejarah menyebutkan bahwa Ibnu Saba' dulunya seorang Yahudi kemudian dia tampakkan keislamannya padahal dia seorang munafiq zindiq". Ath-Thabari telah menyebutkannya dalam At-Taarikh (4/430) bahwa Ibnu Saba' dahulunya seorang Yahudi dari penduduk Shan'a. Ibnul-Atsir berkata dalam Al-Kamiil (3/77) : "Abdullah bin Saba' si Yahudi dulunya seorang Yahudi dari penduduk Shan'a dan ibunya adalah Sauda' ". Ath-Thabariy menyebutkan dalam sejarah kejadian-kejadian di tahun 30 H bahwa Ibnu Saba' mendatangi Abu Darda'. Maka Abu Darda' berkata kepadanya,"Siapa kamu ini ? Aku mengira kamu ini – demi Allah – seorang Yahudi !". Aku (yaitu Penulis – Abu Bakr 'Abdurrazzaq bin Shalih An-Nahmiy) berkata,"Sehingga 'Abdullah bin Saba' itu hanyalah seorang Yahudi yang berkedok Islam. Asy-Syahrastani berkata dalam Al-Milal wan-Nihal (1/204) cet. Daarul-Ma'rifah : 'Saba'iyyah adalah para pengikut 'Abdullah bin Saba' yang berkata kepada 'Ali : 'Kamulah, kamulah !'. Maksudnya,'Kamu adalah Tuhan'. Maka 'Ali kemudian mengusirnya ke Al-Madain". Orang-orang menyangka bahwa dia dulunya seorang Yahudi lantas masuk Islam. Ketika beragama Yahudi dia mengatakan bahwa Yusya' bin Nun berwasiat kepada Musa 'alaihis-salaam seperti yang dikatakannya tentang 'Ali, dialah orang pertama yang memunculkan pernyataan adanya wasiat tentang kepemimpinan 'Ali radliyallaahu 'anhu dan dari situlah bercabang berbagai sikap berlebihan (ghulluw). Dia meyakni bahwa 'Ali terus hidup dan tidak akan mati, padanya terdapat sifat ketuhanan, dan beliau tidak boleh menjadi bawahan. Beliaulah yang datang dari awan, halilintar adalah suaranya, kilatan petir adalah senyumannya. Beliau nanti akan turun ke bumi lantas memenuhi bumi dengan keadilan setelah sebelumnya dipenuhi dengan kedhaliman. Ibnu Saba' menampakkan ucapan ini setelah wafatnya 'Ali radliyallaahu 'anhu dan adanya sejumlah orang yang berhimpun mendukungnya. Merekalah kelompok pertama yang menyatakan tawaqquf, ghaib, dan akan kembalinya 'Ali. Mereka juga menyatakan menjelmanya sebagian sifat ketuhanan pada para imam setelah 'Ali radliyallaahu 'anhu. Dia ('Abdullah bin Saba') berkata,"Makna seperti ini sebenarnya juga diketahui oleh para shahabat, sekalipun mereka berseberangan dengan keinginannya ('Ali). Ini 'Umar bin Khaththab, ketika 'Ali mencungkil mata seseorang dengan benda tajam di tanah suci, dilaporkan kepadanya ('Umar) dan ia berkomentar,'Apa yang sanggup aku katakan terhadap tangan Allah yang telah mencungkil mata di tanah suci milik Allah ?'. Jadi 'Umar memberikan baginya sebutan ketuhanan karena memang 'Umar mengetahui sifat itu pada diri 'Ali". Berikut ini adalah biografi 'Abdullah bin Saba' si Yahudi dalam kitab Mizaanul-I'tidaal karya Adz-Dzahabi dan Lisaanul-Miizaan karya Ibnu Hajar. Al-Hafidh Adz-Dzahabi berkata,"Abdullah bin Saba' termasuk orang-orang zindiq yang paling ekstrim, sesat, dan menyesatkan. Aku mengira 'Ali yang membakarnya dengan api. Al-Jauzajani berkata : 'Dia meyakini bahwa Al-Qur'an itu hanya satu bagian dari sembilan bagian yang ilmunya ada pada 'Ali. 'Ali mengusirnya setelah bertekad melakukannya". Al-Hafidh Ibnu Hajar berkata dalam Lisaanul-Miizaan (29/30) : "Ibnu 'Asakir berkata dalam Tarikh-nya : 'Asalnya dari Yaman, dulunya dia seorang Yahudi kemudian dia menampakkan kesialaman. Kemudian dia berkeliling ke negeri-negeri muslimin untuk memalingkan mereka dari ketaatan kepada penguasa dan menyusupkan keburukan di tengah-tengah mereka. Dia memasuki kota Damaskus untuk tujuan tadi pada masa 'Utsman'. Kemudian dia (Ibnu 'Asakir) meriwayatkan dari jalan Saif bin 'Umar At-Tamimi dalam Al-Futuh dengan kisah yang panjang, tetapi sanadnya tidak benar. Juga dari jalan Ibnu Abi Khaitsamah, dia berkata : Telah menceritakan kepada kami Muhammad bin 'Abbad, ia berkata : Telah menceritakan hadits kepada kami Sufyan, dari 'Ammar Ad-Duhni, ia mengatakan : Aku mendengar Abu Ath-Thufail berkata : رأيت المسيب بن نجبة أتى به دخل على المنبر فقال ما شأنه فقال يكذب على الله وعلى رسوله Aku melihat Al-Musayyib bin Najbah datang menyeretnya (yaitu Ibnu Saba'), sementara 'Ali sedang berada di atas mimbar. Lantas beliau ('Ali) berkata,"Ada apa dengannya ?". Al-Musayyib berkata,"Dia berdusta atas nama Allah dan Rasul-Nya". [1] Beliau (Ibnu 'Asakir) juga berkata : Telah menceritakan kepada kami 'Umar bin Marzuq, dia berkata : Telah menceritakan kepada kami Syu'bah, dari Salamah bin Kuhail, dari Zaid bin Wahb, dia berkata : 'Ali bin Abi Thalib radliyallaahu ta'ala 'anhu berkata, ما لي ولهذا الخبيث الأسود يعني عبد الله بن سبأ كان يقع في أبي بكر وعمر رضى الله تعالى عنهما "Apa urusanku dengan al-hamil [2] yang hitam ini – yaitu 'Abdullah bin Saba' - ?. Dia biasa mencela Abu Bakar dan 'Umar radliyalaahu ta'ala 'anhuma". [3] Dari jalan Muhammad bin 'Utsman bin Abi Syaibah, dia berkata : Telah menceritakan kepada kami Muhammad bin Al-'Alla' dia berkata : Telah menceritakan kepada kami Abu Bakar bin Ayyas, dari Mujahid, dari Asy-Sya'bi, dia berkata : "Orang pertama yang berbuat kedustaan adalah 'Abdullah bin Saba'". Abu Ya'la Al-Mushili berkata dalam Musnad-nya : Telah menceritakan kepada kami Abu Kuraib, dia berkata : Telah menceritakan kepada kami Muhammad bin Al-Hasan Al-Asadi, dia berkata : Telah menceritakan kepada kami Harun bin Shaalih, dari Al-Haarits bin 'Abdirrahman, dari Abul-Jalas, ia berkata : Aku mendengar 'Ali berkata kepada 'Abdullah bin Saba' : والله ما أفضى إلي بشيء كتمه أحدا من الناس ولقد سمعت يقول إن بين يدي الساعة ثلاثين كذابا وإنك لأحدهم "Demi Allah, beliau tidak pernah menyampaikan kepadaku sesuatupun yang beliau sembunyikan dari manusia. Benar-benar aku mendengar beliau bersabda,'Sesungguhnya sebelum terjadinya kiamat ada tiga puluh pendusta'; dan engkau adalah salah satu dari mereka".[4] Abu Ishaq Al-Fazari berkata : Dari Syu'bah, dari Salamah bin Kuhail, dari Abu Az-Za'ra', dari Zaid bin Wahb : Bahwasannya Suwaid bin Ghafalah masuk menemui 'Ali radliyallaahu 'anhu di masa kepemimpinannya. Lantas dia berkata,"Aku melewati sekelompok orang menyebut-nyebut Abu Bakar dan 'Umar (dengan kejelekan). Mereka berpandangan bahwa engkau juga menyembunyikan perasaan seperti itu kepada mereka berdua. Diantara mereka adalah 'Abdullah bin Saba' dan dialah orang pertama yang menampakkan hal itu". Lantas 'Ali berkata,"Aku berlindung kepada Allah untuk menyembunyikan sesuatu terhadap mereka berdua kecuali kebaikan". Kemudian beliau mengirim utusan kepada 'Abdullah bin Saba' dan mengusirnya ke Al-Madaain. Beliau juga berkata,"Jangan sampai engkau tinggal satu negeri bersamaku selamanya". Kemudian beliau bangkit menuju mimbar sehingga manusia berkumpul. Lantas beliau menyebutkan kisah secara panjang lebar yang padanya terdapat pujian terhadap mereka berdua (Abu Bakar dan 'Umar), dan akhirnya berliau berkata,"Ketahuilah, jangan pernah sampai kepadaku dari seorangpun yang mengutamakan aku dari mereka berdua melainkan aku akan mencambuknya sebagai hukuman untuk orang yang berbuat dusta".[5] Berita tentang 'Abdullah bin Saba' ini sangatlah masyhur dalam buku-buku sejarah dan dia tidak mempunyai satu riwayat hadits pun, walhamdulillah. Dia mempunyai pengikut yang dikenal dengan Saba'iyyah yang meyakini sifat ketuhanan 'Ali bin Abi Thalib dan 'Ali telah membakarnya dengan api pada masa kekhalifahannya" [selesai perkataan Ibnu Hajar dalam Lisaanul-Miizaan]. Amirul-Mukminin 'Ali bin Abi Thalib telah membakar pengikut si Yahudi 'Abdullah bin Saba' setelah beliau menasihati agar mereka kembali dan bertaubat kepada Allah dari kesesatan dan penyelewengan mereka. Al-Bukhari meriwayatkan (12/335) dalam Fathul-Baari no. 6922, beliau berkata : Telah memberikan hadits kepada Abu An-Nu'mar Muhammad bin Al-Fadhl ia berkata : Telah menceritakan kepada kami Hammad bin Zaid, dari Ayyub, dari 'Ikrimah bahwasannya ia berkata : أتى علي رضى الله تعالى عنه بزنادقة فأحرقهم فبلغ ذلك بن عباس فقال لو كنت أنا لم أحرقهم لنهي رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم لا تعذبوا بعذاب الله ولقتلتهم لقول رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم من بدل دينه فاقتلوه "Didatangkan kepada 'Ali radliyallaahu 'anhu sekelompok orang zindiq, lantas beliau membakarnya. Kemudian berita itu sampai kepada Ibnu 'Abbas radliyallaahu 'anhuma, maka beliau berkata : "Seandainya aku yang menghukumnya, maka aku tidak akan membakarnya, sebab ada larangan dari Rasulullah shallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam : 'Janganlah kalian menyiksa dengan siksaan Allah (yaitu api), akan tetapi aku akan membunuhnya karena sabda Rasulullah shallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam : 'Barangsiapa yang mengganti agamanya, maka bunuhlah ia". Ibnu Hajar ketika menjelaskan hadits ini berkata : "Abul-Mudhaffar Al-Isfirayini mengatakan dalam Al-Milal wan-Nihal bahwa yang dibakar oleh 'Ali itu adalah orang-orang Rafidlah yang mengklaim sifat ketuhanan pada diri 'Ali. Dan mereka itu adalah Saba'iyyah. Pemimpin mereka adalah 'Abdullah bin Saba', seorang Yahudi yang menampakkan keislaman. Dia membuat bid'ah berupa ucapan seperti ini. Dan sangatlah mungkin asal hadits ini adalah apa yang kami riwayatkan dalam juz 3 dari hadits Abu Thahir Al-Mukhlish dari jalan 'Abdullah bin Syuraik Al-'Amiriy, dari ayahnya ia berkata : Dikatakan kepada 'Ali : 'Disana ada sekelompok orang di depan pintu masjid yang mengklaim bahwa engkau adalah Rabb mereka'. Lantas beliau memanggil mereka dan berkata kepada mereka : 'Celaka kalian, apa yang kalian katakan ?'. Mereka menjawab : 'Engkau adalah Rabb kami, pencipta kami, dan pemberi rizki kami'. 'Ali berkata : 'Celaka kalian, aku hanyalah seorang hamba seperti kalian. Aku makan makanan sebagaimana kalian makan, dan aku minum sebagaimana kalian minum. Jika aku mentaati Allah, maka Allah akan memberiku pahala jika Dia berkehendak. Dan jika aku bermaksiat, maka aku khawatir Dia akan mengadzabku. Maka bertaqwalah kalian kepada Allah dan kemballah'. Tetapi mereka tetap enggan. Ketika datang hari berikutnya, mereka datang lagi kepada 'Ali, kemudian datanglah Qanbar dan berkata,'Demi Allah, mereka kembali mengatakan perkataan seperti itu'. 'Ali pun berkata,'Masukkan mereka kemari'. Tetapi mereka masih mengatakan seperti itu juga. Ketiga hari ketiga, beliau berkata,'Jika kalian masih mengatakannya, aku benar-benar akan membunuh kalian dengan cara yang paling buruk'. Tetapi mereka masih berkeras masih menjalaninya. Maka 'Ali berkata,'Wahai Qanbar, datangkanlah kepadaku para pekerja yang membawa alat-alat galian dan alat-alat kerja lainnya. Lantas, buatkanlah untuk mereka parit-parit yang luasnya antara pintu masjid dengan istana'. Beliau juga berkata,'Galilah dan dalamkanlah galiannya'. Kemudian beliau memerintahkan mendatangkan kayu bakar lantas menyalakan api di parit-parit tersebut. Beliaupun berkata,'Sungguh aku akan lempar kalian ke dalamnya atau kalian kembali (pada agama Allah)'. Maka 'Ali melempar mereka ke dalamnya, sampai ketika mereka telah terbakar, beliau pun berkata : اني إذا رأيت أمرا منكرا - أوقدت ناري ودعوت قنبرا Ketika aku melihat perkara yang munkar Aku sulut apiku dan aku panggil Qanbar Ini adalah sanad yang hasan. [selesai perkataan Ibnu Hajar dalam Fathul-Baari]. Adapun 'Abdullah bin Saba', maka 'Ali mengusirnya ke Al-Madaain. Ketika 'Ali meninggal dan berita kematian 'Ali sampai kepada 'Abdullah bin Saba', dia berkata kepada orang yang membawa berita,"Seandainya pun engkau membawa berita kepada kami membawa otaknya dimasukkan ke dalam tujuhpuluh kantong dan engkau berdirikan tujuhpuluh orang saksi yang adil, maka tentu kami masih bisa memastikan bahwa dia belum terbunuh dan tidak akan mati sampai menguasai bumi".[6] Ibnu Saba'Al-Yahudi memanfaatkan kematian Amirul-Mukminin 'Ali bin Abi Thalib, dia susupkan keyakinan-keyakinan rusaknya dan diterima oleh para pengikutnya dari orang-orang Rafidlah. Mereka pun kemudian menyebarkannya dan menyeru kepadanya. Di sini, kami akan Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 11:34AM dawah - Social Mention "If Allah has put you in a difficult situation in this world, it's a chance to earn ease in the Hereafter through patience. If falsehood and corruption are on the rise, it's a chance to do more Dawah and spread the truth. If you're being ridiculed for your faith by the creation, it's a chance to earn the praise of the Creator. Everything from Allah is good because even the "bad" in this world is in essence just a means of attaining good in the Hereafter for the believer. The sunnah is to be optimistic and opportunistic." —Omar Suleiman Nov 19th 2013, 11:18 You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 04:34AM allahu akbar - Social Mention Mekah.Super conductor itu adalah Hajar Aswad, yang berfungsi sebagai microphone yang sedang menyiarkan dan memancarkan gelombangnya dimana jaraknya mencapai ribuan juta km jangkauan siarannya... Prof Lawrence E Yoseph – Fl Whiple menulis: "Sungguh kita berhutang besar kpd orang Islam, Sholat, Thawaf dan tepat waktu menjaga super conductor itu." Subhanallah, Alhamdulillah, Laa Illahaillallah, Allahu Akbar Nov 21st 2013, 04:30 You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 08:09PM killuminati - Social Mention Ya'll seen this KNOCKOUT yet?! Jason Realhiphopuncut Aiello Isaac Aidoo Lewis Aideloje Sacha Ainurrohmah Nast Aire de Paix II Aj Jaxz-Fantum Garcia Ako Mack Akeem Shabazz Lady-p Aka-petia Akil- Chronicavengers Josh Akaj Will Bola Akinyemi DjTwizt AK Brainiac Beats aka El Cerebro Akachukwu Alskinjar Akeem DjTag Glenn Gisselle N Yury Alonso Joshua Alleyne Raul Alexander Lefty Charles Bigc Alvarez Ally Dee Al Te Cee Alpha AlmostSigned Duc GeorgiaPain Alex Barrio Daniel Almanzar All Out Allstar Greasy Beatz Albert Sefa Aletha Simpson Alisha Kane Alyssa Richardson DjKenn AllorNothing Alaina Suckafree Fees Alexander ZBeatz Henkel Issac Infamis Alexander Alex Poole D.a. Beats Alias-Eli Gonz DeeJay Allan P Alex Rosado Robert Alexandre Allison Sweets Griffin Alex PrimoMixx Bustillo Alan Porto de Araujo Alexis Lugo Shahrukh Altaf Allison Treml Joe Alvarez Eddie Allen Jackson Alexiz Anthony El Diamante Jamar Ali EL Forsaken Ra-Allah Killuminati Allbouttha Buckz Alfalfa The Stikkmann Alisha Lange Edgar Allen Floe Alim Mo Elisha Alaina Landers Nov 20th 2013, 19:40 Please Subscribe. Thank you. Teacher gets knocked out in alley video. James Addlespurger knocked out by student in Pittsburg. An English teacher in Pittsburg... You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 06:44PM Islambooks24s Facebook-Pinnwand Islambooks24s Facebook-Pinnwand Wer von uns begeht keine Fehler?? Aber wie bereuen wir richtig? Wie bitten wir A... Nov 21st 2013, 17:52 Wer von uns begeht keine Fehler?? Aber wie bereuen wir richtig? Wie bitten wir ALLAH den erhabenen um Vergebung? Und wird es auch angenommen? Antwort auf wa aleikum salam die Fragen findest du in diesem Buch für unter 10€ Bei Interesse sendet uns doch Bitte -eine Mail an : -eine PN an -oder ne Nachricht per iMessage an Wir werden euch dort Preis und Versandkosten nennen Barak allahu feekuma Wa salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 10:58PM tauhid - Social Mention Dan kepada kaum Thamud, kami utuskan saudara mereka: Nabi Soleh. Ia berkata: "Wahai kaumku! Sembahlah kamu akan Allah! Sebenarnya tiada Tuhan bagi kamu selain daripadaNya. Dia lah yang menjadikan kamu dari bahan-bahan bumi, serta menghendaki kamu memakmurkannya. Oleh itu mintalah ampun kepada Allah dari perbuatan syirik, kemudian kembalilah kepadaNya dengan taat dan tauhid. Sesungguhnya Tuhanku sentiasa dekat, lagi sentiasa memperkenankan permohonan hambaNya". ( Surah Hud Ayat 61) Nov 19th 2013, 22:36 You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 10:29AM kufar - Social Mention KIA HO GAYA HY HUM LOGON KO , JIS KO DEKHO JAJ OUR MUNSIF BANA BETHA HY, JEBON MAIN APNY KUFAR KY CERTIFICATE RAKHY GHOOM RAHEN HAIN, HUM YE Q BHOOL JATY HAIN K ASAL JAJ OUR MUNSIF TO WO HY JIS NY YE SAARI KAINAT KO TAKHLEEK KIYA HY, HUM LOG DAR GUZAR SY KAAM Q NAHI LETY , HUM LOGON MAIN BARDASHT Q NAHI HY, BAS ITNI SI GUZARISH HY KY APNY ANDAR TAHAMMUL OR BARDASHAT PEDA KAREN OR KISI KY BEHKAWY MAIN NA AAYEN...... Nov 20th 2013, 10:16 You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: -- Sie erhalten diese Nachricht, weil Sie Mitglied der Google Groups-Gruppe "News2" sind. 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- Abu Abdullah - Social Mention: APAKAH AL ASY'ARIYYAH TERMASUK AHLU SUNNAH? Oleh Ustadz Abu Ihsan Al Atsary PENDAHULUAN Ini adalah sebuah polemik yang sempat mencuat di kalangan kaum muslimin, khususnya para penuntut ilmu. Ada sebagian orang mengira Al Asy'ariyyah termasuk Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jama'ah. Seperti yang sudah dimaklumi, sebenarnya madzhab Al Asy'ariyyah yang berkembang sekarang ini, hakikatnya adalah madzhab Al Kullabiyyah. Abul Hasan Al Asy'ari sendiri telah bertaubat dari pemikiran lamanya, yaitu pemikiran Mu'tazilah. Tujuh sifat yang ditetapkan dalam madzhab Al Asy'ariyyah inipun bukan berdasarkan nash dan dalil syar'i, tetapi berdasarkan kecocokannya dengan akal dan logika. Jadi, sangat bertentangan dengan prinsip Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jama'ah. SEJARAH SINGKAT ABUL HASAN AL ASY'ARI Nama lengkapnya adalah Ali bin Ismail bin Ishaq bin Salim bin Ismail bin Abdullah bin Musa bin Abi Burdah bin Abu Musa Al Asy'ari. Lebih akrab disebut Abul Hasan Al Asy'ari. Lahir di Bashrah pada tahun 260 H atau 270 H. Masa kecil dan mudanya dihabiskan di kota Bashrah. Kota yang kala itu sebagai pusat kaum Mu'tazilah. Dan tidak dapat dielakkan, pada masa pertumbuhannya, beliau terpengaruh dengan lingkungannya Beliau mendalami ilmu kalam dan pemikiran Mu'tazilah dari ayah tirinya yang bernama Abu Ali Al Juba'i. Namun kemudian, beliau bertaubat dari pemikiran Mu'tazilah ini. Allah menghendaki keselamatan bagi beliau, dan memperoleh petunjuk kepada madzhab Salaf dalam penetapan sifat-sifat Allah, dengan tanpa ta'wil, tanpa ta'thil, tanpa takyif dan tanpa tamtsil [1] Kisah taubatnya dari pemikiran Mu'tazilah ini sangat populer. Beliau melepas pakaiannya seraya berkata: "Aku melepaskan keyakinan Mu'tazilah dari pemikiranku, seperti halnya aku melepaskan jubah ini dari tubuhku," kemudian beliau melepas jubah yang dikenakannya. Secara simbolis, itu merupakan pernyataan bahwa beliau berlepas diri dari pemikiran Mu'tazilah dan dari kaum Mu'tazilah. Ahli sejarah negeri Syam, Al Hafizh Abul Qasim Ali bin Hasan bin Hibatillah bin Asakir Ad Dimasyq (wafat tahun 571) dalam kitab At Tabyin menceritakan peristiwa tersebut: Abu Ismail bin Abu Muhammad bin Ishaq Al Azdi Al Qairuwani, yang dikenal dengan sebutan Ibnu 'Uzrah bercerita, Abul Hasan Al Asy'ari adalah seorang yang bermadzhab Mu'tazilah. Dan memegang madzhab ini selama 40 tahun. Dalam pandangan mereka, beliau adalah seorang imam. Kemudian beliau menghilang selama lima belas hari. Secara tiba-tiba, beliau muncul di masjid Jami' kota Bashrah. Dan setelah shalat Jum'at, beliau naik ke atas mimbar seraya berkata,"Hadirin sekalian. Aku menghilang dari kalian selama beberapa hari, karena ada dalil-dalil yang bertentangan dan sama kuatnya, namun aku tidak mampu menetapkan mana yang hak dan mana yang batil. Dan aku tidak mampu membedakan mana yang batil dan mana yang hak. Kemudian aku memohon petunjuk kepada Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala. Maka Dia memberiku petunjuk, dan aku tuangkan ke dalam bukuku ini. Dan aku melepaskan semua aqidah (keyakinan) yang dulu aku pegang, sebagaimana aku membuka bajuku ini." Kemudian beliau membuka bajunya dan membuangnya, lalu memberikan bukunya tersebut kepada para hadirin. Sebagai bukti kesungguhan Abul Hasan Al Asy'ari melepaskan diri dari pemikiran Mu'tazilah, yaitu beliau mulai bangkit membantah pemikiran Mu'tazilah dan mendebat mereka. Bahkan beliau menulis sampai tiga ratus buku untuk membantah Mu'tazilah. Namun dalam membantahnya, beliau menggunakan rasio dan prinsip-prinsip logika. Beliau mengikuti pemikiran-pemikiran Kullabiyyah.[2] ABUL HASAN AL ASY'ARI SECARA TOTAL MENJADI PENGIKUT MANHAJ SALAF Kemudian Allah menyempurnakan nikmatNya untuk beliau. Setelah pindah ke Baghdad dan bergabung bersama para tokoh murid-murid Imam Ahmad, akhirnya beliau secara total menjadi seorang Salafi (pengikut manhaj Salaf). Pada fase yang ketiga dalam kehidupannya ini, beliau menulis beberapa risalah berisi pernyataan taubatnya dari seluruh pemikiran Mu'tazilah dan syubhat-syubhat Kullabiyyah. Diantara beberapa buku yang ditulisnya, yaitu: Al Luma', Kasyful Asrar Wa Hatkul Asrar, Tafsir Al Mukhtazin, Al Fushul Fi Raddi 'Alal Mulhidiin Wa Kharijin 'Alal Millah Ka Al Falasifah Wa Thabai'in Wad Dahriyin Wa Ahli Tasybih, Al Maqalaat Al Islamiyyin dan Al Ibanah. Semoga Allah merahmati beliau. PERNYATAAN ABUL HASAN AL ASY'ARI DALAM KITABNYA: AL IBANAH FI USHULID DIYANAH [3] Beliau berkata dalam kitab Al Ibanah: "Pendapat yang kami nyatakan, dan agama yang kami anut adalah berpegang teguh dengan Kitabullah k dan Sunnah NabiNya Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam , atsar-atsar (riwayat-riwayat) yang diriwayatkan dari para sahabat, tabi'in dan para imam ahli hadits. Kami berpegang teguh dengan prinsip tersebut. Kami berpendapat dengan pendapat yang telah dinyatakan oleh Abu Abdillah Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Hambal, semoga Allah mengelokkan wajah beliau, mengangkat derajat beliau dan melimpahkan pahala bagi beliau. Dan kami menyelisihi perkataan yang menyelisihi perkataan beliau. Karena beliau adalah imam yang fadhil (utama), pemimpin yang kamil (sempurna). Melalui dirinya, Allah menerangkan kebenaran dan mengangkat kesesatan, menegaskan manhaj dan memberantas bid'ah yang dilakukan kaum mubtadi'in, dan (memberantras) penyimpangan yang dilakukan orang-orang sesat, serta (memberantas) keraguan yang ditebarkan orang yang ragu-ragu." [4] Demikian pernyataan Abul Hasan, bahwa ia kembali ke pangkuan manhaj Salaf. ULAMA-ULAMA SYAFI'IYYAH MENOLAK DINISBATKAN KEPADA ASY'ARIYYAH Kebanyakan orang mengira bahwa madzhab Al Asy'ariyyah itu identik dengan madzhab Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jama'ah. Ini sebuah kekeliruan fatal. Abul Hasan sendiri telah kembali ke pangkuan manhaj Salaf, dan mengikuti aqidah Imam Ahmad bin Hambal. Yaitu menetapkan seluruh sifat-sifat yang telah Allah tetapkan untuk diriNya, dan yang telah ditetapkan oleh Rasulullah Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam di dalam hadits-hadits shahih, dengan tanpa takwil, tanpa ta'thil, tanpa takyif dan tanpa tamtsil. Jelas, Abul Hasan pada akhir hidupnya adalah seorang salafi, pengikut manhaj salaf dan madzhab imam ahli hadits. Sampai-sampai ulama-ulama Asy Syafi'iyyah menolak dinisbatkan kepada madzhab Asy'ariyyah. Berikut ini, mari kita simak penuturan Syaikh Abu Usamah Salim bin 'Id Al Hilali dalam kitabnya yang sangat bagus, dalam edisi Indonesia berjudul Jama'ah-jama'ah Islam Ditimbang Menurut Al Qur'an dan As Sunnah (halaman 329-330). Dalam bukunya tersebut, beliau membantah Hizbut Tahrir yang mencampur-adukkan istilah Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jama'ah dengan istilah Al Asy'ariyyah, sekaligus menyatakan bila Al Asy'ariyyah bukan termasuk Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jama'ah, atau bukan termasuk pengikut manhaj Salaf. Beliau berkata: Jika dikatakan: Yang dimaksud Ahlus Sunnah di sini adalah madzhab Asy'ariyah. Kami jawab: Tidak boleh menamakan Asy'ariyah dengan sebutan Ahlus Sunnah. Berdasarkan persaksian ulama Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama'ah (pengikut Salafush Shalih), mereka bukan termasuk Ahlus Sunnah 1. Imam Ahmad, Ali bin Al Madini dan lainnya menyatakan, barangsiapa menyelami ilmu kalam, (maka ia) tidak termasuk Ahlus Sunnah, meskipun perkataannya bersesuaian dengan As Sunnah, hingga ia meninggalkan jidal (perdebatan) dan menerima nash-nash syar'iyyah [5]. Tidak syak lagi, sumber pengambilan dalil yang sangat utama dalam madzhab Asy'ariyah adalah akal. Tokoh-tokoh Asya'riyah telah menegaskan hal itu. Mereka mendahulukan dalil aqli (logika) daripada dalil naqli (wahyu), apabila terjadi pertentangan antara keduanya. Ketika Syaikhul Islam Ibnu Taimiyah membantah mereka melalui bukunya yang berjudul Dar'u Ta'arudh Aql Wan Naql, beliau membukanya dengan menyebutkan kaidah umum yang mereka pakai bilamana terjadi pertentangan antara dalil-dalil.[6] 2. Ibnu Abdil Bar, dalam mensyarah (menjelaskan) perkataan Imam Malik, dia menukil perkataan ahli fiqh madzhab Maliki bernama Ibnu Khuwaiz Mandad: "Tidak diterima persaksian Ahli Ahwa' (Ahli Bid'ah)." Ia menjelaskan: "Yang dimaksud Ahli Ahwa' oleh Imam Malik dan seluruh rekan-rekan kami, adalah Ahli Kalam. Siapa saja yang termasuk Ahli Kalam, maka ia tergolong ahli ahwa' wal bida'; baik ia seorang pengikut madzhab Asy'ariyyah atau yang lainnya. Persaksiannya dalam Islam tidak diterima selama-lamanya, wajib diboikot dan diberi peringatan atas bid'ahnya. Jika ia masih mempertahankannya, maka harus diminta bertaubat." [7] 3. Abul Abbas Suraij yang dijuluki Asy Syafi'i kedua berkata,"Kami tidak mengikuti takwil Mu'tazilah, Asy'ariyah, Jahmiyah, Mulhid, Mujassimah, Musyabbihah, Karramiyah dan Mukayyifah [8]. Namun kami menerima nash-nash sifat tanpa takwil, dan kami mengimaninya tanpa tamtsil." [9] 4. Abul Hasan Al Karji, salah seorang tokoh ulama Asy Syafi'iyyah berkata: "Para imam dan alim ulama Syafi'iyyah, dari dulu sampai sekarang menolak dinisbatkan kepada Asy'ariyah. Mereka justeru berlepas diri dari madzhab yang dibangun oleh Abul Hasan Al Asy'ari. Menurut yang aku dengar dari beberapa syaikh dan imam, bahkan mereka melarang teman-teman mereka dan orang-orang dekat mereka dari menghadiri majelis-majelisnya. Sudah dimaklumi bersama kerasnya sikap syaikh [10] terhadap Ahli Kalam, sampai-sampai memisahkan fiqh Asy Syafi'i dari prinsip-prinsip Al Asy'ari, dan diberi komentar oleh Abu Bakar Ar Radziqani. Dan buku itu ada padaku. Sikap inilah yang diikuti oleh Abu Ishaq Asy Syirazi dalam dua kitabnya, yakni Al Luma' dan At Tabshirah. Sampai-sampai kalaulah sekiranya perkataan Al Asy'ari bersesuaian dengan perkataan rekan-rekan kami (ulama madzhab Asy Syafi'i), beliau membedakannya. Beliau berkata: "Ini adalah pendapat sebagian rekan kami. Dan pendapat ini juga dipilih oleh Al Asy'ariyah." Beliau tidak memasukkan mereka ke dalam golongan rekan-rekan Asy Syafi'i. Mereka menolak disamakan dengan Al Asy'ariyah. Dan dalam masalah fiqh, mereka menolak dinisbatkan kepada madzhab Al Asy'ariyah; terlebih lagi dalam masalah ushuluddin." [11] Pendapat yang benar adalah, Al Asy'ariyah termasuk Ahli Kiblat (kaum muslimin), tetapi mereka bukan termasuk Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama'ah. Ketika para tokoh dan pembesar Al Asy'ariyyah jatuh dalam kebingungan, mereka keluar dari pemikiran Al Asy'ariyah. Diantaranya adalah Al Juwaini, Ar Razi, Al Ghazzali dan lainnya. Jika mereka benar-benar berada di atas As Sunnah dan mengikuti Salaf, lalu dari manhaj apakah mereka keluar? Dan kenapa mereka keluar? Hendaklah orang yang bijak memahaminya, karena ini adalah kesimpulan akhir. Dalam daurah Syar'iyyah Fi Masail Aqa'idiyyah Wal Manhajiyyah di Surabaya, dua tahun yang lalu, Syaikh Salim ditanya: Apakah Al Asy'ariyyah termasuk Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jama'ah? Beliau menjawab dengan tegas: "Al Asy'ariyyah tidak termasuk Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jama'ah." [Disalin dari majalah As-Sunnah Edisi 06/Tahun VIII/1425H/2004M Diterbitkan Yayasan Lajnah Istiqomah Surakarta, Jl. Solo – Purwodadi Km. 8 Selokaton Gondangrejo Solo 57183 Telp. 08121533647, 08157579296] _______ Footnote [1]. Ta'thil (menolak atau meniadakan sifat Allah, takyif (membayangkan atau menanyakan hakikat dan bentuk sifat Allah), tamtsil (menyerupakan sifat Allah dengan sifat makhluk), ta'wil (maksudnya tahrif yaitu menyimpangkan makna dari zhahirnya tanpa dalil) [2]. Al Kullabiyah, adalah penisbatan kepada Abu Muhammad Abdullah bin Sa'id bin Muhammad bin Kullab Al Bashri, wafat pada tahun 240 H. [3]. Buku ini telah saya terjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia, diterbitkan oleh Pustaka At Tibyan. Dalam buku aslinya disertakan taqdim (kata pengantar dari para ulama terkini, seperti Syaikh Hammad bin Muhammad Al Anshari, Syaikh Abdul Aziz bin Abdillah bin Baz dan Syaikh Ismail Al Anshari). Buku ini sangat penting dibaca oleh kaum muslimin, khususnya di Indonesia dan Malaysia yang mayoritas penduduknya menisbatkan diri kepada Al Asy'ariyyah. [4]. Al Ibanah, halaman 17. [5]. Silakan lihat Syarah Ushul I'tiqad Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama'ah, karangan Al Laalikaai (I/157-165). [6]. Bagi yang ingin penjelasan lebih rinci, silakan lihat kitab Asasut Taqdis, karangan Ar Razi, hlm. 168-173 dan Asy Syamil, karangan Al Juwaiini, hlm. 561 dan Al Mawaqif, karangan Al Iji, hlm. 39-40. [7]. Jami' Bayanil Ilmi wa Fadhlihi (II/96). [8]. Ini semua adalah nama-nama aliran [9]. Ijtima' Juyusy Islamiyah, hlm. 62. [10]. Yakni Syaikh Abu Hamid Al Isfaraini. [11]. At Tis'iniyyah, hlm. 238-239. [1 Aktualisierung]
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Blogtrottr <> Nov 22 02:06AM kafir - Social Mention bukan taknak layan drama melayu, dan bukan juge sebab faktor pernah rasa hidup di luar sana. tapi kerana drama begini ini terangnya mematikan sel otak yang sewajarnya dijana dgn paparan yang lebih berguna. mak tengok dgn komentari emosi, anak nganga serap budaya ikut sebiji-biji. tutup tv. pegi ngaji. kau janganlah bagi alasan; eleh, citer omputih pun ade babak seksual. dh memang kafir. boleh jek kau skip scene kan ? paling tidak, pandang tmpt lain. sengal. big bang theory, FTW !! Cc/ Nad Khase, Nasuha Cumi-cumi, Muhammad Khalid, Azza Sukri, Farhan Goh, Muhammad Saifuddin. Nov 22nd 2013, 02:06 Sebenarnya Allah SWT hendak menjadikan manusia sebagai Khalifah-Khalifah di muka Bumi supaya Allah SWT akan memperhatikan bagaimana mereka berbuat. Bismillah ,Tadabur Al-Quran Surat Al-Baqarah (The Cow) - سورة البقرة QS 2:30 : Ingatlah ketika Tuhanmu berfirman kepada para Malaikat: "Sesungguhnya Aku hendak menjadikan seorang khalifah di muka bumi". Mereka berkata: "Mengapa Engkau hendak menjadikan (khalifah) di bumi itu orang yang akan membuat kerusakan padanya dan menumpahkan darah, padahal kami senantiasa bertasbih dengan memuji Engkau dan mensucikan Engkau?" Tuhan berfirman: "Sesungguhnya Aku mengetahui apa yang tidak kamu ketahui". Surat Al-'An`ām (The Cattle) - سورة الأنعام QS 6:165 : Dan Dialah yang menjadikan kamu penguasa-penguasa di bumi dan Dia meninggikan sebahagian kamu atas sebahagian (yang lain) beberapa derajat, untuk mengujimu tentang apa yang diberikan-Nya kepadamu. Sesungguhnya Tuhanmu amat cepat siksaan-Nya dan sesungguhnya Dia Maha Pengampun lagi Maha Penyayang. Surat Al-'A`rāf (The Heights) - سورة الأعراف QS 7:69 Apakah kamu (tidak percaya) dan heran bahwa datang kepadamu peringatan dari Tuhanmu yang dibawa oleh seorang laki-laki di antaramu untuk memberi peringatan kepadamu? Dan ingatlah oleh kamu sekalian di waktu Allah menjadikan kamu sebagai pengganti-pengganti (yang berkuasa) sesudah lenyapnya kaum Nuh, dan Tuhan telah melebihkan kekuatan tubuh dan perawakanmu (daripada kaum Nuh itu). Maka ingatlah nikmat-nikmat Allah supaya kamu mendapat keberuntungan. Surat Al-'A`rāf (The Heights) - سورة الأعراف QS 7:74 Dan ingatlah olehmu di waktu Tuhan menjadikam kamu pengganti-pengganti (yang berkuasa) sesudah kaum 'Aad dan memberikan tempat bagimu di bumi. Kamu dirikan istana-istana di tanah-tanahnya yang datar dan kamu pahat gunung-gunungnya untuk dijadikan rumah; maka ingatlah nikmat-nikmat Allah dan janganlah kamu merajalela di muka bumi membuat kerusakan. Surat Al-'A`rāf (The Heights) - سورة الأعراف QS 7:129 Kaum Musa berkata: "Kami telah ditindas (oleh Fir'aun) sebelum kamu datang kepada kami dan sesudah kamu datang. Musa menjawab: "Mudah-mudahan Allah membinasakan musuhmu dan menjadikan kamu khalifah di bumi(Nya), maka Allah akan melihat bagaimana perbuatanmu. Surat Yūnus (Jonah) - سورة يونس QS 10:14 : Kemudian Kami jadikan kamu (wahai umat Muhammad) khalifah-khalifah di bumi menggantikan mereka yang telah dibinasakan itu, supaya Kami melihat apa pula corak dan bentuk kelakuan yang kamu akan lakukan. Surat Yūnus (Jonah) - سورة يونس QS 10:62 : Ingatlah, sesungguhnya wali-wali Allah itu, tidak ada kekhawatiran terhadap mereka dan tidak (pula) mereka bersedih hati. Surat An-Nūr (The Light) - سورة النور QS 24:55 : Dan Allah telah berjanji kepada orang-orang yang beriman di antara kamu dan mengerjakan amal-amal yang saleh bahwa Dia sungguh-sungguh akan menjadikan mereka berkuasa dimuka bumi, sebagaimana Dia telah menjadikan orang-orang sebelum mereka berkuasa, dan sungguh Dia akan meneguhkan bagi mereka agama yang telah diridhai-Nya untuk mereka, dan Dia benar-benar akan menukar (keadaan) mereka, sesudah mereka dalam ketakutan menjadi aman sentausa. Mereka tetap menyembahku-Ku dengan tiada mempersekutukan sesuatu apapun dengan Aku. Dan barangsiapa yang (tetap) kafir sesudah (janji) itu, maka mereka itulah orang-orang yang fasik. Surat An-Naml (The Ant) - سورة النمل QS 27:62 Atau siapakah yang memperkenankan (doa) orang yang dalam kesulitan apabila ia berdoa kepada-Nya, dan yang menghilangkan kesusahan dan yang menjadikan kamu (manusia) sebagai khalifah di bumi? Apakah disamping Allah ada tuhan (yang lain)? Amat sedikitlah kamu mengingati(Nya). Surat Fāţir (Originator) - سورة فاطر QS 35:39 : Dialah yang menjadikan kamu khalifah-khalifah di muka bumi. Barangsiapa yang kafir, maka (akibat) kekafirannya menimpa dirinya sendiri. Dan kekafiran orang-orang yang kafir itu tidak lain hanyalah akan menambah kemurkaan pada sisi Tuhannya dan kekafiran orang-orang yang kafir itu tidak lain hanyalah akan menambah kerugian mereka belaka. Surat Şād (The Letter "Saad") - سورة ص QS 38:26 Hai Daud, sesungguhnya Kami menjadikan kamu khalifah (penguasa) di muka bumi, maka berilah keputusan (perkara) di antara manusia dengan adil dan janganlah kamu mengikuti hawa nafsu, karena ia akan menyesatkan kamu dari jalan Allah. Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang sesat dari jalan Allah akan mendapat azab yang berat, karena mereka melupakan hari perhitungan. #SemogaBermanfaat , Alhamdulillah :) Nov 22nd 2013, 02:06 Tak perlu usul dan bantah pun kalau menteri2 ni sorg yg Mukmin. Takkan ada cadangan2 bodoh yg menyusahkan n menindas rakyat jelata. Tapi Mukmin ape nye kalau dah ikut sistem kafir Demokrasi. Nov 22nd 2013, 02:04 Yusuf al-Qardawi isytihar Syiah musuh Islam KUALA LUMPUR 1 Ogos - Ulama tersohor, Dr. Yusuf al-Qardawi telah mengisytiharkan golongan Syiah sebagai golongan kuffar serta merupakan musuh umat Islam keseluruhannya. Kenyataan keras itu telah disebut oleh Yusuf al-Qardawi dalam satu wawancaranya dengan stesen televisyen al-Jazeera dalam rancangan 'Syari'ah dan Kehidupan' pada bulan Jun tahun ini. Beliau berkata, golongan Syiah sebenarnya telah mengkhianati umat Islam dan perkara itu terbukti dengan pembunuhan saudara seakidah di Syria bersama-sama dengan puak Hizbollah. "Jangan panggil mereka Hizbollah, mereka selayaknya digelar Hizbosyaitan dan Allah tiada kaitan dengan mereka. "Saya menyeru seluruh umat melawan kuffar dan Syiah di dalam Hizbollah. Mereka ternyata kuffar tanpa sedikit keraguan. Mereka sedang menjalankan operasi etnik di Syria dengan tujuan membina negara Syria Barat di barat Syria," katanya dalam rancangan tersebut. Kenyataan al-Qardawi tentang isu tersebut mendedahkan lagi siapakah Syiah sebenarnya terutama kesannya terhadap penyebaran fahaman itu ke seluruh dunia termasuk Malaysia. Malaysia baru-baru ini dikejutkan semula dengan isu Syiah dan pada masa sama tiga siri laporan khas telah dibuat dalam Utusan Malaysia. Pendakwah bebas, Dr. Zahazan Mohamed pula berkata, Syiah bukan sahaja tidak diiktiraf sebagai Islam, malah kemunculan fahaman itu dianggap sebagai ejen Yahudi bertujuan menghancurkan umat Islam. Yusuf al-Qardawi berkata, dengan terhasilnya negara baharu itu umat Islam akan dibahagi-bahagikan dan bertambah kecil. Ujarnya, beliau juga telah menyeru dalam khutbah solat Jumaat agar semua umat Islam seluruh dunia yang memiliki kekuatan dan alternatif segera menentang Iran dan Hizbosyaitan dengan membantu saudara-saudara mereka di Syria. "Saya juga mengucapkan tahniah kepada saudara-saudara kita di teluk Arab atas keputusan, Hizbollah adalah organisasi pengganas dan jika mana-mana ahlinya ditemui di negara-negara Teluk akan dibunuh sebagai murtad kafir. "Semoga Allah mengutuk Iran, ketua segala kejahatan dan semoga Allah mengutuk Hizbosyaitan dan tulang belakangnya di Iraq dan menyembuhkan mereka yang tercedera dan membebaskan mereka yang diculik. Seterusnya negara Syam yang dicintai akan kembali kepada kita, insya-Allah," ujarnya. Dalam temubualnya bersama stesen al-Arabiya juga bulan Jun, beliau turut mengakui para ulama di Arab Saudi lebih mengetahui secara mendalam mengenai bahaya Hizbollah dan gerakan Syiah Iran berbanding dirinya. "Pada satu ketika saya pernah mempertahankan gerakan Hizbollah kerana keberanian mereka berhadapan dengan Israel. Pendapat saya pada masa itu bertentangan dengan pandangan ulama-ulama tersebut. Mereka menentang Hizbollah. "Namun setelah saya melihat apa yang dilakukan oleh Hizbollah terhadap saudara-saudara kita di Syria barulah saya sedar yang ulama-ulama di Arab Saudi lebih matang dan mempunyai pengetahuan cukup luas tentang Hizbollah dan Iran," Nov 22nd 2013, 02:04 Yusuf al-Qardawi isytihar Syiah musuh Islam Yusuf al-Qardawi isytihar Syiah musuh Islam KUALA LUMPUR 1 Ogos - Ulama tersohor, Dr. Yusuf al-Qardawi telah mengisytiharkan golongan Syiah sebagai golongan kuffar serta merupakan musuh umat Islam keseluruhannya. Kenyataan keras itu telah disebut oleh Yusuf al-Qardawi dalam satu wawancaranya dengan stesen televisyen al-Jazeera dalam rancangan 'Syari'ah dan Kehidupan' pada bulan Jun tahun ini. Beliau berkata, golongan Syiah sebenarnya telah mengkhianati umat Islam dan perkara itu terbukti dengan pembunuhan saudara seakidah di Syria bersama-sama dengan puak Hizbollah. "Jangan panggil mereka Hizbollah, mereka selayaknya digelar Hizbosyaitan dan Allah tiada kaitan dengan mereka. "Saya menyeru seluruh umat melawan kuffar dan Syiah di dalam Hizbollah. Mereka ternyata kuffar tanpa sedikit keraguan. Mereka sedang menjalankan operasi etnik di Syria dengan tujuan membina negara Syria Barat di barat Syria," katanya dalam rancangan tersebut. Kenyataan al-Qardawi tentang isu tersebut mendedahkan lagi siapakah Syiah sebenarnya terutama kesannya terhadap penyebaran fahaman itu ke seluruh dunia termasuk Malaysia. Malaysia baru-baru ini dikejutkan semula dengan isu Syiah dan pada masa sama tiga siri laporan khas telah dibuat dalam Utusan Malaysia. Pendakwah bebas, Dr. Zahazan Mohamed pula berkata, Syiah bukan sahaja tidak diiktiraf sebagai Islam, malah kemunculan fahaman itu dianggap sebagai ejen Yahudi bertujuan menghancurkan umat Islam. Yusuf al-Qardawi berkata, dengan terhasilnya negara baharu itu umat Islam akan dibahagi-bahagikan dan bertambah kecil. Ujarnya, beliau juga telah menyeru dalam khutbah solat Jumaat agar semua umat Islam seluruh dunia yang memiliki kekuatan dan alternatif segera menentang Iran dan Hizbosyaitan dengan membantu saudara-saudara mereka di Syria. "Saya juga mengucapkan tahniah kepada saudara-saudara kita di teluk Arab atas keputusan, Hizbollah adalah organisasi pengganas dan jika mana-mana ahlinya ditemui di negara-negara Teluk akan dibunuh sebagai murtad kafir. "Semoga Allah mengutuk Iran, ketua segala kejahatan dan semoga Allah mengutuk Hizbosyaitan dan tulang belakangnya di Iraq dan menyembuhkan mereka yang tercedera dan membebaskan mereka yang diculik. Seterusnya negara Syam yang dicintai akan kembali kepada kita, insya-Allah," ujarnya. Dalam temubualnya bersama stesen al-Arabiya juga bulan Jun, beliau turut mengakui para ulama di Arab Saudi lebih mengetahui secara mendalam mengenai bahaya Hizbollah dan gerakan Syiah Iran berbanding dirinya. "Pada satu ketika saya pernah mempertahankan gerakan Hizbollah kerana keberanian mereka berhadapan dengan Israel. Pendapat saya pada masa itu bertentangan dengan pandangan ulama-ulama tersebut. Mereka menentang Hizbollah. "Namun setelah saya melihat apa yang dilakukan oleh Hizbollah terhadap saudara-saudara kita di Syria barulah saya sedar yang ulama-ulama di Arab Saudi lebih matang dan mempunyai pengetahuan cukup luas tentang Hizbollah dan Iran," Tempat yang tertinggi (Al-'A`rāf):2 - Ini adalah sebuah kitab yang diturunkan kepadamu, maka janganlah ada kesempitan di dalam dadamu karenanya, supaya kamu memberi peringatan dengan kitab itu (kepada orang kafir), dan menjadi pelajaran bagi orang-orang yang beriman. Nov 22nd 2013, 02:04 (Untitled) Nov 22nd 2013, 02:03 Hari Jum'at merupakan hari yang mulia. Bukti kemuliaannya, Allah mentakdirkan beberapa kejadian besar pada hari tersebut. Dan juga ada beberapa amal ibadah yang dikhususkan pada malam dan siang harinya, khususnya pelaksanaan shalat Jum'at berikut amal-amal yang mengiringinya. Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam bersabda, إِنَّ مِنْ أَفْضَلِ أَيَّامِكُمْ يَوْمَ الْجُمُعَةِ فِيهِ خُلِقَ آدَمُ وَفِيهِ قُبِضَ وَفِيهِ النَّفْخَةُ وَفِيهِ الصَّعْقَةُ "Sesungguhnya di antara hari kalian yang paling afdhal adalah hari Jum'at. Pada hari itu Adam diciptakan dan diwafatkan, dan pada hari itu juga ditiup sangkakala dan akan terjadi kematian seluruh makhluk. . . . " (HR. Abu Dawud, an Nasai, Ibnu Majah, Ahmad, dan al Hakim dari hadits Aus bin Aus) Membaca Surat Al-Kahfi Salah satu amal ibadah khusus yang diistimewakan pelakasanaannya pada hari Jum'at adalah membaca surat Al-Kahfi. Berikut ini kami sebutkan beberapa dalil shahih yang menyebutkan perintah tersebut dan keutamaannya. 1. Dari Abu Sa'id al-Khudri radliyallahu 'anhu, dari Nabi shallallahu 'alaihi wasallambersabda: مَنْ َقَرَأَ سُوْرَةَ الْكَهْفِ لَيْلَةَ الْجُمْعَةِ أَضَاءَ لَهُ مِنَ النُّوْرِ فِيْمَا بَيْنَهُ وَبَيْنَ الْبَيْتِ الْعَتِيْقِ "Barangsiapa membaca surat al-Kahfi pada malam Jum'at, maka dipancarkan cahaya untuknya sejauh antara dirinya dia dan Baitul 'atiq." (Sunan Ad-Darimi, no. 3273. Juga diriwayatkan al-Nasai dan Al-Hakim serta dishahihkan oleh Al-Albani dalam Shahih al-Targhib wa al-Tarhib, no. 736) 2. Dalam riwayat lain masih dari Abu Sa'id al-Khudri radhiyallahu 'anhu, مَنْ قَرَأَ سُوْرَةَ الْكَهْفِ فِي يَوْمِ الْجُمْعَةِ أَضَآءَ لَهُ مِنَ النُّوْرِ مَا بَيْنَ الْجُمْعَتَيْنِ "Barangsiapa membaca surat Al-Kahfi pada hari Jum'at, maka akan dipancarkan cahaya untuknya di antara dua Jum'at." (HR. Al-Hakim: 2/368 dan Al-Baihaqi: 3/249. Ibnul Hajar mengomentari hadits ini dalam Takhrij al-Adzkar, "Hadits hasan." Beliau menyatakan bahwa hadits ini adalah hadits paling kuat tentang surat Al-Kahfi. Syaikh Al-Albani menshahihkannya dalam Shahih al-Jami', no. 6470) 3. Dari Ibnu Umar radhiyallahu 'anhuma, berkata: Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wasallambersabda, مَنْ قَرَأَ سُوْرَةَ الْكَهْفِ فِي يَوْمِ الْجُمْعَةِ سَطَعَ لَهُ نُوْرٌ مِنْ تَحْتِ قَدَمِهِ إِلَى عَنَانِ السَّمَاءَ يُضِيْءُ لَهُ يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ وَغُفِرَ لَهُ مَا بَيْنَ الْجُمْعَتَيْنِ "Siapa yang membaca surat Al-Kahfi pada hari Jum'at, maka akan memancar cahaya dari bawah kakinya sampai ke langit, akan meneranginya kelak pada hari kiamat, dan diampuni dosanya antara dua jumat." Al-Mundziri berkata: hadits ini diriwayatkan oleh Abu Bakr bin Mardawaih dalam tafsirnya dengan isnad yang tidak apa-apa. (Dari kitab at-Targhib wa al- Tarhib: 1/298)" Kapan Membacanya? Sunnah membaca surat Al-Kahfi pada malam Jum'at atau pada hari Jum'atnya. Dan malam Jum'at diawali sejak terbenamnya matahari pada hari Kamis. Kesempatan ini berakhir sampai terbenamnya matahari pada hari Jum'atnya. Dari sini dapat disimpulkan bahwa kesempatan membaca surat Al-Kahfi adalah sejak terbenamnya matahari pada hari Kamis sore sampai Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 12:00PM Alnas Channels Facebook-Pinnwand Alnas Channels Facebook-Pinnwand يقول الشيخ محمد حسان : ليس من العدل والإنصاف أن أُحاكم الإسلام كدين أو أن أُح... Nov 21st 2013, 11:43 يقول الشيخ محمد حسان : ليس من العدل والإنصاف أن أُحاكم الإسلام كدين أو أن أُحاكم المنهج السلفي كمنهج لمجرد أن يخطئ بعض الشيوخ أو بعض المنتسبين إلى هذا الدين أو إلى هذا المنهج ! فخطأي أنا كفرد لا ينبغي على الإطلاق أن يُحمل لدين ولا يجوز عقلًا ولا شرعًا ولا نقلًا أن يُحمل لمنهج ؛ فالدين منهج رباني ومنهج نبوي ، سواء انتمى إلى هذا الدين السلفيون، أو الإخوان، أو الجمعية الشرعية، أو أنصار السنة، أو غيرهم من الطوائف والجماعات. الإسلام أكبر من كل هذه الانتماءات، الإسلام أكبر من كل هذه الجماعات، الإسلام أعظم من كل هذه الطوائف ، فلو أخطأت طائفة أو جماعة أو عالم أو شيخ أو حزب ليس من العدل ولا من النقل والعقل أن أُحاكم هذا الدين الرباني والنبوي لخطأ وقعت فيه جماعة أو لانحراف وقع فيه طرف ينتسب إلى هذه الطائفة أو تلك! {تِلْكَ إِذًا قِسْمَةٌ ضِيزَى} النجم(22). You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: Abu Abdullah - Social Mention: APAKAH AL ASY'ARIYYAH TERMASUK AHLU SUNNAH? Oleh Ustadz Abu Ihsan Al Atsary PENDAHULUAN Ini adalah sebuah polemik yang sempat mencuat di kalangan kaum muslimin, khususnya para penuntut ilmu. Ada sebagian orang mengira Al Asy'ariyyah termasuk Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jama'ah. Seperti yang sudah dimaklumi, sebenarnya madzhab Al Asy'ariyyah yang berkembang sekarang ini, hakikatnya adalah madzhab Al Kullabiyyah. Abul Hasan Al Asy'ari sendiri telah bertaubat dari pemikiran lamanya, yaitu pemikiran Mu'tazilah. Tujuh sifat yang ditetapkan dalam madzhab Al Asy'ariyyah inipun bukan berdasarkan nash dan dalil syar'i, tetapi berdasarkan kecocokannya dengan akal dan logika. Jadi, sangat bertentangan dengan prinsip Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jama'ah. SEJARAH SINGKAT ABUL HASAN AL ASY'ARI Nama lengkapnya adalah Ali bin Ismail bin Ishaq bin Salim bin Ismail bin Abdullah bin Musa bin Abi Burdah bin Abu Musa Al Asy'ari. Lebih akrab disebut Abul Hasan Al Asy'ari. Lahir di Bashrah pada tahun 260 H atau 270 H. Masa kecil dan mudanya dihabiskan di kota Bashrah. Kota yang kala itu sebagai pusat kaum Mu'tazilah. Dan tidak dapat dielakkan, pada masa pertumbuhannya, beliau terpengaruh dengan lingkungannya Beliau mendalami ilmu kalam dan pemikiran Mu'tazilah dari ayah tirinya yang bernama Abu Ali Al Juba'i. Namun kemudian, beliau bertaubat dari pemikiran Mu'tazilah ini. Allah menghendaki keselamatan bagi beliau, dan memperoleh petunjuk kepada madzhab Salaf dalam penetapan sifat-sifat Allah, dengan tanpa ta'wil, tanpa ta'thil, tanpa takyif dan tanpa tamtsil [1] Kisah taubatnya dari pemikiran Mu'tazilah ini sangat populer. Beliau melepas pakaiannya seraya berkata: "Aku melepaskan keyakinan Mu'tazilah dari pemikiranku, seperti halnya aku melepaskan jubah ini dari tubuhku," kemudian beliau melepas jubah yang dikenakannya. Secara simbolis, itu merupakan pernyataan bahwa beliau berlepas diri dari pemikiran Mu'tazilah dan dari kaum Mu'tazilah. Ahli sejarah negeri Syam, Al Hafizh Abul Qasim Ali bin Hasan bin Hibatillah bin Asakir Ad Dimasyq (wafat tahun 571) dalam kitab At Tabyin menceritakan peristiwa tersebut: Abu Ismail bin Abu Muhammad bin Ishaq Al Azdi Al Qairuwani, yang dikenal dengan sebutan Ibnu 'Uzrah bercerita, Abul Hasan Al Asy'ari adalah seorang yang bermadzhab Mu'tazilah. Dan memegang madzhab ini selama 40 tahun. Dalam pandangan mereka, beliau adalah seorang imam. Kemudian beliau menghilang selama lima belas hari. Secara tiba-tiba, beliau muncul di masjid Jami' kota Bashrah. Dan setelah shalat Jum'at, beliau naik ke atas mimbar seraya berkata,"Hadirin sekalian. Aku menghilang dari kalian selama beberapa hari, karena ada dalil-dalil yang bertentangan dan sama kuatnya, namun aku tidak mampu menetapkan mana yang hak dan mana yang batil. Dan aku tidak mampu membedakan mana yang batil dan mana yang hak. Kemudian aku memohon petunjuk kepada Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala. Maka Dia memberiku petunjuk, dan aku tuangkan ke dalam bukuku ini. Dan aku melepaskan semua aqidah (keyakinan) yang dulu aku pegang, sebagaimana aku membuka bajuku ini." Kemudian beliau membuka bajunya dan membuangnya, lalu memberikan bukunya tersebut kepada para hadirin. Sebagai bukti kesungguhan Abul Hasan Al Asy'ari melepaskan diri dari pemikiran Mu'tazilah, yaitu beliau mulai bangkit membantah pemikiran Mu'tazilah dan mendebat mereka. Bahkan beliau menulis sampai tiga ratus buku untuk membantah Mu'tazilah. Namun dalam membantahnya, beliau menggunakan rasio dan prinsip-prinsip logika. Beliau mengikuti pemikiran-pemikiran Kullabiyyah.[2] ABUL HASAN AL ASY'ARI SECARA TOTAL MENJADI PENGIKUT MANHAJ SALAF Kemudian Allah menyempurnakan nikmatNya untuk beliau. Setelah pindah ke Baghdad dan bergabung bersama para tokoh murid-murid Imam Ahmad, akhirnya beliau secara total menjadi seorang Salafi (pengikut manhaj Salaf). Pada fase yang ketiga dalam kehidupannya ini, beliau menulis beberapa risalah berisi pernyataan taubatnya dari seluruh pemikiran Mu'tazilah dan syubhat-syubhat Kullabiyyah. Diantara beberapa buku yang ditulisnya, yaitu: Al Luma', Kasyful Asrar Wa Hatkul Asrar, Tafsir Al Mukhtazin, Al Fushul Fi Raddi 'Alal Mulhidiin Wa Kharijin 'Alal Millah Ka Al Falasifah Wa Thabai'in Wad Dahriyin Wa Ahli Tasybih, Al Maqalaat Al Islamiyyin dan Al Ibanah. Semoga Allah merahmati beliau. PERNYATAAN ABUL HASAN AL ASY'ARI DALAM KITABNYA: AL IBANAH FI USHULID DIYANAH [3] Beliau berkata dalam kitab Al Ibanah: "Pendapat yang kami nyatakan, dan agama yang kami anut adalah berpegang teguh dengan Kitabullah k dan Sunnah NabiNya Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam , atsar-atsar (riwayat-riwayat) yang diriwayatkan dari para sahabat, tabi'in dan para imam ahli hadits. Kami berpegang teguh dengan prinsip tersebut. Kami berpendapat dengan pendapat yang telah dinyatakan oleh Abu Abdillah Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Hambal, semoga Allah mengelokkan wajah beliau, mengangkat derajat beliau dan melimpahkan pahala bagi beliau. Dan kami menyelisihi perkataan yang menyelisihi perkataan beliau. Karena beliau adalah imam yang fadhil (utama), pemimpin yang kamil (sempurna). Melalui dirinya, Allah menerangkan kebenaran dan mengangkat kesesatan, menegaskan manhaj dan memberantas bid'ah yang dilakukan kaum mubtadi'in, dan (memberantras) penyimpangan yang dilakukan orang-orang sesat, serta (memberantas) keraguan yang ditebarkan orang yang ragu-ragu." [4] Demikian pernyataan Abul Hasan, bahwa ia kembali ke pangkuan manhaj Salaf. ULAMA-ULAMA SYAFI'IYYAH MENOLAK DINISBATKAN KEPADA ASY'ARIYYAH Kebanyakan orang mengira bahwa madzhab Al Asy'ariyyah itu identik dengan madzhab Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jama'ah. Ini sebuah kekeliruan fatal. Abul Hasan sendiri telah kembali ke pangkuan manhaj Salaf, dan mengikuti aqidah Imam Ahmad bin Hambal. Yaitu menetapkan seluruh sifat-sifat yang telah Allah tetapkan untuk diriNya, dan yang telah ditetapkan oleh Rasulullah Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam di dalam hadits-hadits shahih, dengan tanpa takwil, tanpa ta'thil, tanpa takyif dan tanpa tamtsil. Jelas, Abul Hasan pada akhir hidupnya adalah seorang salafi, pengikut manhaj salaf dan madzhab imam ahli hadits. Sampai-sampai ulama-ulama Asy Syafi'iyyah menolak dinisbatkan kepada madzhab Asy'ariyyah. Berikut ini, mari kita simak penuturan Syaikh Abu Usamah Salim bin 'Id Al Hilali dalam kitabnya yang sangat bagus, dalam edisi Indonesia berjudul Jama'ah-jama'ah Islam Ditimbang Menurut Al Qur'an dan As Sunnah (halaman 329-330). Dalam bukunya tersebut, beliau membantah Hizbut Tahrir yang mencampur-adukkan istilah Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jama'ah dengan istilah Al Asy'ariyyah, sekaligus menyatakan bila Al Asy'ariyyah bukan termasuk Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jama'ah, atau bukan termasuk pengikut manhaj Salaf. Beliau berkata: Jika dikatakan: Yang dimaksud Ahlus Sunnah di sini adalah madzhab Asy'ariyah. Kami jawab: Tidak boleh menamakan Asy'ariyah dengan sebutan Ahlus Sunnah. Berdasarkan persaksian ulama Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama'ah (pengikut Salafush Shalih), mereka bukan termasuk Ahlus Sunnah 1. Imam Ahmad, Ali bin Al Madini dan lainnya menyatakan, barangsiapa menyelami ilmu kalam, (maka ia) tidak termasuk Ahlus Sunnah, meskipun perkataannya bersesuaian dengan As Sunnah, hingga ia meninggalkan jidal (perdebatan) dan menerima nash-nash syar'iyyah [5]. Tidak syak lagi, sumber pengambilan dalil yang sangat utama dalam madzhab Asy'ariyah adalah akal. Tokoh-tokoh Asya'riyah telah menegaskan hal itu. Mereka mendahulukan dalil aqli (logika) daripada dalil naqli (wahyu), apabila terjadi pertentangan antara keduanya. Ketika Syaikhul Islam Ibnu Taimiyah membantah mereka melalui bukunya yang berjudul Dar'u Ta'arudh Aql Wan Naql, beliau membukanya dengan menyebutkan kaidah umum yang mereka pakai bilamana terjadi pertentangan antara dalil-dalil.[6] 2. Ibnu Abdil Bar, dalam mensyarah (menjelaskan) perkataan Imam Malik, dia menukil perkataan ahli fiqh madzhab Maliki bernama Ibnu Khuwaiz Mandad: "Tidak diterima persaksian Ahli Ahwa' (Ahli Bid'ah)." Ia menjelaskan: "Yang dimaksud Ahli Ahwa' oleh Imam Malik dan seluruh rekan-rekan kami, adalah Ahli Kalam. Siapa saja yang termasuk Ahli Kalam, maka ia tergolong ahli ahwa' wal bida'; baik ia seorang pengikut madzhab Asy'ariyyah atau yang lainnya. Persaksiannya dalam Islam tidak diterima selama-lamanya, wajib diboikot dan diberi peringatan atas bid'ahnya. Jika ia masih mempertahankannya, maka harus diminta bertaubat." [7] 3. Abul Abbas Suraij yang dijuluki Asy Syafi'i kedua berkata,"Kami tidak mengikuti takwil Mu'tazilah, Asy'ariyah, Jahmiyah, Mulhid, Mujassimah, Musyabbihah, Karramiyah dan Mukayyifah [8]. Namun kami menerima nash-nash sifat tanpa takwil, dan kami mengimaninya tanpa tamtsil." [9] 4. Abul Hasan Al Karji, salah seorang tokoh ulama Asy Syafi'iyyah berkata: "Para imam dan alim ulama Syafi'iyyah, dari dulu sampai sekarang menolak dinisbatkan kepada Asy'ariyah. Mereka justeru berlepas diri dari madzhab yang dibangun oleh Abul Hasan Al Asy'ari. Menurut yang aku dengar dari beberapa syaikh dan imam, bahkan mereka melarang teman-teman mereka dan orang-orang dekat mereka dari menghadiri majelis-majelisnya. Sudah dimaklumi bersama kerasnya sikap syaikh [10] terhadap Ahli Kalam, sampai-sampai memisahkan fiqh Asy Syafi'i dari prinsip-prinsip Al Asy'ari, dan diberi komentar oleh Abu Bakar Ar Radziqani. Dan buku itu ada padaku. Sikap inilah yang diikuti oleh Abu Ishaq Asy Syirazi dalam dua kitabnya, yakni Al Luma' dan At Tabshirah. Sampai-sampai kalaulah sekiranya perkataan Al Asy'ari bersesuaian dengan perkataan rekan-rekan kami (ulama madzhab Asy Syafi'i), beliau membedakannya. Beliau berkata: "Ini adalah pendapat sebagian rekan kami. Dan pendapat ini juga dipilih oleh Al Asy'ariyah." Beliau tidak memasukkan mereka ke dalam golongan rekan-rekan Asy Syafi'i. Mereka menolak disamakan dengan Al Asy'ariyah. Dan dalam masalah fiqh, mereka menolak dinisbatkan kepada madzhab Al Asy'ariyah; terlebih lagi dalam masalah ushuluddin." [11] Pendapat yang benar adalah, Al Asy'ariyah termasuk Ahli Kiblat (kaum muslimin), tetapi mereka bukan termasuk Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama'ah. Ketika para tokoh dan pembesar Al Asy'ariyyah jatuh dalam kebingungan, mereka keluar dari pemikiran Al Asy'ariyah. Diantaranya adalah Al Juwaini, Ar Razi, Al Ghazzali dan lainnya. Jika mereka benar-benar berada di atas As Sunnah dan mengikuti Salaf, lalu dari manhaj apakah mereka keluar? Dan kenapa mereka keluar? Hendaklah orang yang bijak memahaminya, karena ini adalah kesimpulan akhir. Dalam daurah Syar'iyyah Fi Masail Aqa'idiyyah Wal Manhajiyyah di Surabaya, dua tahun yang lalu, Syaikh Salim ditanya: Apakah Al Asy'ariyyah termasuk Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jama'ah? Beliau menjawab dengan tegas: "Al Asy'ariyyah tidak termasuk Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jama'ah." [Disalin dari majalah As-Sunnah Edisi 06/Tahun VIII/1425H/2004M Diterbitkan Yayasan Lajnah Istiqomah Surakarta, Jl. Solo – Purwodadi Km. 8 Selokaton Gondangrejo Solo 57183 Telp. 08121533647, 08157579296] _______ Footnote [1]. Ta'thil (menolak atau meniadakan sifat Allah, takyif (membayangkan atau menanyakan hakikat dan bentuk sifat Allah), tamtsil (menyerupakan sifat Allah dengan sifat makhluk), ta'wil (maksudnya tahrif yaitu menyimpangkan makna dari zhahirnya tanpa dalil) [2]. Al Kullabiyah, adalah penisbatan kepada Abu Muhammad Abdullah bin Sa'id bin Muhammad bin Kullab Al Bashri, wafat pada tahun 240 H. [3]. Buku ini telah saya terjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia, diterbitkan oleh Pustaka At Tibyan. Dalam buku aslinya disertakan taqdim (kata pengantar dari para ulama terkini, seperti Syaikh Hammad bin Muhammad Al Anshari, Syaikh Abdul Aziz bin Abdillah bin Baz dan Syaikh Ismail Al Anshari). Buku ini sangat penting dibaca oleh kaum muslimin, khususnya di Indonesia dan Malaysia yang mayoritas penduduknya menisbatkan diri kepada Al Asy'ariyyah. [4]. Al Ibanah, halaman 17. [5]. Silakan lihat Syarah Ushul I'tiqad Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama'ah, karangan Al Laalikaai (I/157-165). [6]. Bagi yang ingin penjelasan lebih rinci, silakan lihat kitab Asasut Taqdis, karangan Ar Razi, hlm. 168-173 dan Asy Syamil, karangan Al Juwaiini, hlm. 561 dan Al Mawaqif, karangan Al Iji, hlm. 39-40. [7]. Jami' Bayanil Ilmi wa Fadhlihi (II/96). [8]. Ini semua adalah nama-nama aliran [9]. Ijtima' Juyusy Islamiyah, hlm. 62. [10]. Yakni Syaikh Abu Hamid Al Isfaraini. [11]. At Tis'iniyyah, hlm. 238-239. Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 11:54PM Abu Abdullah - Social Mention APAKAH AL ASY'ARIYYAH TERMASUK AHLU SUNNAH? Oleh Ustadz Abu Ihsan Al Atsary PENDAHULUAN Ini adalah sebuah polemik yang sempat mencuat di kalangan kaum muslimin, khususnya para penuntut ilmu. Ada sebagian orang mengira Al Asy'ariyyah termasuk Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jama'ah. Seperti yang sudah dimaklumi, sebenarnya madzhab Al Asy'ariyyah yang berkembang sekarang ini, hakikatnya adalah madzhab Al Kullabiyyah. Abul Hasan Al Asy'ari sendiri telah bertaubat dari pemikiran lamanya, yaitu pemikiran Mu'tazilah. Tujuh sifat yang ditetapkan dalam madzhab Al Asy'ariyyah inipun bukan berdasarkan nash dan dalil syar'i, tetapi berdasarkan kecocokannya dengan akal dan logika. Jadi, sangat bertentangan dengan prinsip Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jama'ah. SEJARAH SINGKAT ABUL HASAN AL ASY'ARI Nama lengkapnya adalah Ali bin Ismail bin Ishaq bin Salim bin Ismail bin Abdullah bin Musa bin Abi Burdah bin Abu Musa Al Asy'ari. Lebih akrab disebut Abul Hasan Al Asy'ari. Lahir di Bashrah pada tahun 260 H atau 270 H. Masa kecil dan mudanya dihabiskan di kota Bashrah. Kota yang kala itu sebagai pusat kaum Mu'tazilah. Dan tidak dapat dielakkan, pada masa pertumbuhannya, beliau terpengaruh dengan lingkungannya Beliau mendalami ilmu kalam dan pemikiran Mu'tazilah dari ayah tirinya yang bernama Abu Ali Al Juba'i. Namun kemudian, beliau bertaubat dari pemikiran Mu'tazilah ini. Allah menghendaki keselamatan bagi beliau, dan memperoleh petunjuk kepada madzhab Salaf dalam penetapan sifat-sifat Allah, dengan tanpa ta'wil, tanpa ta'thil, tanpa takyif dan tanpa tamtsil [1] Kisah taubatnya dari pemikiran Mu'tazilah ini sangat populer. Beliau melepas pakaiannya seraya berkata: "Aku melepaskan keyakinan Mu'tazilah dari pemikiranku, seperti halnya aku melepaskan jubah ini dari tubuhku," kemudian beliau melepas jubah yang dikenakannya. Secara simbolis, itu merupakan pernyataan bahwa beliau berlepas diri dari pemikiran Mu'tazilah dan dari kaum Mu'tazilah. Ahli sejarah negeri Syam, Al Hafizh Abul Qasim Ali bin Hasan bin Hibatillah bin Asakir Ad Dimasyq (wafat tahun 571) dalam kitab At Tabyin menceritakan peristiwa tersebut: Abu Ismail bin Abu Muhammad bin Ishaq Al Azdi Al Qairuwani, yang dikenal dengan sebutan Ibnu 'Uzrah bercerita, Abul Hasan Al Asy'ari adalah seorang yang bermadzhab Mu'tazilah. Dan memegang madzhab ini selama 40 tahun. Dalam pandangan mereka, beliau adalah seorang imam. Kemudian beliau menghilang selama lima belas hari. Secara tiba-tiba, beliau muncul di masjid Jami' kota Bashrah. Dan setelah shalat Jum'at, beliau naik ke atas mimbar seraya berkata,"Hadirin sekalian. Aku menghilang dari kalian selama beberapa hari, karena ada dalil-dalil yang bertentangan dan sama kuatnya, namun aku tidak mampu menetapkan mana yang hak dan mana yang batil. Dan aku tidak mampu membedakan mana yang batil dan mana yang hak. Kemudian aku memohon petunjuk kepada Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala. Maka Dia memberiku petunjuk, dan aku tuangkan ke dalam bukuku ini. Dan aku melepaskan semua aqidah (keyakinan) yang dulu aku pegang, sebagaimana aku membuka bajuku ini." Kemudian beliau membuka bajunya dan membuangnya, lalu memberikan bukunya tersebut kepada para hadirin. Sebagai bukti kesungguhan Abul Hasan Al Asy'ari melepaskan diri dari pemikiran Mu'tazilah, yaitu beliau mulai bangkit membantah pemikiran Mu'tazilah dan mendebat mereka. Bahkan beliau menulis sampai tiga ratus buku untuk membantah Mu'tazilah. Namun dalam membantahnya, beliau menggunakan rasio dan prinsip-prinsip logika. Beliau mengikuti pemikiran-pemikiran Kullabiyyah.[2] ABUL HASAN AL ASY'ARI SECARA TOTAL MENJADI PENGIKUT MANHAJ SALAF Kemudian Allah menyempurnakan nikmatNya untuk beliau. Setelah pindah ke Baghdad dan bergabung bersama para tokoh murid-murid Imam Ahmad, akhirnya beliau secara total menjadi seorang Salafi (pengikut manhaj Salaf). Pada fase yang ketiga dalam kehidupannya ini, beliau menulis beberapa risalah berisi pernyataan taubatnya dari seluruh pemikiran Mu'tazilah dan syubhat-syubhat Kullabiyyah. Diantara beberapa buku yang ditulisnya, yaitu: Al Luma', Kasyful Asrar Wa Hatkul Asrar, Tafsir Al Mukhtazin, Al Fushul Fi Raddi 'Alal Mulhidiin Wa Kharijin 'Alal Millah Ka Al Falasifah Wa Thabai'in Wad Dahriyin Wa Ahli Tasybih, Al Maqalaat Al Islamiyyin dan Al Ibanah. Semoga Allah merahmati beliau. PERNYATAAN ABUL HASAN AL ASY'ARI DALAM KITABNYA: AL IBANAH FI USHULID DIYANAH [3] Beliau berkata dalam kitab Al Ibanah: "Pendapat yang kami nyatakan, dan agama yang kami anut adalah berpegang teguh dengan Kitabullah k dan Sunnah NabiNya Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam , atsar-atsar (riwayat-riwayat) yang diriwayatkan dari para sahabat, tabi'in dan para imam ahli hadits. Kami berpegang teguh dengan prinsip tersebut. Kami berpendapat dengan pendapat yang telah dinyatakan oleh Abu Abdillah Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Hambal, semoga Allah mengelokkan wajah beliau, mengangkat derajat beliau dan melimpahkan pahala bagi beliau. Dan kami menyelisihi perkataan yang menyelisihi perkataan beliau. Karena beliau adalah imam yang fadhil (utama), pemimpin yang kamil (sempurna). Melalui dirinya, Allah menerangkan kebenaran dan mengangkat kesesatan, menegaskan manhaj dan memberantas bid'ah yang dilakukan kaum mubtadi'in, dan (memberantras) penyimpangan yang dilakukan orang-orang sesat, serta (memberantas) keraguan yang ditebarkan orang yang ragu-ragu." [4] Demikian pernyataan Abul Hasan, bahwa ia kembali ke pangkuan manhaj Salaf. ULAMA-ULAMA SYAFI'IYYAH MENOLAK DINISBATKAN KEPADA ASY'ARIYYAH Kebanyakan orang mengira bahwa madzhab Al Asy'ariyyah itu identik dengan madzhab Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jama'ah. Ini sebuah kekeliruan fatal. Abul Hasan sendiri telah kembali ke pangkuan manhaj Salaf, dan mengikuti aqidah Imam Ahmad bin Hambal. Yaitu menetapkan seluruh sifat-sifat yang telah Allah tetapkan untuk diriNya, dan yang telah ditetapkan oleh Rasulullah Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam di dalam hadits-hadits shahih, dengan tanpa takwil, tanpa ta'thil, tanpa takyif dan tanpa tamtsil. Jelas, Abul Hasan pada akhir hidupnya adalah seorang salafi, pengikut manhaj salaf dan madzhab imam ahli hadits. Sampai-sampai ulama-ulama Asy Syafi'iyyah menolak dinisbatkan kepada madzhab Asy'ariyyah. Berikut ini, mari kita simak penuturan Syaikh Abu Usamah Salim bin 'Id Al Hilali dalam kitabnya yang sangat bagus, dalam edisi Indonesia berjudul Jama'ah-jama'ah Islam Ditimbang Menurut Al Qur'an dan As Sunnah (halaman 329-330). Dalam bukunya tersebut, beliau membantah Hizbut Tahrir yang mencampur-adukkan istilah Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jama'ah dengan istilah Al Asy'ariyyah, sekaligus menyatakan bila Al Asy'ariyyah bukan termasuk Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jama'ah, atau bukan termasuk pengikut manhaj Salaf. Beliau berkata: Jika dikatakan: Yang dimaksud Ahlus Sunnah di sini adalah madzhab Asy'ariyah. Kami jawab: Tidak boleh menamakan Asy'ariyah dengan sebutan Ahlus Sunnah. Berdasarkan persaksian ulama Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama'ah (pengikut Salafush Shalih), mereka bukan termasuk Ahlus Sunnah 1. Imam Ahmad, Ali bin Al Madini dan lainnya menyatakan, barangsiapa menyelami ilmu kalam, (maka ia) tidak termasuk Ahlus Sunnah, meskipun perkataannya bersesuaian dengan As Sunnah, hingga ia meninggalkan jidal (perdebatan) dan menerima nash-nash syar'iyyah [5]. Tidak syak lagi, sumber pengambilan dalil yang sangat utama dalam madzhab Asy'ariyah adalah akal. Tokoh-tokoh Asya'riyah telah menegaskan hal itu. Mereka mendahulukan dalil aqli (logika) daripada dalil naqli (wahyu), apabila terjadi pertentangan antara keduanya. Ketika Syaikhul Islam Ibnu Taimiyah membantah mereka melalui bukunya yang berjudul Dar'u Ta'arudh Aql Wan Naql, beliau membukanya dengan menyebutkan kaidah umum yang mereka pakai bilamana terjadi pertentangan antara dalil-dalil.[6] 2. Ibnu Abdil Bar, dalam mensyarah (menjelaskan) perkataan Imam Malik, dia menukil perkataan ahli fiqh madzhab Maliki bernama Ibnu Khuwaiz Mandad: "Tidak diterima persaksian Ahli Ahwa' (Ahli Bid'ah)." Ia menjelaskan: "Yang dimaksud Ahli Ahwa' oleh Imam Malik dan seluruh rekan-rekan kami, adalah Ahli Kalam. Siapa saja yang termasuk Ahli Kalam, maka ia tergolong ahli ahwa' wal bida'; baik ia seorang pengikut madzhab Asy'ariyyah atau yang lainnya. Persaksiannya dalam Islam tidak diterima selama-lamanya, wajib diboikot dan diberi peringatan atas bid'ahnya. Jika ia masih mempertahankannya, maka harus diminta bertaubat." [7] 3. Abul Abbas Suraij yang dijuluki Asy Syafi'i kedua berkata,"Kami tidak mengikuti takwil Mu'tazilah, Asy'ariyah, Jahmiyah, Mulhid, Mujassimah, Musyabbihah, Karramiyah dan Mukayyifah [8]. Namun kami menerima nash-nash sifat tanpa takwil, dan kami mengimaninya tanpa tamtsil." [9] 4. Abul Hasan Al Karji, salah seorang tokoh ulama Asy Syafi'iyyah berkata: "Para imam dan alim ulama Syafi'iyyah, dari dulu sampai sekarang menolak dinisbatkan kepada Asy'ariyah. Mereka justeru berlepas diri dari madzhab yang dibangun oleh Abul Hasan Al Asy'ari. Menurut yang aku dengar dari beberapa syaikh dan imam, bahkan mereka melarang teman-teman mereka dan orang-orang dekat mereka dari menghadiri majelis-majelisnya. Sudah dimaklumi bersama kerasnya sikap syaikh [10] terhadap Ahli Kalam, sampai-sampai memisahkan fiqh Asy Syafi'i dari prinsip-prinsip Al Asy'ari, dan diberi komentar oleh Abu Bakar Ar Radziqani. Dan buku itu ada padaku. Sikap inilah yang diikuti oleh Abu Ishaq Asy Syirazi dalam dua kitabnya, yakni Al Luma' dan At Tabshirah. Sampai-sampai kalaulah sekiranya perkataan Al Asy'ari bersesuaian dengan perkataan rekan-rekan kami (ulama madzhab Asy Syafi'i), beliau membedakannya. Beliau berkata: "Ini adalah pendapat sebagian rekan kami. Dan pendapat ini juga dipilih oleh Al Asy'ariyah." Beliau tidak memasukkan mereka ke dalam golongan rekan-rekan Asy Syafi'i. Mereka menolak disamakan dengan Al Asy'ariyah. Dan dalam masalah fiqh, mereka menolak dinisbatkan kepada madzhab Al Asy'ariyah; terlebih lagi dalam masalah ushuluddin." [11] Pendapat yang benar adalah, Al Asy'ariyah termasuk Ahli Kiblat (kaum muslimin), tetapi mereka bukan termasuk Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama'ah. Ketika para tokoh dan pembesar Al Asy'ariyyah jatuh dalam kebingungan, mereka keluar dari pemikiran Al Asy'ariyah. Diantaranya adalah Al Juwaini, Ar Razi, Al Ghazzali dan lainnya. Jika mereka benar-benar berada di atas As Sunnah dan mengikuti Salaf, lalu dari manhaj apakah mereka keluar? Dan kenapa mereka keluar? Hendaklah orang yang bijak memahaminya, karena ini adalah kesimpulan akhir. Dalam daurah Syar'iyyah Fi Masail Aqa'idiyyah Wal Manhajiyyah di Surabaya, dua tahun yang lalu, Syaikh Salim ditanya: Apakah Al Asy'ariyyah termasuk Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jama'ah? Beliau menjawab dengan tegas: "Al Asy'ariyyah tidak termasuk Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jama'ah." [Disalin dari majalah As-Sunnah Edisi 06/Tahun VIII/1425H/2004M Diterbitkan Yayasan Lajnah Istiqomah Surakarta, Jl. Solo – Purwodadi Km. 8 Selokaton Gondangrejo Solo 57183 Telp. 08121533647, 08157579296] _______ Footnote [1]. Ta'thil (menolak atau meniadakan sifat Allah, takyif (membayangkan atau menanyakan hakikat dan bentuk sifat Allah), tamtsil (menyerupakan sifat Allah dengan sifat makhluk), ta'wil (maksudnya tahrif yaitu menyimpangkan makna dari zhahirnya tanpa dalil) [2]. Al Kullabiyah, adalah penisbatan kepada Abu Muhammad Abdullah bin Sa'id bin Muhammad bin Kullab Al Bashri, wafat pada tahun 240 H. [3]. Buku ini telah saya terjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia, diterbitkan oleh Pustaka At Tibyan. Dalam buku aslinya disertakan taqdim (kata pengantar dari para ulama terkini, seperti Syaikh Hammad bin Muhammad Al Anshari, Syaikh Abdul Aziz bin Abdillah bin Baz dan Syaikh Ismail Al Anshari). Buku ini sangat penting dibaca oleh kaum muslimin, khususnya di Indonesia dan Malaysia yang mayoritas penduduknya menisbatkan diri kepada Al Asy'ariyyah. [4]. Al Ibanah, halaman 17. [5]. Silakan lihat Syarah Ushul I'tiqad Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama'ah, karangan Al Laalikaai (I/157-165). [6]. Bagi yang ingin penjelasan lebih rinci, silakan lihat kitab Asasut Taqdis, karangan Ar Razi, hlm. 168-173 dan Asy Syamil, karangan Al Juwaiini, hlm. 561 dan Al Mawaqif, karangan Al Iji, hlm. 39-40. [7]. Jami' Bayanil Ilmi wa Fadhlihi (II/96). [8]. Ini semua adalah nama-nama aliran [9]. Ijtima' Juyusy Islamiyah, hlm. 62. [10]. Yakni Syaikh Abu Hamid Al Isfaraini. [11]. At Tis'iniyyah, hlm. 238-239. Nov 20th 2013, 23:20 You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 09:50AM Abu Bilal - Social Mention (Untitled) Nov 20th 2013, 09:25 The treaty of Al-Hudaibia and the Opening of Makkah: In the sixth year after the emigration, Muhammad (pbuh) saw a vision wherein he entered Makkah and circumambulated (circled) the Kaaba. This vision did not specify a date but he realized that he would soon capture Makkah. Muhammad (pbuh) commanded his men to prepare for "Umrah" (minor pilgrimage) to Makkah. In the eleventh month of the sixth year, (the month of Thul-Qida), Muhammad departed for Makkah with approximately one thousand and five hundred men. He had no intention of waging war but only to perform pilgrimage. The people of Makkah heard that he was coming and feared for their lives. When he reached Al-Hudaibiyya, his camel stopped and sat down. The Muslims said "Al-Qaswa (the name of his camel) has refused to advance!" Muhammad (pbuh) replied "No! it has not refused, nor is that fitting conduct for it. But the bar that prevented the elephant (in "The year of the elephant" above) has held it back" He then said: "Quraish shall not come to me requesting a treaty that raises the name of God and reverences the bonds of kinship but I shall accept it from them" He then poked his camel and rebuked it and it arose and continued onwards. Quraish came to Muhammad and made a pact with him stipulating that the Muslims shall not perform their pilgrimage this year but shall wait till next year. And no man shall come from Quraish without the authorization of his master seeking refuge with the Muslims but he shall be returned to Quraish. And that no man from the Muslims shall come to Quraish seeking refuge but he shall be allowed to stay with Quraish. They also agreed to refrain from fighting for ten years and that whosoever wished to enter into Muhammad's pact and treaty could do so, and whosoever wished to enter into Quraish's pact and treaty could do so. Muhammad (pbuh) agreed to this truce which was named "The Truce of Al-Hudaibiyya". When the Muslims saw Muhammad accept this pact they were dumb-struck. How could he possible accept such a one-sided and unjust treaty (in their estimation)? However, Muhammad (pbuh) commanded them to return and they did. During the course of the next year, Muhammad (pbuh) abided by his promise and anyone who came to him seeking refuge without the consent of his master was returned to Quraish. Eventually, these men escaped from Quraish and became bandits, holding up Quraish's caravans and terrifying their people. Finally, Quraish begged Muhammad (pbuh) to please accept those who sought his protection and he did. One of the outcomes of this treaty was that the people of Arabia were finally able to enter into the religion of Islam without the fear of persecution or death. The Muslims were finally able to travel to the tribes and recite the Qur'an to them freely and without hindrance. In this one year (after the start of the truce) more people entered into Islam than had entered into it in all the fifteen years prior to that combined. One of the signs of this was that in the first attempt at pilgrimage (when Muhammad accepted the truce) 1500 Muslims traveled with him. The next year, over ten thousand Muslims returned with him to perform the pilgrimage. Allah said in the Qur'an: "But it may happen that you hate a thing which is good for you, and it may happen that you love a thing which is bad for you. Allah knows, and you know not." The noble Qur'an, Al-Baqarah(2):216 It is estimated that Muhammad's letters to the kings of the surrounding nations were sent out around the end of the sixth year after the emigration. Muhammad (pbuh) sent messengers to the leaders of Rome, Persia, Egypt, and Ethiopia among others. This was the beginning of the global call to Islam. Allah says in the Qur'an: "We have not sent you but as a universal [Messenger] to mankind, giving them glad tidings, and warning them, but most of mankind understand not." The noble Qur'an, Saba(24):38 and also: "Say: O mankind! I am [sent] to you only as a plain warner." The noble Qur'an, Al-Hajj(22):49 When Muhammad (pbuh) was about to send these letters, it was said to him: "They do not accept a letter except with a seal," so a metal ring was made for him with the words "Muhammad, the messenger of Allah" engraved in it. This became his official seal. Muhammad's letter to the king of Persia, Khosru (590-628AD), was as follows: "In the name of God, Most Compassionate, Most Merciful. From Muhammad the messenger of God to Khosru the great one of Persia. Peace be unto he who follows [true] guidance, believes in God and his messenger, and bears witness that there is no god but Allah, and I am the messenger of Allah to all of mankind that I may warn [all] those who live. Embrace Islam and yours shall be peace and safety. But if you refuse then upon you shall be the sin of the Zoroastrians" His message to the king of Ethiopia (the successor of the king to whom the Muslims had previously emigrated) was as follows: "In the name of God, Most Compassionate, Most Merciful. From Muhammad the messenger of Allah to Negashi the great one of Ethiopia. Peace be unto he who follows [true] guidance. [Further], I thank God on your behalf, the One who there is no god but He. The King, the Holy, the Source of Peace and Perfection, the Giver of security, the Guardian. And I bear witness that Jesus the son of Mary was the spirit of Allah and His word which He sent down unto Mary, the virgin (and devoted), the pure, the chaste. So she bore him from His spirit and His blowing, just as He created Adam with His Hand. I invite you to God, the One. No partners has He. And [I invite you] to Friendship and consistency in His obedience, to follow me, and believe in that which has come unto me. For I am the messenger of God, and I invite you and your soldiers to God, the Noble, the Supreme. [Indeed,] I have delivered [the message] and advised, so accept my advice. And peace be unto he who follows [true] guidance" Muhammad's message to the ruler of the Coptics, "Al-Muqokas": "In the name of God, Most Compassionate, Most Merciful. From Muhammad the slave and messenger of Allah to 'Al-Muqokas' the great one of the Coptics. Peace be unto he who follows [true] guidance. [Further,] I greet you with the greeting of Islam. Embrace Islam and yours shall be peace and safety. Embrace Islam and God shall double your reward. But if you turn away then upon you shall be the sin of the Coptics. {Say: O People of the Scripture! Come to a word that is just between us and you: that we shall worship none but Allah, and that we shall associate no partners with Him, and that none of us shall take others for lords beside Allah. But if they turn away, then say: Bear witness that we are they who have surrendered [unto Him]}1" Muhammad's message to Hercules (610-641AD), Emperor of Rome: "In the name of God, Most Compassionate, Most Merciful. From Muhammad the slave and messenger of Allah to Hercules the great one of Rome. Peace be unto he who follows [true] guidance. [Further,] I greet you with the greeting of Islam. Embrace Islam and yours shall be peace and safety, and God shall double your reward. But if you turn away then upon you shall be the sin of the 'Ariusins'* . {Say: O People of the Scripture! Come to a word that is just between us and you: that we shall worship none but Allah, and that we shall associate no partners with Him, and that none of us shall take others for lords beside Allah. But if they turn away, then say: Bear witness that we are they who have surrendered [unto Him]}" Delving into the details of the responses of these kings to Muhammad's messages is beyond the scope of this book. For more see any of the many books available at one of the bookstores listed at the back of this book. However, one response in particular bears a short mention. It is the response of the Caesar of Rome (Hercules) to Muhammad's message. Abdullah ibn Abbas narrates for us this story in Sahih Al-Bukhari. He says: "Allah's Messenger (pbuh) wrote to Caesar and invited him to Islam. Allah's Messenger (pbuh) sent Dihyah al-Kalbi with his letter and ordered him to hand it over to the Governor of Busrah who would forward it to Caesar, who as a sign of gratitude to Allah, had walked from Hims to Ilya (i.e. Jerusalem) when Allah had granted him victory over the Persian forces. So when the letter of Allah's Messenger (pbuh) reached Caesar, he said after reading it, "Seek for me any one of his people, if at present here, in order to ask him about Muhammad" At that time AbuSufyan ibn Harb* was in Sha'm with some men from Quraysh who had come (to Sha'm) as merchants during the truce that had been concluded between Allah's Messenger (pbuh) and the pagans of Quraysh. AbuSufyan said, "Caesar's messenger found us somewhere in Sha'm so he took me and my companions to Ilya (Jerusalem). We were admitted into Caesar's court, to find him sitting in his royal court wearing a crown and surrounded by the senior dignitaries of the Byzantines. He said to his interpreter, 'Ask them who among them is a close relation to the man who claims to be a prophet.'" AbuSufyan said, "I replied, 'I am the nearest relative to him.' He asked, 'What degree of relationship do you have with him?' I replied, 'He is my cousin,' and there was none of Banu Abdul Manaf* in the caravan except myself. Caesar said, 'Let him come nearer.' He then ordered my companions to stand behind me near my shoulder and said to his interpreter, 'Tell his companions that I am going to ask this man about the man who claims to be a prophet. If he tells a lie, they should give me a sign.'" AbuSufyan added, 'By Allah! Had it not been shameful that my companions label me a liar, I should not have spoken the truth about Muhammad when Caesar asked me. But I considered it shameful to be labeled a liar by my companions. So I told the truth.*' Caesar then said to his interpreter, 'Ask him what kind of family does Muhammad belong to.' I replied, 'He belongs to a noble family among us.' He said, 'Has anybody else among you ever claimed the same before him?' I replied, 'No.' He said, 'Had you ever known him to tell lies before he claimed that which he claimed?' I replied, 'No.' He said, 'Was anybody amongst his ancestors a king?' I replied, 'No.' He said, 'Do the noble or the poor follow him?' I replied, 'It is the poor who follow him.' He said, 'Are they increasing or decreasing?' I replied, 'They are increasing.' He said, 'Does anybody among those who embrace his religion become displeased and then renounce his religion?.' I replied, 'No.' He said, 'Does he break his promises?' I replied, 'No, but we have now a truce with him and we are afraid that he may betray us.'" AbuSufyan added, "Other than the last sentence, I could not work in a single word against him. Caesar then asked, 'Have you ever waged war with him?' I replied, 'Yes.' He said, 'What was the outcome of your battles against him?' I replied, 'The result varied; sometimes he was victorious and sometimes we were.' He said, 'What does he order you to do?' I said, 'He tells us to worship Allah alone, not to worship others with Him, and to discard all that our forefathers used to worship. He orders us to pray, give in charity, be chaste, keep our promises and return that which is entrusted to us.' When I had said that, Caesar said to his interpreter, 'Say to him: I asked you about his lineage and your reply was that he belonged to a noble family. In fact, all messengers of God came from the noblest lineage of their nations. Then I questioned you whether anybody else among you had claimed such a thing, and your reply was in the negative. If the answer had been in the affirmative, I should have thought that this man was following a claim that had been made before him. When I asked you whether he was ever known to tell lies, your reply was in the negative, so I took it for granted that a person who did not tell a lie about people could never tell a lie about God. Then I asked you whether any of his ancestors was a king. Your reply was in the negative, and if it had been in the affirmative, I should have thought that this man sought the return of his ancestral kingdom. When I asked you whether the rich or the poor people followed him, you replied that it was the poor who followed him. In fact, such are the followers of the messengers of God. Then I asked you whether his followers were increasing or decreasing. You replied that they were increasing. In fact, this is the result of true faith until it is complete (in all respects). I asked you whether there was anybody who, after embracing his religion, became displeased and renounced his religion; your reply was in the negative. In fact, this is the sign of true faith, for when its blessedness enters and mixes in the hearts completely, nobody will be displeased with it. I asked you whether he had ever broken his promise. You replied in the negative. And such are the messengers of God; they never break their promises. When I asked you whether you fought with him and he fought with you, you replied that he did, and that sometimes he was victorious and sometimes you. Indeed, such are the messengers of God; they are put to trials and the final victory is always theirs. Then I asked you what he commanded of you. You replied that he ordered you to worship Allah alone and not to worship others along with Him, to leave all that your fore-fathers used to worship, to offer prayers, to speak the truth, to be chaste, to keep promises, and to return what is entrusted to you. These are the qualities of a prophet who I knew (from the previous Scriptures) would appear, but I did not know that he would be from amongst you. If what you say is true, he will very soon capture the land under my feet, and if I knew that I would reach him definitely, I would go immediately to meet Him; and were I with him, then I would have certainly washed his feet.'" Caesar then collected his nobles and military leaders and asked them what would be their response if he were to accept Muhammad's request. The whole court was thrown into a great uproar, the officers became extremely restless raising their voices in objection and their eyes grew wild. When he saw this he quickly interjected and claimed that he had only asked that question in order to test their resolve and their firm stance. So he renounced his previous resolve and refused Muhammad's message. Jabir ibn Samurah narrated in Sahih Al-Bukhari: Allah's Messenger (pbuh) said: "When Khusraw (Chosroes) is ruined, there will be no Khusraw after him; and when Caesar is ruined, their will be no Caesar after him. By Him in Whose Hands my life is, you will spend their treasures in Allah's Cause." After exactly one year, in the eleventh month of the seventh year after the emigration, Muhammad (pbuh) and his followers set out for Makkah once more and this time were allowed to enter it and perform the minor-pilgrimage that they were bared from performing the year before. One of the conditions of the treaty of Al-Hudaibiyya was that anyone who wished to enter into Muhammad's pact could do so, and anyone who wished to enter into Quraish's pack could do so. Of those who later entered into Muhammad's pact was the tribe of Khuza'a. And of those who later entered into Quraish's pact was the tribe of Banu-Bikr. The two tribes of Khuza'a and Banu-Bikr were ancient enemies. This hatred and animosity was handed down through the generations, father to son. When Islam came, it put an end to this matter and everyone moved on with their lives. After the two tribes had entered into the treaty between Quraish and the Muslims, the tribe of Banu-Bikr attacked some men from the tribe of Khuza'a at night while they were at one of their wells and killed many of them. Some men from Quraish had assisted Banu-Bikr Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 12:23PM Beautiful Islams Facebook-Pinnwand Beautiful Islams Facebook-Pinnwand ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ O Allah, setze in mein Herz Licht,und in meine Seele Licht,auf m... Nov 19th 2013, 12:04 ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ O Allah, setze in mein Herz Licht,und in meine Seele Licht,auf meine Zunge Licht, in meine Augen Licht,und in meine Ohren Licht,setze zu meiner Rechten Licht,zu meiner Linken Licht,hinter mir Licht und vor mir Licht,über mir Licht und unter mir Licht,setze in meine Nerven Lichtund in mein Fleisch Licht,in mein Blut Licht,in mein Haar Lichtund in meine Haut Licht.Gib mir Licht, stärke mein Licht,mach mich zu Licht! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ [Sahih Al-Bucharyy Nr. 6316] You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 06:08PM islam fatwa - Social Mention What was the empire of Islam? Nov 21st 2013, 18:08 When was Islam decovered? Nov 21st 2013, 18:08 What is the holy of Islam? Nov 21st 2013, 18:08 What is sacred in Islam? Nov 21st 2013, 18:08 What is a nation if Islam? Nov 21st 2013, 18:08 What does Islam says about anti people of Islam? Nov 21st 2013, 18:08 What does yusuf Islam love about the religion Islam? Nov 21st 2013, 18:08 Who are the Islams? Nov 21st 2013, 18:08 Who was Islam what did they do? Nov 21st 2013, 18:08 What is an islam? Nov 21st 2013, 18:08 What you Islam? Nov 21st 2013, 18:08 What is Munkar in Islam? Nov 21st 2013, 18:08 What is Islams athority? Nov 21st 2013, 18:08 Who is Islams the founder? Nov 21st 2013, 18:08 What did Islam traded? Nov 21st 2013, 18:08 How were Islams organized? Nov 21st 2013, 18:08 What do Islam not eat? Nov 21st 2013, 18:08 Who wasnt Islam? Nov 21st 2013, 18:08 Why did you bomb Islam? Nov 21st 2013, 18:08 What can Islam eat? Nov 21st 2013, 18:08 Islam was founded by who? Nov 21st 2013, 18:08 Customs of Islam? Nov 21st 2013, 18:08 Aid in Islam? Nov 21st 2013, 18:08 What did the islam do? Nov 21st 2013, 18:08 What is that islam? Nov 21st 2013, 18:08 Who is Sarikat Islam? Nov 21st 2013, 18:08 Who was founder or Islam? Nov 21st 2013, 18:08 Why did Islam have paper? Nov 21st 2013, 18:08 Why is Islam stupid? Nov 21st 2013, 18:08 Who are Adherents of Islam? Nov 21st 2013, 18:08 Which of these are followers of Islam? Nov 21st 2013, 18:08 What is a bish in Islam? Nov 21st 2013, 18:08 What is nehan in Islam? Nov 21st 2013, 18:08 What is the followers of Islam? Nov 21st 2013, 18:08 Where does Islam originated? Nov 21st 2013, 18:08 Yes he did to Islam? Nov 21st 2013, 18:08 Follwers of Islam? Nov 21st 2013, 18:08 Who was the founder of the plasce Islam Islam? Nov 21st 2013, 18:08 Did Muhammad lead Islams to Islam? Nov 21st 2013, 18:08 How do you get a fatwa? Nov 21st 2013, 18:08 What does Islam say about the enemy of Islam? Nov 21st 2013, 18:08 What do you know about islam and what do you want to know about islam? Nov 21st 2013, 18:08 In Islam allow to selling duplicate item is there any fatwa that is haram? Nov 21st 2013, 18:08 Islam is evil? Nov 21st 2013, 18:08 Is Islam insulted? Nov 21st 2013, 18:08 How do Islams eat? Nov 21st 2013, 18:08 Are you at war with Islam? Nov 21st 2013, 18:08 What is Islam practiced in? Nov 21st 2013, 18:08 What duty of Islam? Nov 21st 2013, 18:08 Why Shia do Matam and self flaggellation? complete proof from quran and hadiths(from sunni brothers books), must read and share. Mourning rituals and self harm as found in the Qur'an We read in Surah Nisa 004.148 YUSUFALI: Allah loveth not that evil should be noised abroad in public speech, except where injustice hath been done; for Allah is He who heareth and knoweth all things. We read in Tafseer Ibn Katheer Volume 2 page 20 Surah Nisa, under the commentary of this verse: "Ali bin Abi Talib(a.s) said that Ibn Abbas commented on the Ayah and said, "Allah does not like that the evil should be uttered in public, He does not like that any one should invoke Him against anyone else, unless one is wronged. In this case, Allah allows one to invoke Him against whoever wronged him. Hence Allah's statement Allah loveth not that evil should be noised abroad in public speech, except where injustice hath been done'" Shia Muslim mourning Imam Hussain This verse makes it clear that the public relaying of injustice is permissible. Relaying the suffering of a victim is permissible. The traditions from Bukhari also proves that mourning is permissible when one is citing the pains inflicted on the aggrieved party hence any tradition that contradicts this must be ignored. Sahih Bukhari ,Volume 2, Book 23, Number 336 : Narrated by Jabir bin 'Abdullah When my father was martyred, I lifted the sheet from his face and wept and the people forbade me to do so but the Prophet did not forbid me. Then my aunt Fatima began weeping and the Prophet said, "It is all the same whether you weep or not. The angels were shading him continuously with their wings till you shifted him (from the field). " Sahih Bukhari ,Volume 2, Book 23, Number 390 : Narrated by Anas bin Malik We went with Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) to the blacksmith Abu Saif, and he was the husband of the wet-nurse of Ibrahim (the son of the Prophet). Allah's Apostle took Ibrahim and kissed him and smelled him and later we entered Abu Saif's house and at that time Ibrahim was in his last breaths, and the eyes of Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) started shedding tears. 'Abdur Rahman bin 'Auf said, "O Allah's Apostle, even you are weeping!" He said, "O Ibn 'Auf, this is mercy." Then he wept more and said, "The eyes are shedding tears and the heart is grieved, and we will not say except what pleases our Lord, O Ibrahim ! Indeed we are grieved by your separation." Sahih Bukhari ,Volume 2, Book 23, Number 338 : Narrated by Anas bin Malik The Prophet said, "Zaid took over the flag and was martyred. Then it was taken by Jafar who was martyred as well. Then 'Abdullah bin Rawaha took the flag but he too was martyred and at that time the eyes of Allah's Apostle were full of tears. We Shias perform all these acts as Allah (swt) has permitted us to do so, and the opposition is only on account for their love and support for Imam Husayn (as)'s killers. Mourning and shedding blood is the Sunnah of Prophet Adam (as) We read in Ahlul Sunnah's authority work Ma'arij al Nubuwwa Chapter 1 page 248: Hadhrath Adam was so distressed that he smashed his hands onto his knees and the skin from his hands caused gashes from which bone could be seen. Those who deem the act of self-harm to be Haraam should look at the bloodletting actions of Hadrath Adam (as). If Hadrath Adam (as) can do this why cannot the Shia when mourning for Imam Husayn (as)? Mourning and hitting one self is the Sunnah of the Prophet (s) As evidence we shall cite the following works: Sunan al Nasai Volume 3 page 305 Adhaan al Mufreed page 426 Saheeh al Muslim Volume 1 page 291 Musnad Abu Awana Volume 2 page 292 All these books state: "Rasulullah (s) was in a state where he was hitting his chest." Ibn Hajr Asqalani in the commentary of this tradition in Fathul Bari Volume 3 page 90 writes: "This Hadeeth demonstrates that it is permissible to bang your hand at a moment of distress". If hitting oneself is Haraam then what Fatwa do the Nasibis have for the Prophet (s)? The Pillar of Shariah is himself hitting his chest, so if the Shia do the same, why are their actions Batil? Beating oneself in times of trouble is the Sunnah of Umar We read in Ahl'ul Sunnah's authority work Aqd al Fareed, Volume 1 page 342: ولما نُعي النًّعمان بن مُقَرَّن إلى عمر بن الخطاب وضع يدَه على رأسه وصاح يا أسفي على النعمان When Umar received news of the death of Numan ibn Muqran, he placed his hand on his head and wailed: 'O my grief for Numan!' We find a similar narration in Kanz al Ummal, Vol.8, Page 117, Kitab al Maut: When Umar heard of Nu'man ibn Muqran's death he beat his head and screamed, "O what a pity that Nu'man died". When Umar mourns the death of his friend in such a way, the descendents of Mu'awiya remain silent, but if the Shi'a mourn Imam Husayn (as) through such an act they are deemed Kaffirs. If Nasibis wish to accuse us of introducing Bidah into the religion then they should know that Umar introduced this long before the Rafidis! If such acts of hitting oneself and extreme wailing are prohibited then what was your Khalifa indulging in this act for? Thigh beating is the Sunnah of Maula 'Ali (as) We read in Taufa Ithna Ashari page 523 published in Karachi: "When Ayesha was defeated and Ali(a.s) saw the corpses on the ground he began to beat his thighs" Tauhfa Ithna Ashari, page 523 Proof of head beating from the Qur'an In Surah adh-Dhaariyaat we read that Hadrath Sara (as) struck her face when she was told that she would conceive a baby. "Then came forward his wife in grief, she smote her face and said (what! I) An old barren woman?" Quran 51:29 "Faskath" does not just mean rub or touch, it means slap and this is evidenced from Saheeh Muslim Book 030, Number 5851, Bab Fadail Musa: Beating oneself at a time of distress is the Sunnah of Prophet Adam (as) We read in Mudharij al Nubuwwa page 221: "When life was breathed into the spirit of Adam he hit his hand on his head and cried. He made this tradition of beating one's head with one's hand and crying in times of trouble for his descendants." Hitting one's head in times of trouble is the Sunnah of Prophet Yusuf (as) We read in Tafseer Kabeer Volume 5 page 158: "On one occasion Gibrael approached Prophet Yusuf (as) in Zundh and conveyed the news that his father had become blind on account of his weeping for him. Yusuf hit his hand on his head and said 'O I wish my mother did not give birth to me, so that I would have not become the cause of such sadness to my father '". We have proven that the acts of hitting one's head are not Jahiliyya or Un-Islamic. In fact it is the Sunnah of Prophets Adam (as) and Yusuf (as). The Shi'a mourn Imam Husayn (as) as a form of remembrance. We seek to remember and share his suffering and pain, since assisting one in trouble is a recommended (Mustahab) act and a kind of worship. We also deem mourning and presenting our sincerity to Imam Husayn (as) to be a form of worship. Before we expand on this reality let us begin by citing words that we had previously cited Ibn al Hashimi who claims: Additionally–and this point cannot be stressed enough–there were many Sahabah who were killed in the Path of Allah, but the Prophet (صلّى الله عليه وآله وسلّم) never mourned their deaths in the manner in which the Shia mourn Hussain (رضّى الله عنه). The Prophet lost his own dear uncle, his own wife, and many of his dearest companions, but do we see that the Prophet (صلّى الله عليه وآله وسلّم) ever resorted to self-flagellation or excessive mourning? The Shia can never provide such an example from the life of the Prophet (صلّى الله عليه وآله وسلّم), probably not even from Shia sources. Therefore, we find that it is not part of the Sunnah to mourn in such an uncivilized manner and we shall never take part in it because of this. Let us refute this Nasibi by citing Allamah Shibli Numani al Hanafi is a renowned Sunni scholar from the Indian subcontinent. In his Sirat-un Nabi (Eng translation Volume 2 pg 74) quoting Sirat Ibn Hisham we read the following about Hamzah (as) martyrdom: "The Holy Prophet (P) returned to Madina and found the whole city gone into mourning. Whenever he went, he heard wailing and lamentation in every house. He was grieved to find that all who were martyred in the battle had their mourners doing their duty to the memory of their dear ones. But there was none to mourn the death of Hamzah (ra). Overwhelmed with grief, the words that there was no one to mourn the loss of Hamzah escaped his lips. The Ansâris were touched to the core when they heard this remark from the Prophet(s). They asked their women to go to the house of the Prophet (S) and mourn for Hamzah. The Prophet (p) thanked them for their sympathy, prayed for their well-being, but added that it was not permissible to lament in memory of the dead. (Women in Arabia were used to wailing and lamenting aloud, they would tear off their garments, dig their nails into their cheeks, slap themselves on the face and put up loud screams. This undesirable practice was from that day stopped for future)" Nawasib such as Ibn al-Hashimi will no doubt take heart from the last few lines so let us pass a comment on them: Observation One Whilst these words are not acceptable for being contradictory to previous lines of the narration, our readers should also know that the words 'it is not permissible to lament in memory of the dead' is an addition that cannot be found in other history books. We read in the History of Tabari Volume 7 page 137: "The Messenger of God passed by a settlement of the Ansar of the Banu Abdal al-Ashhal and Zafat and heard sounds of lamentation and women weeping. The Messenger of God's eyes filled with tears and he wept, but then he said "Yet Hamzah has no women weeping for him". When Saad bin Muadh and Usayd b. Hudayr came back to the settlement of the Banu Abdal al-Ashhal, they told the women to gird themselves up and go and weep for the Messenger of God's uncle". [ref= tarikh_tabari_v7_p137.jpg]History of Tabari Volume 7 page 137 [/ref] Al Muhaddith Shah Abdul Haqq Dehlavi in 'Madarij un Nabuwat' records the event as follows: "When Holy Prophet (s) reached Madina, he saw that cries could be heard from most of the houses of Ansaar (the helpers) but not from Hamza's house. Holy Prophet (s) said that wasn't there anyone to cry over Hamza? The helpers (Ansaar) asked their women to mourn over Hamza first and then they may go and cry over their own martyr. The women went to Hamza's Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 02:07PM Portali i dijes dhe Informacionit Islams Facebook-Pinnwand Portali i dijes dhe Informacionit Islams Facebook-Pinnwand Deri kur t'i festojmë festat e të huajve?! Ne jemi vetëm disa ditë para festës... Nov 19th 2013, 13:22 Deri kur t'i festojmë festat e të huajve?! Ne jemi vetëm disa ditë para festës së ashtuquajtur "Viti i Ri", e që mjerisht shumë prej muslimanëve e festojnë këtë duke mos e ditur që kjo nuk është festë e jona. Ne si popull musliman i kemi doket, zakonet, festat dhe traditat tona të cilat na i ka mësuar Allahu në Kur'an dhe i Dërguari i Tij në hadithe. Andaj, ne duhet që ta pasojmë në mënyrë të përpiktë rrugën e ehli-sunnetit dhe të mos i japim vetes asnjëherë zgjidhje tjetër në mes të këtyre dyjave që u cituan më lart, sepse, po zgjedhëm diçka tjetër, ta dimë se jemi të devijuar nga rruga e vërtetë ashtu siç na ka treguar Allahu në Kur'an: "Kur All-llahu ka vendosur për një çështje, ose i Dërguari i Tij, nuk i takon (nuk i lejohet) asnjë besimtari dhe asnjë besimtareje që në atë çështje të tyre personale të bëjnë ndonjë zgjidhje tjetërfare. E kush e kundërshton All-llahun dhe të Dërguarin e Tij, ai është larguar shumë larg së vërtetës." (Ah'zab: 36). Duke parë lajthitjen e popullit tonë në shumë sfera të besimit që i takojmë, ne detyrohemi të flasim për këtë lajthitje të cilës duhet t'i kushtojmë rëndësi të veçantë me qëllim që t'i largojmë prej saj. Tregohet për nënën e Enesit, radijallahu anhu, se ka shkuar te i Dërguari alejhis selam dhe i ka thënë: "Unë këtë fëmijë timin po ta dhuroj ty që të të shërbejë dhe të edukohet prej teje. Ndërsa, i Dërguari alejhis selam bëri dua për të që Allahu t'ia shtojë besimin dhe pasurinë, ta udhëzojë, t'i japë shumë fëmijë dhe hallall. Tregohet për Enesin radijallahu anhu se ka thënë: "Unë i kam varrosur vet me këto duar të mia afër 90 nipa dhe mbesa". Mirëpo, ka transmetime se ai i ka pasur 125 fëmijë, nipa dhe mbesa të tij dhe për të gjithë është kujdesur që të jenë të udhëzuar në Islam, si dhe kjo ka ndodhur kështu, sepse për të ka bërë dua i Dërguari alejhis selam. Ky burrë fisnik tregon se si kanë shkuar njëherë me Resulull-llahun alejhis selam në Medine dhe aty e kanë parë popullin duke i festuar disa festa për dy ditë me radhë dhe i kanë pyetur ata: "Çfarë janë këto festa që ju i festoni dy ditë radhazi?" Ata ia kthyen: I kemi festuar në injorancë dhe ende i festojmë. Muhamedi, alejhi salam, iu ka thënë: "Këto dy festa ua ka zëvendësuar Allahu me dy festa të tjera: festën e Fitër Bajramit dhe Festën e Kurban Bajramit, e që janë më të mira se këto të dyja që po i festoni ju ". Ne e dimë se ka pasur festa edhe para Islamit, mirëpo Allahu na caktoi këto dy festa si festa të muslimanëve. Për këtë Allahu thotë në Kur'an: "...Për secilin prej jush, Ne caktuam ligje program (të posaçëm në çështje të veprimit)..." (Maide: 48). Pra, ne duhet të jemi të vetëdijshëm se cila festë është për ne dhe cila nuk është. Ne jemi vetëm disa ditë para festës së ashtuquajtur "Viti i Ri", e që mjerisht shumë prej muslimanëve e festojnë këtë duke mos e ditur që kjo nuk është festë e jona. Po ashtu, kjo festë nuk është as festë e krishtërve por ata e kanë marrë këtë festë prej paganëve. Ka thënë i Dërguari i Allahut alejhis selam: "Do të vijë një ditë kur muslimanët do të dehen me alkool, po atë alkool do ta quajnë me një emër tjetër, duke menduar që s'është dehës, mirëpo ai është i tillë." Kjo kohë veç ka ardhur te ne, pasi Bajrami po shndërrohet në Vit të Ri e Viti i Ri në Bajram. A nuk është kjo një shortim i festave tona me festat që s'na takojnë neve?! Vetvetiu bëhet pyetja: çfarë dallimi kanë lënë në mes të këtyre festave? A nuk po urohet viti i ri, ashtu si urohet Bajrami? A nuk po festohet viti i ri ashtu si festohet Bajrami ynë? A nuk gatuhet për vitin e ri ashtu si po gatuhet në Bajram? Edhepse te ne festohen shumë festa, ne muslimanëve Allahu na ka zëvendësuar këto me dy festa, për të cilat na tregoi i Dërguari alejhis selam. Deri kur do të vazhdojmë të jemi dhe të sillemi edhe si musliman edhe si jomusliman, edhe si fetar edhe si jofetar dhe deri kur do të vetëdijesohemi që të mos shkelim në kufirin të cilin na e ka ndaluar Allahu përderisa aq shumë kujdesemi për kufijtë të cilët i ka ndaluar njeriu si krijesë e Allahut. Të nderuara motra! Këta të cilët po e ngrejnë Isain alejhis selam më lart se që duhet, me qëllimin kinse e duan shumë, le ta dinë se ne e duam atë më shumë se ata, sepse, ai është vetëm i Dërguar i Allahut, dhe për mënyrën se si duhet t'i duam të dërguarit na ka mësuar Allahu në Kur'an. Kështu që për neve ai mbetet i dërguar e asgjë më shumë, ndërsa, dashurinë që ia dhurojnë ata, është kufër (pabesim), është mëkat prej mëkateve të mëdha, e veprat e tilla e nxjerrin njeriun nga rruga e drejtë dhe e dërgojnë në humbje dhe shkatërrim në të dy botët, mirëpo, fatkeqësisht që muslimanët po solidarizohen me ta në këtë festë dhe po e festojnë bashkë me ta. Motra të nderuara! Nëse duam ta njohim Islamin dhe ligjet e rregullat e tij, duhet ta mësojmë mirë historinë e Pejgamberit alejhis selam dhe të njihemi me jetën e tij profetike. Pejgamberi alejhis selam në një hadith ka thënë: "Do të vjen një kohë kur muslimanët do t'i pasojnë të tjerët pëllëmbë pas pëllëmbe, hap pas hapi, dhe po u futën ata në vrimën e hardhucës edhe ata do të futen aty ". Sahabët u habitën dhe disa prej tyre thanë: "O i Dërguari i Allahut, a do t'i pasojmë hebrejt dhe të krishterët?! Pejgamberi alejhis selam iu përgjigj: "Po kend tjetër do ta pasoni." Ndërsa, në një hadith të Ebu Hurejres transmetohet se shokët e të Dërguarit të Allahut i kanë thënë: "A do t'i pasojnë Fursin (Persinë) dhe Rumin (Romakët)". Këta kanë qenë popuj të humbur të cilët i kanë pasuar hebrejtë dhe kanë qenë superfuqi të asaj kohe, mirëpo ishin të humbur nga besimi. Motra të nderuara, a nuk po e vëreni se si festohet viti i ri në familjet tona dhe a po punojmë ne që t'i bindim të tjerët se nuk duhet vepruar kështu? A nuk po e vërejmë se jemi sikur të humburit? Ata vendosin bredhin për vitin e ri edhe ne e vendosim bredhin, ata vendosin drita ndriçuese edhe ne vendosim drita ndriçuese, ata bëjnë zbukurime edhe ne bëjmë zbukurime, etj.. A nuk është kjo solidarizim i plotë me ta në festat e tyre?! A mos vallë ne kemi harruar se Pejgameberi alejhis selam ka thënë: "Kush i gjason një populli ai do të jetë me të". Dhe hadithi tjetër: "Do të ringjalleni me ata që i doni dhe i pasoni …" A mos kemi harruar se Allahu ka mundësi të na e marrë shpirtin në ato momente dhe si do të jetë halli ynë para Allahut të Madhërishëm? Motra të nderuara! Ne jemi dëshmitare sesa harxhimet bëhen për ta festuar këtë festë të cilës duhet dhënë fund. Vërejmë se si njerezit për t'u pasuruar me biznesin e tyre i bëjnë disa lirime për të pasur konsumatorë edhe më të shumtë në dyqanet e tyre në prag të këtyre festave, ndërsa, këtu ia vlen ta cekim historinë e Resulullahut alejhis selam i cili ka vrapuar për në xhenet e të cilit ia ka zbardhur flokët sureja Hud dhe motrat e saj, përderisa te ne tash ndodh plotësisht e kundërta. Çfarë dallimi i madh në mes të Dërguarit dhe neve! Neve po na zbardhë vrapimi pas dynjasë dhe të mirave të saj, ndërsa i Dërguari i Allahut me premtime dhe dëshira të realizuara u zbardh nga frikrespekti ndaj Allahut të Lartësuar. Një dijetar në vitin e 7 hixhrij, në kohën kur muslimanët ende ishin në rrugën e drejtë ka thënë: "Sa të jesh më larg shejtanit dhe pabesimtarëve, prej të cilëve dallohesh me pamje, doke e zakone, me veshje e mbathje po edhe me festa dhe cilësi të tjera, dije se je i shpëtuar dhe je prej banorëve të Xhenetit inshaAllah, ndërsa nëse je prej të kundërtës së kësaj, dije se je i humbur dhe je prej banorëve të zjarrit, Allahu na ruajtë". Ne duhet ta dimë se jeta nuk ka hijeshi pa besim dhe nuk ka vlerë pa të, mirëpo ajo është aq më e shëmtuar kur nuk ka vepër që e nxjerr nga vetja për shkak të besimit. Nuk duhet të jemi prej atyre që ta kemi besimin në gjuhë e zemrën boshe nga ibadetet ndaj Allahut të Lartësuar, por, duhet të jemi prej atyre që e duan Allahun dhe të Dërguarin e Tij më shumë se vetveten e çdo gjë tjetër. Lus All-llahun që të na bëjë prej atyre që janë gjithmonë në rrugën e drejtë dhe që janë të shpëtuar, të cilët kujdesen për fenë e tyre ashtu siç kujdesen për sytë e ballit apo si nëna që kujdeset për fëmijën e saj, si dhe njëkohësisht lus Alahun që të na bëjë prej banorëve të xheneteve të larta! Amin! You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: -- Sie erhalten diese Nachricht, weil Sie Mitglied der Google Groups-Gruppe "News2" sind. Um Ihr Abonnement für diese Gruppe zu beenden und keine E-Mails mehr von dieser Gruppe zu erhalten, senden Sie eine Email an Weitere Optionen: | Benachrichtigung für - 25 Nachrichten in 25 Themen Gruppe: - abu adam - Social Mention: Abu Zayd Restaurant [1 Aktualisierung]
- bushido - Social Mention: [1 Aktualisierung]
- sharia - Social Mention: ......and the world is doing nothing to stop their governments supporting the terrorists....but wait until they start infiltrating your own country...whilst your government looks the other way.....wait until these butchers start demanding Sharia Law........and you'll just keep blaming 'Muslim rag heads'.....because you don't know any better..... [1 Aktualisierung]
- islamist - Social Mention: Mojo - 2013...nd-your-ground?page=84 Mother Jones (blog) For instance, Muhammad Morsi, Egypt's new Islamist president, has been tweeting in Arabic to his now 850,000+ followers since late 2011 (he came in at No. 14 on DPC's list). The government of … [1 Aktualisierung]
- tauhid - Social Mention: Syaikh Muhammad Ali As-Sabuni (Ketua Perhimpunan Ulama Suriah) Mengucapkan selamat kepada Syaikh Abdul Kader Salih, Pendiri brigade Liwa Tauhid karena Allah telah memuliakannya dengan memberikannya kemulian Syahid. "Pemenang adalah Abu Mahmoud" Dan berkata: "Tujuan kita adalah untuk berdakwah dan membantu orang, kita hidup untuk jihad, dan semua orang tahu bahwa pelaku kriminal adalah yang membunuh orang ( Basyar Al-Assad)" Dan Syaikh As-Sabuni juga berdoa untuk Syaikh Abdul Kader Salih agar Allah memberikannya rumah di surga. Semoga Allah memberkahi syaikh Mohammad Ali As-Sabuni dan rahmat bagi Mujahidin kita Syaikh Abdul Kader Salih LINK : [1 Aktualisierung]
- jihad - Social Mention: The State Security Service (SSS) Wednesday in Abuja paraded a suspected commander and a spiritual leader of Boko Haram and four members of his cell. The suspects, who were being held by the SSS over the alleged plots to carry out attacks in Kogi State was led by a Ph.D holder, who lectures at the Kogi State University, Anyangba, Kogi State. According to the SSS, spokes lady Marilyn Ogar, the five extremists were planning to attack the Igala ethnic community. The new cell, which the service uncovered was plotting to launch violent attacks in Igala land. They include Muhammad Nazeef Yunus, 44 – Spiritual Leader and Recruitment Coordinator; Umar Musa, 37 – Head of Operations/Instructor (Munzir); Mustapha Yusuf (a.k.a Habib) 21, – Armourer/Chief Courier, Ismaila Abdulazeez, 19, Foot soldier; and Ibrahim Isah (a.k.a One in Town) 22 – Foot soldier. All the arrested persons were the natives of Kogi State and attended Islamic schools, where they were indoctrinated by Yunus, himself a lecturer at the Kogi State University, Anyingba. He had graduated at the University of Medina and hold a Ph.D in Islamic Studies, and had been the Chief Instructor to the Boko Haram adherents, especially on the supremacy of the Sharia legal system, and on how to use the Jihad to topple governments. The SSS urged Nigerians to be vigilant and report any suspicious moves and persons to the security agencies, stressing that the war on terror was still on. "This Service in collaboration with other security agencies will not rest on their oars until we rid our society of all criminality. We must all remember that we are not terrorists we are Nigerians," Ogar said. He said the battle against the insurgents was a must win, adding that this would be done fast as delaying was not in the best interest of anyone. "Within few weeks we must be able to win the fight against the insurgents" calling on his men that the oath to preserve the integrity of the nation is sacred and they must continue to demonstrate absolute loyalty to the country." He said he was happy with "the resolution of all Nigerians to deal with this issue (terrorism). Terrorism is not the way of life of Nigeria." Iherijika argued that Nigeria is a democratic country and "anyone who is aggrieved can join any of the political parties to express their grievances," insisting that room would not be given for dissent and lawlessness. [1 Aktualisierung]
- Masallah - Social Mention: gecenin harareti ve yorgunluğu [1 Aktualisierung]
- khalifa - Social Mention: Burj khalifa..... [1 Aktualisierung]
- kalifa - Social Mention: Hmm..ang ipagdasal mo dapat sana makabangon ang PILIPINAS sa pagkakabagsak dahil sa mga trahedya! Hindi ung sana gumanda ka kahit alam mong IMPOSSIBLE NAH! [1 Aktualisierung]
- projekt lies - Social Mention: Be not, A Body of lies but A Woman that's Wise [1 Aktualisierung]
- Hoor al Ayns Facebook-Pinnwand: Der Gesandte Allahs (SallAllāhu 'alayhi wa Sallam) sagte:"Wer stets Allah um V... [1 Aktualisierung]
- takbir - Social Mention: Misool Quiz on the street-resize (68) [1 Aktualisierung]
- islam fatwa - Social Mention: Hukum Ucapan Selamat Pagi 18 Desember Kategori: Amalan Dilihat: 17960 selamatpagi3Saudaraku, Islam sungguh memiliki ajaran yang amat mulia nan indah. Ketiga bertemu saja setiap muslim disunnahkan saling mengucapkan salam. Dan ucapan salam "assalamu'alaikum", sungguh isinya adalah do'a agar saudara kita diberi keselamatan. Adakah ajaran agama lain yang seindah ini? Namun sebagian muslim lebih senang mengucapkan selamat pagi dibanding ucapan salam. Bagaimana hukum akan hal ini? Ketua Komisi Fatwa di Saudi Arabia (Al Lajnah Ad Daimah lil Buhuts Al 'Ilmiyyah wal Ifta') di masa silam, Syaikh 'Abdul 'Aziz bin 'Abdillah bin Baz ditanya, "Aku ingin mengetahui bagaimana hukum ucapan 'selamat pagi' (shobahul khoir), apakah diperbolehkan?" Syaikh Ibnu Baz rahimahullah menjawab, Ucapan selamat pagi (shobahul khoir) adalah ucapan yang tidak kuketahui maksudnya, begitu pula ucapan selamat sore (masa-ul khoir). Seharusnya seorang muslim mengucapkan, "Assalamu 'alaikum" terlebih dahulu. Lalu setelah itu sah-sah saja mengucapkan selamat pagi atau selamat sore, atau ia menanyakan 'bagaimana kabar Anda di pagi atau di sore ini?' Sedangkan memberi ucapan selamat pagi (shobahul khoir) atau selamat sore (masa-ul khoir), aku tidak mengetahui asal muasal ucapan tersebut dan aku pun tidak mengetahui apa maksudnya. Mungkin saja maksud kalimat tersebut, semoga Allah memberi engkau kebaikan di pagi ini. Atau maksudnya semoga Allah menurunkan kebaikan di pagi ini. Menggunakan kalimat tanya seperti 'kayfa ash-bahta' (bagaimana kabarmu di pagi ini) atau 'kayfa amsayta' (bagaimana kabarmu di sore ini), atau dengan kalimat do'a 'shobahakallahu bilkhoir' (semoga Allah memberi kebaikan di pagi ini untukmu) atau 'masakallahu bilkhoir' (semoga Allah memberi kebaikan di sore ini untukmu) boleh saja, namun kalimat-kalimat tersebut diucapkan setelahucapan salam "assalamu 'alaikum" atau "assalamu 'alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh", itu yang lebih afdhol. ... Semua bentuk ucapan tadi baik karena menunjukkan perhatian pada saudara kita. (Sumber fatwa di website pribadi Syaikh Ibnu Baz) Ada fatwa lainnya pula pada para ulama Al Lajnah Ad Daimah (Komisi Fatwa Kerajaan Saudi Arabia) ketika ditanya, "Kami di Mesir di pagi hari kami beri ucapan selamat pagi, "shobahul khoir". Apa hukum ucapan selamat seperti ini? Jawab ulama Al Lajnah Ad Daimah, "Ucapan selamat seorang muslim adalah 'assalamu 'alaikum' atau ditambah menjadi 'assalamu 'alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh', itu lebih afdhol. Jika setelah ucapan salam ditambah 'selamat pagi', maka tidaklah masalah. Namun jika hanya mengucapkan selamat pagi saja tanpa ucapan salam 'assalamu 'alaikum', itu jelek. Wa billahit taufiq. Shalawat dan salam kepada Nabi kita Muhammad, keluarga dan sahabatnya. [Fatwa ini ditandatangani oleh Syaikh 'Abdul 'Aziz bin 'Abdillah bin Baz selaku ketua, Syaikh 'Abdur Rozaq 'Afifi selaku wakil ketua dan Syaikh 'Abdullah bin Ghudayan selaku anggota. Fatwa 24: 119] *** Penjelasan Syaikh Ibnu Baz dan ulama Lajnah di atas di atas menunjukkan bahwa sebaiknya ucapan selamat pagi atau selamat sore diucapkan setelah ucapan salam. Semoga kita rajin menyebarkan salam karena di antara keutamaannya sebagaimana disebutkan 'Ammar bin Yasir, ثَلاَثٌ مَنْ جَمَعَهُنَّ فَقَدْ جَمَعَ الإِيمَانَ الإِنْصَافُ مِنْ نَفْسِكَ ، وَبَذْلُ السَّلاَمِ لِلْعَالَمِ ، وَالإِنْفَاقُ مِنَ الإِقْتَارِ "Tiga perkara yang apabila seseorang memiliki ketiga-tiganya, maka akan sempurna imannya: (1) bersikap adil pada diri sendiri, (2) mengucapkan salam pada setiap orang (muslim), dan (3) berinfak ketika kondisi pas-pasan." (HR. Bukhari secara mu'allaq yaitu tanpa sanad. Syaikh Al Albani dalam Al Iman mengatakan bahwa hadits ini shahih). Ibnu Hajar mengatakan, "Memulai mengucapkan salam menunjukkan akhlaq yang mulia, tawadhu' (rendah diri), tidak merendahkan orang lain, juga akan timbul kesatuan dan rasa cinta sesama muslim." (Fathul Bari, 1: 83) Wallahu waliyyut taufiq was sadaad. [1 Aktualisierung]
- mujahid - Social Mention: Grand Seminar VSI Yogyakarta Hari : Sabtu Tanggal : 23 Nov 2013. Pukul : 12.30 WIB Tempat. : @HOM Hotel Alamat. : Jl. Laksda Adisucipto 157A Janti Yogyakarta HTM. : Early Bird 10rb Pembicara : - Ibu Selvi Mujahid (Top CashBack No.1 VSI dan Penerima Reward Avanza dr VSI dlm wktu 3bln) - Dani Mubarak (Top CashBack VSI No.2) Tiket TERBATAS. Pesen tiket nya Sekarang juga..!!! Salam Sukses...!!! Info pemesanan: Bp. Ahmad Zie - 085751662288 Bp. Pramono - 081568433532 [1 Aktualisierung]
- Islam, der Weg der Muslimes Facebook-Pinnwand: Muslim gohan haha [1 Aktualisierung]
- Uploads by Nasheed4Y0u: Nasheed - The Greatest Gift [720p] [1 Aktualisierung]
- media crash news - Social Mention: Rob Ford: Clearly in it for himself and nobody else. [1 Aktualisierung]
- igmg - Social Mention: En zor yanımda olan arkadaşlarım sizler için bu video lütfen izleyin. Etiketlediklerim lütfen izlesin. [1 Aktualisierung]
- allahu akbar - Social Mention: Apakah TUHAN Benar-benar Ada? (3 Pertanyaan, 1 Jawaban) Ada seorang pemuda yang lama sekolah di luar negeri, ia telah kembali ke tanah air, sesampainya di rumah ia meminta kepada orang tuanya untuk mencari seorang guru agama (ustadz)/siapapun yang bisa menjawab 3 pertanyaan darinya. Akhirnya orang tua pemuda itu mendapatkan orang tersebut. Pemuda :: (Dengan nada sombong pemuda itu bertanya) Anda siapa...?? Dan apakah bisa menjawab pertanyaan saya...?? Ustadz :: Saya hanya hamba ALLAH & dengan izinnya saya akan menjawab pertanyaan Anda. Pemuda :: (Tetap dengan nada sombong) Anda yakin....?? Sedang profesor & banyak orang pintar saja tidak mampu menjawab pertanyaan saya. Ustadz :: Saya akan mencoba sejauh kemampuan saya...!! Pemuda :: Saya punya 3 buah pertanyaan...?? 1. Kalau memang TUHAN itu ada, tunjukkan wujud TUHAN kepada saya? 2. Apakah yang dinamakan TAKDIR...?? 3. Kalau SETAN diciptakan dari api, kenapa dimasukan ke neraka yang dibuat dari api, tentu tidak menyakitkan buat setan, sebab mereka memiliki unsur yang sama? Apakah TUHAN tidak pernah berfikir sejauh itu? Tiba-tiba pemuka agama tersebut menampar pipi si pemuda dengan keras. (sambil menahan sakit) si Pemuda berkata :: Pemuda :: Kenapa...?? Anda marah kepada saya...?? Ustadz :: Saya tidak marah...!!! Tamparan itu adalah jawaban saya atas 3 buah pertanyaan yang anda ajukan kepada saya...!! Pemuda :: Saya sungguh-sungguh tidak mengerti...??!! Ustadz :: Bagaimana rasanya tamparan saya...??!! Pemuda :: Tentu saja saya merasakan sakit...!! Ustadz :: Jadi Anda percaya bahwa sakit itu ada...?!! Pemuda :: Ya... Percaya...!! Ustadz :: Tunjukan pada saya wujud sakit itu...??!! Pemuda :: Saya tidak bisa...!! Ustadz :: Itulah jawaban pertanyaan pertama, kita semua merasakan keberadaan TUHAN tanpa mampu melihat wujudnya. Ustadz :: Apakah tadi malam anda bermimpi akan ditampar oleh saya..??!! Pemuda :: Tidak...!! Ustadz:: Apakah pernah terpikir oleh Anda akan menerima sebuah tamparan dari saya hari ini...??!! Pemuda :: Tidak...!! Ustadz :: Itulah yang dinamakan TAKDIR...!! Ustadz :: Terbuat dari apakah tangan yang saya gunakan untuk menampar anda...??!! Pemuda :: Kulit...!! Ustadz :: Terbuat dari apa pipi Anda...??!! Pemuda :: Kulit...!! Ustadz :: Bagaimana rasanya tamparan saya...??!! Pemuda :: Sakit...!! Ustadz :: Walaupun setan terbuat dari api dan neraka terbuat dari api, jika TUHAN berkehendak, maka neraka akan menjadi tempat menyakitkan bagi setan. MASIHKAH ANDA MERAGUKAN KEHADIRAN 'TUHAN' DALAM HARI-HARI ANDA ? Sampaikanlah kepada orang lain, maka ini akan menjadi Shadaqah Jariyah pada setiap orang yang Anda kirimkan pesan ini. Dan apabila kemudian dia mengamalkannya, maka kamu juga akan ikut mendapat pahalanya sampai hari kiamat... Ada 2 pilihan untuk Anda: 1. Biarkan di dalam BBM, catatan atau pikiran Anda tanpa bermanfaat untuk orang lain. 2. Anda sebarkan pada semua kenalan anda. Rasulullah SAW bersabda, "Barangsiapa yang menyampaikan 1 (satu) ilmu saja dan ada orang yang mengamalkan, maka walaupun yang menyampaikan sudah tiada (meninggal dunia), dia akan tetap memperoleh pahala. ____________________________ ( Allahu Akbar.. Allahu Akbar.. ) 【 Rowan "Mr Bean" Atkinson Masuk Islam 】 Baca yuk artikel selengkapnya di page ini→Cinta dalam hati Insya Allah bermanfa'at [1 Aktualisierung]
- al-ansar - Social Mention: أنصار الأهل السنة کے مجاھدین کا امریکی بلیک واٹر کے ٹرک پر ied سے حملہ۔ (Ansar-Al-Sunnah-Urdu) [1 Aktualisierung]
- Hoor al Ayns Facebook-Pinnwand: -aicha [1 Aktualisierung]
- allahu akbar - Social Mention: Alhamdulillah selesaaaaaiiiiiii.......Allahu akbar!! [1 Aktualisierung]
- bushido - Social Mention: "Riconoscere la vita in ogni respiro. In ogni tazza di tè. IN ogni vita che aiutiamo. Questa è la via del guerriero. Questo è Bushido ... [1 Aktualisierung]
- abu adam - Social Mention: هاد التراك يلي حكيتلكون عنو .. === انو فيه اخوي الصغير .. اصغر مغني راب بسوريا 10 سنين .. متأكد انو رح يعجب الكل &_& .. ازا عجبتكم شيـر ماشي يا حبايب ولا تنسو تحطو رئيكون بكومنت .. ==== تـراك : عــآشــر عشــرتـكـ .. التــفــآصــيل : == المـقطع الاول : MoHaMmED LIL Pal اصغر مغني راب في سوريا 10 سنين فقط لا غير .. == المقطع الثاني : يـآسـر ابن فلسطين === الهندسة الصوتية : يـآسـر ابن فلسطين === رابط الاغنية على اليوتيوب : == === رابط تحميل الاغنية Mp3 : == بتلاقوه بوصف الفيديو .. === رئيكم اخــواتي وشير ازا بدكون :3 [1 Aktualisierung]
- El - Hamdulillahs Facebook-Pinnwand: A German Child so Sweet :) <3 El - Hamdulillah [1 Aktualisierung]
Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 01:48PM sharia - Social Mention ......and the world is doing nothing to stop their governments supporting the terrorists....but wait until they start infiltrating your own country...whilst your government looks the other way.....wait until these butchers start demanding Sharia Law........and you'll just keep blaming 'Muslim rag heads'.....because you don't know any better..... Nov 20th 2013, 13:47 Nov 20, 2013 – New York, (SANA)- Syria's Permanent Representative to the UN Bashar al-Jaafari stressed on Tuesday that the Syrian government is combating the Qatari- and Saudi-funded takfiri terrorist groups on behalf of the whole world.… [ 989 more words. ] You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 01:59PM tauhid - Social Mention Syaikh Muhammad Ali As-Sabuni (Ketua Perhimpunan Ulama Suriah) Mengucapkan selamat kepada Syaikh Abdul Kader Salih, Pendiri brigade Liwa Tauhid karena Allah telah memuliakannya dengan memberikannya kemulian Syahid. "Pemenang adalah Abu Mahmoud" Dan berkata: "Tujuan kita adalah untuk berdakwah dan membantu orang, kita hidup untuk jihad, dan semua orang tahu bahwa pelaku kriminal adalah yang membunuh orang ( Basyar Al-Assad)" Dan Syaikh As-Sabuni juga berdoa untuk Syaikh Abdul Kader Salih agar Allah memberikannya rumah di surga. Semoga Allah memberkahi syaikh Mohammad Ali As-Sabuni dan rahmat bagi Mujahidin kita Syaikh Abdul Kader Salih LINK : Nov 19th 2013, 13:57 Syaikh Muhammad Ali As-Sabuni (Ketua Perhimpunan Ulama Suriah) Mengucapkan selamat kepada Syaikh Abdul Kader Salih, Pendiri brigade Liwa Tauhid karena Allah telah memuliakannya dengan memberikannya kemulian Syahid. "Pemenang adalah Abu Mahmoud" Dan berkata: "Tujuan kita adalah untuk berdakwah dan membantu orang, kita hidup untuk jihad, dan semua orang tahu bahwa pelaku kriminal adalah yang membunuh orang ( Basyar Al-Assad)" Dan Syaikh As-Sabuni juga berdoa untuk Syaikh Abdul Kader Salih agar Allah memberikannya rumah di surga. Semoga Allah memberkahi syaikh Mohammad Ali As-Sabuni dan rahmat bagi Mujahidin kita Syaikh Abdul Kader Salih LINK : You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: jihad - Social Mention: The State Security Service (SSS) Wednesday in Abuja paraded a suspected commander and a spiritual leader of Boko Haram and four members of his cell. The suspects, who were being held by the SSS over the alleged plots to carry out attacks in Kogi State was led by a Ph.D holder, who lectures at the Kogi State University, Anyangba, Kogi State. According to the SSS, spokes lady Marilyn Ogar, the five extremists were planning to attack the Igala ethnic community. The new cell, which the service uncovered was plotting to launch violent attacks in Igala land. They include Muhammad Nazeef Yunus, 44 – Spiritual Leader and Recruitment Coordinator; Umar Musa, 37 – Head of Operations/Instructor (Munzir); Mustapha Yusuf (a.k.a Habib) 21, – Armourer/Chief Courier, Ismaila Abdulazeez, 19, Foot soldier; and Ibrahim Isah (a.k.a One in Town) 22 – Foot soldier. All the arrested persons were the natives of Kogi State and attended Islamic schools, where they were indoctrinated by Yunus, himself a lecturer at the Kogi State University, Anyingba. He had graduated at the University of Medina and hold a Ph.D in Islamic Studies, and had been the Chief Instructor to the Boko Haram adherents, especially on the supremacy of the Sharia legal system, and on how to use the Jihad to topple governments. The SSS urged Nigerians to be vigilant and report any suspicious moves and persons to the security agencies, stressing that the war on terror was still on. "This Service in collaboration with other security agencies will not rest on their oars until we rid our society of all criminality. We must all remember that we are not terrorists we are Nigerians," Ogar said. He said the battle against the insurgents was a must win, adding that this would be done fast as delaying was not in the best interest of anyone. "Within few weeks we must be able to win the fight against the insurgents" calling on his men that the oath to preserve the integrity of the nation is sacred and they must continue to demonstrate absolute loyalty to the country." He said he was happy with "the resolution of all Nigerians to deal with this issue (terrorism). Terrorism is not the way of life of Nigeria." Iherijika argued that Nigeria is a democratic country and "anyone who is aggrieved can join any of the political parties to express their grievances," insisting that room would not be given for dissent and lawlessness. Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 04:08AM jihad - Social Mention The State Security Service (SSS) Wednesday in Abuja paraded a suspected commander and a spiritual leader of Boko Haram and four members of his cell. The suspects, who were being held by the SSS over the alleged plots to carry out attacks in Kogi State was led by a Ph.D holder, who lectures at the Kogi State University, Anyangba, Kogi State. According to the SSS, spokes lady Marilyn Ogar, the five extremists were planning to attack the Igala ethnic community. The new cell, which the service uncovered was plotting to launch violent attacks in Igala land. They include Muhammad Nazeef Yunus, 44 – Spiritual Leader and Recruitment Coordinator; Umar Musa, 37 – Head of Operations/Instructor (Munzir); Mustapha Yusuf (a.k.a Habib) 21, – Armourer/Chief Courier, Ismaila Abdulazeez, 19, Foot soldier; and Ibrahim Isah (a.k.a One in Town) 22 – Foot soldier. All the arrested persons were the natives of Kogi State and attended Islamic schools, where they were indoctrinated by Yunus, himself a lecturer at the Kogi State University, Anyingba. He had graduated at the University of Medina and hold a Ph.D in Islamic Studies, and had been the Chief Instructor to the Boko Haram adherents, especially on the supremacy of the Sharia legal system, and on how to use the Jihad to topple governments. The SSS urged Nigerians to be vigilant and report any suspicious moves and persons to the security agencies, stressing that the war on terror was still on. "This Service in collaboration with other security agencies will not rest on their oars until we rid our society of all criminality. We must all remember that we are not terrorists we are Nigerians," Ogar said. He said the battle against the insurgents was a must win, adding that this would be done fast as delaying was not in the best interest of anyone. "Within few weeks we must be able to win the fight against the insurgents" calling on his men that the oath to preserve the integrity of the nation is sacred and they must continue to demonstrate absolute loyalty to the country." He said he was happy with "the resolution of all Nigerians to deal with this issue (terrorism). Terrorism is not the way of life of Nigeria." Iherijika argued that Nigeria is a democratic country and "anyone who is aggrieved can join any of the political parties to express their grievances," insisting that room would not be given for dissent and lawlessness. Nov 21st 2013, 04:02 You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 05:37PM Hoor al Ayns Facebook-Pinnwand Hoor al Ayns Facebook-Pinnwand Der Gesandte Allahs (SallAllāhu 'alayhi wa Sallam) sagte: "Wer stets Allah um V... Nov 21st 2013, 17:08 Der Gesandte Allahs (SallAllāhu 'alayhi wa Sallam) sagte: "Wer stets Allah um Vergebung bittet, dem zeigt Allāh bei JEDER Bedrängnis einen Ausweg auf, erspart ihm jegliche Sorge und beschert ihm Versorgung in der Weise, von der er nie gewusst und mit der er nie gerechnet hat." [Al-Mustadrak ala Al-Sahihain,Hadith Nr.7677] Lasst uns den allvergebenden, barmherzigen ständig um Vergebung bitten! -aicha You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 08:34AM takbir - Social Mention Misool Quiz on the street-resize (68) Nov 21st 2013, 06:44 Pride Campaign for sustainable fisheries at Misool, Raja Ampat, West Papua conducted by The Nature Conservancy, Rare and local office of fisheries and marine affairs in Raja Ampat. (Photo : Rahmat Takbir) You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: islam fatwa - Social Mention: Hukum Ucapan Selamat Pagi 18 Desember Kategori: Amalan Dilihat: 17960 selamatpagi3Saudaraku, Islam sungguh memiliki ajaran yang amat mulia nan indah. Ketiga bertemu saja setiap muslim disunnahkan saling mengucapkan salam. Dan ucapan salam "assalamu'alaikum", sungguh isinya adalah do'a agar saudara kita diberi keselamatan. Adakah ajaran agama lain yang seindah ini? Namun sebagian muslim lebih senang mengucapkan selamat pagi dibanding ucapan salam. Bagaimana hukum akan hal ini? Ketua Komisi Fatwa di Saudi Arabia (Al Lajnah Ad Daimah lil Buhuts Al 'Ilmiyyah wal Ifta') di masa silam, Syaikh 'Abdul 'Aziz bin 'Abdillah bin Baz ditanya, "Aku ingin mengetahui bagaimana hukum ucapan 'selamat pagi' (shobahul khoir), apakah diperbolehkan?" Syaikh Ibnu Baz rahimahullah menjawab, Ucapan selamat pagi (shobahul khoir) adalah ucapan yang tidak kuketahui maksudnya, begitu pula ucapan selamat sore (masa-ul khoir). Seharusnya seorang muslim mengucapkan, "Assalamu 'alaikum" terlebih dahulu. Lalu setelah itu sah-sah saja mengucapkan selamat pagi atau selamat sore, atau ia menanyakan 'bagaimana kabar Anda di pagi atau di sore ini?' Sedangkan memberi ucapan selamat pagi (shobahul khoir) atau selamat sore (masa-ul khoir), aku tidak mengetahui asal muasal ucapan tersebut dan aku pun tidak mengetahui apa maksudnya. Mungkin saja maksud kalimat tersebut, semoga Allah memberi engkau kebaikan di pagi ini. Atau maksudnya semoga Allah menurunkan kebaikan di pagi ini. Menggunakan kalimat tanya seperti 'kayfa ash-bahta' (bagaimana kabarmu di pagi ini) atau 'kayfa amsayta' (bagaimana kabarmu di sore ini), atau dengan kalimat do'a 'shobahakallahu bilkhoir' (semoga Allah memberi kebaikan di pagi ini untukmu) atau 'masakallahu bilkhoir' (semoga Allah memberi kebaikan di sore ini untukmu) boleh saja, namun kalimat-kalimat tersebut diucapkan setelahucapan salam "assalamu 'alaikum" atau "assalamu 'alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh", itu yang lebih afdhol. ... Semua bentuk ucapan tadi baik karena menunjukkan perhatian pada saudara kita. (Sumber fatwa di website pribadi Syaikh Ibnu Baz) Ada fatwa lainnya pula pada para ulama Al Lajnah Ad Daimah (Komisi Fatwa Kerajaan Saudi Arabia) ketika ditanya, "Kami di Mesir di pagi hari kami beri ucapan selamat pagi, "shobahul khoir". Apa hukum ucapan selamat seperti ini? Jawab ulama Al Lajnah Ad Daimah, "Ucapan selamat seorang muslim adalah 'assalamu 'alaikum' atau ditambah menjadi 'assalamu 'alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh', itu lebih afdhol. Jika setelah ucapan salam ditambah 'selamat pagi', maka tidaklah masalah. Namun jika hanya mengucapkan selamat pagi saja tanpa ucapan salam 'assalamu 'alaikum', itu jelek. Wa billahit taufiq. Shalawat dan salam kepada Nabi kita Muhammad, keluarga dan sahabatnya. [Fatwa ini ditandatangani oleh Syaikh 'Abdul 'Aziz bin 'Abdillah bin Baz selaku ketua, Syaikh 'Abdur Rozaq 'Afifi selaku wakil ketua dan Syaikh 'Abdullah bin Ghudayan selaku anggota. Fatwa 24: 119] *** Penjelasan Syaikh Ibnu Baz dan ulama Lajnah di atas di atas menunjukkan bahwa sebaiknya ucapan selamat pagi atau selamat sore diucapkan setelah ucapan salam. Semoga kita rajin menyebarkan salam karena di antara keutamaannya sebagaimana disebutkan 'Ammar bin Yasir, ثَلاَثٌ مَنْ جَمَعَهُنَّ فَقَدْ جَمَعَ الإِيمَانَ الإِنْصَافُ مِنْ نَفْسِكَ ، وَبَذْلُ السَّلاَمِ لِلْعَالَمِ ، وَالإِنْفَاقُ مِنَ الإِقْتَارِ "Tiga perkara yang apabila seseorang memiliki ketiga-tiganya, maka akan sempurna imannya: (1) bersikap adil pada diri sendiri, (2) mengucapkan salam pada setiap orang (muslim), dan (3) berinfak ketika kondisi pas-pasan." (HR. Bukhari secara mu'allaq yaitu tanpa sanad. Syaikh Al Albani dalam Al Iman mengatakan bahwa hadits ini shahih). Ibnu Hajar mengatakan, "Memulai mengucapkan salam menunjukkan akhlaq yang mulia, tawadhu' (rendah diri), tidak merendahkan orang lain, juga akan timbul kesatuan dan rasa cinta sesama muslim." (Fathul Bari, 1: 83) Wallahu waliyyut taufiq was sadaad. Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 10:54PM islam fatwa - Social Mention Hukum Ucapan Selamat Pagi 18 Desember Kategori: Amalan Dilihat: 17960 selamatpagi3Saudaraku, Islam sungguh memiliki ajaran yang amat mulia nan indah. Ketiga bertemu saja setiap muslim disunnahkan saling mengucapkan salam. Dan ucapan salam "assalamu'alaikum", sungguh isinya adalah do'a agar saudara kita diberi keselamatan. Adakah ajaran agama lain yang seindah ini? Namun sebagian muslim lebih senang mengucapkan selamat pagi dibanding ucapan salam. Bagaimana hukum akan hal ini? Ketua Komisi Fatwa di Saudi Arabia (Al Lajnah Ad Daimah lil Buhuts Al 'Ilmiyyah wal Ifta') di masa silam, Syaikh 'Abdul 'Aziz bin 'Abdillah bin Baz ditanya, "Aku ingin mengetahui bagaimana hukum ucapan 'selamat pagi' (shobahul khoir), apakah diperbolehkan?" Syaikh Ibnu Baz rahimahullah menjawab, Ucapan selamat pagi (shobahul khoir) adalah ucapan yang tidak kuketahui maksudnya, begitu pula ucapan selamat sore (masa-ul khoir). Seharusnya seorang muslim mengucapkan, "Assalamu 'alaikum" terlebih dahulu. Lalu setelah itu sah-sah saja mengucapkan selamat pagi atau selamat sore, atau ia menanyakan 'bagaimana kabar Anda di pagi atau di sore ini?' Sedangkan memberi ucapan selamat pagi (shobahul khoir) atau selamat sore (masa-ul khoir), aku tidak mengetahui asal muasal ucapan tersebut dan aku pun tidak mengetahui apa maksudnya. Mungkin saja maksud kalimat tersebut, semoga Allah memberi engkau kebaikan di pagi ini. Atau maksudnya semoga Allah menurunkan kebaikan di pagi ini. Menggunakan kalimat tanya seperti 'kayfa ash-bahta' (bagaimana kabarmu di pagi ini) atau 'kayfa amsayta' (bagaimana kabarmu di sore ini), atau dengan kalimat do'a 'shobahakallahu bilkhoir' (semoga Allah memberi kebaikan di pagi ini untukmu) atau 'masakallahu bilkhoir' (semoga Allah memberi kebaikan di sore ini untukmu) boleh saja, namun kalimat-kalimat tersebut diucapkan setelahucapan salam "assalamu 'alaikum" atau "assalamu 'alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh", itu yang lebih afdhol. ... Semua bentuk ucapan tadi baik karena menunjukkan perhatian pada saudara kita. (Sumber fatwa di website pribadi Syaikh Ibnu Baz) Ada fatwa lainnya pula pada para ulama Al Lajnah Ad Daimah (Komisi Fatwa Kerajaan Saudi Arabia) ketika ditanya, "Kami di Mesir di pagi hari kami beri ucapan selamat pagi, "shobahul khoir". Apa hukum ucapan selamat seperti ini? Jawab ulama Al Lajnah Ad Daimah, "Ucapan selamat seorang muslim adalah 'assalamu 'alaikum' atau ditambah menjadi 'assalamu 'alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh', itu lebih afdhol. Jika setelah ucapan salam ditambah 'selamat pagi', maka tidaklah masalah. Namun jika hanya mengucapkan selamat pagi saja tanpa ucapan salam 'assalamu 'alaikum', itu jelek. Wa billahit taufiq. Shalawat dan salam kepada Nabi kita Muhammad, keluarga dan sahabatnya. [Fatwa ini ditandatangani oleh Syaikh 'Abdul 'Aziz bin 'Abdillah bin Baz selaku ketua, Syaikh 'Abdur Rozaq 'Afifi selaku wakil ketua dan Syaikh 'Abdullah bin Ghudayan selaku anggota. Fatwa 24: 119] *** Penjelasan Syaikh Ibnu Baz dan ulama Lajnah di atas di atas menunjukkan bahwa sebaiknya ucapan selamat pagi atau selamat sore diucapkan setelah ucapan salam. Semoga kita rajin menyebarkan salam karena di antara keutamaannya sebagaimana disebutkan 'Ammar bin Yasir, ثَلاَثٌ مَنْ جَمَعَهُنَّ فَقَدْ جَمَعَ الإِيمَانَ الإِنْصَافُ مِنْ نَفْسِكَ ، وَبَذْلُ السَّلاَمِ لِلْعَالَمِ ، وَالإِنْفَاقُ مِنَ الإِقْتَارِ "Tiga perkara yang apabila seseorang memiliki ketiga-tiganya, maka akan sempurna imannya: (1) bersikap adil pada diri sendiri, (2) mengucapkan salam pada setiap orang (muslim), dan (3) berinfak ketika kondisi pas-pasan." (HR. Bukhari secara mu'allaq yaitu tanpa sanad. Syaikh Al Albani dalam Al Iman mengatakan bahwa hadits ini shahih). Ibnu Hajar mengatakan, "Memulai mengucapkan salam menunjukkan akhlaq yang mulia, tawadhu' (rendah diri), tidak merendahkan orang lain, juga akan timbul kesatuan dan rasa cinta sesama muslim." (Fathul Bari, 1: 83) Wallahu waliyyut taufiq was sadaad. Nov 20th 2013, 22:40 You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 12:08AM mujahid - Social Mention Grand Seminar VSI Yogyakarta Hari : Sabtu Tanggal : 23 Nov 2013. Pukul : 12.30 WIB Tempat. : @HOM Hotel Alamat. : Jl. Laksda Adisucipto 157A Janti Yogyakarta HTM. : Early Bird 10rb Pembicara : - Ibu Selvi Mujahid (Top CashBack No.1 VSI dan Penerima Reward Avanza dr VSI dlm wktu 3bln) - Dani Mubarak (Top CashBack VSI No.2) Tiket TERBATAS. Pesen tiket nya Sekarang juga..!!! Salam Sukses...!!! Info pemesanan: Bp. Ahmad Zie - 085751662288 Bp. Pramono - 081568433532 Nov 19th 2013, 23:43 You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: allahu akbar - Social Mention: Apakah TUHAN Benar-benar Ada? (3 Pertanyaan, 1 Jawaban) Ada seorang pemuda yang lama sekolah di luar negeri, ia telah kembali ke tanah air, sesampainya di rumah ia meminta kepada orang tuanya untuk mencari seorang guru agama (ustadz)/siapapun yang bisa menjawab 3 pertanyaan darinya. Akhirnya orang tua pemuda itu mendapatkan orang tersebut. Pemuda :: (Dengan nada sombong pemuda itu bertanya) Anda siapa...?? Dan apakah bisa menjawab pertanyaan saya...?? Ustadz :: Saya hanya hamba ALLAH & dengan izinnya saya akan menjawab pertanyaan Anda. Pemuda :: (Tetap dengan nada sombong) Anda yakin....?? Sedang profesor & banyak orang pintar saja tidak mampu menjawab pertanyaan saya. Ustadz :: Saya akan mencoba sejauh kemampuan saya...!! Pemuda :: Saya punya 3 buah pertanyaan...?? 1. Kalau memang TUHAN itu ada, tunjukkan wujud TUHAN kepada saya? 2. Apakah yang dinamakan TAKDIR...?? 3. Kalau SETAN diciptakan dari api, kenapa dimasukan ke neraka yang dibuat dari api, tentu tidak menyakitkan buat setan, sebab mereka memiliki unsur yang sama? Apakah TUHAN tidak pernah berfikir sejauh itu? Tiba-tiba pemuka agama tersebut menampar pipi si pemuda dengan keras. (sambil menahan sakit) si Pemuda berkata :: Pemuda :: Kenapa...?? Anda marah kepada saya...?? Ustadz :: Saya tidak marah...!!! Tamparan itu adalah jawaban saya atas 3 buah pertanyaan yang anda ajukan kepada saya...!! Pemuda :: Saya sungguh-sungguh tidak mengerti...??!! Ustadz :: Bagaimana rasanya tamparan saya...??!! Pemuda :: Tentu saja saya merasakan sakit...!! Ustadz :: Jadi Anda percaya bahwa sakit itu ada...?!! Pemuda :: Ya... Percaya...!! Ustadz :: Tunjukan pada saya wujud sakit itu...??!! Pemuda :: Saya tidak bisa...!! Ustadz :: Itulah jawaban pertanyaan pertama, kita semua merasakan keberadaan TUHAN tanpa mampu melihat wujudnya. Ustadz :: Apakah tadi malam anda bermimpi akan ditampar oleh saya..??!! Pemuda :: Tidak...!! Ustadz:: Apakah pernah terpikir oleh Anda akan menerima sebuah tamparan dari saya hari ini...??!! Pemuda :: Tidak...!! Ustadz :: Itulah yang dinamakan TAKDIR...!! Ustadz :: Terbuat dari apakah tangan yang saya gunakan untuk menampar anda...??!! Pemuda :: Kulit...!! Ustadz :: Terbuat dari apa pipi Anda...??!! Pemuda :: Kulit...!! Ustadz :: Bagaimana rasanya tamparan saya...??!! Pemuda :: Sakit...!! Ustadz :: Walaupun setan terbuat dari api dan neraka terbuat dari api, jika TUHAN berkehendak, maka neraka akan menjadi tempat menyakitkan bagi setan. MASIHKAH ANDA MERAGUKAN KEHADIRAN 'TUHAN' DALAM HARI-HARI ANDA ? Sampaikanlah kepada orang lain, maka ini akan menjadi Shadaqah Jariyah pada setiap orang yang Anda kirimkan pesan ini. Dan apabila kemudian dia mengamalkannya, maka kamu juga akan ikut mendapat pahalanya sampai hari kiamat... Ada 2 pilihan untuk Anda: 1. Biarkan di dalam BBM, catatan atau pikiran Anda tanpa bermanfaat untuk orang lain. 2. Anda sebarkan pada semua kenalan anda. Rasulullah SAW bersabda, "Barangsiapa yang menyampaikan 1 (satu) ilmu saja dan ada orang yang mengamalkan, maka walaupun yang menyampaikan sudah tiada (meninggal dunia), dia akan tetap memperoleh pahala. ____________________________ ( Allahu Akbar.. Allahu Akbar.. ) 【 Rowan "Mr Bean" Atkinson Masuk Islam 】 Baca yuk artikel selengkapnya di page ini→Cinta dalam hati Insya Allah bermanfa'at Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 12:31PM allahu akbar - Social Mention Apakah TUHAN Benar-benar Ada? (3 Pertanyaan, 1 Jawaban) Ada seorang pemuda yang lama sekolah di luar negeri, ia telah kembali ke tanah air, sesampainya di rumah ia meminta kepada orang tuanya untuk mencari seorang guru agama (ustadz)/siapapun yang bisa menjawab 3 pertanyaan darinya. Akhirnya orang tua pemuda itu mendapatkan orang tersebut. Pemuda :: (Dengan nada sombong pemuda itu bertanya) Anda siapa...?? Dan apakah bisa menjawab pertanyaan saya...?? Ustadz :: Saya hanya hamba ALLAH & dengan izinnya saya akan menjawab pertanyaan Anda. Pemuda :: (Tetap dengan nada sombong) Anda yakin....?? Sedang profesor & banyak orang pintar saja tidak mampu menjawab pertanyaan saya. Ustadz :: Saya akan mencoba sejauh kemampuan saya...!! Pemuda :: Saya punya 3 buah pertanyaan...?? 1. Kalau memang TUHAN itu ada, tunjukkan wujud TUHAN kepada saya? 2. Apakah yang dinamakan TAKDIR...?? 3. Kalau SETAN diciptakan dari api, kenapa dimasukan ke neraka yang dibuat dari api, tentu tidak menyakitkan buat setan, sebab mereka memiliki unsur yang sama? Apakah TUHAN tidak pernah berfikir sejauh itu? Tiba-tiba pemuka agama tersebut menampar pipi si pemuda dengan keras. (sambil menahan sakit) si Pemuda berkata :: Pemuda :: Kenapa...?? Anda marah kepada saya...?? Ustadz :: Saya tidak marah...!!! Tamparan itu adalah jawaban saya atas 3 buah pertanyaan yang anda ajukan kepada saya...!! Pemuda :: Saya sungguh-sungguh tidak mengerti...??!! Ustadz :: Bagaimana rasanya tamparan saya...??!! Pemuda :: Tentu saja saya merasakan sakit...!! Ustadz :: Jadi Anda percaya bahwa sakit itu ada...?!! Pemuda :: Ya... Percaya...!! Ustadz :: Tunjukan pada saya wujud sakit itu...??!! Pemuda :: Saya tidak bisa...!! Ustadz :: Itulah jawaban pertanyaan pertama, kita semua merasakan keberadaan TUHAN tanpa mampu melihat wujudnya. Ustadz :: Apakah tadi malam anda bermimpi akan ditampar oleh saya..??!! Pemuda :: Tidak...!! Ustadz:: Apakah pernah terpikir oleh Anda akan menerima sebuah tamparan dari saya hari ini...??!! Pemuda :: Tidak...!! Ustadz :: Itulah yang dinamakan TAKDIR...!! Ustadz :: Terbuat dari apakah tangan yang saya gunakan untuk menampar anda...??!! Pemuda :: Kulit...!! Ustadz :: Terbuat dari apa pipi Anda...??!! Pemuda :: Kulit...!! Ustadz :: Bagaimana rasanya tamparan saya...??!! Pemuda :: Sakit...!! Ustadz :: Walaupun setan terbuat dari api dan neraka terbuat dari api, jika TUHAN berkehendak, maka neraka akan menjadi tempat menyakitkan bagi setan. MASIHKAH ANDA MERAGUKAN KEHADIRAN 'TUHAN' DALAM HARI-HARI ANDA ? Sampaikanlah kepada orang lain, maka ini akan menjadi Shadaqah Jariyah pada setiap orang yang Anda kirimkan pesan ini. Dan apabila kemudian dia mengamalkannya, maka kamu juga akan ikut mendapat pahalanya sampai hari kiamat... Ada 2 pilihan untuk Anda: 1. Biarkan di dalam BBM, catatan atau pikiran Anda tanpa bermanfaat untuk orang lain. 2. Anda sebarkan pada semua kenalan anda. Rasulullah SAW bersabda, "Barangsiapa yang menyampaikan 1 (satu) ilmu saja dan ada orang yang mengamalkan, maka walaupun yang menyampaikan sudah tiada (meninggal dunia), dia akan tetap memperoleh pahala. ____________________________ ( Allahu Akbar.. Allahu Akbar.. ) 【 Rowan "Mr Bean" Atkinson Masuk Islam 】 Baca yuk artikel selengkapnya di page ini→Cinta dalam hati Insya Allah bermanfa'at Nov 19th 2013, 12:27 You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 11:05PM abu adam - Social Mention هاد التراك يلي حكيتلكون عنو .. === انو فيه اخوي الصغير .. اصغر مغني راب بسوريا 10 سنين .. متأكد انو رح يعجب الكل &_& .. ازا عجبتكم شيـر ماشي يا حبايب ولا تنسو تحطو رئيكون بكومنت .. ==== تـراك : عــآشــر عشــرتـكـ .. التــفــآصــيل : == المـقطع الاول : MoHaMmED LIL Pal اصغر مغني راب في سوريا 10 سنين فقط لا غير .. == المقطع الثاني : يـآسـر ابن فلسطين === الهندسة الصوتية : يـآسـر ابن فلسطين === رابط الاغنية على اليوتيوب : == === رابط تحميل الاغنية Mp3 : == بتلاقوه بوصف الفيديو .. === رئيكم اخــواتي وشير ازا بدكون :3 Nov 20th 2013, 22:55 تـراك : عــآشــر عشــرتـكـ .. التــفــآصــيل : == المـقطع الاول : MoHaMmED LIL Pal اصغر مغني راب في سوريا 10 سنين فقط لا غير .. == المقطع الثاني : ياسر ابن ف... 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- islamist - Social Mention: O scrisoare emoționantă a unei tinere studente plecată la studii în Marea Britanie circulă de câteva zile pe Internet. Viziunea româncei noastre despre Occident: un loc fără identitate, cu tradiții care se pierd încet-încet din cauza globalizării, în care cetățenii se tem permanent de extremismul islamic, în care nimănui nu-i pasă ce gândești sau ce dorești. Este inutil să vă spunem că scrisoarei tinerei se bucură de o audiență incredibilă pe rețelele de socializare. "Sunt studentă în Londra la una dintre cele mai bune universităţi europene. Sunt mândră că am reuşit să ajung aici şi le voi fi recunoscătoare părinţilor mei pt educaţie şi efortul material extraordinar pe care l-au depus pentru a mă trimite la studii de calitate mereu. Dar mă deranjează teribil întrebarea tuturor „Te mai întorci?" Şi uimirea clară la auzul unui ferm „da". Acest DA nu era atât de ferm înainte de a mă muta în Londra. Înainte era un „mi-aş dori, dacă voi avea unde să mă întorc mă voi întoarce". Suntem o generaţie crescută într-o scârbă pentru patrie, am crescut cu Badea care înjura tara mereu, am crescut fiind educaţi să admirăm valorile occidentale „superioare" şi „ideale". Credem că politica, cultura şi educaţia cât mai internaţională este foarte benefică, credem În globalizare, suntem de acord câteodată că România e frumoasă dar păcat că e locuită şi parcă tot mai bine e în Londra… Români scumpi, cât putem să ne înşelăm… Ce este Occidentul….? Un loc care nu mai are identitate, globalizarea îi distruge încet încet toate tradiţiile, cenzura comunismului bolşevic s-a transformat în a fi , trăieşti cu riscul ca un islamist extremist poate să bombardeze pentrut Allahul lui locuitorii unei ţări în care el s-a mutat, istoria nu mai poate fi spusă pt că poate jigni anumite popoare, copiii pot fi ucişi în pântece de către propria lor mamă - avortul fiind văzut că o metodă contraceptivă în loc să i se spună crimă, Crăciunul şi Pastele precum şi alte tradiţii străvechi subt doar un prilej de marketing , aici nu există nici un pic de profunzime,; relaţiile dintre oameni sunt pur profesionale, prietenia, iubirea sunt toate o afacere, tot ce facem e pentrut CV şi când vrem să ne căsătorim găsim noi pe ceva nu? Lumea discuta oameni, nimănui nu îi pasă ce gândeşti, ce simţi ce îţi doreşti. Puţini mai ştiu să iubească, feminismul distruge relaţiile bărbat femeie tot mai mult, gender role este considerat învăţat aşa că nu mai învăţăm copiii de mici să se comporte ca băietei sau fetiţe ci îi lăsăm pe ei să îşi aleagă ce sex vor să aibă, ajungându-se la un nr imens de homosexuali creaţi de societate, Dumnezeu a fost ucis de Occident. De ce oare admiram atât de mult haosul Europei vestice? Noi avem oameni, noi ştim să trăim, noi radem că fugim cu nasu de acasă o săptămână în munţi cu corturile. Noi ne salutăm cu „Doamne ajută!" Noi avem un pământ binecuvântat de oasele şi sângele atâtor martiri… De ce s-au sacrificat atâţia romani pt viitorul nostru şi noi fugim ca vitele în Occident? De ce acceptăm ca Securiştii comunişti să ne conducă în continuare prin politica şi educaţie? De ce acceptăm ideile occidentale cu braţele deschise? De ce acceptăm ca bărbaţii noştri să fie carne de tun pt NATO dar nu suntem în stare să ne recuperăm Moldova de peste Prut după atâţia ani de la căderea comunismului? De ce acceptăm ca în continuare memoria luptătorilor anticomunişti să fie călcată în picioare şi la 22 de ani de la aparenta schimbare a regimului încă nu le sunt recunoscute meritele? De ce eşti drogată scumpa Românie cu iluzii occidentale? În Occident unde pleacă bieţii romani să facă o pâine, germanii, francezii, englezii îi tratează ca pe nişte sclavi, fiind roman eşti privit ca o subrasa, în Anglia un non-european are mai multe drepturi şi privilegii doar datorită faptului că a trăit sub dominaţia imperiului pt decenii… Şi noi românii care avem o ţară superbă, un pământ fertil, plin de zăcăminte, Roşia montană, delta, Carpaţii, Dunărea, Marea Neagră stăm să cerşim şi să ne umilim pt o pâine prin Anglia, Italia şi Spania…. Îmi plânge inima când văd cum sunt trataţi pe pământ străin când acasă la ei puteau mânca din belşug, dacă nu ar fi fost lăcomia hoţilor de la putere… care au vândut țara pe nimic. VREAU SĂ MĂ ÎNTORC ÎN ROMÂNIA cu toate că nu voi avea niciodată banii pe care i-aş avea lucrând aici. Dar cum spunea tatăl lui Nicolae Steinhardt : vei avea zile frumoase dar nopţile îţi vor fi îngrozitoare. Omul nu are numai trup de hrănit, mai e şi sufletul. Şi mai distrugătoare este setea şi foamea sufletului îndepărtat de pământ şi de neam decât foamea trupească… Aşa că români, plecaţi, plecaţi la studii, plecaţi ca să vedeţi în ce hal a ajuns occidentul liberal, plecaţi şi învăţaţi să vă iubiţi ţară şi realizaţi ce frumuseţe aţi lăsat în urmă. Şi apoi ne vom întoarce cu toţii, valuri valuri, cu şi mai multă forţă şi dorinţa de schimbare, şi după 68 de ani de asuprire, România va fi a românilor din nou, aşa să ne ajute Dumnezeu!" Cristiana Maria Mărcuș [1 Aktualisierung]
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- IHED - Social Mention: Truly one of the most bizarre articles ive ever read.Im not saying i believe it...but im not saying i dont believe it either. [1 Aktualisierung]
- bushido - Social Mention: สงสัยว่าทิปสิ้นเดือนนี้เราคงไปร่วมไม่ได้แร้วละ ตังเราน้อยแท้ Jojee Jenjira UnSmile Cheiiz P'Besuto Bushido [1 Aktualisierung]
- Al-Rahma - Social Mention: skype :* :* :* :* :* :* asma.almsa19 [1 Aktualisierung]
- bushido - Social Mention: Michael Frederick this you. lol. [1 Aktualisierung]
- allahu akbar - Social Mention: 7 hari ALLAH menciptakan "BUMI". Yang di dalamnya terdapat "7 BENUA" "7 SAMUDERA" & di atasnya ada "7 LAPIS LANGIT" "7 LAPISAN BUMI" Dengan hiasan "7 WARNA PELANGI" Sebagai tanda "7 BIDADARI" Maka surat pertama dlm Al-Qur'an (Alfatihah) terdapat "7 AYAT" Subhanallah.. Klik 'Suka' dan komentar 'Subhanallah' _______________________ KUNCI BAHAGIA DENGAN PASANGAN : Baca selengkapnya di sini --> Lautan Cinta penuh Berkah Insya Allah Bermanfaat [1 Aktualisierung]
- New Revolution X Facebook-Pinnwand: Kurzinfo: Diese Seite hat mehrere Administratoren, die sind: Ella Eddy Mina (... [1 Aktualisierung]
- al-ansar - Social Mention: L'islam condamne le Nationalisme (1/2) Le nationalisme est un concept étrangé à l'islam car son propos est de créer l'unité d'hommes et de femmes sur la base de critères familiaux et tribaux, alors que l'islam affirme que seul le lien de la doctrine (al 'aqidah)peut et doit unir les hommes, quel que soit leur couleur, leur race ou leur appartenance nationale. L'islam honnit tout rassemblement, tout combat et tout sacrifice menés au nom du nationalisme. Le Messager d'Allah (salla Allahou 'alayhi wa salam) a dit : « N'est pas des nôtres celui qui appelle à al 'assabiyah [nationalisme / tribalisme...] qui combat pour la 'assabiyah, ou qui meurt pour la 'assabiyah ».(Rapporté par Abou Daoud) Dans un autre hadith, il (salla Allahou 'alayhi wa salam) dit : « Délaissez-le (l'esprit tribal, nationaliste), c'est une pourriture » (Rapporté par Muslim et al Boukhari) Le Messager d'Allah (salla Allahou 'alayhi wa salam) dit également : « Celui qui lutte, sous un drapeau en faveur d'une cause partisane ou qui répond à l'appel d'une cause partisane ou pour aider une cause partisane et meurt par la suite, sa mort est une mort pour la cause de la jahiliya ». Le Messager d'Allah (salla Allahou 'alayhi wa salam) a dit : « Il y a en effet, des gens qui se vantent de leurs ancêtres ; mais aux yeux d'Allah, ils sont plus méprisables que le scarabée noir qui enroule une bouse dans son nez. Voici qu'Allah vous a retiré de l'arrogance du temps de la jahiliya (ignorance) et de sa vantardise de la gloire des ancêtres. L'homme est soit un croyant qui craint Allah ou un pêcheur infortuné. Tous les gens sont les enfants d'Adam, et Adam a été crée à partir de la poussière ». (Rapporté par At-Tirmidhi et Abou Daoud) Il (salla Allahou 'alayhi wa salam) dit également : « Certes Allah a extirpé de vous, la fierté de l'arrogance de l'âge de la jahiliya et la glorification des ancêtres. Maintenant les gens sont de deux sortes. Soit des croyants qui sont conscients, soit des transgresseurs qui agissent mal. Vous êtes tous les enfants d'Adam et Adam a été crée à partir de l'argile. Les gens devraient renoncer à leur fierté de la nation car c'est un appel parmi les appels de l'Enfer. S'ils n'y renoncent pas, Allah -Ta'ala- les considérera plus vils que les plus simples vers qui se frayent un chemin à travers les excréments. »(Rapporté par Abou Daoud et At-Tirmidhi) Il y a de nombreux exemples dans la Sirah qui nous montrent que le Messager (salla Allahou 'alayhi wa salam) a blâmé et réprimandé tous ceux qui se référaient au nationalisme. Après avoir constaté que les "Aws" et les "Khazraj" (deux principales tribus de Médine) s'étaient converties à l'islam, un groupe de juifs conspira afin de briser cette nouvelle unité. Ils dépêchèrent un de leur jeune auprès d'elles pour leur rappeler la bataille de Bu'ath, au cours de laquelle les "Aws" avaient eu le dessus sur les "Khazraj". Il leur chanta des vers, cherchant ainsi à semer la discorde entre elles. Et effectivement, un appel aux armes s'en est suivi. Lorsque la nouvelle est parvenue au Messager d'Allah il leur dit : « Ô Musulman, rappelez-vous Allah, rappelez-vous Allah. Agirez-vous comme des païens alors que je me trouve parmi vous après qu'Allah vous ait guidé à l'islam, vous a honoré et a fait une cassure nette avec le paganisme. Il vous a délivré de la mécréance et vous a alors fait amis ? » Lorsqu'ils entendirent ces propos, ils se mirent à pleurer et à s'embrasser les uns les autres. Cet incident nous montre clairement comment le Messager d'Allah (salla Allahou 'alayhi wa salam) a condamné toutes les formes de tribalisme. Allah -Ta'ala- révéla alors: «Ô les croyants ! Craignez Allah comme Il doit être craint. Et ne mourez qu'en pleine soumission. Et cramponnez-vous tous ensemble au "Habl" (câble) d'Allah et ne soyez pas divisés; et rappelez-vous le bienfait d'Allah sur vous : lorsque vous étiez ennemis, c'est Lui qui réconcilia vos coeurs. Puis, par Son bienfait, vous êtes devenus frères. Et alors que vous étiez au bord d'un abîme de Feu, c'est Lui qui vous en a sauvés. Ainsi, Allah vous montre Ses signes afin que vous soyez bien guidés.» [Sourate Al-'Imran , Verset 102 et 103] Au cours d'un autre incident, Jabir Ibn 'Abdallah al Ansari rapporte ce qui s'est passé à l'oasis d'al Muraysi, lorsque les hypocrites firent resurgir les traces du nationalisme pour détruire, l'unité des musulmans. Il dit : « Nous étions engagés dans une bataille, lorsqu'un des Muhajirun s'en est pris à un Ansar. Ce dernier a alors dit, O Ansar ! Aidez-moi ! » (appelant sa tribu). Le Messager d'Allah (salla Allahou 'alayhi wa salam) entendit leur propos et leur dit : « Cessez ces slogans tribaux, tout ceci est infect. » (Rapporté par al Boukhari) Le Messager d'Allah (salla Allahou 'alayhi wa salam) ne se contenta pas simplement de réprimander ses hommes. En effet, il (salla Allahou 'alayhi wa salam) marcha à leurs côtés toute la journée jusqu'à la tombée de la nuit, et toute la nuit jusqu'au matin, et le jour suivant jusqu'à épuisement. Le Messager d'Allah (salla Allahou 'alayhi wa salam) donna alors l'ordre de s'arrêter, et aussitôt, ils sombrèrent dans un sommeil profond. Le Messager d'Allah (salla Allahou 'alayhi wa salam) agi de la sorte afin de détourner leur attention de ce qui venait de se produire. Al Tabarani et Al Hakim rapportent ce qui s'est passé lors d'un incident au cours duquel certains individus ont tenu des propos rabaissant au sujet de Salman le Perse. Ils parlaient de l'infériorité des perses par rapport aux arabes. En entendant cela, le Messager d'Allah (salla Allahou 'alayhi wa salam) leur a répondu : « Salman est des nôtres et des Ahl al bayt (la famille du prophète (salla Allahou 'alayhi wa salam)». Cette parole du Messager d'Allah (salla Allahou 'alayhi wa salam) a coupé court tout lien fondé sur des considérations tribales ou raciales. Il est également rapporté, dans deux versions différentes, par Ibn Al Mubarak dans ses deux livres, Al Birr et As Salah, qu'un différent a opposé Abu Dhar et Billal et qu'Abu Dhar a alors dit a Billal : « Fils de femme noire ». Le Messager d'Allah (salla Allah wa 'alayhi wa salam) extrêmement choqué par la remarque d'Abu Dhar le réprimanda en lui disant : « Cela suffit Abu Dhar. Celui qui a une mère blanche n'a aucun avantage qui le rend meilleur que le fils d'une femme noire ». Cette réprimande a eu un impact profond sur Abu Dhar qui s'est alors allongé sur le sol en jurant qu'il ne se relèverait pas, tant que Billal ne lui aurait posé le pied sur la tête. Ces incidents démontrent que les liens tribaux n'ont pas leur place en Islam. Les musulmans sont appelés à s'unir, et non à se diviser sous prétexte qu'ils sont issus de tribus ou de nations différentes. Le Messager d'Allah (salla Allahou 'alayhi wa salam) dit également : « Les croyants, dans leur amour, leur indulgence mutuelle et leur solidarité sont comme un seul corps, lorsqu'une partie souffre, c'est tout le corps qui répond par l'insomnie et la fièvre. » (Rapporté par Mouslim) « Les croyants sont comme un seul homme, si ses yeux souffrent, tout son corps souffre. » (Rapporté par Mouslim) « Un arabe n'est pas meilleur qu'un non-arabe. De même q'un non-arabe n'est pas meilleur qu'un arabe. Un homme de race rouge n'est pas meilleur qu'un noir excepté dans la piété. L'humanité descend d'Adam et Adam a été crée d'argile. » (Rapporté par al Boukhari et Muslim d'après Abou Houraira) Cela signifie que les musulmans quels qu'ils soient : arabes, chinois, africains, européens, asiatiques ou américains, ne forment qu'une seule et unique Oummah et qu'ils ne peuvent se diviser et se séparer les uns des autres. Jamais un lien tribal ne devrait briser leur unité. Par ailleurs, Allah –Ta'ala- dit: «Les croyants ne sont que des frères. [...] » [Sourate Al-Hujurat (Les appartements)- Verset 10] [1 Aktualisierung]
- nasheed - Social Mention: Chal Daaru Peete Hai ,,, Samay Se Chura kar Kuchh Waqt,,, ,,, Chal Zindagi Jeete Hai ,,, ,,, ,,, Chal Daaru Peete Hai ,,, ,,, ,,, Wo Sapno Ki Chaddar Jo Fat Gayi Hai,,, ,,, ,,, Nashe Me Hi Sahi,,, Aaj Usko Seete Hai ,,, ,,, ,,, Chal Daaru Peete Hai ... ... ... Usko Bata Do Ki Ab Aur Intzaar Nahi Uska,,, Uske Intzaar Me Na Jane Kitne Din,,, Mahine,,, Saal Bus Yun hi Beete Hai,,, ,,, ,,, Chal Daaru Peete Hai ... ... ... Aaj Gumnaam Hi Sahi,,, Par Shaayd Ek Din Hamara Bhi Ekk Naam Hoga,,, ,,, ,,,, Isi Ummeed Me Jeete Hai ,,, ,,, Chal Daaru Peete Hai ... Keya batao dada kitna accha laga Yeh l9s [1 Aktualisierung]
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- Alifbe Radios Facebook-Pinnwand: Das Liken kann beginnen. Das Bild mit den meisten Likes gewinnt. Ladet eure F... [1 Aktualisierung]
- SABRs Facebook-Pinnwand: Eine Ummah, eine Flagge. [1 Aktualisierung]
Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 11:54PM Sven Laus Facebook-Pinnwand Sven Laus Facebook-Pinnwand `` Ich konnte meine Tränen nicht zurückhalten als ich hörte das ich mich in eine... Nov 20th 2013, 23:31 `` Ich konnte meine Tränen nicht zurückhalten als ich hörte das ich mich in einem Teil des Paradiesgartens befinde.`` (Mike Tyson in der Rowda der Prophetenmoschee in Madina al Munawara) You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: islamist - Social Mention: O scrisoare emoționantă a unei tinere studente plecată la studii în Marea Britanie circulă de câteva zile pe Internet. Viziunea româncei noastre despre Occident: un loc fără identitate, cu tradiții care se pierd încet-încet din cauza globalizării, în care cetățenii se tem permanent de extremismul islamic, în care nimănui nu-i pasă ce gândești sau ce dorești. Este inutil să vă spunem că scrisoarei tinerei se bucură de o audiență incredibilă pe rețelele de socializare. "Sunt studentă în Londra la una dintre cele mai bune universităţi europene. Sunt mândră că am reuşit să ajung aici şi le voi fi recunoscătoare părinţilor mei pt educaţie şi efortul material extraordinar pe care l-au depus pentru a mă trimite la studii de calitate mereu. Dar mă deranjează teribil întrebarea tuturor „Te mai întorci?" Şi uimirea clară la auzul unui ferm „da". Acest DA nu era atât de ferm înainte de a mă muta în Londra. Înainte era un „mi-aş dori, dacă voi avea unde să mă întorc mă voi întoarce". Suntem o generaţie crescută într-o scârbă pentru patrie, am crescut cu Badea care înjura tara mereu, am crescut fiind educaţi să admirăm valorile occidentale „superioare" şi „ideale". Credem că politica, cultura şi educaţia cât mai internaţională este foarte benefică, credem În globalizare, suntem de acord câteodată că România e frumoasă dar păcat că e locuită şi parcă tot mai bine e în Londra… Români scumpi, cât putem să ne înşelăm… Ce este Occidentul….? Un loc care nu mai are identitate, globalizarea îi distruge încet încet toate tradiţiile, cenzura comunismului bolşevic s-a transformat în a fi , trăieşti cu riscul ca un islamist extremist poate să bombardeze pentrut Allahul lui locuitorii unei ţări în care el s-a mutat, istoria nu mai poate fi spusă pt că poate jigni anumite popoare, copiii pot fi ucişi în pântece de către propria lor mamă - avortul fiind văzut că o metodă contraceptivă în loc să i se spună crimă, Crăciunul şi Pastele precum şi alte tradiţii străvechi subt doar un prilej de marketing , aici nu există nici un pic de profunzime,; relaţiile dintre oameni sunt pur profesionale, prietenia, iubirea sunt toate o afacere, tot ce facem e pentrut CV şi când vrem să ne căsătorim găsim noi pe ceva nu? Lumea discuta oameni, nimănui nu îi pasă ce gândeşti, ce simţi ce îţi doreşti. Puţini mai ştiu să iubească, feminismul distruge relaţiile bărbat femeie tot mai mult, gender role este considerat învăţat aşa că nu mai învăţăm copiii de mici să se comporte ca băietei sau fetiţe ci îi lăsăm pe ei să îşi aleagă ce sex vor să aibă, ajungându-se la un nr imens de homosexuali creaţi de societate, Dumnezeu a fost ucis de Occident. De ce oare admiram atât de mult haosul Europei vestice? Noi avem oameni, noi ştim să trăim, noi radem că fugim cu nasu de acasă o săptămână în munţi cu corturile. Noi ne salutăm cu „Doamne ajută!" Noi avem un pământ binecuvântat de oasele şi sângele atâtor martiri… De ce s-au sacrificat atâţia romani pt viitorul nostru şi noi fugim ca vitele în Occident? De ce acceptăm ca Securiştii comunişti să ne conducă în continuare prin politica şi educaţie? De ce acceptăm ideile occidentale cu braţele deschise? De ce acceptăm ca bărbaţii noştri să fie carne de tun pt NATO dar nu suntem în stare să ne recuperăm Moldova de peste Prut după atâţia ani de la căderea comunismului? De ce acceptăm ca în continuare memoria luptătorilor anticomunişti să fie călcată în picioare şi la 22 de ani de la aparenta schimbare a regimului încă nu le sunt recunoscute meritele? De ce eşti drogată scumpa Românie cu iluzii occidentale? În Occident unde pleacă bieţii romani să facă o pâine, germanii, francezii, englezii îi tratează ca pe nişte sclavi, fiind roman eşti privit ca o subrasa, în Anglia un non-european are mai multe drepturi şi privilegii doar datorită faptului că a trăit sub dominaţia imperiului pt decenii… Şi noi românii care avem o ţară superbă, un pământ fertil, plin de zăcăminte, Roşia montană, delta, Carpaţii, Dunărea, Marea Neagră stăm să cerşim şi să ne umilim pt o pâine prin Anglia, Italia şi Spania…. Îmi plânge inima când văd cum sunt trataţi pe pământ străin când acasă la ei puteau mânca din belşug, dacă nu ar fi fost lăcomia hoţilor de la putere… care au vândut țara pe nimic. VREAU SĂ MĂ ÎNTORC ÎN ROMÂNIA cu toate că nu voi avea niciodată banii pe care i-aş avea lucrând aici. Dar cum spunea tatăl lui Nicolae Steinhardt : vei avea zile frumoase dar nopţile îţi vor fi îngrozitoare. Omul nu are numai trup de hrănit, mai e şi sufletul. Şi mai distrugătoare este setea şi foamea sufletului îndepărtat de pământ şi de neam decât foamea trupească… Aşa că români, plecaţi, plecaţi la studii, plecaţi ca să vedeţi în ce hal a ajuns occidentul liberal, plecaţi şi învăţaţi să vă iubiţi ţară şi realizaţi ce frumuseţe aţi lăsat în urmă. Şi apoi ne vom întoarce cu toţii, valuri valuri, cu şi mai multă forţă şi dorinţa de schimbare, şi după 68 de ani de asuprire, România va fi a românilor din nou, aşa să ne ajute Dumnezeu!" Cristiana Maria Mărcuș Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 09:49AM islamist - Social Mention O scrisoare emoționantă a unei tinere studente plecată la studii în Marea Britanie circulă de câteva zile pe Internet. Viziunea româncei noastre despre Occident: un loc fără identitate, cu tradiții care se pierd încet-încet din cauza globalizării, în care cetățenii se tem permanent de extremismul islamic, în care nimănui nu-i pasă ce gândești sau ce dorești. Este inutil să vă spunem că scrisoarei tinerei se bucură de o audiență incredibilă pe rețelele de socializare. "Sunt studentă în Londra la una dintre cele mai bune universităţi europene. Sunt mândră că am reuşit să ajung aici şi le voi fi recunoscătoare părinţilor mei pt educaţie şi efortul material extraordinar pe care l-au depus pentru a mă trimite la studii de calitate mereu. Dar mă deranjează teribil întrebarea tuturor „Te mai întorci?" Şi uimirea clară la auzul unui ferm „da". Acest DA nu era atât de ferm înainte de a mă muta în Londra. Înainte era un „mi-aş dori, dacă voi avea unde să mă întorc mă voi întoarce". Suntem o generaţie crescută într-o scârbă pentru patrie, am crescut cu Badea care înjura tara mereu, am crescut fiind educaţi să admirăm valorile occidentale „superioare" şi „ideale". Credem că politica, cultura şi educaţia cât mai internaţională este foarte benefică, credem În globalizare, suntem de acord câteodată că România e frumoasă dar păcat că e locuită şi parcă tot mai bine e în Londra… Români scumpi, cât putem să ne înşelăm… Ce este Occidentul….? Un loc care nu mai are identitate, globalizarea îi distruge încet încet toate tradiţiile, cenzura comunismului bolşevic s-a transformat în a fi , trăieşti cu riscul ca un islamist extremist poate să bombardeze pentrut Allahul lui locuitorii unei ţări în care el s-a mutat, istoria nu mai poate fi spusă pt că poate jigni anumite popoare, copiii pot fi ucişi în pântece de către propria lor mamă - avortul fiind văzut că o metodă contraceptivă în loc să i se spună crimă, Crăciunul şi Pastele precum şi alte tradiţii străvechi subt doar un prilej de marketing , aici nu există nici un pic de profunzime,; relaţiile dintre oameni sunt pur profesionale, prietenia, iubirea sunt toate o afacere, tot ce facem e pentrut CV şi când vrem să ne căsătorim găsim noi pe ceva nu? Lumea discuta oameni, nimănui nu îi pasă ce gândeşti, ce simţi ce îţi doreşti. Puţini mai ştiu să iubească, feminismul distruge relaţiile bărbat femeie tot mai mult, gender role este considerat învăţat aşa că nu mai învăţăm copiii de mici să se comporte ca băietei sau fetiţe ci îi lăsăm pe ei să îşi aleagă ce sex vor să aibă, ajungându-se la un nr imens de homosexuali creaţi de societate, Dumnezeu a fost ucis de Occident. De ce oare admiram atât de mult haosul Europei vestice? Noi avem oameni, noi ştim să trăim, noi radem că fugim cu nasu de acasă o săptămână în munţi cu corturile. Noi ne salutăm cu „Doamne ajută!" Noi avem un pământ binecuvântat de oasele şi sângele atâtor martiri… De ce s-au sacrificat atâţia romani pt viitorul nostru şi noi fugim ca vitele în Occident? De ce acceptăm ca Securiştii comunişti să ne conducă în continuare prin politica şi educaţie? De ce acceptăm ideile occidentale cu braţele deschise? De ce acceptăm ca bărbaţii noştri să fie carne de tun pt NATO dar nu suntem în stare să ne recuperăm Moldova de peste Prut după atâţia ani de la căderea comunismului? De ce acceptăm ca în continuare memoria luptătorilor anticomunişti să fie călcată în picioare şi la 22 de ani de la aparenta schimbare a regimului încă nu le sunt recunoscute meritele? De ce eşti drogată scumpa Românie cu iluzii occidentale? În Occident unde pleacă bieţii romani să facă o pâine, germanii, francezii, englezii îi tratează ca pe nişte sclavi, fiind roman eşti privit ca o subrasa, în Anglia un non-european are mai multe drepturi şi privilegii doar datorită faptului că a trăit sub dominaţia imperiului pt decenii… Şi noi românii care avem o ţară superbă, un pământ fertil, plin de zăcăminte, Roşia montană, delta, Carpaţii, Dunărea, Marea Neagră stăm să cerşim şi să ne umilim pt o pâine prin Anglia, Italia şi Spania…. Îmi plânge inima când văd cum sunt trataţi pe pământ străin când acasă la ei puteau mânca din belşug, dacă nu ar fi fost lăcomia hoţilor de la putere… care au vândut țara pe nimic. VREAU SĂ MĂ ÎNTORC ÎN ROMÂNIA cu toate că nu voi avea niciodată banii pe care i-aş avea lucrând aici. Dar cum spunea tatăl lui Nicolae Steinhardt : vei avea zile frumoase dar nopţile îţi vor fi îngrozitoare. Omul nu are numai trup de hrănit, mai e şi sufletul. Şi mai distrugătoare este setea şi foamea sufletului îndepărtat de pământ şi de neam decât foamea trupească… Aşa că români, plecaţi, plecaţi la studii, plecaţi ca să vedeţi în ce hal a ajuns occidentul liberal, plecaţi şi învăţaţi să vă iubiţi ţară şi realizaţi ce frumuseţe aţi lăsat în urmă. Şi apoi ne vom întoarce cu toţii, valuri valuri, cu şi mai multă forţă şi dorinţa de schimbare, şi după 68 de ani de asuprire, România va fi a românilor din nou, aşa să ne ajute Dumnezeu!" Cristiana Maria Mărcuș Nov 20th 2013, 09:10 You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 06:31PM Mission Dawahs Facebook-Pinnwand Mission Dawahs Facebook-Pinnwand Christmas dawah day, tis year will be bigger in shaa Allah. keep posted of dates. Nov 19th 2013, 17:46 Christmas dawah day, tis year will be bigger in shaa Allah. keep posted of dates. Christmas Da'wah Day 2012! The first day of the annual Christmas Da'wah day was a huge success! Excellent Dai'ee's joined from everywhere to make a collective effort to spread the true... You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 10:38AM Ansar Al-Haqqs Facebook-Pinnwand Ansar Al-Haqqs Facebook-Pinnwand 'Abdullāh Ibn 'Amr, Allāhs Wohlgefallen auf beiden, berichtete: "Der Prophet, A... Nov 20th 2013, 10:21 'Abdullāh Ibn 'Amr, Allāhs Wohlgefallen auf beiden, berichtete: "Der Prophet, Allāhs Segen und Friede auf ihm, war nicht unzüchtig und sprach keine schlechten Worte. Er pflegte zu sagen: »Die besten von euch sind diejenigen, die den besten Charakter haben.«" [Buharyy 3559] You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 12:05PM Al-Ansar.des Facebook-Pinnwand Al-Ansar.des Facebook-Pinnwand Spendenaufruf für eure Geschwister in Not. Es sind ca. 30.000 Menschen betroffe... Nov 21st 2013, 12:04 Spendenaufruf für eure Geschwister in Not. Es sind ca. 30.000 Menschen betroffen laut UN in diese Region in Somalia. Bitte verlasst euch nicht auf andere, das sie dort spenden, sonst gehören eure Hilfsbedürftigen Geschwister schnell zu den Vergessenen!!! "Der Zyklon habe Überschwemmungen und Erdrutsche ausgelöst, Häuser, Gebäude, Schiffe und ganze Dörfer seien zerstört worden, hieß es weiter. Mehr als 100.000 Nutztiere seien von den Fluten mitgerissen. Durch den Verlust sind den weiteren Angaben zufolge zehntausende Bauern in ihrem Lebensunterhalt gefährdet. In den betroffenen Gebieten würden dringend Trinkwasser, haltbare Lebensmittel, Arzneimittel, Material für Notunterkünfte und Decken benötigt." Wir von Al-Ansar e. V. beabsichtigen mit eure Spenden vor Ort HILFE zu leisten, inshaALLAH!!!! LEISTE AUCH DU BI IDNILLAH SOFORTHILFE in unser NOTFALL FOND, so dass die Überschwemmungsopfer, Verletzten, Obdachlosen, die nötigen Hilfe bekommen, die sie als Versorgung dringend brauchen!!! Bitte vergesst eure Geschwister nicht! Nicht die Höhe einer Spende ist entscheidend: Einige Euro von einem weniger Bemittelten können bei Allah verdienstvoller sein als der gleiche Betrag von einem Wohlhabenden. „... und was ihr ausgebt von einer Sache auf dem Weg Allahs, es wird euch voll zurückgezahlt werden, und euch wird kein Unrecht angetan" (8:60). Wie im obigen Koranvers erwähnt, wird Sadaqa vielfach von Allah belohnt werden. Allah gibt dem Gläubigen für die Spende, die er in der Absicht gibt, Ihm zu dienen und Sein Wohlgefallen zu erlangen, vielfachen Lohn, und zwar im Jenseits wie auch im Diesseits. Spendenkonto: Empfänger: Al-Ansar e.V. Kontonummer: 0127100402 Bankleitzahl: 50852651 Bank: Sparkasse Dieburg Vwz. 1: Notfallfond (Vwz. = Verwendungszweck) Überweisung aus dem Ausland IBAN: DE63508526510127100402 BIC: HE LA DE F 1 DIE Money transfers from abroad please indicate the following bank codes Foto By: You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 11:29PM allahu akbar - Social Mention 7 hari ALLAH menciptakan "BUMI". Yang di dalamnya terdapat "7 BENUA" "7 SAMUDERA" & di atasnya ada "7 LAPIS LANGIT" "7 LAPISAN BUMI" Dengan hiasan "7 WARNA PELANGI" Sebagai tanda "7 BIDADARI" Maka surat pertama dlm Al-Qur'an (Alfatihah) terdapat "7 AYAT" Subhanallah.. Klik 'Suka' dan komentar 'Subhanallah' _______________________ KUNCI BAHAGIA DENGAN PASANGAN : Baca selengkapnya di sini --> Lautan Cinta penuh Berkah Insya Allah Bermanfaat Nov 20th 2013, 23:20 You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: al-ansar - Social Mention: L'islam condamne le Nationalisme (1/2) Le nationalisme est un concept étrangé à l'islam car son propos est de créer l'unité d'hommes et de femmes sur la base de critères familiaux et tribaux, alors que l'islam affirme que seul le lien de la doctrine (al 'aqidah)peut et doit unir les hommes, quel que soit leur couleur, leur race ou leur appartenance nationale. L'islam honnit tout rassemblement, tout combat et tout sacrifice menés au nom du nationalisme. Le Messager d'Allah (salla Allahou 'alayhi wa salam) a dit : « N'est pas des nôtres celui qui appelle à al 'assabiyah [nationalisme / tribalisme...] qui combat pour la 'assabiyah, ou qui meurt pour la 'assabiyah ».(Rapporté par Abou Daoud) Dans un autre hadith, il (salla Allahou 'alayhi wa salam) dit : « Délaissez-le (l'esprit tribal, nationaliste), c'est une pourriture » (Rapporté par Muslim et al Boukhari) Le Messager d'Allah (salla Allahou 'alayhi wa salam) dit également : « Celui qui lutte, sous un drapeau en faveur d'une cause partisane ou qui répond à l'appel d'une cause partisane ou pour aider une cause partisane et meurt par la suite, sa mort est une mort pour la cause de la jahiliya ». Le Messager d'Allah (salla Allahou 'alayhi wa salam) a dit : « Il y a en effet, des gens qui se vantent de leurs ancêtres ; mais aux yeux d'Allah, ils sont plus méprisables que le scarabée noir qui enroule une bouse dans son nez. Voici qu'Allah vous a retiré de l'arrogance du temps de la jahiliya (ignorance) et de sa vantardise de la gloire des ancêtres. L'homme est soit un croyant qui craint Allah ou un pêcheur infortuné. Tous les gens sont les enfants d'Adam, et Adam a été crée à partir de la poussière ». (Rapporté par At-Tirmidhi et Abou Daoud) Il (salla Allahou 'alayhi wa salam) dit également : « Certes Allah a extirpé de vous, la fierté de l'arrogance de l'âge de la jahiliya et la glorification des ancêtres. Maintenant les gens sont de deux sortes. Soit des croyants qui sont conscients, soit des transgresseurs qui agissent mal. Vous êtes tous les enfants d'Adam et Adam a été crée à partir de l'argile. Les gens devraient renoncer à leur fierté de la nation car c'est un appel parmi les appels de l'Enfer. S'ils n'y renoncent pas, Allah -Ta'ala- les considérera plus vils que les plus simples vers qui se frayent un chemin à travers les excréments. »(Rapporté par Abou Daoud et At-Tirmidhi) Il y a de nombreux exemples dans la Sirah qui nous montrent que le Messager (salla Allahou 'alayhi wa salam) a blâmé et réprimandé tous ceux qui se référaient au nationalisme. Après avoir constaté que les "Aws" et les "Khazraj" (deux principales tribus de Médine) s'étaient converties à l'islam, un groupe de juifs conspira afin de briser cette nouvelle unité. Ils dépêchèrent un de leur jeune auprès d'elles pour leur rappeler la bataille de Bu'ath, au cours de laquelle les "Aws" avaient eu le dessus sur les "Khazraj". Il leur chanta des vers, cherchant ainsi à semer la discorde entre elles. Et effectivement, un appel aux armes s'en est suivi. Lorsque la nouvelle est parvenue au Messager d'Allah il leur dit : « Ô Musulman, rappelez-vous Allah, rappelez-vous Allah. Agirez-vous comme des païens alors que je me trouve parmi vous après qu'Allah vous ait guidé à l'islam, vous a honoré et a fait une cassure nette avec le paganisme. Il vous a délivré de la mécréance et vous a alors fait amis ? » Lorsqu'ils entendirent ces propos, ils se mirent à pleurer et à s'embrasser les uns les autres. Cet incident nous montre clairement comment le Messager d'Allah (salla Allahou 'alayhi wa salam) a condamné toutes les formes de tribalisme. Allah -Ta'ala- révéla alors: «Ô les croyants ! Craignez Allah comme Il doit être craint. Et ne mourez qu'en pleine soumission. Et cramponnez-vous tous ensemble au "Habl" (câble) d'Allah et ne soyez pas divisés; et rappelez-vous le bienfait d'Allah sur vous : lorsque vous étiez ennemis, c'est Lui qui réconcilia vos coeurs. Puis, par Son bienfait, vous êtes devenus frères. Et alors que vous étiez au bord d'un abîme de Feu, c'est Lui qui vous en a sauvés. Ainsi, Allah vous montre Ses signes afin que vous soyez bien guidés.» [Sourate Al-'Imran , Verset 102 et 103] Au cours d'un autre incident, Jabir Ibn 'Abdallah al Ansari rapporte ce qui s'est passé à l'oasis d'al Muraysi, lorsque les hypocrites firent resurgir les traces du nationalisme pour détruire, l'unité des musulmans. Il dit : « Nous étions engagés dans une bataille, lorsqu'un des Muhajirun s'en est pris à un Ansar. Ce dernier a alors dit, O Ansar ! Aidez-moi ! » (appelant sa tribu). Le Messager d'Allah (salla Allahou 'alayhi wa salam) entendit leur propos et leur dit : « Cessez ces slogans tribaux, tout ceci est infect. » (Rapporté par al Boukhari) Le Messager d'Allah (salla Allahou 'alayhi wa salam) ne se contenta pas simplement de réprimander ses hommes. En effet, il (salla Allahou 'alayhi wa salam) marcha à leurs côtés toute la journée jusqu'à la tombée de la nuit, et toute la nuit jusqu'au matin, et le jour suivant jusqu'à épuisement. Le Messager d'Allah (salla Allahou 'alayhi wa salam) donna alors l'ordre de s'arrêter, et aussitôt, ils sombrèrent dans un sommeil profond. Le Messager d'Allah (salla Allahou 'alayhi wa salam) agi de la sorte afin de détourner leur attention de ce qui venait de se produire. Al Tabarani et Al Hakim rapportent ce qui s'est passé lors d'un incident au cours duquel certains individus ont tenu des propos rabaissant au sujet de Salman le Perse. Ils parlaient de l'infériorité des perses par rapport aux arabes. En entendant cela, le Messager d'Allah (salla Allahou 'alayhi wa salam) leur a répondu : « Salman est des nôtres et des Ahl al bayt (la famille du prophète (salla Allahou 'alayhi wa salam)». Cette parole du Messager d'Allah (salla Allahou 'alayhi wa salam) a coupé court tout lien fondé sur des considérations tribales ou raciales. Il est également rapporté, dans deux versions différentes, par Ibn Al Mubarak dans ses deux livres, Al Birr et As Salah, qu'un différent a opposé Abu Dhar et Billal et qu'Abu Dhar a alors dit a Billal : « Fils de femme noire ». Le Messager d'Allah (salla Allah wa 'alayhi wa salam) extrêmement choqué par la remarque d'Abu Dhar le réprimanda en lui disant : « Cela suffit Abu Dhar. Celui qui a une mère blanche n'a aucun avantage qui le rend meilleur que le fils d'une femme noire ». Cette réprimande a eu un impact profond sur Abu Dhar qui s'est alors allongé sur le sol en jurant qu'il ne se relèverait pas, tant que Billal ne lui aurait posé le pied sur la tête. Ces incidents démontrent que les liens tribaux n'ont pas leur place en Islam. Les musulmans sont appelés à s'unir, et non à se diviser sous prétexte qu'ils sont issus de tribus ou de nations différentes. Le Messager d'Allah (salla Allahou 'alayhi wa salam) dit également : « Les croyants, dans leur amour, leur indulgence mutuelle et leur solidarité sont comme un seul corps, lorsqu'une partie souffre, c'est tout le corps qui répond par l'insomnie et la fièvre. » (Rapporté par Mouslim) « Les croyants sont comme un seul homme, si ses yeux souffrent, tout son corps souffre. » (Rapporté par Mouslim) « Un arabe n'est pas meilleur qu'un non-arabe. De même q'un non-arabe n'est pas meilleur qu'un arabe. Un homme de race rouge n'est pas meilleur qu'un noir excepté dans la piété. L'humanité descend d'Adam et Adam a été crée d'argile. » (Rapporté par al Boukhari et Muslim d'après Abou Houraira) Cela signifie que les musulmans quels qu'ils soient : arabes, chinois, africains, européens, asiatiques ou américains, ne forment qu'une seule et unique Oummah et qu'ils ne peuvent se diviser et se séparer les uns des autres. Jamais un lien tribal ne devrait briser leur unité. Par ailleurs, Allah –Ta'ala- dit: «Les croyants ne sont que des frères. [...] » [Sourate Al-Hujurat (Les appartements)- Verset 10] Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 04:24AM al-ansar - Social Mention L'islam condamne le Nationalisme (1/2) Le nationalisme est un concept étrangé à l'islam car son propos est de créer l'unité d'hommes et de femmes sur la base de critères familiaux et tribaux, alors que l'islam affirme que seul le lien de la doctrine (al 'aqidah)peut et doit unir les hommes, quel que soit leur couleur, leur race ou leur appartenance nationale. L'islam honnit tout rassemblement, tout combat et tout sacrifice menés au nom du nationalisme. Le Messager d'Allah (salla Allahou 'alayhi wa salam) a dit : « N'est pas des nôtres celui qui appelle à al 'assabiyah [nationalisme / tribalisme...] qui combat pour la 'assabiyah, ou qui meurt pour la 'assabiyah ».(Rapporté par Abou Daoud) Dans un autre hadith, il (salla Allahou 'alayhi wa salam) dit : « Délaissez-le (l'esprit tribal, nationaliste), c'est une pourriture » (Rapporté par Muslim et al Boukhari) Le Messager d'Allah (salla Allahou 'alayhi wa salam) dit également : « Celui qui lutte, sous un drapeau en faveur d'une cause partisane ou qui répond à l'appel d'une cause partisane ou pour aider une cause partisane et meurt par la suite, sa mort est une mort pour la cause de la jahiliya ». Le Messager d'Allah (salla Allahou 'alayhi wa salam) a dit : « Il y a en effet, des gens qui se vantent de leurs ancêtres ; mais aux yeux d'Allah, ils sont plus méprisables que le scarabée noir qui enroule une bouse dans son nez. Voici qu'Allah vous a retiré de l'arrogance du temps de la jahiliya (ignorance) et de sa vantardise de la gloire des ancêtres. L'homme est soit un croyant qui craint Allah ou un pêcheur infortuné. Tous les gens sont les enfants d'Adam, et Adam a été crée à partir de la poussière ». (Rapporté par At-Tirmidhi et Abou Daoud) Il (salla Allahou 'alayhi wa salam) dit également : « Certes Allah a extirpé de vous, la fierté de l'arrogance de l'âge de la jahiliya et la glorification des ancêtres. Maintenant les gens sont de deux sortes. Soit des croyants qui sont conscients, soit des transgresseurs qui agissent mal. Vous êtes tous les enfants d'Adam et Adam a été crée à partir de l'argile. Les gens devraient renoncer à leur fierté de la nation car c'est un appel parmi les appels de l'Enfer. S'ils n'y renoncent pas, Allah -Ta'ala- les considérera plus vils que les plus simples vers qui se frayent un chemin à travers les excréments. »(Rapporté par Abou Daoud et At-Tirmidhi) Il y a de nombreux exemples dans la Sirah qui nous montrent que le Messager (salla Allahou 'alayhi wa salam) a blâmé et réprimandé tous ceux qui se référaient au nationalisme. Après avoir constaté que les "Aws" et les "Khazraj" (deux principales tribus de Médine) s'étaient converties à l'islam, un groupe de juifs conspira afin de briser cette nouvelle unité. Ils dépêchèrent un de leur jeune auprès d'elles pour leur rappeler la bataille de Bu'ath, au cours de laquelle les "Aws" avaient eu le dessus sur les "Khazraj". Il leur chanta des vers, cherchant ainsi à semer la discorde entre elles. Et effectivement, un appel aux armes s'en est suivi. Lorsque la nouvelle est parvenue au Messager d'Allah il leur dit : « Ô Musulman, rappelez-vous Allah, rappelez-vous Allah. Agirez-vous comme des païens alors que je me trouve parmi vous après qu'Allah vous ait guidé à l'islam, vous a honoré et a fait une cassure nette avec le paganisme. Il vous a délivré de la mécréance et vous a alors fait amis ? » Lorsqu'ils entendirent ces propos, ils se mirent à pleurer et à s'embrasser les uns les autres. Cet incident nous montre clairement comment le Messager d'Allah (salla Allahou 'alayhi wa salam) a condamné toutes les formes de tribalisme. Allah -Ta'ala- révéla alors: «Ô les croyants ! Craignez Allah comme Il doit être craint. Et ne mourez qu'en pleine soumission. Et cramponnez-vous tous ensemble au "Habl" (câble) d'Allah et ne soyez pas divisés; et rappelez-vous le bienfait d'Allah sur vous : lorsque vous étiez ennemis, c'est Lui qui réconcilia vos coeurs. Puis, par Son bienfait, vous êtes devenus frères. Et alors que vous étiez au bord d'un abîme de Feu, c'est Lui qui vous en a sauvés. Ainsi, Allah vous montre Ses signes afin que vous soyez bien guidés.» [Sourate Al-'Imran , Verset 102 et 103] Au cours d'un autre incident, Jabir Ibn 'Abdallah al Ansari rapporte ce qui s'est passé à l'oasis d'al Muraysi, lorsque les hypocrites firent resurgir les traces du nationalisme pour détruire, l'unité des musulmans. Il dit : « Nous étions engagés dans une bataille, lorsqu'un des Muhajirun s'en est pris à un Ansar. Ce dernier a alors dit, O Ansar ! Aidez-moi ! » (appelant sa tribu). Le Messager d'Allah (salla Allahou 'alayhi wa salam) entendit leur propos et leur dit : « Cessez ces slogans tribaux, tout ceci est infect. » (Rapporté par al Boukhari) Le Messager d'Allah (salla Allahou 'alayhi wa salam) ne se contenta pas simplement de réprimander ses hommes. En effet, il (salla Allahou 'alayhi wa salam) marcha à leurs côtés toute la journée jusqu'à la tombée de la nuit, et toute la nuit jusqu'au matin, et le jour suivant jusqu'à épuisement. Le Messager d'Allah (salla Allahou 'alayhi wa salam) donna alors l'ordre de s'arrêter, et aussitôt, ils sombrèrent dans un sommeil profond. Le Messager d'Allah (salla Allahou 'alayhi wa salam) agi de la sorte afin de détourner leur attention de ce qui venait de se produire. Al Tabarani et Al Hakim rapportent ce qui s'est passé lors d'un incident au cours duquel certains individus ont tenu des propos rabaissant au sujet de Salman le Perse. Ils parlaient de l'infériorité des perses par rapport aux arabes. En entendant cela, le Messager d'Allah (salla Allahou 'alayhi wa salam) leur a répondu : « Salman est des nôtres et des Ahl al bayt (la famille du prophète (salla Allahou 'alayhi wa salam)». Cette parole du Messager d'Allah (salla Allahou 'alayhi wa salam) a coupé court tout lien fondé sur des considérations tribales ou raciales. Il est également rapporté, dans deux versions différentes, par Ibn Al Mubarak dans ses deux livres, Al Birr et As Salah, qu'un différent a opposé Abu Dhar et Billal et qu'Abu Dhar a alors dit a Billal : « Fils de femme noire ». Le Messager d'Allah (salla Allah wa 'alayhi wa salam) extrêmement choqué par la remarque d'Abu Dhar le réprimanda en lui disant : « Cela suffit Abu Dhar. Celui qui a une mère blanche n'a aucun avantage qui le rend meilleur que le fils d'une femme noire ». Cette réprimande a eu un impact profond sur Abu Dhar qui s'est alors allongé sur le sol en jurant qu'il ne se relèverait pas, tant que Billal ne lui aurait posé le pied sur la tête. Ces incidents démontrent que les liens tribaux n'ont pas leur place en Islam. Les musulmans sont appelés à s'unir, et non à se diviser sous prétexte qu'ils sont issus de tribus ou de nations différentes. Le Messager d'Allah (salla Allahou 'alayhi wa salam) dit également : « Les croyants, dans leur amour, leur indulgence mutuelle et leur solidarité sont comme un seul corps, lorsqu'une partie souffre, c'est tout le corps qui répond par l'insomnie et la fièvre. » (Rapporté par Mouslim) « Les croyants sont comme un seul homme, si ses yeux souffrent, tout son corps souffre. » (Rapporté par Mouslim) « Un arabe n'est pas meilleur qu'un non-arabe. De même q'un non-arabe n'est pas meilleur qu'un arabe. Un homme de race rouge n'est pas meilleur qu'un noir excepté dans la piété. L'humanité descend d'Adam et Adam a été crée d'argile. » (Rapporté par al Boukhari et Muslim d'après Abou Houraira) Cela signifie que les musulmans quels qu'ils soient : arabes, chinois, africains, européens, asiatiques ou américains, ne forment qu'une seule et unique Oummah et qu'ils ne peuvent se diviser et se séparer les uns des autres. Jamais un lien tribal ne devrait briser leur unité. Par ailleurs, Allah –Ta'ala- dit: «Les croyants ne sont que des frères. [...] » [Sourate Al-Hujurat (Les appartements)- Verset 10] Nov 21st 2013, 03:42 You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: nasheed - Social Mention: Chal Daaru Peete Hai ,,, Samay Se Chura kar Kuchh Waqt,,, ,,, Chal Zindagi Jeete Hai ,,, ,,, ,,, Chal Daaru Peete Hai ,,, ,,, ,,, Wo Sapno Ki Chaddar Jo Fat Gayi Hai,,, ,,, ,,, Nashe Me Hi Sahi,,, Aaj Usko Seete Hai ,,, ,,, ,,, Chal Daaru Peete Hai ... ... ... Usko Bata Do Ki Ab Aur Intzaar Nahi Uska,,, Uske Intzaar Me Na Jane Kitne Din,,, Mahine,,, Saal Bus Yun hi Beete Hai,,, ,,, ,,, Chal Daaru Peete Hai ... ... ... Aaj Gumnaam Hi Sahi,,, Par Shaayd Ek Din Hamara Bhi Ekk Naam Hoga,,, ,,, ,,,, Isi Ummeed Me Jeete Hai ,,, ,,, Chal Daaru Peete Hai ... Keya batao dada kitna accha laga Yeh l9s Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 07:59AM nasheed - Social Mention Chal Daaru Peete Hai ,,, Samay Se Chura kar Kuchh Waqt,,, ,,, Chal Zindagi Jeete Hai ,,, ,,, ,,, Chal Daaru Peete Hai ,,, ,,, ,,, Wo Sapno Ki Chaddar Jo Fat Gayi Hai,,, ,,, ,,, Nashe Me Hi Sahi,,, Aaj Usko Seete Hai ,,, ,,, ,,, Chal Daaru Peete Hai ... ... ... Usko Bata Do Ki Ab Aur Intzaar Nahi Uska,,, Uske Intzaar Me Na Jane Kitne Din,,, Mahine,,, Saal Bus Yun hi Beete Hai,,, ,,, ,,, Chal Daaru Peete Hai ... ... ... Aaj Gumnaam Hi Sahi,,, Par Shaayd Ek Din Hamara Bhi Ekk Naam Hoga,,, ,,, ,,,, Isi Ummeed Me Jeete Hai ,,, ,,, Chal Daaru Peete Hai ... Keya batao dada kitna accha laga Yeh l9s Nov 21st 2013, 07:39 You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 08:59AM media crash news - Social Mention 2015 Porsche Macan Features and Specs Announced Nov 19th 2013, 19:16 European Car - Found 1 hour ago... automatically slows down the vehicle when involved in a crash to reduce ... with USB interface for connecting external storage media devices, ... Porsche Pins Profit Growth on SUV Lineup - Bloomberg Porsche Macan Chases Land Rover as SUVs Dwarf 911 Demand: Cars - BusinessWeek Hot cars at the 2013 Los Angeles Auto Show - BusinessWeek Sleek new rides from Porsche, BMW in L.A. - CNN Money Explore All European Car You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: -- Sie erhalten diese Nachricht, weil Sie Mitglied der Google Groups-Gruppe "News2" sind. Um Ihr Abonnement für diese Gruppe zu beenden und keine E-Mails mehr von dieser Gruppe zu erhalten, senden Sie eine Email an Weitere Optionen: | Benachrichtigung für - 25 Nachrichten in 25 Themen Gruppe: - Abu Bilal - Social Mention: Orang yang pertama 1. Orang yang pertama menulis Bismillah : Nabi Sulaiman AS. 2. Orang yang pertama minum air zamzam : Nabi Ismail AS. 3. Orang yang pertama berkhatan : Nabi Ibrahim AS. 4. Orang yang pertama diberikan pakaian pada hari qiamat : Nabi Ibrahim AS. 5. Orang yang pertama dipanggil oleh Allah pada hari qiamat : Nabi Adam AS. 6. Orang yang pertama mengerjakan saie antara Safa dan Marwah : Sayyidatina Hajar (Ibu Nabi Ismail AS) 7. Orang yang pertama dibangkitkan pada hari qiamat : Nabi Muhammad SAW 8. Orang yang pertama menjadi khalifah Islam : Abu Bakar AsSiddiq RA 9. Orang yang pertama menggunakan tarikh hijrah : Umar bin Al-Khattab RA 10. Orang yang pertama meletakkah jawatan khalifah dalam Islam : Al- Hasan bin Ali RA 11. Orang yang pertama menyusukan Nabi SAW : Thuwaibah RA 12. Orang yang pertama syahid dalam Islam dari kalangan lelaki : Al-Harith bin Abi Halah RA 13. Orang yang pertama syahid dalam Islam dari kalangan wanita : Sumayyah binti Khabbat RA 14. Orang yang pertama menulis hadis di dalam kitab / lembaran : Abdullah bin Amru bin Al-Ash RA 15. Orang yang pertama memanah dalam perjuangan fisabilillah : Saad bin Abi Waqqas RA 16. Orang yang pertama menjadi muazzin dan melaungkan azan: Bilal bin Rabah RA 17. Orang yang pertama bersembahyang dengan Rasulullah SAW : Ali bin Abi Tholib RA 18. Orang yang pertama membuat minbar masjid Nabi SAW: Tamim Ad- dary RA 19. Orang yang pertama menghunuskan pedang dalam perjuangan fisabilillah : Az-Zubair bin Al-Awwam RA 20. Orang yang pertama menulis sirah Nabi SAW : Ibban bin Othman bin Affan RA 21. Orang yang pertama beriman dengan Nabi SAW : Khadijah binti Khuwailid RA 22. Orang yang pertama mengasaskan usul fiqh : Imam Syafei RH 23. Orang yang pertama membina penjara dalam Islam : Ali bin Abi Tholib RA 24. Orang yang pertama menjadi raja dalam Islam : Muawayah bin Abi Sufyan RA 25. Orang yang pertama membuat perpustakaan awam : Harun Ar-Rasyid RH 26. Orang yang pertama mengadakan baitul mal : Umar Al-Khattab RA 27. Orang yang pertama menghafal Al- Quran selepas Rasulullah SAW : Ali bn Abi Tholib RA 28. Orang yang pertama membina menara di Masjidil Haram Mekah : Khalifah Abu Ja'far Al-Mansur RH 29. Orang yang pertama digelar Al- Muqry : Mus'ab bin Umair RA 30. Orang yang pertama masuk Syurga : Nabi Muhamamad SAW. Semoga kita dapat mengambil pengetahuan yang bermanfaat dan bernilai ibadah. Aamiin Silahkan Klik "SUKA" dan "BAGIKAN", Jika dinilai baik & bermanfaat bagi sahabat semua. Semoga menjadi kebaikan Kita semua. [1 Aktualisierung]
- - Social Mention: Fängt man in der Dawa mit Tauhid an? [1 Aktualisierung]
- khalifa - Social Mention: Matt Gronow: A Genuine Gaucho [1 Aktualisierung]
- khalifa - Social Mention: Maroon 5 ft. Wiz Khalifa - Payphone C G I'm at a payphone trying to call home Em D All of my change I spent on you C Where have the times gone G Em D Baby it's all wrong, where are the plans we made for two? C Yeah, I, I know it's hard to remember G The people we used to be Em It's even harder to picture D That you're not here next to me C You say it's too late to make it G But is it too late to try? Em And in our time that you wasted D C All of our bridges burned down C G I've wasted my nights Em You turned out the lights D Now I'm paralyzed C G Still stuck in that time when we called it love Em D But even the sun sets in paradise C G I'm at a payphone trying to call home Em D All of my change I spent on you C Where have the times gone G Em D Baby it's all wrong, where are the plans we made for two? C G If happy ever after did exist Em D I would still be holding you like this C G All those fairytales are full of shit Em D One more stupid love song I'll be sick C You turned your back on tomorrow G Cause you forgot yesterday Em I gave you my love to borrow D But just gave it away C You can't expect me to be fine G I don't expect you to care Em I know I've said it before, but D C All of our bridges burned down C G I've wasted my nights Em You turned out the lights D Now I'm paralyzed C G Still stucked in that time when we called it love Em D But even the sun sets in paradise C G I'm at a payphone trying to call home Em D All of my change I spent on you C Where have the times gone G Em D Baby it's all wrong, where are the plans we made for two? C G If happy ever after did exist Em D I would still be holding you like this C G All those fairytales are full of sh*t Em D One more stupid love song I'll be sick C Now I'm at a payphone... -------[Wiz Khalifa] Man work that shit G I'll be out spending all this money while you sitting round Em Wondering why it wasn't you who came up from nothing D Made it from the bottom Now when you see me I'm stunning C And all of my cars start with the push up a button G Telling me the chances I blew up or whatever you call it Em Switched the number to my phone So you never could call it D Don't need my name on my show You can tell it I'm ballin' C Swish, what a shame could have got picked G Em Had a really good game but you missed your last shot So you talk about who you see at the top D Or what you could've saw But sad to say it's over for C Phantom pulled up valet open doors G Wiz like go away, got what you was looking for Em Now ask me who they want D So you can go and take that little piece of shit with you C G I'm at a payphone trying to call home Em D All of my change I spent on you C Where have the times gone G Em D Baby it's all wrong, where are the plans we made for two? C G If happy ever after did exist Em D I would still be holding you like this C G All those fairytales are full of shit Em D One more stupid love song I'll be sick C Now I'm at a payphone... [1 Aktualisierung]
- bushido - Social Mention: DJ Kazu, AMIAYA, and CHEMISTRY's Kaname Kawabata Perform in the First Week of J-Music Lab J-Music Lab is a project targeting Southeast Asia's music industry, held to increase the awareness on Japanese music. Sponsored by Recording Industry Association of Japan (RIAJ) and Sony Music Entertaiment Indonesia, this event takes place every weekend, from November 15 - December 15 at The Only One Cafe, FX Life Style X'nter, Jakarta. During the press conference on November 15, Toshio Hakama as RIAJ's representation said that the vast number of population and the good relations between Japan and Indonesia were the reasons why they chose to start the project in Indonesia. Alexander Sancaya from Sony Music Entertainment Indonesia also stated that the event was a great opportunity to encourage local music industry. In the first week (November 15 and 16), J-Music Lab presented a two-day performance from CHEMISTRY's Kaname Kawabata, AMIAYA, and DJ Kazu. Kaname perfromed CHEMISTRY's hits as well as his own singles such as Tokyo Girls, Starship, Break through, U and See My Universe. The audiences also got a glimpse of Kaname's upcoming movie, Bushido Spirits, which was set to be released next year. AMIAYA, the twin duo, used this opportunity to introduce their music and fashion further, especially to the teenagers. Meanwhile, DJ Kazu brought a new sensation with his setlist, mixing both Anisong and Jpop music. He was very excited to have another performance in Jakarta after AFAID 2013. In other news, the upcoming performers for J-Music Lab are Moumoon (November 23), (November 30), TarO&JirO (December 7), and Eir Aoi (December 14). [1 Aktualisierung]
- IHED - Social Mention: Q&A SATURDAY!!! Give me your best questions right here! If you're lucky I might answer it on the show! BUT WAIT! THERE'S MORE! One of the questions on the show will be randomly selected to win a FREE Tommy Toe Hold T-shirt!!!! Here's how this will go down. I choose however many questions I want to put on the show based on hilariousness, creativeness, or whatever reason I decide because it's my fucking show, LOL. Of those questions that make the final cut, I'll assign a number and then randomly generate the winner of the shirt. Then I'll contact that person and we'll get them a shirt! Cool? Cool. NOTE: BY POSTING A QUESTION HERE YOU AGREE TO HAVE YOUR NAME AS IT APPEARS ON FACEBOOK ON MY SHOW. [1 Aktualisierung]
- sharia - Social Mention: She Did It Again !!! W O W ! Australia says NO -- This will be the second Time Julia Gillard has done this! She sure isn't backing down on her hard line stance and one has to appreciate her belief in the rights of her native countrymen. A breath of fresh air to see someone lead with guts and determination. Australian Prime Minister does it again!! The whole world needs a leader like this! Inline image 1 Prime Minister Julia Gillard - Australia Muslims who want to live under Islamic Sharia law were told on Wednesday to get out of Australia, as the government targeted radicals in a bid to head off potential terror attacks. Separately, Gillard angered some Australian Muslims on Wednesday by saying she supported spy agencies monitoring the nation's mosques. Quote: 'IMMIGRANTS, NOT AUSTRALIANS, MUST ADAPT... Take It Or Leave It. I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we are offending some individual or their culture. Since the terrorist attacks on Bali, we have experienced a surge in patriotism by the majority of Australians.' 'This culture has been developed over two centuries of struggles, trials and victories by millions of men and women who have sought freedom.' 'We speak mainly ENGLISH, not Spanish, Lebanese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you wish to become part of our society, learn the language!' 'Most Australians believe in God. This is not some Christian, right wing, political push, but a fact, because Christian men and women, on Christian principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly documented. It is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools. If God offends you,then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, because God is part of our culture.' 'We will accept your beliefs, and will not question why. All we ask is that you accept ours, and live in harmony and peaceful enjoyment with us.' 'This is OUR COUNTRY, OUR LAND, and OUR LIFESTYLE, and we will allow you every opportunity to enjoy all this. But once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about Our Flag, Our Pledge, Our Christian beliefs, or Our Way of Life, I highly encourage you take advantage of one other great Australian freedom, 'THE RIGHT TO LEAVE'.' 'If you aren't happy here then LEAVE. We didn't force you to come here. You asked to be here. So accept the country that accepted you.' NOTE:IF we circulate this amongst ourselves in Canada & USA, WE will find the courage to start speaking and voicing the same truths. If you agree please SEND THIS ON and ON, to as many people as you know... [1 Aktualisierung]
- takbir - Social Mention: Getar Hati Para Pemimpi Ia pemuda biasa. Lahir dari keluarga miskin lagi pengungsi. Ia bermimpi untuk melawan kedzaliman yang mencakar koyak wajah bumi para Nabi, tanah kelahirannya, sejak pertengahan abad lalu. Suatu hari masih dalam sengatan mimpinya, ia bersama teman-temannya membuat sebuah acara kemah ketangkasan di pantai Gaza. Dan dari sanalah kisah menakjubkan itu dimulai. Di akhir acara mereka berlomba, mereka saling adu ketahanan. Siapa bisa melakukan head stand, berdiri dengan kepala dalam jangka waktu terlama, dialah sang pemenang. Sang pemenang berhak digendong bergantian selama perjalanan pulang. Tiap menit, satu demi satu peserta menyerah. Lalu tinggallah dia sendiri, pemuda itu. Dia masih terus bertumpu di atas kepalanya bahkan sampai beberapa jam kemudian! Gila! Teman-temannya berseru-seru.Tapi ia tak beranjak. Wajahnya dicobakan untuk tetap tersenyum. Hingga pada satu titik waktu, ia tak tahan lagi. Serasa ada yang meledak di kepalanya. Lalu ia jatuh. Sayangnya saat mencoba bangkit, ia limbung. Ia jatuh lagi. Dan kakinya sulit digerakkan, bahkan serasa tak mampu menahan berat tubuhnya. Hari itu, usianya baru enam belas tahun. Dan perkenalkan, nama pemuda itu adalah. AHMAD YASSIN. Ia lumpuh di usia remajanya. Tapi mimpinya tidak ikut lumpuh. Mimpi itu tetap menyala. Bahkan kian berkobar. Dengan kelumpuhannya, ia memilih untuk menjadi guru agama Islam di sebuah sekolah dasar. Dan karena mimpi-mimpinya yang menjulang, murid-muridnya tersengat. Konon, tiap kali ia mengajarkan sesuatu, murid-muridnya bak kerasukan. Mereka begitu bersemangat mengamalkan apa yang dikatakannya. Suatu hari, disinggungnya tentang shalat malam. Maka paginya, para wali murid memprotes pihak sekolah karena anak-anak mereka jadi begadang semalaman menantikan sepertiga malam terakhir untuk shalat. Suatu hari, disinggungnya pula tentang puasa sunnah. Maka para orangtua pun kelabakan karena hari-hari berikutnya anak-anak mereka yang masih kecil memboikot sarapan pagi dan makan siang untuk berpuasa. Padahal musim panas begitu dahsyat dengan siang panjang bermandikan matahari. Duhai, kekuatan apakah itu, yang ada pada guru lumpuh itu? Itulah kekuatan jiwa. Begitu kokohnya ia hingga jasad yang rapuh itu bagaikan matahari, bersinar meledakkan. Bertahun-tahun dia di penjara Israel, sampai manusiau pun bertanya apa bahayanya orangtua yang lumpuh penyakitan ini? Inilah lelaki yang ditakuti Israel. Bukan yang seperti Rambo. Bukan yang badannya sekekar Ade Rai. Hanya seorang lelaki lumpuh berkursi roda yang bicaranya pun terbata-bata. Suaranya juga kecil hampir kehabisan bunyi. Tapi kekuatan jiwanya itulah, jiwa yang dipenuhi mimpi, keyakinan pada janji Ilahi, membuatnya begitu perkasa, begitu berwibawa di hadapan jutaan pasukan bersenjata lengkap berkendara lapis baja. Perkenankanlah, namanya AHMAD YASSIN. Saat langit berwarna merah saga dan kerikil perkasa berlarian meluncur laksana puluhan peluru terbang bersama teriakan takbir -Shoutul Harokah : Merah Saga- Mimpi adalah bagian terindah dan terendah dari Visi. Jika hendak menaikannya satu aras,jadikanlah ia cita-cita. Bagaimana caranya? Sematkan saja sebuah tanggal padanya. Karena cita-cita adalah mimpi yang bertanggal. Seorang pemimpi hanya bisa di hadapi oleh pemimpi yg lain. Maka protagonis kisah Hertzl dan Zionisme-nya adalah Ahmad Yassin dan Hamas-nya. Sampai saat ini,mimpi Ahmad Yassin dan Hamas tetap menegakkan bulu roma hingga tawa para zionis tak terlalu menganga. Ahmad Yassin telah syahid, dan kini semoga kita menjadi bagian dari penyambung mimpinya utk memancung tempat tumbuhnya bulu roma kezhaliman. Mimpi hari ini adalah kenyataan hari esok, Kata Hasan AlBanna. Dijalan cinta para pejuang mungkin kita terjaga sebelum mimpi kita selesai. Dan tugas kitalah utk segera bangun,bangkit menyelesaikannya di alam nyata.. Dikutip dari "Jalan Cinta Para Pejuang" - Salim A. Fillah Copas dari: wanita shaliha, [1 Aktualisierung]
- Masallah - Social Mention: masallah rob nay bana deya jorey my fabrit ledar [1 Aktualisierung]
- Anti - Baschar al Assads Facebook-Pinnwand: Wieviele Ahmad assir Fans sind online?? How many sheikh al-Mujahid Ahmad al-A... [1 Aktualisierung]
- Islamunterrichts Facebook-Pinnwand: Der Qur'an lehrt. Sind wir bereit zu lernen? Ein vergleichender Blick auf die... [1 Aktualisierung]
- dawa - Social Mention: Jab Talak Zikre Shaheede Karbala Moujood Hai Gham Se Na Darna k Har Gham ki Dawa Moujood Hai Zindagi k Ek Ek Gham ki Dawa Ashqe Aza Qabr ki Manzil Mein Bhi Khak-e-Shifa Moujood Hai. Salam Ya Hussain (A.S) Labbaik Ya Hussain [1 Aktualisierung]
- Mein Herz Für Allahs Facebook-Pinnwand: Wahrlich, der ISLAM ist perfekt und klar wie ein Spiegel..!!!Wenn du ein Fehle... [1 Aktualisierung]
- bushido - Social Mention: Heute!!!! #lebenundtoddeskennethglöckler #Sonnyblack #ersguterjunge #bushido #10:34minpurelebensmisshandlung [1 Aktualisierung]
- New Revolution X Facebook-Pinnwand: Obama hat die Situation ausgenutzt und verschärft die Verhandlungen, er sagte da... [1 Aktualisierung]
- Abu Waleeds Facebook-Pinnwand: This objective makes the Muslim intolerant of neglecting the commands of his Lor... [1 Aktualisierung]
- dawa-news - Social Mention: NinTENdo picks up nominations for Spike VGX awards [1 Aktualisierung]
- Masallah - Social Mention: Masallah [1 Aktualisierung]
- dawah - Social Mention: -Facebook waste of time -Twitter waste of time -Instagram waste of time but i need them all to organise & why did the world get like this..... seriously contemplating getting rid of all of them....put someone else in charge! will encourage me to do dawah with actual people as well instead of hiding behind a computer... [1 Aktualisierung]
- nasheed - Social Mention: عاغا يه سوال دارم اين دخترايي که سر کلاس عينک آفتابيشونو ميزارن رو سرشون منظورشون دقيقن چيه؟ ^_^ [1 Aktualisierung]
- Alnas Channels Facebook-Pinnwand: [1 Aktualisierung]
- Masallah - Social Mention: Ülkücüler Canlı Yayında Kanal D "Abbas Güçlü Genç Bakış" programına Ölürüm Türkiyem ile müdahale ettiler. Var olun kardeşlerim. [1 Aktualisierung]
- El - Hamdulillahs Facebook-Pinnwand: Do your best & ALLAH will do the Rest .! El - Hamdulillah [1 Aktualisierung]
- abu adam - Social Mention: Hadis Rasulullah SAW terkait Shalat Dhuha/Awwaabiin antara lain : "Barang siapa salat Dhuha 12 rakaat, Allah akan membuatkan untuknya istana disurga" (H.R. Tirmiji dan Abu Majah) "Siapapun yang melaksanakan salat duha dengan langgeng, akan diampuni dosanya oleh Allah, sekalipun dosa itu sebanyak buih di lautan." (H.R Tirmidzi) "Dari Ummu Hani bahwa Rasulullah SAW salat dhuha 8 rakaat dan bersalam tiap dua rakaat." (HR Abu Daud) "Dari Zaid bin Arqam ra. Berkata,"Nabi SAW keluar ke penduduk Quba dan mereka sedang salat dhuha. Ia bersabda? Salat awwabin (dhuha') berakhir hingga panas menyengat (tengah hari)." (HR Ahmad Muslim dan Tirmidzi) "Rasulullah bersabda di dalam Hadis Qudsi, Allah SWT berfirman, "Wahai anak Adam, jangan sekali-kali engkau malas mengerjakan empat rakaat salat duha, karena dengan salat tersebut, Aku cukupkan kebutuhanmu pada sore harinya." (HR Hakim & Thabrani) "Dari Abi Zar r.a. dari Nabi SAW, beliau bersabda, "Setiap pagi ada kewajiban untuk bersedekah untuk tiap-tiap persendian (ruas). Tiap-tiap tasbih adalah sedekah, riap-tiap tahlil adalah sedekah, tiap-tiap takbir adalah sedekah, dan menganjurkan kebaikan serta mencegah kemungkaran itu sedekah. Cukuplah menggantikan semua itu dengan dua raka'at salat Dhuha." (HR Muslim) [1 Aktualisierung]
- - Social Mention: Recital Cristina Baggio [1 Aktualisierung]
Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 06:41PM Abu Bilal - Social Mention Orang yang pertama 1. Orang yang pertama menulis Bismillah : Nabi Sulaiman AS. 2. Orang yang pertama minum air zamzam : Nabi Ismail AS. 3. Orang yang pertama berkhatan : Nabi Ibrahim AS. 4. Orang yang pertama diberikan pakaian pada hari qiamat : Nabi Ibrahim AS. 5. Orang yang pertama dipanggil oleh Allah pada hari qiamat : Nabi Adam AS. 6. Orang yang pertama mengerjakan saie antara Safa dan Marwah : Sayyidatina Hajar (Ibu Nabi Ismail AS) 7. Orang yang pertama dibangkitkan pada hari qiamat : Nabi Muhammad SAW 8. Orang yang pertama menjadi khalifah Islam : Abu Bakar AsSiddiq RA 9. Orang yang pertama menggunakan tarikh hijrah : Umar bin Al-Khattab RA 10. Orang yang pertama meletakkah jawatan khalifah dalam Islam : Al- Hasan bin Ali RA 11. Orang yang pertama menyusukan Nabi SAW : Thuwaibah RA 12. Orang yang pertama syahid dalam Islam dari kalangan lelaki : Al-Harith bin Abi Halah RA 13. Orang yang pertama syahid dalam Islam dari kalangan wanita : Sumayyah binti Khabbat RA 14. Orang yang pertama menulis hadis di dalam kitab / lembaran : Abdullah bin Amru bin Al-Ash RA 15. Orang yang pertama memanah dalam perjuangan fisabilillah : Saad bin Abi Waqqas RA 16. Orang yang pertama menjadi muazzin dan melaungkan azan: Bilal bin Rabah RA 17. Orang yang pertama bersembahyang dengan Rasulullah SAW : Ali bin Abi Tholib RA 18. Orang yang pertama membuat minbar masjid Nabi SAW: Tamim Ad- dary RA 19. Orang yang pertama menghunuskan pedang dalam perjuangan fisabilillah : Az-Zubair bin Al-Awwam RA 20. Orang yang pertama menulis sirah Nabi SAW : Ibban bin Othman bin Affan RA 21. Orang yang pertama beriman dengan Nabi SAW : Khadijah binti Khuwailid RA 22. Orang yang pertama mengasaskan usul fiqh : Imam Syafei RH 23. Orang yang pertama membina penjara dalam Islam : Ali bin Abi Tholib RA 24. Orang yang pertama menjadi raja dalam Islam : Muawayah bin Abi Sufyan RA 25. Orang yang pertama membuat perpustakaan awam : Harun Ar-Rasyid RH 26. Orang yang pertama mengadakan baitul mal : Umar Al-Khattab RA 27. Orang yang pertama menghafal Al- Quran selepas Rasulullah SAW : Ali bn Abi Tholib RA 28. Orang yang pertama membina menara di Masjidil Haram Mekah : Khalifah Abu Ja'far Al-Mansur RH 29. Orang yang pertama digelar Al- Muqry : Mus'ab bin Umair RA 30. Orang yang pertama masuk Syurga : Nabi Muhamamad SAW. Semoga kita dapat mengambil pengetahuan yang bermanfaat dan bernilai ibadah. Aamiin Silahkan Klik "SUKA" dan "BAGIKAN", Jika dinilai baik & bermanfaat bagi sahabat semua. Semoga menjadi kebaikan Kita semua. Nov 19th 2013, 18:31 You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 01:31PM khalifa - Social Mention Maroon 5 ft. Wiz Khalifa - Payphone C G I'm at a payphone trying to call home Em D All of my change I spent on you C Where have the times gone G Em D Baby it's all wrong, where are the plans we made for two? C Yeah, I, I know it's hard to remember G The people we used to be Em It's even harder to picture D That you're not here next to me C You say it's too late to make it G But is it too late to try? Em And in our time that you wasted D C All of our bridges burned down C G I've wasted my nights Em You turned out the lights D Now I'm paralyzed C G Still stuck in that time when we called it love Em D But even the sun sets in paradise C G I'm at a payphone trying to call home Em D All of my change I spent on you C Where have the times gone G Em D Baby it's all wrong, where are the plans we made for two? C G If happy ever after did exist Em D I would still be holding you like this C G All those fairytales are full of shit Em D One more stupid love song I'll be sick C You turned your back on tomorrow G Cause you forgot yesterday Em I gave you my love to borrow D But just gave it away C You can't expect me to be fine G I don't expect you to care Em I know I've said it before, but D C All of our bridges burned down C G I've wasted my nights Em You turned out the lights D Now I'm paralyzed C G Still stucked in that time when we called it love Em D But even the sun sets in paradise C G I'm at a payphone trying to call home Em D All of my change I spent on you C Where have the times gone G Em D Baby it's all wrong, where are the plans we made for two? C G If happy ever after did exist Em D I would still be holding you like this C G All those fairytales are full of sh*t Em D One more stupid love song I'll be sick C Now I'm at a payphone... -------[Wiz Khalifa] Man work that shit G I'll be out spending all this money while you sitting round Em Wondering why it wasn't you who came up from nothing D Made it from the bottom Now when you see me I'm stunning C And all of my cars start with the push up a button G Telling me the chances I blew up or whatever you call it Em Switched the number to my phone So you never could call it D Don't need my name on my show You can tell it I'm ballin' C Swish, what a shame could have got picked G Em Had a really good game but you missed your last shot So you talk about who you see at the top D Or what you could've saw But sad to say it's over for C Phantom pulled up valet open doors G Wiz like go away, got what you was looking for Em Now ask me who they want D So you can go and take that little piece of shit with you C G I'm at a payphone trying to call home Em D All of my change I spent on you C Where have the times gone G Em D Baby it's all wrong, where are the plans we made for two? C G If happy ever after did exist Em D I would still be holding you like this C G All those fairytales are full of shit Em D One more stupid love song I'll be sick C Now I'm at a payphone... Nov 19th 2013, 13:27 You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: bushido - Social Mention: DJ Kazu, AMIAYA, and CHEMISTRY's Kaname Kawabata Perform in the First Week of J-Music Lab J-Music Lab is a project targeting Southeast Asia's music industry, held to increase the awareness on Japanese music. Sponsored by Recording Industry Association of Japan (RIAJ) and Sony Music Entertaiment Indonesia, this event takes place every weekend, from November 15 - December 15 at The Only One Cafe, FX Life Style X'nter, Jakarta. During the press conference on November 15, Toshio Hakama as RIAJ's representation said that the vast number of population and the good relations between Japan and Indonesia were the reasons why they chose to start the project in Indonesia. Alexander Sancaya from Sony Music Entertainment Indonesia also stated that the event was a great opportunity to encourage local music industry. In the first week (November 15 and 16), J-Music Lab presented a two-day performance from CHEMISTRY's Kaname Kawabata, AMIAYA, and DJ Kazu. Kaname perfromed CHEMISTRY's hits as well as his own singles such as Tokyo Girls, Starship, Break through, U and See My Universe. The audiences also got a glimpse of Kaname's upcoming movie, Bushido Spirits, which was set to be released next year. AMIAYA, the twin duo, used this opportunity to introduce their music and fashion further, especially to the teenagers. Meanwhile, DJ Kazu brought a new sensation with his setlist, mixing both Anisong and Jpop music. He was very excited to have another performance in Jakarta after AFAID 2013. In other news, the upcoming performers for J-Music Lab are Moumoon (November 23), (November 30), TarO&JirO (December 7), and Eir Aoi (December 14). Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 08:26PM bushido - Social Mention DJ Kazu, AMIAYA, and CHEMISTRY's Kaname Kawabata Perform in the First Week of J-Music Lab J-Music Lab is a project targeting Southeast Asia's music industry, held to increase the awareness on Japanese music. Sponsored by Recording Industry Association of Japan (RIAJ) and Sony Music Entertaiment Indonesia, this event takes place every weekend, from November 15 - December 15 at The Only One Cafe, FX Life Style X'nter, Jakarta. During the press conference on November 15, Toshio Hakama as RIAJ's representation said that the vast number of population and the good relations between Japan and Indonesia were the reasons why they chose to start the project in Indonesia. Alexander Sancaya from Sony Music Entertainment Indonesia also stated that the event was a great opportunity to encourage local music industry. In the first week (November 15 and 16), J-Music Lab presented a two-day performance from CHEMISTRY's Kaname Kawabata, AMIAYA, and DJ Kazu. Kaname perfromed CHEMISTRY's hits as well as his own singles such as Tokyo Girls, Starship, Break through, U and See My Universe. The audiences also got a glimpse of Kaname's upcoming movie, Bushido Spirits, which was set to be released next year. AMIAYA, the twin duo, used this opportunity to introduce their music and fashion further, especially to the teenagers. Meanwhile, DJ Kazu brought a new sensation with his setlist, mixing both Anisong and Jpop music. He was very excited to have another performance in Jakarta after AFAID 2013. In other news, the upcoming performers for J-Music Lab are Moumoon (November 23), (November 30), TarO&JirO (December 7), and Eir Aoi (December 14). Nov 21st 2013, 19:51 You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 07:49PM IHED - Social Mention Q&A SATURDAY!!! Give me your best questions right here! If you're lucky I might answer it on the show! BUT WAIT! THERE'S MORE! One of the questions on the show will be randomly selected to win a FREE Tommy Toe Hold T-shirt!!!! Here's how this will go down. I choose however many questions I want to put on the show based on hilariousness, creativeness, or whatever reason I decide because it's my fucking show, LOL. Of those questions that make the final cut, I'll assign a number and then randomly generate the winner of the shirt. Then I'll contact that person and we'll get them a shirt! Cool? Cool. NOTE: BY POSTING A QUESTION HERE YOU AGREE TO HAVE YOUR NAME AS IT APPEARS ON FACEBOOK ON MY SHOW. Nov 20th 2013, 19:35 You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: sharia - Social Mention: She Did It Again !!! W O W ! Australia says NO -- This will be the second Time Julia Gillard has done this! She sure isn't backing down on her hard line stance and one has to appreciate her belief in the rights of her native countrymen. A breath of fresh air to see someone lead with guts and determination. Australian Prime Minister does it again!! The whole world needs a leader like this! Inline image 1 Prime Minister Julia Gillard - Australia Muslims who want to live under Islamic Sharia law were told on Wednesday to get out of Australia, as the government targeted radicals in a bid to head off potential terror attacks. Separately, Gillard angered some Australian Muslims on Wednesday by saying she supported spy agencies monitoring the nation's mosques. Quote: 'IMMIGRANTS, NOT AUSTRALIANS, MUST ADAPT... Take It Or Leave It. I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we are offending some individual or their culture. Since the terrorist attacks on Bali, we have experienced a surge in patriotism by the majority of Australians.' 'This culture has been developed over two centuries of struggles, trials and victories by millions of men and women who have sought freedom.' 'We speak mainly ENGLISH, not Spanish, Lebanese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you wish to become part of our society, learn the language!' 'Most Australians believe in God. This is not some Christian, right wing, political push, but a fact, because Christian men and women, on Christian principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly documented. It is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools. If God offends you,then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, because God is part of our culture.' 'We will accept your beliefs, and will not question why. All we ask is that you accept ours, and live in harmony and peaceful enjoyment with us.' 'This is OUR COUNTRY, OUR LAND, and OUR LIFESTYLE, and we will allow you every opportunity to enjoy all this. But once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about Our Flag, Our Pledge, Our Christian beliefs, or Our Way of Life, I highly encourage you take advantage of one other great Australian freedom, 'THE RIGHT TO LEAVE'.' 'If you aren't happy here then LEAVE. We didn't force you to come here. You asked to be here. So accept the country that accepted you.' NOTE:IF we circulate this amongst ourselves in Canada & USA, WE will find the courage to start speaking and voicing the same truths. If you agree please SEND THIS ON and ON, to as many people as you know... Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 04:47AM sharia - Social Mention She Did It Again !!! W O W ! Australia says NO -- This will be the second Time Julia Gillard has done this! She sure isn't backing down on her hard line stance and one has to appreciate her belief in the rights of her native countrymen. A breath of fresh air to see someone lead with guts and determination. Australian Prime Minister does it again!! The whole world needs a leader like this! Inline image 1 Prime Minister Julia Gillard - Australia Muslims who want to live under Islamic Sharia law were told on Wednesday to get out of Australia, as the government targeted radicals in a bid to head off potential terror attacks. Separately, Gillard angered some Australian Muslims on Wednesday by saying she supported spy agencies monitoring the nation's mosques. Quote: 'IMMIGRANTS, NOT AUSTRALIANS, MUST ADAPT... Take It Or Leave It. I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we are offending some individual or their culture. Since the terrorist attacks on Bali, we have experienced a surge in patriotism by the majority of Australians.' 'This culture has been developed over two centuries of struggles, trials and victories by millions of men and women who have sought freedom.' 'We speak mainly ENGLISH, not Spanish, Lebanese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you wish to become part of our society, learn the language!' 'Most Australians believe in God. This is not some Christian, right wing, political push, but a fact, because Christian men and women, on Christian principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly documented. It is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools. If God offends you,then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, because God is part of our culture.' 'We will accept your beliefs, and will not question why. All we ask is that you accept ours, and live in harmony and peaceful enjoyment with us.' 'This is OUR COUNTRY, OUR LAND, and OUR LIFESTYLE, and we will allow you every opportunity to enjoy all this. But once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about Our Flag, Our Pledge, Our Christian beliefs, or Our Way of Life, I highly encourage you take advantage of one other great Australian freedom, 'THE RIGHT TO LEAVE'.' 'If you aren't happy here then LEAVE. We didn't force you to come here. You asked to be here. So accept the country that accepted you.' NOTE:IF we circulate this amongst ourselves in Canada & USA, WE will find the courage to start speaking and voicing the same truths. If you agree please SEND THIS ON and ON, to as many people as you know... Nov 21st 2013, 04:14 You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: takbir - Social Mention: Getar Hati Para Pemimpi Ia pemuda biasa. Lahir dari keluarga miskin lagi pengungsi. Ia bermimpi untuk melawan kedzaliman yang mencakar koyak wajah bumi para Nabi, tanah kelahirannya, sejak pertengahan abad lalu. Suatu hari masih dalam sengatan mimpinya, ia bersama teman-temannya membuat sebuah acara kemah ketangkasan di pantai Gaza. Dan dari sanalah kisah menakjubkan itu dimulai. Di akhir acara mereka berlomba, mereka saling adu ketahanan. Siapa bisa melakukan head stand, berdiri dengan kepala dalam jangka waktu terlama, dialah sang pemenang. Sang pemenang berhak digendong bergantian selama perjalanan pulang. Tiap menit, satu demi satu peserta menyerah. Lalu tinggallah dia sendiri, pemuda itu. Dia masih terus bertumpu di atas kepalanya bahkan sampai beberapa jam kemudian! Gila! Teman-temannya berseru-seru.Tapi ia tak beranjak. Wajahnya dicobakan untuk tetap tersenyum. Hingga pada satu titik waktu, ia tak tahan lagi. Serasa ada yang meledak di kepalanya. Lalu ia jatuh. Sayangnya saat mencoba bangkit, ia limbung. Ia jatuh lagi. Dan kakinya sulit digerakkan, bahkan serasa tak mampu menahan berat tubuhnya. Hari itu, usianya baru enam belas tahun. Dan perkenalkan, nama pemuda itu adalah. AHMAD YASSIN. Ia lumpuh di usia remajanya. Tapi mimpinya tidak ikut lumpuh. Mimpi itu tetap menyala. Bahkan kian berkobar. Dengan kelumpuhannya, ia memilih untuk menjadi guru agama Islam di sebuah sekolah dasar. Dan karena mimpi-mimpinya yang menjulang, murid-muridnya tersengat. Konon, tiap kali ia mengajarkan sesuatu, murid-muridnya bak kerasukan. Mereka begitu bersemangat mengamalkan apa yang dikatakannya. Suatu hari, disinggungnya tentang shalat malam. Maka paginya, para wali murid memprotes pihak sekolah karena anak-anak mereka jadi begadang semalaman menantikan sepertiga malam terakhir untuk shalat. Suatu hari, disinggungnya pula tentang puasa sunnah. Maka para orangtua pun kelabakan karena hari-hari berikutnya anak-anak mereka yang masih kecil memboikot sarapan pagi dan makan siang untuk berpuasa. Padahal musim panas begitu dahsyat dengan siang panjang bermandikan matahari. Duhai, kekuatan apakah itu, yang ada pada guru lumpuh itu? Itulah kekuatan jiwa. Begitu kokohnya ia hingga jasad yang rapuh itu bagaikan matahari, bersinar meledakkan. Bertahun-tahun dia di penjara Israel, sampai manusiau pun bertanya apa bahayanya orangtua yang lumpuh penyakitan ini? Inilah lelaki yang ditakuti Israel. Bukan yang seperti Rambo. Bukan yang badannya sekekar Ade Rai. Hanya seorang lelaki lumpuh berkursi roda yang bicaranya pun terbata-bata. Suaranya juga kecil hampir kehabisan bunyi. Tapi kekuatan jiwanya itulah, jiwa yang dipenuhi mimpi, keyakinan pada janji Ilahi, membuatnya begitu perkasa, begitu berwibawa di hadapan jutaan pasukan bersenjata lengkap berkendara lapis baja. Perkenankanlah, namanya AHMAD YASSIN. Saat langit berwarna merah saga dan kerikil perkasa berlarian meluncur laksana puluhan peluru terbang bersama teriakan takbir -Shoutul Harokah : Merah Saga- Mimpi adalah bagian terindah dan terendah dari Visi. Jika hendak menaikannya satu aras,jadikanlah ia cita-cita. Bagaimana caranya? Sematkan saja sebuah tanggal padanya. Karena cita-cita adalah mimpi yang bertanggal. Seorang pemimpi hanya bisa di hadapi oleh pemimpi yg lain. Maka protagonis kisah Hertzl dan Zionisme-nya adalah Ahmad Yassin dan Hamas-nya. Sampai saat ini,mimpi Ahmad Yassin dan Hamas tetap menegakkan bulu roma hingga tawa para zionis tak terlalu menganga. Ahmad Yassin telah syahid, dan kini semoga kita menjadi bagian dari penyambung mimpinya utk memancung tempat tumbuhnya bulu roma kezhaliman. Mimpi hari ini adalah kenyataan hari esok, Kata Hasan AlBanna. Dijalan cinta para pejuang mungkin kita terjaga sebelum mimpi kita selesai. Dan tugas kitalah utk segera bangun,bangkit menyelesaikannya di alam nyata.. Dikutip dari "Jalan Cinta Para Pejuang" - Salim A. Fillah Copas dari: wanita shaliha, Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 04:37AM takbir - Social Mention Getar Hati Para Pemimpi Ia pemuda biasa. Lahir dari keluarga miskin lagi pengungsi. Ia bermimpi untuk melawan kedzaliman yang mencakar koyak wajah bumi para Nabi, tanah kelahirannya, sejak pertengahan abad lalu. Suatu hari masih dalam sengatan mimpinya, ia bersama teman-temannya membuat sebuah acara kemah ketangkasan di pantai Gaza. Dan dari sanalah kisah menakjubkan itu dimulai. Di akhir acara mereka berlomba, mereka saling adu ketahanan. Siapa bisa melakukan head stand, berdiri dengan kepala dalam jangka waktu terlama, dialah sang pemenang. Sang pemenang berhak digendong bergantian selama perjalanan pulang. Tiap menit, satu demi satu peserta menyerah. Lalu tinggallah dia sendiri, pemuda itu. Dia masih terus bertumpu di atas kepalanya bahkan sampai beberapa jam kemudian! Gila! Teman-temannya berseru-seru.Tapi ia tak beranjak. Wajahnya dicobakan untuk tetap tersenyum. Hingga pada satu titik waktu, ia tak tahan lagi. Serasa ada yang meledak di kepalanya. Lalu ia jatuh. Sayangnya saat mencoba bangkit, ia limbung. Ia jatuh lagi. Dan kakinya sulit digerakkan, bahkan serasa tak mampu menahan berat tubuhnya. Hari itu, usianya baru enam belas tahun. Dan perkenalkan, nama pemuda itu adalah. AHMAD YASSIN. Ia lumpuh di usia remajanya. Tapi mimpinya tidak ikut lumpuh. Mimpi itu tetap menyala. Bahkan kian berkobar. Dengan kelumpuhannya, ia memilih untuk menjadi guru agama Islam di sebuah sekolah dasar. Dan karena mimpi-mimpinya yang menjulang, murid-muridnya tersengat. Konon, tiap kali ia mengajarkan sesuatu, murid-muridnya bak kerasukan. Mereka begitu bersemangat mengamalkan apa yang dikatakannya. Suatu hari, disinggungnya tentang shalat malam. Maka paginya, para wali murid memprotes pihak sekolah karena anak-anak mereka jadi begadang semalaman menantikan sepertiga malam terakhir untuk shalat. Suatu hari, disinggungnya pula tentang puasa sunnah. Maka para orangtua pun kelabakan karena hari-hari berikutnya anak-anak mereka yang masih kecil memboikot sarapan pagi dan makan siang untuk berpuasa. Padahal musim panas begitu dahsyat dengan siang panjang bermandikan matahari. Duhai, kekuatan apakah itu, yang ada pada guru lumpuh itu? Itulah kekuatan jiwa. Begitu kokohnya ia hingga jasad yang rapuh itu bagaikan matahari, bersinar meledakkan. Bertahun-tahun dia di penjara Israel, sampai manusiau pun bertanya apa bahayanya orangtua yang lumpuh penyakitan ini? Inilah lelaki yang ditakuti Israel. Bukan yang seperti Rambo. Bukan yang badannya sekekar Ade Rai. Hanya seorang lelaki lumpuh berkursi roda yang bicaranya pun terbata-bata. Suaranya juga kecil hampir kehabisan bunyi. Tapi kekuatan jiwanya itulah, jiwa yang dipenuhi mimpi, keyakinan pada janji Ilahi, membuatnya begitu perkasa, begitu berwibawa di hadapan jutaan pasukan bersenjata lengkap berkendara lapis baja. Perkenankanlah, namanya AHMAD YASSIN. Saat langit berwarna merah saga dan kerikil perkasa berlarian meluncur laksana puluhan peluru terbang bersama teriakan takbir -Shoutul Harokah : Merah Saga- Mimpi adalah bagian terindah dan terendah dari Visi. Jika hendak menaikannya satu aras,jadikanlah ia cita-cita. Bagaimana caranya? Sematkan saja sebuah tanggal padanya. Karena cita-cita adalah mimpi yang bertanggal. Seorang pemimpi hanya bisa di hadapi oleh pemimpi yg lain. Maka protagonis kisah Hertzl dan Zionisme-nya adalah Ahmad Yassin dan Hamas-nya. Sampai saat ini,mimpi Ahmad Yassin dan Hamas tetap menegakkan bulu roma hingga tawa para zionis tak terlalu menganga. Ahmad Yassin telah syahid, dan kini semoga kita menjadi bagian dari penyambung mimpinya utk memancung tempat tumbuhnya bulu roma kezhaliman. Mimpi hari ini adalah kenyataan hari esok, Kata Hasan AlBanna. Dijalan cinta para pejuang mungkin kita terjaga sebelum mimpi kita selesai. Dan tugas kitalah utk segera bangun,bangkit menyelesaikannya di alam nyata.. Dikutip dari "Jalan Cinta Para Pejuang" - Salim A. Fillah Copas dari: wanita shaliha, Nov 21st 2013, 04:26 You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: Blogtrottr <> Nov 22 10:13AM Islamunterrichts Facebook-Pinnwand Islamunterrichts Facebook-Pinnwand Der Qur'an lehrt. Sind wir bereit zu lernen? Ein vergleichender Blick auf die... Nov 22nd 2013, 09:55 Der Qur'an lehrt. Sind wir bereit zu lernen? Ein vergleichender Blick auf die Verse des Qur'an zeigt Rang und Stellung der Familie des Propheten Mohammad (s.a.a.s.): Allah (s.w.t.) offenbart im heiligen Qur'an: "Friede sei auf Nuh in allen Welten!" (Sure 37,79) Und der Schöpfer (s.w.t.) spricht weiter: "Friede sei auf Ibrahim!" (Sure 37,109) Und der Erhabene (s.w.t.) verkündete: "Friede sei auf Musa und Haroun!" (Sure 37, 120) Allah (s.w.t.) sagte nicht: Friede sei auf die Familie von Nuh in allen Welten. Und er sagte auch nicht: Friede sei auf die Familie von Ibrahim und er sagte nicht, Friede auf die Familie von Musa und Haroun. Aber Er (s.w.t.) offenbarte im Qur'an: "Friede sei auf die Familie von Yasin (Mohammad)!" Es steht alles in der ein und selben Sure.Der Qur'an lehrt. Wo sind die Lernenden? (mc) You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 09:52AM New Revolution X Facebook-Pinnwand New Revolution X Facebook-Pinnwand Obama hat die Situation ausgenutzt und verschärft die Verhandlungen, er sagte da... Nov 20th 2013, 09:06 Obama hat die Situation ausgenutzt und verschärft die Verhandlungen, er sagte dass die Zügel stärker angezogen werden, sollten die Verhandlungen scheitern …… Das wird nicht nötig sein, wenn die Verhandlungen scheitern, wird aufgeräumt im nahen Osten! Das ist SEINE letzte Chance und er glaubt dass er pokern kann, der Iran hatte es schon schwer sein Volk für diese Verhandlungen zu gewinnen, es vertraut den Amerikanern und den Europäern nicht und dann kommt der Anschlag gestern. Dünnes Eis Wieviele Länder sind in Syrien kämpferisch vertreten? Türkei, Saudi Arabien, Israel, Deutschland, Tschetschenien, Bosnien, Jemen, Libanon, Libyen, Irak, Kasachstan, Russland, Frankreich, England und viele mehr, hat der Iran jemals daran gedacht Botschaften dieser Länder anzugreifen? Ein dreckiges Spiel gegen den widerstand und sie sind die einzigen die sich an die Spielregeln halten! Bald läuft es aus dem Ruder Eddyächen/a-17240914?maca=de-rss-de-top-1016-rdf You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 12:46AM Abu Waleeds Facebook-Pinnwand Abu Waleeds Facebook-Pinnwand This objective makes the Muslim intolerant of neglecting the commands of his Lor... Nov 21st 2013, 00:12 This objective makes the Muslim intolerant of neglecting the commands of his Lord or disobeying film in any way. For doing so would come between him and his exalted aim. It also makes him waste little of his time, lest it should come to nothing. He is cautious not to spend the fleeting moments of his life on anything that does not please his Lord. You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: abu adam - Social Mention: Hadis Rasulullah SAW terkait Shalat Dhuha/Awwaabiin antara lain : "Barang siapa salat Dhuha 12 rakaat, Allah akan membuatkan untuknya istana disurga" (H.R. Tirmiji dan Abu Majah) "Siapapun yang melaksanakan salat duha dengan langgeng, akan diampuni dosanya oleh Allah, sekalipun dosa itu sebanyak buih di lautan." (H.R Tirmidzi) "Dari Ummu Hani bahwa Rasulullah SAW salat dhuha 8 rakaat dan bersalam tiap dua rakaat." (HR Abu Daud) "Dari Zaid bin Arqam ra. Berkata,"Nabi SAW keluar ke penduduk Quba dan mereka sedang salat dhuha. Ia bersabda? Salat awwabin (dhuha') berakhir hingga panas menyengat (tengah hari)." (HR Ahmad Muslim dan Tirmidzi) "Rasulullah bersabda di dalam Hadis Qudsi, Allah SWT berfirman, "Wahai anak Adam, jangan sekali-kali engkau malas mengerjakan empat rakaat salat duha, karena dengan salat tersebut, Aku cukupkan kebutuhanmu pada sore harinya." (HR Hakim & Thabrani) "Dari Abi Zar r.a. dari Nabi SAW, beliau bersabda, "Setiap pagi ada kewajiban untuk bersedekah untuk tiap-tiap persendian (ruas). Tiap-tiap tasbih adalah sedekah, riap-tiap tahlil adalah sedekah, tiap-tiap takbir adalah sedekah, dan menganjurkan kebaikan serta mencegah kemungkaran itu sedekah. Cukuplah menggantikan semua itu dengan dua raka'at salat Dhuha." (HR Muslim) Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 03:07AM abu adam - Social Mention Hadis Rasulullah SAW terkait Shalat Dhuha/Awwaabiin antara lain : "Barang siapa salat Dhuha 12 rakaat, Allah akan membuatkan untuknya istana disurga" (H.R. Tirmiji dan Abu Majah) "Siapapun yang melaksanakan salat duha dengan langgeng, akan diampuni dosanya oleh Allah, sekalipun dosa itu sebanyak buih di lautan." (H.R Tirmidzi) "Dari Ummu Hani bahwa Rasulullah SAW salat dhuha 8 rakaat dan bersalam tiap dua rakaat." (HR Abu Daud) "Dari Zaid bin Arqam ra. Berkata,"Nabi SAW keluar ke penduduk Quba dan mereka sedang salat dhuha. Ia bersabda? Salat awwabin (dhuha') berakhir hingga panas menyengat (tengah hari)." (HR Ahmad Muslim dan Tirmidzi) "Rasulullah bersabda di dalam Hadis Qudsi, Allah SWT berfirman, "Wahai anak Adam, jangan sekali-kali engkau malas mengerjakan empat rakaat salat duha, karena dengan salat tersebut, Aku cukupkan kebutuhanmu pada sore harinya." (HR Hakim & Thabrani) "Dari Abi Zar r.a. dari Nabi SAW, beliau bersabda, "Setiap pagi ada kewajiban untuk bersedekah untuk tiap-tiap persendian (ruas). Tiap-tiap tasbih adalah sedekah, riap-tiap tahlil adalah sedekah, tiap-tiap takbir adalah sedekah, dan menganjurkan kebaikan serta mencegah kemungkaran itu sedekah. Cukuplah menggantikan semua itu dengan dua raka'at salat Dhuha." (HR Muslim) Nov 21st 2013, 02:34 You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: -- Sie erhalten diese Nachricht, weil Sie Mitglied der Google Groups-Gruppe "News2" sind. Um Ihr Abonnement für diese Gruppe zu beenden und keine E-Mails mehr von dieser Gruppe zu erhalten, senden Sie eine Email an Weitere Optionen: | Benachrichtigung für - 25 Nachrichten in 25 Themen Gruppe: - kalifa - Social Mention: [1 Aktualisierung]
- Lesen ist kostenlos Facebook-Pinnwand: Stelle Dir diese FragenSchließe die eisernen Türen der Vergangenheit und der Z... [1 Aktualisierung]
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- bushido - Social Mention: Attention: General Public due to a high popular demand Bushido MMA is keeping the $75 a month $0 down deal. So if you are looking to get a great workout, get in shape come sign up for kickboxing or wrestling Jiu-Jitsu. The price is good for a three month, 6 month and year agreement. If interested please call (915) 274-9876 [1 Aktualisierung]
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Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 08:42PM Lesen ist kostenlos Facebook-Pinnwand Lesen ist kostenlos Facebook-Pinnwand Stelle Dir diese Fragen Schließe die eisernen Türen der Vergangenheit und der Z... Nov 21st 2013, 19:43 Stelle Dir diese Fragen Schließe die eisernen Türen der Vergangenheit und der Zukunft ab und lebe in Momenten und Minuten Deines (heutigen) Tages. Frage Dich dann: Will ich mein gegenwärtiges Leben wegen der Unruhe und Sorge über die Zukunft oder wegen der Sehnsucht nach dem zauberhaften Garten hinter dem Horizont verschieben und hinauszögern? Will ich meine Gegenwart verbittern, indem ich zurückblicke in die Ereignisse der Vergangenheit, was schon abgeschlossen und zeitlich vorbei ist? Will ich morgens aufstehen, wie ich beschlossen habe, um den ganzen Tag und die nächsten vierundzwanzig Stunden äußerst auszunutzen? Nutze ich das Leben aus, wenn ich in den Minuten meines Tages lebe? Wann fange ich damit an? Nächste Woche, morgen oder doch heute? Frage Dich weiter: Was ist das Schlimmste, was eintreten kann? Und was ist dann…? Stell Dich darauf ein und sei bereit, dies anzunehmen und zu ertragen! Fange damit an, die Lage und die Situation zu verbessern. „ Diejenigen, zu denen die Menschen sagen: Die Menschen haben sich bereits gegen euch versammelt: darum fürchtet sie! Doch da mehrte dies nur ihren Glauben, und sie sagten: Unsere Genüge ist Allah, und wie trefflich ist der Sachverwalter! „ (Quran 3/173) (Quelle: „La Tahzan" von Dr. A´id bin Abdullah Alqarni) You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 12:58PM tauhid - Social Mention Mueren líderes de grupos armados sirios Abdel Qader Saleh, jefe del grupo Liwa al Tauhid (Brigada de la Unicidad), que había resultado herido el 14 de Noviembre, falleció el lunes en un hospital turco. Saleh murió de las heridas causadas en un ataque de la Fuerza Aérea siria en la ciudad de Alepo contra una reunión de líderes de la Brigada, confirmaron fuentes de este grupo rebelde el lunes. Fuentes rebeldes dijeron que él fue llevado a un hospital turco donde falleció y sus restos fueron trasladados de nuevo a Siria para ser enterrados. Nov 19th 2013, 12:34 Abdel Qader Saleh, jefe del grupo Liwa al Tauhid (Brigada de la Unicidad), que había resultado herido el 14 de Noviembre, falleció el lunes en … You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 06:41PM Lesen ist kostenlos Facebook-Pinnwand Lesen ist kostenlos Facebook-Pinnwand "Forgiveness is not for the weak. Being able to forgive those who have wronged... Nov 21st 2013, 18:31 "Forgiveness is not for the weak. Being able to forgive those who have wronged you is a mark of spiritual strength and confidence. When you forgive, you grow, your heart begins to heal, your back straightens up, your eyes clear so that you can see the road ahead. Anger is a spiritual sickness; but when you forgive you live." May Allah forgive us and bless us. Ameeen You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: Blogtrottr <> Nov 22 04:30AM bushido - Social Mention Attention: General Public due to a high popular demand Bushido MMA is keeping the $75 a month $0 down deal. So if you are looking to get a great workout, get in shape come sign up for kickboxing or wrestling Jiu-Jitsu. The price is good for a three month, 6 month and year agreement. If interested please call (915) 274-9876 Nov 22nd 2013, 04:16 Attention: General Public due to a high popular demand Bushido MMA is keeping the $75 a month $0 down deal. So if you are looking to get a great workout, get in shape come sign up for kickboxing or wrestling Jiu-Jitsu. The price is good for a three month, 6 month and year agreement. If interested please call (915) 274-9876 or (915) 202-1520 before offer expires. New customers only You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 12:11PM Bushidonews Facebook-Pinnwand Bushidonews Facebook-Pinnwand teilt diese Seite bitte um uns zu helfen unseren Bekanntheitsgrad zu steigern...... Nov 21st 2013, 12:00 teilt diese Seite bitte um uns zu helfen unseren Bekanntheitsgrad zu steigern.... schlussendlich kommt das nicht nur uns zugunsten sondern auch Bushido und seinen Fans #lebenundtoddeskennethglöckler #kingbushido #bushido #sonnyblack #bushidonews #vollbart You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: Blogtrottr <> Nov 22 06:31AM bushido - Social Mention It's not over but if we work together we can stop it. Citizens of the world UNITE! The Angels aren't here to save us they are here to warn us. We need to change NOW. We are all programmed by the media to be Game theorists. This is psychopathy in disguise and anti-humanitarianism. I can sense it in people even now. We have to come clean we have to become pure. We have to live in peace we have to unite each other if we want to survive. Nov 22nd 2013, 06:16 Aliens stop WW3. UFO shoots down missile meant to begin ww3. Human race has been saved by UFO from the Pleadian constellation, and ww3 is now stopped. UFO wi... You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: -- Sie erhalten diese Nachricht, weil Sie Mitglied der Google Groups-Gruppe "News2" sind. Um Ihr Abonnement für diese Gruppe zu beenden und keine E-Mails mehr von dieser Gruppe zu erhalten, senden Sie eine E-Mail an Weitere Optionen: | Benachrichtigung für - 25 Nachrichten in 25 Themen Gruppe: - dawa - Social Mention: Headache since morning,,,,,kwani imetumwa???,cant get any usingizi na hata haisikii dawa. [1 Aktualisierung]
- bushido - Social Mention: Guten Morgen Leute Erstmal zur Arbeit Später Disstrack :D #lebenundtoddeskennethglöckler #sonnyblack #bushido [1 Aktualisierung]
- Masallah - Social Mention: [1 Aktualisierung]
- khalifa - Social Mention: فيلسوفة صغيرة كدا جاتلنا النهاردة القصر من الناس دى اللى بيطلعو الأول على قسمهم دايماً وشغاله على مشروع فلسفى خاص بتشكيل الوعى الجديد وعاوزه متطوعين معاها عجبنى جداً حماسها وعجبتنى فكرتها بالاخص وان فعلاً زى ما بتقول ان الفلاسة العرب توقفو كتييير عن البحث فى الجوانب دى , والغاية من المشروع ؟ خلق فكر واعى لكافة طوائف المجتمع مين بقا عنده استعداد يتطوع فى الفريق دا ؟؟؟ Nourhan Elsaoudy Nora Khalifa أحمد الشريف Hadeer Sayed Aly Sayed ToQa AL Rooh Ayah Taha II @ Mohamad Ahmad Mohamad Ahmad Abdelmohsen Lobna A. Fathi عماد ابو جرين Wesam Darwish Doaa Magdy Islam Albadri Diana Jesus DøȜa M. Nâsr Doaa Hamdey Doaa Salah Dina Mohammed Reem Salah Ahmed Hasnaa A. Ali Reem Alhwary Medo Elemam A Esraa Ezz Eldeen Jasminum Rosa Ismail Eldaby Princess Esraa Foraqsa Fouad George K Nash Sahar Kamal Clear Sky Nona Nosa [1 Aktualisierung]
- khilafah - Social Mention: Idea untuk membina subway bawah tanah telah bermula sejak masa Khilafah! Siapa kata jika menerapkan sistem Khilafah seumpama memutar masa ke belakang! Siapa kata jika menerapkan sistem Khilafah tidak akan maju! Jangan percaya kata orang! Kaji dan teliti fakta! Semoga Allah memberi kita taufik dan hidayahNya. [1 Aktualisierung]
- islamist - Social Mention: Yahya Hassan overfaldes af en rablende islamist - og Politiken skriver en forsideleder (20. nov.) som fortæller, at "det er samfundet, der har svigtet..." Nå...? Jeg troede, at det var såvel Yahya Hassans som islamistens forældre, som med ondskabsfuld systematik, havde svigtet deres drenge... Hvordan "samfundet" kan lastes for ondskabsfulde forældres svigt, skal man vist være kulturradikal halal-hippie på Politiken for at kunne fantasere sig frem til.. I øvrigt er der altid kun én eneste skyldig i et nedrigt bagholds-overfald: Overfaldsmanden! [1 Aktualisierung]
- Masallah - Social Mention: iia sayyah emng jutexx -_- #kenapaa ?? Masallah buaddth lloe :p Lobaa koment tteuiing siih !! Uruss wh diiri mnh srangan :-o #Najiistralalatralilii :D HahahahakCuh .. [1 Aktualisierung]
- Abu Abdullah - Social Mention: The First Imam, 'Ali (as) Ibn Abu Talib It was Friday 13th of Rajab 30 Amulfeel Hazrat Fatima binte Asad, the wife of Hazrat Abu Talib entered the precincts of the Kaaba and prayed to Allah saying O'my protector ease my pain.'All of a sudden the wall of the Kaaba opened up and she, as if by some unseen force went inside the Kaaba and the wall closed. 'Ali (as) the youngest son of Abu Talib was born inside the Holy Kaaba. She stayed inside for three days. On the 3rd day she came out through the door and Muhammad was waiting outside. She told Muhammad (S) that the boy had not taken any milk. Muhammad gave him the first feed from his mouth and afterwards asked his uncle Abu Talib that he wished to adopt the baby. 'Ali entered the house of Muhammad from the very first day of his birth. 'Ali's mother Fatima binte Assad Also lived there who looked after his own son as well as Muhammad (S) so much so that later the Holy Prophet used to say that she was like his own mother. Shah Waliullah, Mohadith-e-Dehlvi writes in the book "Izalatul Kholafa" giving reference from Imam Hakim in his Mustadrak Part 3, Page 483. Qud Tawatarul Akhbar Inna Fatimah Binte Asad woledat Aliyan Fi Jaufil Kaaba". Another writer of the old school Sibtel Jauzi in his book Tazkeratul Khawas ul Umma, page 7 mentions the same fact that 'Ali was born inside the Kaaba. Khawja Moinuddin Chishti Ajmeri mentions this fact in his famous Quartet saying that when 'Ali was born inside the kaaba the Sky and the earth was filled with a light and Angel Gabriel announced that a child was born in the house of God. Maulana Rumi in his Mathnawi writes, " O'one who travels to Najef to visit the tomb of 'Ali must know the fact that the pearl of the Kaaba lies there to give us security because of our intense love for him." Masoodi the famous historian writes in his book of history Muruj el Zahab, that 'Ali was born inside the Kaaba on the orders of Muhammad the Messenger of God. It was after the adoption of 'Ali (as) that he lived with the Holy Prophet in his house. Wherever Muhammad (S) went 'Ali (as) was with him all the time. Even in the Mountain of Hira when Muhammad (S)went for meditation 'Ali (as) went with him most of the time. Sometimes they stayed on the mountain for 3 or 4 days. Sometimes 'Ali (as) took his food there. In Nahjul Balagha 'Ali (as) said that " I used to go with the Holy Prophet like the baby camel goes with his mother." Some historians try to show that when Muhammad (S) declared his prophet hood 'Ali (as) was the first among male children who accepted Islam. The implication here is that both Muhammad (S) and 'Ali (as) were non -believers before this declaration. This is against the Qur'anic verdict which says that Ibrahim was a Muslim and he taught his children to be Muslims so that when the Prophet was born among the descendants of Ibrahim through the line of Ismael he was born a Muslim and so was 'Ali. The correct thing to say would be that when Muhammad (S)declared his prophet hood openly 'Ali (as) immediately adhered to the declaration without hesitation. The three persons seen in prayers in the Kaaba were Muhammad, Khadija and 'Ali before anyone else accepted Islam. For 3 years young and poor persons of Makka were accepting Islam secretly. The first open declaration came when the Qora'nic verse tells the Prophet to "come out openly and warn the people of your own clan." Invitations were sent to leaders of the Banu Hashim to come to the house of Muhammad (S)for Dinner. Forty of them came, ate food and then heard Muhammad (S)about his mission of ' No god but Allah and Muhammad (S) as the messenger of Allah and whoever offers his help to propagate this religion will be his deputy and successor. No one stood up except 'Ali (as) . After announcing this 3 times Muhammad (S) declared that 'Ali (as) will be his deputy to his mission and will be his successor after him. People thought it as a joke that a 13 year old boy was to be a deputy of this prophetic mission. Even Abu Lahab jokingly told Abu Talib, go and obey your son to which AbuTalib smilingly accepted. 'Ali (as) promised to help Muhammad (S) in his mission and kept this promise all his life. The next thing which we see in the life of 'Ali (as) is the reflection of this promise he gave at this place in front of the leaders of the Quraish. We see 'Ali (as) protecting Muhammad (S) from the abuses of the enemies of Islam. When Muhammad (S)went to Taif a nearby town to preach Islam children of Taif hurled stones and it was 'Ali (as) who protected the Prophet and drove the stone throwing children away from the Prophet. As a youth 'Ali (as) was strongly built, strong arms, wide chest and a very strong brave and shining face. Children of his age and even older to him were frightened of him and whenever they tried to mock the Prophet, they always ran away when they saw 'Ali (as) standing by for protection. Time passed and hostility of the Quraish increased so much so that Muhammad (S) was ordered by Allah to leave Makka. 'Ali (as) slept on Muhammad's bed without hesitation and when the non-believers entered the house of Muhammad (S) to kill, they found 'Ali (as) who was not afraid at all at the site of 40 swordsmen entering the house. When they questioned 'Ali: "where is Muhammad" he bravely replied, did you leave him in my custody? When after 3 days of Muhammad's departure 'Ali returned all the goods entrusted to Muhammad to their owners, he set out to leave Makka for Madina with the rest of the family. 'Ali (as) had with him his mother Fatima binte Asad, His aunt, the wife of Hamza, and Fatima, the daughter of Muhammad (S) and many other ladies. Non-believers of Makka tried to stop 'Ali (as) from his departure but 'Ali (as) fought back, drove the infidels away and safely reached Madina. Muhammad (S) was waiting for the family outside the precincts of the town. He entered the city with 'Ali (as) and the rest of the family. The Holy Prophet created a bond of brotherhood between the Muslims, making 'Ali (as) as his Muslim brother saying O''Ali, you are my brother in this world as well as in the next. Once the family settled in the newly adopted city of Madina their first task was to complete the mosque around which their houses were also built. 'Ali initially stayed with his mother but when he married Fatima the daughter of the Prophet he was given a house next to the Prophet by the side of the mosque. He had been betrothed to her several days before the battle of Badr. But the marriage was celebrated three months later. 'Ali was about 23 years old and Fatima was 18. This was most happy and celebrated marriage. The distinctiveness of their respective characters blended so well with each other that they never quarreled and complained of one another and led a happy and most contended life. Materially the couple did not possess much, spiritually they were at the highest level of assent. They had no worries if they go hungry or their clothes had patches. They would be more concerned if an orphan goes away from their door without receiving any food. History records 'Ali's life in Madina with the Holy Prophet for the next ten years as the busiest in defending Islam against the attackers from Makka. 'Ali (as) was always the standard bearer of the Flag of Islam in all such battles and his bravery became legendary. Ibne Abil Hadid, the Motazelli commentator of Nahjul Balagha says that: 'Ali (as) had a personality in which opposite characteristics had so gathered that it was difficult to believe a human mind could manifest such a combination. He was the bravest man that history could cite and such brave men are always hard hearted, cruel and eager to shed blood. On the contrary 'Ali was kind, sympathetic, responsive and warmhearted person, qualities quite contrary to the other phase of his character and more suited to pious and God fearing persons.'Ali's bravery and piety both became legendry. Life in Madina while the Holy Prophet was alive was the busiest for 'Ali. But he remembers these times as the best times of his life. He says in Nahjul Balagha 'Life with my brother was a life of ease and happiness.' The battles of Badr, Ohud, Khandaq and Khyber were fought in the defense if Islam and won on the hands of 'Ali (as) . He was not only the standard bearer of the Flag of Islam in these battles, but always led the forces of Islam against Kufr and came out victorious. Khyber was the climax of these battles when 'Ali's victory brought prosperity in the Muslim ranks. Ayesha the wife of the Prophet said once that until the victory of Khyber we in the house of the Prophet spent days without food. It was only after Khyber that life at home became a little easier. Thus 'Ali (as) brought an end to the hostilities of Quraish in three encounters of Badr, Ohud and Khandaq. Their best warriors were killed, their unity against Islam was crushed, their pride was humiliated and their prestige before Arab clans was lowered by him and by him alone. Khyber saw an end to the hegemony of Jews in Arabia at the hands of 'Ali (as) . The peace agreement of Hodaibiya was written by 'Ali (as) and at the time of the peaceful victory at Makka, the idols of the Kaaba were demolished by the Holy Prophet with the help of 'Ali (as) .Details of these battles were shown in the life of the Prophet. Battle of Honain The Victory of Makka brought many non believers into the fold of Islam. Broadly speaking there were three types who embraced Islam. Fear, greed and the true understanding of Islam and its principles. Some of the Makkans became Muslims for fear of their lives, they were afraid that the Prophet would kill them, others were simply frightened that the Holy Prophet with the help of Angel Gabriel would bring the wrath of God on them. Then there was greed that Islam was now victorious, so if they joined in the good life would be theirs for free. Very few of them truly understood Islam and accepted it as a true faith. The Test of their true faith came immediately after the fall of Makka while Muslims were still in the sweet pleasure of this bloodless victory, that various tribes outside Makka gathered an army of 20,000 in Taif to fight the Muslims. The hostile tribes decided to attack at a vantage point at Hunain and selected two prominent places where they concealed their archers. The Muslims were proud of their success in Makka, but their behavior during the encounter was timorous and cowardly. The Qur'an tells us this in (9:9): "God came to your help on so many occasions, on the day of Honain, your vanity in the number of your soldiers and your arrogance did not prove any avail to you, you were badly defeated and could not find any place of shelter, you started running away without shame." This encounter took place in the month of Shawwal 8th Hijri (Jan 630 AD). When the Muslim army marched towards the place where archers were concealed the enemy opened the campaign with such a severe onslaught that the Muslim army could not stand it. Their assault was fierce and confusion in the Muslim ranks made the archers bolder and they came nearer and attacked from both flanks and from the front. The Muslims could not stand the attack and started running without putting any resistance and where not concerned to leave the Prophet alone, (see Saheeh Bukhari). The first battalion to run was the one in the command of Khalid ibne Waleed(Rauzathus Safa vol II page 137) This was followed by such a disorderly and tumultuous flight that only 10 people were left out of an army of 15,000 with the Holy Prophet. Eight of them were of Bani Hashim,(.Abbas, two of his sons, 'Ali and three other cousins of the Holy Prophet) Abbas was shouting to the Muslims to come back, reminding them of the oath of allegiance taken and promises made, but it was to no avail. Those who accepted Islam for greed , wealth and power were not willing to risk their lives. Many of them who had carefully hidden their enmity from the rising power were happy at the defeat. They gathered round Abu Sofian, started congratulating him and saying, "The magical circle of the lying Prophet is broken," They were praying for the return of Polytheism. 1. Once again it fell to the lot of 'Ali (as) to save the Holy Prophet and the Islam. Armies of Bani Hawaazen and Banu Saqeef under cover of their archers were rushing the hillock and were getting ready for a fierce onslaught. 'Ali (as) divided the small band of faithful true Muslims in three divisions; to Abdullah Ibne Masood, Abbas ibne Abdul Muttalib and Abu bin Harris has assigned the duty of protecting the Holy Prophet, to three he ordered to guard the rear and he himself faced the onslaught with only three warriors with him. He fought, wounded at many places, but continued fighting when he faced the commander of the hostile army, Abu Jerdal in hand to hand fight and killed him with one stroke of his sword. He alone killed over 30 of the enemy and with this bravery his aids also fought bravely and enemy was defeated. The day was saved, the commander of the enemy's army was killed, their ranks were broken they had no courage to face 'Ali (as) and they started retreating. The sight of the powerful army in retreat, made the fleeing Muslims bold and they came back as victory was won for them 2. The defensive battles were over and the peaceful spread of Islam began. 'Ali (as) was again in the forefront. He brought the whole tribe of Bani Hamdan to Islam by preaching . Similarly when he was sent to Yemen he brought the whole country in to the fold of Islam by his sermons. This news so pleased the Holy Prophet that he bowed down in Sajdah to thank God three times and said loudly, peace be to Bani Hamdan and to 'Ali. Again in the year 10th of Hijra 'Ali's sermon and preaching proved so effective that the whole province embraced Islam as one man. In the 9th year of Hijra the famous event of Mobahela took place. Najran was a city in the province of Yemen. It was the center of Christian Missionary activities in southern Arabia. The Holy Prophet had written to the Chief Priest of the City to realize the blessings of Islam. In reply he wrote that he personally would like to discuss the teachings of this new religion. His name was Haris. He was invited and came with a group of 14 priests. These priests as guest of the Holy Prophet. Long discussions took place during the course of 4 days of their stay in Madina. When Sunday came the Chief priest wanted to go out of the city to have their Sunday Service. Prophet Islam said that they all have permission to conduct their religious service inside the mosque of the Prophet which they happily did. Long discussions continued about monotheism verses trinity and it was realized that these priests were not open minded, on the contrary they were prejudiced against monotheism. The Almighty Lord ordered the Holy Prophet to explain to that: "Verily Jesus is as Adam in the sight of God. He created Adam from dust. He said unto him, Be, and he was. This is truth from thy Lord. be not therefore one of those who doubt, and whoever shall dispute thee, say unto them, "come let us call together our sons and your sons, our women and your women, our Selves and your Selves, then let us make imprecations and lay the curse of God upon those who lie." (3:61) According to Bibi Ayesha when the above verse was revealed to the Apostle of God, he called 'Ali, Fatima, Hasan and Husayn and said, "Lord, this is my family (Ahlul Bayt). The Holy Prophet took this small family with them to the open land outside the city where they all assembled to bring the curse of God on those who lie. When the Chief priest saw these faces, he told his companions that he was looking at the faces that if they call the mountain, the mountain will go them. Do not have Mobahela with them or you will be destroyed. On hearing this they all agreed to pay homage to the Holy Prophet and an annual tax for living in the Islamic State and withdrew from the scene. Designation of 'Ali as successor to the Prophet In history there were numerous occasions when the Holy Prophet designated 'Ali as his Deputy and successor after him. From the moment of Zulasheera to the time of the conquest of Khyber and the occasion of the battle of Tabuke the Holy Prophet made it abundantly clear that no one deserved more than 'Ali to be his Deputy and successor. But at the time of Ghadeer this was clearly ordered by Allah through a clear verse revealed on the Prophet. The Verse said, "O' apostle; proclaim the whole of that which hath been sent down to thee from thy Lord, for if thou dost it not, it will be as if thou hast not at all performed the duty of His Prophethood. And God will protect thee from evil men, verily God guideth not the unbelievers." (5:67.) The occasion was after the last pilgrimage in 10th Hijri. The Prophet delivered his Sermons on Mount Arafat, had the final rounds of the Kaaba and left for Madina. More than 120,000 pilgrims were coming out with him from Makka going to the North. Half way through their journey where the routes were separated for various pilgrims, the Holy Prophet ordered the whole caravan to halt. All those who went ahead were called back and for those who were behind they waited for them to arrive. The place was Ghadeer, near the pool of water. That is why it was named Ghadeer-e-Khom. When all assembled at this place the Holy Prophet stood up on top of the pulpit and said, "People, shortly I shall be called towards my creator where I shall have to give an account as to how I have conveyed His message to you and you in your turn will be asked as to how you have accepted and carried out the teachings. Now tell me what you will say". Thereupon all the pilgrims declared as one man, "Apostle of God, we testify and declare that you have conveyed the message of God fully, you have strived your utmost to guide us to the Right Path and taught us to follow it. You were most kind to us and you never wished for us but our good, may God repay you for all that." After that the Prophet said, "Do you not testify that there is no god but Allah, that Muhammad is His creature, His servant, and His apostle, that there is the Heaven and the Hell, that death will overtake every one of you, that you will be brought back from your graves that the Day of Judgement will surely dawn and human beings will be resurrected from their graves to account for their deeds. The whole crowd declared in unison, "We believe and testify all this." Hearing this the Apostle declared, "I am leaving amongst you two most important things worthy of obedience, the Qur'an and my progeny (Ahlul Bayt). Take care how you treat them, they will not separate from each other till they reach me at the fountain of Kauser." Then he said, "The Almighty God is my Lord (Maula) and I am the Lord of all Muslims and have more right and power on their lives than they themselves. Do you believe in this assertion of mine?" They all in one voice replied "Yes O'Apostle of God. Three times he asked the same question and three times he received the same affirmative reply. At this solemn affirmation he said, "Hear and remember that to whomever I am Lord or Maula, 'Ali is the Lord and Maula to him. He is to me what Aaron was to Musa. The Almighty God is a friend to his friends and a foe to his foe, help those who help him and frustrate those who betray him. While saying this he raised 'Ali High over his shoulders in order to be seen by all the Muslims assembled there. Thereupon the Holy Prophet received the final revelation: "This day I have perfected your religion for you and have filled up the measure of my bounties upon you and I am pleased with Islam to be your Deen," (5:3). After performing this ceremony and receiving the above revelation the Holy Prophet came down from the pulpit and ordered a tent to be erected. In this 'Ali (as) was made to take his seat and all Muslims were ordered to pay homage to him and address him as Amirul Momeneen (Lord of the faithful) The first person to congratulate and address him as such was Omar Ibne Khattab saying, "I congratulate you, O''Ali, today you have become my Maula and Lord and Lord of every Muslim man and woman. 1. The event of Ghadeer was on 18th of Zilhijja 10th Hijri, immediately after the last pilgrimage by the Holy Prophet. He then arrived back in Madina and lived only for 70 days after the event.(130 Prominent Companions of the Holy Prophet narrated this Hadith including the first three Kholafa-e-Rashidoon) The year 11th AH was the saddest year for 'Ali. (as) He lost two of his best friends. One of whom he loved and venerated like a father, like a master and like a dearest friend, the Holy Prophet(S) who died on 28th Safar 11th Hijri, exactly 70 days after the event of Ghadeer. His death followed by the death of his dearest companion his wife Fatima, the Lady of Light. Immediately after the death of the Holy Prophet who was buried by 'Ali (as) with the help of his uncle Abbas and all the family of Bani Hashim, the news was given to 'Ali (as) about the events at the Saqeefa that Abubakr was made Caliph. Abu Sofian heard the news came to 'Ali (as) and told him that his Right was taken away from him. If he wishes, Abu Sofian would fill the city of Madina with horsemen to defend 'Ali's Right of Khilafat. 'Ali's reply was typical, he said," since when you have become friends of Islam", you want to create serious dissension amongst the Muslims. You have always tried to harm Islam I do not need your sympathies or help." 'Ali realized that any serious dissension at this stage would harm the cause of Islam. He had before him the example of Hodaibiya and he had been foretold by the Holy Prophet of all that would happen. Allama 'Ali Ibne Mohammed (630 AH) in his book Usdul Ghaba Vol iv page 31 says, The Holy Prophet had told 'Ali, your status is like that of Kaaba. People go to Kaaba but that August house never approaches anybody. Therefore after my death, if people come to you and swear the oath of allegiance you accept it and if they do not come to you then you do not go to them." 'Ali's love for Islam was so intense, he could not, for the sake of worldly rule, endanger Islam. He knew fully well that a civil war at this stage would give chances to the Jewish tribes of Banu Nuzair and Banu Qoraiza on the one side, and the Byzantine armies in the north with the Munafiqoon (hypocrites) the new converts on the third side to simply take advantage of the situation. When they would find the Muslims busy killing each other they would literally cut them to pieces and Islam would totally disappear as a message of peace. 'Ali's utmost desire was to see Islam and the Arabs in one piece and wanted the enemies of Islam to realize that Islam was strong enough to defend itself as "Deen". even after the demise of the Apostle of God. He had another important job to complete that is the completion of the collection of Qur'an with its Tafseer (explanations) according to the instructions of the Holy Prophet. Qur'an as a book was already completed by the Holy Prophet, many copies were made and circulated among the Muslim communities all over the Islamic world. What 'Ali did in the next six months after the demise of the Holy Prophet was to collect all the explanations of the various verses, reasons behind their revelation and their full context. This monumental job he completed in six months and brought before the Muslims in the city of the Prophet. Unfortunately this was ignored by the ruling party and 'Ali (as) took it back with him. Their comment was "this is too bulky and people will not understand it." The original remained with 'Ali (as) all his life and then passed on to his son Hasan (as) and then to Husayn (as) which then continued with the Ahlul Bayt of the Prophet. It is now with the 12th Imam (as) . During the time of the three Kholafa, although 'Ali (as) did not take part in any of the battles, he was always available when they sought his advice on religious matters. His position as the jurist was on the top of the list among the companions of the Holy Prophet. Omar Ibne Khattab the 2nd Caliph had given clear instructions that when 'Ali was present in the mosque of the Prophet no one should take precedence over him in answering questions on religious matters. In one such encounter during the time of the 2nd Caliph, a group of Jewish scholars approached the caliph and said, " We have a few questions. If we get the answers to these questions correctly, we will accept the Islamic faith. "Ask whatever you want to ask," said the caliph. They asked the following questions. 1. What are the locks and keys of heaven? 2. Who was the messenger who was neither of the human nor of the jinn and who warned his people? 3. Which are the 5 beings that were created without the aid of ovaries? 4 What are one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven and twelve? The caliph thought over these questions for a time, then said, I do not know the answers to these questions. I will take you to a man who is most knowledgeable in the commandments of God and the Prophet and the greatest among us. The caliph then brought the Jewish scholars to 'Ali (as) . They asked the same questions to him. 'Ali (as) answered thus: 1. The locks of the heavens are beliefs in more than one God, and its keys are the letters of "La Ilaha Illallah, Muhammad-Ur-Rasulallah." 2. The messenger who warned his people is the ant who, when Solomon's army was passing by, said to his people, " Enter your houses so that the army may not stamp you out (without intention)". So God states in the Holy Qur'an, "Until they came to the valley of the Ants, said an ant (addressing the other ants of the valley) O" you ants' enter into your dwellings, so that Solomon and his hosts may not crush you while they know it not". (27:18) 3. The five beings that were not born of ovaries are: Adam, Eve, the staff of Moses which used to change into a python, the camel of Saleh, and the sheep of Ibrahim (which was sent by God to become a ransom of the life of Ibrahim's son Ismael). 4. One is God who has no partners, two are Adam and Eve, three are the substances ( i.e. non-living matter, plants and animals), four are the Heavenly books: Torah of Moses, Bible of Jesus, Zubur of Dawood and the Qur'an of Muhammad (S). Five are the daily prayers. Six are the days of creation of the heavens and earth, as per the verse of the Qur'an: "And indeed We created the heavens and the earth and what is between them two, in six periods and touched us not any fatigue." (Surah 50:38). Seven are the seven heavens, in the light of the Qur'anic Verse: "And we have erected above you the seven strong ones." (78:12) Eight are those angels who bear the heavens, as per the Qur'anic Verse: "And the angels shall be on the side of it; and above them shall bear that day 'Arsh'(the throne of authority). of your Lord, eight of them (69:17) Nine are the nine signs given to Moses as stated by God: "And indeed we gave Moses nine clear signs (miracles); so ask the children of Israel when he came to them, Pharaoh said to him; "Verily I deem you O'Moses one bewitched." (17:101). Ten are the ten days, i.e. God had promised Moses that he would stay on the mountain of Toor for thirty days, and later added ten more days to this duration, as it is stated in the Qur'an. "And we made an appointment with Moses for thirty nights and completed it with ten more;" Thus was completed the term of his Lord, forty nights, and (before he went up) Moses said to his brother Aaron: You take my place among my people, act rightly and follow not the path of the mischief-makers." (7:142). Eleven are the brothers of Joseph, son of Jacob, as the Qur'an states, "When said Joseph to his father, O'my father; Verily I did see (dream) eleven stars and the sun and the moon,, I saw them all prostrating to me." (12:4). Twelve are the Twelve water-springs manifested by the staff of Moses, as God states, "And (remember) when Moses sought water for his people; said We, 'Strike the rock with your staff' Then gushed out therefrom twelve springs; each people knew their drinking place; "Eat and drink God's provision, and commit not evil in the earth acting mischievously." (2:60) When the Jewish scholars heard the replies of 'Ali (as) they said, "We bear witness that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad (S) is His Messenger and 'Ali (as) is the "Wasi" and successor of the Messenger of God as Aaron was the Wasi of Moses. They all embraced Islam, went back to their tribe and converted all of them to Islam.(Kaukabe Durri). After the death of Osman the 3rd Caliph 'Ali (as) was elected by the overwhelming majority of Muslims as the 4th Caliph. He was reluctant to accept the office of the caliph but when pushed by the majority , accepted it by saying that he was taking the reins of worldly authority only to bring back the Ummah of the Prophet on the Right Path, though the value of this worldly khilafat is less than the sneeze of a goat. His position as an Imam and guide was already established during the period of three earlier khulafa, with worldly power he began the daunting task of establishing the type of rule the Messenger of God had established during his time. Imam Bukhari mentioned in his Saheeh that the very first prayers which 'Ali (as) led in the mosque of the Prophet as the Caliph, many companions of the prophet said that "today we have prayed as the Messenger of God used to pray". But during the past 25 years many companions of the Prophet had, due to excessive wealth coming in from the conquest of the foreign lands, changed into the habit of living like feudal lords of the period of Jahiliya of pre-Islamic days. 'Ali (as) as caliph warned them of the dangers of excessive wealth by these words. " Beware of the intoxication of wealth".(Masudi,Muruj el Zahab). The path of 'Ali (as) was full of thorns and as soon as he tried to establish the austere path of the Messenger of God, he created many enemies. The first and foremost was the Governor of Syria Moawiya ibne Abi Sofian. He persuaded Talha and Zubair,when they were denied the Governorship of various provinces by 'Ali (as) , to start a revolt against 'Ali. (as) Both of them left Madina, arrived in Makka and somehow persuaded bibi Ayesha the widow of the Prophet to start a fight against 'Ali. (as) They left Makka for Basra and assembled an army against 'Ali. (as) . He warned them of the dangers of war against the caliph upon whose hand they had taken the oath of allegiance, but persuasion from Moawiya and promises of Governorship of various provinces was so strong that they would not hear any advice. 'Ali (as) left Madina in pursuit of these deviants and two Muslim armies faced each other near Basra. When many companions of the Prophet saw this they questioned the validity of this war and cast doubt as to which party was on the right path. 'Ali (as) replied in the most subtle way to these doubters. " Truth cannot be identified from men, find the truth and you will find the deserving person". The battle of Jamal was fought, 'Ali 's army was victorious, both Talha and Zubair were killed by their own men and bibi Ayesha was sent back to Madina under the escort of her brother Muhammad ibne Abibakr. She always repented this venture and asked forgiveness from God. When with the connivance of Moawiya her brother Muhammad ibne abi bakr was killed and his body was put into the body of a dead camel and burnt, she cursed Moawiya five times a day after every prayer, throughout her life.. The Battle of Siffin was also fought due to the deviant action of Moawiya against the Islamic State. Some companions of 'Ali's army deserted him by accepting bribes from Moawiya and due to this deceitful action the battle of Siffin remained indecisive, no one won and no one lost. In the meantime this deviant group which was later named as "Khawarij" meaning deviant, began to spread trouble within the Islamic State by looting and burning villages and killing women and children that 'Ali (as) fought against them and the battle of Nahrwan took place. On the way to Nahrwan 'Ali (as) passed a monastery. An old Christian monk who also claimed to be an astrologer of some repute called out, " O' army of Islam, ask your leader to come to me. Upon hearing this 'Ali (as) turned his horse towards the monastery and approached the monk. Where do you go ask the monk. To fight the enemies of Islam, replied 'Ali (as) . Do not fight now, because at this moment the stars do not favor the Muslims. Wait for a few days when the stars will become favorable for you. 'Ali (as) replied, do you defy Allah for this action we are taking on the orders of Allah and for His Deen. 'Ali (as) said, " since you profess knowledge of the stars, tell me about the movement of such and such star." The old man said, By God, I have never heard the name of this star. 'Ali (as) asked him another question about the skies and when the old man failed to reply said "It is now known that you do not know about the skies. Shall I ask you about the earth? Tell me what is buried beneath your feet at the spot where you stand. I do not know said the old monk, "There is a vessel filled with so many silver coins and the coins bear such and such emblem. How do you know enquired the monk". "By God's grace." said 'Ali (as) . Then 'Ali proceeded to say that in the ensuing fight, less than ten persons of Islamic army would be killed whereas less than ten persons from the opposing army would escape. The old monk listened astonished. As per 'Ali's command, when the earth beneath the feet of the monk was dug, a vessel filled with silver coins was found exactly as described by 'Ali (as) 'Ali (as) proceeded to Nahrwan and in the ensuing fight, the Khawarij were thoroughly defeated. Out of the four thousand men of the Khawarij only nine escaped and only nine men of the Islamic army were killed in this battle. (Rawdhatul Shuhada, Kaukab el Durri ) Returning from the battle 'Ali (as) passed the monastery and when the monk heard the full story he embraced Islam immediately. 'Ali (as) also admonished him about his belief in astrology. He said " do you think you can tell the hour when a man goes out and no evil befall him. Whoever testifies this falsifies the Qur'an and becomes unmindful of Allah in achieving his desired objective and in warding off the undesirable." Then 'Ali (as) addressed to his own soldiers and said "Beware of learning the science of stars except that with which guidance is sought on land or sea, because it leads to divining and an astrologer is a diviner, while a diviner is like the sorcerer, the sorcerer is like the unbeliever and the unbeliever's place is in hell."(Nahjul Balagha) The four years and ten months of the Khilafat of 'Ali (as) has been regarded by many historians as the best example of Islamic State after the Prophet of Islam's death, in spite of the fact that the family of Abu Sofian tried their best to destroy it. Imam Abu Yousuf the famous disciple of Imam Abu Hanifa in his book about the history of Kholafae Rashedun declares above the title of his book that 'Ali's (as) time of Khilafat was the best in the management of the Islamic State and most just. Many European historians mentioned 'Ali's name with love and affection. Carlyle writes in his Heros and Heroworship that" 'Ali had such a personality that he was liked, loved and venerated by everybody. He was the man of excellent character loving and lovable, so intensely brave that if anything stood against his bravery it was consumed as if by fire, yet he was so gentle and kind that he represented the model of a Christian Knight." The famous Egyptian scholar Mohammad Abdoh relates a story about the time of the conquest of Alexandria during the reign of the 2nd caliph. They found a great library there and did not know what to do with it. Orders were issued from Madina that 'if these books are according to the Holy Qur'an, then we do not need them and if they say anything contrary to the Holy Qur'an then we do not want them. Therefore, in any case they ought to be burnt. (Akhbarul Ulama wa Aakhbarul Hukama of Ibne Quftee, pages 232 and 233,Printed Cairo). When 'Ali (as) heard the news of this, he tried to pursuade them to refrain from issuing such order. He told them, "These books are treasures of knowledge and they cannot say anything against the Holy Qur'an. On the contrary the knowledge contained therein would act as commentaries of the Holy Book and would assist and help in further explanations of the knowledge as presented by the Holy Prophet. Knowledge is an asset for human beings and a birth right of man. It should not be destroyed." It was 19th of Ramadan 41 Hijri while 'Ali (as) was leading the morning prayers and was in the second Sajdah of the 2nd Rakaat that Ibne Muljim's sword fell and the life of the greatest warrior saint was taken away to his merciful Lord. The famous christian writer of Lebanon George Jurdaq writes in his books on 'Ali (as) that with this one blow of the sword of Ibne Muljim the world was deprived of the person who, if had lived a few more years would have given the world a system of administration that future generations would have benefited for a long time to come." In fact the letter to his Governor of Egypt Malike Ashter advising him of the "Do's and Don'ts for a successful administration of the State is the hall mark in the annals of history". We can only say that 'Ali's supreme wisdom provides the guidance of a stature that mankind can aspire to. 'Ali (as) injured with the wound from the poisonous sword lived for two days. In these two days he dictated his Will and last testament to his son Hasan (as) which is again a brilliant part of literary history. He advised his eldest son to love God and obey Him and to live for the service of the people in the way of God. "And then do not forget to set apart the best of your time for communion with God, although every moment of yours is for Him, provided it is spent sincerely in the service of your people." 'Ali's (as) sermons, collected by Sayyid Razi in the 4th century (AH) are the examples of the most brilliant piece of Arabic literature that after the Holy Qur'an and the authentic Hadith of the Prophet of Islam, ever produced. What Sayyid Razi could compile in Nahjul Balagha does not contain all the Sermons, letters and sayings of 'Ali (as) . Masoodi (d.346) in his famous book of history Muruj-al-Zahab says that the only Sermons of 'Ali, (as) which have been preserved by various people, number more than 480. These were extempore orations, people have copied them from one another and compiled them in the book forms' they have cited them and quoted passages from them in their books. The famous companion and pupil of 'Ali (as) Hasan al Basri had made such arrangements that one of his own friends would memorize the sermons delivered in the mosque of Kufa and relate the same in the next Friday prayer in Basra. This shows the deep interest people of his own time had in these sermons and sayings. Apparently out of these 480 sermons some were lost and Sayyid Razi could lay hands on only 245 sermons. Besides them he has collected about 75 letters and 489 sayings. Almost every one of the sermons, sayings and letters collected in Nahjul Balagha is to be found books of authors who died long before Sayyid Raza was even born. Here we quote a few selected sayings of 'Ali (as) from Nahjul Balagha, The numbers given as they appear in the English translation by Sayyid 'Ali Raza from Pakistan. 1. During civil disturbance be like an adolescent camel that has neither a back strong enough for riding nor udders for milking."( 1, page 568) 2. He who adopts greed as a habit devalues himself, he who discloses his hardship agrees to humiliation, and he who allows his tongue to overpower his Nafs debases the Nafs.(2 page 569) 5. Knowledge is a venerable estate, good manners are new dresses and thinking is a clear mirror. ( 5, page 569) 7. Charity is an effective cure, and actions of people in their present life will be before their eyes in the next life.( 7, page 570) 10.Meet people in such a manner that if you die they should weep for you and if you live they should long for you.( 10, page 571) 27." Keep walking in your sickness as long as you can."(27, page 576)-A simple cure through exercise and ignoring the sickness as much as possible) 31. Faith stands on four supports: on endurance, conviction, justice and Jihad.(31 page 576) 40. The tongue of the wiseman is behind his heart and the heart of the fool is behind his tongue.(40 page 579) 45. Even if I strike the nose of a believer with this sword for hating me, he will not hate me, and even if I pile all the wealth of the world before a hypocrite for loving me he will not love. This is because it is pronounced by the tongue of the beloved Prophet. O''Ali, a believer will never hate you and a hypocrite (Muslim) will never love you.( 45 page 580) 54. There is no wealth like wisdom, no destitution like ignorance, no inheritance like refinement and no support like consultation.(54 page 584) 64. The people of the world are like travelers who are being carried while asleep. 64, page 584) 67. Do not feel ashamed for giving little, because refusal is smaller than that.( 67, page 584) 90. The perfect jurist of Islam is he who does not let people lose hope from the mercy of Allah, does not make him despondent of Allah's kindness and does not make him feel safe from Allah's punishment.( 90 page 589) 117. Two categories of persons will face ruin on account of me; he who loves me with exaggeration and he who hates me intensely. (117 page 594) 146. Protect your belief by charity, guard your wealth by paying Allah's share, and ward off the waves of calamity by praying.(146 page 600) 334. Beware of disobeying Allah in solitude, for the witness is also the judge.(334. page 648) The famous French historian and Orientalist Gabriel Enkiri writes in his famous book 'Le chevalier de Islam', In the extremely superfine, grand and noble character of 'Ali, there were two traits which, it is difficult to believe that can be united in one man. Besides 'Ali, history cannot show any other man who has displayed these two qualities at one and the same time, and each one, in such a marked way that none can surpass him. 1. He was the greatest marshal of his time (even of all time) and , 2. He was the wisest man who could explain and expound religion, philosophy, science, sociology and ethics, in a style which was not and which cannot be improved; what is more, he was such a great speaker that his speeches enchant you even fourteen centuries after his death". Read the book called Nahjul Balagha and find out yourself. Battle of Honain Designation of 'Ali as successor to the Prophet ‹ The Story of Hazrat Fatima (sa), daughter of the Holy ProphetupThe Second Imam, al-Hasan (as) › [1 Aktualisierung]
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- allahu akbar - Social Mention: Allahu Akbar! [1 Aktualisierung]
- tauhid - Social Mention: Dakwah Dengan Ilmu dan Bashirah Terhadap Agama ( Bag.2) 4. Bahwasanya Allah Subhanahuwata'ala telah menempatkan ahli ilmu pada kedudukan yang mulia. Yaitu ketika Allah menjadikan mereka sebagai saksi atas ke EsaanNya. Allah Subhanahuwata'ala meridhai kesaksian ( dan persaksian ) mereka sebagai penghormatan bagi mereka, di samping karena mereka membawa amanah ilmu dan hidayah bagi manusia. Allah Subhahanahuwata'ala berfirman : Kewanitaan Fatwa-Fatwa Info Pengajian شَهِدَ اللَّهُ أَنَّهُ لَا إِلَٰهَ إِلَّا هُوَ وَالْمَلَائِكَةُ وَأُولُو الْعِلْمِ قَائِمًا بِالْقِسْطِ Kajian Khusus Kisah Anak dan Keluarga " Allah mengatakan bahwasannya tidak ada sesembahan yang haq melainkan Dia, yang menegakkan keadilan. Para malaikat dan orang – orang yang berilmu ( juga mengatakan yang demikian itu ) , " ( Ali Imran 18 ). Adab dan Akhlaq Kajian Rutin Syaikh As Sa'di mengatakan : " dakwah mengajak manusia kembali kepada Allah harus senantiasa disertai dan berisi ilmu, sebab diantara syariat berdakwah itu adalah ilmu tentang apa yang harus disampaikan oleh seorang da'i" Info Umum . Situs Ulama Allah Ta'ala berfirman : يَرْفَعِ اللَّهُ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا مِنكُمْ وَالَّذِينَ أُوتُوا الْعِلْمَ دَرَجَاتٍ Abdul Aziz bin Baaz Abdul Muhsin Al Abbad " niscaya Allah akan meninggikan orang – orang yang beriman diantaramu dan orang - orang yang diberi ilmu pengetahuan beberapa derajat " ( Al Mujadilah 11 ) Ahmad bin Yahya An Najmi Dalil dan bukti – bukti ini adalah untuk mendorong para da'i yang memberi nasehat agar berbekal dengan ilmu. Oleh karena itu, semestinya da' i mempunya ilmu tentang hal yang disyariatkan dan mana yang tidak disyariatkan. Yang dengan ilmu itu dia akan mampu memisahkan antara sunnah dan bid'ah, kebaikan dan keburukan, halal dan haram serta mengerti mana yang merupakan tauhid dan mana kesyirikan. Lajnah Daimah Muhammad bin Shalih Al Utsaimin Syaikh Al Alamah Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baaz mengatakan : Muhammad Nashiruddin Al Albani " Allah Subhanahuwata'ala menerangkan bahwa dakwah mengajak manusia kepada Allah di atas bashirah adalah jalan Nabi dan jalan para pengikutnya dari kalangan Ahli Ilmu , sebagaimana firman Allah Ta'la : قُلْ هَٰذِهِ سَبِيلِي أَدْعُو إِلَى اللَّهِ ۚ عَلَىٰ بَصِيرَةٍ أَنَا وَمَنِ اتَّبَعَنِي ۖ Muqbil bin Hadi Al Wadie Rabi' bin Hadi Al Madkhali " Katakanlah : inilah jalan ( agama ) ku, aku dan orang – orang yang mengikutiku mengajak ( kamu ) kepada Allah dengan hujjah yang nyata. " ( Yusuf 108 ) Sahab Net Shalih bin Fauzan Al Fauzan Ketika sebagian sahabat berfatwa kepada seorang yang menderita luka dikepalanya. Yang menurut mereka tidak ada rukhshah ( keringanan ) baginya untuk bertayamum. Orang tadi mandi, kemudian mereka datang kepada Nabi shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam, mereka sampaikan hal itu dan beliau berkata : Ulama Yaman " Mereka telah membunuhnya, semoga Allah binasakan mereka. Mengapakah mereka tidak bertanya ketika mereka tidak tahu. Sesungguhnya obat kebodohan itu adalah bertanya." Seputar Syiah Imam Al Khathtabi menerangkan pula tentang dalalah hadist ini : 1.Kesesatan Syi'ah 2. Menghina Sahabat Nabi 3. Sayyid Qutub Mencela Sahabat Nabi 4. Apakah Ahlul Bait Ma'shum 5. Khilafah Tidak Mesti pada ahlul bait 6. Ahlul Bait dalam Alquran 7.Keutamaan Ahlul Bait 8.Kontroversi sikap terhadap ahlul bait " Dalam Hadist ini, terdapat ilmu dimana beliau mencela mereka yang berfatwa tanpa ilmu dan memasukan mereka ke dalam ancaman dengan mendoakan kejelakan bagi mereka, menempatkan mereka dalam dosa pembunuhan yang diakibatkan fatwa mereka yang salah.' Dalam hal ini Syaikhul Islam Ibnu Taimiyah mengatakan : " Hendaklah seorang manusia berhati – hati dari jalan orang – orang yang zalim dan jahil, yang menyangka dirinya berjalan di jalan para ulama, banyak bicara tapi tidak ada bukti dari perbuatanya. Kamu lihat salah seorang dari mereka dalam kedudukan paling tinggi dalam keilmuan namun ternyata dia hanya mengatahui yang lahir ( saja ) dari kehidupan dunia, sama sekali tidak mempunyai ilmu yang diwarisi dari Penghulu Anak Keturunan Adam ( Rasulullah )." Ibnul Qayim menjelasakan pula hakekat ilmu dan pengaruhnya : " Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam menyerupakan ilmu dan hidayah yang dibawanya dengan air hujan yang turun dari langit, karena keduanya sama – sama menghasilkan kehidupan dan manfaat serta sumber makanan sebagaimana halnya hati yang menampung ilmu tersebut, dimana ilmu berbuah padanya dan semakin suci tampak jelasa berkah dan hasilnya Al Hafizh Ibnu Hajar mengatakan : " yang dimaksud dengan ilmu dalam hal ini adalah ilmu tentang syari'at yang bermanfaat untuk mengenali apa yang menjadi kewajiban seorang mukallaf ( dewasa dan berakal ) dalam urusan agamanya, baik dalam ibadah maupun muamalah ( hubungan sosialnya ) serta ilmu tentang Allah dan semua sifatNya, juga apa yang wajib baginya dalam menjalankan urusannya. Oleh karena itu, siapapun yang berbicara tentang agama Allah tanpa hujjah yang Allah utus Rasulnya untuk membawakan, berarti dia berbicara tanpa ilmu dan dikuasai oleh Syaitan. Sebab syaitan 'menyesatkan dan membimbingnya menuju azab yang bernyala – nyala " Syaikhul Islam Ibnu Taimiyah mengatakan : " Al Imu ialah semua yang dalil itu tegak diatasnya. Yang paling mulia bermanfaat di antaranya adalah yang dibawa oleh Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam " Beliau uraikan pula dengan jelas jalan ahli bid'ah dalam mencari ilmu. Kata beliau : " bahwasannya mereka berbicara hanya menurut akal dan hawa nafsu mereka semata, dengan dusta dan pemalsuan, sehingga mereka memasukan ke dalam ajaran Islam segala sesuatu yang bukan dari islam. Maka, selamat dari bid'ah dan penyimpangan akan terwujud dengan ilmu yang dibangun di atas pemahaman salaful ummah ( para pendahulunya ummat ini ). Hal ini ditegaskan Syaikhul Islam Ibbu Taimiyah dengan pernyataan beliau : " Namun, siapa saja yang ilmu dan amalanya tidak merujuk kepada yang diwarisi dari Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam tidak mengikuti syari'at nabawiyah tidak akan mungkin lepas dan selamat dari hawa nafus dan kebidahan bahkan semua ilmu dan amalnya tidak lain adalah hawa dan bid'ah.' Dengan pernyataan yang ditegaskan oleh beliau, maka jelaslah bahwa diantara sifat – sifat ahli bid'ah ialah bergantung mereka secara hakiki kepada prinsip pokok ( ushul ) yang dijelaskan oleh para guru ( Syaikh ) mereka. Sama sekali mereka tidak ( berani ) menentang atau melanggarnya. Diperjelas pula syaikhul Islam Ibu Taimiyah dengan mengatakan : " Maka ketika terjadi dalam tubuh ummat ini perpecahan dan perselisihan, jadilah orang – orang yang berpecah itu berkelompok – kelompok. Pedoman mereka secara batinnya ( prinsipnya, keyakinannya) bukanlah berdasarkan Al Qur'an dan keimanan, tetapi diatas prinsip pokok yang diada – adakan oleh para guru mereka." Oleh karena itu, wajib setiap da'i untuk menghiasi dirinnya dengan ilmu syar'i yang dengan ilmu itu dia mengakat kebodohan yang ada pada dirinya dan dari orang lain. Hendaknya dia memahami As Sunnah, Al Bayan, Hujjah dan Burhan. Sehingga, ilmunya itu akan mengakat seorang da'i kepada Allah dari ketergelinciran dalam kubangan bid'ah dan hawa nafsu. Ketakwaan adalah hujjahnya, sehingga keadaanya tetap istiqomah ( konsisten, lurus )." Syaikh Abdul Hamid bin Badis menegaskan pula dalam hal ini dengan mengatakan : " Sesunggunya orang yang jujur dan benar akan berpedoman kepada hujjah dan burhan. Sehingga tidak akan mampu kamu temukan dalam setiap perkataannya kedustaan, pemalsuan, dan pengakuan semata. Kamu tidak akan terjatuh karena cedera cara dakwahnya kepada kehancuran, pertentangan dan kegoncangan." Maka dari itu, dari beberapa perkataan para ulama diatas, berbagai kesalahan sejumlah gerakan dakwah yang tersebar di selutuh penjuru dunia dengan label dakwah ilallah. Namun semua itu disertai dengan kebodohan dan kurangnya ilmu pada diri mereka sehingga akhirnya, terkumpullah sejumlah besar kaum muslimin di bawah bendera yang ditegakkan bukan diatas landasan ilmu yang shahih yang diterangi oleh cahaya Al Quran dan As Sunnah dengan pehaman para pendahulu ummat ini. Siapa pun yang memperhatikan akan melihat pada mayoritas gerakan dakwah dan organisasi yang tesebar dewasa ini, melihat dengan pandangan bashirah yang tajam bahwa gerakan dakwah tersebut bila dikaitkan dengan ilmu dan penyebarannya dengan berbagai jenisnya, betul - betul jahil terhadap ilmu – ilmu syariat. Tidak peduli dengan usaha mendapatkannya. Sama sekali mereka tidak dihinggapi antusias besar terhadap ilmu ini dalam segenap waktu dan kehidupannya. Tentang keadaan ini , Ibnul Qayyim menerangkan : " Dan inilah keadaan berbagai golongan sempalan yang muncul bersama syari'at di dalam golongan sempalan yang muncul bersama syari'at di dalam syari'at ini. Hal ini karena masing – masing golongan sempalan tadi ada yang mentakwil syari'at ini tidak dengan takwil yang digagas oleh golongan lain. Bahkan mengklaim bahwa itulah yang dimaukan oleh pembuat syari'at. Sehingga golongaan – golongan tersebut betul – betul merobek syari'at ini dan jauh dari pembahasan yang pertama." Oleh karena itu, ilmu yang bermanfaat adalah ilmu tentang Al Qur'an dan As Sunnah dengan pemahan Salaful Ummah, jauh dari pemalsuan yang dikemas dengan kefasihan dan istilah – istilah mentereng, namun bukan diatas landasan ilmiah yang kokoh. Ibnul Qayyim merangkan ; " Bahwasannya yang dilakukan orang yang keadaanya seperti ini hanyalah memperbanyak istilah -istilah yang dibuat mentereng, pengertian – pengertian yang rancu yang dikemas dengan berbagai bentuk kefasihan dan istilah yang menarik. Akibatnya, akal yang lemah segera menyambut dan mengangagap baik. Bahkan segera menerima dan meyakininya ( sebagai suata kebenaran )." Maka wajib setiap da'i yang lurus agar senantiasa mempunyai perilaku dan sifat keilmuan serta bashirah dengan pemahaman yang shahih dan sesuai dengan apa yang dihendaki oleh Allah dan RasulNya ( Dikutip dari buku Manhaj Dakwah Salafiya, Pustaka Al HAURA) [1 Aktualisierung]
- kafir - Social Mention: Aşk bazen bir dindir , platonik dindar duygusuz kafir... [1 Aktualisierung]
- Taghut - Social Mention: cuba anda lihat perbezaan muka antara tentera taghut dan tentera Allah [1 Aktualisierung]
- Anti - Baschar al Assads Facebook-Pinnwand: Homs/ Dair Atiyya- Major Naser Ahmad, der Schulze von Dair Atiyya ist beim Angri... [1 Aktualisierung]
- kafir - Social Mention: Bom Syahid Di Ghazni Tewaskan 35 Tentara Boneka Jongos Kafir Harby AS, Allahu Akbar! GHAZNI - Sebuah operasi isytisyhadiyat (bom syahid), yang merupakan serangkaian serangan martir terbaru menghantam salah satu instalasi pasukan boneka di distrik Muqur, provinsi Ghazni, pada Rabu pagi, menewaskan sebanyak 35 tentara murtad. Allahu Akbar! Muhammad Siddiq, seorang mujahidin pencari syahid dari Imarah Islam yang berasal dari provinsi Ghazni menabrakan mobilnya yang penuh dengan bahan peledak ke dalam instalasi militer, membunuh setidaknya 35 boneka, kata seorang pejabat Mujahidin Imarah Islam Afghanistan, seperti dilansir shahamat, Kamis (21/11/2013). Serangan amaliyat isytisyhadiyat haru Rabu itu merupakan yang paling mematikan yang dialami pasukan boneka yang berbasis di provinsi Ghazni selama lima pekan terakhir. Diwilayah lainnya, kota Kandahar , seorang pejabat mujahidin melaporkan bahwa seorang pencari syahid Imarah Islam (Muhammad Ibraheem dari provinsi Zabul) melakukan serangan terhadap tentara sewaan di daerah Mandegak Mani terletak di depan Taj Mahal Hotel, jantung kota Kandahar. Serangan itu terjadi sekitar pukul 10:00 waktu setempat hari Rabu ketika pahlawan, mengenakan seragam militer, menembak dengan pistol ke kepala patroli kota Kandahar (Haji Lala) sebagai hasilnya, 3 pria bersenjata musuh tewas dan 2 terluka sedangkan yang lainnya berhasil melarikan diri dari penembakan. Laporan itu juga mengatakan, bahwa Muhammad Ibraheem itu kemudian ditembak dan syahid oleh tembakan musuh (semoga Allah menerima syahid beliau). Aamiin! [1 Aktualisierung]
- mujahid - Social Mention: Children increasingly are casualties in crossfire of Afghan-Taliban fighting [1 Aktualisierung]
- Weg der Salafs Facebook-Pinnwand: Ibn Taymiyyah (rahimahullah), (gest. 728 n.H.) sagte:„Es gibt keine Kritik an d... [1 Aktualisierung]
- IHED - Social Mention: hoi aue oua nte ihe elevator kae tlo tokoth pe tm tafaaki pea hg hke ia o interview kita kau tou lomi e au open fai mo ava mtp kau aru kitua mea eh lots of crazy peepz o ua aki ia eku falala aku he mea lomi o lea Fuu alarm tuai ava mtp puli aki osi th hhh #fkseselekiai# lol [1 Aktualisierung]
- media crash news - Social Mention: I am 62 now. I and my other family members have been telling the below story for fifty-plus years, and I believe I first wrote it up about 15 years ago. During the past couple of years I've periodically reminded myself to try to find a major media outlet for it well before the 50th anniversary snuck up on us. The road to hell, etc. Last May I sold my taxi last May, and have since then been preoccupied with trying to finish a book about cab driving that I've been working on for several years. I am closing in on completion of Draft #4. The working title is, "One Free Ride: A Cab Driver's Journey Through God's Favorite City." Given the revolution in the publishing world, I have decided that I'm going to self publish if-and-when it is ever finished. And over this past weekend, when I realized that it was too late to find a major or even a minor media outlet for this Kennedy story, I decided to just go ahead and self-publish it in whatever venues are available to me. If it finds its way to you from more than one direction, please forgive me. MY FAMILY'S 1963 ENCOUNTER WITH JOHN AND JACKIE KENNEDY IF MY FAMILY'S broadside encounter with a certain shiny limousine had turned out just the tiniest bit differently, you would have already heard another version of this story. Oliver Stone and the conspiracy scholars would have elevated it to "second gunman" or "silver bullet" status: "Don't forget that CIA agent who tried to run him down!" But it wasn't like that at all. My father was a career intelligence officer (a cartographer) who joined the Office of Strategic Services during World War II, and was stationed in Ceylon. After the war, when the OSS became the Central Intelligence Agency, Dad stayed on at headquarters in McLean, Virginia, for 33 years of total service. He and my mother raised four kids in the suburbs of the nation's capital, and on the night in question -- Wednesday, May 29, 1963 -- all six of us were on our way from our home near Alexandria, Virginia, to the weekly testimony meeting at the Christian Science church in the Adams-Morgan neighborhood of Washington, D.C. As always, Dad was at the wheel of our 1962 Ford Falcon station wagon, navigating our usual route up the George Washington Parkway, passing under the low-flying jets at National Airport, and crossing the Potomac River via the Fourteenth Street Bridge. We skirted the Jefferson Memorial and the Tidal Basin and drove up Seventeenth Street, with the Washington Monument spiking into the sky on our right, and an upside-down image of the Lincoln Memorial shimmering in the Reflecting Pool, off to our left. We neared the White House at about quarter-till-eight. With daylight savings and the lengthening days, there was still plenty of light out. Traffic was thin. The streets seemed unusually deserted. Something else unusual drew the silent attention of all of us in the car. Directly ahead, right in the middle of Seventeenth Street, a police officer was casually waving us forward. I was seated directly behind my father and looking over his shoulder. I was nearly twelve years old, and we'd been making this trip into Washington twice a week for as long as I could remember, but this was the first police officer we'd ever seen stationed here. He signaled us to keep coming, and Dad kept driving steadily forward, keeping his speed right at the posted limit, right where he always kept it. And that's when a limousine with a brilliant black gloss, and apparently driven by someone accustomed to having wide paths cleared ahead of him, lurched from the side entrance of the White House -- zipping in from our right -- and was suddenly in the intersection just a few feet in front of us, collision obviously unavoidable. Dad stomped the brakes and everyone -- no seat belts in 1963 -- pitched forward. I braced with both hands against the front seat, and thought: My first accident! But the crash didn't happen. Somehow Dad stopped the car about a quarter-inch short of slamming into the limousine. Or perhaps the other driver veered slightly at the last instant. Whatever the case, it seemed miraculous that we hadn't rammed him. As we sat in the intersection, the limousine driver looped wide to give himself some needed maneuvering room, and then executed a slow, careful left turn around our car so that he was headed back in the direction from which we had just come. As the limo rolled past us, the double yellow line down the middle of Seventeenth Street was about the only thing separating the driver's side of our station wagon from the driver's side of the limousine. The Newsham family (Richard and Margie, plus Nancy-Bradley-Scott-and-Grant) watched slack-jawed as two staggeringly handsome adult faces appeared at the limousine's side window, smiling broadly, laughing. I had our car's prime viewing spot: left side, right behind Dad, my window rolled down. The limousine's rolled-up windows were tinted but not blacked out, and, in the slow motion moment that followed, I looked right into the eyes of the President and First Lady from no more than five feet away. In two separate strobes, I felt the jolt of each of their gazes connecting with mine. Their lips mouthed silent messages of goodwill while their hands waved to pantomime their embarrassment over their own driver's recklessness plus their thanks for our driver's skill. Jackie was seated nearest to us -- just right there! -- and John was leaning in from the far side, across Jackie's lap, to lend the full weight of the Presidency to their apology. And then they sped away. We read in the next day's paper that they had been headed to a birthday party for John (it would be his last) being held at the estate of the family matriarch, Rose Kennedy, out in the Virginia countryside. IN NOVEMBER came the unbelievable news from Dallas. Days later, on our way home from church on a Sunday afternoon, Dad stopped and parked the car just a few blocks from the White House. We pressed ourselves up against the rear of an enormous but absolutely silent crowd, and when we heard the staccato sound of horses' hooves striking pavement -- the only audible sound -- Dad snatched me up and perched me on his shoulders. I had never seen a crowd so big or so dense -- in every direction the streets were thronged from storefront to storefront. It was late November, chilly. The trees had dropped all their leaves but were thick with people who had climbed up to cling koala-like to every limb, desperate for a look. And then, over the tops of the thousands of bare heads and "Camelot-era" hats, I saw the flag-draped casket sweep into view, strapped onto a ceremonial flatbed army wagon pulled by a string of regal horses prancing at a trot. Cloppety-cloppety-cloppety -- still the only audible sound. The hair stood up on my arms then, as it does now. And then the horses were gone, and Jack Kennedy was gone, having touched not just one twelve-year old boy and his family, but having touched All Of Us, and leaving us to try to sort out just what had happened and to wonder about just what might have been. [1 Aktualisierung]
- khalifa - Social Mention: 10 Like y contesto esta madre¨*ww* Nombre coompleto: Jossy Anely Gomez Cota Signo: Acuario:o Tengo novia : nelsonx.x Cómo se llama: ..cricrix.x Quién me gusta: jajajajaxD Cuando nací: 18'02'00 Ultima persona que pretendí: jajajaja sepax.x Algo que me guste: nutella's Algo que extrañe: ael:'c Tomo: AbesesxD Fumo: naa:$ Drogas:neelx.x Celoso: pueeees(8 Tierno:shii *-* Perdonarías una infidelidad: Depende de qe sea Te importa lo que digan los demás: nooooop *w* Has llorado por amor: uff:$ Existe el amor verdadero: creo qesi, pero aun nolo eh ayado(8 Por qué termino tu última relación: nose nisiqiera si terminox.x Piensas en alguien: Shiii*-* Quién: ojaaas(8 Tu amor platónico: hiram rascon acosta *-* pd:nimepelax.x Mascotas: perra y gamster [1 Aktualisierung]
- bushido - Social Mention: 18:00 Uhr... Dann ist es soweit für den 10:00 Min. Langen Disstrack von Bushido an Kay... Sehr gespannt ! [1 Aktualisierung]
- DEINE Geschichte zum Islams Facebook-Pinnwand: -A [1 Aktualisierung]
- nasheed - Social Mention: jam p jam pine s kaya fayeda. Sham ko pi li subah ko uter jayegi. Meri nazron s pi lo do boond agar . To sari umar nashe m gujar jayegi. [1 Aktualisierung]
Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 11:32PM khalifa - Social Mention فيلسوفة صغيرة كدا جاتلنا النهاردة القصر من الناس دى اللى بيطلعو الأول على قسمهم دايماً وشغاله على مشروع فلسفى خاص بتشكيل الوعى الجديد وعاوزه متطوعين معاها عجبنى جداً حماسها وعجبتنى فكرتها بالاخص وان فعلاً زى ما بتقول ان الفلاسة العرب توقفو كتييير عن البحث فى الجوانب دى , والغاية من المشروع ؟ خلق فكر واعى لكافة طوائف المجتمع مين بقا عنده استعداد يتطوع فى الفريق دا ؟؟؟ Nourhan Elsaoudy Nora Khalifa أحمد الشريف Hadeer Sayed Aly Sayed ToQa AL Rooh Ayah Taha II @ Mohamad Ahmad Mohamad Ahmad Abdelmohsen Lobna A. Fathi عماد ابو جرين Wesam Darwish Doaa Magdy Islam Albadri Diana Jesus DøȜa M. Nâsr Doaa Hamdey Doaa Salah Dina Mohammed Reem Salah Ahmed Hasnaa A. Ali Reem Alhwary Medo Elemam A Esraa Ezz Eldeen Jasminum Rosa Ismail Eldaby Princess Esraa Foraqsa Fouad George K Nash Sahar Kamal Clear Sky Nona Nosa Nov 20th 2013, 23:29 You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 09:49AM islamist - Social Mention Yahya Hassan overfaldes af en rablende islamist - og Politiken skriver en forsideleder (20. nov.) som fortæller, at "det er samfundet, der har svigtet..." Nå...? Jeg troede, at det var såvel Yahya Hassans som islamistens forældre, som med ondskabsfuld systematik, havde svigtet deres drenge... Hvordan "samfundet" kan lastes for ondskabsfulde forældres svigt, skal man vist være kulturradikal halal-hippie på Politiken for at kunne fantasere sig frem til.. I øvrigt er der altid kun én eneste skyldig i et nedrigt bagholds-overfald: Overfaldsmanden! Nov 20th 2013, 09:40 You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: Abu Abdullah - Social Mention: The First Imam, 'Ali (as) Ibn Abu Talib It was Friday 13th of Rajab 30 Amulfeel Hazrat Fatima binte Asad, the wife of Hazrat Abu Talib entered the precincts of the Kaaba and prayed to Allah saying O'my protector ease my pain.'All of a sudden the wall of the Kaaba opened up and she, as if by some unseen force went inside the Kaaba and the wall closed. 'Ali (as) the youngest son of Abu Talib was born inside the Holy Kaaba. She stayed inside for three days. On the 3rd day she came out through the door and Muhammad was waiting outside. She told Muhammad (S) that the boy had not taken any milk. Muhammad gave him the first feed from his mouth and afterwards asked his uncle Abu Talib that he wished to adopt the baby. 'Ali entered the house of Muhammad from the very first day of his birth. 'Ali's mother Fatima binte Assad Also lived there who looked after his own son as well as Muhammad (S) so much so that later the Holy Prophet used to say that she was like his own mother. Shah Waliullah, Mohadith-e-Dehlvi writes in the book "Izalatul Kholafa" giving reference from Imam Hakim in his Mustadrak Part 3, Page 483. Qud Tawatarul Akhbar Inna Fatimah Binte Asad woledat Aliyan Fi Jaufil Kaaba". Another writer of the old school Sibtel Jauzi in his book Tazkeratul Khawas ul Umma, page 7 mentions the same fact that 'Ali was born inside the Kaaba. Khawja Moinuddin Chishti Ajmeri mentions this fact in his famous Quartet saying that when 'Ali was born inside the kaaba the Sky and the earth was filled with a light and Angel Gabriel announced that a child was born in the house of God. Maulana Rumi in his Mathnawi writes, " O'one who travels to Najef to visit the tomb of 'Ali must know the fact that the pearl of the Kaaba lies there to give us security because of our intense love for him." Masoodi the famous historian writes in his book of history Muruj el Zahab, that 'Ali was born inside the Kaaba on the orders of Muhammad the Messenger of God. It was after the adoption of 'Ali (as) that he lived with the Holy Prophet in his house. Wherever Muhammad (S) went 'Ali (as) was with him all the time. Even in the Mountain of Hira when Muhammad (S)went for meditation 'Ali (as) went with him most of the time. Sometimes they stayed on the mountain for 3 or 4 days. Sometimes 'Ali (as) took his food there. In Nahjul Balagha 'Ali (as) said that " I used to go with the Holy Prophet like the baby camel goes with his mother." Some historians try to show that when Muhammad (S) declared his prophet hood 'Ali (as) was the first among male children who accepted Islam. The implication here is that both Muhammad (S) and 'Ali (as) were non -believers before this declaration. This is against the Qur'anic verdict which says that Ibrahim was a Muslim and he taught his children to be Muslims so that when the Prophet was born among the descendants of Ibrahim through the line of Ismael he was born a Muslim and so was 'Ali. The correct thing to say would be that when Muhammad (S)declared his prophet hood openly 'Ali (as) immediately adhered to the declaration without hesitation. The three persons seen in prayers in the Kaaba were Muhammad, Khadija and 'Ali before anyone else accepted Islam. For 3 years young and poor persons of Makka were accepting Islam secretly. The first open declaration came when the Qora'nic verse tells the Prophet to "come out openly and warn the people of your own clan." Invitations were sent to leaders of the Banu Hashim to come to the house of Muhammad (S)for Dinner. Forty of them came, ate food and then heard Muhammad (S)about his mission of ' No god but Allah and Muhammad (S) as the messenger of Allah and whoever offers his help to propagate this religion will be his deputy and successor. No one stood up except 'Ali (as) . After announcing this 3 times Muhammad (S) declared that 'Ali (as) will be his deputy to his mission and will be his successor after him. People thought it as a joke that a 13 year old boy was to be a deputy of this prophetic mission. Even Abu Lahab jokingly told Abu Talib, go and obey your son to which AbuTalib smilingly accepted. 'Ali (as) promised to help Muhammad (S) in his mission and kept this promise all his life. The next thing which we see in the life of 'Ali (as) is the reflection of this promise he gave at this place in front of the leaders of the Quraish. We see 'Ali (as) protecting Muhammad (S) from the abuses of the enemies of Islam. When Muhammad (S)went to Taif a nearby town to preach Islam children of Taif hurled stones and it was 'Ali (as) who protected the Prophet and drove the stone throwing children away from the Prophet. As a youth 'Ali (as) was strongly built, strong arms, wide chest and a very strong brave and shining face. Children of his age and even older to him were frightened of him and whenever they tried to mock the Prophet, they always ran away when they saw 'Ali (as) standing by for protection. Time passed and hostility of the Quraish increased so much so that Muhammad (S) was ordered by Allah to leave Makka. 'Ali (as) slept on Muhammad's bed without hesitation and when the non-believers entered the house of Muhammad (S) to kill, they found 'Ali (as) who was not afraid at all at the site of 40 swordsmen entering the house. When they questioned 'Ali: "where is Muhammad" he bravely replied, did you leave him in my custody? When after 3 days of Muhammad's departure 'Ali returned all the goods entrusted to Muhammad to their owners, he set out to leave Makka for Madina with the rest of the family. 'Ali (as) had with him his mother Fatima binte Asad, His aunt, the wife of Hamza, and Fatima, the daughter of Muhammad (S) and many other ladies. Non-believers of Makka tried to stop 'Ali (as) from his departure but 'Ali (as) fought back, drove the infidels away and safely reached Madina. Muhammad (S) was waiting for the family outside the precincts of the town. He entered the city with 'Ali (as) and the rest of the family. The Holy Prophet created a bond of brotherhood between the Muslims, making 'Ali (as) as his Muslim brother saying O''Ali, you are my brother in this world as well as in the next. Once the family settled in the newly adopted city of Madina their first task was to complete the mosque around which their houses were also built. 'Ali initially stayed with his mother but when he married Fatima the daughter of the Prophet he was given a house next to the Prophet by the side of the mosque. He had been betrothed to her several days before the battle of Badr. But the marriage was celebrated three months later. 'Ali was about 23 years old and Fatima was 18. This was most happy and celebrated marriage. The distinctiveness of their respective characters blended so well with each other that they never quarreled and complained of one another and led a happy and most contended life. Materially the couple did not possess much, spiritually they were at the highest level of assent. They had no worries if they go hungry or their clothes had patches. They would be more concerned if an orphan goes away from their door without receiving any food. History records 'Ali's life in Madina with the Holy Prophet for the next ten years as the busiest in defending Islam against the attackers from Makka. 'Ali (as) was always the standard bearer of the Flag of Islam in all such battles and his bravery became legendary. Ibne Abil Hadid, the Motazelli commentator of Nahjul Balagha says that: 'Ali (as) had a personality in which opposite characteristics had so gathered that it was difficult to believe a human mind could manifest such a combination. He was the bravest man that history could cite and such brave men are always hard hearted, cruel and eager to shed blood. On the contrary 'Ali was kind, sympathetic, responsive and warmhearted person, qualities quite contrary to the other phase of his character and more suited to pious and God fearing persons.'Ali's bravery and piety both became legendry. Life in Madina while the Holy Prophet was alive was the busiest for 'Ali. But he remembers these times as the best times of his life. He says in Nahjul Balagha 'Life with my brother was a life of ease and happiness.' The battles of Badr, Ohud, Khandaq and Khyber were fought in the defense if Islam and won on the hands of 'Ali (as) . He was not only the standard bearer of the Flag of Islam in these battles, but always led the forces of Islam against Kufr and came out victorious. Khyber was the climax of these battles when 'Ali's victory brought prosperity in the Muslim ranks. Ayesha the wife of the Prophet said once that until the victory of Khyber we in the house of the Prophet spent days without food. It was only after Khyber that life at home became a little easier. Thus 'Ali (as) brought an end to the hostilities of Quraish in three encounters of Badr, Ohud and Khandaq. Their best warriors were killed, their unity against Islam was crushed, their pride was humiliated and their prestige before Arab clans was lowered by him and by him alone. Khyber saw an end to the hegemony of Jews in Arabia at the hands of 'Ali (as) . The peace agreement of Hodaibiya was written by 'Ali (as) and at the time of the peaceful victory at Makka, the idols of the Kaaba were demolished by the Holy Prophet with the help of 'Ali (as) .Details of these battles were shown in the life of the Prophet. Battle of Honain The Victory of Makka brought many non believers into the fold of Islam. Broadly speaking there were three types who embraced Islam. Fear, greed and the true understanding of Islam and its principles. Some of the Makkans became Muslims for fear of their lives, they were afraid that the Prophet would kill them, others were simply frightened that the Holy Prophet with the help of Angel Gabriel would bring the wrath of God on them. Then there was greed that Islam was now victorious, so if they joined in the good life would be theirs for free. Very few of them truly understood Islam and accepted it as a true faith. The Test of their true faith came immediately after the fall of Makka while Muslims were still in the sweet pleasure of this bloodless victory, that various tribes outside Makka gathered an army of 20,000 in Taif to fight the Muslims. The hostile tribes decided to attack at a vantage point at Hunain and selected two prominent places where they concealed their archers. The Muslims were proud of their success in Makka, but their behavior during the encounter was timorous and cowardly. The Qur'an tells us this in (9:9): "God came to your help on so many occasions, on the day of Honain, your vanity in the number of your soldiers and your arrogance did not prove any avail to you, you were badly defeated and could not find any place of shelter, you started running away without shame." This encounter took place in the month of Shawwal 8th Hijri (Jan 630 AD). When the Muslim army marched towards the place where archers were concealed the enemy opened the campaign with such a severe onslaught that the Muslim army could not stand it. Their assault was fierce and confusion in the Muslim ranks made the archers bolder and they came nearer and attacked from both flanks and from the front. The Muslims could not stand the attack and started running without putting any resistance and where not concerned to leave the Prophet alone, (see Saheeh Bukhari). The first battalion to run was the one in the command of Khalid ibne Waleed(Rauzathus Safa vol II page 137) This was followed by such a disorderly and tumultuous flight that only 10 people were left out of an army of 15,000 with the Holy Prophet. Eight of them were of Bani Hashim,(.Abbas, two of his sons, 'Ali and three other cousins of the Holy Prophet) Abbas was shouting to the Muslims to come back, reminding them of the oath of allegiance taken and promises made, but it was to no avail. Those who accepted Islam for greed , wealth and power were not willing to risk their lives. Many of them who had carefully hidden their enmity from the rising power were happy at the defeat. They gathered round Abu Sofian, started congratulating him and saying, "The magical circle of the lying Prophet is broken," They were praying for the return of Polytheism. 1. Once again it fell to the lot of 'Ali (as) to save the Holy Prophet and the Islam. Armies of Bani Hawaazen and Banu Saqeef under cover of their archers were rushing the hillock and were getting ready for a fierce onslaught. 'Ali (as) divided the small band of faithful true Muslims in three divisions; to Abdullah Ibne Masood, Abbas ibne Abdul Muttalib and Abu bin Harris has assigned the duty of protecting the Holy Prophet, to three he ordered to guard the rear and he himself faced the onslaught with only three warriors with him. He fought, wounded at many places, but continued fighting when he faced the commander of the hostile army, Abu Jerdal in hand to hand fight and killed him with one stroke of his sword. He alone killed over 30 of the enemy and with this bravery his aids also fought bravely and enemy was defeated. The day was saved, the commander of the enemy's army was killed, their ranks were broken they had no courage to face 'Ali (as) and they started retreating. The sight of the powerful army in retreat, made the fleeing Muslims bold and they came back as victory was won for them 2. The defensive battles were over and the peaceful spread of Islam began. 'Ali (as) was again in the forefront. He brought the whole tribe of Bani Hamdan to Islam by preaching . Similarly when he was sent to Yemen he brought the whole country in to the fold of Islam by his sermons. This news so pleased the Holy Prophet that he bowed down in Sajdah to thank God three times and said loudly, peace be to Bani Hamdan and to 'Ali. Again in the year 10th of Hijra 'Ali's sermon and preaching proved so effective that the whole province embraced Islam as one man. In the 9th year of Hijra the famous event of Mobahela took place. Najran was a city in the province of Yemen. It was the center of Christian Missionary activities in southern Arabia. The Holy Prophet had written to the Chief Priest of the City to realize the blessings of Islam. In reply he wrote that he personally would like to discuss the teachings of this new religion. His name was Haris. He was invited and came with a group of 14 priests. These priests as guest of the Holy Prophet. Long discussions took place during the course of 4 days of their stay in Madina. When Sunday came the Chief priest wanted to go out of the city to have their Sunday Service. Prophet Islam said that they all have permission to conduct their religious service inside the mosque of the Prophet which they happily did. Long discussions continued about monotheism verses trinity and it was realized that these priests were not open minded, on the contrary they were prejudiced against monotheism. The Almighty Lord ordered the Holy Prophet to explain to that: "Verily Jesus is as Adam in the sight of God. He created Adam from dust. He said unto him, Be, and he was. This is truth from thy Lord. be not therefore one of those who doubt, and whoever shall dispute thee, say unto them, "come let us call together our sons and your sons, our women and your women, our Selves and your Selves, then let us make imprecations and lay the curse of God upon those who lie." (3:61) According to Bibi Ayesha when the above verse was revealed to the Apostle of God, he called 'Ali, Fatima, Hasan and Husayn and said, "Lord, this is my family (Ahlul Bayt). The Holy Prophet took this small family with them to the open land outside the city where they all assembled to bring the curse of God on those who lie. When the Chief priest saw these faces, he told his companions that he was looking at the faces that if they call the mountain, the mountain will go them. Do not have Mobahela with them or you will be destroyed. On hearing this they all agreed to pay homage to the Holy Prophet and an annual tax for living in the Islamic State and withdrew from the scene. Designation of 'Ali as successor to the Prophet In history there were numerous occasions when the Holy Prophet designated 'Ali as his Deputy and successor after him. From the moment of Zulasheera to the time of the conquest of Khyber and the occasion of the battle of Tabuke the Holy Prophet made it abundantly clear that no one deserved more than 'Ali to be his Deputy and successor. But at the time of Ghadeer this was clearly ordered by Allah through a clear verse revealed on the Prophet. The Verse said, "O' apostle; proclaim the whole of that which hath been sent down to thee from thy Lord, for if thou dost it not, it will be as if thou hast not at all performed the duty of His Prophethood. And God will protect thee from evil men, verily God guideth not the unbelievers." (5:67.) The occasion was after the last pilgrimage in 10th Hijri. The Prophet delivered his Sermons on Mount Arafat, had the final rounds of the Kaaba and left for Madina. More than 120,000 pilgrims were coming out with him from Makka going to the North. Half way through their journey where the routes were separated for various pilgrims, the Holy Prophet ordered the whole caravan to halt. All those who went ahead were called back and for those who were behind they waited for them to arrive. The place was Ghadeer, near the pool of water. That is why it was named Ghadeer-e-Khom. When all assembled at this place the Holy Prophet stood up on top of the pulpit and said, "People, shortly I shall be called towards my creator where I shall have to give an account as to how I have conveyed His message to you and you in your turn will be asked as to how you have accepted and carried out the teachings. Now tell me what you will say". Thereupon all the pilgrims declared as one man, "Apostle of God, we testify and declare that you have conveyed the message of God fully, you have strived your utmost to guide us to the Right Path and taught us to follow it. You were most kind to us and you never wished for us but our good, may God repay you for all that." After that the Prophet said, "Do you not testify that there is no god but Allah, that Muhammad is His creature, His servant, and His apostle, that there is the Heaven and the Hell, that death will overtake every one of you, that you will be brought back from your graves that the Day of Judgement will surely dawn and human beings will be resurrected from their graves to account for their deeds. The whole crowd declared in unison, "We believe and testify all this." Hearing this the Apostle declared, "I am leaving amongst you two most important things worthy of obedience, the Qur'an and my progeny (Ahlul Bayt). Take care how you treat them, they will not separate from each other till they reach me at the fountain of Kauser." Then he said, "The Almighty God is my Lord (Maula) and I am the Lord of all Muslims and have more right and power on their lives than they themselves. Do you believe in this assertion of mine?" They all in one voice replied "Yes O'Apostle of God. Three times he asked the same question and three times he received the same affirmative reply. At this solemn affirmation he said, "Hear and remember that to whomever I am Lord or Maula, 'Ali is the Lord and Maula to him. He is to me what Aaron was to Musa. The Almighty God is a friend to his friends and a foe to his foe, help those who help him and frustrate those who betray him. While saying this he raised 'Ali High over his shoulders in order to be seen by all the Muslims assembled there. Thereupon the Holy Prophet received the final revelation: "This day I have perfected your religion for you and have filled up the measure of my bounties upon you and I am pleased with Islam to be your Deen," (5:3). After performing this ceremony and receiving the above revelation the Holy Prophet came down from the pulpit and ordered a tent to be erected. In this 'Ali (as) was made to take his seat and all Muslims were ordered to pay homage to him and address him as Amirul Momeneen (Lord of the faithful) The first person to congratulate and address him as such was Omar Ibne Khattab saying, "I congratulate you, O''Ali, today you have become my Maula and Lord and Lord of every Muslim man and woman. 1. The event of Ghadeer was on 18th of Zilhijja 10th Hijri, immediately after the last pilgrimage by the Holy Prophet. He then arrived back in Madina and lived only for 70 days after the event.(130 Prominent Companions of the Holy Prophet narrated this Hadith including the first three Kholafa-e-Rashidoon) The year 11th AH was the saddest year for 'Ali. (as) He lost two of his best friends. One of whom he loved and venerated like a father, like a master and like a dearest friend, the Holy Prophet(S) who died on 28th Safar 11th Hijri, exactly 70 days after the event of Ghadeer. His death followed by the death of his dearest companion his wife Fatima, the Lady of Light. Immediately after the death of the Holy Prophet who was buried by 'Ali (as) with the help of his uncle Abbas and all the family of Bani Hashim, the news was given to 'Ali (as) about the events at the Saqeefa that Abubakr was made Caliph. Abu Sofian heard the news came to 'Ali (as) and told him that his Right was taken away from him. If he wishes, Abu Sofian would fill the city of Madina with horsemen to defend 'Ali's Right of Khilafat. 'Ali's reply was typical, he said," since when you have become friends of Islam", you want to create serious dissension amongst the Muslims. You have always tried to harm Islam I do not need your sympathies or help." 'Ali realized that any serious dissension at this stage would harm the cause of Islam. He had before him the example of Hodaibiya and he had been foretold by the Holy Prophet of all that would happen. Allama 'Ali Ibne Mohammed (630 AH) in his book Usdul Ghaba Vol iv page 31 says, The Holy Prophet had told 'Ali, your status is like that of Kaaba. People go to Kaaba but that August house never approaches anybody. Therefore after my death, if people come to you and swear the oath of allegiance you accept it and if they do not come to you then you do not go to them." 'Ali's love for Islam was so intense, he could not, for the sake of worldly rule, endanger Islam. He knew fully well that a civil war at this stage would give chances to the Jewish tribes of Banu Nuzair and Banu Qoraiza on the one side, and the Byzantine armies in the north with the Munafiqoon (hypocrites) the new converts on the third side to simply take advantage of the situation. When they would find the Muslims busy killing each other they would literally cut them to pieces and Islam would totally disappear as a message of peace. 'Ali's utmost desire was to see Islam and the Arabs in one piece and wanted the enemies of Islam to realize that Islam was strong enough to defend itself as "Deen". even after the demise of the Apostle of God. He had another important job to complete that is the completion of the collection of Qur'an with its Tafseer (explanations) according to the instructions of the Holy Prophet. Qur'an as a book was already completed by the Holy Prophet, many copies were made and circulated among the Muslim communities all over the Islamic world. What 'Ali did in the next six months after the demise of the Holy Prophet was to collect all the explanations of the various verses, reasons behind their revelation and their full context. This monumental job he completed in six months and brought before the Muslims in the city of the Prophet. Unfortunately this was ignored by the ruling party and 'Ali (as) took it back with him. Their comment was "this is too bulky and people will not understand it." The original remained with 'Ali (as) all his life and then passed on to his son Hasan (as) and then to Husayn (as) which then continued with the Ahlul Bayt of the Prophet. It is now with the 12th Imam (as) . During the time of the three Kholafa, although 'Ali (as) did not take part in any of the battles, he was always available when they sought his advice on religious matters. His position as the jurist was on the top of the list among the companions of the Holy Prophet. Omar Ibne Khattab the 2nd Caliph had given clear instructions that when 'Ali was present in the mosque of the Prophet no one should take precedence over him in answering questions on religious matters. In one such encounter during the time of the 2nd Caliph, a group of Jewish scholars approached the caliph and said, " We have a few questions. If we get the answers to these questions correctly, we will accept the Islamic faith. "Ask whatever you want to ask," said the caliph. They asked the following questions. 1. What are the locks and keys of heaven? 2. Who was the messenger who was neither of the human nor of the jinn and who warned his people? 3. Which are the 5 beings that were created without the aid of ovaries? 4 What are one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven and twelve? The caliph thought over these questions for a time, then said, I do not know the answers to these questions. I will take you to a man who is most knowledgeable in the commandments of God and the Prophet and the greatest among us. The caliph then brought the Jewish scholars to 'Ali (as) . They asked the same questions to him. 'Ali (as) answered thus: 1. The locks of the heavens are beliefs in more than one God, and its keys are the letters of "La Ilaha Illallah, Muhammad-Ur-Rasulallah." 2. The messenger who warned his people is the ant who, when Solomon's army was passing by, said to his people, " Enter your houses so that the army may not stamp you out (without intention)". So God states in the Holy Qur'an, "Until they came to the valley of the Ants, said an ant (addressing the other ants of the valley) O" you ants' enter into your dwellings, so that Solomon and his hosts may not crush you while they know it not". (27:18) 3. The five beings that were not born of ovaries are: Adam, Eve, the staff of Moses which used to change into a python, the camel of Saleh, and the sheep of Ibrahim (which was sent by God to become a ransom of the life of Ibrahim's son Ismael). 4. One is God who has no partners, two are Adam and Eve, three are the substances ( i.e. non-living matter, plants and animals), four are the Heavenly books: Torah of Moses, Bible of Jesus, Zubur of Dawood and the Qur'an of Muhammad (S). Five are the daily prayers. Six are the days of creation of the heavens and earth, as per the verse of the Qur'an: "And indeed We created the heavens and the earth and what is between them two, in six periods and touched us not any fatigue." (Surah 50:38). Seven are the seven heavens, in the light of the Qur'anic Verse: "And we have erected above you the seven strong ones." (78:12) Eight are those angels who bear the heavens, as per the Qur'anic Verse: "And the angels shall be on the side of it; and above them shall bear that day 'Arsh'(the throne of authority). of your Lord, eight of them (69:17) Nine are the nine signs given to Moses as stated by God: "And indeed we gave Moses nine clear signs (miracles); so ask the children of Israel when he came to them, Pharaoh said to him; "Verily I deem you O'Moses one bewitched." (17:101). Ten are the ten days, i.e. God had promised Moses that he would stay on the mountain of Toor for thirty days, and later added ten more days to this duration, as it is stated in the Qur'an. "And we made an appointment with Moses for thirty nights and completed it with ten more;" Thus was completed the term of his Lord, forty nights, and (before he went up) Moses said to his brother Aaron: You take my place among my people, act rightly and follow not the path of the mischief-makers." (7:142). Eleven are the brothers of Joseph, son of Jacob, as the Qur'an states, "When said Joseph to his father, O'my father; Verily I did see (dream) eleven stars and the sun and the moon,, I saw them all prostrating to me." (12:4). Twelve are the Twelve water-springs manifested by the staff of Moses, as God states, "And (remember) when Moses sought water for his people; said We, 'Strike the rock with your staff' Then gushed out therefrom twelve springs; each people knew their drinking place; "Eat and drink God's provision, and commit not evil in the earth acting mischievously." (2:60) When the Jewish scholars heard the replies of 'Ali (as) they said, "We bear witness that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad (S) is His Messenger and 'Ali (as) is the "Wasi" and successor of the Messenger of God as Aaron was the Wasi of Moses. They all embraced Islam, went back to their tribe and converted all of them to Islam.(Kaukabe Durri). After the death of Osman the 3rd Caliph 'Ali (as) was elected by the overwhelming majority of Muslims as the 4th Caliph. He was reluctant to accept the office of the caliph but when pushed by the majority , accepted it by saying that he was taking the reins of worldly authority only to bring back the Ummah of the Prophet on the Right Path, though the value of this worldly khilafat is less than the sneeze of a goat. His position as an Imam and guide was already established during the period of three earlier khulafa, with worldly power he began the daunting task of establishing the type of rule the Messenger of God had established during his time. Imam Bukhari mentioned in his Saheeh that the very first prayers which 'Ali (as) led in the mosque of the Prophet as the Caliph, many companions of the prophet said that "today we have prayed as the Messenger of God used to pray". But during the past 25 years many companions of the Prophet had, due to excessive wealth coming in from the conquest of the foreign lands, changed into the habit of living like feudal lords of the period of Jahiliya of pre-Islamic days. 'Ali (as) as caliph warned them of the dangers of excessive wealth by these words. " Beware of the intoxication of wealth".(Masudi,Muruj el Zahab). The path of 'Ali (as) was full of thorns and as soon as he tried to establish the austere path of the Messenger of God, he created many enemies. The first and foremost was the Governor of Syria Moawiya ibne Abi Sofian. He persuaded Talha and Zubair,when they were denied the Governorship of various provinces by 'Ali (as) , to start a revolt against 'Ali. (as) Both of them left Madina, arrived in Makka and somehow persuaded bibi Ayesha the widow of the Prophet to start a fight against 'Ali. (as) They left Makka for Basra and assembled an army against 'Ali. (as) . He warned them of the dangers of war against the caliph upon whose hand they had taken the oath of allegiance, but persuasion from Moawiya and promises of Governorship of various provinces was so strong that they would not hear any advice. 'Ali (as) left Madina in pursuit of these deviants and two Muslim armies faced each other near Basra. When many companions of the Prophet saw this they questioned the validity of this war and cast doubt as to which party was on the right path. 'Ali (as) replied in the most subtle way to these doubters. " Truth cannot be identified from men, find the truth and you will find the deserving person". The battle of Jamal was fought, 'Ali 's army was victorious, both Talha and Zubair were killed by their own men and bibi Ayesha was sent back to Madina under the escort of her brother Muhammad ibne Abibakr. She always repented this venture and asked forgiveness from God. When with the connivance of Moawiya her brother Muhammad ibne abi bakr was killed and his body was put into the body of a dead camel and burnt, she cursed Moawiya five times a day after every prayer, throughout her life.. The Battle of Siffin was also fought due to the deviant action of Moawiya against the Islamic State. Some companions of 'Ali's army deserted him by accepting bribes from Moawiya and due to this deceitful action the battle of Siffin remained indecisive, no one won and no one lost. In the meantime this deviant group which was later named as "Khawarij" meaning deviant, began to spread trouble within the Islamic State by looting and burning villages and killing women and children that 'Ali (as) fought against them and the battle of Nahrwan took place. On the way to Nahrwan 'Ali (as) passed a monastery. An old Christian monk who also claimed to be an astrologer of some repute called out, " O' army of Islam, ask your leader to come to me. Upon hearing this 'Ali (as) turned his horse towards the monastery and approached the monk. Where do you go ask the monk. To fight the enemies of Islam, replied 'Ali (as) . Do not fight now, because at this moment the stars do not favor the Muslims. Wait for a few days when the stars will become favorable for you. 'Ali (as) replied, do you defy Allah for this action we are taking on the orders of Allah and for His Deen. 'Ali (as) said, " since you profess knowledge of the stars, tell me about the movement of such and such star." The old man said, By God, I have never heard the name of this star. 'Ali (as) asked him another question about the skies and when the old man failed to reply said "It is now known that you do not know about the skies. Shall I ask you about the earth? Tell me what is buried beneath your feet at the spot where you stand. I do not know said the old monk, "There is a vessel filled with so many silver coins and the coins bear such and such emblem. How do you know enquired the monk". "By God's grace." said 'Ali (as) . Then 'Ali proceeded to say that in the ensuing fight, less than ten persons of Islamic army would be killed whereas less than ten persons from the opposing army would escape. The old monk listened astonished. As per 'Ali's command, when the earth beneath the feet of the monk was dug, a vessel filled with silver coins was found exactly as described by 'Ali (as) 'Ali (as) proceeded to Nahrwan and in the ensuing fight, the Khawarij were thoroughly defeated. Out of the four thousand men of the Khawarij only nine escaped and only nine men of the Islamic army were killed in this battle. (Rawdhatul Shuhada, Kaukab el Durri ) Returning from the battle 'Ali (as) passed the monastery and when the monk heard the full story he embraced Islam immediately. 'Ali (as) also admonished him about his belief in astrology. He said " do you think you can tell the hour when a man goes out and no evil befall him. Whoever testifies this falsifies the Qur'an and becomes unmindful of Allah in achieving his desired objective and in warding off the undesirable." Then 'Ali (as) addressed to his own soldiers and said "Beware of learning the science of stars except that with which guidance is sought on land or sea, because it leads to divining and an astrologer is a diviner, while a diviner is like the sorcerer, the sorcerer is like the unbeliever and the unbeliever's place is in hell."(Nahjul Balagha) The four years and ten months of the Khilafat of 'Ali (as) has been regarded by many historians as the best example of Islamic State after the Prophet of Islam's death, in spite of the fact that the family of Abu Sofian tried their best to destroy it. Imam Abu Yousuf the famous disciple of Imam Abu Hanifa in his book about the history of Kholafae Rashedun declares above the title of his book that 'Ali's (as) time of Khilafat was the best in the management of the Islamic State and most just. Many European historians mentioned 'Ali's name with love and affection. Carlyle writes in his Heros and Heroworship that" 'Ali had such a personality that he was liked, loved and venerated by everybody. He was the man of excellent character loving and lovable, so intensely brave that if anything stood against his bravery it was consumed as if by fire, yet he was so gentle and kind that he represented the model of a Christian Knight." The famous Egyptian scholar Mohammad Abdoh relates a story about the time of the conquest of Alexandria during the reign of the 2nd caliph. They found a great library there and did not know what to do with it. Orders were issued from Madina that 'if these books are according to the Holy Qur'an, then we do not need them and if they say anything contrary to the Holy Qur'an then we do not want them. Therefore, in any case they ought to be burnt. (Akhbarul Ulama wa Aakhbarul Hukama of Ibne Quftee, pages 232 and 233,Printed Cairo). When 'Ali (as) heard the news of this, he tried to pursuade them to refrain from issuing such order. He told them, "These books are treasures of knowledge and they cannot say anything against the Holy Qur'an. On the contrary the knowledge contained therein would act as commentaries of the Holy Book and would assist and help in further explanations of the knowledge as presented by the Holy Prophet. Knowledge is an asset for human beings and a birth right of man. It should not be destroyed." It was 19th of Ramadan 41 Hijri while 'Ali (as) was leading the morning prayers and was in the second Sajdah of the 2nd Rakaat that Ibne Muljim's sword fell and the life of the greatest warrior saint was taken away to his merciful Lord. The famous christian writer of Lebanon George Jurdaq writes in his books on 'Ali (as) that with this one blow of the sword of Ibne Muljim the world was deprived of the person who, if had lived a few more years would have given the world a system of administration that future generations would have benefited for a long time to come." In fact the letter to his Governor of Egypt Malike Ashter advising him of the "Do's and Don'ts for a successful administration of the State is the hall mark in the annals of history". We can only say that 'Ali's supreme wisdom provides the guidance of a stature that mankind can aspire to. 'Ali (as) injured with the wound from the poisonous sword lived for two days. In these two days he dictated his Will and last testament to his son Hasan (as) which is again a brilliant part of literary history. He advised his eldest son to love God and obey Him and to live for the service of the people in the way of God. "And then do not forget to set apart the best of your time for communion with God, although every moment of yours is for Him, provided it is spent sincerely in the service of your people." 'Ali's (as) sermons, collected by Sayyid Razi in the 4th century (AH) are the examples of the most brilliant piece of Arabic literature that after the Holy Qur'an and the authentic Hadith of the Prophet of Islam, ever produced. What Sayyid Razi could compile in Nahjul Balagha does not contain all the Sermons, letters and sayings of 'Ali (as) . Masoodi (d.346) in his famous book of history Muruj-al-Zahab says that the only Sermons of 'Ali, (as) which have been preserved by various people, number more than 480. These were extempore orations, people have copied them from one another and compiled them in the book forms' they have cited them and quoted passages from them in their books. The famous companion and pupil of 'Ali (as) Hasan al Basri had made such arrangements that one of his own friends would memorize the sermons delivered in the mosque of Kufa and relate the same in the next Friday prayer in Basra. This shows the deep interest people of his own time had in these sermons and sayings. Apparently out of these 480 sermons some were lost and Sayyid Razi could lay hands on only 245 sermons. Besides them he has collected about 75 letters and 489 sayings. Almost every one of the sermons, sayings and letters collected in Nahjul Balagha is to be found books of authors who died long before Sayyid Raza was even born. Here we quote a few selected sayings of 'Ali (as) from Nahjul Balagha, The numbers given as they appear in the English translation by Sayyid 'Ali Raza from Pakistan. 1. During civil disturbance be like an adolescent camel that has neither a back strong enough for riding nor udders for milking."( 1, page 568) 2. He who adopts greed as a habit devalues himself, he who discloses his hardship agrees to humiliation, and he who allows his tongue to overpower his Nafs debases the Nafs.(2 page 569) 5. Knowledge is a venerable estate, good manners are new dresses and thinking is a clear mirror. ( 5, page 569) 7. Charity is an effective cure, and actions of people in their present life will be before their eyes in the next life.( 7, page 570) 10.Meet people in such a manner that if you die they should weep for you and if you live they should long for you.( 10, page 571) 27." Keep walking in your sickness as long as you can."(27, page 576)-A simple cure through exercise and ignoring the sickness as much as possible) 31. Faith stands on four supports: on endurance, conviction, justice and Jihad.(31 page 576) 40. The tongue of the wiseman is behind his heart and the heart of the fool is behind his tongue.(40 page 579) 45. Even if I strike the nose of a believer with this sword for hating me, he will not hate me, and even if I pile all the wealth of the world before a hypocrite for loving me he will not love. This is because it is pronounced by the tongue of the beloved Prophet. O''Ali, a believer will never hate you and a hypocrite (Muslim) will never love you.( 45 page 580) 54. There is no wealth like wisdom, no destitution like ignorance, no inheritance like refinement and no support like consultation.(54 page 584) 64. The people of the world are like travelers who are being carried while asleep. 64, page 584) 67. Do not feel ashamed for giving little, because refusal is smaller than that.( 67, page 584) 90. The perfect jurist of Islam is he who does not let people lose hope from the mercy of Allah, does not make him despondent of Allah's kindness and does not make him feel safe from Allah's punishment.( 90 page 589) 117. Two categories of persons will face ruin on account of me; he who loves me with exaggeration and he who hates me intensely. (117 page 594) 146. Protect your belief by charity, guard your wealth by paying Allah's share, and ward off the waves of calamity by praying.(146 page 600) 334. Beware of disobeying Allah in solitude, for the witness is also the judge.(334. page 648) The famous French historian and Orientalist Gabriel Enkiri writes in his famous book 'Le chevalier de Islam', In the extremely superfine, grand and noble character of 'Ali, there were two traits which, it is difficult to believe that can be united in one man. Besides 'Ali, history cannot show any other man who has displayed these two qualities at one and the same time, and each one, in such a marked way that none can surpass him. 1. He was the greatest marshal of his time (even of all time) and , 2. He was the wisest man who could explain and expound religion, philosophy, science, sociology and ethics, in a style which was not and which cannot be improved; what is more, he was such a great speaker that his speeches enchant you even fourteen centuries after his death". Read the book called Nahjul Balagha and find out yourself. Battle of Honain Designation of 'Ali as successor to the Prophet ‹ The Story of Hazrat Fatima (sa), daughter of the Holy ProphetupThe Second Imam, al-Hasan (as) › Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 01:48PM Abu Abdullah - Social Mention The First Imam, 'Ali (as) Ibn Abu Talib It was Friday 13th of Rajab 30 Amulfeel Hazrat Fatima binte Asad, the wife of Hazrat Abu Talib entered the precincts of the Kaaba and prayed to Allah saying O'my protector ease my pain.'All of a sudden the wall of the Kaaba opened up and she, as if by some unseen force went inside the Kaaba and the wall closed. 'Ali (as) the youngest son of Abu Talib was born inside the Holy Kaaba. She stayed inside for three days. On the 3rd day she came out through the door and Muhammad was waiting outside. She told Muhammad (S) that the boy had not taken any milk. Muhammad gave him the first feed from his mouth and afterwards asked his uncle Abu Talib that he wished to adopt the baby. 'Ali entered the house of Muhammad from the very first day of his birth. 'Ali's mother Fatima binte Assad Also lived there who looked after his own son as well as Muhammad (S) so much so that later the Holy Prophet used to say that she was like his own mother. Shah Waliullah, Mohadith-e-Dehlvi writes in the book "Izalatul Kholafa" giving reference from Imam Hakim in his Mustadrak Part 3, Page 483. Qud Tawatarul Akhbar Inna Fatimah Binte Asad woledat Aliyan Fi Jaufil Kaaba". Another writer of the old school Sibtel Jauzi in his book Tazkeratul Khawas ul Umma, page 7 mentions the same fact that 'Ali was born inside the Kaaba. Khawja Moinuddin Chishti Ajmeri mentions this fact in his famous Quartet saying that when 'Ali was born inside the kaaba the Sky and the earth was filled with a light and Angel Gabriel announced that a child was born in the house of God. Maulana Rumi in his Mathnawi writes, " O'one who travels to Najef to visit the tomb of 'Ali must know the fact that the pearl of the Kaaba lies there to give us security because of our intense love for him." Masoodi the famous historian writes in his book of history Muruj el Zahab, that 'Ali was born inside the Kaaba on the orders of Muhammad the Messenger of God. It was after the adoption of 'Ali (as) that he lived with the Holy Prophet in his house. Wherever Muhammad (S) went 'Ali (as) was with him all the time. Even in the Mountain of Hira when Muhammad (S)went for meditation 'Ali (as) went with him most of the time. Sometimes they stayed on the mountain for 3 or 4 days. Sometimes 'Ali (as) took his food there. In Nahjul Balagha 'Ali (as) said that " I used to go with the Holy Prophet like the baby camel goes with his mother." Some historians try to show that when Muhammad (S) declared his prophet hood 'Ali (as) was the first among male children who accepted Islam. The implication here is that both Muhammad (S) and 'Ali (as) were non -believers before this declaration. This is against the Qur'anic verdict which says that Ibrahim was a Muslim and he taught his children to be Muslims so that when the Prophet was born among the descendants of Ibrahim through the line of Ismael he was born a Muslim and so was 'Ali. The correct thing to say would be that when Muhammad (S)declared his prophet hood openly 'Ali (as) immediately adhered to the declaration without hesitation. The three persons seen in prayers in the Kaaba were Muhammad, Khadija and 'Ali before anyone else accepted Islam. For 3 years young and poor persons of Makka were accepting Islam secretly. The first open declaration came when the Qora'nic verse tells the Prophet to "come out openly and warn the people of your own clan." Invitations were sent to leaders of the Banu Hashim to come to the house of Muhammad (S)for Dinner. Forty of them came, ate food and then heard Muhammad (S)about his mission of ' No god but Allah and Muhammad (S) as the messenger of Allah and whoever offers his help to propagate this religion will be his deputy and successor. No one stood up except 'Ali (as) . After announcing this 3 times Muhammad (S) declared that 'Ali (as) will be his deputy to his mission and will be his successor after him. People thought it as a joke that a 13 year old boy was to be a deputy of this prophetic mission. Even Abu Lahab jokingly told Abu Talib, go and obey your son to which AbuTalib smilingly accepted. 'Ali (as) promised to help Muhammad (S) in his mission and kept this promise all his life. The next thing which we see in the life of 'Ali (as) is the reflection of this promise he gave at this place in front of the leaders of the Quraish. We see 'Ali (as) protecting Muhammad (S) from the abuses of the enemies of Islam. When Muhammad (S)went to Taif a nearby town to preach Islam children of Taif hurled stones and it was 'Ali (as) who protected the Prophet and drove the stone throwing children away from the Prophet. As a youth 'Ali (as) was strongly built, strong arms, wide chest and a very strong brave and shining face. Children of his age and even older to him were frightened of him and whenever they tried to mock the Prophet, they always ran away when they saw 'Ali (as) standing by for protection. Time passed and hostility of the Quraish increased so much so that Muhammad (S) was ordered by Allah to leave Makka. 'Ali (as) slept on Muhammad's bed without hesitation and when the non-believers entered the house of Muhammad (S) to kill, they found 'Ali (as) who was not afraid at all at the site of 40 swordsmen entering the house. When they questioned 'Ali: "where is Muhammad" he bravely replied, did you leave him in my custody? When after 3 days of Muhammad's departure 'Ali returned all the goods entrusted to Muhammad to their owners, he set out to leave Makka for Madina with the rest of the family. 'Ali (as) had with him his mother Fatima binte Asad, His aunt, the wife of Hamza, and Fatima, the daughter of Muhammad (S) and many other ladies. Non-believers of Makka tried to stop 'Ali (as) from his departure but 'Ali (as) fought back, drove the infidels away and safely reached Madina. Muhammad (S) was waiting for the family outside the precincts of the town. He entered the city with 'Ali (as) and the rest of the family. The Holy Prophet created a bond of brotherhood between the Muslims, making 'Ali (as) as his Muslim brother saying O''Ali, you are my brother in this world as well as in the next. Once the family settled in the newly adopted city of Madina their first task was to complete the mosque around which their houses were also built. 'Ali initially stayed with his mother but when he married Fatima the daughter of the Prophet he was given a house next to the Prophet by the side of the mosque. He had been betrothed to her several days before the battle of Badr. But the marriage was celebrated three months later. 'Ali was about 23 years old and Fatima was 18. This was most happy and celebrated marriage. The distinctiveness of their respective characters blended so well with each other that they never quarreled and complained of one another and led a happy and most contended life. Materially the couple did not possess much, spiritually they were at the highest level of assent. They had no worries if they go hungry or their clothes had patches. They would be more concerned if an orphan goes away from their door without receiving any food. History records 'Ali's life in Madina with the Holy Prophet for the next ten years as the busiest in defending Islam against the attackers from Makka. 'Ali (as) was always the standard bearer of the Flag of Islam in all such battles and his bravery became legendary. Ibne Abil Hadid, the Motazelli commentator of Nahjul Balagha says that: 'Ali (as) had a personality in which opposite characteristics had so gathered that it was difficult to believe a human mind could manifest such a combination. He was the bravest man that history could cite and such brave men are always hard hearted, cruel and eager to shed blood. On the contrary 'Ali was kind, sympathetic, responsive and warmhearted person, qualities quite contrary to the other phase of his character and more suited to pious and God fearing persons.'Ali's bravery and piety both became legendry. Life in Madina while the Holy Prophet was alive was the busiest for 'Ali. But he remembers these times as the best times of his life. He says in Nahjul Balagha 'Life with my brother was a life of ease and happiness.' The battles of Badr, Ohud, Khandaq and Khyber were fought in the defense if Islam and won on the hands of 'Ali (as) . He was not only the standard bearer of the Flag of Islam in these battles, but always led the forces of Islam against Kufr and came out victorious. Khyber was the climax of these battles when 'Ali's victory brought prosperity in the Muslim ranks. Ayesha the wife of the Prophet said once that until the victory of Khyber we in the house of the Prophet spent days without food. It was only after Khyber that life at home became a little easier. Thus 'Ali (as) brought an end to the hostilities of Quraish in three encounters of Badr, Ohud and Khandaq. Their best warriors were killed, their unity against Islam was crushed, their pride was humiliated and their prestige before Arab clans was lowered by him and by him alone. Khyber saw an end to the hegemony of Jews in Arabia at the hands of 'Ali (as) . The peace agreement of Hodaibiya was written by 'Ali (as) and at the time of the peaceful victory at Makka, the idols of the Kaaba were demolished by the Holy Prophet with the help of 'Ali (as) .Details of these battles were shown in the life of the Prophet. Battle of Honain The Victory of Makka brought many non believers into the fold of Islam. Broadly speaking there were three types who embraced Islam. Fear, greed and the true understanding of Islam and its principles. Some of the Makkans became Muslims for fear of their lives, they were afraid that the Prophet would kill them, others were simply frightened that the Holy Prophet with the help of Angel Gabriel would bring the wrath of God on them. Then there was greed that Islam was now victorious, so if they joined in the good life would be theirs for free. Very few of them truly understood Islam and accepted it as a true faith. The Test of their true faith came immediately after the fall of Makka while Muslims were still in the sweet pleasure of this bloodless victory, that various tribes outside Makka gathered an army of 20,000 in Taif to fight the Muslims. The hostile tribes decided to attack at a vantage point at Hunain and selected two prominent places where they concealed their archers. The Muslims were proud of their success in Makka, but their behavior during the encounter was timorous and cowardly. The Qur'an tells us this in (9:9): "God came to your help on so many occasions, on the day of Honain, your vanity in the number of your soldiers and your arrogance did not prove any avail to you, you were badly defeated and could not find any place of shelter, you started running away without shame." This encounter took place in the month of Shawwal 8th Hijri (Jan 630 AD). When the Muslim army marched towards the place where archers were concealed the enemy opened the campaign with such a severe onslaught that the Muslim army could not stand it. Their assault was fierce and confusion in the Muslim ranks made the archers bolder and they came nearer and attacked from both flanks and from the front. The Muslims could not stand the attack and started running without putting any resistance and where not concerned to leave the Prophet alone, (see Saheeh Bukhari). The first battalion to run was the one in the command of Khalid ibne Waleed(Rauzathus Safa vol II page 137) This was followed by such a disorderly and tumultuous flight that only 10 people were left out of an army of 15,000 with the Holy Prophet. Eight of them were of Bani Hashim,(.Abbas, two of his sons, 'Ali and three other cousins of the Holy Prophet) Abbas was shouting to the Muslims to come back, reminding them of the oath of allegiance taken and promises made, but it was to no avail. Those who accepted Islam for greed , wealth and power were not willing to risk their lives. Many of them who had carefully hidden their enmity from the rising power were happy at the defeat. They gathered round Abu Sofian, started congratulating him and saying, "The magical circle of the lying Prophet is broken," They were praying for the return of Polytheism. 1. Once again it fell to the lot of 'Ali (as) to save the Holy Prophet and the Islam. Armies of Bani Hawaazen and Banu Saqeef under cover of their archers were rushing the hillock and were getting ready for a fierce onslaught. 'Ali (as) divided the small band of faithful true Muslims in three divisions; to Abdullah Ibne Masood, Abbas ibne Abdul Muttalib and Abu bin Harris has assigned the duty of protecting the Holy Prophet, to three he ordered to guard the rear and he himself faced the onslaught with only three warriors with him. He fought, wounded at many places, but continued fighting when he faced the commander of the hostile army, Abu Jerdal in hand to hand fight and killed him with one stroke of his sword. He alone killed over 30 of the enemy and with this bravery his aids also fought bravely and enemy was defeated. The day was saved, the commander of the enemy's army was killed, their ranks were broken they had no courage to face 'Ali (as) and they started retreating. The sight of the powerful army in retreat, made the fleeing Muslims bold and they came back as victory was won for them 2. The defensive battles were over and the peaceful spread of Islam began. 'Ali (as) was again in the forefront. He brought the whole tribe of Bani Hamdan to Islam by preaching . Similarly when he was sent to Yemen he brought the whole country in to the fold of Islam by his sermons. This news so pleased the Holy Prophet that he bowed down in Sajdah to thank God three times and said loudly, peace be to Bani Hamdan and to 'Ali. Again in the year 10th of Hijra 'Ali's sermon and preaching proved so effective that the whole province embraced Islam as one man. In the 9th year of Hijra the famous event of Mobahela took place. Najran was a city in the province of Yemen. It was the center of Christian Missionary activities in southern Arabia. The Holy Prophet had written to the Chief Priest of the City to realize the blessings of Islam. In reply he wrote that he personally would like to discuss the teachings of this new religion. His name was Haris. He was invited and came with a group of 14 priests. These priests as guest of the Holy Prophet. Long discussions took place during the course of 4 days of their stay in Madina. When Sunday came the Chief priest wanted to go out of the city to have their Sunday Service. Prophet Islam said that they all have permission to conduct their religious service inside the mosque of the Prophet which they happily did. Long discussions continued about monotheism verses trinity and it was realized that these priests were not open minded, on the contrary they were prejudiced against monotheism. The Almighty Lord ordered the Holy Prophet to explain to that: "Verily Jesus is as Adam in the sight of God. He created Adam from dust. He said unto him, Be, and he was. This is truth from thy Lord. be not therefore one of those who doubt, and whoever shall dispute thee, say unto them, "come let us call together our sons and your sons, our women and your women, our Selves and your Selves, then let us make imprecations and lay the curse of God upon those who lie." (3:61) According to Bibi Ayesha when the above verse was revealed to the Apostle of God, he called 'Ali, Fatima, Hasan and Husayn and said, "Lord, this is my family (Ahlul Bayt). The Holy Prophet took this small family with them to the open land outside the city where they all assembled to bring the curse of God on those who lie. When the Chief priest saw these faces, he told his companions that he was looking at the faces that if they call the mountain, the tauhid - Social Mention: Dakwah Dengan Ilmu dan Bashirah Terhadap Agama ( Bag.2) 4. Bahwasanya Allah Subhanahuwata'ala telah menempatkan ahli ilmu pada kedudukan yang mulia. Yaitu ketika Allah menjadikan mereka sebagai saksi atas ke EsaanNya. Allah Subhanahuwata'ala meridhai kesaksian ( dan persaksian ) mereka sebagai penghormatan bagi mereka, di samping karena mereka membawa amanah ilmu dan hidayah bagi manusia. Allah Subhahanahuwata'ala berfirman : Kewanitaan Fatwa-Fatwa Info Pengajian شَهِدَ اللَّهُ أَنَّهُ لَا إِلَٰهَ إِلَّا هُوَ وَالْمَلَائِكَةُ وَأُولُو الْعِلْمِ قَائِمًا بِالْقِسْطِ Kajian Khusus Kisah Anak dan Keluarga " Allah mengatakan bahwasannya tidak ada sesembahan yang haq melainkan Dia, yang menegakkan keadilan. Para malaikat dan orang – orang yang berilmu ( juga mengatakan yang demikian itu ) , " ( Ali Imran 18 ). Adab dan Akhlaq Kajian Rutin Syaikh As Sa'di mengatakan : " dakwah mengajak manusia kembali kepada Allah harus senantiasa disertai dan berisi ilmu, sebab diantara syariat berdakwah itu adalah ilmu tentang apa yang harus disampaikan oleh seorang da'i" Info Umum . Situs Ulama Allah Ta'ala berfirman : يَرْفَعِ اللَّهُ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا مِنكُمْ وَالَّذِينَ أُوتُوا الْعِلْمَ دَرَجَاتٍ Abdul Aziz bin Baaz Abdul Muhsin Al Abbad " niscaya Allah akan meninggikan orang – orang yang beriman diantaramu dan orang - orang yang diberi ilmu pengetahuan beberapa derajat " ( Al Mujadilah 11 ) Ahmad bin Yahya An Najmi Dalil dan bukti – bukti ini adalah untuk mendorong para da'i yang memberi nasehat agar berbekal dengan ilmu. Oleh karena itu, semestinya da' i mempunya ilmu tentang hal yang disyariatkan dan mana yang tidak disyariatkan. Yang dengan ilmu itu dia akan mampu memisahkan antara sunnah dan bid'ah, kebaikan dan keburukan, halal dan haram serta mengerti mana yang merupakan tauhid dan mana kesyirikan. Lajnah Daimah Muhammad bin Shalih Al Utsaimin Syaikh Al Alamah Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baaz mengatakan : Muhammad Nashiruddin Al Albani " Allah Subhanahuwata'ala menerangkan bahwa dakwah mengajak manusia kepada Allah di atas bashirah adalah jalan Nabi dan jalan para pengikutnya dari kalangan Ahli Ilmu , sebagaimana firman Allah Ta'la : قُلْ هَٰذِهِ سَبِيلِي أَدْعُو إِلَى اللَّهِ ۚ عَلَىٰ بَصِيرَةٍ أَنَا وَمَنِ اتَّبَعَنِي ۖ Muqbil bin Hadi Al Wadie Rabi' bin Hadi Al Madkhali " Katakanlah : inilah jalan ( agama ) ku, aku dan orang – orang yang mengikutiku mengajak ( kamu ) kepada Allah dengan hujjah yang nyata. " ( Yusuf 108 ) Sahab Net Shalih bin Fauzan Al Fauzan Ketika sebagian sahabat berfatwa kepada seorang yang menderita luka dikepalanya. Yang menurut mereka tidak ada rukhshah ( keringanan ) baginya untuk bertayamum. Orang tadi mandi, kemudian mereka datang kepada Nabi shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam, mereka sampaikan hal itu dan beliau berkata : Ulama Yaman " Mereka telah membunuhnya, semoga Allah binasakan mereka. Mengapakah mereka tidak bertanya ketika mereka tidak tahu. Sesungguhnya obat kebodohan itu adalah bertanya." Seputar Syiah Imam Al Khathtabi menerangkan pula tentang dalalah hadist ini : 1.Kesesatan Syi'ah 2. Menghina Sahabat Nabi 3. Sayyid Qutub Mencela Sahabat Nabi 4. Apakah Ahlul Bait Ma'shum 5. Khilafah Tidak Mesti pada ahlul bait 6. Ahlul Bait dalam Alquran 7.Keutamaan Ahlul Bait 8.Kontroversi sikap terhadap ahlul bait " Dalam Hadist ini, terdapat ilmu dimana beliau mencela mereka yang berfatwa tanpa ilmu dan memasukan mereka ke dalam ancaman dengan mendoakan kejelakan bagi mereka, menempatkan mereka dalam dosa pembunuhan yang diakibatkan fatwa mereka yang salah.' Dalam hal ini Syaikhul Islam Ibnu Taimiyah mengatakan : " Hendaklah seorang manusia berhati – hati dari jalan orang – orang yang zalim dan jahil, yang menyangka dirinya berjalan di jalan para ulama, banyak bicara tapi tidak ada bukti dari perbuatanya. Kamu lihat salah seorang dari mereka dalam kedudukan paling tinggi dalam keilmuan namun ternyata dia hanya mengatahui yang lahir ( saja ) dari kehidupan dunia, sama sekali tidak mempunyai ilmu yang diwarisi dari Penghulu Anak Keturunan Adam ( Rasulullah )." Ibnul Qayim menjelasakan pula hakekat ilmu dan pengaruhnya : " Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam menyerupakan ilmu dan hidayah yang dibawanya dengan air hujan yang turun dari langit, karena keduanya sama – sama menghasilkan kehidupan dan manfaat serta sumber makanan sebagaimana halnya hati yang menampung ilmu tersebut, dimana ilmu berbuah padanya dan semakin suci tampak jelasa berkah dan hasilnya Al Hafizh Ibnu Hajar mengatakan : " yang dimaksud dengan ilmu dalam hal ini adalah ilmu tentang syari'at yang bermanfaat untuk mengenali apa yang menjadi kewajiban seorang mukallaf ( dewasa dan berakal ) dalam urusan agamanya, baik dalam ibadah maupun muamalah ( hubungan sosialnya ) serta ilmu tentang Allah dan semua sifatNya, juga apa yang wajib baginya dalam menjalankan urusannya. Oleh karena itu, siapapun yang berbicara tentang agama Allah tanpa hujjah yang Allah utus Rasulnya untuk membawakan, berarti dia berbicara tanpa ilmu dan dikuasai oleh Syaitan. Sebab syaitan 'menyesatkan dan membimbingnya menuju azab yang bernyala – nyala " Syaikhul Islam Ibnu Taimiyah mengatakan : " Al Imu ialah semua yang dalil itu tegak diatasnya. Yang paling mulia bermanfaat di antaranya adalah yang dibawa oleh Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam " Beliau uraikan pula dengan jelas jalan ahli bid'ah dalam mencari ilmu. Kata beliau : " bahwasannya mereka berbicara hanya menurut akal dan hawa nafsu mereka semata, dengan dusta dan pemalsuan, sehingga mereka memasukan ke dalam ajaran Islam segala sesuatu yang bukan dari islam. Maka, selamat dari bid'ah dan penyimpangan akan terwujud dengan ilmu yang dibangun di atas pemahaman salaful ummah ( para pendahulunya ummat ini ). Hal ini ditegaskan Syaikhul Islam Ibbu Taimiyah dengan pernyataan beliau : " Namun, siapa saja yang ilmu dan amalanya tidak merujuk kepada yang diwarisi dari Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam tidak mengikuti syari'at nabawiyah tidak akan mungkin lepas dan selamat dari hawa nafus dan kebidahan bahkan semua ilmu dan amalnya tidak lain adalah hawa dan bid'ah.' Dengan pernyataan yang ditegaskan oleh beliau, maka jelaslah bahwa diantara sifat – sifat ahli bid'ah ialah bergantung mereka secara hakiki kepada prinsip pokok ( ushul ) yang dijelaskan oleh para guru ( Syaikh ) mereka. Sama sekali mereka tidak ( berani ) menentang atau melanggarnya. Diperjelas pula syaikhul Islam Ibu Taimiyah dengan mengatakan : " Maka ketika terjadi dalam tubuh ummat ini perpecahan dan perselisihan, jadilah orang – orang yang berpecah itu berkelompok – kelompok. Pedoman mereka secara batinnya ( prinsipnya, keyakinannya) bukanlah berdasarkan Al Qur'an dan keimanan, tetapi diatas prinsip pokok yang diada – adakan oleh para guru mereka." Oleh karena itu, wajib setiap da'i untuk menghiasi dirinnya dengan ilmu syar'i yang dengan ilmu itu dia mengakat kebodohan yang ada pada dirinya dan dari orang lain. Hendaknya dia memahami As Sunnah, Al Bayan, Hujjah dan Burhan. Sehingga, ilmunya itu akan mengakat seorang da'i kepada Allah dari ketergelinciran dalam kubangan bid'ah dan hawa nafsu. Ketakwaan adalah hujjahnya, sehingga keadaanya tetap istiqomah ( konsisten, lurus )." Syaikh Abdul Hamid bin Badis menegaskan pula dalam hal ini dengan mengatakan : " Sesunggunya orang yang jujur dan benar akan berpedoman kepada hujjah dan burhan. Sehingga tidak akan mampu kamu temukan dalam setiap perkataannya kedustaan, pemalsuan, dan pengakuan semata. Kamu tidak akan terjatuh karena cedera cara dakwahnya kepada kehancuran, pertentangan dan kegoncangan." Maka dari itu, dari beberapa perkataan para ulama diatas, berbagai kesalahan sejumlah gerakan dakwah yang tersebar di selutuh penjuru dunia dengan label dakwah ilallah. Namun semua itu disertai dengan kebodohan dan kurangnya ilmu pada diri mereka sehingga akhirnya, terkumpullah sejumlah besar kaum muslimin di bawah bendera yang ditegakkan bukan diatas landasan ilmu yang shahih yang diterangi oleh cahaya Al Quran dan As Sunnah dengan pehaman para pendahulu ummat ini. Siapa pun yang memperhatikan akan melihat pada mayoritas gerakan dakwah dan organisasi yang tesebar dewasa ini, melihat dengan pandangan bashirah yang tajam bahwa gerakan dakwah tersebut bila dikaitkan dengan ilmu dan penyebarannya dengan berbagai jenisnya, betul - betul jahil terhadap ilmu – ilmu syariat. Tidak peduli dengan usaha mendapatkannya. Sama sekali mereka tidak dihinggapi antusias besar terhadap ilmu ini dalam segenap waktu dan kehidupannya. Tentang keadaan ini , Ibnul Qayyim menerangkan : " Dan inilah keadaan berbagai golongan sempalan yang muncul bersama syari'at di dalam golongan sempalan yang muncul bersama syari'at di dalam syari'at ini. Hal ini karena masing – masing golongan sempalan tadi ada yang mentakwil syari'at ini tidak dengan takwil yang digagas oleh golongan lain. Bahkan mengklaim bahwa itulah yang dimaukan oleh pembuat syari'at. Sehingga golongaan – golongan tersebut betul – betul merobek syari'at ini dan jauh dari pembahasan yang pertama." Oleh karena itu, ilmu yang bermanfaat adalah ilmu tentang Al Qur'an dan As Sunnah dengan pemahan Salaful Ummah, jauh dari pemalsuan yang dikemas dengan kefasihan dan istilah – istilah mentereng, namun bukan diatas landasan ilmiah yang kokoh. Ibnul Qayyim merangkan ; " Bahwasannya yang dilakukan orang yang keadaanya seperti ini hanyalah memperbanyak istilah -istilah yang dibuat mentereng, pengertian – pengertian yang rancu yang dikemas dengan berbagai bentuk kefasihan dan istilah yang menarik. Akibatnya, akal yang lemah segera menyambut dan mengangagap baik. Bahkan segera menerima dan meyakininya ( sebagai suata kebenaran )." Maka wajib setiap da'i yang lurus agar senantiasa mempunyai perilaku dan sifat keilmuan serta bashirah dengan pemahaman yang shahih dan sesuai dengan apa yang dihendaki oleh Allah dan RasulNya ( Dikutip dari buku Manhaj Dakwah Salafiya, Pustaka Al HAURA) Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 09:50AM tauhid - Social Mention Dakwah Dengan Ilmu dan Bashirah Terhadap Agama ( Bag.2) 4. Bahwasanya Allah Subhanahuwata'ala telah menempatkan ahli ilmu pada kedudukan yang mulia. Yaitu ketika Allah menjadikan mereka sebagai saksi atas ke EsaanNya. Allah Subhanahuwata'ala meridhai kesaksian ( dan persaksian ) mereka sebagai penghormatan bagi mereka, di samping karena mereka membawa amanah ilmu dan hidayah bagi manusia. Allah Subhahanahuwata'ala berfirman : Kewanitaan Fatwa-Fatwa Info Pengajian شَهِدَ اللَّهُ أَنَّهُ لَا إِلَٰهَ إِلَّا هُوَ وَالْمَلَائِكَةُ وَأُولُو الْعِلْمِ قَائِمًا بِالْقِسْطِ Kajian Khusus Kisah Anak dan Keluarga " Allah mengatakan bahwasannya tidak ada sesembahan yang haq melainkan Dia, yang menegakkan keadilan. Para malaikat dan orang – orang yang berilmu ( juga mengatakan yang demikian itu ) , " ( Ali Imran 18 ). Adab dan Akhlaq Kajian Rutin Syaikh As Sa'di mengatakan : " dakwah mengajak manusia kembali kepada Allah harus senantiasa disertai dan berisi ilmu, sebab diantara syariat berdakwah itu adalah ilmu tentang apa yang harus disampaikan oleh seorang da'i" Info Umum . Situs Ulama Allah Ta'ala berfirman : يَرْفَعِ اللَّهُ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا مِنكُمْ وَالَّذِينَ أُوتُوا الْعِلْمَ دَرَجَاتٍ Abdul Aziz bin Baaz Abdul Muhsin Al Abbad " niscaya Allah akan meninggikan orang – orang yang beriman diantaramu dan orang - orang yang diberi ilmu pengetahuan beberapa derajat " ( Al Mujadilah 11 ) Ahmad bin Yahya An Najmi Dalil dan bukti – bukti ini adalah untuk mendorong para da'i yang memberi nasehat agar berbekal dengan ilmu. Oleh karena itu, semestinya da' i mempunya ilmu tentang hal yang disyariatkan dan mana yang tidak disyariatkan. Yang dengan ilmu itu dia akan mampu memisahkan antara sunnah dan bid'ah, kebaikan dan keburukan, halal dan haram serta mengerti mana yang merupakan tauhid dan mana kesyirikan. Lajnah Daimah Muhammad bin Shalih Al Utsaimin Syaikh Al Alamah Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baaz mengatakan : Muhammad Nashiruddin Al Albani " Allah Subhanahuwata'ala menerangkan bahwa dakwah mengajak manusia kepada Allah di atas bashirah adalah jalan Nabi dan jalan para pengikutnya dari kalangan Ahli Ilmu , sebagaimana firman Allah Ta'la : قُلْ هَٰذِهِ سَبِيلِي أَدْعُو إِلَى اللَّهِ ۚ عَلَىٰ بَصِيرَةٍ أَنَا وَمَنِ اتَّبَعَنِي ۖ Muqbil bin Hadi Al Wadie Rabi' bin Hadi Al Madkhali " Katakanlah : inilah jalan ( agama ) ku, aku dan orang – orang yang mengikutiku mengajak ( kamu ) kepada Allah dengan hujjah yang nyata. " ( Yusuf 108 ) Sahab Net Shalih bin Fauzan Al Fauzan Ketika sebagian sahabat berfatwa kepada seorang yang menderita luka dikepalanya. Yang menurut mereka tidak ada rukhshah ( keringanan ) baginya untuk bertayamum. Orang tadi mandi, kemudian mereka datang kepada Nabi shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam, mereka sampaikan hal itu dan beliau berkata : Ulama Yaman " Mereka telah membunuhnya, semoga Allah binasakan mereka. Mengapakah mereka tidak bertanya ketika mereka tidak tahu. Sesungguhnya obat kebodohan itu adalah bertanya." Seputar Syiah Imam Al Khathtabi menerangkan pula tentang dalalah hadist ini : 1.Kesesatan Syi'ah 2. Menghina Sahabat Nabi 3. Sayyid Qutub Mencela Sahabat Nabi 4. Apakah Ahlul Bait Ma'shum 5. Khilafah Tidak Mesti pada ahlul bait 6. Ahlul Bait dalam Alquran 7.Keutamaan Ahlul Bait 8.Kontroversi sikap terhadap ahlul bait " Dalam Hadist ini, terdapat ilmu dimana beliau mencela mereka yang berfatwa tanpa ilmu dan memasukan mereka ke dalam ancaman dengan mendoakan kejelakan bagi mereka, menempatkan mereka dalam dosa pembunuhan yang diakibatkan fatwa mereka yang salah.' Dalam hal ini Syaikhul Islam Ibnu Taimiyah mengatakan : " Hendaklah seorang manusia berhati – hati dari jalan orang – orang yang zalim dan jahil, yang menyangka dirinya berjalan di jalan para ulama, banyak bicara tapi tidak ada bukti dari perbuatanya. Kamu lihat salah seorang dari mereka dalam kedudukan paling tinggi dalam keilmuan namun ternyata dia hanya mengatahui yang lahir ( saja ) dari kehidupan dunia, sama sekali tidak mempunyai ilmu yang diwarisi dari Penghulu Anak Keturunan Adam ( Rasulullah )." Ibnul Qayim menjelasakan pula hakekat ilmu dan pengaruhnya : " Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam menyerupakan ilmu dan hidayah yang dibawanya dengan air hujan yang turun dari langit, karena keduanya sama – sama menghasilkan kehidupan dan manfaat serta sumber makanan sebagaimana halnya hati yang menampung ilmu tersebut, dimana ilmu berbuah padanya dan semakin suci tampak jelasa berkah dan hasilnya Al Hafizh Ibnu Hajar mengatakan : " yang dimaksud dengan ilmu dalam hal ini adalah ilmu tentang syari'at yang bermanfaat untuk mengenali apa yang menjadi kewajiban seorang mukallaf ( dewasa dan berakal ) dalam urusan agamanya, baik dalam ibadah maupun muamalah ( hubungan sosialnya ) serta ilmu tentang Allah dan semua sifatNya, juga apa yang wajib baginya dalam menjalankan urusannya. Oleh karena itu, siapapun yang berbicara tentang agama Allah tanpa hujjah yang Allah utus Rasulnya untuk membawakan, berarti dia berbicara tanpa ilmu dan dikuasai oleh Syaitan. Sebab syaitan 'menyesatkan dan membimbingnya menuju azab yang bernyala – nyala " Syaikhul Islam Ibnu Taimiyah mengatakan : " Al Imu ialah semua yang dalil itu tegak diatasnya. Yang paling mulia bermanfaat di antaranya adalah yang dibawa oleh Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam " Beliau uraikan pula dengan jelas jalan ahli bid'ah dalam mencari ilmu. Kata beliau : " bahwasannya mereka berbicara hanya menurut akal dan hawa nafsu mereka semata, dengan dusta dan pemalsuan, sehingga mereka memasukan ke dalam ajaran Islam segala sesuatu yang bukan dari islam. Maka, selamat dari bid'ah dan penyimpangan akan terwujud dengan ilmu yang dibangun di atas pemahaman salaful ummah ( para pendahulunya ummat ini ). Hal ini ditegaskan Syaikhul Islam Ibbu Taimiyah dengan pernyataan beliau : " Namun, siapa saja yang ilmu dan amalanya tidak merujuk kepada yang diwarisi dari Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam tidak mengikuti syari'at nabawiyah tidak akan mungkin lepas dan selamat dari hawa nafus dan kebidahan bahkan semua ilmu dan amalnya tidak lain adalah hawa dan bid'ah.' Dengan pernyataan yang ditegaskan oleh beliau, maka jelaslah bahwa diantara sifat – sifat ahli bid'ah ialah bergantung mereka secara hakiki kepada prinsip pokok ( ushul ) yang dijelaskan oleh para guru ( Syaikh ) mereka. Sama sekali mereka tidak ( berani ) menentang atau melanggarnya. Diperjelas pula syaikhul Islam Ibu Taimiyah dengan mengatakan : " Maka ketika terjadi dalam tubuh ummat ini perpecahan dan perselisihan, jadilah orang – orang yang berpecah itu berkelompok – kelompok. Pedoman mereka secara batinnya ( prinsipnya, keyakinannya) bukanlah berdasarkan Al Qur'an dan keimanan, tetapi diatas prinsip pokok yang diada – adakan oleh para guru mereka." Oleh karena itu, wajib setiap da'i untuk menghiasi dirinnya dengan ilmu syar'i yang dengan ilmu itu dia mengakat kebodohan yang ada pada dirinya dan dari orang lain. Hendaknya dia memahami As Sunnah, Al Bayan, Hujjah dan Burhan. Sehingga, ilmunya itu akan mengakat seorang da'i kepada Allah dari ketergelinciran dalam kubangan bid'ah dan hawa nafsu. Ketakwaan adalah hujjahnya, sehingga keadaanya tetap istiqomah ( konsisten, lurus )." Syaikh Abdul Hamid bin Badis menegaskan pula dalam hal ini dengan mengatakan : " Sesunggunya orang yang jujur dan benar akan berpedoman kepada hujjah dan burhan. Sehingga tidak akan mampu kamu temukan dalam setiap perkataannya kedustaan, pemalsuan, dan pengakuan semata. Kamu tidak akan terjatuh karena cedera cara dakwahnya kepada kehancuran, pertentangan dan kegoncangan." Maka dari itu, dari beberapa perkataan para ulama diatas, berbagai kesalahan sejumlah gerakan dakwah yang tersebar di selutuh penjuru dunia dengan label dakwah ilallah. Namun semua itu disertai dengan kebodohan dan kurangnya ilmu pada diri mereka sehingga akhirnya, terkumpullah sejumlah besar kaum muslimin di bawah bendera yang ditegakkan bukan diatas landasan ilmu yang shahih yang diterangi oleh cahaya Al Quran dan As Sunnah dengan pehaman para pendahulu ummat ini. Siapa pun yang memperhatikan akan melihat pada mayoritas gerakan dakwah dan organisasi yang tesebar dewasa ini, melihat dengan pandangan bashirah yang tajam bahwa gerakan dakwah tersebut bila dikaitkan dengan ilmu dan penyebarannya dengan berbagai jenisnya, betul - betul jahil terhadap ilmu – ilmu syariat. Tidak peduli dengan usaha mendapatkannya. Sama sekali mereka tidak dihinggapi antusias besar terhadap ilmu ini dalam segenap waktu dan kehidupannya. Tentang keadaan ini , Ibnul Qayyim menerangkan : " Dan inilah keadaan berbagai golongan sempalan yang muncul bersama syari'at di dalam golongan sempalan yang muncul bersama syari'at di dalam syari'at ini. Hal ini karena masing – masing golongan sempalan tadi ada yang mentakwil syari'at ini tidak dengan takwil yang digagas oleh golongan lain. Bahkan mengklaim bahwa itulah yang dimaukan oleh pembuat syari'at. Sehingga golongaan – golongan tersebut betul – betul merobek syari'at ini dan jauh dari pembahasan yang pertama." Oleh karena itu, ilmu yang bermanfaat adalah ilmu tentang Al Qur'an dan As Sunnah dengan pemahan Salaful Ummah, jauh dari pemalsuan yang dikemas dengan kefasihan dan istilah – istilah mentereng, namun bukan diatas landasan ilmiah yang kokoh. Ibnul Qayyim merangkan ; " Bahwasannya yang dilakukan orang yang keadaanya seperti ini hanyalah memperbanyak istilah -istilah yang dibuat mentereng, pengertian – pengertian yang rancu yang dikemas dengan berbagai bentuk kefasihan dan istilah yang menarik. Akibatnya, akal yang lemah segera menyambut dan mengangagap baik. Bahkan segera menerima dan meyakininya ( sebagai suata kebenaran )." Maka wajib setiap da'i yang lurus agar senantiasa mempunyai perilaku dan sifat keilmuan serta bashirah dengan pemahaman yang shahih dan sesuai dengan apa yang dihendaki oleh Allah dan RasulNya ( Dikutip dari buku Manhaj Dakwah Salafiya, Pustaka Al HAURA) Nov 21st 2013, 09:45 You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: kafir - Social Mention: Bom Syahid Di Ghazni Tewaskan 35 Tentara Boneka Jongos Kafir Harby AS, Allahu Akbar! GHAZNI - Sebuah operasi isytisyhadiyat (bom syahid), yang merupakan serangkaian serangan martir terbaru menghantam salah satu instalasi pasukan boneka di distrik Muqur, provinsi Ghazni, pada Rabu pagi, menewaskan sebanyak 35 tentara murtad. Allahu Akbar! Muhammad Siddiq, seorang mujahidin pencari syahid dari Imarah Islam yang berasal dari provinsi Ghazni menabrakan mobilnya yang penuh dengan bahan peledak ke dalam instalasi militer, membunuh setidaknya 35 boneka, kata seorang pejabat Mujahidin Imarah Islam Afghanistan, seperti dilansir shahamat, Kamis (21/11/2013). Serangan amaliyat isytisyhadiyat haru Rabu itu merupakan yang paling mematikan yang dialami pasukan boneka yang berbasis di provinsi Ghazni selama lima pekan terakhir. Diwilayah lainnya, kota Kandahar , seorang pejabat mujahidin melaporkan bahwa seorang pencari syahid Imarah Islam (Muhammad Ibraheem dari provinsi Zabul) melakukan serangan terhadap tentara sewaan di daerah Mandegak Mani terletak di depan Taj Mahal Hotel, jantung kota Kandahar. Serangan itu terjadi sekitar pukul 10:00 waktu setempat hari Rabu ketika pahlawan, mengenakan seragam militer, menembak dengan pistol ke kepala patroli kota Kandahar (Haji Lala) sebagai hasilnya, 3 pria bersenjata musuh tewas dan 2 terluka sedangkan yang lainnya berhasil melarikan diri dari penembakan. Laporan itu juga mengatakan, bahwa Muhammad Ibraheem itu kemudian ditembak dan syahid oleh tembakan musuh (semoga Allah menerima syahid beliau). Aamiin! Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 09:49AM kafir - Social Mention Bom Syahid Di Ghazni Tewaskan 35 Tentara Boneka Jongos Kafir Harby AS, Allahu Akbar! GHAZNI - Sebuah operasi isytisyhadiyat (bom syahid), yang merupakan serangkaian serangan martir terbaru menghantam salah satu instalasi pasukan boneka di distrik Muqur, provinsi Ghazni, pada Rabu pagi, menewaskan sebanyak 35 tentara murtad. Allahu Akbar! Muhammad Siddiq, seorang mujahidin pencari syahid dari Imarah Islam yang berasal dari provinsi Ghazni menabrakan mobilnya yang penuh dengan bahan peledak ke dalam instalasi militer, membunuh setidaknya 35 boneka, kata seorang pejabat Mujahidin Imarah Islam Afghanistan, seperti dilansir shahamat, Kamis (21/11/2013). Serangan amaliyat isytisyhadiyat haru Rabu itu merupakan yang paling mematikan yang dialami pasukan boneka yang berbasis di provinsi Ghazni selama lima pekan terakhir. Diwilayah lainnya, kota Kandahar , seorang pejabat mujahidin melaporkan bahwa seorang pencari syahid Imarah Islam (Muhammad Ibraheem dari provinsi Zabul) melakukan serangan terhadap tentara sewaan di daerah Mandegak Mani terletak di depan Taj Mahal Hotel, jantung kota Kandahar. Serangan itu terjadi sekitar pukul 10:00 waktu setempat hari Rabu ketika pahlawan, mengenakan seragam militer, menembak dengan pistol ke kepala patroli kota Kandahar (Haji Lala) sebagai hasilnya, 3 pria bersenjata musuh tewas dan 2 terluka sedangkan yang lainnya berhasil melarikan diri dari penembakan. Laporan itu juga mengatakan, bahwa Muhammad Ibraheem itu kemudian ditembak dan syahid oleh tembakan musuh (semoga Allah menerima syahid beliau). Aamiin! Nov 21st 2013, 09:47 You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 10:23PM Weg der Salafs Facebook-Pinnwand Weg der Salafs Facebook-Pinnwand Ibn Taymiyyah (rahimahullah), (gest. 728 n.H.) sagte: „Es gibt keine Kritik an d... Nov 21st 2013, 22:14 Ibn Taymiyyah (rahimahullah), (gest. 728 n.H.) sagte: „Es gibt keine Kritik an dem, der den Mazhap (Weg) der Salaf verkündet, an ihm festhält und sich auf ihn bezieht. Vielmehr ist es verpflichtend, dies von ihm unter Übereinstimmung (Ittifaaq) zu akzeptieren, denn der Mazhap der Salaf ist nichts außer die Wahrheit (Haqq)." [Madschmu al-Fataawa 4:149] You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: media crash news - Social Mention: I am 62 now. I and my other family members have been telling the below story for fifty-plus years, and I believe I first wrote it up about 15 years ago. During the past couple of years I've periodically reminded myself to try to find a major media outlet for it well before the 50th anniversary snuck up on us. The road to hell, etc. Last May I sold my taxi last May, and have since then been preoccupied with trying to finish a book about cab driving that I've been working on for several years. I am closing in on completion of Draft #4. The working title is, "One Free Ride: A Cab Driver's Journey Through God's Favorite City." Given the revolution in the publishing world, I have decided that I'm going to self publish if-and-when it is ever finished. And over this past weekend, when I realized that it was too late to find a major or even a minor media outlet for this Kennedy story, I decided to just go ahead and self-publish it in whatever venues are available to me. If it finds its way to you from more than one direction, please forgive me. MY FAMILY'S 1963 ENCOUNTER WITH JOHN AND JACKIE KENNEDY IF MY FAMILY'S broadside encounter with a certain shiny limousine had turned out just the tiniest bit differently, you would have already heard another version of this story. Oliver Stone and the conspiracy scholars would have elevated it to "second gunman" or "silver bullet" status: "Don't forget that CIA agent who tried to run him down!" But it wasn't like that at all. My father was a career intelligence officer (a cartographer) who joined the Office of Strategic Services during World War II, and was stationed in Ceylon. After the war, when the OSS became the Central Intelligence Agency, Dad stayed on at headquarters in McLean, Virginia, for 33 years of total service. He and my mother raised four kids in the suburbs of the nation's capital, and on the night in question -- Wednesday, May 29, 1963 -- all six of us were on our way from our home near Alexandria, Virginia, to the weekly testimony meeting at the Christian Science church in the Adams-Morgan neighborhood of Washington, D.C. As always, Dad was at the wheel of our 1962 Ford Falcon station wagon, navigating our usual route up the George Washington Parkway, passing under the low-flying jets at National Airport, and crossing the Potomac River via the Fourteenth Street Bridge. We skirted the Jefferson Memorial and the Tidal Basin and drove up Seventeenth Street, with the Washington Monument spiking into the sky on our right, and an upside-down image of the Lincoln Memorial shimmering in the Reflecting Pool, off to our left. We neared the White House at about quarter-till-eight. With daylight savings and the lengthening days, there was still plenty of light out. Traffic was thin. The streets seemed unusually deserted. Something else unusual drew the silent attention of all of us in the car. Directly ahead, right in the middle of Seventeenth Street, a police officer was casually waving us forward. I was seated directly behind my father and looking over his shoulder. I was nearly twelve years old, and we'd been making this trip into Washington twice a week for as long as I could remember, but this was the first police officer we'd ever seen stationed here. He signaled us to keep coming, and Dad kept driving steadily forward, keeping his speed right at the posted limit, right where he always kept it. And that's when a limousine with a brilliant black gloss, and apparently driven by someone accustomed to having wide paths cleared ahead of him, lurched from the side entrance of the White House -- zipping in from our right -- and was suddenly in the intersection just a few feet in front of us, collision obviously unavoidable. Dad stomped the brakes and everyone -- no seat belts in 1963 -- pitched forward. I braced with both hands against the front seat, and thought: My first accident! But the crash didn't happen. Somehow Dad stopped the car about a quarter-inch short of slamming into the limousine. Or perhaps the other driver veered slightly at the last instant. Whatever the case, it seemed miraculous that we hadn't rammed him. As we sat in the intersection, the limousine driver looped wide to give himself some needed maneuvering room, and then executed a slow, careful left turn around our car so that he was headed back in the direction from which we had just come. As the limo rolled past us, the double yellow line down the middle of Seventeenth Street was about the only thing separating the driver's side of our station wagon from the driver's side of the limousine. The Newsham family (Richard and Margie, plus Nancy-Bradley-Scott-and-Grant) watched slack-jawed as two staggeringly handsome adult faces appeared at the limousine's side window, smiling broadly, laughing. I had our car's prime viewing spot: left side, right behind Dad, my window rolled down. The limousine's rolled-up windows were tinted but not blacked out, and, in the slow motion moment that followed, I looked right into the eyes of the President and First Lady from no more than five feet away. In two separate strobes, I felt the jolt of each of their gazes connecting with mine. Their lips mouthed silent messages of goodwill while their hands waved to pantomime their embarrassment over their own driver's recklessness plus their thanks for our driver's skill. Jackie was seated nearest to us -- just right there! -- and John was leaning in from the far side, across Jackie's lap, to lend the full weight of the Presidency to their apology. And then they sped away. We read in the next day's paper that they had been headed to a birthday party for John (it would be his last) being held at the estate of the family matriarch, Rose Kennedy, out in the Virginia countryside. IN NOVEMBER came the unbelievable news from Dallas. Days later, on our way home from church on a Sunday afternoon, Dad stopped and parked the car just a few blocks from the White House. We pressed ourselves up against the rear of an enormous but absolutely silent crowd, and when we heard the staccato sound of horses' hooves striking pavement -- the only audible sound -- Dad snatched me up and perched me on his shoulders. I had never seen a crowd so big or so dense -- in every direction the streets were thronged from storefront to storefront. It was late November, chilly. The trees had dropped all their leaves but were thick with people who had climbed up to cling koala-like to every limb, desperate for a look. And then, over the tops of the thousands of bare heads and "Camelot-era" hats, I saw the flag-draped casket sweep into view, strapped onto a ceremonial flatbed army wagon pulled by a string of regal horses prancing at a trot. Cloppety-cloppety-cloppety -- still the only audible sound. The hair stood up on my arms then, as it does now. And then the horses were gone, and Jack Kennedy was gone, having touched not just one twelve-year old boy and his family, but having touched All Of Us, and leaving us to try to sort out just what had happened and to wonder about just what might have been. Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 11:09PM media crash news - Social Mention I am 62 now. I and my other family members have been telling the below story for fifty-plus years, and I believe I first wrote it up about 15 years ago. During the past couple of years I've periodically reminded myself to try to find a major media outlet for it well before the 50th anniversary snuck up on us. The road to hell, etc. Last May I sold my taxi last May, and have since then been preoccupied with trying to finish a book about cab driving that I've been working on for several years. I am closing in on completion of Draft #4. The working title is, "One Free Ride: A Cab Driver's Journey Through God's Favorite City." Given the revolution in the publishing world, I have decided that I'm going to self publish if-and-when it is ever finished. And over this past weekend, when I realized that it was too late to find a major or even a minor media outlet for this Kennedy story, I decided to just go ahead and self-publish it in whatever venues are available to me. If it finds its way to you from more than one direction, please forgive me. MY FAMILY'S 1963 ENCOUNTER WITH JOHN AND JACKIE KENNEDY IF MY FAMILY'S broadside encounter with a certain shiny limousine had turned out just the tiniest bit differently, you would have already heard another version of this story. Oliver Stone and the conspiracy scholars would have elevated it to "second gunman" or "silver bullet" status: "Don't forget that CIA agent who tried to run him down!" But it wasn't like that at all. My father was a career intelligence officer (a cartographer) who joined the Office of Strategic Services during World War II, and was stationed in Ceylon. After the war, when the OSS became the Central Intelligence Agency, Dad stayed on at headquarters in McLean, Virginia, for 33 years of total service. He and my mother raised four kids in the suburbs of the nation's capital, and on the night in question -- Wednesday, May 29, 1963 -- all six of us were on our way from our home near Alexandria, Virginia, to the weekly testimony meeting at the Christian Science church in the Adams-Morgan neighborhood of Washington, D.C. As always, Dad was at the wheel of our 1962 Ford Falcon station wagon, navigating our usual route up the George Washington Parkway, passing under the low-flying jets at National Airport, and crossing the Potomac River via the Fourteenth Street Bridge. We skirted the Jefferson Memorial and the Tidal Basin and drove up Seventeenth Street, with the Washington Monument spiking into the sky on our right, and an upside-down image of the Lincoln Memorial shimmering in the Reflecting Pool, off to our left. We neared the White House at about quarter-till-eight. With daylight savings and the lengthening days, there was still plenty of light out. Traffic was thin. The streets seemed unusually deserted. Something else unusual drew the silent attention of all of us in the car. Directly ahead, right in the middle of Seventeenth Street, a police officer was casually waving us forward. I was seated directly behind my father and looking over his shoulder. I was nearly twelve years old, and we'd been making this trip into Washington twice a week for as long as I could remember, but this was the first police officer we'd ever seen stationed here. He signaled us to keep coming, and Dad kept driving steadily forward, keeping his speed right at the posted limit, right where he always kept it. And that's when a limousine with a brilliant black gloss, and apparently driven by someone accustomed to having wide paths cleared ahead of him, lurched from the side entrance of the White House -- zipping in from our right -- and was suddenly in the intersection just a few feet in front of us, collision obviously unavoidable. Dad stomped the brakes and everyone -- no seat belts in 1963 -- pitched forward. I braced with both hands against the front seat, and thought: My first accident! But the crash didn't happen. Somehow Dad stopped the car about a quarter-inch short of slamming into the limousine. Or perhaps the other driver veered slightly at the last instant. Whatever the case, it seemed miraculous that we hadn't rammed him. As we sat in the intersection, the limousine driver looped wide to give himself some needed maneuvering room, and then executed a slow, careful left turn around our car so that he was headed back in the direction from which we had just come. As the limo rolled past us, the double yellow line down the middle of Seventeenth Street was about the only thing separating the driver's side of our station wagon from the driver's side of the limousine. The Newsham family (Richard and Margie, plus Nancy-Bradley-Scott-and-Grant) watched slack-jawed as two staggeringly handsome adult faces appeared at the limousine's side window, smiling broadly, laughing. I had our car's prime viewing spot: left side, right behind Dad, my window rolled down. The limousine's rolled-up windows were tinted but not blacked out, and, in the slow motion moment that followed, I looked right into the eyes of the President and First Lady from no more than five feet away. In two separate strobes, I felt the jolt of each of their gazes connecting with mine. Their lips mouthed silent messages of goodwill while their hands waved to pantomime their embarrassment over their own driver's recklessness plus their thanks for our driver's skill. Jackie was seated nearest to us -- just right there! -- and John was leaning in from the far side, across Jackie's lap, to lend the full weight of the Presidency to their apology. And then they sped away. We read in the next day's paper that they had been headed to a birthday party for John (it would be his last) being held at the estate of the family matriarch, Rose Kennedy, out in the Virginia countryside. IN NOVEMBER came the unbelievable news from Dallas. Days later, on our way home from church on a Sunday afternoon, Dad stopped and parked the car just a few blocks from the White House. We pressed ourselves up against the rear of an enormous but absolutely silent crowd, and when we heard the staccato sound of horses' hooves striking pavement -- the only audible sound -- Dad snatched me up and perched me on his shoulders. I had never seen a crowd so big or so dense -- in every direction the streets were thronged from storefront to storefront. It was late November, chilly. The trees had dropped all their leaves but were thick with people who had climbed up to cling koala-like to every limb, desperate for a look. And then, over the tops of the thousands of bare heads and "Camelot-era" hats, I saw the flag-draped casket sweep into view, strapped onto a ceremonial flatbed army wagon pulled by a string of regal horses prancing at a trot. Cloppety-cloppety-cloppety -- still the only audible sound. The hair stood up on my arms then, as it does now. And then the horses were gone, and Jack Kennedy was gone, having touched not just one twelve-year old boy and his family, but having touched All Of Us, and leaving us to try to sort out just what had happened and to wonder about just what might have been. Nov 20th 2013, 22:38 You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 03:32AM khalifa - Social Mention 10 Like y contesto esta madre¨*ww* Nombre coompleto: Jossy Anely Gomez Cota Signo: Acuario:o Tengo novia : nelsonx.x Cómo se llama: ..cricrix.x Quién me gusta: jajajajaxD Cuando nací: 18'02'00 Ultima persona que pretendí: jajajaja sepax.x Algo que me guste: nutella's Algo que extrañe: ael:'c Tomo: AbesesxD Fumo: naa:$ Drogas:neelx.x Celoso: pueeees(8 Tierno:shii *-* Perdonarías una infidelidad: Depende de qe sea Te importa lo que digan los demás: nooooop *w* Has llorado por amor: uff:$ Existe el amor verdadero: creo qesi, pero aun nolo eh ayado(8 Por qué termino tu última relación: nose nisiqiera si terminox.x Piensas en alguien: Shiii*-* Quién: ojaaas(8 Tu amor platónico: hiram rascon acosta *-* pd:nimepelax.x Mascotas: perra y gamster Nov 20th 2013, 03:29 You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: -- Sie erhalten diese Nachricht, weil Sie Mitglied der Google Groups-Gruppe "News2" sind. Um Ihr Abonnement für diese Gruppe zu beenden und keine E-Mails mehr von dieser Gruppe zu erhalten, senden Sie eine E-Mail an Weitere Optionen: | Benachrichtigung für - 25 Nachrichten in 20 Themen Gruppe: - street dawah - Social Mention: Women... [1 Aktualisierung]
- dawa - Social Mention: may bago akong nanudan.. dai basta2 magtiwala kung kiisay ta bako sindang arug kang mga barkada and pamilya mo na pwede mong ipagkatiwala dawa sadiri mong buhay. [1 Aktualisierung]
- bushido - Social Mention: Wer hört sich dann heute denn diss von bushido an ? :D Leben und tod des kenneth glöckler :DD :) 10 minuten bin ma gespannd wie der diss wird :D [1 Aktualisierung]
- Lern den Islams Facebook-Pinnwand: SubhanALLAH schaut mal wie alles auf die Muslime geschoben wird [1 Aktualisierung]
- Ahmad Abul Baraa - Social Mention: اذا ممكن اعملو لايك لهذا البيج [1 Aktualisierung]
- kalifa - Social Mention: Felicitation Pour Notre Pays l algerie Et Cristiano Ronaldo La calification Pour La Coupe Du Monde [1 Aktualisierung]
- Islam - nichts als die Wahrheits Facebook-Pinnwand: Abdullah ibn asch-Schikhkhir (Allahs Wohlgefallen auf ihm) berichtet: Ich kam zu... [1 Aktualisierung]
- Masallah - Social Mention: (Untitled) [2 Aktualisierungen]
- Portali i dijes dhe Informacionit Islams Facebook-Pinnwand: Konfirmohet vrasja e ish Reperit Deso Dogg (Abu Malik) në SiriSe shpejti me pë... [1 Aktualisierung]
- Understand IslaMs Facebook-Pinnwand: Please share [3 Aktualisierungen]
- bushido - Social Mention: Bushido - Von der Skyline zum Bordstein zurück [1 Aktualisierung]
- bushido - Social Mention: Kieth: Phew!!! That was easy. Ryudamon: What's easy Kieth? Kieth: Beating The Arena on Kirby Super Star Ultra. Ryudamon: Don't get cocky Master Kieth. The True Arena is a little bit challenging and too serious. Kieth: Okay, I'll practice doing that. Of course I won't cheat. True gameplay has practice. Ryudamon: Well, study some bushido skills and master your tactics. Looks like Kieth wasn't worried about Casey and agrees on what Ryudamon is saying. Will he get stronger? How can Casey manage to confront the strongest hedgehogs called the Darksiderhogs in the another dimension that he arrived? See you next time for the next adventures in KIETH'S ADVENTURE [1 Aktualisierung]
- takbir - Social Mention: As Salam, Ada orang kata ,musuh kita umno.Kita disini adalah kita dan PAS sebab itu bila ada yang bawa slogan Tanpa Tarbiyyah Gerenti rebah aku sokong.Sebab hanya dengan Tarbiyyah baru kita kenal musuh ,musuh sebenar bukan umnobn kalau umnobn kalah esok kau nak lawan sapa? "Pas" nak didik manusia ,kembali bertuhan dengan tuhan yang berhak disembah Kalau masuk pas nak bermusuh ,elok betulkan balik niat,masuk pas nak berdakwah meninggikan syiar islam ,menaikkan pemerintah yang nak laksanakan islam.Ringkasnya nak bantu agama Allah. Dan jauh lagi kalau masuk pas nak jawatan atau naikkan diri sendiri ,kempen bagai nak rak untuk jawatan .Kalau tak kempen nak juga bagi sedikit kredit. Perubahan perlu imej boleh tukar,tapi tak perlulah nak tukar wajah. Guruku berpesan :- Perangai boleh ubah muka tak boleh tukar dah, dah memang Allah taala jadikan sebegitu rupa jangan tukar HARAM..... Perubahan perlu kepada PAS tapi tak payah lah sampai nak tukar wajah PAS pula. Wajah Pas dah cantik dah ISLAM Faham tak nih ? DENGAN TARBIYYAH BANGKITLAH MERUBAH -aku- orang biasa biasa bagi pandangan [1 Aktualisierung]
- nasheed - Social Mention: Mai nashe mai hu [1 Aktualisierung]
- Masallah - Social Mention: Tak perduli apa pun yang kamu lakukan, tak peduli apa pun masallah yang sedang kamu hadapi,kamu tak sendiri... Tuhan ada bersama mu. [1 Aktualisierung]
- islamist - Social Mention: In mainstream and 'alternative' (sic) Western media, we've read endlessly about foreign Sunni fighters in Syria - who still constitute around 5 percent of the total opposition, if that. We've read far less, if anything, about the Iranian and Iranian-backed foreign Shiite militias on whom the Assad regime is militarily dependent. 20-11-2013: 'Tehran's main regional proxies which believe in, promote, and project Iran's "Islamic Revolutionary" ideology are the main contributors of Shi'a fighters to Syria. The proxy groups sending combatants include Lebanese Hizballah, Iraq's Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq, the Badr Organization, Kata'ib Hizballah, and other smaller splinters from Iraqi Shi'a radical leader, Muqtada al-Sadr. Announcing its existence in May, Kata'ib Sayyid al-Shuhada, another Iraq-based Iranian-proxy organization, claims to have sent 500 fighters to Syria. Starting in mid-October, Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq publicly called for Iraqi Shi'a volunteers to join the organization's fight in Syria. For months prior there had been have also been reports of trained volunteer fighters who had joined Kata'ib Hizballah or Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq, were trained in Iran or Lebanon, and were then flown to Syria. Some of the combatants have included Shi'a from as far afield as Saudi Arabia, Côte d'Ivoire, and reportedly Afghanistan. These Shi'a elements have constituted a key element which has secured and has provided a powerful kinetic force to keep the Assad regime in power. According to one Lebanese Hizballah fighter interviewed by Time Magazine, "If we don't defend the Syrian regime, it would fall within two hours". Without the initial push by Iran and the utilization of its proxy-network, Shi'a armed involvement via the deployment of volunteer fighters and trained assets would likely had miniscule role in the fighting. It is also probable that without Iran's regional network of Shi'a Islamist fighters, the Assad regime would have been unable to mount most of its successful recent offensives.' [1 Aktualisierung]
- domeus - Neues von Abdul Adhim – Die Läuterung der Seele (Teil 1 -14) [3 Aktualisierungen]
- helfen in not - Social Mention: Vielen Dank an Helficus, die Elpida mit ganz vielen Tütchen Leckerlie bedacht haben. Helficus ist ein tolles Projekt ! Sie haben es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht Sachspenden zu sammeln, die Tierschützern zu Gute kommen und damit den Tieren in zu Not helfen. [1 Aktualisierung]
- domeus - Neues von Neue mp3 zu verschiedene Themen [1 Aktualisierung]
Blogtrottr <> Nov 22 07:31AM Islam - nichts als die Wahrheits Facebook-Pinnwand Islam - nichts als die Wahrheits Facebook-Pinnwand Abdullah ibn asch-Schikhkhir (Allahs Wohlgefallen auf ihm) berichtet: Ich kam zu... Nov 22nd 2013, 07:21 Abdullah ibn asch-Schikhkhir (Allahs Wohlgefallen auf ihm) berichtet: Ich kam zu dem Propheten (Friede und Segen seien mit ihm) als er gerade aus der Sure At-Takathur rezitierte: "Das Streben nach immer mehr lenkt euch (vom Höherem) ab…"(102:1), und er sprach: "Der Sohn Adams spricht: Mein Besitz, mein Besitz! Was kannst du denn besitzen, oh du Sohn Adams, außer einer Mahlzeit, die verschwindet, einem Kleidungsstück, das du abtragen könntest oder der Sadaqa, die du entrichtet hast?" (Muslim) You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: Blogtrottr <> Nov 22 01:28AM Portali i dijes dhe Informacionit Islams Facebook-Pinnwand Portali i dijes dhe Informacionit Islams Facebook-Pinnwand Konfirmohet vrasja e ish Reperit Deso Dogg (Abu Malik) në Siri Se shpejti me pë... Nov 22nd 2013, 00:55 Konfirmohet vrasja e ish Reperit Deso Dogg (Abu Malik) në Siri Se shpejti me përkthim ne shqip Musik ist Haram - Abu Malik (Deso Dogg) You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: Blogtrottr <> Nov 22 02:35PM bushido - Social Mention Kieth: Phew!!! That was easy. Ryudamon: What's easy Kieth? Kieth: Beating The Arena on Kirby Super Star Ultra. Ryudamon: Don't get cocky Master Kieth. The True Arena is a little bit challenging and too serious. Kieth: Okay, I'll practice doing that. Of course I won't cheat. True gameplay has practice. Ryudamon: Well, study some bushido skills and master your tactics. Looks like Kieth wasn't worried about Casey and agrees on what Ryudamon is saying. Will he get stronger? How can Casey manage to confront the strongest hedgehogs called the Darksiderhogs in the another dimension that he arrived? See you next time for the next adventures in KIETH'S ADVENTURE Nov 22nd 2013, 14:26 You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: takbir - Social Mention: As Salam, Ada orang kata ,musuh kita umno.Kita disini adalah kita dan PAS sebab itu bila ada yang bawa slogan Tanpa Tarbiyyah Gerenti rebah aku sokong.Sebab hanya dengan Tarbiyyah baru kita kenal musuh ,musuh sebenar bukan umnobn kalau umnobn kalah esok kau nak lawan sapa? "Pas" nak didik manusia ,kembali bertuhan dengan tuhan yang berhak disembah Kalau masuk pas nak bermusuh ,elok betulkan balik niat,masuk pas nak berdakwah meninggikan syiar islam ,menaikkan pemerintah yang nak laksanakan islam.Ringkasnya nak bantu agama Allah. Dan jauh lagi kalau masuk pas nak jawatan atau naikkan diri sendiri ,kempen bagai nak rak untuk jawatan .Kalau tak kempen nak juga bagi sedikit kredit. Perubahan perlu imej boleh tukar,tapi tak perlulah nak tukar wajah. Guruku berpesan :- Perangai boleh ubah muka tak boleh tukar dah, dah memang Allah taala jadikan sebegitu rupa jangan tukar HARAM..... Perubahan perlu kepada PAS tapi tak payah lah sampai nak tukar wajah PAS pula. Wajah Pas dah cantik dah ISLAM Faham tak nih ? DENGAN TARBIYYAH BANGKITLAH MERUBAH -aku- orang biasa biasa bagi pandangan Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 08:29AM takbir - Social Mention As Salam, Ada orang kata ,musuh kita umno.Kita disini adalah kita dan PAS sebab itu bila ada yang bawa slogan Tanpa Tarbiyyah Gerenti rebah aku sokong.Sebab hanya dengan Tarbiyyah baru kita kenal musuh ,musuh sebenar bukan umnobn kalau umnobn kalah esok kau nak lawan sapa? "Pas" nak didik manusia ,kembali bertuhan dengan tuhan yang berhak disembah Kalau masuk pas nak bermusuh ,elok betulkan balik niat,masuk pas nak berdakwah meninggikan syiar islam ,menaikkan pemerintah yang nak laksanakan islam.Ringkasnya nak bantu agama Allah. Dan jauh lagi kalau masuk pas nak jawatan atau naikkan diri sendiri ,kempen bagai nak rak untuk jawatan .Kalau tak kempen nak juga bagi sedikit kredit. Perubahan perlu imej boleh tukar,tapi tak perlulah nak tukar wajah. Guruku berpesan :- Perangai boleh ubah muka tak boleh tukar dah, dah memang Allah taala jadikan sebegitu rupa jangan tukar HARAM..... Perubahan perlu kepada PAS tapi tak payah lah sampai nak tukar wajah PAS pula. Wajah Pas dah cantik dah ISLAM Faham tak nih ? DENGAN TARBIYYAH BANGKITLAH MERUBAH -aku- orang biasa biasa bagi pandangan Nov 20th 2013, 07:54 You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 10:01AM nasheed - Social Mention Mai nashe mai hu Nov 21st 2013, 09:27 अब ये नशा ना छुट पायेगा.... • नशा अगर सिगरेट का होता तो गर्लफ्रेंड के लिये छोड देता,, • नशा अगर शराब का होता तो फेमिली के लिये छोड देता !! •नशा अगर चरस-गांजे का होता तो जीने की तमन्ना के लिये छोड देता,, • नशा लगा भी तो लगा देशभक्ति का ना छुटते बनता, ना छोडा जायेगा...!! दुश्मनों का जनाजा तो उठना ही हैं एक रोज •हम ना रहे तो हमारे बाद भी ये "नशा" क्रांति कि मशाल जलायेगा !!! ◑जय श्रीराम◐ ◑जय हिन्दुराष्ट्र◐ • जह हिंद, जय माँ भारती •" You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: islamist - Social Mention: In mainstream and 'alternative' (sic) Western media, we've read endlessly about foreign Sunni fighters in Syria - who still constitute around 5 percent of the total opposition, if that. We've read far less, if anything, about the Iranian and Iranian-backed foreign Shiite militias on whom the Assad regime is militarily dependent. 20-11-2013: 'Tehran's main regional proxies which believe in, promote, and project Iran's "Islamic Revolutionary" ideology are the main contributors of Shi'a fighters to Syria. The proxy groups sending combatants include Lebanese Hizballah, Iraq's Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq, the Badr Organization, Kata'ib Hizballah, and other smaller splinters from Iraqi Shi'a radical leader, Muqtada al-Sadr. Announcing its existence in May, Kata'ib Sayyid al-Shuhada, another Iraq-based Iranian-proxy organization, claims to have sent 500 fighters to Syria. Starting in mid-October, Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq publicly called for Iraqi Shi'a volunteers to join the organization's fight in Syria. For months prior there had been have also been reports of trained volunteer fighters who had joined Kata'ib Hizballah or Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq, were trained in Iran or Lebanon, and were then flown to Syria. Some of the combatants have included Shi'a from as far afield as Saudi Arabia, Côte d'Ivoire, and reportedly Afghanistan. These Shi'a elements have constituted a key element which has secured and has provided a powerful kinetic force to keep the Assad regime in power. According to one Lebanese Hizballah fighter interviewed by Time Magazine, "If we don't defend the Syrian regime, it would fall within two hours". Without the initial push by Iran and the utilization of its proxy-network, Shi'a armed involvement via the deployment of volunteer fighters and trained assets would likely had miniscule role in the fighting. It is also probable that without Iran's regional network of Shi'a Islamist fighters, the Assad regime would have been unable to mount most of its successful recent offensives.' Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 09:57AM islamist - Social Mention In mainstream and 'alternative' (sic) Western media, we've read endlessly about foreign Sunni fighters in Syria - who still constitute around 5 percent of the total opposition, if that. We've read far less, if anything, about the Iranian and Iranian-backed foreign Shiite militias on whom the Assad regime is militarily dependent. 20-11-2013: 'Tehran's main regional proxies which believe in, promote, and project Iran's "Islamic Revolutionary" ideology are the main contributors of Shi'a fighters to Syria. The proxy groups sending combatants include Lebanese Hizballah, Iraq's Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq, the Badr Organization, Kata'ib Hizballah, and other smaller splinters from Iraqi Shi'a radical leader, Muqtada al-Sadr. Announcing its existence in May, Kata'ib Sayyid al-Shuhada, another Iraq-based Iranian-proxy organization, claims to have sent 500 fighters to Syria. Starting in mid-October, Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq publicly called for Iraqi Shi'a volunteers to join the organization's fight in Syria. For months prior there had been have also been reports of trained volunteer fighters who had joined Kata'ib Hizballah or Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq, were trained in Iran or Lebanon, and were then flown to Syria. Some of the combatants have included Shi'a from as far afield as Saudi Arabia, Côte d'Ivoire, and reportedly Afghanistan. These Shi'a elements have constituted a key element which has secured and has provided a powerful kinetic force to keep the Assad regime in power. According to one Lebanese Hizballah fighter interviewed by Time Magazine, "If we don't defend the Syrian regime, it would fall within two hours". Without the initial push by Iran and the utilization of its proxy-network, Shi'a armed involvement via the deployment of volunteer fighters and trained assets would likely had miniscule role in the fighting. It is also probable that without Iran's regional network of Shi'a Islamist fighters, the Assad regime would have been unable to mount most of its successful recent offensives.' Nov 21st 2013, 09:36 While the focus is on Sunni extremist groups fighting in Syria, Iranian-backed Shiite militias also play a major role in the bloodshed, experts say. You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 06:50PM helfen in not - Social Mention Vielen Dank an Helficus, die Elpida mit ganz vielen Tütchen Leckerlie bedacht haben. Helficus ist ein tolles Projekt ! Sie haben es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht Sachspenden zu sammeln, die Tierschützern zu Gute kommen und damit den Tieren in zu Not helfen. Nov 19th 2013, 18:38 Helficus ist kein Verein. Helficus ist ein Zusammenschluss von Privatleuten, die ihre Ideen, Zeit und tatkräftige Unterstützung für den Tierschutz ehrenamtlich zur Verfügung stellen. Helficus ist vollkommen vereinsunabhängig, das heißt, keinem Verein angeschlossen und damit auch keinem Verein verp... You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: -- Sie erhalten diese Nachricht, weil Sie Mitglied der Google Groups-Gruppe "News2" sind. Um Ihr Abonnement für diese Gruppe zu beenden und keine E-Mails mehr von dieser Gruppe zu erhalten, senden Sie eine Email an Weitere Optionen: | Benachrichtigung für - 25 Nachrichten in 24 Themen Gruppe: - - Social Mention: Allah ist kein Mondgott - Pierre Vogel [1 Aktualisierung]
- tauhid - Social Mention: Doch nicht ums leben gekommen? Laut Tauhid Deutschland soll Ex-Rapper Deso Dogg - Abu Tahla, nicht verstorben sein, demnächst soll es sogar ein Interview von Ihm geben, anscheinend soll hat er sich nach einem Luftangriff bei welchem er schwer verletzt wurde wieder erholt haben. Was nun stimmt und was nicht, das werden wir sicherlich im laufe der Zeit erfahren. [1 Aktualisierung]
- tauhid - Social Mention: Kebersamaan dalam perbedaan,contoh : إِنَّ هَٰذِهِ أُمَّتُكُمْ أُمَّةً وَاحِدَةً وَأَنَا رَبُّكُمْ فَاعْبُدُونِ Sesungguhnya (agama Tauhid) ini adalah agama kamu semua; agama yang satu dan Aku adalah Tuhanmu, maka sembahlah Aku. لِكُلِّ أُمَّةٍ جَعَلْنَا مَنْسَكًا هُمْ نَاسِكُوهُ ۖ فَلَا يُنَازِعُنَّكَ فِي الْأَمْرِ ۚ وَادْعُ إِلَىٰ رَبِّكَ ۖ إِنَّكَ لَعَلَىٰ هُدًى مُسْتَقِيمٍ Bagi tiap-tiap umat telah Kami tetapkan syari'at tertentu yang mereka lakukan, maka janganlah sekali-kali mereka membantah kamu dalam urusan (syari'at) ini dan serulah kepada (agama) Tuhanmu. Sesungguhnya kamu benar-benar berada pada jalan yang lurus. وَلِلَّهِ الْمَشْرِقُ وَالْمَغْرِبُ ۚ فَأَيْنَمَا تُوَلُّوا فَثَمَّ وَجْهُ اللَّهِ ۚ إِنَّ اللَّهَ وَاسِعٌ عَلِيمٌ Dan kepunyaan Allah-lah timur dan barat, maka kemanapun kamu menghadap di situlah wajah Allah. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Luas (rahmat-Nya) lagi Maha Mengetahui. أَيْنَ مَا تَكُونُوا يَأْتِ بِكُمُ اللَّهُ جَمِيعًا ۚ إِنَّ اللَّهَ عَلَىٰ كُلِّ شَيْءٍ قَدِيرٌ Dan bagi tiap-tiap umat ada kiblatnya (sendiri) yang ia menghadap kepadanya. Maka berlomba-lombalah (dalam membuat) kebaikan. Di mana saja kamu berada pasti Allah akan mengumpulkan kamu sekalian (pada hari kiamat). Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Kuasa atas segala sesuatu. يَا أَيُّهَا النَّاسُ إِنَّا خَلَقْنَاكُمْ مِنْ ذَكَرٍ وَأُنْثَىٰ وَجَعَلْنَاكُمْ شُعُوبًا وَقَبَائِلَ لِتَعَارَفُوا ۚ إِنَّ أَكْرَمَكُمْ عِنْدَ اللَّهِ أَتْقَاكُمْ ۚ إِنَّ اللَّهَ عَلِيمٌ خَبِيرٌ Hai manusia, sesungguhnya Kami menciptakan kamu dari seorang laki-laki dan seorang perempuan dan menjadikan kamu berbangsa-bangsa dan bersuku-suku supaya kamu saling kenal-mengenal. Sesungguhnya orang yang paling mulia diantara kamu disisi Allah ialah orang yang paling takwa diantara kamu. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mengetahui lagi Maha Mengenal. وَمِنْ آيَاتِهِ خَلْقُ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ وَاخْتِلَافُ أَلْسِنَتِكُمْ وَأَلْوَانِكُمْ ۚ إِنَّ فِي ذَٰلِكَ لَآيَاتٍ لِلْعَالِمِينَ Dan di antara tanda-tanda kekuasaan-Nya ialah menciptakan langit dan bumi dan berlain-lainan bahasamu dan warna kulitmu. Sesungguhnya pada yang demikan itu benar-benar terdapat tanda-tanda bagi orang-orang yang mengetahui. إِنَّا أَرْسَلْنَاكَ بِالْحَقِّ بَشِيرًا وَنَذِيرًا ۚ وَإِنْ مِنْ أُمَّةٍ إِلَّا خَلَا فِيهَا نَذِيرٌ Sesungguhnya Kami mengutus kamu dengan membawa kebenaran sebagai pembawa berita gembira dan sebagai pemberi peringatan. Dan tidak ada suatu umatpun melainkan telah ada padanya seorang pemberi peringatan. يَشَاءُ ۚ وَهُوَ الْعَزِيزُ الْحَكِيمُ Kami tidak mengutus seorang rasulpun, melainkan dengan bahasa kaumnya, supaya ia dapat memberi penjelasan dengan terang kepada mereka. Maka Allah menyesatkan siapa yang Dia kehendaki, dan memberi petunjuk kepada siapa yang Dia kehendaki. Dan Dialah Tuhan Yang Maha Kuasa lagi Maha Bijaksana. اللَّهُ يَصْطَفِي مِنَ الْمَلَائِكَةِ رُسُلًا وَمِنَ النَّاسِ ۚ إِنَّ اللَّهَ سَمِيعٌ بَصِيرٌ Allah memilih utusan-utusan-(Nya) dari malaikat dan dari manusia; sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mendengar lagi Maha Melihat. Kitab Jawa : Gusti pareng dawoh: Tresnane Gusti marang siro bongoso Djowo ora ono bedane, senadjan Gusti kuwi maringi pangomongan liyo marang djalmo manungso. Supoyo djalmo manungso kuwi biso nenuwon marang Gusti, nganggo bohosone dewe - dewe. Gusti pareng dawoh: Siro bongoso Djowo kang tak tresnani, aku maringi pangerten marang siro, supoyo siro kuwi biso mangerteni marang kuwasane Gusti, kang tuhu kuwi. Tinggal bagaimana manusia itu sendiri menyikapi didalam kehidupanya,bc : قُلْ أَتُحَاجُّونَنَا فِي اللَّهِ وَهُوَ رَبُّنَا وَرَبُّكُمْ وَلَنَا أَعْمَالُنَا وَلَكُمْ أَعْمَالُكُمْ وَنَحْنُ لَهُ مُخْلِصُونَ Katakanlah: "Apakah kamu memperdebatkan dengan kami tentang Allah, padahal Dia adalah Tuhan kami dan Tuhan kamu; bagi kami amalan kami, dan bagi kamu amalan kamu dan hanya kepada-Nya kami mengikhlaskan hati. قُلْ إِنَّمَا يُوحَىٰ إِلَيَّ أَنَّمَا إِلَٰهُكُمْ إِلَٰهٌ وَاحِدٌ ۖ فَهَلْ أَنْتُمْ مُسْلِمُونَ Katakanlah: "Sesungguhnya yang diwahyukan kepadaku adalah: "Bahwasanya Tuhanmu adalah Tuhan Yang Esa. maka hendaklah kamu berserah diri (kepada-Nya)". Slamat sore salam perdamaian.Rahayu. [1 Aktualisierung]
- dawa - Social Mention: Kuch zakham sadiyo baad bhe taze rehate hai.... :-( waqt ke pas har zakham ke dawa nahe hote.... :-( [1 Aktualisierung]
- khilafah - Social Mention: Worst after Kufr The Prophet (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: "The killing of a believer is more heinous in Allah's sight than doing away with all of this world." Killing without right is, after kufr (unbelief), one of the very worst enormities (akbar al-kabair), as Imam Shafi'i explicitly states in "The Epitome." The Prophet (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: "The blood of a Muslim man who testifies that there is no god but Allah and that I am the Messenger of Allah is not lawful to shed unless he be one of three: a married adulterer, someone killed in retaliation for killing another, or someone who abandons his religion and the Muslim community." What justification do the armed forces or security forces in Muslim countries have, to kill other Muslims? Sometimes governments justify it in the name of protecting the 'state' against foreign Muslims. It is not a crime in Islam to be a Muslim from a different country, because there are no different countries in Islam. For the thirteen centuries that the Islamic Khilafah existed, no Muslim needed a visa to travel between any of the forty-eight Muslim countries that now exist. They were all part of one state. Anybody who kills a Muslim, as a part of the armed forces or otherwise, will be held accountable for one of the worst crimes after kufr. Nor is it safe to be a silent spectator to such happening: Remember that the punishment that befell those who pushed the believers into the ditch of fire (Soorah Burooj), also befell those who were standing by watching the show. [1 Aktualisierung]
- Only Islams Facebook-Pinnwand: Viel zu oft... Viel zu oft schauen wir auf die verschlossene Tür, ohne zu mer... [1 Aktualisierung]
- khalifa - Social Mention: Clique no seu Cantor/Banda Favorita! # MC DALESTE # MC GUIME # funk, # Anitta ,# Jorge e Matheus, # Charlie Brown Jr. # Legião Urbana, # Luan Santana, # The Beatles, # Sorriso Maroto, # Pollo, # Aline Barros, # Paula Fernandes, # Bruna Karla, # Nando Reis, # Roberto Carlos, # Clarice Falção, # Gustavo Lima, # Thalles Roberto, # Thiagunho, # Taylor Swif, # Projota, # Carrosel (2012), # Racionais Mc's, # Lucas Lucco, # Fernando e Sorocaba, # Fernandinho, # Zezé Di Camargo e Luciano, # Revelação, # Thaeme e Thiago, # Exaltasamba, # Bruno Mars, # Rihanna, # Bonde Da Stronda, # Capital Inicial, # Cazuza, # One Direction, # Jota Quest, # Coldplay, # Turma Do Pagode, # Cristiano Araujo, # justin Bieber, # Beyoncé, # Pink, # Avião Do Forro, # Garota Safada, # O Rappa, # Patati e Patata, # Ivete Sangalo, # Guns N' Roses, # Linkin Park, # Roupa Nova, # Rosa De Saron, # Victor e Leo, # Adele, # Naldo, # Skank, # Bonde Das Maravilhas, # Nx Zero, # Titãs, # System Of a Down, # João Neto e Frederico, # Mc Gui, # Mc Koringa, # Léo Magalhães, # Michel Telo, # Os Paralamas Do Sucesso, # Pitty, # Eduardo Costa, # Dance, # Wiz khalifa, # Jeito Muleque, # Michel Jacksoon, # Metalica, # Eminem, # Calcinha Preta, # RBD, # Bob Marley, # Cone Crew Diretoria, # Glee, # Apocalipe 16, # Galinha Pintadinha, # Black Eyed Peas, # 50 Cent's, # JenniferLopez, # Raça Negra, # Oficcina G3, # Pregador Luo, # Amado Batista, # Claudia Leite, # Mc Pocahontas, # Katy Perry, # Alexandre Piris, # Catedral, # Gabriel O Pensador, # David Guetta, # Israel Novaes, # Pitbull, # (..) SE TEM ALGUM CANTOR OU BANDA QUE VOC ? GOSTA CURTI AQUI : Mc Nego Do Borel - Oficial. [2 Aktualisierungen]
- IHED - Social Mention: After d strike,babes be coming wif children names like: Asuudiegwu,Asuunyere,Asuuemeka,Kosisoasuu,Asuumefuna,Asuunenyenwa,Onyemaasuu,Somtoasuu [1 Aktualisierung]
- Die wahre Geschichte der Türkeis Facebook-Pinnwand: Sultan Abdulhamid II befielt; "Damit die muslîmischen Kinder in Beirut nicht in... [1 Aktualisierung]
- Abu Abdullah - Social Mention: لايك لصفحتي الجديدة يا شيوووخ [1 Aktualisierung]
- kafir - Social Mention: johor bahru = new york city #yang beza cuaca..perangai manusie nye..SAMA [1 Aktualisierung]
- khalifa - Social Mention: OFFiCiaL GAMING OnLy DD2 NEW IP : NEW IP : NEW IP : NEW IP : Ska LLag , Ska Qicera 32/32 Adm Ne Chat [1 Aktualisierung]
- bushido - Social Mention: So Leute heute kommt kay one todesurteil .. heute um 18 Uhr ... Kommt bushido sein diss.. #lebenundtoddeskennethgloeckler [1 Aktualisierung]
- allahu akbar - Social Mention: Allahu Akbar...Duriannnnn...sabar lah hati...hahaha [1 Aktualisierung]
- Sheikh Neil Bin Radhan - Social Mention: Mark Donga [1 Aktualisierung]
- sharia - Social Mention: A quand l'interdiction de la Bible, Torah, Coran pour incitation à la haine? Ou tout du moins, à quand l'obligation d'y apposer un avertissement pour préciser le caractère fictif, violent, misogyne, homophobe et haineux de ces ouvrages? Ces ouvrages ne valent pas mieux que Mein Kampf, ils sont même pire... ils ont causé durant des siècles des millions et des millions de morts, des guerres, haine, tortures, chasse aux sorcières, inquisition, sharia... et pourtant toujours en libre circulation sans aucun avertissement... ~ Cheesus (Take it cheesy!) [1 Aktualisierung]
- kuffar - Social Mention: kaya pala iba rin tlaga lasa ng bread sa pinas at gawa ng mga kuffar kc my lard. [1 Aktualisierung]
- dawa - Social Mention: [1 Aktualisierung]
- bushido - Social Mention: Liebe Gäste die Party findet heute Statt, leider ohne Kay One aber dafür wird Emory die Stimmung Einheizen trotz absage von Kay One wird das Konzert auf Januar verschoben ,und alle die eine Karte erworben haben können die heute und im Januar einlösen als Entschädigung Bieten wie euch 800 Liter frei Bier an bis später Also für einmal zahlen habt ihr dann 2 x Spaß Dies gilt für die VIP & Basic Karten Bei weitere fragen 0177 195 23 97 ❤️ [1 Aktualisierung]
- takbir - Social Mention: Quote: When Hatim al Asamm was asked about his prayer, he said, "When it is near the time of prayer, I perform a perfect Wudu and go to where I am going to pray and sit down there until I become fully attentive to what I am about to do. I then stand up and pray, imagining that the Ka`bah is in front of my eyes, Paradise to my right, Hellfire to my left and the Angel of Death behind me. I imagine that it is the last prayer I am about to perform, stand up in hope (in Allah, His Paradise and rewards) and fear (from Allah's torment in Hellfire) and recite the Takbir while having full attention. I recite the Qur'an calmly, make Ruku` humbly, go into Sujud with Khushu' and then sit on my left leg, with the left food laid on the floor and the right food raised up, all the while praying with sincerity. Afterwards, I do not know (nor feel certain) if that prayer was accepted from me!" Scholar: Hatim Al-Asamm [1 Aktualisierung]
- Türken auf der ganzen Welt *-*s Facebook-Pinnwand: Tek bir öğretmen bütün dersleri öğretemiyorsa , tek bir öğrenci bütün dersleri n... [1 Aktualisierung]
- bushido - Social Mention: Wann kommt der Bushido Diss an Kay One ? [1 Aktualisierung]
- Understand IslaMs Facebook-Pinnwand: Comments Ameen Please share [1 Aktualisierung]
tauhid - Social Mention: Kebersamaan dalam perbedaan,contoh : إِنَّ هَٰذِهِ أُمَّتُكُمْ أُمَّةً وَاحِدَةً وَأَنَا رَبُّكُمْ فَاعْبُدُونِ Sesungguhnya (agama Tauhid) ini adalah agama kamu semua; agama yang satu dan Aku adalah Tuhanmu, maka sembahlah Aku. لِكُلِّ أُمَّةٍ جَعَلْنَا مَنْسَكًا هُمْ نَاسِكُوهُ ۖ فَلَا يُنَازِعُنَّكَ فِي الْأَمْرِ ۚ وَادْعُ إِلَىٰ رَبِّكَ ۖ إِنَّكَ لَعَلَىٰ هُدًى مُسْتَقِيمٍ Bagi tiap-tiap umat telah Kami tetapkan syari'at tertentu yang mereka lakukan, maka janganlah sekali-kali mereka membantah kamu dalam urusan (syari'at) ini dan serulah kepada (agama) Tuhanmu. Sesungguhnya kamu benar-benar berada pada jalan yang lurus. وَلِلَّهِ الْمَشْرِقُ وَالْمَغْرِبُ ۚ فَأَيْنَمَا تُوَلُّوا فَثَمَّ وَجْهُ اللَّهِ ۚ إِنَّ اللَّهَ وَاسِعٌ عَلِيمٌ Dan kepunyaan Allah-lah timur dan barat, maka kemanapun kamu menghadap di situlah wajah Allah. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Luas (rahmat-Nya) lagi Maha Mengetahui. أَيْنَ مَا تَكُونُوا يَأْتِ بِكُمُ اللَّهُ جَمِيعًا ۚ إِنَّ اللَّهَ عَلَىٰ كُلِّ شَيْءٍ قَدِيرٌ Dan bagi tiap-tiap umat ada kiblatnya (sendiri) yang ia menghadap kepadanya. Maka berlomba-lombalah (dalam membuat) kebaikan. Di mana saja kamu berada pasti Allah akan mengumpulkan kamu sekalian (pada hari kiamat). Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Kuasa atas segala sesuatu. يَا أَيُّهَا النَّاسُ إِنَّا خَلَقْنَاكُمْ مِنْ ذَكَرٍ وَأُنْثَىٰ وَجَعَلْنَاكُمْ شُعُوبًا وَقَبَائِلَ لِتَعَارَفُوا ۚ إِنَّ أَكْرَمَكُمْ عِنْدَ اللَّهِ أَتْقَاكُمْ ۚ إِنَّ اللَّهَ عَلِيمٌ خَبِيرٌ Hai manusia, sesungguhnya Kami menciptakan kamu dari seorang laki-laki dan seorang perempuan dan menjadikan kamu berbangsa-bangsa dan bersuku-suku supaya kamu saling kenal-mengenal. Sesungguhnya orang yang paling mulia diantara kamu disisi Allah ialah orang yang paling takwa diantara kamu. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mengetahui lagi Maha Mengenal. وَمِنْ آيَاتِهِ خَلْقُ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ وَاخْتِلَافُ أَلْسِنَتِكُمْ وَأَلْوَانِكُمْ ۚ إِنَّ فِي ذَٰلِكَ لَآيَاتٍ لِلْعَالِمِينَ Dan di antara tanda-tanda kekuasaan-Nya ialah menciptakan langit dan bumi dan berlain-lainan bahasamu dan warna kulitmu. Sesungguhnya pada yang demikan itu benar-benar terdapat tanda-tanda bagi orang-orang yang mengetahui. إِنَّا أَرْسَلْنَاكَ بِالْحَقِّ بَشِيرًا وَنَذِيرًا ۚ وَإِنْ مِنْ أُمَّةٍ إِلَّا خَلَا فِيهَا نَذِيرٌ Sesungguhnya Kami mengutus kamu dengan membawa kebenaran sebagai pembawa berita gembira dan sebagai pemberi peringatan. Dan tidak ada suatu umatpun melainkan telah ada padanya seorang pemberi peringatan. يَشَاءُ ۚ وَهُوَ الْعَزِيزُ الْحَكِيمُ Kami tidak mengutus seorang rasulpun, melainkan dengan bahasa kaumnya, supaya ia dapat memberi penjelasan dengan terang kepada mereka. Maka Allah menyesatkan siapa yang Dia kehendaki, dan memberi petunjuk kepada siapa yang Dia kehendaki. Dan Dialah Tuhan Yang Maha Kuasa lagi Maha Bijaksana. اللَّهُ يَصْطَفِي مِنَ الْمَلَائِكَةِ رُسُلًا وَمِنَ النَّاسِ ۚ إِنَّ اللَّهَ سَمِيعٌ بَصِيرٌ Allah memilih utusan-utusan-(Nya) dari malaikat dan dari manusia; sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mendengar lagi Maha Melihat. Kitab Jawa : Gusti pareng dawoh: Tresnane Gusti marang siro bongoso Djowo ora ono bedane, senadjan Gusti kuwi maringi pangomongan liyo marang djalmo manungso. Supoyo djalmo manungso kuwi biso nenuwon marang Gusti, nganggo bohosone dewe - dewe. Gusti pareng dawoh: Siro bongoso Djowo kang tak tresnani, aku maringi pangerten marang siro, supoyo siro kuwi biso mangerteni marang kuwasane Gusti, kang tuhu kuwi. Tinggal bagaimana manusia itu sendiri menyikapi didalam kehidupanya,bc : قُلْ أَتُحَاجُّونَنَا فِي اللَّهِ وَهُوَ رَبُّنَا وَرَبُّكُمْ وَلَنَا أَعْمَالُنَا وَلَكُمْ أَعْمَالُكُمْ وَنَحْنُ لَهُ مُخْلِصُونَ Katakanlah: "Apakah kamu memperdebatkan dengan kami tentang Allah, padahal Dia adalah Tuhan kami dan Tuhan kamu; bagi kami amalan kami, dan bagi kamu amalan kamu dan hanya kepada-Nya kami mengikhlaskan hati. قُلْ إِنَّمَا يُوحَىٰ إِلَيَّ أَنَّمَا إِلَٰهُكُمْ إِلَٰهٌ وَاحِدٌ ۖ فَهَلْ أَنْتُمْ مُسْلِمُونَ Katakanlah: "Sesungguhnya yang diwahyukan kepadaku adalah: "Bahwasanya Tuhanmu adalah Tuhan Yang Esa. maka hendaklah kamu berserah diri (kepada-Nya)". Slamat sore salam perdamaian.Rahayu. Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 10:53AM tauhid - Social Mention Kebersamaan dalam perbedaan,contoh : إِنَّ هَٰذِهِ أُمَّتُكُمْ أُمَّةً وَاحِدَةً وَأَنَا رَبُّكُمْ فَاعْبُدُونِ Sesungguhnya (agama Tauhid) ini adalah agama kamu semua; agama yang satu dan Aku adalah Tuhanmu, maka sembahlah Aku. لِكُلِّ أُمَّةٍ جَعَلْنَا مَنْسَكًا هُمْ نَاسِكُوهُ ۖ فَلَا يُنَازِعُنَّكَ فِي الْأَمْرِ ۚ وَادْعُ إِلَىٰ رَبِّكَ ۖ إِنَّكَ لَعَلَىٰ هُدًى مُسْتَقِيمٍ Bagi tiap-tiap umat telah Kami tetapkan syari'at tertentu yang mereka lakukan, maka janganlah sekali-kali mereka membantah kamu dalam urusan (syari'at) ini dan serulah kepada (agama) Tuhanmu. Sesungguhnya kamu benar-benar berada pada jalan yang lurus. وَلِلَّهِ الْمَشْرِقُ وَالْمَغْرِبُ ۚ فَأَيْنَمَا تُوَلُّوا فَثَمَّ وَجْهُ اللَّهِ ۚ إِنَّ اللَّهَ وَاسِعٌ عَلِيمٌ Dan kepunyaan Allah-lah timur dan barat, maka kemanapun kamu menghadap di situlah wajah Allah. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Luas (rahmat-Nya) lagi Maha Mengetahui. أَيْنَ مَا تَكُونُوا يَأْتِ بِكُمُ اللَّهُ جَمِيعًا ۚ إِنَّ اللَّهَ عَلَىٰ كُلِّ شَيْءٍ قَدِيرٌ Dan bagi tiap-tiap umat ada kiblatnya (sendiri) yang ia menghadap kepadanya. Maka berlomba-lombalah (dalam membuat) kebaikan. Di mana saja kamu berada pasti Allah akan mengumpulkan kamu sekalian (pada hari kiamat). Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Kuasa atas segala sesuatu. يَا أَيُّهَا النَّاسُ إِنَّا خَلَقْنَاكُمْ مِنْ ذَكَرٍ وَأُنْثَىٰ وَجَعَلْنَاكُمْ شُعُوبًا وَقَبَائِلَ لِتَعَارَفُوا ۚ إِنَّ أَكْرَمَكُمْ عِنْدَ اللَّهِ أَتْقَاكُمْ ۚ إِنَّ اللَّهَ عَلِيمٌ خَبِيرٌ Hai manusia, sesungguhnya Kami menciptakan kamu dari seorang laki-laki dan seorang perempuan dan menjadikan kamu berbangsa-bangsa dan bersuku-suku supaya kamu saling kenal-mengenal. Sesungguhnya orang yang paling mulia diantara kamu disisi Allah ialah orang yang paling takwa diantara kamu. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mengetahui lagi Maha Mengenal. وَمِنْ آيَاتِهِ خَلْقُ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ وَاخْتِلَافُ أَلْسِنَتِكُمْ وَأَلْوَانِكُمْ ۚ إِنَّ فِي ذَٰلِكَ لَآيَاتٍ لِلْعَالِمِينَ Dan di antara tanda-tanda kekuasaan-Nya ialah menciptakan langit dan bumi dan berlain-lainan bahasamu dan warna kulitmu. Sesungguhnya pada yang demikan itu benar-benar terdapat tanda-tanda bagi orang-orang yang mengetahui. إِنَّا أَرْسَلْنَاكَ بِالْحَقِّ بَشِيرًا وَنَذِيرًا ۚ وَإِنْ مِنْ أُمَّةٍ إِلَّا خَلَا فِيهَا نَذِيرٌ Sesungguhnya Kami mengutus kamu dengan membawa kebenaran sebagai pembawa berita gembira dan sebagai pemberi peringatan. Dan tidak ada suatu umatpun melainkan telah ada padanya seorang pemberi peringatan. يَشَاءُ ۚ وَهُوَ الْعَزِيزُ الْحَكِيمُ Kami tidak mengutus seorang rasulpun, melainkan dengan bahasa kaumnya, supaya ia dapat memberi penjelasan dengan terang kepada mereka. Maka Allah menyesatkan siapa yang Dia kehendaki, dan memberi petunjuk kepada siapa yang Dia kehendaki. Dan Dialah Tuhan Yang Maha Kuasa lagi Maha Bijaksana. اللَّهُ يَصْطَفِي مِنَ الْمَلَائِكَةِ رُسُلًا وَمِنَ النَّاسِ ۚ إِنَّ اللَّهَ سَمِيعٌ بَصِيرٌ Allah memilih utusan-utusan-(Nya) dari malaikat dan dari manusia; sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mendengar lagi Maha Melihat. Kitab Jawa : Gusti pareng dawoh: Tresnane Gusti marang siro bongoso Djowo ora ono bedane, senadjan Gusti kuwi maringi pangomongan liyo marang djalmo manungso. Supoyo djalmo manungso kuwi biso nenuwon marang Gusti, nganggo bohosone dewe - dewe. Gusti pareng dawoh: Siro bongoso Djowo kang tak tresnani, aku maringi pangerten marang siro, supoyo siro kuwi biso mangerteni marang kuwasane Gusti, kang tuhu kuwi. Tinggal bagaimana manusia itu sendiri menyikapi didalam kehidupanya,bc : قُلْ أَتُحَاجُّونَنَا فِي اللَّهِ وَهُوَ رَبُّنَا وَرَبُّكُمْ وَلَنَا أَعْمَالُنَا وَلَكُمْ أَعْمَالُكُمْ وَنَحْنُ لَهُ مُخْلِصُونَ Katakanlah: "Apakah kamu memperdebatkan dengan kami tentang Allah, padahal Dia adalah Tuhan kami dan Tuhan kamu; bagi kami amalan kami, dan bagi kamu amalan kamu dan hanya kepada-Nya kami mengikhlaskan hati. قُلْ إِنَّمَا يُوحَىٰ إِلَيَّ أَنَّمَا إِلَٰهُكُمْ إِلَٰهٌ وَاحِدٌ ۖ فَهَلْ أَنْتُمْ مُسْلِمُونَ Katakanlah: "Sesungguhnya yang diwahyukan kepadaku adalah: "Bahwasanya Tuhanmu adalah Tuhan Yang Esa. maka hendaklah kamu berserah diri (kepada-Nya)". Slamat sore salam perdamaian.Rahayu. Nov 19th 2013, 10:24 You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: khilafah - Social Mention: Worst after Kufr The Prophet (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: "The killing of a believer is more heinous in Allah's sight than doing away with all of this world." Killing without right is, after kufr (unbelief), one of the very worst enormities (akbar al-kabair), as Imam Shafi'i explicitly states in "The Epitome." The Prophet (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: "The blood of a Muslim man who testifies that there is no god but Allah and that I am the Messenger of Allah is not lawful to shed unless he be one of three: a married adulterer, someone killed in retaliation for killing another, or someone who abandons his religion and the Muslim community." What justification do the armed forces or security forces in Muslim countries have, to kill other Muslims? Sometimes governments justify it in the name of protecting the 'state' against foreign Muslims. It is not a crime in Islam to be a Muslim from a different country, because there are no different countries in Islam. For the thirteen centuries that the Islamic Khilafah existed, no Muslim needed a visa to travel between any of the forty-eight Muslim countries that now exist. They were all part of one state. Anybody who kills a Muslim, as a part of the armed forces or otherwise, will be held accountable for one of the worst crimes after kufr. Nor is it safe to be a silent spectator to such happening: Remember that the punishment that befell those who pushed the believers into the ditch of fire (Soorah Burooj), also befell those who were standing by watching the show. Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 09:54AM khilafah - Social Mention Worst after Kufr The Prophet (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: "The killing of a believer is more heinous in Allah's sight than doing away with all of this world." Killing without right is, after kufr (unbelief), one of the very worst enormities (akbar al-kabair), as Imam Shafi'i explicitly states in "The Epitome." The Prophet (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: "The blood of a Muslim man who testifies that there is no god but Allah and that I am the Messenger of Allah is not lawful to shed unless he be one of three: a married adulterer, someone killed in retaliation for killing another, or someone who abandons his religion and the Muslim community." What justification do the armed forces or security forces in Muslim countries have, to kill other Muslims? Sometimes governments justify it in the name of protecting the 'state' against foreign Muslims. It is not a crime in Islam to be a Muslim from a different country, because there are no different countries in Islam. For the thirteen centuries that the Islamic Khilafah existed, no Muslim needed a visa to travel between any of the forty-eight Muslim countries that now exist. They were all part of one state. Anybody who kills a Muslim, as a part of the armed forces or otherwise, will be held accountable for one of the worst crimes after kufr. Nor is it safe to be a silent spectator to such happening: Remember that the punishment that befell those who pushed the believers into the ditch of fire (Soorah Burooj), also befell those who were standing by watching the show. Nov 21st 2013, 09:23 You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 08:03PM Only Islams Facebook-Pinnwand Only Islams Facebook-Pinnwand Viel zu oft... Viel zu oft schauen wir auf die verschlossene Tür, ohne zu mer... Nov 21st 2013, 19:07 Viel zu oft... Viel zu oft schauen wir auf die verschlossene Tür, ohne zu merken, dass Allâh subhana wa ta'ala uns eine andere Tür geöffnet hat, die uns in ein besseres Leben führt. Viel zu oft sind wir vom Schein des Lebens geblendet, ohne zu merken, dass Allâh subhana wa ta'ala uns eine klare Sicht gegeben hat, wenn man nur stück-weit den Blickwinkel verändert. Viel zu oft lassen wir uns von unseren bösen Einflüsterungen leiten, ohne zu merken, dass Allâh subhana wa ta'ala in unsere Seelen und Herzen die wahre Liebe zum Glauben entfachen ließ, die es uns ermöglichen Zuflucht bei Allâh vor dem bösen Satan zu nehmen. Viel zu oft vergessen wir, dass Allâh subhana wa ta'ala immer für uns nur das Gute möchte, selbst wenn uns Krankheiten, Probleme, Sorgen, Leid, Trauer etc. heimsuchen, denn durch all die harten Schicksalsschläge fallen unsere Sünden von uns ab, wie ein Baum, dessen Blätter abfallen. by Nafissa El Muslimah >>> Only Islam You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: khalifa - Social Mention: Clique no seu Cantor/Banda Favorita! # MC DALESTE # MC GUIME # funk, # Anitta ,# Jorge e Matheus, # Charlie Brown Jr. # Legião Urbana, # Luan Santana, # The Beatles, # Sorriso Maroto, # Pollo, # Aline Barros, # Paula Fernandes, # Bruna Karla, # Nando Reis, # Roberto Carlos, # Clarice Falção, # Gustavo Lima, # Thalles Roberto, # Thiagunho, # Taylor Swif, # Projota, # Carrosel (2012), # Racionais Mc's, # Lucas Lucco, # Fernando e Sorocaba, # Fernandinho, # Zezé Di Camargo e Luciano, # Revelação, # Thaeme e Thiago, # Exaltasamba, # Bruno Mars, # Rihanna, # Bonde Da Stronda, # Capital Inicial, # Cazuza, # One Direction, # Jota Quest, # Coldplay, # Turma Do Pagode, # Cristiano Araujo, # justin Bieber, # Beyoncé, # Pink, # Avião Do Forro, # Garota Safada, # O Rappa, # Patati e Patata, # Ivete Sangalo, # Guns N' Roses, # Linkin Park, # Roupa Nova, # Rosa De Saron, # Victor e Leo, # Adele, # Naldo, # Skank, # Bonde Das Maravilhas, # Nx Zero, # Titãs, # System Of a Down, # João Neto e Frederico, # Mc Gui, # Mc Koringa, # Léo Magalhães, # Michel Telo, # Os Paralamas Do Sucesso, # Pitty, # Eduardo Costa, # Dance, # Wiz khalifa, # Jeito Muleque, # Michel Jacksoon, # Metalica, # Eminem, # Calcinha Preta, # RBD, # Bob Marley, # Cone Crew Diretoria, # Glee, # Apocalipe 16, # Galinha Pintadinha, # Black Eyed Peas, # 50 Cent's, # JenniferLopez, # Raça Negra, # Oficcina G3, # Pregador Luo, # Amado Batista, # Claudia Leite, # Mc Pocahontas, # Katy Perry, # Alexandre Piris, # Catedral, # Gabriel O Pensador, # David Guetta, # Israel Novaes, # Pitbull, # (..) SE TEM ALGUM CANTOR OU BANDA QUE VOC ? GOSTA CURTI AQUI : Mc Nego Do Borel - Oficial. Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 10:33PM khalifa - Social Mention Clique no seu Cantor/Banda Favorita! # MC DALESTE # MC GUIME # funk, # Anitta ,# Jorge e Matheus, # Charlie Brown Jr. # Legião Urbana, # Luan Santana, # The Beatles, # Sorriso Maroto, # Pollo, # Aline Barros, # Paula Fernandes, # Bruna Karla, # Nando Reis, # Roberto Carlos, # Clarice Falção, # Gustavo Lima, # Thalles Roberto, # Thiagunho, # Taylor Swif, # Projota, # Carrosel (2012), # Racionais Mc's, # Lucas Lucco, # Fernando e Sorocaba, # Fernandinho, # Zezé Di Camargo e Luciano, # Revelação, # Thaeme e Thiago, # Exaltasamba, # Bruno Mars, # Rihanna, # Bonde Da Stronda, # Capital Inicial, # Cazuza, # One Direction, # Jota Quest, # Coldplay, # Turma Do Pagode, # Cristiano Araujo, # justin Bieber, # Beyoncé, # Pink, # Avião Do Forro, # Garota Safada, # O Rappa, # Patati e Patata, # Ivete Sangalo, # Guns N' Roses, # Linkin Park, # Roupa Nova, # Rosa De Saron, # Victor e Leo, # Adele, # Naldo, # Skank, # Bonde Das Maravilhas, # Nx Zero, # Titãs, # System Of a Down, # João Neto e Frederico, # Mc Gui, # Mc Koringa, # Léo Magalhães, # Michel Telo, # Os Paralamas Do Sucesso, # Pitty, # Eduardo Costa, # Dance, # Wiz khalifa, # Jeito Muleque, # Michel Jacksoon, # Metalica, # Eminem, # Calcinha Preta, # RBD, # Bob Marley, # Cone Crew Diretoria, # Glee, # Apocalipe 16, # Galinha Pintadinha, # Black Eyed Peas, # 50 Cent's, # JenniferLopez, # Raça Negra, # Oficcina G3, # Pregador Luo, # Amado Batista, # Claudia Leite, # Mc Pocahontas, # Katy Perry, # Alexandre Piris, # Catedral, # Gabriel O Pensador, # David Guetta, # Israel Novaes, # Pitbull, # (..) SE TEM ALGUM CANTOR OU BANDA QUE VOC ? GOSTA CURTI AQUI : Mc Nego Do Borel - Oficial. Nov 20th 2013, 22:33 You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 07:38AM khalifa - Social Mention Clique no seu Cantor/Banda Favorita! # MC DALESTE # MC GUIME # funk, # Anitta ,# Jorge e Matheus, # Charlie Brown Jr. # Legião Urbana, # Luan Santana, # The Beatles, # Sorriso Maroto, # Pollo, # Aline Barros, # Paula Fernandes, # Bruna Karla, # Nando Reis, # Roberto Carlos, # Clarice Falção, # Gustavo Lima, # Thalles Roberto, # Thiagunho, # Taylor Swif, # Projota, # Carrosel (2012), # Racionais Mc's, # Lucas Lucco, # Fernando e Sorocaba, # Fernandinho, # Zezé Di Camargo e Luciano, # Revelação, # Thaeme e Thiago, # Exaltasamba, # Bruno Mars, # Rihanna, # Bonde Da Stronda, # Capital Inicial, # Cazuza, # One Direction, # Jota Quest, # Coldplay, # Turma Do Pagode, # Cristiano Araujo, # justin Bieber, # Beyoncé, # Pink, # Avião Do Forro, # Garota Safada, # O Rappa, # Patati e Patata, # Ivete Sangalo, # Guns N' Roses, # Linkin Park, # Roupa Nova, # Rosa De Saron, # Victor e Leo, # Adele, # Naldo, # Skank, # Bonde Das Maravilhas, # Nx Zero, # Titãs, # System Of a Down, # João Neto e Frederico, # Mc Gui, # Mc Koringa, # Léo Magalhães, # Michel Telo, # Os Paralamas Do Sucesso, # Pitty, # Eduardo Costa, # Dance, # Wiz khalifa, # Jeito Muleque, # Michel Jacksoon, # Metalica, # Eminem, # Calcinha Preta, # RBD, # Bob Marley, # Cone Crew Diretoria, # Glee, # Apocalipe 16, # Galinha Pintadinha, # Black Eyed Peas, # 50 Cent's, # JenniferLopez, # Raça Negra, # Oficcina G3, # Pregador Luo, # Amado Batista, # Claudia Leite, # Mc Pocahontas, # Katy Perry, # Alexandre Piris, # Catedral, # Gabriel O Pensador, # David Guetta, # Israel Novaes, # Pitbull, # (..) SE TEM ALGUM CANTOR OU BANDA QUE VOC ? GOSTA CURTI AQUI : Mc Nego Do Borel - Oficial. Nov 21st 2013, 07:28 You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 08:48AM IHED - Social Mention After d strike,babes be coming wif children names like: Asuudiegwu,Asuunyere,Asuuemeka,Kosisoasuu,Asuumefuna,Asuunenyenwa,Onyemaasuu,Somtoasuu Nov 20th 2013, 08:27 You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 02:34PM Die wahre Geschichte der Türkeis Facebook-Pinnwand Die wahre Geschichte der Türkeis Facebook-Pinnwand Sultan Abdulhamid II befielt; "Damit die muslîmischen Kinder in Beirut nicht in... Nov 21st 2013, 14:09 Sultan Abdulhamid II befielt; "Damit die muslîmischen Kinder in Beirut nicht in die amerikanischen und französischen Schulen gehen und dort ihre Aqîda verdorben wird, befielt der Sultân, dass der Bau der islâmischen Schulen schnellstmöglichst fertiggestellt sein muss." Quelle; (BOA, Irade Hususi, nr. 86, 2 Ra 1323) Admin Y.T ♥ Osmânen ♥ You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: sharia - Social Mention: A quand l'interdiction de la Bible, Torah, Coran pour incitation à la haine? Ou tout du moins, à quand l'obligation d'y apposer un avertissement pour préciser le caractère fictif, violent, misogyne, homophobe et haineux de ces ouvrages? Ces ouvrages ne valent pas mieux que Mein Kampf, ils sont même pire... ils ont causé durant des siècles des millions et des millions de morts, des guerres, haine, tortures, chasse aux sorcières, inquisition, sharia... et pourtant toujours en libre circulation sans aucun avertissement... ~ Cheesus (Take it cheesy!) Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 12:43PM sharia - Social Mention A quand l'interdiction de la Bible, Torah, Coran pour incitation à la haine? Ou tout du moins, à quand l'obligation d'y apposer un avertissement pour préciser le caractère fictif, violent, misogyne, homophobe et haineux de ces ouvrages? Ces ouvrages ne valent pas mieux que Mein Kampf, ils sont même pire... ils ont causé durant des siècles des millions et des millions de morts, des guerres, haine, tortures, chasse aux sorcières, inquisition, sharia... et pourtant toujours en libre circulation sans aucun avertissement... ~ Cheesus (Take it cheesy!) Nov 19th 2013, 11:53 A quand l'interdiction de la Bible, Torah, Coran pour incitation à la haine? Ou tout du moins, à quand l'obligation d'y apposer un avertissement pour préciser le caractère fictif, violent, misogyne, homophobe et haineux de ces ouvrages? Ces ouvrages ne valent pas mieux que Mein Kampf, ils sont même pire... ils ont causé durant des siècles des millions et des millions de morts, des guerres, haine, tortures, chasse aux sorcières, inquisition, sharia... et pourtant toujours en libre circulation sans aucun avertissement... ~ Cheesus (Take it cheesy!) You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 09:42PM dawa - Social Mention (Untitled) Nov 19th 2013, 21:34 Kolano kontuzjowane,biegi odstawione do czasu kolejnej wizyty u ortopedy.Ale treningów nie zaprzestałem.Przy okazji jazdy na łyżworolkach odkryłem,że obciążenie na kolano jest znacznie ,mniejsze niż w czasie treningu biegowego.Stąd po ostatnich 24 km jazdy na rolkach,następny trening zwiększyłem do 32 km tj. 4X8 km z dwuminutowymi przerwami na odpoczynek.Plan mam taki by ten dystans co trening zwiększać o parę kilometrów aż dojdę do 52 km.Dlaczego akurat 52 kilometry?Znawcy sztuki mogą się domyśleć. Tym razem obyło się bez całowania asfaltu,choć kilka razy było bardzo blisko wywrotki. Niestety na rolkach pracują trochę inne partie mięśni niż w bieganiu pieszo stąd od pasa w dół mam sieczkę zamiast mięśni, ale jak już wspomniałem jestem dość odporny na ból i się tym nie przejmuję.Po kolejnej eskapadzie na rolkach pojawiła się nowa dla mnie dolegliwość tj. ból śródstopia,jednak rolki dość mocno ugniatają stopę.Najgorzej ból ten dawał się we znaki w pracy ale jakoś przetrzymałem. Pogoda w niedzielne popołudnie była piękna,słoneczko ,kolorowych liści pełno dookoła,parkowe drzewa i krzewy w różnych kolorach,ostatki jesieni.Jeździło się wspaniale,oczywiście znowu się nie oszczędzałem i trening odbył się na 80% moich możliwości.Obolały jak bolka trampki po meczu ,ale zadowolony wróciłem do domu,a potem zaraz do roboty gdzie nogi musiały mnie udźwignąć przez jeszcze 12 godzin. Jak tak spoglądam z boku na te mordercze dla mięśni treningi to myślę sobie:"Justysiu ,Justysiu do czego Ty mnie namówiłaś?"Oj tam oj tam,dziękuję Ci za to dziękuję,bo tylko dzięki Tobie chce mi się jeszcze żyć....... Dlatego właśnie (wybacz mi) podążam Twoim śladem.To instynkt,którego nie jestem nawet w stanie opisać każe mi gnać Twoim śladem.Nie umiem i nie chcę go powstrzymywać,tym bardziej,że drogę tę polubiłem. Po niedzielnym treningu wydawało mi się,że 32 km to bardzo dużo.Ale dzisiaj zaskoczyłem samego siebie i pokonałem na rolkach 44 km z małymi przerwami na odpoczynek,zajęło mi to 3 godziny i 50 minut.Mięśnie nóg i stawy aż się zagotowały na twardo,ale nie odpuściłem,tempo jak zwykle na 80% moich możliwości.Puls jednak w miarę spokojny co bardzo mnie cieszy bo w biegach pieszych jednak puls osiągał u mnie górne granice częstotliwości.Jednak jazda na rolkach czy nartach nie jest tak wyczerpująca jak bieganie. przynajmniej na płaskiej trasie bez podbiegów.Dałem radę najdłuższemu dystansowi w moim życiu,dałem radę na rolkach dam radę i na nartach,tego jestem już pewien.Widocznie mimo upływu lat moje ciało zachowuje dobrą wydolność na długotrwały wysiłek.DAM RADĘ. :) :) :). Teraz już żaden dystans na nartach czy na rolkach nie będzie mi straszny.Dziewięć miesięcy intensywnej pracy biegowej zrobiło swoje,JESTEM KONDYCYJNIE GOTOWY DO ZAŁOŻENIA NART!!!!BYLEBY SPRZĘT SIĘ ZNALAZŁ. A tak poza treningami to wiosna u mnie nastała,na oknie zakwitł nieoczekiwanie po raz drugi w tym roku Hiacynt w doniczce,którego gdybym mógł podarował bym Justysi.No i pozdrowionka dla Monisi,super-fajnej koleżanki oraz dla Dominika M.,bo słyszałem,że do biegania wrócił,więc niebawem się spotkamy na treningach. c.d.n. You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: Blogtrottr <> Nov 22 02:35PM bushido - Social Mention Liebe Gäste die Party findet heute Statt, leider ohne Kay One aber dafür wird Emory die Stimmung Einheizen trotz absage von Kay One wird das Konzert auf Januar verschoben ,und alle die eine Karte erworben haben können die heute und im Januar einlösen als Entschädigung Bieten wie euch 800 Liter frei Bier an bis später Also für einmal zahlen habt ihr dann 2 x Spaß Dies gilt für die VIP & Basic Karten Bei weitere fragen 0177 195 23 97 ❤️ Nov 22nd 2013, 14:30 You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: takbir - Social Mention: Quote: When Hatim al Asamm was asked about his prayer, he said, "When it is near the time of prayer, I perform a perfect Wudu and go to where I am going to pray and sit down there until I become fully attentive to what I am about to do. I then stand up and pray, imagining that the Ka`bah is in front of my eyes, Paradise to my right, Hellfire to my left and the Angel of Death behind me. I imagine that it is the last prayer I am about to perform, stand up in hope (in Allah, His Paradise and rewards) and fear (from Allah's torment in Hellfire) and recite the Takbir while having full attention. I recite the Qur'an calmly, make Ruku` humbly, go into Sujud with Khushu' and then sit on my left leg, with the left food laid on the floor and the right food raised up, all the while praying with sincerity. Afterwards, I do not know (nor feel certain) if that prayer was accepted from me!" Scholar: Hatim Al-Asamm Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 08:29AM takbir - Social Mention Quote: When Hatim al Asamm was asked about his prayer, he said, "When it is near the time of prayer, I perform a perfect Wudu and go to where I am going to pray and sit down there until I become fully attentive to what I am about to do. I then stand up and pray, imagining that the Ka`bah is in front of my eyes, Paradise to my right, Hellfire to my left and the Angel of Death behind me. I imagine that it is the last prayer I am about to perform, stand up in hope (in Allah, His Paradise and rewards) and fear (from Allah's torment in Hellfire) and recite the Takbir while having full attention. I recite the Qur'an calmly, make Ruku` humbly, go into Sujud with Khushu' and then sit on my left leg, with the left food laid on the floor and the right food raised up, all the while praying with sincerity. Afterwards, I do not know (nor feel certain) if that prayer was accepted from me!" Scholar: Hatim Al-Asamm Nov 20th 2013, 08:00 You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: -- Sie erhalten diese Nachricht, weil Sie Mitglied der Google Groups-Gruppe "News2" sind. Um Ihr Abonnement für diese Gruppe zu beenden und keine E-Mails mehr von dieser Gruppe zu erhalten, senden Sie eine Email an Weitere Optionen: | Benachrichtigung für - 25 Nachrichten in 25 Themen Gruppe: - islamist - Social Mention: 14 billionaires, with a combined wealth that equals 25 years of Syria's GDP are financing the Islamist terror against that country. They may be asking their national governments for bailout money before Al-Assad gets re-elected soon. [1 Aktualisierung]
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- allahuakbar - Social Mention: Mohon doakan Gaza, malam tadi jam 9 waktu Gaza (20 Nov, 2 pagi tadi waktu Malaysia )tanpa bekalan letrik, gelap gulita, tanpa gaz tanpa petrol dan diesel, tentara israel dgn menggunakan jet F16 dan pesawat apache mulai mengebom bertubi-tubi di wilayah Gaza utara, Gaza timur dan Gaza selatan. Sehingga waktu ini belum ada maklumat yang jelas tahap kerosakan, kecederaan dan kemalangan jiwa. Hingga ssekarang, pesawat jet tempur F16, pesawat apache serta pesawat drone kawalan jauh, masih berterusan bermaharaja lela di langit Gaza. Ya Allah, berikan kami kesabaran di jalanMu ya Allah,amin. Dari Abdillah Onim sekarang ini berada di Semenanjung Gaza, Filistin. Sebarkan agar didoakan! Ya Allah bantulah mereka !!! Mohon semua mesjid dan surau solat hajat dan Qunut Nazilah Dr Syed Muhammad Haleem Pengerusi Biro Haluan Palestin, Haluan Malaysia. [1 Aktualisierung]
- allahuakbar - Social Mention: Pagi yg indah..dn penuh dgn makna..#ALLAHUAKBAR* [1 Aktualisierung]
- mujahid - Social Mention: Keharuman nama beliau tidak hanya diakui oleh sahabat dan murid-murid beliau. Bahkan sebagian seteru beliau juga memberikan sanjungan tidak hanya berkaitan dengan keilmuan beliau tapi juga pribadinya. Di antara mereka adalah Al-Qadhi Ibnu Makhluf yang juga lawan beliau, sebagaimana telah dinukil sebelumnya. Ibnu Daqiqil 'Ied t, seorang ulama yang ahli dalam dua mazhab; Maliki dan Syafi'i, menceritakan pengalamannya ketika berkumpul dengan Syaikhul Islam Ibnu Taimiyah t: "Saya lihat dirinya, dalil itu seolah-olah ada di depan matanya. Dia ambil mana yang dia mau dan dia tinggalkan mana yang dikehendakinya." Ibnu Az-Zamlakani t, juga mengatakan: "Terkumpul pada dirinya (Ibnu Taimiyah) syarat-syarat seorang mujtahid secara sempurna. Dia mempunyai andil besar dalam karya-karya bermutu, ungkapannya yang bernas dan sistematis." Secara khusus, beliau memberi pujian terhadap karya Syaikhul Islam yang berjudul Raf'ul Malam 'an A'immatil A'lam. Kata beliau: "(Ini) adalah karya tulis Asy- Syaikh Al-Imam, Al-'Alim Al-'Allamah, tidak ada tandingannya, hafizh mujtahid, tokoh zahid ahli ibadah, teladan, imam para imam, panutan umat, keagungan ulama, pewaris para Nabi, barakah Islam, hujjatul Islam, pemberantas bid'ah, menghidupkan sunnah. Bagian dari anugerah besar yang Allah k berikan kepada kita, yang dengannya tegaklah hujjah terhadap musuh-musuh-Nya." Lalu beliau menulis beberapa bait memuji Syaikhul Islam: ﻣَﺎﺫَﺍ ﻳَﻘُﻮﻝُ ﺍﻟْﻮَﺍﺻِﻔُﻮْﻥَ ﻟَﻪُ * ﻭَﺻِﻔَﺎﺗُﻪُ ﺟَﻠَّﺖْ ﻋَﻦِ ﺍﻟْﺤَﺼْﺮِ ﻫُﻮَ ﺣُﺠَّﺔٌ ﻟﻠﻪِ ﻗَﺎﻫِﺮَﺓٌ * ﻫُﻮَ ﺑَﻴْﻨَﻨَﺎ ﺃُﻋْﺠُﻮْﺑَﺔُ ﺍﻟﺪَّﻫْﺮِ ﻫُﻮَ ﺁﻳَﺔٌ ِﻟﻠْﺨَﻠْﻖِ ﻇَﺎﻫِﺮَﺓٌ * ﺃَﻧْﻮَﺍﺭُﻫَﺎ ﺃَﺭْﺑَﺖْ ﻋَﻠَﻰ ﺍﻟْﻔَﺠْﺮِ Apa yang kan diuraikan mereka yang mensifatkannya Sedangkan sifat-sifatnya melampaui batasan Dia adalah hujjah Allah yang menaklukkan Dia adalah keajaiban masa di tengah- tengah kita Dia adalah satu ayat Allah yang nyata bagi makhluk-Nya Cahayanya mengalahkan kemilau fajar Ibnu Az-Zamlakani juga menyatakan: "Apabila dia ditanya tentang satu cabang ilmu, niscaya orang yang mendengar dan melihatnya pasti menyangka Ibnu Taimiyah tidak punya ilmu lain kecuali itu, dan memastikan bahwa tidak ada satupun yang memahami seperti dia. Ahli fikih dari berbagai mazhab, jika berdiskusi dengannya, niscaya mereka memetik faedah dari beliau hal-hal yang sebelumnya tidak pernah mereka ketahui. Tidak pula pernah terdengar bahwa beliau berdebat dengan seseorang lalu kalah. Jika dia membahas satu cabang ilmu –baik ilmu syariat atau lainnya–, niscaya beliau mengungguli orang-orang yang ahli di bidang tersebut. Beliau memiliki kelebihan dalam karya tulis, ungkapan yang berisi, runut, juga dalam pembagian dan pejelasan." As-Subki, setelah mendapat teguran dari syaikhnya, Al-Imam Adz-Dzahabi t, dia mengatakan: "Adapun ucapan sayyidi (tuanku) tentang syaikh (Ibnu Taimiyah), maka hamba menyaksikan besarnya kedudukan beliau, luasnya ilmu beliau dalam hal syariat maupun logika, juga kejeniusannya, ijtihadnya, yang semua itu beliau capai melampaui keadaan yang disifatkan orang. Hamba senantiasa mengatakan bahwa kedudukan beliau dalam diri hamba amatlah agung dan lebih mulia dari itu. Seiring dengan apa yang Allah l berikan kepada beliau, berupa sifat zuhud, wara', diyanah (pengamalan terhadap agama), membela al-haq, berdiri di atas kebenaran tanpa tujuan lain, serta perjalanannya di atas cara hidup kaum salaf, serta capaiannya yang luar biasa, yang sangat jarang ditemukan seperti itu di zaman ini, bahkan di zaman kapanpun." Tajuddin As-Subki sendiri merasa bangga ketika Al-Mizzi menulis biografi ayahnya Taqiyuddin As-Subki dengan gelar Syaikhul Islam, dan tidak menuliskan gelar ini kecuali hanya kepada Syaikhul Islam Ibnu Taimiyah dan ayahnya As-Subki. Seandainya Syaikhul Islam Ibnu Taimiyah, seorang mubtadi', zindiq apalagi kafir, tentulah dia tidak rela ayahnya disejajarkan dengan Ibnu Taimiyah. Al-'Allamah Al-Imam Qadhi Qudhah Mesir dan Syam, Abu 'Abdullah Muhammad bin Ash-Shafi 'Utsman Ibnul Hariri Al-Anshari Al-Hanafi menegaskan: "Kalau Ibnu Taimiyah bukan Syaikhul Islam, siapa lagi?" Al-Imam Al-Mizzi (penyusun Tahdzibul Kamal) menyatakan pujiannya: "Saya tidak pernah melihat tokoh seperti dia. Diapun tidak melihat ada yang seperti dirinya. Saya tidak pernah melihat tokoh yang paling tahu tentang Al-Kitab (Al-Qur'an) dan As-Sunnah serta paling teguh mengikuti keduanya daripada beliau." Seorang syaikh yang shalih, ahli ibadah, Abu Thahir Muhammad Al-Ba'li Al-Hanbali t membawakan beberapa bait syair, memuji Syaikhul Islam Ibnu Taimiyah. Di antara pujian beliau: ﻳَﺎ ﺍﺑْﻦَ ﺗَﻴْﻤِﻴَّﺔَ ﻳﺎَ ﺃَﻧْﺼَﺢَ ﺍﻟْﻌُﻠَﻤَﺎ * ﻳَﺎ ﻣَﻦْ ﻟِﺄَﺳْﺮَﺍﺭِ ﺩِﻳْﻦِ ﺍﻟﻠﻪِ ﻗَﺪْ ﻓَﻬِﻤَﺎ ﻳَﺎ ﺁﻳَﺔً ﻇَﻬَﺮَﺕْ ﻓِﻲ ﺍْﻟﻜَﻮْﻥِ ﺑَﺎﻫَﺮَﺓً * ﻻَ ِ ﺯﻟْﺖَ ﻓِﻲ ﺳِﻠْﻚِ ﺩِﻳْﻦِ ﺍﻟﻠﻪِ ﻣُﻨْﺘَﻈِﻤًﺎ ﻭَﻛُﻨْﺖَ ﻭَﺍﺳِﻄَﺔً ﻓِﻲ ﻋَﻘْﺪِﻩِ ﺃَﺑَﺪَﺍ * ﺗُﺰِﻳْﻞُ ﻣِﻨْﻪُ ﺍْﻷﺫَﻯَ ﻭَﺍْﻟﻔَﺤْﺶَ ﻭَﺍﻟﺴَّﻘَﻤَﺎ ﺟَﻤَﻌْﺖَ ﻣِﻨْﻪُ ﺍﻟَّﺬِﻱ ﻗَﺪ ﻛَﺎﻥَ ﻓَﺮَّﻗَﻪُ * ﻗَﻮْﻡٌ ﺭَﺃَﻭْﻩُ ﻫُﺪًﻯ ﻣِﻨْﻪُ ﻭَﻛَﺎﻥَ ﻋَﻤَﻰ Hai Ibnu Taimiyah, hai ulama yang banyak memberi nasihat Hai orang yang paham rahasia dien Allah Hai ayat yang nampak cemerlang di alam semesta Engkau senantiasa tersusun di dalam dien Allah ini Engkau menjadi perantara dalam menguatkannya selamanya Engkau lenyapkan kotoran darinya, juga kekejian dan kerusakan Engkau kumpulkan dari dien ini apa yang dahulu diserakkan Oleh kelompok yang menyangkanya hidayah padahal dia buta Ibnu Hajar Al-'Asqalani t juga mengatakan (Fathul Bari 6/289): "…tambahan ini tidak ada sedikitpun dalam buku-buku hadits. Hal ini telah diperingatkan oleh Al-'Allamah Taqiyuddin Ibnu Taimiyah." Di dalam kitab lainnya (At-Talkhishul Habir 3/179), Ibnu Hajar memuji beliau sebagai Al-Hafizh. Jalaluddin As-Suyuthi (pengarang Al-Itqan dan Tafsir Jalalain) mengatakan: "Demi Allah, belum pernah kedua mata saya melihat orang yang paling luas ilmunya dan paling kuat kecerdasannya daripada seseorang yang bernama Ibnu Taimiyah, disertai sikap zuhudnya dalam berpakaian, makanan, wanita dan senantiasa tegak bersama al-haq (kebenaran) dan berjihad dengan segenap kemampuannya." Kata beliau juga: "Ibnu Taimiyah adalah seorang syaikh, imam, Al-'Allamah, hafizh, kritikus, ahli fiqih, mujtahid, pakar tafsir yang ulung, Syaikhul Islam. Simbol kezuhudan, salah seorang tokoh yang langka di zamannya. Beliau adalah lautan ilmu, jenius dan ahli zuhud yang sulit dicari tandingannya." Terakhir, perhatikanlah ucapan As-Subki (ayah Tajuddin As-Subki) tentang Syaikhul Islam Ibnu Taimiyah t, ketika menegur orang yang mencerca Ibnu Taimiyah: "Demi Allah, hai Fulan. Tidaklah ada yang membenci Ibnu Taimiyah melainkan orang yang jahil atau pengikut hawa nafsu. Adapun orang jahil, dia tidak tahu apa yang dikatakannya. Sedangkan pengikut hawa nafsu, dia dihalangi oleh hawa nafsunya dari al-haq setelah dia mengetahuinya." Jadi, hanya ada dua kemungkinan pada diri orang-orang yang memusuhi Ibnu Taimiyah t; orang jahil yang tidak mengerti apa yang dia katakan, atau orang yang memperturutkan hawa nafsunya, sehingga ilmu dan kebenaran yang diketahuinya, tentang pribadi Syaikhul Islam atau pemikirannya, terkubur oleh dendam kesumat, kedengkian, dan kesesatan bid'ah yang diyakininya. Wallahul musta'an. Wafat dalam Penjara Syaikhul Islam Ibnu Taimiyah telah menghabiskan hidupnya dengan penuh kesabaran, rasa syukur dan perjuangan, baik dalam keadaan susah maupun senang. Tidak sekalipun beliau ber- mujamalah (menjilat) dalam amar ma'ruf nahi munkar, bahkan tidak pernah beliau mundur dari perkataan yang haq, selamanya. Sikap terus terang dan keberanian beliau dalam menyuarakan yang haq, berkali-kali menyeret beliau ke penjara. Mungkin itu pula salah satu sebab beliau tidak menikah. Pada tahun 726 H, adalah akhir dari hukuman penjara yang beliau terima. Ini disebabkan pemalsuan yang dilakukan oleh musuh-musuhnya terhadap fatwa beliau tentang ziarah kubur. Sehingga seolah-olah Syaikhul Islam mengharamkan ziarah kubur terlebih lagi makam Rasul n. Ditambah lagi, sikap beliau kepada Sultan Nashir Al-Qalawun yang beliau perlakukan sebagai murid. Beliau tidak segan-segan menegur dan membimbingnya, sehingga sering Baginda merasa berat. Apalagi setelah Syaikhul Islam menulis As-Siyasah Asy-Syar'iyah. Akhirnya, musuh-musuh beliau berusaha mencari kesempatan melepaskan kekuasaan pemerintah (Sultan) dari pengaruh Syaikhul Islam Ibnu Taimiyah yang tidak pernah bersikap munafik, riya, atau menjilat demi mencari keselamatan pribadi. Ibnu Taimiyah kembali dipenjarakan. Tapi yang terakhir ini lebih berat beliau rasakan. Perlakuan yang beliau terima lebih buruk dari sebelumnya. Beliau dijauhkan dari semua alat tulis dan dilarang melakukan penelitian (membaca). Hanya saja, penderitaan itu tidak berlangsung lama. Syaikhul Islam Ibnu Taimiyah akhirnya sakit keras beberapa hari. Hal itu mulai dirasakan sejak dikeluarkannya semua perlengkapan tulis menulis dan membaca dari sisi beliau selama di penjara. Begitu mengetahui beliau sakit, Syamsuddin Al-Wazir meminta izin menjenguk beliau. Melihat keadaan beliau, dia meminta maaf atas semua kesalahannya selama ini. Oleh Syaikhul Islam, dia dimaafkan bahkan semua yang memusuhinya, termasuk Sultan Nashir Al- Qalawun yang memenjarakannya. Kemudian, pada malam 22 Dzul Qa'dah 728 H, wafatlah Syaikhul Imam, Al-'Allamah Al-Faqih Al-Hafizh Az-Zahid, Al-Mujahid Syaikhul Islam Taqiyuddin Abul 'Abbas Ahmad bin Al-Imam Syihabuddin Abul Mahasin 'Abdul Halim bin Syaikhul Islam Abul Barakat 'Abdus Salam bin 'Abdullah bin Abul Qasim Muhammad bin Al-Khidhir bin Muhammad bin Al-Khidhir bin 'Ali bin 'Abdullah bin Taimiyah Al-Harrani Ad- Dimasyqi, di dalam tembok penjara Damaskus. Berita ini mulanya hanya diketahui orang- orang yang di dalam penjara. Kemudian, berita ini meluas hingga didengar oleh kaum muslimin. Mereka terenyak. Berita itu betul-betul menggemparkan. Akhirnya, berduyun-duyun mereka menuju ke benteng tersebut untuk melihat jenazah beliau. Setelah itu mereka keluar, kemudian masuklah kaum wanita seperti itu juga. Setelah selesai dimandikan oleh sebagian tokoh seperti Al-Mizzi, jenazah beliau dibawa ke luar penjara. Masyarakatpun berkumpul ikut menyaksikan prosesi jenazah beliau. Mereka rela menutup pintu toko dan menghentikan aktivitas mereka demi mengiringi jenazah beliau. Kaum wanita yang tidak ikut serta, berdiri di atas rumah-rumah mereka melepas jenazah sang imam. Sebagian mereka membagi-bagi daun bidara yang dipakai untuk memandikan beliau. Ibnu Katsir t memperkirakan dalam Al- Bidayah, ada sekitar 15.000 orang wanita ikut mengantar jenazah beliau.1 Belum lagi yang ada di atas rumah-rumah mereka. Semua mendoakan rahmat dan menangisi beliau. Para tentarapun ikut sibuk mengamankan prosesi jenazah tersebut. Air mata tumpah, langitpun menangis. Ratapan duka dan doa mengantar jenazah Syaikhul Islam Ibnu Taimiyah t. Seluruh rakyat di sekitar penjara benteng tersebut tumpah ke jalanan mengantarkan jenazah beliau. Pintu-pintu masjid Jami' tak cukup menampung desakan rakyat banyak yang ingin mendekati jenazah beliau. Kejadian ini tak jauh beda dengan prosesi pemakaman jenazah Imam Ahli Sunnah wal Jamaah Abu 'Abdillah Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Hanbal t. Di mana ketika beliau wafat di Baghdad, ratusan ribu manusia mengantar jenazah beliau ke pemakaman. Al-Imam Ahmad pernah mengatakan kepada ahli bid'ah: "Katakan kepada ahli bid'ah: 'Keputusan antara kami dan kamu (ahli bid'ah) adalah yaumul janaiz (hari kematian)'." Beliau dikebumikan setelah selesai shalat 'ashar di pemakaman Shufiyah, di sebelah kuburan saudaranya Syarafuddin 'Abdullah. Di situ pula dikebumikan salah seorang murid beliau yang terkemuka yaitu Al-Hafizh Ibnu Katsir rahimahumullah beberapa tahun kemudian. Setelah dikebumikan, Asy-Syaikh Al-Imam Burhanuddin Al-Fazari dan sejumlah ulama besar Asy-Syafi'iyah selama tiga hari berulang-ulang mengunjungi kuburan Ibnu Taimiyah t. Tidak ada yang tertinggal mengantar jenazah Syaikhul Islam Ibnu Taimiyah ke pemakaman kecuali mereka yang lemah dan tidak dapat hadir, serta tiga orang yang sangat keras permusuhannya terhadap beliau, yaitu Ibnu Jumlah, Ash- Shadr, dan Al-Qafjari. Mereka yakin, seandainya mereka ikut keluar niscaya umat akan menyakiti bahkan membunuh mereka. Semoga Allah l merahmati ulama salaf yang telah wafat dan memelihara mereka yang masih hidup. [1 Aktualisierung]
- tauhid - Social Mention: Assalamu,alaikum wr wb. Ikhwani fillah Mengucapkan Laa ilaaha illallaah amatlah mudah, tapi menjadi orang yang beriman sangatlah susah. Tak seringan di lisan, karena di depan kalimat Tauhid yang diucapkan menanti konsekuensi dan pengorbanan, sebagai bukti iman dan jalan untuk mencapai tujuan penciptaan. Allah Subhaanahu Wa Ta'aalaa berfirman: "Dan Aku tidak menciptakan jin dan manusia melainkan supaya mereka beribadah kepada-Ku (mentauhidkan-Ku)" (Adz Dzaariyaat: 56) Bencana datang bertubi-tubi menghantam negeri ini, menelan ribuan nyawa dan harta benda, namun tak jua membuat penduduk negeri ini tersadar dari lelap tidurnya dalam lumpur kemaksiatan. Mereka terlena dan tak hendak lagi untuk berfikir tentang tujuan Allah menciptakan mereka. Di bawah payung demokrasi jadilah gaya hidup yang hedonis, liberal, sekuler, dan materialistis telah menguasai benak sebagian besar penduduk negeri ini, maka hampir semuanya berkata bahwa itu adalah fenomena alam, sepertinya tak banyak yang berfikir itu adalah ujian atau peringatan, apalagi sampai berfikir itu adalah 'adzab dari Allah yang telah murka. What's wrong…??? Adakah yang salah dengan negara dan penduduknya yang konon katanya memegang peringkat jumlah muslim terbesar di dunia ini….? Mereka berteriak "Kami muslim…!", tapi mereka meminta rizqi kepada orang yang sudah tiada atau kepada jin penunggu goa. Mereka berkata "Kami mu'min, Allahu Akbar…!", namun mereka membuat tumbal dan sesajen bahkan ikut berpesta dalam hari raya kaum kuffar. Mereka berbicara "Kami bertaqwa", sedangkan kepada hukum thaghut mereka merujuk hukum dan meminta fatwa. Mereka menolak penegakan hukum Allah…!!! Allah Subhaanahu Wa Ta'aalaa berfirman: "Dan sesungguhnya Kami Telah mengutus Rasul pada tiap-tiap umat (untuk menyerukan): "Ibadatilah Allah (saja), dan jauhilah thaghut itu,…" (An Nahl: 36) "Apakah kamu tidak memperhatikan orang-orang yang mengaku (mengklaim) dirinya telah beriman kepada apa yang diturunkan kepadamu dan kepada apa yang diturunkan sebelum kamu? Mereka hendak berhakim kepada thaghut, padahal mereka telah diperintahkan mengingkari thaghut itu dan syaitan bermaksud menyesatkan mereka (dengan) penyesatan yang sejauh-jauhnya." (An Nisaa: 60) Demi Allah, disadari atau tidak oleh penderitanya, ternyata beragam syirik, kekufuran dan kemurtadan telah menjadi penyakit ganas yang mewabah, meraksuki setiap sendi kehidupan umat, dan yang paling banyak meminta korban -bahkan juga dari kalangan yang mengklaim dirinya sebagai 'ulama atau aktivis dakwah- adalah syirik dalam hukum,wallahu a,lam [1 Aktualisierung]
- khilafah - Social Mention: By : Abay Abu Hamzah Saya pernah bertanya, "Mengapa mereka menolak Khilafah?" Ajaibnya, ada yang menjawab begini, "Karena pendiri Hizbut Tahrir adalah penganut mu'tazilah." Jawaban itu menjadi tidak nyambung karena: Pertama: Khilafah bukan milik Hizbut Tahrir, sehingga tidak sepatutnya menolak Khilafah karena tidak suka dengan pendiri Hizbut Tahrir. Khilafah adalah kewajiban dari Allah, bukan dari pendiri Hizbut Tahrir. Ada banyak nash yang menunjukkan kewajiban menegakkan Khilafah, baik dari Al-Quran maupun Al-Hadits. Sehingga, menolak kewajiban menegakkan Khilafah, sama saja menolak sebagian ayat Al-Quran, menolak sebagian sabda Nabi, dan menolak sejarah. Tidak bijak jika hanya karena ketidaksukaan terhadap pendiri Hizbut Tahrir, malah rela menolak kewajiban dari Allah. Sebenarnya beriman kepada Allah, atau kepada hawa nafsu? Kedua: Pendiri Hizbut Tahrir, syaikh Taqiyuddin An-Nabhani, bukanlah seorang Mu'tazilah. Bahkan di kitab beliau yang berjudul Nizhamul Islam, dengan tegas beliau menyatakan penolakan terhadap paham mu'tazilah. Mu'tazilah adalah paham yang menempatkan akal berada di atas nash atau dalil. Sehingga, segala perintah Allah akan diterima jika sesuai dengan akal dan akan ditolak jika bertentangan dengan akal. Adapun syaikh Taqiyuddin An-Nabhani, menjadikan akal sebagai sarana untuk memikirkan fakta dan menghubungkannya dengan nash, lalu dihukumi dengan nash itu. Bukan menjadikan akal sebagai sumber hukum. Sehingga, merupakan sebuah fitnah keji apabila mengatakan bahwa beliau adalah seorang penganut mu'tazilah. Ketiga: Jikapun ingin menolak kewajiban Khilafah, seharusnya bukan berdasarkan maslahat atau mudharat, melainkan karena ada dalil yang melarangnya atau tidak mewajibkannya. Pertanyaannya, adakah dalil yang mengharamkan Khilafah? Atau minimal, adakah dalil yang menyatakan bahwa Khilafah tidak wajib? . Keempat: Jikapun ingin membahas maslahat atau mudharat, sesungguhnya ada segudang maslahat yang bisa disuguhkan oleh konsep Khilafah, dan ada segudang mudharat yang telah kita rasakan sendiri manakala kita tidak menegakkannya. Sesungguhnya, Khilafah adalah kewajiban dari Allah, janji-Nya, dan bisyarah (kabar gembira) dari Rasul-Nya. Maka, sekuat apapun daya manusia, meskipun seluruh kekufuran berkumpul untuk menghalanginya, sungguh kami percaya, Khilafah akan tegak semula. Kapan? Itulah yang masih menjadi rahasia-Nya. [1 Aktualisierung]
- Abu Abdullah - Social Mention: Değerli arkadaşlarım iyiki varsınız bu video size gelsin. Etiketlediklerim lütfen izlesin. [1 Aktualisierung]
- bushido - Social Mention: Traurige lieder ??? Hab bock auf weinen -_- so'ne scheiß Gefühl :/ :-( #melike [1 Aktualisierung]
- IHED - Social Mention: 3 More daez!!!!! [1 Aktualisierung]
- Abu Abdullah - Social Mention: ADAB-ADAB BERBICARA BAGI WANITA MUSLIMAH Wahai saudariku muslimah……… Berhati-hatilah dari terlalu banyak berceloteh dan terlalu banyak berbicara, Allah Ta'ala berfirman: " لا خير في كثير من نجواهم إلا من أمر بصدقة أو معروف أو إصلاح بين الناس " (النساء: الآية 114). Wahai saudariku muslimah……… Berhati-hatilah dari terlalu banyak berceloteh dan terlalu banyak berbicara, Allah Ta'ala berfirman: " لا خير في كثير من نجواهم إلا من أمر بصدقة أو معروف أو إصلاح بين الناس " (النساء: الآية 114). Artinya: "Dan tidak ada kebaikan pada kebanyakan bisikan-bisikan mereka, kecuali bisikan-bisikan dari orang yang menyuruh (manusia) memberi sedekah, atau berbuat ma'ruf, atau mengadakan perdamaian diantara manusia ". (An nisa:114) Dan ketahuilah wahai saudariku,semoga Allah ta'ala merahmatimu dan menunjukimu kepada jalan kebaikan, bahwa disana ada yang senantiasa mengamati dan mencatat perkataanmu. "عن اليمين وعن الشمال قعيد. ما يلفظ من قولٍ إلا لديه رقيب عتيد " (ق: الآية 17-18) Artinya: "Seorang duduk disebelah kanan,dan yang lain duduk disebelah kiri.tiada satu ucapanpun yang diucapkan melainkan ada didekatnya malaikat pengawas yang selalu hadir" (Qaaf:17-18). Maka jadikanlah ucapanmu itu menjadi perkataan yang ringkas, jelas yang tidak bertele-tele yang dengannya akan memperpanjang pembicaraan. 1) Bacalah Al qur'an karim dan bersemangatlah untuk menjadikan itu sebagai wirid keseharianmu, dan senantiasalah berusaha untuk menghafalkannya sesuai kesanggupanmu agar engkau bisa mendapatkan pahala yang besar dihari kiamat nanti. عن عبد الله بن عمرو رضي الله عنهما- عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال: " يقال لصاحب القرآن: اقرأ وارتق ورتّل كما كنت ترتّل في الدنيا فإن منزلتك عند آخر آية تقرؤها رواه أبو داود والترمذي Dari abdullah bin 'umar radiyallohu 'anhu, dari Nabi Shallallahu Alaihi wa aalihi wasallam, beliau bersabda: dikatakan pada orang yang senang membaca alqur'an: bacalah dengan tartil sebagaimana engkau dulu sewaktu di dunia membacanya dengan tartil, karena sesungguhnya kedudukanmu adalah pada akhir ayat yang engkau baca. HR.abu daud dan attirmidzi 2) Tidaklah terpuji jika engkau selalu menyampaikan setiap apa yang engkau dengarkan, karena kebiasaan ini akan menjatuhkan dirimu kedalam kedustaan. عن أبي هريرة رضي الله عنه أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال: " كفى بالمرء كذباً أن يتحدّث بكل ما سمع " Dari Abu hurairah radiallahu 'anhu,sesungguhnya Nabi shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam bersabda: "Cukuplah seseorang itu dikatakan sebagai pendusta ketika dia menyampaikan setiap apa yang dia dengarkan." (HR.Muslim dan Abu Dawud) 3) jauhilah dari sikap menyombongkan diri (berhias diri) dengan sesuatu yang tidak ada pada dirimu, dengan tujuan membanggakan diri dihadapan manusia. عن عائشة – رضي الله عنها- أن امرأة قالت: يا رسول الله، أقول إن زوجي أعطاني ما لم يعطني؟ قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: " المتشبّع بما لم يُعط كلابس ثوبي زور ". Dari aisyah radiyallohu 'anha, ada seorang wanita yang mengatakan:wahai Rasulullah, aku mengatakan bahwa suamiku memberikan sesuatu kepadaku yang sebenarnya tidak diberikannya.berkata Rasulullah Shallallahu Alaihi wa aalihi wasallam,: orang yang merasa memiliki sesuatu yang ia tidak diberi, seperti orang yang memakai dua pakaian kedustaan." (muttafaq alaihi) 4) Sesungguhnya dzikrullah memberikan pengaruh yang kuat didalam kehidupan ruh seorang muslim, kejiwaannya, jasmaninya dan kehidupan masyarakatnya. maka bersemangatlah wahai saudariku muslimah untuk senantiasa berdzikir kepada Allah ta'ala, disetiap waktu dan keadaanmu. Allah ta'ala memuji hamba-hambanya yang mukhlis dalam firman-Nya: " الذين يذكرون الله قياماً وقعوداً وعلى جنوبهم… " (آل عمران: الآية 191). Artinya: "(yaitu) orang-orang yang mengingat Allah sambil berdiri atau duduk atau dalam keadaan berbaring…" (Ali imran:191). 5) Jika engkau hendak berbicara,maka jauhilah sifat merasa kagum dengan diri sendiri, sok fasih dan terlalu memaksakan diri dalam bertutur kata, sebab ini merupakan sifat yang sangat dibenci Rasulullah Shallallahu Alaihi wa aalihi wasallam, dimana Beliau bersabda: " وإن أبغضكم إليّ وأبعدكم مني مجلساً يوم القيامة الثرثارون والمتشدقون والمتفيهقون ". "sesungguhnya orang yang paling aku benci diantara kalian dan yang paling jauh majelisnya dariku pada hari kiamat : orang yang berlebihan dalam berbicara, sok fasih dengan ucapannya dan merasa ta'ajjub terhadap ucapannya." (HR.Tirmidzi,Ibnu Hibban dan yang lainnya dari hadits Abu Tsa'labah Al-Khusyani radhiallahu anhu) 6) Jauhilah dari terlalu banyak tertawa,terlalu banyak berbicara dan berceloteh.jadikanlah Rasulullah Shallallahu Alaihi wa aalihi wasallam, sebagai teladan bagimu, dimana beliau lebih banyak diam dan banyak berfikir beliau Shallallahu Alaihi wa aalihi wasallam, menjauhkan diri dari terlalu banyak tertawa dan menyibukkan diri dengannya.bahkan jadikanlah setiap apa yang engkau ucapkan itu adalah perkataan yang mengandung kebaikan, dan jika tidak, maka diam itu lebih utama bagimu. Rasulullah Shallallahu Alaihi wa aalihi wasallam, bersabda: " من كان يؤمن بالله واليوم الآخر فليقل خيراً أو ليصمت ". " Barang siapa yang beriman kepada Allah dan hari akhir,maka hendaknya dia berkata dengan perkataan yang baik,atau hendaknya dia diam." (muttafaq alaihi dari hadits Abu Hurairah radhiallahu anhu) 8) jangan kalian memotong pembicaraan seseorang yang sedang berbicara atau membantahnya, atau meremehkan ucapannya. Bahkan jadilah pendengar yang baik dan itu lebih beradab bagimu, dan ketika harus membantahnya, maka jadikanlah bantahanmu dengan cara yang paling baik sebagai syi'ar kepribadianmu. 9) berhati-hatilah dari suka mengolok-olok terhadap cara berbicara orang lain, seperti orang yang terbata-bata dalam berbicara atau seseorang yang kesulitan berbicara.Alah Ta'ala berfirman: " يا أيها الذين آمنوا لا يسخر قوم من قوم عسى أن يكونوا خيراً منهم ولا نساء من نساء عسى أن يكن خيراً منهن " (الحجرات: الآية 11). "Hai orang-orang yang beriman, janganlah sekumpulan orang laki-laki merendahkan kumpulan yang lain, boleh jadi yang ditertawakan itu lebih baik dari mereka. Dan jangan pula sekumpulan perempuan merendahkan kumpulan lainnya, boleh jadi yang direndahkan itu lebih baik." (QS.Al-Hujurat:11) 10) jika engkau mendengarkan bacaan Alqur'an, maka berhentilah dari berbicara, apapun yang engkau bicarakan, karena itu merupakan adab terhadap kalamullah dan juga sesuai dengan perintah-Nya, didalam firman-Nya: : " وإذا قرىء القرآن فاستمعوا له وأنصتوا لعلكم ترحمون " (الأعراف: الآية 204). Artinya: "dan apabila dibacakan Alqur'an,maka dengarkanlah dengan baik dan perhatikanlah dengan tenang agar kalian diberi rahmat". a'raf :204 11) bertakwalah kepada Allah wahai saudariku muslimah,bersihkanlah majelismu dari ghibah dan namimah (adu domba) sebagaimana yang Allah 'azza wajalla perintahkan kepadamu untuk menjauhinya. bersemangatlah engkau untuk menjadikan didalam majelismu itu adalah perkataan-perkataan yang baik,dalam rangka menasehati,dan petunjuk kepada kebaikan. perkataan itu adalah sebuah perkara yang besar, berapa banyak dari perkataan seseorang yang dapat menyebabkan kemarahan dari Allah 'azza wajalla dan menjatuhkan pelakunya kedalam jurang neraka. Didalam hadits Mu'adz radhiallahu anhu tatkala Beliau bertanya kepada Nabi Shallallahu Alaihi wa aalihi wasallam: apakah kami akan disiksa dengan apa yang kami ucapkan? Maka jawab Rasulullah Shallallahu alaihi wasallam bersabda: " ثكلتك أمك يا معاذ. وهل يكبّ الناس في النار على وجوههم إلا حصائدُ ألسنتهم " ( رواه الترمذي). "engkau telah keliru wahai Mu'adz, tidaklah manusia dilemparkan ke Neraka diatas wajah-wajah mereka melainkan disebabkan oleh ucapan-ucapan mereka." (HR.Tirmidzi,An-Nasaai dan Ibnu Majah) 12- berhati-hatilah -semoga Allah menjagamu- dari menghadiri majelis yang buruk dan berbaur dengan para pelakunya, dan bersegeralah-semoga Allah menjagamu- menuju majelis yang penuh dengan keutamaan, kebaikan dan keberuntungan. 13- jika engkau duduk sendiri dalam suatu majelis, atau bersama dengan sebagian saudarimu, maka senantiasalah untuk berdzikir mengingat Allah 'azza wajalla dalam setiap keadaanmu sehingga engkau kembali dalam keadaan mendapatkan kebaikan dan mendapatkan pahala. Allah 'azza wajalla berfirman: " الذين يذكرون الله قياماً وقعوداً وعلى جنوبهم ". (آل عمران: الآية 191) Artinya: " (yaitu) orang – orang yang mengingat Allah sambil berdiri,atau duduk,atau dalam keadaan berbaring" (QS.ali 'imran :191) 14- jika engkau hendak berdiri keluar dari majelis, maka ingatlah untuk selalu mengucapkan: " سبحانك الله وبحمدك أشهد أن لا إله إلا أنت، أستغفرك وأتوب إليك ". "maha suci Engkau ya Allah dan bagimu segala pujian,aku bersaksi bahwa tidak ada Ilah yang berhak untuk disembah kecuali Engkau, aku memohon ampun kepada-Mu, dan aku bertaubat kepada-Mu" Sehingga diampuni bagimu segala kesalahanmu di dalam majelis tersebut. [1 Aktualisierung]
- dawa - Social Mention: Main andheri raat ka musafir karoon roshni ka intezaar kia?? Tay ker loon musafatain raat main sulaghtay din ka etabar kia?? Mujhay rastay main nafratain mili or kuch phool bewafai k.. Main kia janoo kia hai muhabat kia samjhoon hai yeh pyar kia?? Main tanhaiyon main zinda hoon main per katta parinda hoon.. Koi aa k mujhay bata jaey hota hai wisaal-e-yaar kiaa?? Koh-e-toor per to pohanch gaey sang le ker kuch ahl-e-nazar.. Jis nazar ko taab-e-deedaar nahi woh nazar keray deedar kia?? Yeh rog ishq ka rog hai yeh saaz nahi yeh soz hai… Is rog ki koi dawa nahi phir dawa keray beemaar kia?? Us ne jaan meri maang li sadqay main apnay pyaar k… Yeh dum to usi humdum ka tha phir kerta main inkaar kia?? Main thak ker baitha tha ik shajar ki ghanni chaon main.. Jis ne tan man mera jala diya woh shajar tha sayadaar kia?? [1 Aktualisierung]
- IHED - Social Mention: BURU NKE GI KA M BURU NKE M, IHE M N'ACHO NA NDU M BU KWA OGANAIHU.................NDEWO NU [1 Aktualisierung]
- al-ansar - Social Mention: England Has Manchester United..... Spain Has Barcelona....... Italy Has AC Milan......... Germany Has Bayern Munich....... France Has PSG..... Brazil Has Santos...... Argentina Has Boka Junior......... And Your Country Has _________??? ..........Or Anymore To Add? [1 Aktualisierung]
- allahuakbar - Social Mention: Allahuakbar... Moga tenang roh mu di sana - Al Fatihah . [1 Aktualisierung]
- sharia - Social Mention: You are now entering Sharia law Britain: As Islamic extremists declare a Sharia law zone, the worrying social and moral implications [1 Aktualisierung]
Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 05:13PM Milli - Görüs | Islamisten und slamismus? Informationen und News ... Milli - Görüs | Islamisten und slamismus? Informationen und News ... Benachrichtigung für - 2 Nachrichten in 2 Themen Nov 21st 2013, 17:13 Zusammenfassung für das heutige Thema Gruppe: IGMG Gençliks Facebook-Pinnwand: [1 Aktualisierung] IGMG Gençlik Berlins Facebook-Pinnwand: Hacı Bayram Gençlik Berlin - Ev Sohbeti [1 Aktualisierung] IGMG Gençliks Facebook-Pinnwand: Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 12:48PM IGMG Gençliks Facebook-Pinnwand IGMG Gençliks Facebook-Pinnwand (Untitled) Nov 21st 2013, 12:15 Chronik-Fotos Smartphone App! | @[397050280410470:274:IGMG Gençlik RNS] Teşkilatımızın en son haberleri artık Android uygulaması ile cebinizde, sizde ücretsiz uygulamayı indirin ve takipte kalın. Ayrıca çok yakında Apple, Windows, Blackberry Marketlerinden'de indirebileceksiniz. ________ Jetzt gibt es IGMG GT RNS als offizielle App für's Smartphone! 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You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: IGMG Gençlik Berlins Facebook-Pinnwand: Hacı Bayram Gençlik Berlin - Ev Sohbeti Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 10:50AM IGMG Gençlik Berlins Facebook-Pinnwand IGMG Gençlik Berlins Facebook-Pinnwand Hacı Bayram Gençlik Berlin - Ev Sohbeti Nov 21st 2013, 10:11 Hacı Bayram Gençlik Berlin - Ev Sohbeti Chronik-Fotos Eğitim - Ev Sohbeti | Geçen cuma günü ev sohbetimizi Serhat Kaya kardeşimizde düzenlemiş olduk. Sohbet konusu: 'İslam tarihinde helak olan milletler.' Bir sonraki ev sohbetimiz 29.11.2013 tarihinde düzenlenecektir. You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: -- Sie erhalten diese Nachricht, weil Sie Mitglied der Google Groups-Gruppe "2358357n34734n7v01235981v2346b7357n3z59715tc1875" sind. Um Ihr Abonnement für diese Gruppe zu beenden und keine E-Mails mehr von dieser Gruppe zu erhalten, senden Sie eine Email an Weitere Optionen: You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 02:18PM Global Tawheeds Facebook-Pinnwand Global Tawheeds Facebook-Pinnwand Only The Strong... In the current climate we the Muslims are in today, only a f... Nov 21st 2013, 13:56 Only The Strong... In the current climate we the Muslims are in today, only a few will be strong enough to adhere to and stand firm upon the truth even though a nation or the world's media maybe against them... And they do not fear the blame of the blamers BUT... There will be many in order to seek praise, to fit in, to integrate, to be British who will go against the haq and they will compromise and try to add to or even remove what has already been revealed from the seven heavens. It is reported that Khālid b. Ma'dan – Allāh have mercy on him – said: "Whoever seeks praise by going against the truth, Allāh will throw it back upon him as blame, and whoever faces blame in order to conform to the truth, Allāh will return it as praise for him." Al-Dhahabī, Siyar A'lām Al-Nubalā` 4:540. May Allah make us from those who remain firm at all times and to be who are those who are not fearful of speaking the truth against the enemies of Islam and Muslims. You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 11:00PM New Subscription Videos for taylinlove21 Fetvaja dhe Fetvagjinjt - Irfan Salihu Nov 21st 2013, 22:39 Fetvaja dhe Fetvagjinjt - Irfan Salihu Bismillah Im Namen Allahs Ne emer te Allahut In the Name of Allah Ashadu an la ilaha illallah wa ashhadu anna Muhammadan abduhu wa rasuluh. Keiner hat das Recht angebetet zu werden außer Allah, und Mohammad ist der Gesandte Allahs. Besoj dhe deklaroj se ekziston vetëm një Zot - All-llahu dhe se Muhammedi është rob dhe i dërguar i Tij. I witness that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is His servant and messenger. From: TheSecretOfSense Views: 0 0 ratings Time: 02:24 More in People & Blogs You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: allahuakbar - Social Mention: Mohon doakan Gaza, malam tadi jam 9 waktu Gaza (20 Nov, 2 pagi tadi waktu Malaysia )tanpa bekalan letrik, gelap gulita, tanpa gaz tanpa petrol dan diesel, tentara israel dgn menggunakan jet F16 dan pesawat apache mulai mengebom bertubi-tubi di wilayah Gaza utara, Gaza timur dan Gaza selatan. Sehingga waktu ini belum ada maklumat yang jelas tahap kerosakan, kecederaan dan kemalangan jiwa. Hingga ssekarang, pesawat jet tempur F16, pesawat apache serta pesawat drone kawalan jauh, masih berterusan bermaharaja lela di langit Gaza. Ya Allah, berikan kami kesabaran di jalanMu ya Allah,amin. Dari Abdillah Onim sekarang ini berada di Semenanjung Gaza, Filistin. Sebarkan agar didoakan! Ya Allah bantulah mereka !!! Mohon semua mesjid dan surau solat hajat dan Qunut Nazilah Dr Syed Muhammad Haleem Pengerusi Biro Haluan Palestin, Haluan Malaysia. Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 01:48PM allahuakbar - Social Mention Mohon doakan Gaza, malam tadi jam 9 waktu Gaza (20 Nov, 2 pagi tadi waktu Malaysia )tanpa bekalan letrik, gelap gulita, tanpa gaz tanpa petrol dan diesel, tentara israel dgn menggunakan jet F16 dan pesawat apache mulai mengebom bertubi-tubi di wilayah Gaza utara, Gaza timur dan Gaza selatan. Sehingga waktu ini belum ada maklumat yang jelas tahap kerosakan, kecederaan dan kemalangan jiwa. Hingga ssekarang, pesawat jet tempur F16, pesawat apache serta pesawat drone kawalan jauh, masih berterusan bermaharaja lela di langit Gaza. Ya Allah, berikan kami kesabaran di jalanMu ya Allah,amin. Dari Abdillah Onim sekarang ini berada di Semenanjung Gaza, Filistin. Sebarkan agar didoakan! Ya Allah bantulah mereka !!! Mohon semua mesjid dan surau solat hajat dan Qunut Nazilah Dr Syed Muhammad Haleem Pengerusi Biro Haluan Palestin, Haluan Malaysia. Nov 20th 2013, 13:40 You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: mujahid - Social Mention: Keharuman nama beliau tidak hanya diakui oleh sahabat dan murid-murid beliau. Bahkan sebagian seteru beliau juga memberikan sanjungan tidak hanya berkaitan dengan keilmuan beliau tapi juga pribadinya. Di antara mereka adalah Al-Qadhi Ibnu Makhluf yang juga lawan beliau, sebagaimana telah dinukil sebelumnya. Ibnu Daqiqil 'Ied t, seorang ulama yang ahli dalam dua mazhab; Maliki dan Syafi'i, menceritakan pengalamannya ketika berkumpul dengan Syaikhul Islam Ibnu Taimiyah t: "Saya lihat dirinya, dalil itu seolah-olah ada di depan matanya. Dia ambil mana yang dia mau dan dia tinggalkan mana yang dikehendakinya." Ibnu Az-Zamlakani t, juga mengatakan: "Terkumpul pada dirinya (Ibnu Taimiyah) syarat-syarat seorang mujtahid secara sempurna. Dia mempunyai andil besar dalam karya-karya bermutu, ungkapannya yang bernas dan sistematis." Secara khusus, beliau memberi pujian terhadap karya Syaikhul Islam yang berjudul Raf'ul Malam 'an A'immatil A'lam. Kata beliau: "(Ini) adalah karya tulis Asy- Syaikh Al-Imam, Al-'Alim Al-'Allamah, tidak ada tandingannya, hafizh mujtahid, tokoh zahid ahli ibadah, teladan, imam para imam, panutan umat, keagungan ulama, pewaris para Nabi, barakah Islam, hujjatul Islam, pemberantas bid'ah, menghidupkan sunnah. Bagian dari anugerah besar yang Allah k berikan kepada kita, yang dengannya tegaklah hujjah terhadap musuh-musuh-Nya." Lalu beliau menulis beberapa bait memuji Syaikhul Islam: ﻣَﺎﺫَﺍ ﻳَﻘُﻮﻝُ ﺍﻟْﻮَﺍﺻِﻔُﻮْﻥَ ﻟَﻪُ * ﻭَﺻِﻔَﺎﺗُﻪُ ﺟَﻠَّﺖْ ﻋَﻦِ ﺍﻟْﺤَﺼْﺮِ ﻫُﻮَ ﺣُﺠَّﺔٌ ﻟﻠﻪِ ﻗَﺎﻫِﺮَﺓٌ * ﻫُﻮَ ﺑَﻴْﻨَﻨَﺎ ﺃُﻋْﺠُﻮْﺑَﺔُ ﺍﻟﺪَّﻫْﺮِ ﻫُﻮَ ﺁﻳَﺔٌ ِﻟﻠْﺨَﻠْﻖِ ﻇَﺎﻫِﺮَﺓٌ * ﺃَﻧْﻮَﺍﺭُﻫَﺎ ﺃَﺭْﺑَﺖْ ﻋَﻠَﻰ ﺍﻟْﻔَﺠْﺮِ Apa yang kan diuraikan mereka yang mensifatkannya Sedangkan sifat-sifatnya melampaui batasan Dia adalah hujjah Allah yang menaklukkan Dia adalah keajaiban masa di tengah- tengah kita Dia adalah satu ayat Allah yang nyata bagi makhluk-Nya Cahayanya mengalahkan kemilau fajar Ibnu Az-Zamlakani juga menyatakan: "Apabila dia ditanya tentang satu cabang ilmu, niscaya orang yang mendengar dan melihatnya pasti menyangka Ibnu Taimiyah tidak punya ilmu lain kecuali itu, dan memastikan bahwa tidak ada satupun yang memahami seperti dia. Ahli fikih dari berbagai mazhab, jika berdiskusi dengannya, niscaya mereka memetik faedah dari beliau hal-hal yang sebelumnya tidak pernah mereka ketahui. Tidak pula pernah terdengar bahwa beliau berdebat dengan seseorang lalu kalah. Jika dia membahas satu cabang ilmu –baik ilmu syariat atau lainnya–, niscaya beliau mengungguli orang-orang yang ahli di bidang tersebut. Beliau memiliki kelebihan dalam karya tulis, ungkapan yang berisi, runut, juga dalam pembagian dan pejelasan." As-Subki, setelah mendapat teguran dari syaikhnya, Al-Imam Adz-Dzahabi t, dia mengatakan: "Adapun ucapan sayyidi (tuanku) tentang syaikh (Ibnu Taimiyah), maka hamba menyaksikan besarnya kedudukan beliau, luasnya ilmu beliau dalam hal syariat maupun logika, juga kejeniusannya, ijtihadnya, yang semua itu beliau capai melampaui keadaan yang disifatkan orang. Hamba senantiasa mengatakan bahwa kedudukan beliau dalam diri hamba amatlah agung dan lebih mulia dari itu. Seiring dengan apa yang Allah l berikan kepada beliau, berupa sifat zuhud, wara', diyanah (pengamalan terhadap agama), membela al-haq, berdiri di atas kebenaran tanpa tujuan lain, serta perjalanannya di atas cara hidup kaum salaf, serta capaiannya yang luar biasa, yang sangat jarang ditemukan seperti itu di zaman ini, bahkan di zaman kapanpun." Tajuddin As-Subki sendiri merasa bangga ketika Al-Mizzi menulis biografi ayahnya Taqiyuddin As-Subki dengan gelar Syaikhul Islam, dan tidak menuliskan gelar ini kecuali hanya kepada Syaikhul Islam Ibnu Taimiyah dan ayahnya As-Subki. Seandainya Syaikhul Islam Ibnu Taimiyah, seorang mubtadi', zindiq apalagi kafir, tentulah dia tidak rela ayahnya disejajarkan dengan Ibnu Taimiyah. Al-'Allamah Al-Imam Qadhi Qudhah Mesir dan Syam, Abu 'Abdullah Muhammad bin Ash-Shafi 'Utsman Ibnul Hariri Al-Anshari Al-Hanafi menegaskan: "Kalau Ibnu Taimiyah bukan Syaikhul Islam, siapa lagi?" Al-Imam Al-Mizzi (penyusun Tahdzibul Kamal) menyatakan pujiannya: "Saya tidak pernah melihat tokoh seperti dia. Diapun tidak melihat ada yang seperti dirinya. Saya tidak pernah melihat tokoh yang paling tahu tentang Al-Kitab (Al-Qur'an) dan As-Sunnah serta paling teguh mengikuti keduanya daripada beliau." Seorang syaikh yang shalih, ahli ibadah, Abu Thahir Muhammad Al-Ba'li Al-Hanbali t membawakan beberapa bait syair, memuji Syaikhul Islam Ibnu Taimiyah. Di antara pujian beliau: ﻳَﺎ ﺍﺑْﻦَ ﺗَﻴْﻤِﻴَّﺔَ ﻳﺎَ ﺃَﻧْﺼَﺢَ ﺍﻟْﻌُﻠَﻤَﺎ * ﻳَﺎ ﻣَﻦْ ﻟِﺄَﺳْﺮَﺍﺭِ ﺩِﻳْﻦِ ﺍﻟﻠﻪِ ﻗَﺪْ ﻓَﻬِﻤَﺎ ﻳَﺎ ﺁﻳَﺔً ﻇَﻬَﺮَﺕْ ﻓِﻲ ﺍْﻟﻜَﻮْﻥِ ﺑَﺎﻫَﺮَﺓً * ﻻَ ِ ﺯﻟْﺖَ ﻓِﻲ ﺳِﻠْﻚِ ﺩِﻳْﻦِ ﺍﻟﻠﻪِ ﻣُﻨْﺘَﻈِﻤًﺎ ﻭَﻛُﻨْﺖَ ﻭَﺍﺳِﻄَﺔً ﻓِﻲ ﻋَﻘْﺪِﻩِ ﺃَﺑَﺪَﺍ * ﺗُﺰِﻳْﻞُ ﻣِﻨْﻪُ ﺍْﻷﺫَﻯَ ﻭَﺍْﻟﻔَﺤْﺶَ ﻭَﺍﻟﺴَّﻘَﻤَﺎ ﺟَﻤَﻌْﺖَ ﻣِﻨْﻪُ ﺍﻟَّﺬِﻱ ﻗَﺪ ﻛَﺎﻥَ ﻓَﺮَّﻗَﻪُ * ﻗَﻮْﻡٌ ﺭَﺃَﻭْﻩُ ﻫُﺪًﻯ ﻣِﻨْﻪُ ﻭَﻛَﺎﻥَ ﻋَﻤَﻰ Hai Ibnu Taimiyah, hai ulama yang banyak memberi nasihat Hai orang yang paham rahasia dien Allah Hai ayat yang nampak cemerlang di alam semesta Engkau senantiasa tersusun di dalam dien Allah ini Engkau menjadi perantara dalam menguatkannya selamanya Engkau lenyapkan kotoran darinya, juga kekejian dan kerusakan Engkau kumpulkan dari dien ini apa yang dahulu diserakkan Oleh kelompok yang menyangkanya hidayah padahal dia buta Ibnu Hajar Al-'Asqalani t juga mengatakan (Fathul Bari 6/289): "…tambahan ini tidak ada sedikitpun dalam buku-buku hadits. Hal ini telah diperingatkan oleh Al-'Allamah Taqiyuddin Ibnu Taimiyah." Di dalam kitab lainnya (At-Talkhishul Habir 3/179), Ibnu Hajar memuji beliau sebagai Al-Hafizh. Jalaluddin As-Suyuthi (pengarang Al-Itqan dan Tafsir Jalalain) mengatakan: "Demi Allah, belum pernah kedua mata saya melihat orang yang paling luas ilmunya dan paling kuat kecerdasannya daripada seseorang yang bernama Ibnu Taimiyah, disertai sikap zuhudnya dalam berpakaian, makanan, wanita dan senantiasa tegak bersama al-haq (kebenaran) dan berjihad dengan segenap kemampuannya." Kata beliau juga: "Ibnu Taimiyah adalah seorang syaikh, imam, Al-'Allamah, hafizh, kritikus, ahli fiqih, mujtahid, pakar tafsir yang ulung, Syaikhul Islam. Simbol kezuhudan, salah seorang tokoh yang langka di zamannya. Beliau adalah lautan ilmu, jenius dan ahli zuhud yang sulit dicari tandingannya." Terakhir, perhatikanlah ucapan As-Subki (ayah Tajuddin As-Subki) tentang Syaikhul Islam Ibnu Taimiyah t, ketika menegur orang yang mencerca Ibnu Taimiyah: "Demi Allah, hai Fulan. Tidaklah ada yang membenci Ibnu Taimiyah melainkan orang yang jahil atau pengikut hawa nafsu. Adapun orang jahil, dia tidak tahu apa yang dikatakannya. Sedangkan pengikut hawa nafsu, dia dihalangi oleh hawa nafsunya dari al-haq setelah dia mengetahuinya." Jadi, hanya ada dua kemungkinan pada diri orang-orang yang memusuhi Ibnu Taimiyah t; orang jahil yang tidak mengerti apa yang dia katakan, atau orang yang memperturutkan hawa nafsunya, sehingga ilmu dan kebenaran yang diketahuinya, tentang pribadi Syaikhul Islam atau pemikirannya, terkubur oleh dendam kesumat, kedengkian, dan kesesatan bid'ah yang diyakininya. Wallahul musta'an. Wafat dalam Penjara Syaikhul Islam Ibnu Taimiyah telah menghabiskan hidupnya dengan penuh kesabaran, rasa syukur dan perjuangan, baik dalam keadaan susah maupun senang. Tidak sekalipun beliau ber- mujamalah (menjilat) dalam amar ma'ruf nahi munkar, bahkan tidak pernah beliau mundur dari perkataan yang haq, selamanya. Sikap terus terang dan keberanian beliau dalam menyuarakan yang haq, berkali-kali menyeret beliau ke penjara. Mungkin itu pula salah satu sebab beliau tidak menikah. Pada tahun 726 H, adalah akhir dari hukuman penjara yang beliau terima. Ini disebabkan pemalsuan yang dilakukan oleh musuh-musuhnya terhadap fatwa beliau tentang ziarah kubur. Sehingga seolah-olah Syaikhul Islam mengharamkan ziarah kubur terlebih lagi makam Rasul n. Ditambah lagi, sikap beliau kepada Sultan Nashir Al-Qalawun yang beliau perlakukan sebagai murid. Beliau tidak segan-segan menegur dan membimbingnya, sehingga sering Baginda merasa berat. Apalagi setelah Syaikhul Islam menulis As-Siyasah Asy-Syar'iyah. Akhirnya, musuh-musuh beliau berusaha mencari kesempatan melepaskan kekuasaan pemerintah (Sultan) dari pengaruh Syaikhul Islam Ibnu Taimiyah yang tidak pernah bersikap munafik, riya, atau menjilat demi mencari keselamatan pribadi. Ibnu Taimiyah kembali dipenjarakan. Tapi yang terakhir ini lebih berat beliau rasakan. Perlakuan yang beliau terima lebih buruk dari sebelumnya. Beliau dijauhkan dari semua alat tulis dan dilarang melakukan penelitian (membaca). Hanya saja, penderitaan itu tidak berlangsung lama. Syaikhul Islam Ibnu Taimiyah akhirnya sakit keras beberapa hari. Hal itu mulai dirasakan sejak dikeluarkannya semua perlengkapan tulis menulis dan membaca dari sisi beliau selama di penjara. Begitu mengetahui beliau sakit, Syamsuddin Al-Wazir meminta izin menjenguk beliau. Melihat keadaan beliau, dia meminta maaf atas semua kesalahannya selama ini. Oleh Syaikhul Islam, dia dimaafkan bahkan semua yang memusuhinya, termasuk Sultan Nashir Al- Qalawun yang memenjarakannya. Kemudian, pada malam 22 Dzul Qa'dah 728 H, wafatlah Syaikhul Imam, Al-'Allamah Al-Faqih Al-Hafizh Az-Zahid, Al-Mujahid Syaikhul Islam Taqiyuddin Abul 'Abbas Ahmad bin Al-Imam Syihabuddin Abul Mahasin 'Abdul Halim bin Syaikhul Islam Abul Barakat 'Abdus Salam bin 'Abdullah bin Abul Qasim Muhammad bin Al-Khidhir bin Muhammad bin Al-Khidhir bin 'Ali bin 'Abdullah bin Taimiyah Al-Harrani Ad- Dimasyqi, di dalam tembok penjara Damaskus. Berita ini mulanya hanya diketahui orang- orang yang di dalam penjara. Kemudian, berita ini meluas hingga didengar oleh kaum muslimin. Mereka terenyak. Berita itu betul-betul menggemparkan. Akhirnya, berduyun-duyun mereka menuju ke benteng tersebut untuk melihat jenazah beliau. Setelah itu mereka keluar, kemudian masuklah kaum wanita seperti itu juga. Setelah selesai dimandikan oleh sebagian tokoh seperti Al-Mizzi, jenazah beliau dibawa ke luar penjara. Masyarakatpun berkumpul ikut menyaksikan prosesi jenazah beliau. Mereka rela menutup pintu toko dan menghentikan aktivitas mereka demi mengiringi jenazah beliau. Kaum wanita yang tidak ikut serta, berdiri di atas rumah-rumah mereka melepas jenazah sang imam. Sebagian mereka membagi-bagi daun bidara yang dipakai untuk memandikan beliau. Ibnu Katsir t memperkirakan dalam Al- Bidayah, ada sekitar 15.000 orang wanita ikut mengantar jenazah beliau.1 Belum lagi yang ada di atas rumah-rumah mereka. Semua mendoakan rahmat dan menangisi beliau. Para tentarapun ikut sibuk mengamankan prosesi jenazah tersebut. Air mata tumpah, langitpun menangis. Ratapan duka dan doa mengantar jenazah Syaikhul Islam Ibnu Taimiyah t. Seluruh rakyat di sekitar penjara benteng tersebut tumpah ke jalanan mengantarkan jenazah beliau. Pintu-pintu masjid Jami' tak cukup menampung desakan rakyat banyak yang ingin mendekati jenazah beliau. Kejadian ini tak jauh beda dengan prosesi pemakaman jenazah Imam Ahli Sunnah wal Jamaah Abu 'Abdillah Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Hanbal t. Di mana ketika beliau wafat di Baghdad, ratusan ribu manusia mengantar jenazah beliau ke pemakaman. Al-Imam Ahmad pernah mengatakan kepada ahli bid'ah: "Katakan kepada ahli bid'ah: 'Keputusan antara kami dan kamu (ahli bid'ah) adalah yaumul janaiz (hari kematian)'." Beliau dikebumikan setelah selesai shalat 'ashar di pemakaman Shufiyah, di sebelah kuburan saudaranya Syarafuddin 'Abdullah. Di situ pula dikebumikan salah seorang murid beliau yang terkemuka yaitu Al-Hafizh Ibnu Katsir rahimahumullah beberapa tahun kemudian. Setelah dikebumikan, Asy-Syaikh Al-Imam Burhanuddin Al-Fazari dan sejumlah ulama besar Asy-Syafi'iyah selama tiga hari berulang-ulang mengunjungi kuburan Ibnu Taimiyah t. Tidak ada yang tertinggal mengantar jenazah Syaikhul Islam Ibnu Taimiyah ke pemakaman kecuali mereka yang lemah dan tidak dapat hadir, serta tiga orang yang sangat keras permusuhannya terhadap beliau, yaitu Ibnu Jumlah, Ash- Shadr, dan Al-Qafjari. Mereka yakin, seandainya mereka ikut keluar niscaya umat akan menyakiti bahkan membunuh mereka. Semoga Allah l merahmati ulama salaf yang telah wafat dan memelihara mereka yang masih hidup. Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 08:12AM mujahid - Social Mention Keharuman nama beliau tidak hanya diakui oleh sahabat dan murid-murid beliau. Bahkan sebagian seteru beliau juga memberikan sanjungan tidak hanya berkaitan dengan keilmuan beliau tapi juga pribadinya. Di antara mereka adalah Al-Qadhi Ibnu Makhluf yang juga lawan beliau, sebagaimana telah dinukil sebelumnya. Ibnu Daqiqil 'Ied t, seorang ulama yang ahli dalam dua mazhab; Maliki dan Syafi'i, menceritakan pengalamannya ketika berkumpul dengan Syaikhul Islam Ibnu Taimiyah t: "Saya lihat dirinya, dalil itu seolah-olah ada di depan matanya. Dia ambil mana yang dia mau dan dia tinggalkan mana yang dikehendakinya." Ibnu Az-Zamlakani t, juga mengatakan: "Terkumpul pada dirinya (Ibnu Taimiyah) syarat-syarat seorang mujtahid secara sempurna. Dia mempunyai andil besar dalam karya-karya bermutu, ungkapannya yang bernas dan sistematis." Secara khusus, beliau memberi pujian terhadap karya Syaikhul Islam yang berjudul Raf'ul Malam 'an A'immatil A'lam. Kata beliau: "(Ini) adalah karya tulis Asy- Syaikh Al-Imam, Al-'Alim Al-'Allamah, tidak ada tandingannya, hafizh mujtahid, tokoh zahid ahli ibadah, teladan, imam para imam, panutan umat, keagungan ulama, pewaris para Nabi, barakah Islam, hujjatul Islam, pemberantas bid'ah, menghidupkan sunnah. Bagian dari anugerah besar yang Allah k berikan kepada kita, yang dengannya tegaklah hujjah terhadap musuh-musuh-Nya." Lalu beliau menulis beberapa bait memuji Syaikhul Islam: ﻣَﺎﺫَﺍ ﻳَﻘُﻮﻝُ ﺍﻟْﻮَﺍﺻِﻔُﻮْﻥَ ﻟَﻪُ * ﻭَﺻِﻔَﺎﺗُﻪُ ﺟَﻠَّﺖْ ﻋَﻦِ ﺍﻟْﺤَﺼْﺮِ ﻫُﻮَ ﺣُﺠَّﺔٌ ﻟﻠﻪِ ﻗَﺎﻫِﺮَﺓٌ * ﻫُﻮَ ﺑَﻴْﻨَﻨَﺎ ﺃُﻋْﺠُﻮْﺑَﺔُ ﺍﻟﺪَّﻫْﺮِ ﻫُﻮَ ﺁﻳَﺔٌ ِﻟﻠْﺨَﻠْﻖِ ﻇَﺎﻫِﺮَﺓٌ * ﺃَﻧْﻮَﺍﺭُﻫَﺎ ﺃَﺭْﺑَﺖْ ﻋَﻠَﻰ ﺍﻟْﻔَﺠْﺮِ Apa yang kan diuraikan mereka yang mensifatkannya Sedangkan sifat-sifatnya melampaui batasan Dia adalah hujjah Allah yang menaklukkan Dia adalah keajaiban masa di tengah- tengah kita Dia adalah satu ayat Allah yang nyata bagi makhluk-Nya Cahayanya mengalahkan kemilau fajar Ibnu Az-Zamlakani juga menyatakan: "Apabila dia ditanya tentang satu cabang ilmu, niscaya orang yang mendengar dan melihatnya pasti menyangka Ibnu Taimiyah tidak punya ilmu lain kecuali itu, dan memastikan bahwa tidak ada satupun yang memahami seperti dia. Ahli fikih dari berbagai mazhab, jika berdiskusi dengannya, niscaya mereka memetik faedah dari beliau hal-hal yang sebelumnya tidak pernah mereka ketahui. Tidak pula pernah terdengar bahwa beliau berdebat dengan seseorang lalu kalah. Jika dia membahas satu cabang ilmu –baik ilmu syariat atau lainnya–, niscaya beliau mengungguli orang-orang yang ahli di bidang tersebut. Beliau memiliki kelebihan dalam karya tulis, ungkapan yang berisi, runut, juga dalam pembagian dan pejelasan." As-Subki, setelah mendapat teguran dari syaikhnya, Al-Imam Adz-Dzahabi t, dia mengatakan: "Adapun ucapan sayyidi (tuanku) tentang syaikh (Ibnu Taimiyah), maka hamba menyaksikan besarnya kedudukan beliau, luasnya ilmu beliau dalam hal syariat maupun logika, juga kejeniusannya, ijtihadnya, yang semua itu beliau capai melampaui keadaan yang disifatkan orang. Hamba senantiasa mengatakan bahwa kedudukan beliau dalam diri hamba amatlah agung dan lebih mulia dari itu. Seiring dengan apa yang Allah l berikan kepada beliau, berupa sifat zuhud, wara', diyanah (pengamalan terhadap agama), membela al-haq, berdiri di atas kebenaran tanpa tujuan lain, serta perjalanannya di atas cara hidup kaum salaf, serta capaiannya yang luar biasa, yang sangat jarang ditemukan seperti itu di zaman ini, bahkan di zaman kapanpun." Tajuddin As-Subki sendiri merasa bangga ketika Al-Mizzi menulis biografi ayahnya Taqiyuddin As-Subki dengan gelar Syaikhul Islam, dan tidak menuliskan gelar ini kecuali hanya kepada Syaikhul Islam Ibnu Taimiyah dan ayahnya As-Subki. Seandainya Syaikhul Islam Ibnu Taimiyah, seorang mubtadi', zindiq apalagi kafir, tentulah dia tidak rela ayahnya disejajarkan dengan Ibnu Taimiyah. Al-'Allamah Al-Imam Qadhi Qudhah Mesir dan Syam, Abu 'Abdullah Muhammad bin Ash-Shafi 'Utsman Ibnul Hariri Al-Anshari Al-Hanafi menegaskan: "Kalau Ibnu Taimiyah bukan Syaikhul Islam, siapa lagi?" Al-Imam Al-Mizzi (penyusun Tahdzibul Kamal) menyatakan pujiannya: "Saya tidak pernah melihat tokoh seperti dia. Diapun tidak melihat ada yang seperti dirinya. Saya tidak pernah melihat tokoh yang paling tahu tentang Al-Kitab (Al-Qur'an) dan As-Sunnah serta paling teguh mengikuti keduanya daripada beliau." Seorang syaikh yang shalih, ahli ibadah, Abu Thahir Muhammad Al-Ba'li Al-Hanbali t membawakan beberapa bait syair, memuji Syaikhul Islam Ibnu Taimiyah. Di antara pujian beliau: ﻳَﺎ ﺍﺑْﻦَ ﺗَﻴْﻤِﻴَّﺔَ ﻳﺎَ ﺃَﻧْﺼَﺢَ ﺍﻟْﻌُﻠَﻤَﺎ * ﻳَﺎ ﻣَﻦْ ﻟِﺄَﺳْﺮَﺍﺭِ ﺩِﻳْﻦِ ﺍﻟﻠﻪِ ﻗَﺪْ ﻓَﻬِﻤَﺎ ﻳَﺎ ﺁﻳَﺔً ﻇَﻬَﺮَﺕْ ﻓِﻲ ﺍْﻟﻜَﻮْﻥِ ﺑَﺎﻫَﺮَﺓً * ﻻَ ِ ﺯﻟْﺖَ ﻓِﻲ ﺳِﻠْﻚِ ﺩِﻳْﻦِ ﺍﻟﻠﻪِ ﻣُﻨْﺘَﻈِﻤًﺎ ﻭَﻛُﻨْﺖَ ﻭَﺍﺳِﻄَﺔً ﻓِﻲ ﻋَﻘْﺪِﻩِ ﺃَﺑَﺪَﺍ * ﺗُﺰِﻳْﻞُ ﻣِﻨْﻪُ ﺍْﻷﺫَﻯَ ﻭَﺍْﻟﻔَﺤْﺶَ ﻭَﺍﻟﺴَّﻘَﻤَﺎ ﺟَﻤَﻌْﺖَ ﻣِﻨْﻪُ ﺍﻟَّﺬِﻱ ﻗَﺪ ﻛَﺎﻥَ ﻓَﺮَّﻗَﻪُ * ﻗَﻮْﻡٌ ﺭَﺃَﻭْﻩُ ﻫُﺪًﻯ ﻣِﻨْﻪُ ﻭَﻛَﺎﻥَ ﻋَﻤَﻰ Hai Ibnu Taimiyah, hai ulama yang banyak memberi nasihat Hai orang yang paham rahasia dien Allah Hai ayat yang nampak cemerlang di alam semesta Engkau senantiasa tersusun di dalam dien Allah ini Engkau menjadi perantara dalam menguatkannya selamanya Engkau lenyapkan kotoran darinya, juga kekejian dan kerusakan Engkau kumpulkan dari dien ini apa yang dahulu diserakkan Oleh kelompok yang menyangkanya hidayah padahal dia buta Ibnu Hajar Al-'Asqalani t juga mengatakan (Fathul Bari 6/289): "…tambahan ini tidak ada sedikitpun dalam buku-buku hadits. Hal ini telah diperingatkan oleh Al-'Allamah Taqiyuddin Ibnu Taimiyah." Di dalam kitab lainnya (At-Talkhishul Habir 3/179), Ibnu Hajar memuji beliau sebagai Al-Hafizh. Jalaluddin As-Suyuthi (pengarang Al-Itqan dan Tafsir Jalalain) mengatakan: "Demi Allah, belum pernah kedua mata saya melihat orang yang paling luas ilmunya dan paling kuat kecerdasannya daripada seseorang yang bernama Ibnu Taimiyah, disertai sikap zuhudnya dalam berpakaian, makanan, wanita dan senantiasa tegak bersama al-haq (kebenaran) dan berjihad dengan segenap kemampuannya." Kata beliau juga: "Ibnu Taimiyah adalah seorang syaikh, imam, Al-'Allamah, hafizh, kritikus, ahli fiqih, mujtahid, pakar tafsir yang ulung, Syaikhul Islam. Simbol kezuhudan, salah seorang tokoh yang langka di zamannya. Beliau adalah lautan ilmu, jenius dan ahli zuhud yang sulit dicari tandingannya." Terakhir, perhatikanlah ucapan As-Subki (ayah Tajuddin As-Subki) tentang Syaikhul Islam Ibnu Taimiyah t, ketika menegur orang yang mencerca Ibnu Taimiyah: "Demi Allah, hai Fulan. Tidaklah ada yang membenci Ibnu Taimiyah melainkan orang yang jahil atau pengikut hawa nafsu. Adapun orang jahil, dia tidak tahu apa yang dikatakannya. Sedangkan pengikut hawa nafsu, dia dihalangi oleh hawa nafsunya dari al-haq setelah dia mengetahuinya." Jadi, hanya ada dua kemungkinan pada diri orang-orang yang memusuhi Ibnu Taimiyah t; orang jahil yang tidak mengerti apa yang dia katakan, atau orang yang memperturutkan hawa nafsunya, sehingga ilmu dan kebenaran yang diketahuinya, tentang pribadi Syaikhul Islam atau pemikirannya, terkubur oleh dendam kesumat, kedengkian, dan kesesatan bid'ah yang diyakininya. Wallahul musta'an. Wafat dalam Penjara Syaikhul Islam Ibnu Taimiyah telah menghabiskan hidupnya dengan penuh kesabaran, rasa syukur dan perjuangan, baik dalam keadaan susah maupun senang. Tidak sekalipun beliau ber- mujamalah (menjilat) dalam amar ma'ruf nahi munkar, bahkan tidak pernah beliau mundur dari perkataan yang haq, selamanya. Sikap terus terang dan keberanian beliau dalam menyuarakan yang haq, berkali-kali menyeret beliau ke penjara. Mungkin itu pula salah satu sebab beliau tidak menikah. Pada tahun 726 H, adalah akhir dari hukuman penjara yang beliau terima. Ini disebabkan pemalsuan yang dilakukan oleh musuh-musuhnya terhadap fatwa beliau tentang ziarah kubur. Sehingga seolah-olah Syaikhul Islam mengharamkan ziarah kubur terlebih lagi makam Rasul n. Ditambah lagi, sikap beliau kepada Sultan Nashir Al-Qalawun yang beliau perlakukan sebagai murid. Beliau tidak segan-segan menegur dan membimbingnya, sehingga sering Baginda merasa berat. Apalagi setelah Syaikhul Islam menulis As-Siyasah Asy-Syar'iyah. Akhirnya, musuh-musuh beliau berusaha mencari kesempatan melepaskan kekuasaan pemerintah (Sultan) dari pengaruh Syaikhul Islam Ibnu Taimiyah yang tidak pernah bersikap munafik, riya, atau menjilat demi mencari keselamatan pribadi. Ibnu Taimiyah kembali dipenjarakan. Tapi yang terakhir ini lebih berat beliau rasakan. Perlakuan yang beliau terima lebih buruk dari sebelumnya. Beliau dijauhkan dari semua alat tulis dan dilarang melakukan penelitian (membaca). Hanya saja, penderitaan itu tidak berlangsung lama. Syaikhul Islam Ibnu Taimiyah akhirnya sakit keras beberapa hari. Hal itu mulai dirasakan sejak dikeluarkannya semua perlengkapan tulis menulis dan membaca dari sisi beliau selama di penjara. Begitu mengetahui beliau sakit, Syamsuddin Al-Wazir meminta izin menjenguk beliau. Melihat keadaan beliau, dia meminta maaf atas semua kesalahannya selama ini. Oleh Syaikhul Islam, dia dimaafkan bahkan semua yang memusuhinya, termasuk Sultan Nashir Al- Qalawun yang memenjarakannya. Kemudian, pada malam 22 Dzul Qa'dah 728 H, wafatlah Syaikhul Imam, Al-'Allamah Al-Faqih Al-Hafizh Az-Zahid, Al-Mujahid Syaikhul Islam Taqiyuddin Abul 'Abbas Ahmad bin Al-Imam Syihabuddin Abul Mahasin 'Abdul Halim bin Syaikhul Islam Abul Barakat 'Abdus Salam bin 'Abdullah bin Abul Qasim Muhammad bin Al-Khidhir bin Muhammad bin Al-Khidhir bin 'Ali bin 'Abdullah bin Taimiyah Al-Harrani Ad- Dimasyqi, di dalam tembok penjara Damaskus. Berita ini mulanya hanya diketahui orang- orang yang di dalam penjara. Kemudian, berita ini meluas hingga didengar oleh kaum muslimin. Mereka terenyak. Berita itu betul-betul menggemparkan. Akhirnya, berduyun-duyun mereka menuju ke benteng tersebut untuk melihat jenazah beliau. Setelah itu mereka keluar, kemudian masuklah kaum wanita seperti itu juga. Setelah selesai dimandikan oleh sebagian tokoh seperti Al-Mizzi, jenazah beliau dibawa ke luar penjara. Masyarakatpun berkumpul ikut menyaksikan prosesi jenazah beliau. Mereka rela menutup pintu toko dan menghentikan aktivitas mereka demi mengiringi jenazah beliau. Kaum wanita yang tidak ikut serta, berdiri di atas rumah-rumah mereka melepas jenazah sang imam. Sebagian mereka membagi-bagi daun bidara yang dipakai untuk memandikan beliau. Ibnu Katsir t memperkirakan dalam Al- Bidayah, ada sekitar 15.000 orang wanita ikut mengantar jenazah beliau.1 Belum lagi yang ada di atas rumah-rumah mereka. Semua mendoakan rahmat dan menangisi beliau. Para tentarapun ikut sibuk mengamankan prosesi jenazah tersebut. Air mata tumpah, langitpun menangis. Ratapan duka dan doa mengantar jenazah Syaikhul Islam Ibnu Taimiyah t. Seluruh rakyat di sekitar penjara benteng tersebut tumpah ke jalanan mengantarkan jenazah beliau. Pintu-pintu masjid Jami' tak cukup menampung desakan rakyat banyak yang ingin mendekati jenazah beliau. Kejadian ini tak jauh beda dengan prosesi pemakaman jenazah Imam Ahli Sunnah wal Jamaah Abu 'Abdillah Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Hanbal t. Di mana ketika beliau wafat di Baghdad, ratusan ribu manusia mengantar jenazah beliau ke pemakaman. Al-Imam Ahmad pernah mengatakan kepada ahli bid'ah: "Katakan kepada ahli bid'ah: 'Keputusan antara kami dan kamu (ahli bid'ah) adalah yaumul janaiz (hari kematian)'." Beliau dikebumikan setelah selesai shalat 'ashar di pemakaman Shufiyah, di sebelah kuburan saudaranya Syarafuddin 'Abdullah. Di situ pula dikebumikan salah seorang murid beliau yang terkemuka yaitu Al-Hafizh Ibnu Katsir rahimahumullah beberapa tahun kemudian. Setelah dikebumikan, Asy-Syaikh Al-Imam Burhanuddin Al-Fazari dan sejumlah ulama besar Asy-Syafi'iyah selama tiga hari berulang-ulang mengunjungi kuburan Ibnu Taimiyah t. Tidak ada yang tertinggal mengantar jenazah Syaikhul Islam Ibnu Taimiyah ke pemakaman kecuali mereka yang lemah dan tidak dapat hadir, serta tiga orang yang sangat keras permusuhannya terhadap beliau, yaitu Ibnu Jumlah, Ash- Shadr, dan Al-Qafjari. Mereka yakin, seandainya mereka ikut keluar niscaya umat akan menyakiti bahkan membunuh mereka. Semoga Allah l merahmati ulama salaf yang telah wafat dan memelihara mereka yang masih hidup. Nov 20th 2013, 07:56 You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: tauhid - Social Mention: Assalamu,alaikum wr wb. Ikhwani fillah Mengucapkan Laa ilaaha illallaah amatlah mudah, tapi menjadi orang yang beriman sangatlah susah. Tak seringan di lisan, karena di depan kalimat Tauhid yang diucapkan menanti konsekuensi dan pengorbanan, sebagai bukti iman dan jalan untuk mencapai tujuan penciptaan. Allah Subhaanahu Wa Ta'aalaa berfirman: "Dan Aku tidak menciptakan jin dan manusia melainkan supaya mereka beribadah kepada-Ku (mentauhidkan-Ku)" (Adz Dzaariyaat: 56) Bencana datang bertubi-tubi menghantam negeri ini, menelan ribuan nyawa dan harta benda, namun tak jua membuat penduduk negeri ini tersadar dari lelap tidurnya dalam lumpur kemaksiatan. Mereka terlena dan tak hendak lagi untuk berfikir tentang tujuan Allah menciptakan mereka. Di bawah payung demokrasi jadilah gaya hidup yang hedonis, liberal, sekuler, dan materialistis telah menguasai benak sebagian besar penduduk negeri ini, maka hampir semuanya berkata bahwa itu adalah fenomena alam, sepertinya tak banyak yang berfikir itu adalah ujian atau peringatan, apalagi sampai berfikir itu adalah 'adzab dari Allah yang telah murka. What's wrong…??? Adakah yang salah dengan negara dan penduduknya yang konon katanya memegang peringkat jumlah muslim terbesar di dunia ini….? Mereka berteriak "Kami muslim…!", tapi mereka meminta rizqi kepada orang yang sudah tiada atau kepada jin penunggu goa. Mereka berkata "Kami mu'min, Allahu Akbar…!", namun mereka membuat tumbal dan sesajen bahkan ikut berpesta dalam hari raya kaum kuffar. Mereka berbicara "Kami bertaqwa", sedangkan kepada hukum thaghut mereka merujuk hukum dan meminta fatwa. Mereka menolak penegakan hukum Allah…!!! Allah Subhaanahu Wa Ta'aalaa berfirman: "Dan sesungguhnya Kami Telah mengutus Rasul pada tiap-tiap umat (untuk menyerukan): "Ibadatilah Allah (saja), dan jauhilah thaghut itu,…" (An Nahl: 36) "Apakah kamu tidak memperhatikan orang-orang yang mengaku (mengklaim) dirinya telah beriman kepada apa yang diturunkan kepadamu dan kepada apa yang diturunkan sebelum kamu? Mereka hendak berhakim kepada thaghut, padahal mereka telah diperintahkan mengingkari thaghut itu dan syaitan bermaksud menyesatkan mereka (dengan) penyesatan yang sejauh-jauhnya." (An Nisaa: 60) Demi Allah, disadari atau tidak oleh penderitanya, ternyata beragam syirik, kekufuran dan kemurtadan telah menjadi penyakit ganas yang mewabah, meraksuki setiap sendi kehidupan umat, dan yang paling banyak meminta korban -bahkan juga dari kalangan yang mengklaim dirinya sebagai 'ulama atau aktivis dakwah- adalah syirik dalam hukum,wallahu a,lam Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 08:59AM tauhid - Social Mention Assalamu,alaikum wr wb. Ikhwani fillah Mengucapkan Laa ilaaha illallaah amatlah mudah, tapi menjadi orang yang beriman sangatlah susah. Tak seringan di lisan, karena di depan kalimat Tauhid yang diucapkan menanti konsekuensi dan pengorbanan, sebagai bukti iman dan jalan untuk mencapai tujuan penciptaan. Allah Subhaanahu Wa Ta'aalaa berfirman: "Dan Aku tidak menciptakan jin dan manusia melainkan supaya mereka beribadah kepada-Ku (mentauhidkan-Ku)" (Adz Dzaariyaat: 56) Bencana datang bertubi-tubi menghantam negeri ini, menelan ribuan nyawa dan harta benda, namun tak jua membuat penduduk negeri ini tersadar dari lelap tidurnya dalam lumpur kemaksiatan. Mereka terlena dan tak hendak lagi untuk berfikir tentang tujuan Allah menciptakan mereka. Di bawah payung demokrasi jadilah gaya hidup yang hedonis, liberal, sekuler, dan materialistis telah menguasai benak sebagian besar penduduk negeri ini, maka hampir semuanya berkata bahwa itu adalah fenomena alam, sepertinya tak banyak yang berfikir itu adalah ujian atau peringatan, apalagi sampai berfikir itu adalah 'adzab dari Allah yang telah murka. What's wrong…??? Adakah yang salah dengan negara dan penduduknya yang konon katanya memegang peringkat jumlah muslim terbesar di dunia ini….? Mereka berteriak "Kami muslim…!", tapi mereka meminta rizqi kepada orang yang sudah tiada atau kepada jin penunggu goa. Mereka berkata "Kami mu'min, Allahu Akbar…!", namun mereka membuat tumbal dan sesajen bahkan ikut berpesta dalam hari raya kaum kuffar. Mereka berbicara "Kami bertaqwa", sedangkan kepada hukum thaghut mereka merujuk hukum dan meminta fatwa. Mereka menolak penegakan hukum Allah…!!! Allah Subhaanahu Wa Ta'aalaa berfirman: "Dan sesungguhnya Kami Telah mengutus Rasul pada tiap-tiap umat (untuk menyerukan): "Ibadatilah Allah (saja), dan jauhilah thaghut itu,…" (An Nahl: 36) "Apakah kamu tidak memperhatikan orang-orang yang mengaku (mengklaim) dirinya telah beriman kepada apa yang diturunkan kepadamu dan kepada apa yang diturunkan sebelum kamu? Mereka hendak berhakim kepada thaghut, padahal mereka telah diperintahkan mengingkari thaghut itu dan syaitan bermaksud menyesatkan mereka (dengan) penyesatan yang sejauh-jauhnya." (An Nisaa: 60) Demi Allah, disadari atau tidak oleh penderitanya, ternyata beragam syirik, kekufuran dan kemurtadan telah menjadi penyakit ganas yang mewabah, meraksuki setiap sendi kehidupan umat, dan yang paling banyak meminta korban -bahkan juga dari kalangan yang mengklaim dirinya sebagai 'ulama atau aktivis dakwah- adalah syirik dalam hukum,wallahu a,lam Nov 20th 2013, 08:42 You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: khilafah - Social Mention: By : Abay Abu Hamzah Saya pernah bertanya, "Mengapa mereka menolak Khilafah?" Ajaibnya, ada yang menjawab begini, "Karena pendiri Hizbut Tahrir adalah penganut mu'tazilah." Jawaban itu menjadi tidak nyambung karena: Pertama: Khilafah bukan milik Hizbut Tahrir, sehingga tidak sepatutnya menolak Khilafah karena tidak suka dengan pendiri Hizbut Tahrir. Khilafah adalah kewajiban dari Allah, bukan dari pendiri Hizbut Tahrir. Ada banyak nash yang menunjukkan kewajiban menegakkan Khilafah, baik dari Al-Quran maupun Al-Hadits. Sehingga, menolak kewajiban menegakkan Khilafah, sama saja menolak sebagian ayat Al-Quran, menolak sebagian sabda Nabi, dan menolak sejarah. Tidak bijak jika hanya karena ketidaksukaan terhadap pendiri Hizbut Tahrir, malah rela menolak kewajiban dari Allah. Sebenarnya beriman kepada Allah, atau kepada hawa nafsu? Kedua: Pendiri Hizbut Tahrir, syaikh Taqiyuddin An-Nabhani, bukanlah seorang Mu'tazilah. Bahkan di kitab beliau yang berjudul Nizhamul Islam, dengan tegas beliau menyatakan penolakan terhadap paham mu'tazilah. Mu'tazilah adalah paham yang menempatkan akal berada di atas nash atau dalil. Sehingga, segala perintah Allah akan diterima jika sesuai dengan akal dan akan ditolak jika bertentangan dengan akal. Adapun syaikh Taqiyuddin An-Nabhani, menjadikan akal sebagai sarana untuk memikirkan fakta dan menghubungkannya dengan nash, lalu dihukumi dengan nash itu. Bukan menjadikan akal sebagai sumber hukum. Sehingga, merupakan sebuah fitnah keji apabila mengatakan bahwa beliau adalah seorang penganut mu'tazilah. Ketiga: Jikapun ingin menolak kewajiban Khilafah, seharusnya bukan berdasarkan maslahat atau mudharat, melainkan karena ada dalil yang melarangnya atau tidak mewajibkannya. Pertanyaannya, adakah dalil yang mengharamkan Khilafah? Atau minimal, adakah dalil yang menyatakan bahwa Khilafah tidak wajib? . Keempat: Jikapun ingin membahas maslahat atau mudharat, sesungguhnya ada segudang maslahat yang bisa disuguhkan oleh konsep Khilafah, dan ada segudang mudharat yang telah kita rasakan sendiri manakala kita tidak menegakkannya. Sesungguhnya, Khilafah adalah kewajiban dari Allah, janji-Nya, dan bisyarah (kabar gembira) dari Rasul-Nya. Maka, sekuat apapun daya manusia, meskipun seluruh kekufuran berkumpul untuk menghalanginya, sungguh kami percaya, Khilafah akan tegak semula. Kapan? Itulah yang masih menjadi rahasia-Nya. Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 09:43AM khilafah - Social Mention By : Abay Abu Hamzah Saya pernah bertanya, "Mengapa mereka menolak Khilafah?" Ajaibnya, ada yang menjawab begini, "Karena pendiri Hizbut Tahrir adalah penganut mu'tazilah." Jawaban itu menjadi tidak nyambung karena: Pertama: Khilafah bukan milik Hizbut Tahrir, sehingga tidak sepatutnya menolak Khilafah karena tidak suka dengan pendiri Hizbut Tahrir. Khilafah adalah kewajiban dari Allah, bukan dari pendiri Hizbut Tahrir. Ada banyak nash yang menunjukkan kewajiban menegakkan Khilafah, baik dari Al-Quran maupun Al-Hadits. Sehingga, menolak kewajiban menegakkan Khilafah, sama saja menolak sebagian ayat Al-Quran, menolak sebagian sabda Nabi, dan menolak sejarah. Tidak bijak jika hanya karena ketidaksukaan terhadap pendiri Hizbut Tahrir, malah rela menolak kewajiban dari Allah. Sebenarnya beriman kepada Allah, atau kepada hawa nafsu? Kedua: Pendiri Hizbut Tahrir, syaikh Taqiyuddin An-Nabhani, bukanlah seorang Mu'tazilah. Bahkan di kitab beliau yang berjudul Nizhamul Islam, dengan tegas beliau menyatakan penolakan terhadap paham mu'tazilah. Mu'tazilah adalah paham yang menempatkan akal berada di atas nash atau dalil. Sehingga, segala perintah Allah akan diterima jika sesuai dengan akal dan akan ditolak jika bertentangan dengan akal. Adapun syaikh Taqiyuddin An-Nabhani, menjadikan akal sebagai sarana untuk memikirkan fakta dan menghubungkannya dengan nash, lalu dihukumi dengan nash itu. Bukan menjadikan akal sebagai sumber hukum. Sehingga, merupakan sebuah fitnah keji apabila mengatakan bahwa beliau adalah seorang penganut mu'tazilah. Ketiga: Jikapun ingin menolak kewajiban Khilafah, seharusnya bukan berdasarkan maslahat atau mudharat, melainkan karena ada dalil yang melarangnya atau tidak mewajibkannya. Pertanyaannya, adakah dalil yang mengharamkan Khilafah? Atau minimal, adakah dalil yang menyatakan bahwa Khilafah tidak wajib? . Keempat: Jikapun ingin membahas maslahat atau mudharat, sesungguhnya ada segudang maslahat yang bisa disuguhkan oleh konsep Khilafah, dan ada segudang mudharat yang telah kita rasakan sendiri manakala kita tidak menegakkannya. Sesungguhnya, Khilafah adalah kewajiban dari Allah, janji-Nya, dan bisyarah (kabar gembira) dari Rasul-Nya. Maka, sekuat apapun daya manusia, meskipun seluruh kekufuran berkumpul untuk menghalanginya, sungguh kami percaya, Khilafah akan tegak semula. Kapan? Itulah yang masih menjadi rahasia-Nya. Nov 20th 2013, 09:10 You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: Abu Abdullah - Social Mention: ADAB-ADAB BERBICARA BAGI WANITA MUSLIMAH Wahai saudariku muslimah……… Berhati-hatilah dari terlalu banyak berceloteh dan terlalu banyak berbicara, Allah Ta'ala berfirman: " لا خير في كثير من نجواهم إلا من أمر بصدقة أو معروف أو إصلاح بين الناس " (النساء: الآية 114). Wahai saudariku muslimah……… Berhati-hatilah dari terlalu banyak berceloteh dan terlalu banyak berbicara, Allah Ta'ala berfirman: " لا خير في كثير من نجواهم إلا من أمر بصدقة أو معروف أو إصلاح بين الناس " (النساء: الآية 114). Artinya: "Dan tidak ada kebaikan pada kebanyakan bisikan-bisikan mereka, kecuali bisikan-bisikan dari orang yang menyuruh (manusia) memberi sedekah, atau berbuat ma'ruf, atau mengadakan perdamaian diantara manusia ". (An nisa:114) Dan ketahuilah wahai saudariku,semoga Allah ta'ala merahmatimu dan menunjukimu kepada jalan kebaikan, bahwa disana ada yang senantiasa mengamati dan mencatat perkataanmu. "عن اليمين وعن الشمال قعيد. ما يلفظ من قولٍ إلا لديه رقيب عتيد " (ق: الآية 17-18) Artinya: "Seorang duduk disebelah kanan,dan yang lain duduk disebelah kiri.tiada satu ucapanpun yang diucapkan melainkan ada didekatnya malaikat pengawas yang selalu hadir" (Qaaf:17-18). Maka jadikanlah ucapanmu itu menjadi perkataan yang ringkas, jelas yang tidak bertele-tele yang dengannya akan memperpanjang pembicaraan. 1) Bacalah Al qur'an karim dan bersemangatlah untuk menjadikan itu sebagai wirid keseharianmu, dan senantiasalah berusaha untuk menghafalkannya sesuai kesanggupanmu agar engkau bisa mendapatkan pahala yang besar dihari kiamat nanti. عن عبد الله بن عمرو رضي الله عنهما- عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال: " يقال لصاحب القرآن: اقرأ وارتق ورتّل كما كنت ترتّل في الدنيا فإن منزلتك عند آخر آية تقرؤها رواه أبو داود والترمذي Dari abdullah bin 'umar radiyallohu 'anhu, dari Nabi Shallallahu Alaihi wa aalihi wasallam, beliau bersabda: dikatakan pada orang yang senang membaca alqur'an: bacalah dengan tartil sebagaimana engkau dulu sewaktu di dunia membacanya dengan tartil, karena sesungguhnya kedudukanmu adalah pada akhir ayat yang engkau baca. HR.abu daud dan attirmidzi 2) Tidaklah terpuji jika engkau selalu menyampaikan setiap apa yang engkau dengarkan, karena kebiasaan ini akan menjatuhkan dirimu kedalam kedustaan. عن أبي هريرة رضي الله عنه أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال: " كفى بالمرء كذباً أن يتحدّث بكل ما سمع " Dari Abu hurairah radiallahu 'anhu,sesungguhnya Nabi shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam bersabda: "Cukuplah seseorang itu dikatakan sebagai pendusta ketika dia menyampaikan setiap apa yang dia dengarkan." (HR.Muslim dan Abu Dawud) 3) jauhilah dari sikap menyombongkan diri (berhias diri) dengan sesuatu yang tidak ada pada dirimu, dengan tujuan membanggakan diri dihadapan manusia. عن عائشة – رضي الله عنها- أن امرأة قالت: يا رسول الله، أقول إن زوجي أعطاني ما لم يعطني؟ قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: " المتشبّع بما لم يُعط كلابس ثوبي زور ". Dari aisyah radiyallohu 'anha, ada seorang wanita yang mengatakan:wahai Rasulullah, aku mengatakan bahwa suamiku memberikan sesuatu kepadaku yang sebenarnya tidak diberikannya.berkata Rasulullah Shallallahu Alaihi wa aalihi wasallam,: orang yang merasa memiliki sesuatu yang ia tidak diberi, seperti orang yang memakai dua pakaian kedustaan." (muttafaq alaihi) 4) Sesungguhnya dzikrullah memberikan pengaruh yang kuat didalam kehidupan ruh seorang muslim, kejiwaannya, jasmaninya dan kehidupan masyarakatnya. maka bersemangatlah wahai saudariku muslimah untuk senantiasa berdzikir kepada Allah ta'ala, disetiap waktu dan keadaanmu. Allah ta'ala memuji hamba-hambanya yang mukhlis dalam firman-Nya: " الذين يذكرون الله قياماً وقعوداً وعلى جنوبهم… " (آل عمران: الآية 191). Artinya: "(yaitu) orang-orang yang mengingat Allah sambil berdiri atau duduk atau dalam keadaan berbaring…" (Ali imran:191). 5) Jika engkau hendak berbicara,maka jauhilah sifat merasa kagum dengan diri sendiri, sok fasih dan terlalu memaksakan diri dalam bertutur kata, sebab ini merupakan sifat yang sangat dibenci Rasulullah Shallallahu Alaihi wa aalihi wasallam, dimana Beliau bersabda: " وإن أبغضكم إليّ وأبعدكم مني مجلساً يوم القيامة الثرثارون والمتشدقون والمتفيهقون ". "sesungguhnya orang yang paling aku benci diantara kalian dan yang paling jauh majelisnya dariku pada hari kiamat : orang yang berlebihan dalam berbicara, sok fasih dengan ucapannya dan merasa ta'ajjub terhadap ucapannya." (HR.Tirmidzi,Ibnu Hibban dan yang lainnya dari hadits Abu Tsa'labah Al-Khusyani radhiallahu anhu) 6) Jauhilah dari terlalu banyak tertawa,terlalu banyak berbicara dan berceloteh.jadikanlah Rasulullah Shallallahu Alaihi wa aalihi wasallam, sebagai teladan bagimu, dimana beliau lebih banyak diam dan banyak berfikir beliau Shallallahu Alaihi wa aalihi wasallam, menjauhkan diri dari terlalu banyak tertawa dan menyibukkan diri dengannya.bahkan jadikanlah setiap apa yang engkau ucapkan itu adalah perkataan yang mengandung kebaikan, dan jika tidak, maka diam itu lebih utama bagimu. Rasulullah Shallallahu Alaihi wa aalihi wasallam, bersabda: " من كان يؤمن بالله واليوم الآخر فليقل خيراً أو ليصمت ". " Barang siapa yang beriman kepada Allah dan hari akhir,maka hendaknya dia berkata dengan perkataan yang baik,atau hendaknya dia diam." (muttafaq alaihi dari hadits Abu Hurairah radhiallahu anhu) 8) jangan kalian memotong pembicaraan seseorang yang sedang berbicara atau membantahnya, atau meremehkan ucapannya. Bahkan jadilah pendengar yang baik dan itu lebih beradab bagimu, dan ketika harus membantahnya, maka jadikanlah bantahanmu dengan cara yang paling baik sebagai syi'ar kepribadianmu. 9) berhati-hatilah dari suka mengolok-olok terhadap cara berbicara orang lain, seperti orang yang terbata-bata dalam berbicara atau seseorang yang kesulitan berbicara.Alah Ta'ala berfirman: " يا أيها الذين آمنوا لا يسخر قوم من قوم عسى أن يكونوا خيراً منهم ولا نساء من نساء عسى أن يكن خيراً منهن " (الحجرات: الآية 11). "Hai orang-orang yang beriman, janganlah sekumpulan orang laki-laki merendahkan kumpulan yang lain, boleh jadi yang ditertawakan itu lebih baik dari mereka. Dan jangan pula sekumpulan perempuan merendahkan kumpulan lainnya, boleh jadi yang direndahkan itu lebih baik." (QS.Al-Hujurat:11) 10) jika engkau mendengarkan bacaan Alqur'an, maka berhentilah dari berbicara, apapun yang engkau bicarakan, karena itu merupakan adab terhadap kalamullah dan juga sesuai dengan perintah-Nya, didalam firman-Nya: : " وإذا قرىء القرآن فاستمعوا له وأنصتوا لعلكم ترحمون " (الأعراف: الآية 204). Artinya: "dan apabila dibacakan Alqur'an,maka dengarkanlah dengan baik dan perhatikanlah dengan tenang agar kalian diberi rahmat". a'raf :204 11) bertakwalah kepada Allah wahai saudariku muslimah,bersihkanlah majelismu dari ghibah dan namimah (adu domba) sebagaimana yang Allah 'azza wajalla perintahkan kepadamu untuk menjauhinya. bersemangatlah engkau untuk menjadikan didalam majelismu itu adalah perkataan-perkataan yang baik,dalam rangka menasehati,dan petunjuk kepada kebaikan. perkataan itu adalah sebuah perkara yang besar, berapa banyak dari perkataan seseorang yang dapat menyebabkan kemarahan dari Allah 'azza wajalla dan menjatuhkan pelakunya kedalam jurang neraka. Didalam hadits Mu'adz radhiallahu anhu tatkala Beliau bertanya kepada Nabi Shallallahu Alaihi wa aalihi wasallam: apakah kami akan disiksa dengan apa yang kami ucapkan? Maka jawab Rasulullah Shallallahu alaihi wasallam bersabda: " ثكلتك أمك يا معاذ. وهل يكبّ الناس في النار على وجوههم إلا حصائدُ ألسنتهم " ( رواه الترمذي). "engkau telah keliru wahai Mu'adz, tidaklah manusia dilemparkan ke Neraka diatas wajah-wajah mereka melainkan disebabkan oleh ucapan-ucapan mereka." (HR.Tirmidzi,An-Nasaai dan Ibnu Majah) 12- berhati-hatilah -semoga Allah menjagamu- dari menghadiri majelis yang buruk dan berbaur dengan para pelakunya, dan bersegeralah-semoga Allah menjagamu- menuju majelis yang penuh dengan keutamaan, kebaikan dan keberuntungan. 13- jika engkau duduk sendiri dalam suatu majelis, atau bersama dengan sebagian saudarimu, maka senantiasalah untuk berdzikir mengingat Allah 'azza wajalla dalam setiap keadaanmu sehingga engkau kembali dalam keadaan mendapatkan kebaikan dan mendapatkan pahala. Allah 'azza wajalla berfirman: " الذين يذكرون الله قياماً وقعوداً وعلى جنوبهم ". (آل عمران: الآية 191) Artinya: " (yaitu) orang – orang yang mengingat Allah sambil berdiri,atau duduk,atau dalam keadaan berbaring" (QS.ali 'imran :191) 14- jika engkau hendak berdiri keluar dari majelis, maka ingatlah untuk selalu mengucapkan: " سبحانك الله وبحمدك أشهد أن لا إله إلا أنت، أستغفرك وأتوب إليك ". "maha suci Engkau ya Allah dan bagimu segala pujian,aku bersaksi bahwa tidak ada Ilah yang berhak untuk disembah kecuali Engkau, aku memohon ampun kepada-Mu, dan aku bertaubat kepada-Mu" Sehingga diampuni bagimu segala kesalahanmu di dalam majelis tersebut. Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 06:42PM Abu Abdullah - Social Mention ADAB-ADAB BERBICARA BAGI WANITA MUSLIMAH Wahai saudariku muslimah……… Berhati-hatilah dari terlalu banyak berceloteh dan terlalu banyak berbicara, Allah Ta'ala berfirman: " لا خير في كثير من نجواهم إلا من أمر بصدقة أو معروف أو إصلاح بين الناس " (النساء: الآية 114). Wahai saudariku muslimah……… Berhati-hatilah dari terlalu banyak berceloteh dan terlalu banyak berbicara, Allah Ta'ala berfirman: " لا خير في كثير من نجواهم إلا من أمر بصدقة أو معروف أو إصلاح بين الناس " (النساء: الآية 114). Artinya: "Dan tidak ada kebaikan pada kebanyakan bisikan-bisikan mereka, kecuali bisikan-bisikan dari orang yang menyuruh (manusia) memberi sedekah, atau berbuat ma'ruf, atau mengadakan perdamaian diantara manusia ". (An nisa:114) Dan ketahuilah wahai saudariku,semoga Allah ta'ala merahmatimu dan menunjukimu kepada jalan kebaikan, bahwa disana ada yang senantiasa mengamati dan mencatat perkataanmu. "عن اليمين وعن الشمال قعيد. ما يلفظ من قولٍ إلا لديه رقيب عتيد " (ق: الآية 17-18) Artinya: "Seorang duduk disebelah kanan,dan yang lain duduk disebelah kiri.tiada satu ucapanpun yang diucapkan melainkan ada didekatnya malaikat pengawas yang selalu hadir" (Qaaf:17-18). Maka jadikanlah ucapanmu itu menjadi perkataan yang ringkas, jelas yang tidak bertele-tele yang dengannya akan memperpanjang pembicaraan. 1) Bacalah Al qur'an karim dan bersemangatlah untuk menjadikan itu sebagai wirid keseharianmu, dan senantiasalah berusaha untuk menghafalkannya sesuai kesanggupanmu agar engkau bisa mendapatkan pahala yang besar dihari kiamat nanti. عن عبد الله بن عمرو رضي الله عنهما- عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال: " يقال لصاحب القرآن: اقرأ وارتق ورتّل كما كنت ترتّل في الدنيا فإن منزلتك عند آخر آية تقرؤها رواه أبو داود والترمذي Dari abdullah bin 'umar radiyallohu 'anhu, dari Nabi Shallallahu Alaihi wa aalihi wasallam, beliau bersabda: dikatakan pada orang yang senang membaca alqur'an: bacalah dengan tartil sebagaimana engkau dulu sewaktu di dunia membacanya dengan tartil, karena sesungguhnya kedudukanmu adalah pada akhir ayat yang engkau baca. HR.abu daud dan attirmidzi 2) Tidaklah terpuji jika engkau selalu menyampaikan setiap apa yang engkau dengarkan, karena kebiasaan ini akan menjatuhkan dirimu kedalam kedustaan. عن أبي هريرة رضي الله عنه أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال: " كفى بالمرء كذباً أن يتحدّث بكل ما سمع " Dari Abu hurairah radiallahu 'anhu,sesungguhnya Nabi shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam bersabda: "Cukuplah seseorang itu dikatakan sebagai pendusta ketika dia menyampaikan setiap apa yang dia dengarkan." (HR.Muslim dan Abu Dawud) 3) jauhilah dari sikap menyombongkan diri (berhias diri) dengan sesuatu yang tidak ada pada dirimu, dengan tujuan membanggakan diri dihadapan manusia. عن عائشة – رضي الله عنها- أن امرأة قالت: يا رسول الله، أقول إن زوجي أعطاني ما لم يعطني؟ قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: " المتشبّع بما لم يُعط كلابس ثوبي زور ". Dari aisyah radiyallohu 'anha, ada seorang wanita yang mengatakan:wahai Rasulullah, aku mengatakan bahwa suamiku memberikan sesuatu kepadaku yang sebenarnya tidak diberikannya.berkata Rasulullah Shallallahu Alaihi wa aalihi wasallam,: orang yang merasa memiliki sesuatu yang ia tidak diberi, seperti orang yang memakai dua pakaian kedustaan." (muttafaq alaihi) 4) Sesungguhnya dzikrullah memberikan pengaruh yang kuat didalam kehidupan ruh seorang muslim, kejiwaannya, jasmaninya dan kehidupan masyarakatnya. maka bersemangatlah wahai saudariku muslimah untuk senantiasa berdzikir kepada Allah ta'ala, disetiap waktu dan keadaanmu. Allah ta'ala memuji hamba-hambanya yang mukhlis dalam firman-Nya: " الذين يذكرون الله قياماً وقعوداً وعلى جنوبهم… " (آل عمران: الآية 191). Artinya: "(yaitu) orang-orang yang mengingat Allah sambil berdiri atau duduk atau dalam keadaan berbaring…" (Ali imran:191). 5) Jika engkau hendak berbicara,maka jauhilah sifat merasa kagum dengan diri sendiri, sok fasih dan terlalu memaksakan diri dalam bertutur kata, sebab ini merupakan sifat yang sangat dibenci Rasulullah Shallallahu Alaihi wa aalihi wasallam, dimana Beliau bersabda: " وإن أبغضكم إليّ وأبعدكم مني مجلساً يوم القيامة الثرثارون والمتشدقون والمتفيهقون ". "sesungguhnya orang yang paling aku benci diantara kalian dan yang paling jauh majelisnya dariku pada hari kiamat : orang yang berlebihan dalam berbicara, sok fasih dengan ucapannya dan merasa ta'ajjub terhadap ucapannya." (HR.Tirmidzi,Ibnu Hibban dan yang lainnya dari hadits Abu Tsa'labah Al-Khusyani radhiallahu anhu) 6) Jauhilah dari terlalu banyak tertawa,terlalu banyak berbicara dan berceloteh.jadikanlah Rasulullah Shallallahu Alaihi wa aalihi wasallam, sebagai teladan bagimu, dimana beliau lebih banyak diam dan banyak berfikir beliau Shallallahu Alaihi wa aalihi wasallam, menjauhkan diri dari terlalu banyak tertawa dan menyibukkan diri dengannya.bahkan jadikanlah setiap apa yang engkau ucapkan itu adalah perkataan yang mengandung kebaikan, dan jika tidak, maka diam itu lebih utama bagimu. Rasulullah Shallallahu Alaihi wa aalihi wasallam, bersabda: " من كان يؤمن بالله واليوم الآخر فليقل خيراً أو ليصمت ". " Barang siapa yang beriman kepada Allah dan hari akhir,maka hendaknya dia berkata dengan perkataan yang baik,atau hendaknya dia diam." (muttafaq alaihi dari hadits Abu Hurairah radhiallahu anhu) 8) jangan kalian memotong pembicaraan seseorang yang sedang berbicara atau membantahnya, atau meremehkan ucapannya. Bahkan jadilah pendengar yang baik dan itu lebih beradab bagimu, dan ketika harus membantahnya, maka jadikanlah bantahanmu dengan cara yang paling baik sebagai syi'ar kepribadianmu. 9) berhati-hatilah dari suka mengolok-olok terhadap cara berbicara orang lain, seperti orang yang terbata-bata dalam berbicara atau seseorang yang kesulitan berbicara.Alah Ta'ala berfirman: " يا أيها الذين آمنوا لا يسخر قوم من قوم عسى أن يكونوا خيراً منهم ولا نساء من نساء عسى أن يكن خيراً منهن " (الحجرات: الآية 11). "Hai orang-orang yang beriman, janganlah sekumpulan orang laki-laki merendahkan kumpulan yang lain, boleh jadi yang ditertawakan itu lebih baik dari mereka. Dan jangan pula sekumpulan perempuan merendahkan kumpulan lainnya, boleh jadi yang direndahkan itu lebih baik." (QS.Al-Hujurat:11) 10) jika engkau mendengarkan bacaan Alqur'an, maka berhentilah dari berbicara, apapun yang engkau bicarakan, karena itu merupakan adab terhadap kalamullah dan juga sesuai dengan perintah-Nya, didalam firman-Nya: : " وإذا قرىء القرآن فاستمعوا له وأنصتوا لعلكم ترحمون " (الأعراف: الآية 204). Artinya: "dan apabila dibacakan Alqur'an,maka dengarkanlah dengan baik dan perhatikanlah dengan tenang agar kalian diberi rahmat". a'raf :204 11) bertakwalah kepada Allah wahai saudariku muslimah,bersihkanlah majelismu dari ghibah dan namimah (adu domba) sebagaimana yang Allah 'azza wajalla perintahkan kepadamu untuk menjauhinya. bersemangatlah engkau untuk menjadikan didalam majelismu itu adalah perkataan-perkataan yang baik,dalam rangka menasehati,dan petunjuk kepada kebaikan. perkataan itu adalah sebuah perkara yang besar, berapa banyak dari perkataan seseorang yang dapat menyebabkan kemarahan dari Allah 'azza wajalla dan menjatuhkan pelakunya kedalam jurang neraka. Didalam hadits Mu'adz radhiallahu anhu tatkala Beliau bertanya kepada Nabi Shallallahu Alaihi wa aalihi wasallam: apakah kami akan disiksa dengan apa yang kami ucapkan? Maka jawab Rasulullah Shallallahu alaihi wasallam bersabda: " ثكلتك أمك يا معاذ. وهل يكبّ الناس في النار على وجوههم إلا حصائدُ ألسنتهم " ( رواه الترمذي). "engkau telah keliru wahai Mu'adz, tidaklah manusia dilemparkan ke Neraka diatas wajah-wajah mereka melainkan disebabkan oleh ucapan-ucapan mereka." (HR.Tirmidzi,An-Nasaai dan Ibnu Majah) 12- berhati-hatilah -semoga Allah menjagamu- dari menghadiri majelis yang buruk dan berbaur dengan para pelakunya, dan bersegeralah-semoga Allah menjagamu- menuju majelis yang penuh dengan keutamaan, kebaikan dan keberuntungan. 13- jika engkau duduk sendiri dalam suatu majelis, atau bersama dengan sebagian saudarimu, maka senantiasalah untuk berdzikir mengingat Allah 'azza wajalla dalam setiap keadaanmu sehingga engkau kembali dalam keadaan mendapatkan kebaikan dan mendapatkan pahala. Allah 'azza wajalla berfirman: " الذين يذكرون الله قياماً وقعوداً وعلى جنوبهم ". (آل عمران: الآية 191) Artinya: " (yaitu) orang – orang yang mengingat Allah sambil berdiri,atau duduk,atau dalam keadaan berbaring" (QS.ali 'imran :191) 14- jika engkau hendak berdiri keluar dari majelis, maka ingatlah untuk selalu mengucapkan: " سبحانك الله وبحمدك أشهد أن لا إله إلا أنت، أستغفرك وأتوب إليك ". "maha suci Engkau ya Allah dan bagimu segala pujian,aku bersaksi bahwa tidak ada Ilah yang berhak untuk disembah kecuali Engkau, aku memohon ampun kepada-Mu, dan aku bertaubat kepada-Mu" Sehingga diampuni bagimu segala kesalahanmu di dalam majelis tersebut. Nov 19th 2013, 18:26 You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 08:51AM dawa - Social Mention Main andheri raat ka musafir karoon roshni ka intezaar kia?? Tay ker loon musafatain raat main sulaghtay din ka etabar kia?? Mujhay rastay main nafratain mili or kuch phool bewafai k.. Main kia janoo kia hai muhabat kia samjhoon hai yeh pyar kia?? Main tanhaiyon main zinda hoon main per katta parinda hoon.. Koi aa k mujhay bata jaey hota hai wisaal-e-yaar kiaa?? Koh-e-toor per to pohanch gaey sang le ker kuch ahl-e-nazar.. Jis nazar ko taab-e-deedaar nahi woh nazar keray deedar kia?? Yeh rog ishq ka rog hai yeh saaz nahi yeh soz hai… Is rog ki koi dawa nahi phir dawa keray beemaar kia?? Us ne jaan meri maang li sadqay main apnay pyaar k… Yeh dum to usi humdum ka tha phir kerta main inkaar kia?? Main thak ker baitha tha ik shajar ki ghanni chaon main.. Jis ne tan man mera jala diya woh shajar tha sayadaar kia?? Nov 20th 2013, 08:43 You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: -- Sie erhalten diese Nachricht, weil Sie Mitglied der Google Groups-Gruppe "News2" sind. Um Ihr Abonnement für diese Gruppe zu beenden und keine E-Mails mehr von dieser Gruppe zu erhalten, senden Sie eine E-Mail an Weitere Optionen: | Benachrichtigung für - 25 Nachrichten in 23 Themen Gruppe: - bushido - Social Mention: Morgen ist es soweit #lebenundtoddeskennethglöckler [1 Aktualisierung]
- We, the Revolutionaries of this Ummahs Facebook-Pinnwand: A look at democracy & its reality in the Muslim world & whether it is a valid me... [1 Aktualisierung]
- islamist - Social Mention: This is what they do to you for drinking alcohol, 80 lashes with a 1" thick electric cable (a very usual court sentence), yet alcohol has always been part of Iranian culture, they are forcing Iranians to live the lifestyle of Arabs of 1400 years ago, IRI regime is at war with the Iranian people and the Iranian culture, even most Iranian traditional music are banned for being "an-Islamic", yet an 80 years old man can "marry" a 9 year old girl for several hours or as long as he wishes totally legally and a government mullah would make the sexual abuse of children totally according to Sharia laws and therefore legal. Prior to 1979 the majority of young Iranians were occasional alcohol drinkers but very few used drugs such as Heroin and Cocaine, even opium that is treated like snack by millions of Iranians was very unpopular among the younger people because the Iranian people had every single freedom people in the free world enjoyed during the shah, only certain political freedoms were restricted due to the threat of communist and islamist terrorists who regularly assassinated Iranians and westerners in Iran and finally managed to deceive the Iranians and stage the 1979 "revolution" that brought to power the tyrannical Islamist regime [1 Aktualisierung]
- bushido - Social Mention: (Untitled) [2 Aktualisierungen]
- bushido - Social Mention: 18 Uhr #lebenundtoddeskennethglöckler #Bushido [1 Aktualisierung]
- bushido - Social Mention: yes i cavity concentration can, focus on woman's clenched butt ox for attention dick-fix-it extended periods of time; butt oily admittedly, not for 14 hours colon collaboration cavity consolation consecutively. Yes i can poke prod paw peek, little blow peep, tongue twitter teat taut titter, snort snout salivate succor, swizzle swish swirl swoon, yet not sow swine sworn sniff, for extended saucy surreal, so so real moments. Bushido Butt knot, for 14 finger butt boring, colon courageous cavity coring, orifice ogle outrageous hours oaring. So sworn swine sorry! Whether clenched, or unclenched, wink, or no wink, quivering, or gore gaping, puckered or spit sputtering, even wishfully well wiped; proctology personally find butt holes boring. To each his own, phallus fecal offal orifice focus; whatever fiduciary fallow floats, your 1040 easily bountiful bushido boat. Not even judging those who like wiener woe wanton wastrel watching people sensational sensual smelly smear shit, and enamored with constipation constitution constable crap curiosities, pious pontificating paramilitary pedestal pustule poop play. To each his own, enema enchantment sphincter entrancement entertainments. When it comes to these poo particular rectum turd tinker reich recreations, i am an anus avid advocate, of sore sphincter slacking. Hum-bold butt believer of, "if you have seen one person shit, you have seen them all." Ass for terrific turd tinkering, strong sphincter spoor stipulate, i am a firm fecal ass acolyte adherer, to hoarse hummer humane poo principle of , "Crap catch and immediate release!" Send them "kids" off to commode college, don't make them float around in a Stupor Bowl! Peace be with us, poop peccadillo peeps. [2 Aktualisierungen]
- Islam Dawas Facebook-Pinnwand: Der Gesandte Allāhs, sallallāhu ʿalayhi wa sallam, sagte: „Ich hinterließ euch... [1 Aktualisierung]
- allahu akbar - Social Mention: What a great morning to start your day saying Allahu-akbar~ [1 Aktualisierung]
- bushido - Social Mention: Kay One liegt nachher:-) [1 Aktualisierung]
- Abdul Adhim - Social Mention: S'pore firms face hurdles in doing business in M'sia [1 Aktualisierung]
- islam fatwa - Social Mention: Islam mai Darhi (beard) hai ... na kay Darhi mai Islam hai (Chalo Ho jao shuru mujh par bolna aur fatway lagana ) [1 Aktualisierung]
- RSS: Demonstration in London zur Unterstützung der Aufstände im Nahen Osten [1 Aktualisierung]
- Abu Bilal - Social Mention: Third Practice Session (Abu Dhabi Grand Prix) [1 Aktualisierung]
- bushido - Social Mention: Wann kommt von Bushido der diss? [1 Aktualisierung]
- dawah - Social Mention: Prochaine Street Dawah ce Samedi inchallah je vous tient au courant demain pour le lieux ! [1 Aktualisierung]
- nasheed - Social Mention: خدا رو شکر Sina Eblise گواهینامه ی ماشین رو گرفت ، دیگه با خیال راحت میتونه رانندگی کنه؟؟؟؟ نه اشتباه نکنید !!!! . .. . . . . . . . . . میتونه Need For Speed Most Wanted بازی کنه :v ایشالا تا چند وقت دیگه گواهینامه موتورش هم میاد GTA هم میتونه بازی کنه و پلیس مزاحمش نشه :v :)))))) [1 Aktualisierung]
- Portali i dijes dhe Informacionit Islams Facebook-Pinnwand: E XHUMA [1 Aktualisierung]
- media crash news - Social Mention: Bravo's Real Housewives of Atlanta Earns #1 Slot in Key Demo [1 Aktualisierung]
- Sven Laus Facebook-Pinnwand: Anas ibn Malik (r) berichtet, dass der Gesandte Allahs (s) sagte: "Drei begleite... [1 Aktualisierung]
- sharia - Social Mention: MOGADISHU (Reuters) - Islamist militants rammed a car bomb into a police compound north of Somalia's capital on Tuesday and opened fire on officers, leaving at least 28 people dead, officials and witnesses said. Al Shabaab - the al Qaeda-linked group that claimed responsibility for a deadly raid on a shopping mall in neighboring Kenya in September - said it carried out the morning assault. Gunfire rang out at the police station in Baladweyne, near the border with Ethiopia, into the early afternoon as locals rushed for cover. African Union (AU) peacekeepers and Somali troops surrounded the compound and opened fire. Witnesses said the shooting inside then stopped. Seven civilians, 10 militants and 11 police officers were killed, said Somali government spokesman Abdirahman Osman - figures that were confirmed by several people at the scene. Some witnesses said the militants blasted their way through the gate and sprayed people inside with bullets. Colonel Dibad Osman, a spokesman for the African Union peacekeeping force in Baladweyne, told Reuters the attackers failed to blow the gate, then tried to climb inside the compound. "Some militants died in the car explosion while others were shot dead as they jumped over the wall. The (AU) forces suffered slight injuries," he told reporters at the scene of the attack. "STUPID ATTACK" Al Shabaab has been driven out of many of its strongholds, including Mogadishu and Baladweyne, over the past two years. But it has kept up car bombings and guerrilla attacks. Sheikh Abdiasis Abu Musab, al Shabaab's military spokesman, said 25 Somali policemen and 18 Djiboutian members of the country's AMISOM peacekeeping force were killed. He told Reuters many of the militants managed to get away unharmed. The Islamists have exaggerated the number of casualties in the past, just as government officials have at times played down the dead in clashes with insurgents. "First, a speeding car went past us and soon we heard a big explosion followed by gunfire. The car rammed into the gate of the police station. We can see a huge (plume of) smoke and hear exchange of gunfire," said shopkeeper Nur Osman at the scene. A nurse at a hospital next to the police station said doctors and patients were taking cover. Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud condemned the attack, saying his government was determined to eliminate the Islamists. Mohamud's elected government has been in charge for just over a year and is striving to rebuild Somalia after two decades of civil war and lawlessness triggered by the overthrow of President Siad Barre in 1991. "I say this was a stupid attack because our enemies need to understand that these attacks do nothing to advance their cause, however misguided," the president said. Barre's toppling plunged Somalia into turmoil, first at the hands of clan warlords and then Islamist militants, who have steadily lost ground since 2011 under pressure from the African Union military offensive. Al Qaeda said in early 2012 that al Shabaab, which wants to impose its strict version of sharia, or Islamic law, across the country, had joined its ranks. Last month, a bomber killed 16 people in a cafe in the same district, targeting Ethiopian and Djibouti troops who al Shabaab accuses of invading Somalia. Straddling a major highway that links south-western Somalia to southern and northern parts of the country, Baladweyne is the main gateway to the Ogaden region in Ethiopia. [1 Aktualisierung]
- kalifa - Social Mention: That good snoop dogg and wiz kalifa [1 Aktualisierung]
- quran verteilung - Social Mention: Having a Group of women for Ruqyas [1 Aktualisierung]
Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 02:43PM We, the Revolutionaries of this Ummahs Facebook-Pinnwand We, the Revolutionaries of this Ummahs Facebook-Pinnwand A look at democracy & its reality in the Muslim world & whether it is a valid me... Nov 21st 2013, 14:11 A look at democracy & its reality in the Muslim world & whether it is a valid method for change, by br. Musa Cerantonio - Abu A'isha Egypt elections, Islam and democracy - Musa Cerantonio Is democracy the solution for the Muslims and will the Islamist parties really rule by shariah? Musa Cerantonio answers this question. (Video courtesy of 'sl... You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 02:55AM islamist - Social Mention This is what they do to you for drinking alcohol, 80 lashes with a 1" thick electric cable (a very usual court sentence), yet alcohol has always been part of Iranian culture, they are forcing Iranians to live the lifestyle of Arabs of 1400 years ago, IRI regime is at war with the Iranian people and the Iranian culture, even most Iranian traditional music are banned for being "an-Islamic", yet an 80 years old man can "marry" a 9 year old girl for several hours or as long as he wishes totally legally and a government mullah would make the sexual abuse of children totally according to Sharia laws and therefore legal. Prior to 1979 the majority of young Iranians were occasional alcohol drinkers but very few used drugs such as Heroin and Cocaine, even opium that is treated like snack by millions of Iranians was very unpopular among the younger people because the Iranian people had every single freedom people in the free world enjoyed during the shah, only certain political freedoms were restricted due to the threat of communist and islamist terrorists who regularly assassinated Iranians and westerners in Iran and finally managed to deceive the Iranians and stage the 1979 "revolution" that brought to power the tyrannical Islamist regime Nov 21st 2013, 02:27 You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: Blogtrottr <> Nov 22 02:35PM bushido - Social Mention (Untitled) Nov 22nd 2013, 14:33 The Force as Source of All Ethics Surely anyone with a casualinterest in Star Wars has noticed the steady stream of Buddhistthought flowing throughout the Star Wars epoch. George Lucas, infact, considers himself a Buddhist Methodist, readily admitting thereligious overtones in Star Wars were borrowed freely from multiplereligions. Upon examination, Buddhist thought is central to theJedi Code, aswell as the samurai code of conduct, or Bushido. Obi-Wan Kenobi describes the Force as "an energy field createdby all living things. It surrounds us, penetrates us, and bindsthe galaxy together." This is analogous to the concept ofCh'i, the Chinese word used to describe the spiritual energy of theuniverse. It may be likened to the Buddhist view of the vastGodlike reservoir of energy that connects all living things. Buddha-natureis the ultimate, uncreated and immortal core spiritual reality in allliving creatures – an indestructible, omniscient, eternal,infinite, pure, benevolent, nurturing and blissful Buddha Essence ineach and every being (animals included), which empowers each being tobecome a Buddha. For Buddhists, cherishing other living things is the source ofultimate happiness while cherishing ourselves over others is thesource of suffering. Therefore, caring for the welfare of all livingbeings is central to enlightenment. The first of "EightVerses for Training the Mind" helps students appreciate thesanctity of life,"By thinking of all sentient beings as even betterthan the wish granting gem for accomplishing the highest aim, may Ialways consider them precious." Similarly, Reverence_for_Lifeis the concept of Nobel Prize laureate, Dr.Albert Schweitzer which he considered to be the basis of allethics."Ethics is nothingother than Reverence for Life. Reverence for Life affords me myfundamental principle of morality, namely, that good consists inmaintaining, assisting and enhancing life, and to destroy, to harm orto hinder life is evil." "Through reverence forlife, we come into a spiritual relationship with the universe. Theinner depth of feeling we experience through it gives us the will andthe capacity to create a spiritual and ethical set of values thatenable us to act on a higher plane, because we then feel ourselvestruly at home in our world. Through reverence for life, we become, ineffect, different persons."Dr. Albert Schweitzer In Buddhism it is known as theFirst Precept. It states, "Abstain from taking life." It extends the Sixth Commandment prohibition of murder of humanbeings to all living things. It is embellished byThich Nath Hanh,"Aware of the suffering caused by thedestruction of life, I undertake to cultivate compassion and learnways to protect the lives of people, animals, plants, and minerals. Iam determined not to kill, not to let others kill, and not to condoneany act of killing in the world, in my thinking, and in my way oflife." This supremely egalitarian concept upholds the democracy of allliving things and the equal importance of all sentient beings. It is a precept at the heart of the environmental movement, the humanrights movement and the establishment of the National Parks System. It is also at the heart of such controversial issues as abortion,euthanasia,veganism, capital punishment, abolition, bullfighting and evenputting your dog 'to sleep.' From the Tibetan Buddhistperspective, all human beings and animals possess "shepa" orconsciousness, and this consciousness is the primary characteristicof life. "As far as sentience is concerned, there is no differencebetween humans and animals." writes the Dalai Lama in TheUniverse in a Single Atom. Holding nature holy has not always been politically expedient.Many Native North American tribes also have religious beliefsgrounded in the idea that anua (souls) exist in all people andanimals. Interestingly, Native Americans are the only knownethnic group in the United States requiring a federal permit topractice their religion. This protection did not come until theNative American Religious Freedom Act of August 11, 1978. Though thelaw pledged that Indian people would enjoy the free exercise ofreligion, it contained no enforcement provision. Samurai were alsoessentially outlawed in 1876 by the executive order of EmperorMeiji. Of course everyone is familiar with The GreatJedi Purge initiated by Darth Sidious in 19 BBYto eradicate the Jedi Order. Jedi Knights and Samurai Every major religion has taken Star Wars and used itas an example of their religion relating it to stories in the Bible,Torah, Koran and Buddhist canon. Lucas also borrows centraltenants from American Indian, Zen, Hindu and shamanistic religions. In Babylon, where history imitates art, the ancient temple of Naboohas been invadedjust like the planet Naboo in the Star Wars epoch. Naboo wasthe Babylonian God of Wisdom. So Padme, who gets her name fromthe Tibetan Buddhist prayer, "OM Mani Padme Hum," as Queenof Naboo also represents the Queen of Wisdom. But the Jedi most certainly get their name from Jidaigeki,or Japanese samuraistories. The similarity of Jedi Knights tosamurai warriors with light saber instead of Japanese sword (nihonto)is unmistakable. Donald C. Trull elaborates in Go: The Obi-Wan Connection, "Both are chivalrous orders driven bystrict codes of honor and duty. Each consists of skilled swordsmenwho settled their disputes through one-on-one duels. The mysticprinciples of the Force and the Jedi code, especially as lectured byYoda and Qui-Gon Jinn, bear many similarities to the teachings of ZenBuddhism followed by Miyamoto Musashi and other (but not all)samurai. Even the name of the prototypical Jedi Knight, Obi-WanKenobi, sounds suspiciously Japanese in origin…In fact, Lucasclaims that at one point he considered casting Star Wars with Asianactors in the principal roles." The samurai fascination withdecapitation and dismemberment is clearly embraced by the Jedi. Giventhe apparently similar religious nature of both groups and theirincongruous use of violence, it is worthy of consideration to comparetheir history and teachings. "You are too strong. You are not a samurai yet."—Priest Nikkan to Musashi Miyamoto . "Impressive. Most impressive. But you are not a Jedi yet." —Darth Vader to Luke Skywalker "Asin china, the Japanese government became fearful of the powerBuddhist Temples had over the people. Eventually they orderedthe samurai to destroy many of the temples. Ironically, thismade Buddhism more powerful. The samurai were warriors indangerous times. They were duty bound to hold their livescheap, risking death constantly. This was as hard for thememotionally as for anyone else. They had assumed the Zenmonks would run screaming at the sight of violence, but instead, manyof them were unintimidated. some of them meditated inside theirtemple even as the fires consumed them. This impressed thesamurai greatly and they began to study Zen."-From the article, Samuraiand Zen. The literature of feudal Japan is filled with intriguingencounters between samurai warriors and Buddhist philosophy. Tothe embattled samurai, a Zen state of mind, without distraction ordelusion, could make the critical difference between life and death. Also Zen focus and immediacy was an aid to improving warriors'skills and technique as well as a means of coping with death whichsurrounded them. The Dangers of Violence Unfortunately, throughout history religious beliefs have been usedto condone violence almost as often as to condemn it. Asincongruous as it seems, holy wars are not unknown in thehistory of Buddhism. Mikael S. Adolphson states, "Buddhism in Japanseems no different from Christianity in Europe . . . or Islam inMinor Asia, neither do Japanese monastic warriors appear anydifferent from European crusaders or Spanish Moors." In the late1800′s through World War II, prominent Japanese Zen leaders turnedBuddhist doctrine on its head by teaching blind obedience, mindlesskilling, and total devotion to the emperor. It must not beforgotten that the largest contiguous empire in the history of theworld, the Mongol World Empire, was ruled by a Buddhist, Kublai Khan. Thus, the prohibition of killing, or Ahimsa, has not always beenstrictly observed by all Buddhists or followers of any otherreligion, even the fictitious Jedi knights. FrederickBrenion writes in the excellent Jedi-Shinshu, The Buddhist Heart ofStar Wars."Drawing parallels between StarWars and Buddhism will undoubtedly resonate with some, more than itwill others. Yes we can find similarities between Buddhist philosophyand the teachings of the Jedi, but at a deeper level, are theirperspectives compatible? Star Wars is after all a movie that revolvesaround violence and warfare. The teachings in Buddhism revolve aroundnon violence while seeking an end to warfare. There are manyBuddhists who will argue that violence can't be motivated bycompassion and so the Jedi aren't in accord with this centraltenet." The Dalai Lama reiterates the dangers of violence,"In fact the use of force may notonly fail to solve the problems, it may exacerbate them andfrequently leaves destruction and suffering in its wake. Humanconflicts should be resolved with compassion. The key isnon-violence…No matter what the case may be, I feel that acompassionate concern for the well-being of others – not simply foroneself – is the sole justification for the use of force." This correlates with the Jedi Code as summarized by LukeSkywalker,"Jedi are the guardians of peace in the galaxy. Jedi use their powers to defend and to protect. Jedi respect all life, in any form. Jedi serve others rather than ruling over them, for the good of the galaxy. Jedi seek to improve themselves through knowledge and training." Nonetheless, wemust be careful of the negative impact of merely viewing any act ofviolence, even Star Wars. Though it offers a philosophy ofpeace, ultimately it is paired with scenes of violence. Scientific studies indicate that people who watch violencein movies andtelevision are more likely to become numb to violence and to useviolence to solve problems. Those who view shows with realistic,repeated, or unpunished violence are more likely to imitate what theysee. This would go a long way toward explaining the rash ofshootings in our nation's schools. George Gerbner's "meanworld syndrome" suggeststhose who watch large amounts of television tend to overestimatetheir risk of being victimized by crime, believe their neighborhoodsare unsafe, assume the crime rate is increasing and live with anunhealthy sense of fear. This is a long way away from the healthystate of mind cultivated in Buddhism. As ThichNhat Hanh stateson the webpage, theFifth Precept, "Theremay be a lot of violence, hatred, and fear in a film. If we spend onehour looking at that film, we will water the seeds of violence,hatred, and fear in us. We do that, and we let our children do that,too. …We may have to label our TV sets the same way we have labeledcigarettes: WARNING: WATCHING TELEVISION CAN BE HAZARDOUS TO YOURHEALTH." It can also behazardous to your family, society and future generations as well.Manystudies have shown effects of media violence on children may be longlasting. Psychological_traumahas been shown toincrease in proportion to the amount of television watched per day,including symptoms such as nightmares, panic attacks, depression,anxiety, insomnia, emotional detachment and loss of self esteem. Thich Nhat Hanh includes television in the Fifth Precept ban onintoxicants,"Awareof the suffering caused by unmindful consumption, I vow to cultivategood health, both physical and mental, for myself, my family, and mysociety by practicing mindful eating, drinking and consuming. I vowto ingest only items that preserve peace, well-being and joy in mybody, in my consciousness, and in the collective body andconsciousness of my family and society. I am determined not to usealcohol or any other intoxicant or to ingest foods or other itemsthat contain toxins, such as certain TV programs, magazines, books,films and conversations. I am aware that to damage my body or myconsciousness with these poisons is to betray my ancestors, myparents, my society and future generations. I will work to transformviolence, fear, anger and confusion in myself and in society bypracticing a diet for myself and for society. I understand that aproper diet is crucial for self-transformation and for thetransformation of society." You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: bushido - Social Mention: yes i cavity concentration can, focus on woman's clenched butt ox for attention dick-fix-it extended periods of time; butt oily admittedly, not for 14 hours colon collaboration cavity consolation consecutively. Yes i can poke prod paw peek, little blow peep, tongue twitter teat taut titter, snort snout salivate succor, swizzle swish swirl swoon, yet not sow swine sworn sniff, for extended saucy surreal, so so real moments. Bushido Butt knot, for 14 finger butt boring, colon courageous cavity coring, orifice ogle outrageous hours oaring. So sworn swine sorry! Whether clenched, or unclenched, wink, or no wink, quivering, or gore gaping, puckered or spit sputtering, even wishfully well wiped; proctology personally find butt holes boring. To each his own, phallus fecal offal orifice focus; whatever fiduciary fallow floats, your 1040 easily bountiful bushido boat. Not even judging those who like wiener woe wanton wastrel watching people sensational sensual smelly smear shit, and enamored with constipation constitution constable crap curiosities, pious pontificating paramilitary pedestal pustule poop play. To each his own, enema enchantment sphincter entrancement entertainments. When it comes to these poo particular rectum turd tinker reich recreations, i am an anus avid advocate, of sore sphincter slacking. Hum-bold butt believer of, "if you have seen one person shit, you have seen them all." Ass for terrific turd tinkering, strong sphincter spoor stipulate, i am a firm fecal ass acolyte adherer, to hoarse hummer humane poo principle of , "Crap catch and immediate release!" Send them "kids" off to commode college, don't make them float around in a Stupor Bowl! Peace be with us, poop peccadillo peeps. Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 08:26PM bushido - Social Mention yes i cavity concentration can, focus on woman's clenched butt ox for attention dick-fix-it extended periods of time; butt oily admittedly, not for 14 hours colon collaboration cavity consolation consecutively. Yes i can poke prod paw peek, little blow peep, tongue twitter teat taut titter, snort snout salivate succor, swizzle swish swirl swoon, yet not sow swine sworn sniff, for extended saucy surreal, so so real moments. Bushido Butt knot, for 14 finger butt boring, colon courageous cavity coring, orifice ogle outrageous hours oaring. So sworn swine sorry! Whether clenched, or unclenched, wink, or no wink, quivering, or gore gaping, puckered or spit sputtering, even wishfully well wiped; proctology personally find butt holes boring. To each his own, phallus fecal offal orifice focus; whatever fiduciary fallow floats, your 1040 easily bountiful bushido boat. Not even judging those who like wiener woe wanton wastrel watching people sensational sensual smelly smear shit, and enamored with constipation constitution constable crap curiosities, pious pontificating paramilitary pedestal pustule poop play. To each his own, enema enchantment sphincter entrancement entertainments. When it comes to these poo particular rectum turd tinker reich recreations, i am an anus avid advocate, of sore sphincter slacking. Hum-bold butt believer of, "if you have seen one person shit, you have seen them all." Ass for terrific turd tinkering, strong sphincter spoor stipulate, i am a firm fecal ass acolyte adherer, to hoarse hummer humane poo principle of , "Crap catch and immediate release!" Send them "kids" off to commode college, don't make them float around in a Stupor Bowl! Peace be with us, poop peccadillo peeps. Nov 21st 2013, 20:20 You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 08:26PM bushido - Social Mention yes i cavity concentration can, focus on woman's clenched butt ox for attention dick-fix-it extended periods of time; butt oily admittedly, not for 14 hours colon collaboration cavity consolation consecutively. Yes i can poke prod paw peek, little blow peep, tongue twitter teat taut titter, snort snout salivate succor, swizzle swish swirl swoon, yet not sow swine sworn sniff, for extended saucy surreal, so so real moments. Bushido Butt knot, for 14 finger butt boring, colon courageous cavity coring, orifice ogle outrageous hours oaring. So sworn swine sorry! Whether clenched, or unclenched, wink, or no wink, quivering, or gore gaping, puckered or spit sputtering, even wishfully well wiped; proctology personally find butt holes boring. To each his own, phallus fecal offal orifice focus; whatever fiduciary fallow floats, your 1040 easily bountiful bushido boat. Not even judging those who like wiener woe wanton wastrel watching people sensational sensual smelly smear shit, and enamored with constipation constitution constable crap curiosities, pious pontificating paramilitary pedestal pustule poop play. To each his own, enema enchantment sphincter entrancement entertainments. When it comes to these poo particular rectum turd tinker reich recreations, i am an anus avid advocate, of sore sphincter slacking. Hum-bold butt believer of, "if you have seen one person shit, you have seen them all." Ass for terrific turd tinkering, strong sphincter spoor stipulate, i am a firm fecal ass acolyte adherer, to hoarse hummer humane poo principle of , "Crap catch and immediate release!" Send them "kids" off to commode college, don't make them float around in a Stupor Bowl! Peace be with us, poop peccadillo peeps. Nov 21st 2013, 20:22 You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 11:03PM Islam Dawas Facebook-Pinnwand Islam Dawas Facebook-Pinnwand Der Gesandte Allāhs, sallallāhu ʿalayhi wa sallam, sagte: „Ich hinterließ euch... Nov 20th 2013, 22:20 Der Gesandte Allāhs, sallallāhu ʿalayhi wa sallam, sagte: „Ich hinterließ euch zwei Dinge, wonach ihr nicht mehr irregehen werdet. Das Buch Allāhs und meine Sunna." [Al-Hakim, Nr. 172/1; sahīh al-Dschāmi´ von Scheich al-Albānī, Nr. 2937] You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 02:59AM Sven Laus Facebook-Pinnwand Sven Laus Facebook-Pinnwand Anas ibn Malik (r) berichtet, dass der Gesandte Allahs (s) sagte: "Drei begleite... Nov 21st 2013, 02:24 Anas ibn Malik (r) berichtet, dass der Gesandte Allahs (s) sagte: "Drei begleiten den Gestorbenen zum Grab: seine Angehörigen, sein Vermögen und seine Taten. Zwei davon, nämlich die Angehörigen und sein Vermögen, verlassen ihn. Das Dritte, sein Verdienst, bleibt bei ihm." (Al-Bukhari und Muslim) post by Muhammad You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: sharia - Social Mention: MOGADISHU (Reuters) - Islamist militants rammed a car bomb into a police compound north of Somalia's capital on Tuesday and opened fire on officers, leaving at least 28 people dead, officials and witnesses said. Al Shabaab - the al Qaeda-linked group that claimed responsibility for a deadly raid on a shopping mall in neighboring Kenya in September - said it carried out the morning assault. Gunfire rang out at the police station in Baladweyne, near the border with Ethiopia, into the early afternoon as locals rushed for cover. African Union (AU) peacekeepers and Somali troops surrounded the compound and opened fire. Witnesses said the shooting inside then stopped. Seven civilians, 10 militants and 11 police officers were killed, said Somali government spokesman Abdirahman Osman - figures that were confirmed by several people at the scene. Some witnesses said the militants blasted their way through the gate and sprayed people inside with bullets. Colonel Dibad Osman, a spokesman for the African Union peacekeeping force in Baladweyne, told Reuters the attackers failed to blow the gate, then tried to climb inside the compound. "Some militants died in the car explosion while others were shot dead as they jumped over the wall. The (AU) forces suffered slight injuries," he told reporters at the scene of the attack. "STUPID ATTACK" Al Shabaab has been driven out of many of its strongholds, including Mogadishu and Baladweyne, over the past two years. But it has kept up car bombings and guerrilla attacks. Sheikh Abdiasis Abu Musab, al Shabaab's military spokesman, said 25 Somali policemen and 18 Djiboutian members of the country's AMISOM peacekeeping force were killed. He told Reuters many of the militants managed to get away unharmed. The Islamists have exaggerated the number of casualties in the past, just as government officials have at times played down the dead in clashes with insurgents. "First, a speeding car went past us and soon we heard a big explosion followed by gunfire. The car rammed into the gate of the police station. We can see a huge (plume of) smoke and hear exchange of gunfire," said shopkeeper Nur Osman at the scene. A nurse at a hospital next to the police station said doctors and patients were taking cover. Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud condemned the attack, saying his government was determined to eliminate the Islamists. Mohamud's elected government has been in charge for just over a year and is striving to rebuild Somalia after two decades of civil war and lawlessness triggered by the overthrow of President Siad Barre in 1991. "I say this was a stupid attack because our enemies need to understand that these attacks do nothing to advance their cause, however misguided," the president said. Barre's toppling plunged Somalia into turmoil, first at the hands of clan warlords and then Islamist militants, who have steadily lost ground since 2011 under pressure from the African Union military offensive. Al Qaeda said in early 2012 that al Shabaab, which wants to impose its strict version of sharia, or Islamic law, across the country, had joined its ranks. Last month, a bomber killed 16 people in a cafe in the same district, targeting Ethiopian and Djibouti troops who al Shabaab accuses of invading Somalia. Straddling a major highway that links south-western Somalia to southern and northern parts of the country, Baladweyne is the main gateway to the Ogaden region in Ethiopia. Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 06:44PM sharia - Social Mention MOGADISHU (Reuters) - Islamist militants rammed a car bomb into a police compound north of Somalia's capital on Tuesday and opened fire on officers, leaving at least 28 people dead, officials and witnesses said. Al Shabaab - the al Qaeda-linked group that claimed responsibility for a deadly raid on a shopping mall in neighboring Kenya in September - said it carried out the morning assault. Gunfire rang out at the police station in Baladweyne, near the border with Ethiopia, into the early afternoon as locals rushed for cover. African Union (AU) peacekeepers and Somali troops surrounded the compound and opened fire. Witnesses said the shooting inside then stopped. Seven civilians, 10 militants and 11 police officers were killed, said Somali government spokesman Abdirahman Osman - figures that were confirmed by several people at the scene. Some witnesses said the militants blasted their way through the gate and sprayed people inside with bullets. Colonel Dibad Osman, a spokesman for the African Union peacekeeping force in Baladweyne, told Reuters the attackers failed to blow the gate, then tried to climb inside the compound. "Some militants died in the car explosion while others were shot dead as they jumped over the wall. The (AU) forces suffered slight injuries," he told reporters at the scene of the attack. "STUPID ATTACK" Al Shabaab has been driven out of many of its strongholds, including Mogadishu and Baladweyne, over the past two years. But it has kept up car bombings and guerrilla attacks. Sheikh Abdiasis Abu Musab, al Shabaab's military spokesman, said 25 Somali policemen and 18 Djiboutian members of the country's AMISOM peacekeeping force were killed. He told Reuters many of the militants managed to get away unharmed. The Islamists have exaggerated the number of casualties in the past, just as government officials have at times played down the dead in clashes with insurgents. "First, a speeding car went past us and soon we heard a big explosion followed by gunfire. The car rammed into the gate of the police station. We can see a huge (plume of) smoke and hear exchange of gunfire," said shopkeeper Nur Osman at the scene. A nurse at a hospital next to the police station said doctors and patients were taking cover. Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud condemned the attack, saying his government was determined to eliminate the Islamists. Mohamud's elected government has been in charge for just over a year and is striving to rebuild Somalia after two decades of civil war and lawlessness triggered by the overthrow of President Siad Barre in 1991. "I say this was a stupid attack because our enemies need to understand that these attacks do nothing to advance their cause, however misguided," the president said. Barre's toppling plunged Somalia into turmoil, first at the hands of clan warlords and then Islamist militants, who have steadily lost ground since 2011 under pressure from the African Union military offensive. Al Qaeda said in early 2012 that al Shabaab, which wants to impose its strict version of sharia, or Islamic law, across the country, had joined its ranks. Last month, a bomber killed 16 people in a cafe in the same district, targeting Ethiopian and Djibouti troops who al Shabaab accuses of invading Somalia. Straddling a major highway that links south-western Somalia to southern and northern parts of the country, Baladweyne is the main gateway to the Ogaden region in Ethiopia. Nov 19th 2013, 18:04 By Abdi Sheikh MOGADISHU (Reuters) - Islamist militants rammed a car bomb into a police compound north of Somalia's capital on Tuesday and opened fire on officers, leaving at least 28 people dead, officials and witnesses said. Al Shabaab - the al Qaeda-linked group that claimed responsibility for a… You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 02:54AM IHED - Social Mention KATAKI KAMOU FKTOKANGA`IANGE E TU`ULAHOKO AIPE ETAU FKTAHA FKFEOHI IHE TOKONAKI FK`OSI E MAHINANI AIA KOE UIKE KAHA`U IA....MOU LAVA MAI MOE FAIVA MOE NGAAHI HIVA KETAU FKMAMAFANA KIAI.....VELA KIAI E......KATAKI PEAUAFI KAKE FETU`UTAKI MAI KIHE TAKI PE KOAU FEKAU`AKI MOE PUHA SIPI HE VAVETAHA.......MOU KATAKI LAVA MAI PE MOHA KI`I PELETI MEAKAI MOHO PEA MOU VAVE MAI KATAU KAMATA LEVA KATAU MATUKU NA`A HU`A E TAKI PEA IKAI LAVA HA TU`UTA KIHE TAULANGA KO PULOTU EHEEEEEEEEEEEE...SIUUUUHHHHUUUUU......KO KOE IKAI TEKE TEUNGA MAI HOMOU COLOUR E TATAKI KOE KEKE TRAFFIC HE LIGHT EHEEEEEEEEEEE........ANWEI OFA ATU KIAMOUTOLU KOTOA N SEE U ALL NEXT WEEK N GOD BLESS Nov 21st 2013, 02:18 You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: -- Sie erhalten diese Nachricht, weil Sie Mitglied der Google Groups-Gruppe "News2" sind. Um Ihr Abonnement für diese Gruppe zu beenden und keine E-Mails mehr von dieser Gruppe zu erhalten, senden Sie eine E-Mail an Weitere Optionen: | Benachrichtigung für - 25 Nachrichten in 25 Themen Gruppe: - Masallah - Social Mention: Yolculuğun ikinci asamasi başladi [1 Aktualisierung]
- salafist - Social Mention: Ich frag mich wirklich was den Ex-Rapper Deso Dogg dazu gebracht hat Salafist zu werden. Naja jetzt ist ja ein Video im Internet erschienen in dem er von einem Angriff vom Syrischen Militär stark verwundet ist. [1 Aktualisierung]
- abu adam - Social Mention: . LGBT-themed books you want to read Two Gay Trilogies Conclude: Captain Harding and Band Fags! HardingFollowing his fine Captain Harding's Six-Day War [Kindle] (which the Lambda Review says is "already a gay literary classic") and Captain Harding and His Men [Kindle], Lammy-winner Elliott Mackle brings his strong hero back to the States in Welcome Home, Captain Harding [Kindle]. Lethe Press writes: "Returning to California after eighteen terrifying months in Vietnam, Captain Joe Harding is assigned a trio of duties: assisting his fatherly former commander at base operations, spying on misbehaving bomber pilots and organizing an air show designed to counter the anti-war fever sweeping the state. Meanwhile, his much younger tennis partner has enrolled at Cal Berkeley, enmeshed himself in pacifist politics and resumed his role as Joe's lover. When a playmate from Wheelus, a one-time fighter pilot now flying for TWA, shows up at Joe's house in Merced, the three men must navigate the joys and difficulties inherent in creating their own sort of ''welcome home.'' Continuing the adventures and misadventures begun in Elliott Mackle's acclaimed Captain Harding series Joe and his fellow officers and men are up against a hot-dogging, risk-taking aircraft commander, a pair of drug-abusing co-pilots and a married administrator with a taste for sexual blackmail. When a Broadway show causes a death in the family, a test flight goes terribly wrong and Joe's honor and patriotism are questioned, he must fight to clear his name and rebuild his imperiled career." Mackle's previous novels are It Takes Two and its sequel Only Make Believe, as well as the stand alone Hot Off the Presses. PolitoReaders who followed Bradley Dayton through his early teens in Band Fags! [Kindle] and his late teens in the Lammy-winning Drama Queers! [Kindle] can now see him in college in The Spirit of Detroit [Kindle], which Frank Anthony Polito says was "inspired by The Mysteries of Pittsburgh by Michael Chabon." "September 1992. Madonna's SEX is poised to hit bookstore shelves, The Crying Gamemakes its cinematic debut in limited release, and George H.W. Bush will soon square off against William Jefferson Clinton in the battle to be elected leader of the Free World. After abandoning his dreams of becoming a famous actor, Bradley Dayton returns to his roots and enrolls as a Theatre major at Wayne State University in Detroit. But a new cast of characters begins to interfere with his educational pursuits as these friends (and lovers) induct Bradley into their dark world of backstage drama. By semester's end, he will have spent many a wild and sleepless Motor City night in search of his true self, while finding his fair share of trouble along the way." Posted at 07:52 AM in Books Permalink Comments (0) TrackBack (0) September 01, 2013 Born September 1: Lily Tomlin, Roger Casement, Emma Stebbins, Dave King Aalily Detroit's funniest daughter, Mary Jean Tomlin was featured on Merv Griffin when she was twenty-six and landed a spot on Laugh-In when she was thirty, creating the telephone operator Ernestine. Wanting to expand another character, Edith Ann, the bratty child in the big chair, Tomlin found the Peabody-winning after school special writer Jane Wagner. They clicked. They've been life partners and collaborators for forty-two years and now they're getting married. Wagner wrote and directed Tomlin projects ranging from Grammy-winning comedy albums and Emmy-winning tv specials to hit movies (The Incredible Shrinking Woman) to super flops (Moment by Moment, co-starring John Travolta) to Tony-winning Broadway megahits (The Search for Signs of Intelligent Life in the Universe). Beyond her endeavors with Wagner, Tomlin most frequently worked with Robert Altman (Nashville, Short Cuts, A Prairie Home Companion), and gave star performances in 9 to 5, All of Me, Big Business, and Flirting with Disaster. She's had recurring roles on many top tv shows Murphy Brown, The West Wing, Will & Grace, Desperate Housewives, and Damages. Most recently, she was Tina Fey's mom in the skippable Admission. In March 1977, when Time was still a news magazine, Tomlin was its cover story; Wagner is identified first as "a friend" but later the article says the ladies share a house off Sunset. Eighteen years ago, Tomlin co-produced and narrated the gay Hollywood documentary The Celluloid Closet, an act some took as her coming out. She's a hysterical actress, obvs, but is she also a little hysterical? Her meltdowns on the set of I Heart Huckabees are more than a little salty, yet minor compared to the tantrum thrown by the director. Remember, nothing is harder than comedy. Today she's 74. Also born today: Roger Casement, the gay Irish rebel hanged by the Brits in 1916 and subject of Nobel laureate Mario Vargas Llosa's novel The Dream of the Celt [Kindle]; Emma Stebbins, sculptor of the Central Park landmark Angel of the Waters, which you know as Bethesda Fountain, and girlfriend of actress Charlotte Cushman; and Dave King, author of the 2005 indie hit novel The Ha-Ha [Kindle] and husband of Franklin Tartaglione. Born August 31: David McConnell SilverheartedOne of my favorite gay novels of recent years is also one of the most mysterious: In David McConnell's The Silver Hearted, an unnamed narrator in an unnamed port town in an unnamed country teams up with a young local sailor to transport chests of treasure as a frenzied mob sparks a revolution. Told in high literary style, a pulpy story becomes mesmerizing, erotic, and haunting. Edmund White said it better than I can: "The Silver Hearted is our Heart of Darkness. It is just as ominous, as violent, as exotic, as darkly colonial. But it is a lot better written than Conrad's book. Whereas Conrad is always resorting to 'the unspeakable,' McConnell tells us everything in glowing detail and in fresh, eloquent language. Sexy, demonic, elusive, The Silver Hearted is a perfect work of art." Patrick McGrath said he can't recommend the novel too highly and "David McConnell is the most intriguing, original and exotic writer I've come across in years. The atmosphere he creates in The Silver Hearted is imbued with dread, mystery, lust, sleaze, greed and beauty. A constant potent undertow of violence is at work in the sustained suspense of his narrative." David's first book was the introspective novel The Firebrat, about which Matthew Statdler said, "I love this book. Abjection has never been so gorgeous." His third book [Kindle], out this year, is a significant departure, nonfiction reportage on the murders of gay men. PW said it is a "journalistic tour de force," Library Journal said it's "a masterpiece of reportage," and Sebastian Junger said it's "a stunning exploration of Manhood in America." David reads from the book and discusses homophobia at the Atlanta Journal-Constitution/Decatur Book Festival tomorrow afternoon. Posted at 08:43 AM in Birthdays, Books, Crime Permalink Comments (0) TrackBack (0) August 30, 2013 Colm Tóibín on Wilde's Dualities in New Edition of De Profundis ProfundisAccording to his sons, Oscar Wilde especially liked Robert Louis Stevenson's work and Colm Tóibín discusses the Jekyll and Hyde dualities in so much of Wilde's life: gay and married, an Irishman in London, rich and chased by creditors, an aristocrat and Irish patriot, "a wit who was also serious, but a limp and timid lyricist who wrote brave and modern plays." In the spring of 1895, he was also the accuser and accused in two infamous trials that took him from the most celebrated man in London to a jailed, unspeakable scoundrel. For the first and most horrible part of his sentence he was prohibited from having pen and paper. Toward the end of his two year confinement, he wrote his famous long, long love letter to Lord Alfred Douglas, now collected in De Profundis and Other Prison Writings [Kindle], introduced by Tóibín in a new edition from Penguin. StevensonIf you've made it to adulthood without revisiting Stevenson, stop everything and read Kidnapped [Kindle]. Rupert Smith says, "First and foremost, it's one of the most exciting adventure novels I can think of, a model of brilliant plotting, compelling narrative and sharp, magnetic characterisation. The story of David Balfour, the young ingenu sold into slavery and cheated of his inheritance by wicked Uncle Ebenezer, is probably the best coming-of-age narrative I can think of – it never labours its points, but it shows David learning from each experience and acquaintance until he's man enough to claim what's rightfully his. But there's another level to Kidnapped, one which only struck me when I re-read it in my 40s – it's a profoundly homosexual novel. I can see readers rolling their eyes at this point, but bear with me. Whether Stevenson realised it or not, the kidnapping of the young man and his experiences at the hands of older, more powerful men is fraught with erotic energy, and his friendship with the charismatic Alan Breck is highly romantic. Some critics point to The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde as 'proof' of Stevenson's homosexual leanings, and I can see their point – but for me, Kidnapped is the dead giveaway (and the better novel). In fact, this was the book that inspired me to write the first of my James Lear novels, The Low Road [Kindle], which is a sexed-up version of the same basic story." Posted at 10:27 PM in Books, Ireland, Scotland, U.K. Permalink Comments (0) TrackBack (0) August 29, 2013 Two Boys Kissing LevithanTwo weeks from now will mark the tenth anniversary of David Levithan's semi-classic debut, the "dippy, happy" teen novel Boy Meets Boy, and this week he releases his eighteenth book, Two Boys Kissing [Kindle]. Based on a real event, the novel follows two seventeen year-olds, Craig and Harry, as they attempt to break the record for world's longest kiss. If you're not a teen and guess the book has nothing for you, think again: It's narrated by a Greek chorus of "gay uncles" from the generation lost to aids. A starred PW review called it "a landmark achievement," and Entertainment Weekly gave it an A-. Some of David's best works are collaborations, most notably with John Green for Will Grayson, Will Grayson about two boys one gay, one straight, who have the same name; and with Rachel Cohn for Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist, which became an okayish Michael Cera movie that was not entirely degayed. Ever inventive, his most recent novel was Every Day, a NYT bestseller about a boy who each morning wakes up as a different person but always in love with the same girl. So far his only adult book is the gay novella The Lover's Dictionarythat both charmed and suffered from being written as dictionary entries. Posted at 10:36 AM in Books, YA Permalink Comments (1) TrackBack (0) Born August 29: Edward Carpenter Carp Ardent socialist (author of the anthem England Arise, founding member of the Independent Labour Party), feminist (saying, "there is no solution except the freedom of woman," he considered traditional marriage to be a form of prostitution), gay activist (his ground-breaking books like My Days and Dreams and The Intermediate Sex go far beyond earlier essays by his friend John Addington Symonds), pacifist, nudist, mystic, poet, and the first person to introduce sandals to modern Britain, Edward Carpenter's greatest legacy may be how he lived his life. Utterly changed after reading Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass in 1863, he began to dream of a brotherhood of manly love that would erase class lines and give rise to a true democracy. After graduating from Cambridge and leaving a position vacated by Leslie Stephen, Virginia Woolf's father, Carpenter gave public lectures in Leeds intended for the working class (but attended only by the middle class, who didn't warm to his ideas) and sought to befriend laborers, unsuccessfully. Finally in 1891, after meeting by chance on a train, he and uneducated George Merrill became lovers. In 1898, when Carpenter was fifty-four and Merrill was thirty-two, they established a house together, absolutely unheard of in an England still widely antigay in the aftermath of the Oscar Wilde trials. They lived together openly as a couple for thirty years until Merrill's death, and their cross-class love was the direct inspiration for their friend E.M. Forster's novel Maurice, as well as D.H. Lawrence's heterosexualized version, Lady Chatterley's Lover. Not all authors were so enamored. In the decade after Carpenter's death, George Orwell ridiculed "every fruit-juice drinker, nudist, sandal wearer [and] sex maniac" among the Socialists. Yet an American Communist, Harry Hay, credited Carpenter's writings for galvanizing him to start the first gay rights group, The Mattachine Society, in Los Angeles in 1950. The must-read, Lammy-winning biography Edward Carpenter: A Life of Liberty and Love by Sheila Rowbotham was Peter Tatchell's and Jeanette Winterson's favorite book of 2008 and Sarah Schulman's favorite lgbt book of 2009. Posted at 09:56 AM in Activism, Birthdays, Books, U.K. Permalink Comments (0) TrackBack (0) August 28, 2013 Born August 28: Nancy Kulp, Karl Ulrichs KulpWhich gay genius saw the potential in a short-haired young lesbian, a former Florida newspaper reporter who had interviewed Clark Gable and the Duke & Duchess of Windsor but now was stuck working a desk job in the studio's publicity department, and asked her to be in his new picture? George Cukor cast skinny Nancy Kulp as, what else, the comic spinster -- at 30! -- and variations on that theme were the mainstay of her career for the next thirty-eight years. Although she wrung every drop of humor from the wet cliche of the sexless, manless old maid, midcentury critics could be cruel in their critiques of Kulp, describing her as TV's most homely girl with the "face of a shriveled balloon, the figure of a string of spaghetti, and the voice of a bullfrog in mating season." Undaunted, she played her thin parts with brio, building from bit roles in Shane, Sabrina, and A Star Is Born, to her biggest success on television. After three seasons on his Bob Cummings Show, writer-producer Paul Henning cast Kulp in his next project, The Beverly Hillbillies. Surely her Miss Jane Hathaway is one of the immortal early queer characters, and while audiences were invited to laugh at her highly unlikely pining for hot Jethro (when he wasn't in drag as his sister Jethrine), Kulp gave her character all the dignity befitting the scholarly, single secretary who was happiest with her women-only birdwatching society. Finally, critics appreciated her and she was rewarded with an Emmy nomination in 1967 and, following the series' end in 1971, roles on The Brian Keith Show, Sanford & Son, and The Love Boat. In her early sixties, she returned to her native Pennsylvania and ran for Congress as a Democrat in 1984. Her former Hillbillies costar Buddy Ebsen did ads attacking her as "too liberal" and her Republican opponent won in the Reagan re-election landslide. Closeted her whole career, Kulp finally came out in a carefully controlled way to interviewer in 1989, reprinted in Boze Hadleigh's book Hollywood Lesbians. She died of cancer in February 1991 at sixty-nine. YouTube's Mister Esoteric has compiled these clips honoring her as a forerunner to Lily Tomlin, Sandra Bernhard, and Ellen. Aakarl Karl Heinrich Ulrichs had an affair with his riding instructor when he was fourteen, was forced to quit his civil servant job for being gay when he was thirty-four, and began publishing pamphlets explaining and defending same-sex love when he was thirty-seven. Five years later, the day after his forty-second birthday, he addressed the German congress, coming out publicly and demanding they repeal their anti-gay laws. It was 1867, one hundred two years before Stonewall, and he was shouted down before he could finish his speech. Though his books were banned in Saxony and Berlin he continued writing on the subject for the rest of his life. In 1870, he published Araxes, which lays out all of the modern arguments for the rights of gay citizens. In 1879, he published the twelfth volume of his ongoing project, The Riddle of "Man-Manly" Love, and moved to Italy, which was more hospitable. Indeed, Ulrichs was awarded an honorary degree by the University of Naples shortly before he died, one month prior to his seventieth birthday. Today, streets are named for him in Bremen, Hanover, and Munich, where this afternoon they will celebrate with their annual street party and poetry reading in Karl-Heinrich-Ulrichs-Platz. In his final years, he wrote "Until my dying day I will look back with pride that I found the courage to come face to face in battle against the spectre which for time immemorial has been injecting poison into me and into men of my nature. Many have been driven to suicide because all their happiness in life was tainted. Indeed, I am proud that I found the courage to deal the initial blow to the hydra of public contempt." Posted at 12:15 PM in Activism, Birthdays, Germany, History, Politics, Television Permalink Comments (1) TrackBack (0) Dallas Buyers Club and Mud Focus has moved the release date of the true-story, straight-gay, uplifting aids movie Dallas Buyers Club five weeks earlier, from December 6 to November 1. Yesterday they unveiled the trailer. In twenty years of acting since Dazed & Confused, guess which nude bongo banger has never been nominated for an Oscar or even a lousy Golden Globe? Last year ought to have been Matthew McConaughey's moment for a supporting nod, but I suspect he fell asunder of dreaded vote splitting -- the gay independent Bernie was his better performance while the homoerotic but degayed studio stripper flick Magic Mike grabbed all the attention (and earned him four big wins from the Spirit Awards, National Society of Film Critics, NY Film Critics, and the Village Voice film poll). Will it happen again in 2013? Because he's very good in Mud but all the hype will be for Dallas Buyers Club. [You know how Hollywood equates physical transformations with Real Acting. In Mud, he bravely went with scraggly hair, but for Dallas Buyers he lost all that weight! My god, not since Charlize played ugly (Best Actress), or Nicole wore that fake nose (Best Actress), or Jamie wore sunglasses (Best Actor), or Daniel got a wart (Best Actor)...] Anyway, although it's not as powerful as the foreign Oscar winner In A Better World, Mud springs from the same roots of nice young teens making a series of increasingly bad decisions. Also, there's the friction of a classic, innocent boy crush on a charismatic, shirtless criminal. Anyone seeking a flicker of subtext might notice that this story arc climaxes late at night when McConaughy crawls through the boy's window and climbs into bed with him. Reese Witherspoon detractors / fans should note she is barely in the movie. It is the third impressive feature from 34 year-old director Jeff Nichols who wrote each of his films. Mud was released on dvd earlier this month or watch it right now. Mud Posted at 09:39 AM in Aids, Film, Texas Permalink Comments (0) TrackBack (0) August 27, 2013 Terry Castle on Being Gay Married Here's what you're going to do. You are going to read Terry Castle's LRB essay on the real joy and underlying ambivalance about marriage equality, which is really an examination of how comfortably or uncomfortably the new acceptance rests on all the rejection that came before. With sentences like, "In those days (and yes, even now) one's mother could always be counted on, likewise, to underscore one's alienation from the rest of humankind," it's mandatory reading: "Some of the diffidence I felt no doubt had to do with the fact that Blakey and I had already been living together – delightfully, with nary a closet in sight – for six years. Apart from the political statement – rah, rah, cheers, queers – the ritual, I grumbled, was beside the point. Yet troubling too were a host of larger metaphysical questions. Marriage had always been defined (and naturalised) as a relationship between a man and a woman; could it now, merely by way of a few wishful speech acts and contrived theatrical gestures, be completely reconceived? Was it possible – just like that – to revamp one of the key kinship structures around which human society had been organised for millennia? What would Wittgenstein have said? Was 'gay marriage' part of 'everything that is the case'? Would he have got married? To himself or another person? One could noodle away the hours pondering such things. "My own seemingly innate, sometimes Arctic, aloofness had to be part of the equation too. Anyone who knows me knows it: my perverse tendency to stand sadly apart from sociability and look rejected, even when surrounded by affable people doing everything possible to show their affection for me. In some skittish, not so deeply buried part of me, it's always San Diego in 1967 and the treacherous lunch court at Marston Junior High School. I'm 13 again; shy, pudgy and unpopular, eating my peanut butter and jelly sandwich in miserable, Cain-like isolation, while the more confident girls – those who shriek and rat their hair and travel in ardent, gossipy packs – point at me and guffaw. What a weirdo. Shall we just say that my childish heart turned then to adamant? That self-protection meant fixing one's eyes on blankness and acting dead? When I began thinking of myself as a lesbian – not so long afterwards, really – the age-old stereotype of the female homosexual as doomed misfit, lost in a dark and sterile world of shadows, seemed purpose built for me." If you somehow still don't know Castle -- whom Sontag named "the most expressive, most enlightening literary critic at large today" and James Wolcott calls "a Jedi knight of literary exploration" -- for goodness' sake, get the essay collection The Professor: A Sentimental Education [Kindle only $3.79]. Posted at 01:36 PM in Books, Civil Unions - Marriage, Essays, Greece, SF Permalink Comments (1) TrackBack (0) Born August 27: Jeanette Winterson Jw Given that in 2011 she wrote one of the finest queer books of this decade, her memoir Why Be Happy When You Could Be Normal? [Kindle], winner of a Stonewall UK award and a Lambda Literary Award, is it unkind and unfair to ask where is Jeanette Winterson's next great novel? Her best-known fiction is still her first, her landmark debut from 1985 Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit, which covers many of the events revisited in the memoir. She wrote it in two months because she needed money; it won the Whitbread and became a modern classic. Five years later the television version, adapted by Winterson, won the BAFTA for best drama. To my mind, her finest is The Passion [Kindle], which takes place in France and Venice during the Napoleonic Wars, and won the John Llewellyn Rhys Prize in 1987. Two years later she released her most ambitious novel, Sexing the Cherry, which touches down in several centuries but is most firmly rooted in the Restoration. And in 1992 she published a novel about an affair, Written on the Body, which virtually everyone took to be inspired by her romantic liaison with her literary agent, Pat Kavanagh, married to Julian Barnes until her death in 2008. At that point Winerson was four years into her twelve-year partnership with Peggy Reynolds, to whom she dedicated "with love" her novel about her affair. But aren't the six adult novels in the twenty-one years since then -- Art & Lies, Gut Symmetries, The PowerBook, Lighthousekeeping, Weight, The Stone Gods -- more about the author's idea than the characters? In the past ten years she has also written two children's picture books (The King of Capri, The Lion, The Unicorn and Me), a middle-grade chapter book (Tanglewreck), two YA historical novels (The Battle of the Sun, The Daylight Gate), and an original hour-long special for CBBC on Christmas 2009 called Ingenious. She's creative, she won't be pinned down, she's prolific, she's a workaholic -- in her spare time she runs the organic cornershop Verde's in the ground floor of her Georgian house in Spitalfields -- but for all her admirable busyness is she somehow wasting her time? Earlier this summer she announced she's reworking A Winter's Tale for the upcoming series The Hogarth Shakespeare. Posted at 01:35 PM in Birthdays, Books, Television, U.K. Permalink Comments (1) TrackBack (0) August 26, 2013 James Tait Black Memorial Prize Winners Warner Dating from 1919, the James Tait Black Memorial Prize has honored everyone from Lawrence, Forster, Waugh, Greene, and Compton-Burnett to Spark, Chatwin, Coetzee, Rushdie, Banville, Bainbridge, Byatt, Hollinghurst, Tremain, Franzen, McEwan, and Zadie Smith, so attention must be paid to this year's two winners, in fiction and biography. Say the judges: Pedal"Alan Warner's The Deadman's Pedal is an exceptionally fine novel, richly evocative in detail, beautifully poised in execution, which in the story of one young man's journey to adulthood through the mysteries of childhood, sexuality, work, the realities of class society and the experience of divided family loyalties, offers a compelling poetic vision of a changing Scotland." "Tanya Harrod's The Last Sane Man: Michael Cardew: Modern Pots, Colonialism, and the Counterculture offers an exceptional portrait of a remarkable craftsman and his world. Harrod constructs this biography with the same eye for form and purpose that marked the work of her subject." The three other fiction finalists were The Panopticon [Kindle] by Jenni Fagan, The Big Music [Kindle] by Kirsty Gunn, and Leaving the Atocha Station [Kindle] by Ben Lerner. Among the biography finalists was Michael Gorra's Portrait of a Novel: Henry James and the Making of an American Masterpiece [Kindle]. FYI, the first woman to win this award was Radclyffe Hall, for Adam's Breed in 1926. Alan Warner photo by Jayne Wright in The Scotsman. Posted at 06:37 AM in Books, Scotland, U.K. Permalink Comments (0) TrackBack (0) Born August 26: Christopher Isherwood IsherVastly underappreciated, and remembered largely for the wrong reasons, Christopher Isherwood changed the way fiction is written with his "I am a camera" style of narration. Read his interview in the Paris Review's series The Art of Fiction and make time for one of the best gay books ever, Christopher and His Kind*, which is equally enthralling about literary revelations and sexual mores: Rejecting his uptight, upperclass England, Isherwood spent much of his twenties in Berlin where he dated working class teens. Falling in love with young Heinz at a time when living quarters were especially scarce, he moved into Heinz's family's one bedroom apartment; the parents moved out of their bedroom and slept in the living room so the twenty-five year-old Brit could enjoy a double bed in privacy with their fifteen year-old son. Another person he met was Jean Ross, on whom he based Sally Bowles in his The Berlin Storieswhich of course became Cabaret. After moving to England and on to New York with Auden, and further literary successes, Isherwood settled permanently in Los Angeles, where when he was forty-eight he met teenager Don Bachardy. Immediately, Isherwood wrote The World in the Evening , followed by Down There On A Visit and what many consider his best novel, A Single Man. They remained partners for over thirty years until Isherwood's death in 1986. Their relationship is the subject of the documentary, Chris & Don. A Love Story. After more than 1,100 pages of Diaries: 1939-1960 and another 800 pages of The Sixties, last November saw 928 pages of Liberation: Diaries:1970-1983. *And here's the sex-filled BBC2 film Posted at 06:26 AM in Birthdays, Books, Los Angeles, U.K. Permalink Comments (0) TrackBack (0) Macklemore & Ryan Lewis Win VMA for Pro-Marriage Equality Song Accepting MTV's Video Music Award for Best Song with a Social Message for their pro-gay, pro-marriage equality jam Same Love [below], Macklemore said, "I've been writing songs since I was 15 and out of every single song I have every written to me this is the most important record out of all of them. And to watch this song in the last year spread across the world is a testament to what is happening right here now America on the forefront of equality. Gay rights are human rights there is no separation." Earlier in the evening, he and Ryan Lewis performed the song with lesbian Mary Lambert and Dreamgirl Jennifer Hudson. The twenty-four year-old Lambert has been out since she was seventeen and published her first book of poetry earlier this year, 500 Tips for Fat Girls. Full list of VMA winners here. Posted at 06:25 AM in Music, Television Permalink Comments (1) TrackBack (0) August 25, 2013 Albanian Virgins: Women Who Spend Their Lives as Men AlbanianIf you're literate, you've probably read and re-read to the point of memorization, Alice Munro's knock-out tale "The Albanian Virgin," so you'll be interested in photographer Jill Peters' recent project to document these mountain women who live as men. The tradition dates back at least to the 1400s, though with modernization encroaching, today far fewer women live this way. See nine in her portfolio. Munro's story is available in her three-decades-spanning Selected Stories, which, so rare in these endeavors, actually does collect her best work, including the first of her two gay stories, The Turkey Season. That piece appeared in The New Yorker in 1980, one year after Ann Beattie's half-gay story The Burning House and seventeen years before Annie Proulx's Brokeback Mountain. Also if you're literate, you really should read Albania's greatest writer, Ismail Kadare, who won the first International Booker in 2005. Beware, even with his straightforward prose, he will bewitch you like Orhan Pamuk. Realists should start with his short, riveting Broken April [Kindle] which follows two strands: Gjor, a young man reluctantly caught in an ancient blood feud, and an intellectual couple honeymooning in the Accursed Mountains. More fanciful readers should try Chronicle in Stone [Kindle] or The General of the Dead Army or The Fall of the Stone City or The Palace of Dreams. Posted at 06:56 AM in Books, International, Photography Permalink Comments (0) TrackBack (0) Born August 25: Rob Halford Aahal Hiding in plain sight for more than twenty years, the closeted lead singer of Judas Priest modeled his look on the gay leather scene which became a heavy metal mainstay. From 1974 to 1992, Rob Halford fronted the band, wowing fans with his pseudo-operatic style of singing and impressing critics with his four octave vocal range. Offstage, he struggled with alcohol dependency and violent relationships, the worst moment coming after a bad fight: When Halford got a taxi, his boyfriend shot himself and died. After that, Halford improved his life. In 1997, he played gigs with Pansy Division at gay pride parties and the next year he came out on MTV. In 2003, he reunited with Judas Priest. In 2008 the band released their second post-reunion album, Nostradamus, which was their sixteenth studio album, and they played on the Masters of Metal Tour. Since then they've released two live albums. Halford lives in Phoenix, San Diego, Amsterdam, and his native Walsall, England, hometown also to Boy George. Since coming out, Halford says the support of the metal community has been "tremendous." Posted at 06:53 AM in Birthdays, Music, U.K. Permalink Comments (0) TrackBack (0) August 24, 2013 Rural Gay America 1900-1960 JustqueerNew this summer is Colin Johnson's Just Queer Folks: Gender and Sexuality in Rural America [Kindle] which, the publisher says, "explores the seldom-discussed history of same-sex intimacy and gender nonconformity in rural America during a period when the now familiar concepts of heterosexuality and homosexuality were only just beginning to take shape... Johnson argues instead for a queer historicist approach. In so doing, he uncovers a startlingly unruly rural past in which small-town eccentrics, "mannish" farm women, and cross-dressing Civilian Conservation Corps enrolees were often just queer folks so far as their neighbours were concerned. Written with wit and verve, Just Queer Folks upsets a whole host of contemporary commonplaces." PW says he "doggedly decodes" passages of Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men and Stegner's The Big Rock Candy Mountain "that hint at gay sex." For a contemporary take, get Mary L. Gray's excellent, triple-award-winning Out in the Country: Youth, Media, and Queer Visibility in Rural America [Kindle]. Posted at 07:24 AM in Books Permalink Comments (1) TrackBack (0) Born August 24: M Matisse One of my very favorite people dislikes publicity to the exact degree that I admire her: immensely. A careful, thoughtful editor by temperament and trade, she taught me how to eat, speak, read, write, garden, museum-go, and travel internationally... seven of my all-time greatest pastimes. Though I couldn't hope to match her knowledge, natural skill, and intuitive elegance in those activities, it has been an abiding pleasure to fall short in her shadow. Especially now she deserves your respect and gratitude for years of bravery and persistence in the slow task of helping to educate a straight community on lgbt equality, the best kind of local change that ripples nationally. A voracious, versatile, and adventurous reader, she recommends Hilary Spurling's two-volume biography The Unknown Matisse and Matisse the Master and Andrea Barrett's National Book Award-winning collection, Ship Fever [Kindle], especially the story "Rare Birds." Posted at 07:24 AM in Birthdays, Families Permalink Comments (0) TrackBack (0) August 23, 2013 Born August 23: Neil Bartlett, Conner Habib BartlettNeil Bartlett received an OBE at forty-two for his special services to the arts. The author, translator, or director of dozens of plays for television, radio, and most especially theater, including the Royal Shakespeare Company, the National, the ART, and the Lyric Hammersmith where he was Artistic Director for eleven seasons, he has also published a handful of gay books: The literary novel Ready to Catch Him Should He Fall plumbs the erotic relationship between an older man and his younger boyfriend in an unnamed town. In The House on Brooke Street he contrasts a London department store clerk and an aristocrat's obsession with the latter's 19 year-old blond servant Gabriel in a story that flips between the 1920s and 50s. His most recent novel, Skin Lane, about a 46 year-old furrier and his boss's teen nephew, was a finalist for a Costa award after winning wide acclaim from critics and A-list authors Armistead Maupin, Patrick McGrath, and Will Self who said, it's "a fiendishly taut little psycho-shocker that recalls Simenon at his most hardboiled and Highsmith at her creepiest." Six months ago, the British Library announced the acquisition of Bartlett's personal papers and video archives. ConnerYesterday, Conner Habib taught a seminar called "Anthroposophy 101: Rudolf Steiner, Freedom, and the Western Esoteric Tradition" in San Francisco. It was probably pretty good because Conner previously earned the Distinguished Teaching Award, the highest teaching honor at UMASS, during his three years lecturing on literature, composition, and creative writing. He also loves to talk and write about organismic and evolutionary biology which he studied with many of the greats in the field like Lynn Margulis and Fritjof Capra. All of this is important to remember because Conner is a porn star. For his efforts in more than 100 sex films and scenes, he has been named Best Newcomer by the GayVN in 2010 and he won Best Supporting Actor at the Grabbys in 2012 for his work with Allen Silver in Dad Goes To College directed by Joe Gage. He often writes about sex, what it's like on set or describing why he likes rest stops or creating an identity in porn or why Americans fear gay sex. His birth name is Andre Khalil and he chose Conner Habib to reflect his Irish and Syrian ancestry. Today he's 36. Read his blog or join his 25,079 followers on twitter. Posted at 08:37 AM in Birthdays, Books, Broadway, Sex, SF, U.K. Permalink Comments (1) TrackBack (0) August 22, 2013 Flavorwire Lists "50 Essential Works of LGBT Fiction" Yesterday's list of fifty books Flavorwire considers essential queer fiction is sort of good, sort of awful. Yes, absolutely: Hollinghurst, Baldwin, Winterson, Forster, Mann, Sarah Waters, Isherwood, Renault, Proust. But the list includes far too many recent, first-time authors who are friends of the compiler? talented but have not yet reached the mastery of those omitted: Wilde, Waugh, Cheever, Cather, Capote, Colette, Gide, Firbank, William S Burroughs, Marguerite Yourcenar, Denton Welch, Colm Toibin, Michael Cunningham, Stephen McCauley, Alan Bennett, Philip Hensher, Peter Cameron, J.R. Ackerly, David Leavitt, Dale Peck, Dorothy Allison, Reinaldo Arenas, Paul Russell, Alison Bechdel, Jaime Manrique, E. Lynn Harris, Alan Gurganus, Katherine Forrest, Glenway Westcott, Jonathan Strong, Tove Jansson, and Tennessee Williams, to name a few. In the face of so many omissions, it's impossible to justify giving Larry Kramer two entries, for Faggots and The Normal Heart. How do you feel about straight authors on a list of gay books? Intellectually, the work speaks for itself, period. Emotionally, it's tough to see so many dedicated writers above pushed aside for at least four non-gay authors who made it onto the list: Andre Aciman, Jeffrey Eugenides, Michael Chabon, and Stephen Chbosky. What do they offer that can't be found in a comparable book from a queer writer? By any yardstick, Someday This Pain Will Be Useful to You is ten times better than The Perks of Being a Wallflower. Despite its shortcomings, the list also surprises, happily, with three lesser-known gems: At Swim, Two Boys [Kindle] by Jamie O'Neill, Funny Boy by Shyam Selvadurai, and Narrow Rooms by James Purdy. I never see Flavorwire and would have missed this were it not for the intrepid Logan Ragsdale, a New York City area librarian. Posted at 11:41 AM in Books Permalink Comments (2) TrackBack (0) Born August 22: László Almásy Laslzo To the long line of queer lives stolen, degayed, and straightened by writers and filmmakers craving a broader audience, add László Almásy [seated], the Hungarian aristocrat, desert explorer and Nazi smuggler who may have spied for both sides in WWII, and is the protagonist of The English Patient. Almásy was gay and certainly didn't have a soaring romance with anyone's wife; he and a young German soldier named Hans Entholt were lovers and letters unavailable to the public offer proof that he also had sex with Egyptian princes. Born in what is now Austria, educated in England, he joined the Hussars in WWI, was shot down over Italy, continued as a flight instructor, and after the war was a winning speed racer. Earlier, in 1926, after driving along the Nile from Egypt to the Sudan, Almásy became interested in the area and led expeditions in search of the mythic Zerzura. His sponsor died and that man's wife perished in a mysterious plane crash the following year. In 1934 or 35, Almásy and another adventurer became the first whites to establish contact with the Magyarab tribe and earned the title Abu Ramla [Father of the Sand] from his Bedouin friends, developing desert skills that would come in handy during WWII as part of Operation Salaam when he smuggled Nazi spies across enemy lines and drove 4,200 km across the Sahara. Yet when he returned to Budapest, he helped hide and save several Jewish families from being deported to death camps. After the war, he was arrested in Hungary, sent to a Soviet prison, was acquitted thanks to a bribe allegedly paid by MI6, was smuggled to Austria by British officials on a fake passport, and sent to Egypt where King Farouk got him named the technical director at the new Desert Research Institute. Visiting Austria in 1951, he contracted dysentery and died at 55. The English Patient won the Booker Prize and the movie version won nine Oscars, including best picture. A more accurate portrayal is John Bierman's The Secret Life of Laszlo Almasy: The Real English Patient. Posted at 09:25 AM in Adventure, Birthdays Permalink Comments (0) TrackBack (0) August 21, 2013 GLAAD: Only 6 of 101 Studio Movies in 2012 Passed Vito Russo Test Ben Industry lapdog/watchdog GLAAD today released its Studio Responsibility Index reporting that of 101 Hollywood feature films, fourteen included l,g, or b characters (zero trans), but even that is a stretch. Eleven of the fourteen are comedies, some of which play the gay reveal for laughs. The remaining three are a drama in which the gay love interest dies; an actioner with a bi villain; and a concert film with a queer stylist backstage. Only six films passed the Vito Russo Test, described here by the LA Times: To pass the "Russo Test," a film must contain an identifiably LGBT character, who must not be solely identified by their sexual orientation or gender identity, and who must be tied to the film's plot so that his or her removal from the story would have a major effect on it. Can you name all six? Pitch Perfect, Fun Size, Rock of Ages, The Five-Year Engagement, Skyfall, and the drama Cloud Atlas [above], which had the year's only prominent gay storyline and was among 2012's biggest flops. Several of the remaining eight are very weak inclusions: Adam Sandler's That's My Boy, Eddie Murphy's A Thousand Words, Sacha Baron Cohen's The Dictator, 21 Jump Street, American Reunion, Think Like a Man, Ted, and Katy Perry the Movie: Part of Me. The GLAAD report mentions but wisely doesn't count The Avengers simply for its quick cameo by newsman Thomas Roberts, because he is out in real life. Because the report is aimed at major studios, it doesn't list widely-distributed gay-inclusive films like the sly, animated feature ParaNorman, the really overrated teen drama The Perks of Being a Wallflower, or the nonstop parade of gray-haired cliches in The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, which once again kills off its wistful, lonely old homo [1 Aktualisierung]
- abu adam - Social Mention: Mendengar tazkirah ringkas di selepas subuh tadi, jadi saya nak kongsikan kepada saudara2, Dari Abu Hurairah r.a, bhw Rasulullah bersabda:"Allah berfirman, "Anak cucu Adam telah menyakitiKu, mereka mengatakan, "Wahai masa yg mendatangkan kegagalan! 'Maka janganlah sekali2 seorg diantara kamu mengatakan, "Wahai masa yg mendatangkan kegagalan!' Kerana sesungguhnya Aku adalah Masa. Aku yg mempergantikan malam dan siangnya. Maka jika aku mau, aku benturkan keduanya."(HQR. Imam Muslim) Contoh ungkapan yang sering kita dengar adalah : "Kita datang pada waktu yang salah.""Jika bukan kerana malam tentu aku sudah menyelesaikan pekerjaan ini ""Sungguh malam yang sial !! ""Hari ini hariku yg buruk, aku sangat menyesali hari ini. ""siaaalah! Subhanallah.. astaghfirullah, begitu mudah ayat seperti itu keluar dari mulut kita, ini realiti dan banyak berlaku, sunggguh hak Allah telah kita hina.. astaghfirullahhal adzim…Ya Rabb,Janganlah Engkau membiarkan kami tanpa cahayaMu..Berilah kami ilmuMu yang dapat membawa kami menuju redhaMu..Ilmu yg manfaat di dunia dan akhirat kami..Dan jadikanlah kami tunduk patuh terhadap semua hidayah yang telah Engkau kurniakan kepada Kamii tanpa keengganan untuk melaksanakannya dan berpegang teguh selalu atas segala petunjukMu…Amin [1 Aktualisierung]
- Masallah - Social Mention: Masallah [1 Aktualisierung]
- Abu Bilal - Social Mention: Islam in Ethiopia dates to 615. During that year, a group of Muslims were counseled by the Prophet Muhammad to escape persecution in Mecca and migrate to Abyssinia, which was ruled by, in Muhammad's estimation, a pious Christian king (al-najashi). Muhammad's followers crossed the Red Sea and sought refuge in the Kingdom of Aksum, possibly settling at Negash, a place in present-day Northern Ethiopia, Tigray Region. Moreover, Islamic tradition states that Bilal, one of the foremost companions of Muhammad, was from Ethiopia, as were many non-Arab Companions of Muhammad - in fact, Ethiopians were the single largest non-Arab ethnic group who were Muhammad's companions. Among these was Umm Ayman who was the care-taker of the Prophet Muhammad during his infancy, a woman that he referred to as "mother".[citation needed] Ethiopia was thus the earliest home outside of Arabia for the dispersal of the Islamic world faith. Ethiopia is almost evenly split between Orthodox Christians and Sunni Muslims. Most of Ethiopia and Eritrea's Muslims are Sunni Muslims and much as in the rest of the Muslim world, the beliefs and practices of the Muslims of Ethiopia and Eritrea are basically the same: embodied in the Qur'an and the Sunnah. There are also Sufi orders present in Ethiopia. According to the 1994 census of Ethiopia (with similar numbers for the 1984 census), about half of its population is adherent of Islam and members of the Muslim community can be found throughout the country. Islam in Ethiopia is the predominant religion in the regions of Wollo, Ogaden, Afar, Berta, Gurage, and the section of Oromia east of the Great Rift Valley, as well as in Jimma. Islam in Eritrea is the predominant religion of all the ethnic groups except for the Tigrinya-speakers and the Bilen. Bilal ra was from Ethiopia Khaja Abu Zunair Abdul Aziz Bakulka [1 Aktualisierung]
- Islam Sprüches Facebook-Pinnwand: Dieser Moment wenn du spürst das Allah dich immer beschützen wird❤️Baschir [1 Aktualisierung]
- kalifa - Social Mention: Hz-en. Mevlana Rumi mesnevi bőr első kuplé 2600-700 Celaladdin Bismillahirrahmanirrahim .. 2600. De hol van sérülés a barátságos sántít le. A víz a savanyú savanyú a szőlő, de amikor a szőlő édesebb, annál jobb. Ezután már bekerült a kocka kár, milyen szép adalék ha lesz Haram ... Ecet! Tanítvány, a Perfection arrogancia, ha nem méltó VLI. Mivel az édességet, de nem pazarolja az orvos adja a beteg kárba. Hideg és a hó nem érinti a szőlő volt, de érinti kiserőd. Mivel a savanyú a szőlő, azt nem Kemal, útban "Liyağfire lekellâhu tekaddeme min zenbike és ma teahhar ma" nem lett Wali, a méreg eszik a hal, de megeszi Aspire hulladékok elme üres. Solomon "Heble Uram," azt mondta, hogy "én", hogy valaki, hogy ez uralkodik. " 2605. Vagy valaki tőlem ezt a kegyelmet, ezt a jó cselekvők jelenlét, "folytatta könyörgés. Ez egy hasonló, de Hasede. Olvassa yenbağı nüktesini la szívélyesen. Van valaki, hogy a titka az ő uralkodása utánam nekesliğinden. Még akkor is, több száz uralkodása látta a kár és a veszély. Jahan uralkodása sörtés szőr, azok teljes élettartama érintik, a feje áll a félelem. Vezetője a félelem ... félelem az élet és a vallás, mint a test, mint ez nem lehet velünk. Megköveteli, hogy az egyik több százezer Salamon Himmetli szín, szag elhagyni. 2610. Még a lélegzete a hatalom a Force és uralkodása Salamon tıkıyordu hullám. Ez annak köszönhető, hogy a bánat a por, talaj konunca szultánok fáj az egész világ. Közbenjárás, hogy "Te adtad nekem ezt uralkodása, aki a saját helyét Kemal. Ez uralkodásának e Kerem adja kinek, és akivel Salamon megbocsát, én vagyok. Ne úgy rendelkezik, hogy valaki utánam, velem. Hogy érted, még nekem? Ez az ember esetében, a nem peres nekem, "mondta. 2615. Kötelező megmagyarázni. De megyünk megint karıkoca történet. Arabok a történet vége, hogy a felesége A Muhlis'in (Chalabi Hüsameddin'in) a szíve, azt akarja, az eredmény a történet a férj és a feleség. Karıkoca történet egy mítosz. De az agya, mint egy ismer nefsinle. Ezek a férfiak és nők nefisle elme. Jó emberek a szükséges, korrigáljuk a rossz ember. Ez a két alvás kötött és mahpusturlar talaj. Kaland csata a nappal és az éjszaka. 2620. Női non-stop, hogy mire van szüksége a ház, a becsület, a ház, hogy én kell otthon kenyeret, dicsőség és tisztesség osztó megáll. Fincsi, mint egy nő, hogy megtalálják a gyógymódot a munkája megalapozta Gah, show alázat, áhítat kereskedő Gah, megdicsőült. Aklınsa, ezek a gondolatok nem tudja. Nincs semmi különös tartománya az ötlet az Isten. Making Sense a történet, ez a csapda, nefisle kaland az elme, de hallgasd meg a teljes külső felületét. Vajon egyedül elegendő a narratív univerzum vagyis az emberek továbbra is teljesen cselekvőképtelen a munkából, megszakította volna alapszabályát a világ. 2625. Szerelem, gondolatok és imádságok, a böjt, és te csak a értelemben, nem a képzeletbeli példányban, nem lenne. A barátok ajándék bemutatni egymásnak, de úgy tűnik, a dolgok a barátság és a tisztelet. Azonban ez így az ajándékok, a bizonyságot a szeretet a szívekben rejtve. Mert, te nagy ember, képzeletbeli tetteit a szeretet titkos tanú. Tapasztalja meg a néha igaz, néha egy hazug. Részeg, és néha a bor, hol az író! 2630. Részeg ki tudja mutatni magát író. A zaj megjelenik részeg. Ő Murai, a beszélgetés maga sansınlar részeg Úgy tűnik, a böjt, ima. Ügyek minden esetben előforduló dolog más. De mi a titka önelégültség előjel. Uram, fogadja el ima, add meg nekünk ebben a fellebbezést, hogy a görbe jele a hazug, Nézzük különbséget görbe vége. Nem, ez az, hogy a tulajdonos fellebbezést? Úgy néz ki, a fény az Isten, ha ő kapja az időben ezt a kérelmet. 2635. Szerző bemutatja neki mert ha nem. Jelentések, mint például a rokonság ... rokoni szeretet. De az imám és a fény Isten muktedası személy, aki használja, hogy mi működik, mi okból. Sevgi Gönül şûlelendikçe növekszik, végül a szeretet, az ő munkája menti. Nem kell értesíteni a szeretet. Spread a fény a szeretet, mert az egész univerzumban. Keresése ezt a szót, de van, hogy töltsenek ki egy nagyon tafsilât. 2640. Bár a jelentése, de ez közel zhir suretten cihetten jelentése, azaz olyan módon el! Tekintettel Előre jelzik másolni semmi értelme, mivel a fa vízzel. Az az igazság, távol egymástól, és azok valamennyi mögöttes jellegű. Betérhetünk a természetük, hogy hasasları. Mondd ahvalini karıkocanın keres két fenntartáshoz. O arabok eleget feleségével kívánságának, "Ez inkıyatta van egy trükk, mit csinálsz a tárgyalás," ő is letette a hivatali esküt Arab azt mondta: "Separation adja fel. Felhasználási kicsit vegye be ... kard, rendben,. Azt mondom, hogy az Ön esetében, parancs, akár jobb vagy rosszabb ... hogy vigyázzon rá. 2645. Hadd kell áldozni kedvéért van, mert szeretlek. Szerelem a vakok, süketek csinálni. " Nő "Tényleg szeretsz, ha nem akar tanulni a titkot, hogy a trükk?" Mondta. Férfi azt mondta: "A rejtett titkait a jogot, hogy tudja, és az Isten, aki megteremtette Ádámot Shafi'i (szeretlek). Isten adott Ádámnak hossza három könyök lélek mégis, ha megjelent az összes Levhi. Istenem, mi van, és mennyi időt egészen az, hogy előre készült, és "Allemelesmâ" feje fölött előadásokat, tanított. 2650. Ily módon, az angyalok csodálkoztak, hogy tanítsa meg neki, keresztet vetettek. Bukott a szentségét a takdisiyle másik. Adam mert fütuhata köröm, nem érik el még az eget. Még ha a hét eget terület és a tiszta szellem Ádám fezasına szűk. Azt mondja: "Istenem, én, a Mindenható, le a földre, az ég, még a Sigma egekbe szökött. Te, ó szent szorosan bil. 2655. De ez nem csoda, hogy a hívő elfér az ember szíve. Keresés hívő szívvel mondta hívnak, "mondta. Isten azt mondta: "Ó, Haram, megpróbálta elkerülni bármi gyanús! Adja meg a szolgák, hogy engem ezen az úton, hogy az Eris mennyben. " Kutatás, még azok is, nuriyle, a szélessége Ádám felállt megnézni. Vannak végtelen méretű könyök, de jelentése másolni? Minden angyal azt mondta: mi volt azelőtt üfletimiz föld. 2660. Ekiyorduk szolgálja és imádja a talaj mag. A helye ezeknek meylimize, hanem şaşmaktaydık alâkamıza. Mi ez a részvétel a földre az égből, majd vágja ki? Mi Nur, sötétség ülfetimiz miért? Nur zulmetlerle többiek? O Adam! Ez ismerős, akkor kokundanmış. Mivel a test a földön minta reszekált. A korpusz és szőtt a földön, a föld, a fény a pak itt található. 2665. Most már meglesz a lelke lelkünk ismerete előtt a testület a földön ragyogott szétzúz. De Yeryüzündeydik gafildik, nem tudom, a kincs ott van eltemetve. Isten ott van, hogy az ég nekünk emredince időre változtatni ezt az országot, szenvedett. Ezért elő a bizonyíték Isten, "Ó, Istenem! Ki a következő a számunkra? Tehlinin fényében ima, és pletyka eladni "azt mondta. 2670. A rendelkezés az Isten, könyörülj rajtunk yaygısını cikkben: "Nyilvánvaló, hogy akarsz mondani. Nyugodtan mondani, amit jön a száját, mint mondják a gyerekek a gyermeküket egyedül nevelő szülők. Mivel ezeket a szavakat, még yaraşmasa kegyelem, harag csonk. O angyal! Salmaktayım szív kételyei leleplez azt; Hadd mondjam el, én darılmayayım, gazaplanmayayım. Ily módon, nem tudom kinyitni a számat, aki tagadta hilmimi. 2675. Hilmimizden száz száz fő született apja minden lélegzet, merülés hiányában tönkrement. O apák, anyák akkor Hilmi, az együttérzés és a szeretet a mi Hili, ahol a tenger habot. Karbantartása tengeri szivacs, de megy oda-vissza. " Nem, amit mondtam? Ellenezte a gyöngy gyöngy hab, de hab hab. Ezt a jogot, hogy hab, akkor van egy teszt a jogot, hogy a tiszta tenger, sem a szónok. Szerelem, hűség, jöttek előre anélkül lemondására nyak csavart. Én érkezik a jogot, hogy az Isten jelenlétében. 2680. Ez a hajlam, mit gondol, hogy de nézd meg a tesztelés a nyugszik. Hagytam, hogy a titkos, titkos tároló. A legjobb, az erőm volt elég gyerünk! S szív bujkál előlem az én Gönlümdeki mit kell kiderült, ilyen módon segíthet the're ugyanaz. De hadd, megvan a gyógyít meg? Tekintse meg, mit csinál, kedves? Fenntartását a nő, hogy kérje a férjét, hogy mutassa az utat, ő egyetért Azt mondta: "A nap már megszületett, ő az egész világ megvilágosodott. 2685. Istenem, az ő helyettese, kalifa az Isten. Bagdadban, ez azért van, mert a tavasz. Ő is kap a sultan're szultán. Addig megy a vagyont a saját non-stop? Iqbal tulajdonosok kémia barátság. A nazarına ahol hasonló kémia? Sıddıyk mert jóváhagyta megérinti a szemét Ahmed Abu Bakr. " A férje azt mondta: "Egyetértek, hogy a jelenléte a szultán olunurum, Hogyan kap egy ürügy arra, hogy vele? 2690. Ez egy olyan kapcsolat, hogy egy alkalomra. Fellép, nem művészet, szerszám nélkül? Szeretem Majnun, egy darab, hogy valaki rosszul hallotta őt. Sajnos, azt mondta, Hogyan kifogásokat, hogy menjen? Ha én nem, én leszek, amit nem kérdezem csak, hogy? Bárcsak ... Bárcsak egy szomorú időben Leyla orvos kozák, kozák menne. Isten nekünk, "Ó, Muhammad, gyere és" elrendelte ezt a meghívást vezetett megszüntetése utanmamızın. 2695. Ha a szem és a képességét, a madarak repülnek nappal, éjjel úszni, menj dolaşırlardı "mondta. Nő válaszolt: "Kerem tulajdonosa a szultán maga aletsizlik mutatja az eszköz maga, megfosztva a lehetőségeket, hogy ez ugyanaz volt alkalom. Mivel a műszer, műszeres ... vizsgálatban, hogy csökken, a gazdagság jele. Az igazi trükk aletsizliktedir, csökkenő. " Arab "engedj szerszámok nélkül aletsizliği engedd meg, hogyan vásároljunk? Könyörülj a bizonyítékok a szultán Müflisliğime rám. 2700. Mutasd meg a tanú más csalás, hogy vidám pletyka és együttérzés jön a szultán. Ígéret és tanúskodnak, hogy ez rossz, mert a bírák bíró amely csalás mecruhtur következő. Tanú a fény az igazság legyen csődbe, mondván csillogás (küldje el az űrlapot elfogadott állapot), "mondta. [1 Aktualisierung]
- Ahmad Abul Baraa - Social Mention: How Malaysia became Banglasia on 5th May 2013 [1 Aktualisierung]
- Das Gebet ist der Schlüssel ins Paradies Facebook-Pinnwand: Maa shaa Allah [1 Aktualisierung]
- al-ansar - Social Mention: Sebenarnya situasi akan menjadi lebih menarik jika Ustaz Nik Amar Abdullah menang pemilihan kali ini. Juga jika Ustaz Abu Bakar Chik dan Ustaz Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man menggantikan tempat Datuk Husam Musa dan Datuk Mahfuz Omar. Generasi baru akan menikmati era ketulenan fikrah perjuangan PAS yang paling sejati. Paling tulen dan paling asli. Dan UMNO/BN hanya perlu fokus pada usaha untuk memulihkan undi orang Cina sahaja. [1 Aktualisierung]
- Sven Laus Facebook-Pinnwand: "Niemals werdet ihr Frömmigkeit erlangen, ehe ihr nicht von dem spendet, was ihr... [1 Aktualisierung]
- khalifa - Social Mention: Wiz khalifa europe tour [1 Aktualisierung]
- Abdul Adhim - Social Mention: This pickup team could match up against Michael Jordan's [1 Aktualisierung]
- Ibrahim Abou Nagie - Social Mention: Women Are Priceless [1 Aktualisierung]
- allahuakbar - Social Mention: Allahuakbar, . . Sakit banget :'( [1 Aktualisierung]
- Masallah - Social Mention: Ipek Bağrıaçık Official [1 Aktualisierung]
- sharia - Social Mention: Libia: dalla padella nella brace. La Cirenaica, un terzo del territorio, un quarto della popolazione ha dichiarato la propria indipendenza e intende adottare la sharia come legge dello stato. La città di Derna è nelle mani dei fondamentalisti di Ansar al-Sharia. Milizie armate di varia ispirazione seminano il terrore tra la popolazione. [1 Aktualisierung]
- bushido - Social Mention: I Love it Bushido forever [1 Aktualisierung]
- - Social Mention: Hat Allah eine Hand? Pierre Vogel [1 Aktualisierung]
- tauhid - Social Mention: Ada yang mengatakan ujian adalah kesusahan pada tubuh badan kesusahan pada jiwa apa untungnya Allah menyusahkan jasad dan jiwa bukankah ia tidak menambahkan keagungan dan kemuliaan-Nya apalagi Dia Maha Mengasihani Maha Sopan-santun. Pandanglah ujian dengan hatimu ujian adalah perbuatan Tuhanmu bukan untuk menghancurkan tetapi untuk meneguhkanmu bila kamu memperoleh keteguhan baru kamu menjadi pilihan bila sudah lulus dan dipilih Dia bangga memperkenalkan kamu kepada makhluk-Nya keteguhan kamu melintasi ujian menjadi dalil pilihan-Nya adalah tepat inilah keadilan-Nya. Ujian ditujukan kepada rohani bukan kepada jasad atau jiwa tujuannya untuk mengukur tauhid bukan sekedar untuk kesabaran apakah nilai sabar tanpa tauhid bukankah sabar juga bersama si kafir. Ujian yang diterima dengan iman meneguhkan tauhid menambahkan kekuatan pandangan hati tidak berkelip memandang kepada Tuhan sehingga kepedihan ujian menjadi manisan. Ujian adalah pentas sandiwara mempamerkan kebijaksanaan sutradara bila engkau diberi watak menderita hingga berjaya membuat penonton menangis ketahuilah engkau adalah aktor penting diasuh untuk menjadi bintang bakal menerima ganjaran lumayan. Apabila engkau menjadi aktor apa bedanya watak gembira dengan watak duka skrip di tangan sutradara [1 Aktualisierung]
- bushido - Social Mention: ... Todo arde si le aplicas la CHISPA ADECUADA :3 • Bushido • [1 Aktualisierung]
- jihad - Social Mention: There are history books used in Florida high schools that have 35 pages dedicated to the greatness of Muslim civilization and how Muhammad was Gods prophet not maybe but WAS!!! One sentence in book mentions Jesus just one and its negative !! One of the quotes in the book says its Muslims duty to participate in Jihad !!! And here's the kicker it says how women are revered in Muslim culture... Bahaha I just threw up in my mouth.. This has to be last straw people !!! You can check this on Sean hannity [1 Aktualisierung]
- Sheikh Abdellatif - Social Mention: BIM Software Drives Middle East's Complex Construction Projects [1 Aktualisierung]
- Masallah - Social Mention: Allahım bana sandalyenin sabrını verki tüm götlere ragmen ayakta durabileyim [1 Aktualisierung]
abu adam - Social Mention: . LGBT-themed books you want to read Two Gay Trilogies Conclude: Captain Harding and Band Fags! HardingFollowing his fine Captain Harding's Six-Day War [Kindle] (which the Lambda Review says is "already a gay literary classic") and Captain Harding and His Men [Kindle], Lammy-winner Elliott Mackle brings his strong hero back to the States in Welcome Home, Captain Harding [Kindle]. Lethe Press writes: "Returning to California after eighteen terrifying months in Vietnam, Captain Joe Harding is assigned a trio of duties: assisting his fatherly former commander at base operations, spying on misbehaving bomber pilots and organizing an air show designed to counter the anti-war fever sweeping the state. Meanwhile, his much younger tennis partner has enrolled at Cal Berkeley, enmeshed himself in pacifist politics and resumed his role as Joe's lover. When a playmate from Wheelus, a one-time fighter pilot now flying for TWA, shows up at Joe's house in Merced, the three men must navigate the joys and difficulties inherent in creating their own sort of ''welcome home.'' Continuing the adventures and misadventures begun in Elliott Mackle's acclaimed Captain Harding series Joe and his fellow officers and men are up against a hot-dogging, risk-taking aircraft commander, a pair of drug-abusing co-pilots and a married administrator with a taste for sexual blackmail. When a Broadway show causes a death in the family, a test flight goes terribly wrong and Joe's honor and patriotism are questioned, he must fight to clear his name and rebuild his imperiled career." Mackle's previous novels are It Takes Two and its sequel Only Make Believe, as well as the stand alone Hot Off the Presses. PolitoReaders who followed Bradley Dayton through his early teens in Band Fags! [Kindle] and his late teens in the Lammy-winning Drama Queers! [Kindle] can now see him in college in The Spirit of Detroit [Kindle], which Frank Anthony Polito says was "inspired by The Mysteries of Pittsburgh by Michael Chabon." "September 1992. Madonna's SEX is poised to hit bookstore shelves, The Crying Gamemakes its cinematic debut in limited release, and George H.W. Bush will soon square off against William Jefferson Clinton in the battle to be elected leader of the Free World. After abandoning his dreams of becoming a famous actor, Bradley Dayton returns to his roots and enrolls as a Theatre major at Wayne State University in Detroit. But a new cast of characters begins to interfere with his educational pursuits as these friends (and lovers) induct Bradley into their dark world of backstage drama. By semester's end, he will have spent many a wild and sleepless Motor City night in search of his true self, while finding his fair share of trouble along the way." Posted at 07:52 AM in Books Permalink Comments (0) TrackBack (0) September 01, 2013 Born September 1: Lily Tomlin, Roger Casement, Emma Stebbins, Dave King Aalily Detroit's funniest daughter, Mary Jean Tomlin was featured on Merv Griffin when she was twenty-six and landed a spot on Laugh-In when she was thirty, creating the telephone operator Ernestine. Wanting to expand another character, Edith Ann, the bratty child in the big chair, Tomlin found the Peabody-winning after school special writer Jane Wagner. They clicked. They've been life partners and collaborators for forty-two years and now they're getting married. Wagner wrote and directed Tomlin projects ranging from Grammy-winning comedy albums and Emmy-winning tv specials to hit movies (The Incredible Shrinking Woman) to super flops (Moment by Moment, co-starring John Travolta) to Tony-winning Broadway megahits (The Search for Signs of Intelligent Life in the Universe). Beyond her endeavors with Wagner, Tomlin most frequently worked with Robert Altman (Nashville, Short Cuts, A Prairie Home Companion), and gave star performances in 9 to 5, All of Me, Big Business, and Flirting with Disaster. She's had recurring roles on many top tv shows Murphy Brown, The West Wing, Will & Grace, Desperate Housewives, and Damages. Most recently, she was Tina Fey's mom in the skippable Admission. In March 1977, when Time was still a news magazine, Tomlin was its cover story; Wagner is identified first as "a friend" but later the article says the ladies share a house off Sunset. Eighteen years ago, Tomlin co-produced and narrated the gay Hollywood documentary The Celluloid Closet, an act some took as her coming out. She's a hysterical actress, obvs, but is she also a little hysterical? Her meltdowns on the set of I Heart Huckabees are more than a little salty, yet minor compared to the tantrum thrown by the director. Remember, nothing is harder than comedy. Today she's 74. Also born today: Roger Casement, the gay Irish rebel hanged by the Brits in 1916 and subject of Nobel laureate Mario Vargas Llosa's novel The Dream of the Celt [Kindle]; Emma Stebbins, sculptor of the Central Park landmark Angel of the Waters, which you know as Bethesda Fountain, and girlfriend of actress Charlotte Cushman; and Dave King, author of the 2005 indie hit novel The Ha-Ha [Kindle] and husband of Franklin Tartaglione. Born August 31: David McConnell SilverheartedOne of my favorite gay novels of recent years is also one of the most mysterious: In David McConnell's The Silver Hearted, an unnamed narrator in an unnamed port town in an unnamed country teams up with a young local sailor to transport chests of treasure as a frenzied mob sparks a revolution. Told in high literary style, a pulpy story becomes mesmerizing, erotic, and haunting. Edmund White said it better than I can: "The Silver Hearted is our Heart of Darkness. It is just as ominous, as violent, as exotic, as darkly colonial. But it is a lot better written than Conrad's book. Whereas Conrad is always resorting to 'the unspeakable,' McConnell tells us everything in glowing detail and in fresh, eloquent language. Sexy, demonic, elusive, The Silver Hearted is a perfect work of art." Patrick McGrath said he can't recommend the novel too highly and "David McConnell is the most intriguing, original and exotic writer I've come across in years. The atmosphere he creates in The Silver Hearted is imbued with dread, mystery, lust, sleaze, greed and beauty. A constant potent undertow of violence is at work in the sustained suspense of his narrative." David's first book was the introspective novel The Firebrat, about which Matthew Statdler said, "I love this book. Abjection has never been so gorgeous." His third book [Kindle], out this year, is a significant departure, nonfiction reportage on the murders of gay men. PW said it is a "journalistic tour de force," Library Journal said it's "a masterpiece of reportage," and Sebastian Junger said it's "a stunning exploration of Manhood in America." David reads from the book and discusses homophobia at the Atlanta Journal-Constitution/Decatur Book Festival tomorrow afternoon. Posted at 08:43 AM in Birthdays, Books, Crime Permalink Comments (0) TrackBack (0) August 30, 2013 Colm Tóibín on Wilde's Dualities in New Edition of De Profundis ProfundisAccording to his sons, Oscar Wilde especially liked Robert Louis Stevenson's work and Colm Tóibín discusses the Jekyll and Hyde dualities in so much of Wilde's life: gay and married, an Irishman in London, rich and chased by creditors, an aristocrat and Irish patriot, "a wit who was also serious, but a limp and timid lyricist who wrote brave and modern plays." In the spring of 1895, he was also the accuser and accused in two infamous trials that took him from the most celebrated man in London to a jailed, unspeakable scoundrel. For the first and most horrible part of his sentence he was prohibited from having pen and paper. Toward the end of his two year confinement, he wrote his famous long, long love letter to Lord Alfred Douglas, now collected in De Profundis and Other Prison Writings [Kindle], introduced by Tóibín in a new edition from Penguin. StevensonIf you've made it to adulthood without revisiting Stevenson, stop everything and read Kidnapped [Kindle]. Rupert Smith says, "First and foremost, it's one of the most exciting adventure novels I can think of, a model of brilliant plotting, compelling narrative and sharp, magnetic characterisation. The story of David Balfour, the young ingenu sold into slavery and cheated of his inheritance by wicked Uncle Ebenezer, is probably the best coming-of-age narrative I can think of – it never labours its points, but it shows David learning from each experience and acquaintance until he's man enough to claim what's rightfully his. But there's another level to Kidnapped, one which only struck me when I re-read it in my 40s – it's a profoundly homosexual novel. I can see readers rolling their eyes at this point, but bear with me. Whether Stevenson realised it or not, the kidnapping of the young man and his experiences at the hands of older, more powerful men is fraught with erotic energy, and his friendship with the charismatic Alan Breck is highly romantic. Some critics point to The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde as 'proof' of Stevenson's homosexual leanings, and I can see their point – but for me, Kidnapped is the dead giveaway (and the better novel). In fact, this was the book that inspired me to write the first of my James Lear novels, The Low Road [Kindle], which is a sexed-up version of the same basic story." Posted at 10:27 PM in Books, Ireland, Scotland, U.K. Permalink Comments (0) TrackBack (0) August 29, 2013 Two Boys Kissing LevithanTwo weeks from now will mark the tenth anniversary of David Levithan's semi-classic debut, the "dippy, happy" teen novel Boy Meets Boy, and this week he releases his eighteenth book, Two Boys Kissing [Kindle]. Based on a real event, the novel follows two seventeen year-olds, Craig and Harry, as they attempt to break the record for world's longest kiss. If you're not a teen and guess the book has nothing for you, think again: It's narrated by a Greek chorus of "gay uncles" from the generation lost to aids. A starred PW review called it "a landmark achievement," and Entertainment Weekly gave it an A-. Some of David's best works are collaborations, most notably with John Green for Will Grayson, Will Grayson about two boys one gay, one straight, who have the same name; and with Rachel Cohn for Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist, which became an okayish Michael Cera movie that was not entirely degayed. Ever inventive, his most recent novel was Every Day, a NYT bestseller about a boy who each morning wakes up as a different person but always in love with the same girl. So far his only adult book is the gay novella The Lover's Dictionarythat both charmed and suffered from being written as dictionary entries. Posted at 10:36 AM in Books, YA Permalink Comments (1) TrackBack (0) Born August 29: Edward Carpenter Carp Ardent socialist (author of the anthem England Arise, founding member of the Independent Labour Party), feminist (saying, "there is no solution except the freedom of woman," he considered traditional marriage to be a form of prostitution), gay activist (his ground-breaking books like My Days and Dreams and The Intermediate Sex go far beyond earlier essays by his friend John Addington Symonds), pacifist, nudist, mystic, poet, and the first person to introduce sandals to modern Britain, Edward Carpenter's greatest legacy may be how he lived his life. Utterly changed after reading Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass in 1863, he began to dream of a brotherhood of manly love that would erase class lines and give rise to a true democracy. After graduating from Cambridge and leaving a position vacated by Leslie Stephen, Virginia Woolf's father, Carpenter gave public lectures in Leeds intended for the working class (but attended only by the middle class, who didn't warm to his ideas) and sought to befriend laborers, unsuccessfully. Finally in 1891, after meeting by chance on a train, he and uneducated George Merrill became lovers. In 1898, when Carpenter was fifty-four and Merrill was thirty-two, they established a house together, absolutely unheard of in an England still widely antigay in the aftermath of the Oscar Wilde trials. They lived together openly as a couple for thirty years until Merrill's death, and their cross-class love was the direct inspiration for their friend E.M. Forster's novel Maurice, as well as D.H. Lawrence's heterosexualized version, Lady Chatterley's Lover. Not all authors were so enamored. In the decade after Carpenter's death, George Orwell ridiculed "every fruit-juice drinker, nudist, sandal wearer [and] sex maniac" among the Socialists. Yet an American Communist, Harry Hay, credited Carpenter's writings for galvanizing him to start the first gay rights group, The Mattachine Society, in Los Angeles in 1950. The must-read, Lammy-winning biography Edward Carpenter: A Life of Liberty and Love by Sheila Rowbotham was Peter Tatchell's and Jeanette Winterson's favorite book of 2008 and Sarah Schulman's favorite lgbt book of 2009. Posted at 09:56 AM in Activism, Birthdays, Books, U.K. Permalink Comments (0) TrackBack (0) August 28, 2013 Born August 28: Nancy Kulp, Karl Ulrichs KulpWhich gay genius saw the potential in a short-haired young lesbian, a former Florida newspaper reporter who had interviewed Clark Gable and the Duke & Duchess of Windsor but now was stuck working a desk job in the studio's publicity department, and asked her to be in his new picture? George Cukor cast skinny Nancy Kulp as, what else, the comic spinster -- at 30! -- and variations on that theme were the mainstay of her career for the next thirty-eight years. Although she wrung every drop of humor from the wet cliche of the sexless, manless old maid, midcentury critics could be cruel in their critiques of Kulp, describing her as TV's most homely girl with the "face of a shriveled balloon, the figure of a string of spaghetti, and the voice of a bullfrog in mating season." Undaunted, she played her thin parts with brio, building from bit roles in Shane, Sabrina, and A Star Is Born, to her biggest success on television. After three seasons on his Bob Cummings Show, writer-producer Paul Henning cast Kulp in his next project, The Beverly Hillbillies. Surely her Miss Jane Hathaway is one of the immortal early queer characters, and while audiences were invited to laugh at her highly unlikely pining for hot Jethro (when he wasn't in drag as his sister Jethrine), Kulp gave her character all the dignity befitting the scholarly, single secretary who was happiest with her women-only birdwatching society. Finally, critics appreciated her and she was rewarded with an Emmy nomination in 1967 and, following the series' end in 1971, roles on The Brian Keith Show, Sanford & Son, and The Love Boat. In her early sixties, she returned to her native Pennsylvania and ran for Congress as a Democrat in 1984. Her former Hillbillies costar Buddy Ebsen did ads attacking her as "too liberal" and her Republican opponent won in the Reagan re-election landslide. Closeted her whole career, Kulp finally came out in a carefully controlled way to interviewer in 1989, reprinted in Boze Hadleigh's book Hollywood Lesbians. She died of cancer in February 1991 at sixty-nine. YouTube's Mister Esoteric has compiled these clips honoring her as a forerunner to Lily Tomlin, Sandra Bernhard, and Ellen. Aakarl Karl Heinrich Ulrichs had an affair with his riding instructor when he was fourteen, was forced to quit his civil servant job for being gay when he was thirty-four, and began publishing pamphlets explaining and defending same-sex love when he was thirty-seven. Five years later, the day after his forty-second birthday, he addressed the German congress, coming out publicly and demanding they repeal their anti-gay laws. It was 1867, one hundred two years before Stonewall, and he was shouted down before he could finish his speech. Though his books were banned in Saxony and Berlin he continued writing on the subject for the rest of his life. In 1870, he published Araxes, which lays out all of the modern arguments for the rights of gay citizens. In 1879, he published the twelfth volume of his ongoing project, The Riddle of "Man-Manly" Love, and moved to Italy, which was more hospitable. Indeed, Ulrichs was awarded an honorary degree by the University of Naples shortly before he died, one month prior to his seventieth birthday. Today, streets are named for him in Bremen, Hanover, and Munich, where this afternoon they will celebrate with their annual street party and poetry reading in Karl-Heinrich-Ulrichs-Platz. In his final years, he wrote "Until my dying day I will look back with pride that I found the courage to come face to face in battle against the spectre which for time immemorial has been injecting poison into me and into men of my nature. Many have been driven to suicide because all their happiness in life was tainted. Indeed, I am proud that I found the courage to deal the initial blow to the hydra of public contempt." Posted at 12:15 PM in Activism, Birthdays, Germany, History, Politics, Television Permalink Comments (1) TrackBack (0) Dallas Buyers Club and Mud Focus has moved the release date of the true-story, straight-gay, uplifting aids movie Dallas Buyers Club five weeks earlier, from December 6 to November 1. Yesterday they unveiled the trailer. In twenty years of acting since Dazed & Confused, guess which nude bongo banger has never been nominated for an Oscar or even a lousy Golden Globe? Last year ought to have been Matthew McConaughey's moment for a supporting nod, but I suspect he fell asunder of dreaded vote splitting -- the gay independent Bernie was his better performance while the homoerotic but degayed studio stripper flick Magic Mike grabbed all the attention (and earned him four big wins from the Spirit Awards, National Society of Film Critics, NY Film Critics, and the Village Voice film poll). Will it happen again in 2013? Because he's very good in Mud but all the hype will be for Dallas Buyers Club. [You know how Hollywood equates physical transformations with Real Acting. In Mud, he bravely went with scraggly hair, but for Dallas Buyers he lost all that weight! My god, not since Charlize played ugly (Best Actress), or Nicole wore that fake nose (Best Actress), or Jamie wore sunglasses (Best Actor), or Daniel got a wart (Best Actor)...] Anyway, although it's not as powerful as the foreign Oscar winner In A Better World, Mud springs from the same roots of nice young teens making a series of increasingly bad decisions. Also, there's the friction of a classic, innocent boy crush on a charismatic, shirtless criminal. Anyone seeking a flicker of subtext might notice that this story arc climaxes late at night when McConaughy crawls through the boy's window and climbs into bed with him. Reese Witherspoon detractors / fans should note she is barely in the movie. It is the third impressive feature from 34 year-old director Jeff Nichols who wrote each of his films. Mud was released on dvd earlier this month or watch it right now. Mud Posted at 09:39 AM in Aids, Film, Texas Permalink Comments (0) TrackBack (0) August 27, 2013 Terry Castle on Being Gay Married Here's what you're going to do. You are going to read Terry Castle's LRB essay on the real joy and underlying ambivalance about marriage equality, which is really an examination of how comfortably or uncomfortably the new acceptance rests on all the rejection that came before. With sentences like, "In those days (and yes, even now) one's mother could always be counted on, likewise, to underscore one's alienation from the rest of humankind," it's mandatory reading: "Some of the diffidence I felt no doubt had to do with the fact that Blakey and I had already been living together – delightfully, with nary a closet in sight – for six years. Apart from the political statement – rah, rah, cheers, queers – the ritual, I grumbled, was beside the point. Yet troubling too were a host of larger metaphysical questions. Marriage had always been defined (and naturalised) as a relationship between a man and a woman; could it now, merely by way of a few wishful speech acts and contrived theatrical gestures, be completely reconceived? Was it possible – just like that – to revamp one of the key kinship structures around which human society had been organised for millennia? What would Wittgenstein have said? Was 'gay marriage' part of 'everything that is the case'? Would he have got married? To himself or another person? One could noodle away the hours pondering such things. "My own seemingly innate, sometimes Arctic, aloofness had to be part of the equation too. Anyone who knows me knows it: my perverse tendency to stand sadly apart from sociability and look rejected, even when surrounded by affable people doing everything possible to show their affection for me. In some skittish, not so deeply buried part of me, it's always San Diego in 1967 and the treacherous lunch court at Marston Junior High School. I'm 13 again; shy, pudgy and unpopular, eating my peanut butter and jelly sandwich in miserable, Cain-like isolation, while the more confident girls – those who shriek and rat their hair and travel in ardent, gossipy packs – point at me and guffaw. What a weirdo. Shall we just say that my childish heart turned then to adamant? That self-protection meant fixing one's eyes on blankness and acting dead? When I began thinking of myself as a lesbian – not so long afterwards, really – the age-old stereotype of the female homosexual as doomed misfit, lost in a dark and sterile world of shadows, seemed purpose built for me." If you somehow still don't know Castle -- whom Sontag named "the most expressive, most enlightening literary critic at large today" and James Wolcott calls "a Jedi knight of literary exploration" -- for goodness' sake, get the essay collection The Professor: A Sentimental Education [Kindle only $3.79]. Posted at 01:36 PM in Books, Civil Unions - Marriage, Essays, Greece, SF Permalink Comments (1) TrackBack (0) Born August 27: Jeanette Winterson Jw Given that in 2011 she wrote one of the finest queer books of this decade, her memoir Why Be Happy When You Could Be Normal? [Kindle], winner of a Stonewall UK award and a Lambda Literary Award, is it unkind and unfair to ask where is Jeanette Winterson's next great novel? Her best-known fiction is still her first, her landmark debut from 1985 Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit, which covers many of the events revisited in the memoir. She wrote it in two months because she needed money; it won the Whitbread and became a modern classic. Five years later the television version, adapted by Winterson, won the BAFTA for best drama. To my mind, her finest is The Passion [Kindle], which takes place in France and Venice during the Napoleonic Wars, and won the John Llewellyn Rhys Prize in 1987. Two years later she released her most ambitious novel, Sexing the Cherry, which touches down in several centuries but is most firmly rooted in the Restoration. And in 1992 she published a novel about an affair, Written on the Body, which virtually everyone took to be inspired by her romantic liaison with her literary agent, Pat Kavanagh, married to Julian Barnes until her death in 2008. At that point Winerson was four years into her twelve-year partnership with Peggy Reynolds, to whom she dedicated "with love" her novel about her affair. But aren't the six adult novels in the twenty-one years since then -- Art & Lies, Gut Symmetries, The PowerBook, Lighthousekeeping, Weight, The Stone Gods -- more about the author's idea than the characters? In the past ten years she has also written two children's picture books (The King of Capri, The Lion, The Unicorn and Me), a middle-grade chapter book (Tanglewreck), two YA historical novels (The Battle of the Sun, The Daylight Gate), and an original hour-long special for CBBC on Christmas 2009 called Ingenious. She's creative, she won't be pinned down, she's prolific, she's a workaholic -- in her spare time she runs the organic cornershop Verde's in the ground floor of her Georgian house in Spitalfields -- but for all her admirable busyness is she somehow wasting her time? Earlier this summer she announced she's reworking A Winter's Tale for the upcoming series The Hogarth Shakespeare. Posted at 01:35 PM in Birthdays, Books, Television, U.K. Permalink Comments (1) TrackBack (0) August 26, 2013 James Tait Black Memorial Prize Winners Warner Dating from 1919, the James Tait Black Memorial Prize has honored everyone from Lawrence, Forster, Waugh, Greene, and Compton-Burnett to Spark, Chatwin, Coetzee, Rushdie, Banville, Bainbridge, Byatt, Hollinghurst, Tremain, Franzen, McEwan, and Zadie Smith, so attention must be paid to this year's two winners, in fiction and biography. Say the judges: Pedal"Alan Warner's The Deadman's Pedal is an exceptionally fine novel, richly evocative in detail, beautifully poised in execution, which in the story of one young man's journey to adulthood through the mysteries of childhood, sexuality, work, the realities of class society and the experience of divided family loyalties, offers a compelling poetic vision of a changing Scotland." "Tanya Harrod's The Last Sane Man: Michael Cardew: Modern Pots, Colonialism, and the Counterculture offers an exceptional portrait of a remarkable craftsman and his world. Harrod constructs this biography with the same eye for form and purpose that marked the work of her subject." The three other fiction finalists were The Panopticon [Kindle] by Jenni Fagan, The Big Music [Kindle] by Kirsty Gunn, and Leaving the Atocha Station [Kindle] by Ben Lerner. Among the biography finalists was Michael Gorra's Portrait of a Novel: Henry James and the Making of an American Masterpiece [Kindle]. FYI, the first woman to win this award was Radclyffe Hall, for Adam's Breed in 1926. Alan Warner photo by Jayne Wright in The Scotsman. Posted at 06:37 AM in Books, Scotland, U.K. Permalink Comments (0) TrackBack (0) Born August 26: Christopher Isherwood IsherVastly underappreciated, and remembered largely for the wrong reasons, Christopher Isherwood changed the way fiction is written with his "I am a camera" style of narration. Read his interview in the Paris Review's series The Art of Fiction and make time for one of the best gay books ever, Christopher and His Kind*, which is equally enthralling about literary revelations and sexual mores: Rejecting his uptight, upperclass England, Isherwood spent much of his twenties in Berlin where he dated working class teens. Falling in love with young Heinz at a time when living quarters were especially scarce, he moved into Heinz's family's one bedroom apartment; the parents moved out of their bedroom and slept in the living room so the twenty-five year-old Brit could enjoy a double bed in privacy with their fifteen year-old son. Another person he met was Jean Ross, on whom he based Sally Bowles in his The Berlin Storieswhich of course became Cabaret. After moving to England and on to New York with Auden, and further literary successes, Isherwood settled permanently in Los Angeles, where when he was forty-eight he met teenager Don Bachardy. Immediately, Isherwood wrote The World in the Evening , followed by Down There On A Visit and what many consider his best novel, A Single Man. They remained partners for over thirty years until Isherwood's death in 1986. Their relationship is the subject of the documentary, Chris & Don. A Love Story. After more than 1,100 pages of Diaries: 1939-1960 and another 800 pages of The Sixties, last November saw 928 pages of Liberation: Diaries:1970-1983. *And here's the sex-filled BBC2 film Posted at 06:26 AM in Birthdays, Books, Los Angeles, U.K. Permalink Comments (0) TrackBack (0) Macklemore & Ryan Lewis Win VMA for Pro-Marriage Equality Song Accepting MTV's Video Music Award for Best Song with a Social Message for their pro-gay, pro-marriage equality jam Same Love [below], Macklemore said, "I've been writing songs since I was 15 and out of every single song I have every written to me this is the most important record out of all of them. And to watch this song in the last year spread across the world is a testament to what is happening right here now America on the forefront of equality. Gay rights are human rights there is no separation." Earlier in the evening, he and Ryan Lewis performed the song with lesbian Mary Lambert and Dreamgirl Jennifer Hudson. The twenty-four year-old Lambert has been out since she was seventeen and published her first book of poetry earlier this year, 500 Tips for Fat Girls. Full list of VMA winners here. Posted at 06:25 AM in Music, Television Permalink Comments (1) TrackBack (0) August 25, 2013 Albanian Virgins: Women Who Spend Their Lives as Men AlbanianIf you're literate, you've probably read and re-read to the point of memorization, Alice Munro's knock-out tale "The Albanian Virgin," so you'll be interested in photographer Jill Peters' recent project to document these mountain women who live as men. The tradition dates back at least to the 1400s, though with modernization encroaching, today far fewer women live this way. See nine in her portfolio. Munro's story is available in her three-decades-spanning Selected Stories, which, so rare in these endeavors, actually does collect her best work, including the first of her two gay stories, The Turkey Season. That piece appeared in The New Yorker in 1980, one year after Ann Beattie's half-gay story The Burning House and seventeen years before Annie Proulx's Brokeback Mountain. Also if you're literate, you really should read Albania's greatest writer, Ismail Kadare, who won the first International Booker in 2005. Beware, even with his straightforward prose, he will bewitch you like Orhan Pamuk. Realists should start with his short, riveting Broken April [Kindle] which follows two strands: Gjor, a young man reluctantly caught in an ancient blood feud, and an intellectual couple honeymooning in the Accursed Mountains. More fanciful readers should try Chronicle in Stone [Kindle] or The General of the Dead Army or The Fall of the Stone City or The Palace of Dreams. Posted at 06:56 AM in Books, International, Photography Permalink Comments (0) TrackBack (0) Born August 25: Rob Halford Aahal Hiding in plain sight for more than twenty years, the closeted lead singer of Judas Priest modeled his look on the gay leather scene which became a heavy metal mainstay. From 1974 to 1992, Rob Halford fronted the band, wowing fans with his pseudo-operatic style of singing and impressing critics with his four octave vocal range. Offstage, he struggled with alcohol dependency and violent relationships, the worst moment coming after a bad fight: When Halford got a taxi, his boyfriend shot himself and died. After that, Halford improved his life. In 1997, he played gigs with Pansy Division at gay pride parties and the next year he came out on MTV. In 2003, he reunited with Judas Priest. In 2008 the band released their second post-reunion album, Nostradamus, which was their sixteenth studio album, and they played on the Masters of Metal Tour. Since then they've released two live albums. Halford lives in Phoenix, San Diego, Amsterdam, and his native Walsall, England, hometown also to Boy George. Since coming out, Halford says the support of the metal community has been "tremendous." Posted at 06:53 AM in Birthdays, Music, U.K. Permalink Comments (0) TrackBack (0) August 24, 2013 Rural Gay America 1900-1960 JustqueerNew this summer is Colin Johnson's Just Queer Folks: Gender and Sexuality in Rural America [Kindle] which, the publisher says, "explores the seldom-discussed history of same-sex intimacy and gender nonconformity in rural America during a period when the now familiar concepts of heterosexuality and homosexuality were only just beginning to take shape... Johnson argues instead for a queer historicist approach. In so doing, he uncovers a startlingly unruly rural past in which small-town eccentrics, "mannish" farm women, and cross-dressing Civilian Conservation Corps enrolees were often just queer folks so far as their neighbours were concerned. Written with wit and verve, Just Queer Folks upsets a whole host of contemporary commonplaces." PW says he "doggedly decodes" passages of Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men and Stegner's The Big Rock Candy Mountain "that hint at gay sex." For a contemporary take, get Mary L. Gray's excellent, triple-award-winning Out in the Country: Youth, Media, and Queer Visibility in Rural America [Kindle]. Posted at 07:24 AM in Books Permalink Comments (1) TrackBack (0) Born August 24: M Matisse One of my very favorite people dislikes publicity to the exact degree that I admire her: immensely. A careful, thoughtful editor by temperament and trade, she taught me how to eat, speak, read, write, garden, museum-go, and travel internationally... seven of my all-time greatest pastimes. Though I couldn't hope to match her knowledge, natural skill, and intuitive elegance in those activities, it has been an abiding pleasure to fall short in her shadow. Especially now she deserves your respect and gratitude for years of bravery and persistence in the slow task of helping to educate a straight community on lgbt equality, the best kind of local change that ripples nationally. A voracious, versatile, and adventurous reader, she recommends Hilary Spurling's two-volume biography The Unknown Matisse and Matisse the Master and Andrea Barrett's National Book Award-winning collection, Ship Fever [Kindle], especially the story "Rare Birds." Posted at 07:24 AM in Birthdays, Families Permalink Comments (0) TrackBack (0) August 23, 2013 Born August 23: Neil Bartlett, Conner Habib BartlettNeil Bartlett received an OBE at forty-two for his special services to the arts. The author, translator, or director of dozens of plays for television, radio, and most especially theater, including the Royal Shakespeare Company, the National, the ART, and the Lyric Hammersmith where he was Artistic Director for eleven seasons, he has also published a handful of gay books: The literary novel Ready to Catch Him Should He Fall plumbs the erotic relationship between an older man and his younger boyfriend in an unnamed town. In The House on Brooke Street he contrasts a London department store clerk and an aristocrat's obsession with the latter's 19 year-old blond servant Gabriel in a story that flips between the 1920s and 50s. His most recent novel, Skin Lane, about a 46 year-old furrier and his boss's teen nephew, was a finalist for a Costa award after winning wide acclaim from critics and A-list authors Armistead Maupin, Patrick McGrath, and Will Self who said, it's "a fiendishly taut little psycho-shocker that recalls Simenon at his most hardboiled and Highsmith at her creepiest." Six months ago, the British Library announced the acquisition of Bartlett's personal papers and video archives. ConnerYesterday, Conner Habib taught a seminar called "Anthroposophy 101: Rudolf Steiner, Freedom, and the Western Esoteric Tradition" in San Francisco. It was probably pretty good because Conner previously earned the Distinguished Teaching Award, the highest teaching honor at UMASS, during his three years lecturing on literature, composition, and creative writing. He also loves to talk and write about organismic and evolutionary biology which he studied with many of the greats in the field like Lynn Margulis and Fritjof Capra. All of this is important to remember because Conner is a porn star. For his efforts in more than 100 sex films and scenes, he has been named Best Newcomer by the GayVN in 2010 and he won Best Supporting Actor at the Grabbys in 2012 for his work with Allen Silver in Dad Goes To College directed by Joe Gage. He often writes about sex, what it's like on set or describing why he likes rest stops or creating an identity in porn or why Americans fear gay sex. His birth name is Andre Khalil and he chose Conner Habib to reflect his Irish and Syrian ancestry. Today he's 36. Read his blog or join his 25,079 followers on twitter. Posted at 08:37 AM in Birthdays, Books, Broadway, Sex, SF, U.K. Permalink Comments (1) TrackBack (0) August 22, 2013 Flavorwire Lists "50 Essential Works of LGBT Fiction" Yesterday's list of fifty books Flavorwire considers essential queer fiction is sort of good, sort of awful. Yes, absolutely: Hollinghurst, Baldwin, Winterson, Forster, Mann, Sarah Waters, Isherwood, Renault, Proust. But the list includes far too many recent, first-time authors who are friends of the compiler? talented but have not yet reached the mastery of those omitted: Wilde, Waugh, Cheever, Cather, Capote, Colette, Gide, Firbank, William S Burroughs, Marguerite Yourcenar, Denton Welch, Colm Toibin, Michael Cunningham, Stephen McCauley, Alan Bennett, Philip Hensher, Peter Cameron, J.R. Ackerly, David Leavitt, Dale Peck, Dorothy Allison, Reinaldo Arenas, Paul Russell, Alison Bechdel, Jaime Manrique, E. Lynn Harris, Alan Gurganus, Katherine Forrest, Glenway Westcott, Jonathan Strong, Tove Jansson, and Tennessee Williams, to name a few. In the face of so many omissions, it's impossible to justify giving Larry Kramer two entries, for Faggots and The Normal Heart. How do you feel about straight authors on a list of gay books? Intellectually, the work speaks for itself, period. Emotionally, it's tough to see so many dedicated writers above pushed aside for at least four non-gay authors who made it onto the list: Andre Aciman, Jeffrey Eugenides, Michael Chabon, and Stephen Chbosky. What do they offer that can't be found in a comparable book from a queer writer? By any yardstick, Someday This Pain Will Be Useful to You is ten times better than The Perks of Being a Wallflower. Despite its shortcomings, the list also surprises, happily, with three lesser-known gems: At Swim, Two Boys [Kindle] by Jamie O'Neill, Funny Boy by Shyam Selvadurai, and Narrow Rooms by James Purdy. I never see Flavorwire and would have missed this were it not for the intrepid Logan Ragsdale, a New York City area librarian. Posted at 11:41 AM in Books Permalink Comments (2) TrackBack (0) Born August 22: László Almásy Laslzo To the long line of queer lives stolen, degayed, and straightened by writers and filmmakers craving a broader audience, add László Almásy [seated], the Hungarian aristocrat, desert explorer and Nazi smuggler who may have spied for both sides in WWII, and is the protagonist of The English Patient. Almásy was gay and certainly didn't have a soaring romance with anyone's wife; he and a young German soldier named Hans Entholt were lovers and letters unavailable to the public offer proof that he also had sex with Egyptian princes. Born in what is now Austria, educated in England, he joined the Hussars in WWI, was shot down over Italy, continued as a flight instructor, and after the war was a winning speed racer. Earlier, in 1926, after driving along the Nile from Egypt to the Sudan, Almásy became interested in the area and led expeditions in search of the mythic Zerzura. His sponsor died and that man's wife perished in a mysterious plane crash the following year. In 1934 or 35, Almásy and another adventurer became the first whites to establish contact with the Magyarab tribe and earned the title Abu Ramla [Father of the Sand] from his Bedouin friends, developing desert skills that would come in handy during WWII as part of Operation Salaam when he smuggled Nazi spies across enemy lines and drove 4,200 km across the Sahara. Yet when he returned to Budapest, he helped hide and save several Jewish families from being deported to death camps. After the war, he was arrested in Hungary, sent to a Soviet prison, was acquitted thanks to a bribe allegedly paid by MI6, was smuggled to Austria by British officials on a fake passport, and sent to Egypt where King Farouk got him named the technical director at the new Desert Research Institute. Visiting Austria in 1951, he contracted dysentery and died at 55. The English Patient won the Booker Prize and the movie version won nine Oscars, including best picture. A more accurate portrayal is John Bierman's The Secret Life of Laszlo Almasy: The Real English Patient. Posted at 09:25 AM in Adventure, Birthdays Permalink Comments (0) TrackBack (0) August 21, 2013 GLAAD: Only 6 of 101 Studio Movies in 2012 Passed Vito Russo Test Ben Industry lapdog/watchdog GLAAD today released its Studio Responsibility Index reporting that of 101 Hollywood feature films, fourteen included l,g, or b characters (zero trans), but even that is a stretch. Eleven of the fourteen are comedies, some of which play the gay reveal for laughs. The remaining three are a drama in which the gay love interest dies; an actioner with a bi villain; and a concert film with a queer stylist backstage. Only six films passed the Vito Russo Test, described here by the LA Times: To pass the "Russo Test," a film must contain an identifiably LGBT character, who must not be solely identified by their sexual orientation or gender identity, and who must be tied to the film's plot so that his or her removal from the story would have a major effect on it. Can you name all six? Pitch Perfect, Fun Size, Rock of Ages, The Five-Year Engagement, Skyfall, and the drama Cloud Atlas [above], which had the year's only prominent gay storyline and was among 2012's biggest flops. Several of the remaining eight are very weak inclusions: Adam Sandler's That's My Boy, Eddie Murphy's A Thousand Words, Sacha Baron Cohen's The Dictator, 21 Jump Street, American Reunion, Think Like a Man, Ted, and Katy Perry the Movie: Part of Me. The GLAAD report mentions but wisely doesn't count The Avengers simply for its quick cameo by newsman Thomas Roberts, because he is out in real life. Because the report is aimed at major studios, it doesn't list widely-distributed gay-inclusive films like the sly, animated feature ParaNorman, the really overrated teen drama The Perks of Being a Wallflower, or the nonstop parade of gray-haired cliches in The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, which once again kills off its wistful, lonely old homo Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 09:58AM abu adam - Social Mention . LGBT-themed books you want to read Two Gay Trilogies Conclude: Captain Harding and Band Fags! HardingFollowing his fine Captain Harding's Six-Day War [Kindle] (which the Lambda Review says is "already a gay literary classic") and Captain Harding and His Men [Kindle], Lammy-winner Elliott Mackle brings his strong hero back to the States in Welcome Home, Captain Harding [Kindle]. Lethe Press writes: "Returning to California after eighteen terrifying months in Vietnam, Captain Joe Harding is assigned a trio of duties: assisting his fatherly former commander at base operations, spying on misbehaving bomber pilots and organizing an air show designed to counter the anti-war fever sweeping the state. Meanwhile, his much younger tennis partner has enrolled at Cal Berkeley, enmeshed himself in pacifist politics and resumed his role as Joe's lover. When a playmate from Wheelus, a one-time fighter pilot now flying for TWA, shows up at Joe's house in Merced, the three men must navigate the joys and difficulties inherent in creating their own sort of ''welcome home.'' Continuing the adventures and misadventures begun in Elliott Mackle's acclaimed Captain Harding series Joe and his fellow officers and men are up against a hot-dogging, risk-taking aircraft commander, a pair of drug-abusing co-pilots and a married administrator with a taste for sexual blackmail. When a Broadway show causes a death in the family, a test flight goes terribly wrong and Joe's honor and patriotism are questioned, he must fight to clear his name and rebuild his imperiled career." Mackle's previous novels are It Takes Two and its sequel Only Make Believe, as well as the stand alone Hot Off the Presses. PolitoReaders who followed Bradley Dayton through his early teens in Band Fags! [Kindle] and his late teens in the Lammy-winning Drama Queers! [Kindle] can now see him in college in The Spirit of Detroit [Kindle], which Frank Anthony Polito says was "inspired by The Mysteries of Pittsburgh by Michael Chabon." "September 1992. Madonna's SEX is poised to hit bookstore shelves, The Crying Gamemakes its cinematic debut in limited release, and George H.W. Bush will soon square off against William Jefferson Clinton in the battle to be elected leader of the Free World. After abandoning his dreams of becoming a famous actor, Bradley Dayton returns to his roots and enrolls as a Theatre major at Wayne State University in Detroit. But a new cast of characters begins to interfere with his educational pursuits as these friends (and lovers) induct Bradley into their dark world of backstage drama. By semester's end, he will have spent many a wild and sleepless Motor City night in search of his true self, while finding his fair share of trouble along the way." Posted at 07:52 AM in Books Permalink Comments (0) TrackBack (0) September 01, 2013 Born September 1: Lily Tomlin, Roger Casement, Emma Stebbins, Dave King Aalily Detroit's funniest daughter, Mary Jean Tomlin was featured on Merv Griffin when she was twenty-six and landed a spot on Laugh-In when she was thirty, creating the telephone operator Ernestine. Wanting to expand another character, Edith Ann, the bratty child in the big chair, Tomlin found the Peabody-winning after school special writer Jane Wagner. They clicked. They've been life partners and collaborators for forty-two years and now they're getting married. Wagner wrote and directed Tomlin projects ranging from Grammy-winning comedy albums and Emmy-winning tv specials to hit movies (The Incredible Shrinking Woman) to super flops (Moment by Moment, co-starring John Travolta) to Tony-winning Broadway megahits (The Search for Signs of Intelligent Life in the Universe). Beyond her endeavors with Wagner, Tomlin most frequently worked with Robert Altman (Nashville, Short Cuts, A Prairie Home Companion), and gave star performances in 9 to 5, All of Me, Big Business, and Flirting with Disaster. She's had recurring roles on many top tv shows Murphy Brown, The West Wing, Will & Grace, Desperate Housewives, and Damages. Most recently, she was Tina Fey's mom in the skippable Admission. In March 1977, when Time was still a news magazine, Tomlin was its cover story; Wagner is identified first as "a friend" but later the article says the ladies share a house off Sunset. Eighteen years ago, Tomlin co-produced and narrated the gay Hollywood documentary The Celluloid Closet, an act some took as her coming out. She's a hysterical actress, obvs, but is she also a little hysterical? Her meltdowns on the set of I Heart Huckabees are more than a little salty, yet minor compared to the tantrum thrown by the director. Remember, nothing is harder than comedy. Today she's 74. Also born today: Roger Casement, the gay Irish rebel hanged by the Brits in 1916 and subject of Nobel laureate Mario Vargas Llosa's novel The Dream of the Celt [Kindle]; Emma Stebbins, sculptor of the Central Park landmark Angel of the Waters, which you know as Bethesda Fountain, and girlfriend of actress Charlotte Cushman; and Dave King, author of the 2005 indie hit novel The Ha-Ha [Kindle] and husband of Franklin Tartaglione. Born August 31: David McConnell SilverheartedOne of my favorite gay novels of recent years is also one of the most mysterious: In David McConnell's The Silver Hearted, an unnamed narrator in an unnamed port town in an unnamed country teams up with a young local sailor to transport chests of treasure as a frenzied mob sparks a revolution. Told in high literary style, a pulpy story becomes mesmerizing, erotic, and haunting. Edmund White said it better than I can: "The Silver Hearted is our Heart of Darkness. It is just as ominous, as violent, as exotic, as darkly colonial. But it is a lot better written than Conrad's book. Whereas Conrad is always resorting to 'the unspeakable,' McConnell tells us everything in glowing detail and in fresh, eloquent language. Sexy, demonic, elusive, The Silver Hearted is a perfect work of art." Patrick McGrath said he can't recommend the novel too highly and "David McConnell is the most intriguing, original and exotic writer I've come across in years. The atmosphere he creates in The Silver Hearted is imbued with dread, mystery, lust, sleaze, greed and beauty. A constant potent undertow of violence is at work in the sustained suspense of his narrative." David's first book was the introspective novel The Firebrat, about which Matthew Statdler said, "I love this book. Abjection has never been so gorgeous." His third book [Kindle], out this year, is a significant departure, nonfiction reportage on the murders of gay men. PW said it is a "journalistic tour de force," Library Journal said it's "a masterpiece of reportage," and Sebastian Junger said it's "a stunning exploration of Manhood in America." David reads from the book and discusses homophobia at the Atlanta Journal-Constitution/Decatur Book Festival tomorrow afternoon. Posted at 08:43 AM in Birthdays, Books, Crime Permalink Comments (0) TrackBack (0) August 30, 2013 Colm Tóibín on Wilde's Dualities in New Edition of De Profundis ProfundisAccording to his sons, Oscar Wilde especially liked Robert Louis Stevenson's work and Colm Tóibín discusses the Jekyll and Hyde dualities in so much of Wilde's life: gay and married, an Irishman in London, rich and chased by creditors, an aristocrat and Irish patriot, "a wit who was also serious, but a limp and timid lyricist who wrote brave and modern plays." In the spring of 1895, he was also the accuser and accused in two infamous trials that took him from the most celebrated man in London to a jailed, unspeakable scoundrel. For the first and most horrible part of his sentence he was prohibited from having pen and paper. Toward the end of his two year confinement, he wrote his famous long, long love letter to Lord Alfred Douglas, now collected in De Profundis and Other Prison Writings [Kindle], introduced by Tóibín in a new edition from Penguin. StevensonIf you've made it to adulthood without revisiting Stevenson, stop everything and read Kidnapped [Kindle]. Rupert Smith says, "First and foremost, it's one of the most exciting adventure novels I can think of, a model of brilliant plotting, compelling narrative and sharp, magnetic characterisation. The story of David Balfour, the young ingenu sold into slavery and cheated of his inheritance by wicked Uncle Ebenezer, is probably the best coming-of-age narrative I can think of – it never labours its points, but it shows David learning from each experience and acquaintance until he's man enough to claim what's rightfully his. But there's another level to Kidnapped, one which only struck me when I re-read it in my 40s – it's a profoundly homosexual novel. I can see readers rolling their eyes at this point, but bear with me. Whether Stevenson realised it or not, the kidnapping of the young man and his experiences at the hands of older, more powerful men is fraught with erotic energy, and his friendship with the charismatic Alan Breck is highly romantic. Some critics point to The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde as 'proof' of Stevenson's homosexual leanings, and I can see their point – but for me, Kidnapped is the dead giveaway (and the better novel). In fact, this was the book that inspired me to write the first of my James Lear novels, The Low Road [Kindle], which is a sexed-up version of the same basic story." Posted at 10:27 PM in Books, Ireland, Scotland, U.K. Permalink Comments (0) TrackBack (0) August 29, 2013 Two Boys Kissing LevithanTwo weeks from now will mark the tenth anniversary of David Levithan's semi-classic debut, the "dippy, happy" teen novel Boy Meets Boy, and this week he releases his eighteenth book, Two Boys Kissing [Kindle]. Based on a real event, the novel follows two seventeen year-olds, Craig and Harry, as they attempt to break the record for world's longest kiss. If you're not a teen and guess the book has nothing for you, think again: It's narrated by a Greek chorus of "gay uncles" from the generation lost to aids. A starred PW review called it "a landmark achievement," and Entertainment Weekly gave it an A-. Some of David's best works are collaborations, most notably with John Green for Will Grayson, Will Grayson about two boys one gay, one straight, who have the same name; and with Rachel Cohn for Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist, which became an okayish Michael Cera movie that was not entirely degayed. Ever inventive, his most recent novel was Every Day, a NYT bestseller about a boy who each morning wakes up as a different person but always in love with the same girl. So far his only adult book is the gay novella The Lover's Dictionarythat both charmed and suffered from being written as dictionary entries. Posted at 10:36 AM in Books, YA Permalink Comments (1) TrackBack (0) Born August 29: Edward Carpenter Carp Ardent socialist (author of the anthem England Arise, founding member of the Independent Labour Party), feminist (saying, "there is no solution except the freedom of woman," he considered traditional marriage to be a form of prostitution), gay activist (his ground-breaking books like My Days and Dreams and The Intermediate Sex go far beyond earlier essays by his friend John Addington Symonds), pacifist, nudist, mystic, poet, and the first person to introduce sandals to modern Britain, Edward Carpenter's greatest legacy may be how he lived his life. Utterly changed after reading Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass in 1863, he began to dream of a brotherhood of manly love that would erase class lines and give rise to a true democracy. After graduating from Cambridge and leaving a position vacated by Leslie Stephen, Virginia Woolf's father, Carpenter gave public lectures in Leeds intended for the working class (but attended only by the middle class, who didn't warm to his ideas) and sought to befriend laborers, unsuccessfully. Finally in 1891, after meeting by chance on a train, he and uneducated George Merrill became lovers. In 1898, when Carpenter was fifty-four and Merrill was thirty-two, they established a house together, absolutely unheard of in an England still widely antigay in the aftermath of the Oscar Wilde trials. They lived together openly as a couple for thirty years until Merrill's death, and their cross-class love was the direct inspiration for their friend E.M. Forster's novel Maurice, as well as D.H. Lawrence's heterosexualized version, Lady Chatterley's Lover. Not all authors were so enamored. In the decade after Carpenter's death, George Orwell ridiculed "every fruit-juice drinker, nudist, sandal wearer [and] sex maniac" among the Socialists. Yet an American Communist, Harry Hay, credited Carpenter's writings for galvanizing him to start the first gay rights group, The Mattachine Society, in Los Angeles in 1950. The must-read, Lammy-winning biography Edward Carpenter: A Life of Liberty and Love by Sheila Rowbotham was Peter Tatchell's and Jeanette Winterson's favorite book of 2008 and Sarah Schulman's favorite lgbt book of 2009. Posted at 09:56 AM in Activism, Birthdays, Books, U.K. Permalink Comments (0) TrackBack (0) August 28, 2013 Born August 28: Nancy Kulp, Karl Ulrichs KulpWhich gay genius saw the potential in a short-haired young lesbian, a former Florida newspaper reporter who had interviewed Clark Gable and the Duke & Duchess of Windsor but now was stuck working a desk job in the studio's publicity department, and asked her to be in his new picture? George Cukor cast skinny Nancy Kulp as, what else, the comic spinster -- at 30! -- and variations on that theme were the mainstay of her career for the next thirty-eight years. Although she wrung every drop of humor from the wet cliche of the sexless, manless old maid, midcentury critics could be cruel in their critiques of Kulp, describing her as TV's most homely girl with the "face of a shriveled balloon, the figure of a string of spaghetti, and the voice of a bullfrog in mating season." Undaunted, she played her thin parts with brio, building from bit roles in Shane, Sabrina, and A Star Is Born, to her biggest success on television. After three seasons on his Bob Cummings Show, writer-producer Paul Henning cast Kulp in his next project, The Beverly Hillbillies. Surely her Miss Jane Hathaway is one of the immortal early queer characters, and while audiences were invited to laugh at her highly unlikely pining for hot Jethro (when he wasn't in drag as his sister Jethrine), Kulp gave her character all the dignity befitting the scholarly, single secretary who was happiest with her women-only birdwatching society. Finally, critics appreciated her and she was rewarded with an Emmy nomination in 1967 and, following the series' end in 1971, roles on The Brian Keith Show, Sanford & Son, and The Love Boat. In her early sixties, she returned to her native Pennsylvania and ran for Congress as a Democrat in 1984. Her former Hillbillies costar Buddy Ebsen did ads attacking her as "too liberal" and her Republican opponent won in the Reagan re-election landslide. Closeted her whole career, Kulp finally came out in a carefully controlled way to interviewer in 1989, reprinted in Boze Hadleigh's book Hollywood Lesbians. She died of cancer in February 1991 at sixty-nine. YouTube's Mister Esoteric has compiled these clips honoring her as a forerunner to Lily Tomlin, Sandra Bernhard, and Ellen. Aakarl Karl Heinrich Ulrichs had an affair with his riding instructor when he was fourteen, was forced to quit his civil servant job for being gay when he was thirty-four, and began publishing pamphlets explaining and defending same-sex love when he was thirty-seven. Five years later, the day after his forty-second birthday, he addressed the German congress, coming out publicly and demanding they repeal their anti-gay laws. It was 1867, one hundred two years before Stonewall, and he was shouted down before he could finish his abu adam - Social Mention: Mendengar tazkirah ringkas di selepas subuh tadi, jadi saya nak kongsikan kepada saudara2, Dari Abu Hurairah r.a, bhw Rasulullah bersabda:"Allah berfirman, "Anak cucu Adam telah menyakitiKu, mereka mengatakan, "Wahai masa yg mendatangkan kegagalan! 'Maka janganlah sekali2 seorg diantara kamu mengatakan, "Wahai masa yg mendatangkan kegagalan!' Kerana sesungguhnya Aku adalah Masa. Aku yg mempergantikan malam dan siangnya. Maka jika aku mau, aku benturkan keduanya."(HQR. Imam Muslim) Contoh ungkapan yang sering kita dengar adalah : "Kita datang pada waktu yang salah.""Jika bukan kerana malam tentu aku sudah menyelesaikan pekerjaan ini ""Sungguh malam yang sial !! ""Hari ini hariku yg buruk, aku sangat menyesali hari ini. ""siaaalah! Subhanallah.. astaghfirullah, begitu mudah ayat seperti itu keluar dari mulut kita, ini realiti dan banyak berlaku, sunggguh hak Allah telah kita hina.. astaghfirullahhal adzim…Ya Rabb,Janganlah Engkau membiarkan kami tanpa cahayaMu..Berilah kami ilmuMu yang dapat membawa kami menuju redhaMu..Ilmu yg manfaat di dunia dan akhirat kami..Dan jadikanlah kami tunduk patuh terhadap semua hidayah yang telah Engkau kurniakan kepada Kamii tanpa keengganan untuk melaksanakannya dan berpegang teguh selalu atas segala petunjukMu…Amin Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 10:59PM abu adam - Social Mention Mendengar tazkirah ringkas di selepas subuh tadi, jadi saya nak kongsikan kepada saudara2, Dari Abu Hurairah r.a, bhw Rasulullah bersabda:"Allah berfirman, "Anak cucu Adam telah menyakitiKu, mereka mengatakan, "Wahai masa yg mendatangkan kegagalan! 'Maka janganlah sekali2 seorg diantara kamu mengatakan, "Wahai masa yg mendatangkan kegagalan!' Kerana sesungguhnya Aku adalah Masa. Aku yg mempergantikan malam dan siangnya. Maka jika aku mau, aku benturkan keduanya."(HQR. Imam Muslim) Contoh ungkapan yang sering kita dengar adalah : "Kita datang pada waktu yang salah.""Jika bukan kerana malam tentu aku sudah menyelesaikan pekerjaan ini ""Sungguh malam yang sial !! ""Hari ini hariku yg buruk, aku sangat menyesali hari ini. ""siaaalah! Subhanallah.. astaghfirullah, begitu mudah ayat seperti itu keluar dari mulut kita, ini realiti dan banyak berlaku, sunggguh hak Allah telah kita hina.. astaghfirullahhal adzim…Ya Rabb,Janganlah Engkau membiarkan kami tanpa cahayaMu..Berilah kami ilmuMu yang dapat membawa kami menuju redhaMu..Ilmu yg manfaat di dunia dan akhirat kami..Dan jadikanlah kami tunduk patuh terhadap semua hidayah yang telah Engkau kurniakan kepada Kamii tanpa keengganan untuk melaksanakannya dan berpegang teguh selalu atas segala petunjukMu…Amin Nov 19th 2013, 22:42 You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: Abu Bilal - Social Mention: Islam in Ethiopia dates to 615. During that year, a group of Muslims were counseled by the Prophet Muhammad to escape persecution in Mecca and migrate to Abyssinia, which was ruled by, in Muhammad's estimation, a pious Christian king (al-najashi). Muhammad's followers crossed the Red Sea and sought refuge in the Kingdom of Aksum, possibly settling at Negash, a place in present-day Northern Ethiopia, Tigray Region. Moreover, Islamic tradition states that Bilal, one of the foremost companions of Muhammad, was from Ethiopia, as were many non-Arab Companions of Muhammad - in fact, Ethiopians were the single largest non-Arab ethnic group who were Muhammad's companions. Among these was Umm Ayman who was the care-taker of the Prophet Muhammad during his infancy, a woman that he referred to as "mother".[citation needed] Ethiopia was thus the earliest home outside of Arabia for the dispersal of the Islamic world faith. Ethiopia is almost evenly split between Orthodox Christians and Sunni Muslims. Most of Ethiopia and Eritrea's Muslims are Sunni Muslims and much as in the rest of the Muslim world, the beliefs and practices of the Muslims of Ethiopia and Eritrea are basically the same: embodied in the Qur'an and the Sunnah. There are also Sufi orders present in Ethiopia. According to the 1994 census of Ethiopia (with similar numbers for the 1984 census), about half of its population is adherent of Islam and members of the Muslim community can be found throughout the country. Islam in Ethiopia is the predominant religion in the regions of Wollo, Ogaden, Afar, Berta, Gurage, and the section of Oromia east of the Great Rift Valley, as well as in Jimma. Islam in Eritrea is the predominant religion of all the ethnic groups except for the Tigrinya-speakers and the Bilen. Bilal ra was from Ethiopia Khaja Abu Zunair Abdul Aziz Bakulka Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 09:49AM Abu Bilal - Social Mention Islam in Ethiopia dates to 615. During that year, a group of Muslims were counseled by the Prophet Muhammad to escape persecution in Mecca and migrate to Abyssinia, which was ruled by, in Muhammad's estimation, a pious Christian king (al-najashi). Muhammad's followers crossed the Red Sea and sought refuge in the Kingdom of Aksum, possibly settling at Negash, a place in present-day Northern Ethiopia, Tigray Region. Moreover, Islamic tradition states that Bilal, one of the foremost companions of Muhammad, was from Ethiopia, as were many non-Arab Companions of Muhammad - in fact, Ethiopians were the single largest non-Arab ethnic group who were Muhammad's companions. Among these was Umm Ayman who was the care-taker of the Prophet Muhammad during his infancy, a woman that he referred to as "mother".[citation needed] Ethiopia was thus the earliest home outside of Arabia for the dispersal of the Islamic world faith. Ethiopia is almost evenly split between Orthodox Christians and Sunni Muslims. Most of Ethiopia and Eritrea's Muslims are Sunni Muslims and much as in the rest of the Muslim world, the beliefs and practices of the Muslims of Ethiopia and Eritrea are basically the same: embodied in the Qur'an and the Sunnah. There are also Sufi orders present in Ethiopia. According to the 1994 census of Ethiopia (with similar numbers for the 1984 census), about half of its population is adherent of Islam and members of the Muslim community can be found throughout the country. Islam in Ethiopia is the predominant religion in the regions of Wollo, Ogaden, Afar, Berta, Gurage, and the section of Oromia east of the Great Rift Valley, as well as in Jimma. Islam in Eritrea is the predominant religion of all the ethnic groups except for the Tigrinya-speakers and the Bilen. Bilal ra was from Ethiopia Khaja Abu Zunair Abdul Aziz Bakulka Nov 21st 2013, 08:39 You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: kalifa - Social Mention: Hz-en. Mevlana Rumi mesnevi bőr első kuplé 2600-700 Celaladdin Bismillahirrahmanirrahim .. 2600. De hol van sérülés a barátságos sántít le. A víz a savanyú savanyú a szőlő, de amikor a szőlő édesebb, annál jobb. Ezután már bekerült a kocka kár, milyen szép adalék ha lesz Haram ... Ecet! Tanítvány, a Perfection arrogancia, ha nem méltó VLI. Mivel az édességet, de nem pazarolja az orvos adja a beteg kárba. Hideg és a hó nem érinti a szőlő volt, de érinti kiserőd. Mivel a savanyú a szőlő, azt nem Kemal, útban "Liyağfire lekellâhu tekaddeme min zenbike és ma teahhar ma" nem lett Wali, a méreg eszik a hal, de megeszi Aspire hulladékok elme üres. Solomon "Heble Uram," azt mondta, hogy "én", hogy valaki, hogy ez uralkodik. " 2605. Vagy valaki tőlem ezt a kegyelmet, ezt a jó cselekvők jelenlét, "folytatta könyörgés. Ez egy hasonló, de Hasede. Olvassa yenbağı nüktesini la szívélyesen. Van valaki, hogy a titka az ő uralkodása utánam nekesliğinden. Még akkor is, több száz uralkodása látta a kár és a veszély. Jahan uralkodása sörtés szőr, azok teljes élettartama érintik, a feje áll a félelem. Vezetője a félelem ... félelem az élet és a vallás, mint a test, mint ez nem lehet velünk. Megköveteli, hogy az egyik több százezer Salamon Himmetli szín, szag elhagyni. 2610. Még a lélegzete a hatalom a Force és uralkodása Salamon tıkıyordu hullám. Ez annak köszönhető, hogy a bánat a por, talaj konunca szultánok fáj az egész világ. Közbenjárás, hogy "Te adtad nekem ezt uralkodása, aki a saját helyét Kemal. Ez uralkodásának e Kerem adja kinek, és akivel Salamon megbocsát, én vagyok. Ne úgy rendelkezik, hogy valaki utánam, velem. Hogy érted, még nekem? Ez az ember esetében, a nem peres nekem, "mondta. 2615. Kötelező megmagyarázni. De megyünk megint karıkoca történet. Arabok a történet vége, hogy a felesége A Muhlis'in (Chalabi Hüsameddin'in) a szíve, azt akarja, az eredmény a történet a férj és a feleség. Karıkoca történet egy mítosz. De az agya, mint egy ismer nefsinle. Ezek a férfiak és nők nefisle elme. Jó emberek a szükséges, korrigáljuk a rossz ember. Ez a két alvás kötött és mahpusturlar talaj. Kaland csata a nappal és az éjszaka. 2620. Női non-stop, hogy mire van szüksége a ház, a becsület, a ház, hogy én kell otthon kenyeret, dicsőség és tisztesség osztó megáll. Fincsi, mint egy nő, hogy megtalálják a gyógymódot a munkája megalapozta Gah, show alázat, áhítat kereskedő Gah, megdicsőült. Aklınsa, ezek a gondolatok nem tudja. Nincs semmi különös tartománya az ötlet az Isten. Making Sense a történet, ez a csapda, nefisle kaland az elme, de hallgasd meg a teljes külső felületét. Vajon egyedül elegendő a narratív univerzum vagyis az emberek továbbra is teljesen cselekvőképtelen a munkából, megszakította volna alapszabályát a világ. 2625. Szerelem, gondolatok és imádságok, a böjt, és te csak a értelemben, nem a képzeletbeli példányban, nem lenne. A barátok ajándék bemutatni egymásnak, de úgy tűnik, a dolgok a barátság és a tisztelet. Azonban ez így az ajándékok, a bizonyságot a szeretet a szívekben rejtve. Mert, te nagy ember, képzeletbeli tetteit a szeretet titkos tanú. Tapasztalja meg a néha igaz, néha egy hazug. Részeg, és néha a bor, hol az író! 2630. Részeg ki tudja mutatni magát író. A zaj megjelenik részeg. Ő Murai, a beszélgetés maga sansınlar részeg Úgy tűnik, a böjt, ima. Ügyek minden esetben előforduló dolog más. De mi a titka önelégültség előjel. Uram, fogadja el ima, add meg nekünk ebben a fellebbezést, hogy a görbe jele a hazug, Nézzük különbséget görbe vége. Nem, ez az, hogy a tulajdonos fellebbezést? Úgy néz ki, a fény az Isten, ha ő kapja az időben ezt a kérelmet. 2635. Szerző bemutatja neki mert ha nem. Jelentések, mint például a rokonság ... rokoni szeretet. De az imám és a fény Isten muktedası személy, aki használja, hogy mi működik, mi okból. Sevgi Gönül şûlelendikçe növekszik, végül a szeretet, az ő munkája menti. Nem kell értesíteni a szeretet. Spread a fény a szeretet, mert az egész univerzumban. Keresése ezt a szót, de van, hogy töltsenek ki egy nagyon tafsilât. 2640. Bár a jelentése, de ez közel zhir suretten cihetten jelentése, azaz olyan módon el! Tekintettel Előre jelzik másolni semmi értelme, mivel a fa vízzel. Az az igazság, távol egymástól, és azok valamennyi mögöttes jellegű. Betérhetünk a természetük, hogy hasasları. Mondd ahvalini karıkocanın keres két fenntartáshoz. O arabok eleget feleségével kívánságának, "Ez inkıyatta van egy trükk, mit csinálsz a tárgyalás," ő is letette a hivatali esküt Arab azt mondta: "Separation adja fel. Felhasználási kicsit vegye be ... kard, rendben,. Azt mondom, hogy az Ön esetében, parancs, akár jobb vagy rosszabb ... hogy vigyázzon rá. 2645. Hadd kell áldozni kedvéért van, mert szeretlek. Szerelem a vakok, süketek csinálni. " Nő "Tényleg szeretsz, ha nem akar tanulni a titkot, hogy a trükk?" Mondta. Férfi azt mondta: "A rejtett titkait a jogot, hogy tudja, és az Isten, aki megteremtette Ádámot Shafi'i (szeretlek). Isten adott Ádámnak hossza három könyök lélek mégis, ha megjelent az összes Levhi. Istenem, mi van, és mennyi időt egészen az, hogy előre készült, és "Allemelesmâ" feje fölött előadásokat, tanított. 2650. Ily módon, az angyalok csodálkoztak, hogy tanítsa meg neki, keresztet vetettek. Bukott a szentségét a takdisiyle másik. Adam mert fütuhata köröm, nem érik el még az eget. Még ha a hét eget terület és a tiszta szellem Ádám fezasına szűk. Azt mondja: "Istenem, én, a Mindenható, le a földre, az ég, még a Sigma egekbe szökött. Te, ó szent szorosan bil. 2655. De ez nem csoda, hogy a hívő elfér az ember szíve. Keresés hívő szívvel mondta hívnak, "mondta. Isten azt mondta: "Ó, Haram, megpróbálta elkerülni bármi gyanús! Adja meg a szolgák, hogy engem ezen az úton, hogy az Eris mennyben. " Kutatás, még azok is, nuriyle, a szélessége Ádám felállt megnézni. Vannak végtelen méretű könyök, de jelentése másolni? Minden angyal azt mondta: mi volt azelőtt üfletimiz föld. 2660. Ekiyorduk szolgálja és imádja a talaj mag. A helye ezeknek meylimize, hanem şaşmaktaydık alâkamıza. Mi ez a részvétel a földre az égből, majd vágja ki? Mi Nur, sötétség ülfetimiz miért? Nur zulmetlerle többiek? O Adam! Ez ismerős, akkor kokundanmış. Mivel a test a földön minta reszekált. A korpusz és szőtt a földön, a föld, a fény a pak itt található. 2665. Most már meglesz a lelke lelkünk ismerete előtt a testület a földön ragyogott szétzúz. De Yeryüzündeydik gafildik, nem tudom, a kincs ott van eltemetve. Isten ott van, hogy az ég nekünk emredince időre változtatni ezt az országot, szenvedett. Ezért elő a bizonyíték Isten, "Ó, Istenem! Ki a következő a számunkra? Tehlinin fényében ima, és pletyka eladni "azt mondta. 2670. A rendelkezés az Isten, könyörülj rajtunk yaygısını cikkben: "Nyilvánvaló, hogy akarsz mondani. Nyugodtan mondani, amit jön a száját, mint mondják a gyerekek a gyermeküket egyedül nevelő szülők. Mivel ezeket a szavakat, még yaraşmasa kegyelem, harag csonk. O angyal! Salmaktayım szív kételyei leleplez azt; Hadd mondjam el, én darılmayayım, gazaplanmayayım. Ily módon, nem tudom kinyitni a számat, aki tagadta hilmimi. 2675. Hilmimizden száz száz fő született apja minden lélegzet, merülés hiányában tönkrement. O apák, anyák akkor Hilmi, az együttérzés és a szeretet a mi Hili, ahol a tenger habot. Karbantartása tengeri szivacs, de megy oda-vissza. " Nem, amit mondtam? Ellenezte a gyöngy gyöngy hab, de hab hab. Ezt a jogot, hogy hab, akkor van egy teszt a jogot, hogy a tiszta tenger, sem a szónok. Szerelem, hűség, jöttek előre anélkül lemondására nyak csavart. Én érkezik a jogot, hogy az Isten jelenlétében. 2680. Ez a hajlam, mit gondol, hogy de nézd meg a tesztelés a nyugszik. Hagytam, hogy a titkos, titkos tároló. A legjobb, az erőm volt elég gyerünk! S szív bujkál előlem az én Gönlümdeki mit kell kiderült, ilyen módon segíthet the're ugyanaz. De hadd, megvan a gyógyít meg? Tekintse meg, mit csinál, kedves? Fenntartását a nő, hogy kérje a férjét, hogy mutassa az utat, ő egyetért Azt mondta: "A nap már megszületett, ő az egész világ megvilágosodott. 2685. Istenem, az ő helyettese, kalifa az Isten. Bagdadban, ez azért van, mert a tavasz. Ő is kap a sultan're szultán. Addig megy a vagyont a saját non-stop? Iqbal tulajdonosok kémia barátság. A nazarına ahol hasonló kémia? Sıddıyk mert jóváhagyta megérinti a szemét Ahmed Abu Bakr. " A férje azt mondta: "Egyetértek, hogy a jelenléte a szultán olunurum, Hogyan kap egy ürügy arra, hogy vele? 2690. Ez egy olyan kapcsolat, hogy egy alkalomra. Fellép, nem művészet, szerszám nélkül? Szeretem Majnun, egy darab, hogy valaki rosszul hallotta őt. Sajnos, azt mondta, Hogyan kifogásokat, hogy menjen? Ha én nem, én leszek, amit nem kérdezem csak, hogy? Bárcsak ... Bárcsak egy szomorú időben Leyla orvos kozák, kozák menne. Isten nekünk, "Ó, Muhammad, gyere és" elrendelte ezt a meghívást vezetett megszüntetése utanmamızın. 2695. Ha a szem és a képességét, a madarak repülnek nappal, éjjel úszni, menj dolaşırlardı "mondta. Nő válaszolt: "Kerem tulajdonosa a szultán maga aletsizlik mutatja az eszköz maga, megfosztva a lehetőségeket, hogy ez ugyanaz volt alkalom. Mivel a műszer, műszeres ... vizsgálatban, hogy csökken, a gazdagság jele. Az igazi trükk aletsizliktedir, csökkenő. " Arab "engedj szerszámok nélkül aletsizliği engedd meg, hogyan vásároljunk? Könyörülj a bizonyítékok a szultán Müflisliğime rám. 2700. Mutasd meg a tanú más csalás, hogy vidám pletyka és együttérzés jön a szultán. Ígéret és tanúskodnak, hogy ez rossz, mert a bírák bíró amely csalás mecruhtur következő. Tanú a fény az igazság legyen csődbe, mondván csillogás (küldje el az űrlapot elfogadott állapot), "mondta. Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 09:44AM kalifa - Social Mention Hz-en. Mevlana Rumi mesnevi bőr első kuplé 2600-700 Celaladdin Bismillahirrahmanirrahim .. 2600. De hol van sérülés a barátságos sántít le. A víz a savanyú savanyú a szőlő, de amikor a szőlő édesebb, annál jobb. Ezután már bekerült a kocka kár, milyen szép adalék ha lesz Haram ... Ecet! Tanítvány, a Perfection arrogancia, ha nem méltó VLI. Mivel az édességet, de nem pazarolja az orvos adja a beteg kárba. Hideg és a hó nem érinti a szőlő volt, de érinti kiserőd. Mivel a savanyú a szőlő, azt nem Kemal, útban "Liyağfire lekellâhu tekaddeme min zenbike és ma teahhar ma" nem lett Wali, a méreg eszik a hal, de megeszi Aspire hulladékok elme üres. Solomon "Heble Uram," azt mondta, hogy "én", hogy valaki, hogy ez uralkodik. " 2605. Vagy valaki tőlem ezt a kegyelmet, ezt a jó cselekvők jelenlét, "folytatta könyörgés. Ez egy hasonló, de Hasede. Olvassa yenbağı nüktesini la szívélyesen. Van valaki, hogy a titka az ő uralkodása utánam nekesliğinden. Még akkor is, több száz uralkodása látta a kár és a veszély. Jahan uralkodása sörtés szőr, azok teljes élettartama érintik, a feje áll a félelem. Vezetője a félelem ... félelem az élet és a vallás, mint a test, mint ez nem lehet velünk. Megköveteli, hogy az egyik több százezer Salamon Himmetli szín, szag elhagyni. 2610. Még a lélegzete a hatalom a Force és uralkodása Salamon tıkıyordu hullám. Ez annak köszönhető, hogy a bánat a por, talaj konunca szultánok fáj az egész világ. Közbenjárás, hogy "Te adtad nekem ezt uralkodása, aki a saját helyét Kemal. Ez uralkodásának e Kerem adja kinek, és akivel Salamon megbocsát, én vagyok. Ne úgy rendelkezik, hogy valaki utánam, velem. Hogy érted, még nekem? Ez az ember esetében, a nem peres nekem, "mondta. 2615. Kötelező megmagyarázni. De megyünk megint karıkoca történet. Arabok a történet vége, hogy a felesége A Muhlis'in (Chalabi Hüsameddin'in) a szíve, azt akarja, az eredmény a történet a férj és a feleség. Karıkoca történet egy mítosz. De az agya, mint egy ismer nefsinle. Ezek a férfiak és nők nefisle elme. Jó emberek a szükséges, korrigáljuk a rossz ember. Ez a két alvás kötött és mahpusturlar talaj. Kaland csata a nappal és az éjszaka. 2620. Női non-stop, hogy mire van szüksége a ház, a becsület, a ház, hogy én kell otthon kenyeret, dicsőség és tisztesség osztó megáll. Fincsi, mint egy nő, hogy megtalálják a gyógymódot a munkája megalapozta Gah, show alázat, áhítat kereskedő Gah, megdicsőült. Aklınsa, ezek a gondolatok nem tudja. Nincs semmi különös tartománya az ötlet az Isten. Making Sense a történet, ez a csapda, nefisle kaland az elme, de hallgasd meg a teljes külső felületét. Vajon egyedül elegendő a narratív univerzum vagyis az emberek továbbra is teljesen cselekvőképtelen a munkából, megszakította volna alapszabályát a világ. 2625. Szerelem, gondolatok és imádságok, a böjt, és te csak a értelemben, nem a képzeletbeli példányban, nem lenne. A barátok ajándék bemutatni egymásnak, de úgy tűnik, a dolgok a barátság és a tisztelet. Azonban ez így az ajándékok, a bizonyságot a szeretet a szívekben rejtve. Mert, te nagy ember, képzeletbeli tetteit a szeretet titkos tanú. Tapasztalja meg a néha igaz, néha egy hazug. Részeg, és néha a bor, hol az író! 2630. Részeg ki tudja mutatni magát író. A zaj megjelenik részeg. Ő Murai, a beszélgetés maga sansınlar részeg Úgy tűnik, a böjt, ima. Ügyek minden esetben előforduló dolog más. De mi a titka önelégültség előjel. Uram, fogadja el ima, add meg nekünk ebben a fellebbezést, hogy a görbe jele a hazug, Nézzük különbséget görbe vége. Nem, ez az, hogy a tulajdonos fellebbezést? Úgy néz ki, a fény az Isten, ha ő kapja az időben ezt a kérelmet. 2635. Szerző bemutatja neki mert ha nem. Jelentések, mint például a rokonság ... rokoni szeretet. De az imám és a fény Isten muktedası személy, aki használja, hogy mi működik, mi okból. Sevgi Gönül şûlelendikçe növekszik, végül a szeretet, az ő munkája menti. Nem kell értesíteni a szeretet. Spread a fény a szeretet, mert az egész univerzumban. Keresése ezt a szót, de van, hogy töltsenek ki egy nagyon tafsilât. 2640. Bár a jelentése, de ez közel zhir suretten cihetten jelentése, azaz olyan módon el! Tekintettel Előre jelzik másolni semmi értelme, mivel a fa vízzel. Az az igazság, távol egymástól, és azok valamennyi mögöttes jellegű. Betérhetünk a természetük, hogy hasasları. Mondd ahvalini karıkocanın keres két fenntartáshoz. O arabok eleget feleségével kívánságának, "Ez inkıyatta van egy trükk, mit csinálsz a tárgyalás," ő is letette a hivatali esküt Arab azt mondta: "Separation adja fel. Felhasználási kicsit vegye be ... kard, rendben,. Azt mondom, hogy az Ön esetében, parancs, akár jobb vagy rosszabb ... hogy vigyázzon rá. 2645. Hadd kell áldozni kedvéért van, mert szeretlek. Szerelem a vakok, süketek csinálni. " Nő "Tényleg szeretsz, ha nem akar tanulni a titkot, hogy a trükk?" Mondta. Férfi azt mondta: "A rejtett titkait a jogot, hogy tudja, és az Isten, aki megteremtette Ádámot Shafi'i (szeretlek). Isten adott Ádámnak hossza három könyök lélek mégis, ha megjelent az összes Levhi. Istenem, mi van, és mennyi időt egészen az, hogy előre készült, és "Allemelesmâ" feje fölött előadásokat, tanított. 2650. Ily módon, az angyalok csodálkoztak, hogy tanítsa meg neki, keresztet vetettek. Bukott a szentségét a takdisiyle másik. Adam mert fütuhata köröm, nem érik el még az eget. Még ha a hét eget terület és a tiszta szellem Ádám fezasına szűk. Azt mondja: "Istenem, én, a Mindenható, le a földre, az ég, még a Sigma egekbe szökött. Te, ó szent szorosan bil. 2655. De ez nem csoda, hogy a hívő elfér az ember szíve. Keresés hívő szívvel mondta hívnak, "mondta. Isten azt mondta: "Ó, Haram, megpróbálta elkerülni bármi gyanús! Adja meg a szolgák, hogy engem ezen az úton, hogy az Eris mennyben. " Kutatás, még azok is, nuriyle, a szélessége Ádám felállt megnézni. Vannak végtelen méretű könyök, de jelentése másolni? Minden angyal azt mondta: mi volt azelőtt üfletimiz föld. 2660. Ekiyorduk szolgálja és imádja a talaj mag. A helye ezeknek meylimize, hanem şaşmaktaydık alâkamıza. Mi ez a részvétel a földre az égből, majd vágja ki? Mi Nur, sötétség ülfetimiz miért? Nur zulmetlerle többiek? O Adam! Ez ismerős, akkor kokundanmış. Mivel a test a földön minta reszekált. A korpusz és szőtt a földön, a föld, a fény a pak itt található. 2665. Most már meglesz a lelke lelkünk ismerete előtt a testület a földön ragyogott szétzúz. De Yeryüzündeydik gafildik, nem tudom, a kincs ott van eltemetve. Isten ott van, hogy az ég nekünk emredince időre változtatni ezt az országot, szenvedett. Ezért elő a bizonyíték Isten, "Ó, Istenem! Ki a következő a számunkra? Tehlinin fényében ima, és pletyka eladni "azt mondta. 2670. A rendelkezés az Isten, könyörülj rajtunk yaygısını cikkben: "Nyilvánvaló, hogy akarsz mondani. Nyugodtan mondani, amit jön a száját, mint mondják a gyerekek a gyermeküket egyedül nevelő szülők. Mivel ezeket a szavakat, még yaraşmasa kegyelem, harag csonk. O angyal! Salmaktayım szív kételyei leleplez azt; Hadd mondjam el, én darılmayayım, gazaplanmayayım. Ily módon, nem tudom kinyitni a számat, aki tagadta hilmimi. 2675. Hilmimizden száz száz fő született apja minden lélegzet, merülés hiányában tönkrement. O apák, anyák akkor Hilmi, az együttérzés és a szeretet a mi Hili, ahol a tenger habot. Karbantartása tengeri szivacs, de megy oda-vissza. " Nem, amit mondtam? Ellenezte a gyöngy gyöngy hab, de hab hab. Ezt a jogot, hogy hab, akkor van egy teszt a jogot, hogy a tiszta tenger, sem a szónok. Szerelem, hűség, jöttek előre anélkül lemondására nyak csavart. Én érkezik a jogot, hogy az Isten jelenlétében. 2680. Ez a hajlam, mit gondol, hogy de nézd meg a tesztelés a nyugszik. Hagytam, hogy a titkos, titkos tároló. A legjobb, az erőm volt elég gyerünk! S szív bujkál előlem az én Gönlümdeki mit kell kiderült, ilyen módon segíthet the're ugyanaz. De hadd, megvan a gyógyít meg? Tekintse meg, mit csinál, kedves? Fenntartását a nő, hogy kérje a férjét, hogy mutassa az utat, ő egyetért Azt mondta: "A nap már megszületett, ő az egész világ megvilágosodott. 2685. Istenem, az ő helyettese, kalifa az Isten. Bagdadban, ez azért van, mert a tavasz. Ő is kap a sultan're szultán. Addig megy a vagyont a saját non-stop? Iqbal tulajdonosok kémia barátság. A nazarına ahol hasonló kémia? Sıddıyk mert jóváhagyta megérinti a szemét Ahmed Abu Bakr. " A férje azt mondta: "Egyetértek, hogy a jelenléte a szultán olunurum, Hogyan kap egy ürügy arra, hogy vele? 2690. Ez egy olyan kapcsolat, hogy egy alkalomra. Fellép, nem művészet, szerszám nélkül? Szeretem Majnun, egy darab, hogy valaki rosszul hallotta őt. Sajnos, azt mondta, Hogyan kifogásokat, hogy menjen? Ha én nem, én leszek, amit nem kérdezem csak, hogy? Bárcsak ... Bárcsak egy szomorú időben Leyla orvos kozák, kozák menne. Isten nekünk, "Ó, Muhammad, gyere és" elrendelte ezt a meghívást vezetett megszüntetése utanmamızın. 2695. Ha a szem és a képességét, a madarak repülnek nappal, éjjel úszni, menj dolaşırlardı "mondta. Nő válaszolt: "Kerem tulajdonosa a szultán maga aletsizlik mutatja az eszköz maga, megfosztva a lehetőségeket, hogy ez ugyanaz volt alkalom. Mivel a műszer, műszeres ... vizsgálatban, hogy csökken, a gazdagság jele. Az igazi trükk aletsizliktedir, csökkenő. " Arab "engedj szerszámok nélkül aletsizliği engedd meg, hogyan vásároljunk? Könyörülj a bizonyítékok a szultán Müflisliğime rám. 2700. Mutasd meg a tanú más csalás, hogy vidám pletyka és együttérzés jön a szultán. Ígéret és tanúskodnak, hogy ez rossz, mert a bírák bíró amely csalás mecruhtur következő. Tanú a fény az igazság legyen csődbe, mondván csillogás (küldje el az űrlapot elfogadott állapot), "mondta. Nov 21st 2013, 09:01 You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: Blogtrottr <> Nov 20 09:07AM al-ansar - Social Mention Sebenarnya situasi akan menjadi lebih menarik jika Ustaz Nik Amar Abdullah menang pemilihan kali ini. Juga jika Ustaz Abu Bakar Chik dan Ustaz Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man menggantikan tempat Datuk Husam Musa dan Datuk Mahfuz Omar. Generasi baru akan menikmati era ketulenan fikrah perjuangan PAS yang paling sejati. Paling tulen dan paling asli. Dan UMNO/BN hanya perlu fokus pada usaha untuk memulihkan undi orang Cina sahaja. Nov 20th 2013, 06:45 You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: Blogtrottr <> Nov 21 02:53AM tauhid - Social Mention Ada yang mengatakan ujian adalah kesusahan pada tubuh badan kesusahan pada jiwa apa untungnya Allah menyusahkan jasad dan jiwa bukankah ia tidak menambahkan keagungan dan kemuliaan-Nya apalagi Dia Maha Mengasihani Maha Sopan-santun. Pandanglah ujian dengan hatimu ujian adalah perbuatan Tuhanmu bukan untuk menghancurkan tetapi untuk meneguhkanmu bila kamu memperoleh keteguhan baru kamu menjadi pilihan bila sudah lulus dan dipilih Dia bangga memperkenalkan kamu kepada makhluk-Nya keteguhan kamu melintasi ujian menjadi dalil pilihan-Nya adalah tepat inilah keadilan-Nya. Ujian ditujukan kepada rohani bukan kepada jasad atau jiwa tujuannya untuk mengukur tauhid bukan sekedar untuk kesabaran apakah nilai sabar tanpa tauhid bukankah sabar juga bersama si kafir. Ujian yang diterima dengan iman meneguhkan tauhid menambahkan kekuatan pandangan hati tidak berkelip memandang kepada Tuhan sehingga kepedihan ujian menjadi manisan. Ujian adalah pentas sandiwara mempamerkan kebijaksanaan sutradara bila engkau diberi watak menderita hingga berjaya membuat penonton menangis ketahuilah engkau adalah aktor penting diasuh untuk menjadi bintang bakal menerima ganjaran lumayan. Apabila engkau menjadi aktor apa bedanya watak gembira dengan watak duka skrip di tangan sutradara Nov 21st 2013, 02:31 You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: Blogtrottr <> Nov 19 09:52PM jihad - Social Mention There are history books used in Florida high schools that have 35 pages dedicated to the greatness of Muslim civilization and how Muhammad was Gods prophet not maybe but WAS!!! One sentence in book mentions Jesus just one and its negative !! One of the quotes in the book says its Muslims duty to participate in Jihad !!! And here's the kicker it says how women are revered in Muslim culture... Bahaha I just threw up in my mouth.. This has to be last straw people !!! You can check this on Sean hannity Nov 19th 2013, 21:38 You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: -- Sie erhalten diese Nachricht, weil Sie Mitglied der Google Groups-Gruppe "News2" sind. Um Ihr Abonnement für diese Gruppe zu beenden und keine E-Mails mehr von dieser Gruppe zu erhalten, senden Sie eine Email an Weitere Optionen: | |